1 minute read
PureCoat is here to stay
The popular New Zealand made mirror gloss PureCoat™panels (previously supplied by Laminex NZ) are now distributed by Bates Surfaces, with matching Edge Tapes available for all decors.
Bates Surfaces are experts in the UV technology related to painted gloss panels and were cri cal in the development of the PureCoat™ range and are well equipped to con nue to enhance this much admired product. Look out for some exci ng new colour and finish developments in the PureCoat™ range in 2022.
Bates Surfaces are also custom coaters, we can provide coa ngs for specialised commercial projects and bespoke decora ve finishes for feature walls.
For more info: www.batessurfaces.co.nz
P: 0800 269 251
E: info@batessurfaces.co.nz