British Isles | Be Blessed

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Through Prayer, Declaration, Prophetic Song & Instrumental Music


RELEASING THE POWER OF BLESSINGS A blessing is part of the culture of the Kingdom. It writes God’s name on a person or a situation (Numbers 6: 24-27), bringing dignity, honour, worth, well-being and empowerment to succeed. Pronouncing a blessing on a negative situation brings a change in our hearts, as well as a change in that situation, by coming in the opposite spirit. Blessings change the spiritual presence and release joy, as people are built up, strengthened, affirmed and encouraged. The backbone of this recording was initially written some years ago by Caroline as ‘Take 40 – 40 Days of Blessing over England.’ The vision of this project is to bless our nation through prayer, declaration, prophetic song and atmosphere changing instrumental music with a desire to see heaven come on earth. Our intention is to Bless the British Isles through creating a tool to assist in both personal meditation, and corporate intercession. By creating individual tracks of spoken prayers, blessings, prophetic songs and instrumental music, the user is at liberty to either use the recording in full or utilise the parts of the recording that are most appropriate for their context. Caroline Anderson is a highly respected Spiritual pioneer, having planted and being involved in church leadership, been involved in many prayer ministries including the M25 Prayer Network, and as Associate Director of Restoring the Foundations Ministry. She recently partnered with Jill Gower and Robbie Bain ( to release ‘Keep Praying and Bless’ (70 days of Declaration and Blessing during the Torch Relay through the British Isles). Caroline is passionate about living life in constant companionship of The Presence of Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.

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Julian & Melissa Wiggins have been blessed by Caroline (and her late husband Peter’s) ministry and true friendship since the mid-nineties. Their flow together in The Spirit is a natural expression of that unity and desire to bless both God and His people, and see His will be done on earth as it is in heaven, through prophetically calling down the will of heaven on earth through hosting the Presence in spoken word, prophetic song and instrumental music.

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The first few blessings in BRITISH ISLES | BE BLESSED are for nations beyond our shores. This is to honour the Biblical precedent of prioritising blessing other nations ahead of our own, with particular significance attached to blessing Israel (see the key verse in Blessing No. 1).


Listen to Disc 1

The British Isles, we call you to attention and remind you of Genesis 12:2-3, that as you bless Israel you will be blessed. We bless Israel, we bless its people, its land, its airspace and the sea bordering it. We bless its government with righteousness, justice, stability and peace. We bless Israel to arise in its redemptive purpose (its destiny in God) as a prophetic nation, to declare the praises of Jesus and to be the children of God. Israel, the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you, the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:26). Israel, we bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be all you are called to be, in the name of Jesus, Amen. Track 1 Celtic Whistle & Violin 1 Track 2 Blessing 1 Track 3 Celtic Whistles & Violin 2 Track 4 Prayer

For the relationship between the British Isles & Israel & other nations with Israel. For Israel to arise in its God given destiny. For Israel using the above verse and blessing.


Listen to Disc 1

Neighbouring Nations, we bless you with fruitfulness, health, prosperity and righteous governments. We bless your God given inheritance and destiny, we bless your going out and your coming in. We bless the relationship between the generations. We bless the unity between the Christians. We bless the businesses, the schools and the hospitals with success. We bless all who sail from your shores to other lands with safety and protection. We bless you with the glory of God and His marvellous deeds being displayed among your peoples (Psalm 96:3). Neighbouring Nations, we bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be all you are called to be, in the name of Jesus, Amen. Track 5 Blessing 2 Track 6 Prayer Track 7 You Are Blessed & Loved

For the Governments of your neighbouring nations for wisdom and integrity. For safety and protection for these nations. For the Neighbouring Nations of the British Isles using the above verse and blessing.


Listen to Disc 1

Neighbouring Nations of The British Isles we bless you with health, prosperity, fruitfulness and righteous governments. We bless your children with purity, long life, wisdom and integrity. We bless your families with unity and harmony. We bless the Godly marriage relationships with strength, stability and perseverance. We bless your God given destiny and inheritance for you to take your rightful places among the nations of the world. Neighbouring Nations, we bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be all you are called to be, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Track 8 Blessing 3 Track 9 Prayer Track 10 Violin

For your neighbouring nations, even those that are across the sea from you. For their local and national governments, for justice, integrity, righteousness and prosperity. For the families and marriages, for unity and harmony. For these nations using the above verse and the blessing.


Listen to Disc 1

The British Isles, the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. The British Isles, hear the word of the Lord as written in Psalm 67:5-7. ‘May the peoples praise you O Lord, may all the peoples praise you. That the land will yield its harvest and God, our God will bless us and all the ends of the earth will fear Him.’ The British Isles, we bless you with giving praise to God, to be glad and sing for joy because He rules people justly. He guides all the nations of the earth and that includes us as a nation, and we bless the land with fruitfulness. The British Isles, we bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be all you are called to be, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Track 11 Blessing 4 Track 12 Prayer Track 13 Let His Praises Be Sung

For praise to break out in the church in the nations that will affect our communities, schools and universities, local and national government and will lead to fruitfulness on the land as well.

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