4 minute read


The action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.

By the time you all read this the 2022 Master Joiners Conference and Excellence Awards will be done and dusted for another year. The opportunities the conference brings us to learn more about our industry and tools to give us a better understanding of how our businesses work are endless and I'm sure this conference was no different.

Allison prepared a fabulous itinerary to suit every walk of life so I know we all had plenty of opportunity to gain plenty of new knowledge and had a great catch up with our fellow joiners and supply partners.

A big congratulations to all of the award recipients and I'm certain the level of excellence in the entries would have once again lifted the bar.

I've always felt beyond the glitz and glamour of the Awards dinner which I'm sure was fantastic and the learning's we gain from the various workshops the most important part of a conference is the knowledge sharing among our peers and the camaraderie among people who share a common interest in an industry we all love and that's called "Networking" Sharing experiences good and bad whether it be materials we've used on a job or a challenging client we've had to deal with, these are all topics we love to share and compare with each other to see who's got the best or worst story to tell.

As a Master Joiner I find this to be the most valuable asset we have, the ability to share information with fellow MJ members without bias or fear of being judged, both locally and nationally is the reason we will always have an edge over our non member competitors. Learning from other peoples experiences whether they're failures or triumphs before you have to find out the hard way yourself can be a massive benefit to all of us and our businesses.

Conference has and always will be the most ideal situation for all of this to fall into place, whether over a beer or a coffee everyone can share their experiences and knowledge together with someone who actually understands where you are coming from and how it relates. All the things you can't talk to your mates about at the pub! You only need to meet one person or have one light bulb moment at conference that can have a huge impact on your life and business to make all the effort to get there worthwhile. Conference is also a great setting for you to articulate your ideas, being understood allows you to contribute and belong amongst your peers. It enables us to set our standards and our pace. I really hope you all had these opportunities in Blenheim and created some lasting memories.

On another note we all appear to be getting hammered with staff sickness and these contentious

Covid isolation rules and I'm hearing nothing but horror stories from many of you but hopefully with the end of winter now in sight we can all look forward to some spring sunshine and better health for everyone, just remember when things seem hopeless you can always reach out to the Master Joiners for help.


Andrew Reilly National President Registered Master Joiners


Inspired By Nature

It’sAwards time once more for the Master Joiners with the announcement made at their Annual Conference held in Blenheim this year and the Supreme Award Winner for 2022 is truly worthy of the title.

Congratulations to Jo Newton and the team from Cutting Innovations for their sensational staircase. Inspired by nature, this technically complex project featuring an American White Oak finish and solid Oak handrails was clearly the judge’s favourite. We will have more detail on this stunning winner and the firm that produced it in our December issue along with a review of the Conference.

As always we are proud to be a sponsor of the Apprentice Awards once more. The standard of the entries simply rises with each year and the 2022 batch are no exception. I am humbled by the overt demonstration of outstanding joinery skills shown by all the entrants and of course the winners in each category.

The Awards are a great way to kick off our September issue but that is not all we have for you. A look at the materials and machinery used to make benchtops proved to be an interesting one. The range now available is quite amazing with technically challenging designs being more and more to the fore in a wide range of materials. Added to this was a feature looking at door systems and how the componentry is incorporated in various doors. Again, machinery features prominently in the manufacturing process making things easier and quicker to complete. On a different level I had the opportunity to interview Simon Lount from Hafele whom I haven’t seen for a few years as well. He has had an interesting last couple of years and it makes for a good read.

As always we also have our regular columns from Geoff Hardy (Due Process) and Ian Featherstone (Glass Half Full) along with various storylines about people and businesses that make up the industry landscape the magazine has been part of for the past twenty seven years now. Don’t forget the regularly updated directory of Master Joiner members down the back either. They are the ones you should go to when in need of trade professionals. Hope you enjoy looking at all the Award winners in this issue. Catch you next time!

Bob Nordgren

Editor Michael Goddard michael@joiners.net.nz

Publisher Bob Nordgren bob@joiners.net.nz


Auckland, 1440, New Zealand. Ph: 64-9-624

ISSN publication of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation. It is distributed to members of the joinery, cabinetmaking and kitchen manufacturing industries and is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Advertising statements or editorial opinion are not necessarily those of the publisher, its staff, the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation Inc., or their executives, unless expressly stated. All articles printed in JOINERS Magazine are subject to copyright and cannot be reproduced without the express consent of the Publisher or the authors therein. Advertisements and articles are accepted without liability as to the accuracy or otherwise of the factual matters represented.

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