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Leitz WeCare sustainability in practice
For generations, long-term thinking and sustainability have been at the forefront of the values of Leitz Tooling Systems. With the recent launch of the global WeCare initiative, Leitz brings social responsibility to life by combining community based, charitable and sustainability focused activities in all our subsidiaries worldwide.
Over 110 projects were completed throughout the two week launch program in April 2022. In 31 countries, approximately 1500 employees contributed over 2600 volunteer hours collectively across a wide range of projects; more the 6000 trees were planted, over 3500kg of waste was collected and 1400kg of clothing was donated. Some teams opted to set up nesting boxes and bee colonies to support the biodiversity in their areas. In addition, a total of 40000 euros was raised to be donated to charities in Leitz communities.
In Australia and New Zealand, Leitz Tooling Systems has been making strides in community engagement and environmental sustainability, taking the WeCare ethos and integrating it into every part of our operations. In April, our Auckland team undertook a clean-up on the Onehunga Taumanu Reserve foreshore, collecting over 37kg rubbish.

Leitz ANZ has recently launched a carbide tool recycling program, ensuring guardianship of our tools throughout their entire life cycle. Customers can submit their used tools to Leitz representatives or directly to our service centres, at no additional cost. 95% of the collected carbide can be recycled into new tools, conserving natural raw materials and protecting our environment.
All proceeds received from the carbide recycling are donated directly to partner charity
Backpacks 4 VIC Kids, providing material aid to children entering emergency care. This program allows Leitz and our customers to work sustainably while supporting the welfare of displaced children in our community.
Our partnership with Backpacks 4 VIC Kids has shown great progress, with over $6000 raised by Leitz so far for 2022 through carbide recycling and generous donations from our colleagues and customers. This has aided over 90 children year to date. Our team also spent a day volunteering at Backpacks 4 VIC Kids HQ, packing essentials packs and sorting donated items.
Since his commencement with Leitz in 2019 Sam Czyczelis, Managing Director of Leitz ANZ, has ensured investment within the company to increase Leitz sustainability. A voltage optimizer and solar panel installation was recently completed in the Melbourne head office and workshop, providing quality power and almost removing reliance on the grid. Installation of green cooling systems in our Sydney and Brisbane workshops reduces electricity consumption by 80% compared to conventional air conditioning. 2022 will also bring solar panels for the Sydney offices and workshop.
In today’s environment, customers are more aware than ever of the sustainability of their businesses, including those that they associate with. With implementation of these initiatives through Leitz globally, and continual focus locally, customers in Australia and New Zealand can be assured that the tools they use support sustainability from manufacture, all the way through to the end of the tool life cycle.
To learn more visit www.leitz. org/en-au/company/wecare/
Diamaster PRO3
Diamaster PLUS3
No compromises during cutting!
Higher productivity and quality when cutting with Real-Z3

Sizing and grooving sheet-goods with conventionally designed Z3+3 PCD tooling generally restricts the increase of productivity and quality due to the staggered knife arrangement.
The Diamaster PRO3 and Diamaster PLUS3 routers cut at up to 50% higher feed rates with a purposefully engineered knife arrangement, designed to maximise tool life and performance while maintaining perfect cut quality.
This is made possible with Leitz Real-Z3 technology: closing gaps between the individual knives to increase the number of effective teeth.
Top performance with Real-Z3
Higher throughput by reducing cutting time
Up to 50% longer lifetime due to constant work of complete number of teeth
Diamaster PLUS3 is resharpenable up to 12 times
Contact Us
Freephone: 0800 578 665
More effective cutting edges, better machining quality
Knife arrangement yields excellent cut quality
Optimised chip flow reduces dust residue
Continuous engagement of knives reduces vibration
Cost reduction
Less rework and fewer rejects with chip/tear free laminates and smooth edges
Efficient chip removal results in less edge prep before edge banding
The Real-Z3 knife arrangement eliminates the need for tool position adjustment