JTD Destiny Image Catalogue 2013

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Joining The Dots Distribution

Catalogue 2013

Tel: 0800 040 7363 Email: uktrade@joining-the-dots.com Web: www.joiningthedotsdistribution.co.uk Units 1-2 Hargreaves Business Park, Hargreaves Road, Eastbourne BN23 6QW

The Power Of Forgiveness

Brian Adams

PB 9780768441444 £9.99 A concise manual about supernatural healing that explores the connection between forgiveness and physical, emotional and spiritual healing. The many true-life stories of those healed through the power of forgiveness inspire a deeper level of intimacy with God.

Kevin Basconi PB

9780768402919 £10.99

If you are intrigued by what Heaven looks like and what God’s angels are doing today – you will love this book. Heaven and angels are described in detail by someone who has been there numerous times.

The Prophetic Promise Of The Seventh Day

Prayer, Quantum Physics And Hotel Mattresses

PB 9780768431599 £9.99


This book does not prophesy a doomsday scenario, but instead inspires hope and builds an expectation for glorifying Jesus in all you do and say – and for operating powerfully in the supernatural realm

This book integrates the visible and invisible aspects of life: prayer (the spiritual and relational); quantum physics, (fundamental and scientific aspects of ultimate reality) and hotel mattresses (the everyday stuff ).

Promise Of The Third Day

The New Covenant Prophecy

Bruce Allen

Bruce Allen

PB 9780768424928 £9.99 Based on biblical history, current events and personal experiences, the Promise of the Third Day will inspire you to become the person God destined you to be. Today is the morning of the Third Day.


Lauren Anderson & Shawn Doyle PB 9781937879037 £9.99 Most people think that motivation for them is out of reach. This book is intended to give people hope by shining the light on people who are in average regular jobs but are amazing.

Jim Berge

9780768441017 £10.99

Grant Berry PB

9780768402940 £10.99

The New Covenant Prophecy tells the very personal, real-life story of a Jewish believer who believes that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah.

Jesus Killed My Church

Randy Bohlender

PB 9780768403190 £9.99 Jesus Killed My Church is the story of a church plant that should have gone gangbusters yet managed to go bust, and a church planter who learned that the only measure of success is recognising the leadership of Jesus as perfect.

Cursing The Church Or Helping It?

Why Jesus Appears To People Today

PB 9780768440485 £9.99

PB 9780768441178 £9.99

Anna Aquino’s book seeks to open our eyes, soften our hearts and move us to extend blessings to one another as we come together in unity.

Why Jesus Appears to People Today is an intimate, modern-day account of the author’s personal experiences seeing Jesus. It is also an introduction into a lifestyle that positions you for the same encounters.

Anna Aquino


Angels In The Realms Of Heaven

Mel Bond

The Overcomer

Richard Booker PB

9780768437492 £10.99

Our Hands Are Stained With Blood

Michael Brown

PB 9781560430681 £9.99 The Book of Revelation shows the victory of the Lamb of God and those who follow Him: ‘The Overcomers’. This book helps you understand John’s vision within its intriguing original historical, literary and biblical context.

From the Christian persecutions of the Jews in the 4th century to the horrors of the Holocaust, Israel-bashing and antiSemitism, this shocking and painful book tells the tragic story of the Church and the Jewish people.

The Lamb And The SevenSealed Scroll

Oprah’s Jesus

Richard Booker PB

9780768440751 £10.99

Continuing to examine Revelation within its original historical, literary and biblical context, Dr. Booker turns his clear, prophetic explanation to the sevensealed scroll, which contains the word of the Lord given to Daniel.

Kurt & Olivia Bruner PB 9780768431391 £9.99 Oprah’s Jesus clears up some of the confusion by inviting Oprah’s spiritual mentors to clarify how closely their beliefs align with orthodox Christianity.

Prepare Yourself To Be Blessed

The New Amplified Pilgrim’s Progress

PB 9780768441055 £9.99

PB 9780768441475 £9.99

In this provocative and instructive book, Kevin Boyd outlines God’s principles of blessing and provides a simple roadmap for how people can position themselves to receive blessing, to step into success in all areas of life.

All of the age-old spiritual treasures that have made John Bunyan’s original the world’s best-selling non-biblical masterpiece in all of history are now carried to new heights of power and clarity in this new enhanced version.

Gateway To The Seer Realm

No More Sheets

Kevin Boyd

Barbie Breathitt PB

9780768403053 £10.99

John Bunyan

Juanita Bynum PB 9780768432848 £9.99

Dr. Barbie Breathitt shares valuable insight into understanding the ways of God and the supernatural realms of vision, dreams, healing and destiny.

Not just another self-help book, No More Sheets: The Truth About Sex is your break-out-of-bondage ticket to freedom. True and honest, the stories, principles and love that are shared will restore your hope and begin your healing.

Fasting And Prayer

Fire & Fragrance

Steven Brooks

PB 9780768441154 £9.99 Tremendous power is released to the believer who is hungry to go deeper with God. Even if you have not experienced success with fasting before, this book will inspire faith in your spirit to believe for God’s extra measure of grace to fast.

Andy Byrd & Sean Feucht PB

9780768432909 £11.99

Passionately devoted to revival and reformation, the authors vividly describe the perspective that God is giving to a generation, the power He is releasing, and the potential of a people set ablaze for God.


The Future Of Worship

Nathan Byrd PB

9780768402902 £10.99

This book reveals the evolution of corporate worship from the time God introduces it to Moses and Israel until the time Christ comes to fulfill and return it to its original intent.

Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda

PB 9780768432466 £9.99 Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda invite you to enter a new personal encounter with the Presence of God. Come receive His transforming glory for manifest miracles in your life and begin to transmit that energy to others.

Demolishing Demonic Strongholds

The Hidden Power Of Healing Prayer

PB 9780768441932 £9.99


Demolishing Demonic Strongholds brings together the wisdom and understanding to recognise satan and his terrible tactics. When you know your enemy, you can demolish his strongholds in your life.

Written with compassion, humour and insight, this book affirms that the healing anointing and the gifts of signs and wonders are not reserved for ‘super saints’ or the specially gifted but are available to every believer.

Morris Cerullo

Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda lead Chavda Ministries International, a worldwide apostolic ministry. The vision of CMI is to proclaim Christ’s kingdom with power, equip believers for ministry and usher in revival, preparing for the return of the Lord. For over thirty-five years, the Chavdas have been reaching the nations with the gospel accompanied by signs and wonders. Hundreds of thousands have come to salvation and thousands have received healing from critical diseases like AIDS and cancer through their ministry. Many of these miracles have been medically documented, including healings of Stage IV cancer, the lame, deaf and blind as well as the resurrection from the dead of a six-year-old boy. In addition, Mahesh and Bonnie have produced many useful tools for believers including their books. Together, the Chavdas pastor All Nations Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. They also spearhead a global prayer movement, The Watch of the Lord, where they have been leading their congregation in weekly corporate prayer for more than a decade.


The Power Of The Cross

Mahesh Chavda

9780768423037 £10.99

The Hidden Power Of The Blood Of Jesus

Mahesh Chavda

PB 9780768422221 £9.99 Mahesh Chavda will transform your thinking on the “blood of Jesus” as he lifts it out of its stuffy theological setting and makes it practical in your life.

The Hidden Power Of Prayer And Fasting

Mahesh Chavda

PB 9780768424102 £9.99 Mahesh Chavda lives the lifestyle of prayer and fasting. He will inspire you to fight the good fight because he knows that God has already given you the solution.

Unmask The Predators

Lisa Cherry & Kalyn Cherry-Waller

Define Your Destiny Through Prayer

Sue Curran

PB 9781938021008 £9.99

PB 9780768402810 £9.99

Losing your child’s heart to the perverse world of a sexual predator is truly every parent’s nightmare. How can something so bizarre happen in a loving Christian home?

In Define Your Destiny Through Prayer: Your Journey to Divine Revelation, you will learn how the Holy Spirit can teach you how to pray “according to the will of God” to establish your personal, Spiritbreathed destiny.

Dance As The Spirit Moves

Miracles Among Muslims

PB 9780768428186 £9.99

PB 9788889127384 £9.99

From victory dances to healing and wall-breaking dances, you will discover how exciting and enjoyable biblical dance is, and how it can be part of your Christian life.

Miracles Among Muslims chronicles Christine Darg’s amazing encounters with dreams and visions in this current move of God, and shares some of the startling visions she herself has experienced in the Middle East and throughout the world.

Permission Granted To Do Church Differently In The 21st Century

For Love’s Sake

Heather Clark

Graham Cooke & Gary Goodell

Christine Darg

Jessica Davis PB

9780768436808 £10.99

Did you ever wish you had permission to change the way you “do church”? Well, now you have it.

With captivating transparency, For Love’s Sake is a wide-open stare into one woman’s supernatural life with the poor, a brutal attack and threat on her life, and her honest reflections of the good, the bad, and the ugly underside of a life laid down for love.

A Divine Confrontation

The Insanity Of Unbelief


PB 9780768441499 £9.99


9780768423808 £10.99

Graham Cooke

9780768420395 £11.99

Max Davis

We must discern between the work of the enemy and the work of the Holy Spirit. In essence, transition forms the rite of passage from one dimension of the Spirit to another. This book details the elements of that changing process.

The Insanity of Unbelief is a result of the author’s 30-year walk from childlike belief, to scepticism and finally deep, secure faith. The contents are based on expert and thorough research of solid facts versus what many atheists, agnostics and even some believers tout.

God, You’ve Got Mail

Catching God’s Heart

PB 9780768403077 £9.99


Through real-life testimonies and in-depth teaching you will learn the 15 secrets to abundant financial provision. You can sleep easier after discovering the important keys revealed in this book.

Exciting ideas, viewpoints, and insights from 11 influential Christians! A fantastic compilation of experienced thoughts to boost you deeper into God’s heart. Contributors include Ché Ahn, Sam Hinn, Christy Wimber, Gary Wiens, Marc A. Dupont, Steve Long and David Ravenhill

Danette Joy Crawford

Frank DeCenso

9780768432503 £11.99


Kevin Dedmon Kevin Dedmon has been in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and has a BA in Biblical Studies and an MA degree in Church Leadership from Vanguard University. Kevin is currently a Pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, California, and oversees the Firestarter Class, which equips and empowers newcomers and new believers to live as revivalists – healing the sick, prophesying and supernatural evangelism.

The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

Kevin Dedmon

PB 9780768426021 £9.99 Based on biblical principals and personal testimonies, you will learn how the simplicity of hearing a word of knowledge from God leads you to clues for the treasure hunt.

Theresa Dedmon Theresa Dedmon has a travelling ministry both in the United States and abroad which focuses on equipping and activating churches in how to step into their supernatural destiny. She empowers people to go after their dreams and explore how God’s supernatural creative power can be released in every part of church life as well as worship.

He also teaches revival theology in the School of Supernatural Ministry at Bethel, and trains new believers and new members in a revival supernatural lifestyle in his Firestarter class. Kevin is the author of many books, including: The Ultimate Treasure Hunt, Unlocking Heaven: Keys to Living Naturally Supernatural and his latest The Risk Factor which he co-wrote with his son, Chad Dedmon.

The Risk Factor

Kevin & Chad Dedmon PB 9780768440928 £9.99 Through many inspiring true stories, the Dedmons show what is attainable for all believers – including healing. You are challenged to embrace and celebrate risk and encouraged to see what God will do through you as a world changer and history maker


Kevin Dedmon PB

9780768441192 £12.99

She is a sought after conference speaker who releases people to be set free to walk in supernatural creative power. She ministers with her husband, Kevin Dedmon and with her three children Chad, Julia and Alexa.

Born To Create

Theresa Dedmon PB

9780768441437 £10.99

A guidebook that teaches you how to live a naturally supernatural lifestyle, expressing and demonstrating the Kingdom of God wherever you go, to whomever you meet. It helps you launch out in your supernatural destiny as a world changer and revivalist.

You will learn how the supernatural can be activated through what you create, and you will explore hindrances from understanding your creative destiny – your true identity.

Unlocking Heaven: Keys To Living Supernaturally


Kevin Dedmon

Shawn Doyle & Lauren Anderson


PB 9781937879037 £9.99

9780768427509 £10.99

Through years of personal experiences and witnessing supernatural healings, the author offers keys to living naturally supernatural. This book is an invaluable resource for those pursuing a life beyond the ordinary.


She is currently on staff at Bethel church in Redding, California, and heads up all of the Creative Arts there and in their School of Supernatural ministry.

Most people think that motivation for them is out of reach. This book is intended to give people hope by shining the light on people who are in average regular jobs but are amazing.

Chris Dupré Chris DuPré carries within his heart one great desire: that people would know the depths of God’s great love for them. A pastor, teacher, worship leader and spiritual father to many, Chris is known for his beautiful song, Dance With Me. Chris is married to Laura and has three daughters.

The Lost Art Of Pure Worship

Chris Dupré and James Goll PB

9780768441284 £10.99

Sean Feucht Sean Feucht is a passionate young leader from the emerging generation who is pioneering raising up houses of prayer around the globe through his ministry, Burn 24-7. Sean’s heart is to do his part in bringing God’s light into the darkest corners of the earth and to see Christ’s name made famous.

Fire & Fragrance

Sean Feucht & Andy Byrd PB

9780768432909 £11.99

A gathering of great spiritual leaders who share their unique experiences and desires about the precious act of worshipping a worthy heavenly Father.

Passionately devoted to revival and reformation, the authors vividly describe the perspective that God is giving to a generation, the power He is releasing, and the potential of a people set ablaze for God.

Dare To Believe

Dancing With Jesus


PB 9780768440539 £9.99

Becky Dvorak 9780768440973 £10.99

Linda Fitzpatrick

Dare to Believe traces sickness and disease from the Garden of Eden through the ascension of Christ and teaches you how to walk in divine healing and miracles.

How can Abia ever become a useful and loved person when an accident causes her to walk with a limp and unable to have children? Until one glorious day when she is baptized in the Jordan River and her life – body, soul, and spirit – is changed forever.

Living Isaiah 54

Governors Of Praise

PB 9780768440522 £9.99

PB 9780768440799 £9.99

Carefully, prayerfully and intelligently, the author dissects Isaiah 54 to reveal all the precious pieces of wisdom that prove you are protected and loved by your heavenly Father every minute of every day.

What truly happens when believers unlock their Kingdom authority – when praise is taken to the highest possible level? When the Holy Spirit moves upon your heart, you will enter into interactive, participation praise!

Digging The Wells Of Revival

Experiencing The Heavenly Realm

Mary Elliott

Lou Engle PB

9780768420159 £10.99

This book is a prophetic call from the heart of a pastor in Los Angeles who calls his city, his country, and you to renew covenant with God, reclaim our glorious roots, and believe for the greatest revival the world has ever known.

Joshua Fowler

Judy Franklin & Beni Johnson PB

9780768436518 £10.99

You can be healed by the Lord – emotionally, mentally and physically – after learning how to experience the heavenly realm.


Jack & Trisha Frost Jack and Trisha Frost experienced great success in the pastoral ministry for many years, but also experienced burnout, depression and marital and family problems as well. In 1995, God revealed a depth of His love that completely changed the way Jack functioned in both his family and in his ministry. This hardnosed commercial fishing boat captain became a warm, tender-hearted father and husband. He and Trisha founded Shiloh Place Ministries with a vision to see the world experience the Father’s healing love through the hearts of its leaders. After Jack’s death aged 54 from cancer Trisha continued the ministry of Shiloh Place.


Jack & Trisha Frost PB 9780768441314 £9.99 Share the true story of how Jack and Trisha Frost applied God’s unconditional love to their lives and it changed them and their family. Choose to find your destiny through new challenges and discover what it means to live a life unbound from life’s entanglements.

Experiencing Father’s Embrace

Jack Frost

PB 9780768423488 £9.99

Shawn Gabie

PB 9780768441208 £9.99 Are you satisfied with living a “normal” Christian life, or are you ready to learn the secrets of living an authentic, biblical, supernatural Christian life?

Marketplace Transformation

Marsha Gabriel PB 9788896727256 £9.99 A model for current and future marketplace leaders and Kingdom entrepreneurs, expounding the technology, architecture and rationale of corporate giants and monetary warriors and encouraging you to become one.

The Shifting Romance With Israel

Ray Gannon PB

9780768441093 £10.99

Full of credible research and biblically supported substance, the truths within will cause Jews and Christians alike to consider their spiritual relationship with Israel.

Relentless Love

Thom Gardner PB 9780768441031 £9.99

Experiencing Father’s Embrace shows you how you can personally feel your Father’s loving and comforting embrace, and points out areas that may be hindering you from experiencing a more intimate relationship with your Creator.

Relentless Love is a well-written, inspiring, encouraging book for believers that describes the relentless way God pursues humans with His love. The book paints a clear picture for believers who may be struggling with the concept of the kind of love God has for His people.

Spiritual Slavery To Spiritual Sonship

Worship: The Pattern Of Things In Heaven



Jack Frost

9780768423853 £10.99

Learn how to throw your ‘orphan’ attitude overboard and anchor your heart in God’s inheritance of blessings and prosperity. Christen and launch your life’s ship alongside the One who can calm every storm - every time.


Secrets Of The Supernatural Life

Joseph Garlington

9781560431954 £10.99

This book clearly describes the crucial roles that worship and praise are to play in the local church. It will enrich and transform your personal and corporate worship with the anointing that God ordained long ago for David.

James Goll Dr. James W. Goll is the President of Encounters Network, the Director of Prayer Storm and the Director of God Encounters Training. He is a member of the Harvest International Ministries apostolic team and an instructor in the Wagner Leadership Institute. With great joy James has shared Jesus in more than 50 nations teaching and imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. James is the prolific author of numerous books. He has also produced multiple Study Guides and hundreds of audio and video messages. James And Michal Ann were married for 32 years before her death in 2008. James has four adult children: Justin, GraceAnn, Tyler and Rachel; and continues make his home in the rolling hills of Franklin, Tennessee.

The Lost Art Of Pure Worship

James Goll and Chris Dupré PB

9780768441284 £10.99

A gathering of great spiritual leaders who share their unique experiences and desires about the precious act of worshipping a worthy heavenly Father.

The Seer

James Goll PB

9780768441109 £10.99

Join author James W. Goll on exciting and insightful journey into this lesserknown dimension – the visionary world of the seer. You will discover the prophetic power of dreams, visions and life under the open heavens.

Exploring Your Dreams And Visions

James Goll

PB 9780768403152 £9.99 This book provides exciting and revealing truths about the Master Dream Weaver and His desire to communicate with you. Providing you the opportunity to record your dreams and discover the true meaning.

Adventures In The Prophetic

James Goll PB

9780768431636 £10.99

Venturing in the prophetic realm is an exciting adventure that changes your life and the lives of others. God wants to use prophetic means to bring Jesus into reality in your life today.

Empowered Prayer

James Goll PB

9780768428452 £11.99

Author James W. Goll shares his insights about prayer and its power to see you through each and every day’s troubles and triumphs. 15 Minutes a day can change your life forever!

Prayer Storm – The Hour That Changes The World

James Goll PB

9780768427165 £10.99

Prayer Storm places you on the spiritual battlefield, shoulder-to-shoulder with God. Without a concerted storm of prayer-around the clock and around the globe-there will be no revival.

The Lost Art Of Intercession

James Goll PB

9780768424287 £10.99

When God’s people send up the incense of prayer and worship, God will send down supernatural power, anointing, and acts of intervention. Now is the time to mount the walls with prayer and praise.

Dream Language: The Prophetic Power Of Dreams

James & Michal Goll PB

9780768423549 £10.99

Dream Language provides exciting and revealing truths about the Master Dream Weaver and His desire to communicate with you


Permission Granted To Do Church Differently In The 21st Century

Gary Goodell & Graham Cooke PB

9780768423808 £10.99

Did you ever wish you had permission to change the way you “do church”? Well, now you have it.

False Justice

Stuart Greaves PB 9780768441963 £9.99 False Justice brings you closer to God by clearly revealing His desire for righteousness, honesty, and integrity in the earth, setting Christ as the ultimate vision of justice and calling you to set your attention solely on Him.

Barry Ham PB

9780768440805 £10.99

God Understands Divorce is a comprehensive compilation of real-life marriage situations that explain how quickly relationships can deteriorate and how to bring life back to terminally ill marriages.

Seventy Reasons For Speaking In Tongues

Bill Harmon

PB 9780768403121 £9.99 You can learn how to use your spirit language to see prayers answered, activate more faith, receive healing and victory and increase God’s love and power within your life and ministry.

Conquering The Game Of Control

From Curses To Blessings

Craig Green

Ken & Jeanne Harrington

PB 9780768440959 £9.99


God does not “play the game” – indeed, control is not in Him at all. Through Him, we can be transformed until the game of control gives way to a life of mutual submission – the “dance” of relationship rather than the dissonance of control.

This book exposes the root causes that allow curses to enter your life, including generational patterns and personal sin and reveals how to remove the curses as well as ways you can call down blessings into your life.

Raising A Modern Frontier Boy

Breaking Free

John Grooters

PB 9780768441130 £9.99

9780768436341 £10.99

Tom Hauser PB 9780768441215 £9.99

Raising a Modern Frontier Boy recounts the fascinating journey of writer and director John Grooters through the parenting years with his son, Jedidiah.

Learn how you can successfully operate a prayer ministry by confronting demonic strongholds and delivering oppressed people in Jesus’ name. It’s time to walk in the fullness and authority God has given all His children.

The Frontier Boys: A Novel

Supernatural Provision

PB 9780768441147 £9.99


The Frontier Boys is the story of four high school boys whose undefeated basketball season and friendship are threatened after a drive-by shooting leaves one of them in a coma – and one of them with a secret.

Supernatural Provision is full of Holy Spirit-inspired insights, God-breathed Scripture, and relevant personal testimonies revealing the unmerited favour of Heaven’s provision that Jesus offers.

John Grooters


God Understands Divorce

Mark Hendrickson

9780768440911 £10.99

Glory Invasion

T D Jakes T D Jakes is a best-selling author, as well as, the founder and pastor of Potter’s House, which is one of the fastest growing churches in the USA.

David Herzog PB

9780768440997 £10.99

Is there something beyond your current Christian experience that seems to be lacking? Is God calling you to the next level of His glory? God will reveal to you how to activate the prophetic destiny over your life that seems dormant.

Seeing Through Heaven’s Eyes

Leif Hetland PB

9780768440140 £10.99

This beautifully written memoir/essay explores the realities of God’s love for you, your identity as His beloved child and heirs and the transformation of your vision of yourself, others and world events that this revelation brings.

It’s Your Life, Live Big

Josh Hinds

PB 9781937879020 £9.99

Bishop Jakes ministers to an interracial congregation of more than 30,000 members.

Hope For Every Moment

T D Jakes

PB 9780768410099 £7.99 T D Jakes walks with you through the perplexing seasons of life when you feel persecuted and in pain. His striking reflections will bring strength to your spirit and emotional liberty.

Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition

T D Jakes

Live Big is the inspiring, true story of how Josh Hinds overcame Tourette’s and other challenges to become a successful motivational speaker, entrepreneur and pioneer of personal development on the internet.


Healing Starts Now

Healing The Wounds Of The Past

Joan Hunter PB

9780768436457 £19.99

Healing Starts Now contains the clearest and simplest instructions for ministering healing ever written. It takes much of the mystery out of healing prayer, and your fear of praying for the sick will disappear. You will lay hands on the sick and they will recover!

9780768403008 £10.99

Let your heart be warmed as the oil of T D Jakes’ teaching flows from your mind to your spirit.

T D Jakes

PB 9780768436716 £9.99 Offering encouragement and loving guidance to a wide audience, this book is especially written for those who have been victimised physically, spiritually, or emotionally.

God’s Plan For Our Success Nehemiah’s Way

Can You Stand To Be Blessed?

PB 9780768441086 £9.99

PB 9780768430424 £9.99

This book uses Nehemiah’s gates as a template God has provided to help Christians have a more successful walk in Him.

The heart of every believer holds a desire to fulfil his destiny in God. Yet the way to success – and beyond – is full of twists and turns and obstacles. In this book T D Jakes teaches you how to unlock the inner strength to go on in God.

Connie Hunter-Urban

T D Jakes


Glory Rising

Experiencing The Heavenly Realm

Jeff Jansen PB

Beni Johnson & Judy Franklin

9780768430950 £11.99

This book will give the readers greater understanding of their true spiritual inheritance that will help unlock the power of who they are in Christ Jesus as sons and daughters of God.


You can be healed by the Lord – emotionally, mentally and physically – after learning how to experience the heavenly realm.

Keys To Passing Your Spiritual Tests

Beautiful One

Beni Johnson

Abraham John PB

9780768436518 £10.99


9780768402889 £10.99

9780768432497 £10.99

You will pass every spiritual test when you know the keys shared in this book. You will be filled with hope and equipped with wisdom when you face the next test with boldness. No more setbacks, only promotions.

The insightful wisdom, joy and lightheartedness of seven amazing women who have pushed through extreme winters only to fall more intensely in love with Jesus. Come along with Him as His, brilliant one into the bounteous reality of Heaven on Earth.

Godly Success

The Happy Intercessor

PB 9780768441260 £9.99


If you have been wondering about your God-given destiny or searching for your calling, Godly Success answers many of the questions that may be keeping you awake at night. Unleash your inhibitions and fully trust and depend upon God to lead you into a life worth loving.

Beni Johnson’s personal journey to becoming ‘The Happy Intercessor’ takes you on an exciting adventure to capture the heartbeat of Heaven. Even the weariest warrior will jump for joy as a cool, cleansing balm washes over your body, soul, and spirit.

Mornay Johnson

Beni Johnson

9780768427530 £10.99

Bill & Beni Johnson Bill and Brenda (Beni) Johnson are the Senior Pastors of Bethel Church in Redding, California. Bill is a fifth generation pastor with a rich heritage in the things of the Spirit. Together they serve a growing number of churches that have partnered for revival. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power. Learning to recognize the Holy Spirit’s presence, and how to follow His lead will enable us to do the works of Christ, destroying the works of the devil. Healing and deliverance must become the common expression of this gospel of power once again. Bill and the Bethel Church family have taken on this theme for life and ministry. Healings, ranging from cancer to broken bones, to learning disorders and emotional healing, happen with regularity. This is the children’s bread. And these works of God are not limited to revival meetings. The church is learning how to take this anointing to the schools, workplace, and neighbourhoods with similar results. Bill teaches that we owe the world an encounter with God, and that a Gospel without power is not the Gospel that Jesus preached. Beni has a call to intercession that is an integral part of the Bethel Church mission. She is in charge of the Bethel’s Prayer House, ministry teams and the intercessors. The Lord has given her a heart for broken people of all ages. Her insight into strategies for prayer and her involvement in prayer networks have helped to bring the much-needed breakthrough in Bethel’s ministry.


Hosting The Presence

A Life Of Miracles

PB 9780768441291 £9.99


In this power-packed book, Bill Johnson discusses how you can be a person who hosts the Presence of God. Though all believers obviously have the Spirit of God within them, there is more that enables you to be so full that you overflow His Spirit into your world.

Combining the most inspiring of three best-selling books, this 365-day guide to prayer and miracles feeds you daily manna from Heaven. Your spirit will be enlightened and your soul strengthened as you face each day’s glories and glooms.

Walking In The Supernatural

Release The Power Of Jesus

PB 9780768440775 £9.99


Selecting forty invigorating excerpts from their popular books, Bill Johnson and his associates have created an excellent blend from which you can choose a generous daily cup of fortifying spiritual inspiration.

Telling others about the miracles in your life makes God more real for others and causes faith to explode in those who hear what God has done for you. They will begin to see miracles in their own lives because of what God did for you!

An Apple For The Road

Strengthen Yourself In The Lord

Bill Johnson

Bill & Beni Johnson

Bill Johnson & Paul Manwaring

Bill Johnson

9780768427257 £11.99

Bill Johnson

9780768427127 £10.99

Bill Johnson

PB 9780768441338 £9.99

PB 9780768424270 £9.99

This book is a compilation of hidden treasures of courage. The stories are as inspiring as they are convicting. The testimonies will challenge you to press into God for greater manifestations of His divine presence.

Today’s believer is faced with situations unknown fifty, thirty, even twenty years ago. To stand in victory and enter our hour of promotion is to learn how to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord.

Centre Of The Universe

Here Comes Heaven

Bill Johnson PB

9780768436105 £10.99

With a very casual style and voice, author and pastor Bill Johnson shares with you as a personal friend, committed to revealing valuable lessons he learned on the lighter side of life.


Bill Johnson & Eric Johnson PB 9780768439922 £9.99 It is the heart of God for Revivals and Movements to continue from generation to generation. Momentum confronts many of the classic issues that have plagued or crippled personal and corporate revivals from flourishing.

Bill Johnson & Mike Seth

PB 9780768425024 £9.99 As a child of God, you can live an exciting life of miracles and blessings beyond your imagination. As you discover who you really are through the love of Jesus, your greatest adventure will end in Heaven on earth!

The Supernatural Ways Of Royalty

Bill Johnson & Kris Vallotton

PB 9780768423235 £9.99 Ways of Royalty reveals your true identity as a child of the King of Kings royal heir to the eternal Kingdom of God.


Dreaming With God

Bill Johnson

PB 9780768423990 £9.99 Author Bill Johnson reveals the secrets of using God’s unlimited supply of everything to transform your family and community, your job or business, the nation and the world.

Debbie Jones & Jackie Kendall PB

9780768441062 £10.99

When you give yourself to the Lord through the pages of this book, the spiritual truths you gain will bring you to new places in your experience with God and prepare you for deeper levels of loving relationships!

The Supernatural Power Of A Transformed Mind

Battle For The Mind – Expanded Edition

PB 9780768422528 £9.99


You can live a supernatural life. In fact, moving in the spiritual realm should be as routine as prayer, worship and reading Scripture. It is part of what Jesus purchased for us on the Cross!

The Battle for the Mind expanded edition helps you explore the mind of Christ Jesus and the Spirit of God. You will discover the power to conquer the enemy and win every battle!

When Heaven Invades Earth

High Calling

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson

PB 9780768429527 £9.99

Noel Jones

9780768441406 £10.99

Rick Joyner PB

9780768431506 £11.99

By laying a carefully constructed biblical foundation for walking in the supernatural power of God, When Heaven Invades Earth provides all the equipment you need to experience miracles every day.

A daily devotional designed to open the eyes of your heart to see clearly the realities of the spiritual realm and unite with the heart of God. You will be one who touches earth with the truth of eternity and change the world you walk in for His glory.


Jewish Roots

Eric Johnson & Bill Johnson PB 9780768439922 £9.99 It is the heart of God for Revivals and Movements to continue from generation to generation. Momentum confronts many of the classic issues that have plagued or crippled personal and corporate revivals from flourishing.


Lady In Waiting

Daniel Juster PB

9781560431428 £11.99

Messianic Judaism is a grass roots movement - a movement among Jewish and non-Jewish followers of Jesus of Nazareth who recognise and identify with their Jewishness. It exhibits the power and excitement of significant new discoveries.

Patricia King Patricia King is a passionate, prophetic personality who is the host of Extreme Prophetic Television. She has had over 20 years of background as a Christian minister in conference speaking, prophetic service, church leadership and television & radio appearances. Patricia is an author of books, booklets and manuals and has produced many informative resources through the medias of tapes, videos, CDs and DVDs. She is sincere, genuine, generous, honest, real, “cutting edge” along with controversial. Her passion is training, equipping and inspiring believers to take the extreme love of Jesus outside the four walls of the church and be signs-and-wonders witnesses of Jesus Christ.

Finally Free

Jennifer Kostyal PB 9780982059098 £9.99 Current statistics reveal that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18. This book is your step-by step manual to walk out of the darkness of your pain and enter into the light of hope and healing that leads to your destiny.

Dancing Into The Anointing

Aimee Kovacs

PB 9781560432777 £8.99 Praising the Lord through dance is a spiritual principle that, when followed, yields rewards similar to tithing.

Spiritual Revolution

The Daily Prophecy



Patricia King

9780768423563 £10.99

Brenda Kunneman 9780768403039 £10.99

Spiritual Revolution contains stories, insights, and practical suggestions about how you can aggressively choose to live in the supernatural power of God. Enlist in the Spiritual Revolution and you will be transformed into a powerful witness throughout an eternal lifetime.

More than a daily devotional, you will feel divine inspiration as you read The Daily Prophecy. Each prophecy is written as if God is speaking directly to you – bringing you hope, security, peace, and the joy of feeling loved by your heavenly Father.

Light Belongs In The Darkness

The Prayer From The Crypt

Patricia King PB

9780768422917 £10.99

The Holy Spirit is sending us into the darkest places of the earth, where humanity is in its most desperate state. It is here that His light shines the brightest and the response will be the most powerful.

Hank Kunneman

PB 9780768403046 £9.99 This book gives you practical ways reach out to people with the Good News. With true-life modern-day and biblical stories of bold evangelism, you will be empowered and encouraged. It will ignite God’s passion within you.

The Power Of Imagination

Children Of Revival

PB 9780768403145 £9.99


You can develop the ability to see as God sees. You can see the future that He planned for you before you were born. This exciting new way of living is thoughtfully and biblically presented in a refreshing and empowering way that will keep you imagining for years to come.

The story of Brownsville Assembly’s 11-year-old leader; the worship band of young musicians; the 75-member prayer team of children between 8 and 12 years old and the amazing services where God pours out His Spirit on the children.

Kerry Kirkwood

Vann Lane

9781560436997 £10.99


The Power Of Praise And Worship

Banning Liebscher Banning Liebscher and wife SeaJay have been on staff at Bethel Church in Redding, California, for over ten years.

Terry Law

PB 9780768426762 £9.99 As the author shows, the sacrifice of praise and the blessing of worship saved his life. You, too, will be healed from the past and enjoy new hope for the future. You can handle all of life’s tragedies. through the power of praise and worship.

They are the directors of Jesus Culture, a ministry dedicated to mobilising, equipping, activating and sending out a new breed of revivalist worldwide.

The Life Giver

Joey LeTourneau PB

9780768441420 £10.99

Life is waiting! Tap into the Life Giver and begin to give life more abundantly. Then share it! The whole world is your family in need. Wherever you are, whoever you are, opportunities abound to be fruitful, multiply and give hope to God’s lost, broken and hurting children.

Visions Of Heaven

Jesus Culture

PB 9780768402971 £9.99


Ever wonder what Heaven is really like? Venture into the splendour, peace and pleasure of God’s home sweet home – Heaven. Nestle into His love and the beauty of His Kingdom as four everyday people share their heavenly experiences with you.

Learn more about the ‘Jesus Culture’ form author Banning Liebscher who has worked in full-time youth and young adult ministry for more than a decade. Join the ranks of this new breed that is not afraid to stand up and stand out for God during this crucial time in history.

Smith Wigglesworth On Prayer, Power & Miracles

Supernatural Anointing

Roberts Liardon

Roberts Liardon

PB 9780768423150 £9.99

Banning Liebscher 9780768431001 £11.99

Julia Loren PB

9780768440591 £10.99

A classic collection of the late Smith Wigglesworth’s teachings, expressing his exuberant love of the Gospel through his unshakeable faith in the power of the Holy Spirit.

A unique compilation of engaging and motivating personal experiences and interviews with world-renowned prophets, pastors, worship and ministry leaders. The teaching, prophetic exhortations and visions in this book are believable, reachable and captivating.

Journey Of A World Changer

The Designer Bag At The Garbage Dump

PB 9780768402933 £9.99

PB 9780768441451 £9.99

In this book, Banning takes us through the steps Jonathan and his armour bearer had to take in order to change the world.

It’s a Wonderful Life meets The Shack Read The Designer Bag at the Garbage Dump and jump into a great adventure.

Banning Liebscher


Banning was formerly the youth pastor at Bethel Church and lead overseer in the School of Supernatural Ministry.

Jackie MacGirvin

10 Amazing Muslims Touched By God

Faisal Malick

PB 9780768441161 £9.99

Kisses From A Good God

Paul Manwaring

PB 9780768403091 £9.99

In their own words, ten amazing Muslims tell their stories about how God chose to reveal Himself to them in extraordinarily supernatural ways.

If you are now walking or have walked through a life-threatening illness or circumstance, or if you have watched a loved one endure, Kisses from a Good God relieves your body, soul, mind and spirit of tons of unnecessary pressures and pain.

The Panoramic Seer

What On Earth Is Glory?

PB 9780768403022 £9.99


Panorama is the seer’s prophetic gifting that releases the miraculous. It is tied into five key elements: inheritance, humility, compassion, righteousness and faith. These keys and more are presented to you in a spiritually sensitive way — straight from the throne room of God.

An insightful study into various aspects of God’s glory. Paul Manwaring shares his own experiences in this down-toHeaven-on-earth book, including many illustrations from his own life, ministry, family and careers.

James Maloney

Paul Manwaring Paul Manwaring is a pastor and a member of the Senior Management Team at Bethel Church in Redding, California. His primary responsibilities are to oversee Global Legacy, an apostolic relational network of revival leaders, and to equip and deploy revivalists through his oversight of the Third Year program in Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry. His passion is to see the Bride prepared, glorious sons and daughters revealed, cancer destroyed and cities transformed as the government of Heaven is established on earth. He holds a master’s degree in Management from Cambridge University and is a Registered General and Psychiatric Nurse.

An Apple For The Road

Paul Manwaring & Bill Johnson

Paul Manwaring

9780768438604 £10.99

God And Psychobabble?

Kathy Martin

PB 9780768441222 £9.99 God and Psychobabble challenges the lies and confusion that the world has used to keep people in bondage. The book presents God’s Truth so the world’s walking wounded will be set free.

Walk In Generational Blessings

Joseph Mattera PB

9780768440607 £10.99

This ground-breaking book challenges the Body of Christ to connect the past, present and future by thinking and acting ‘generationally’, entering a Hebraic mindset and passing down your godly inheritance to your children’s children.

POWER – To Change Your World

Danny McDaniel

PB 9780768441338 £9.99

PB 9780768402827 £9.99

This book is a compilation of hidden treasures of courage. The stories are as inspiring as they are convicting. The testimonies will challenge you to press into God for greater manifestations of His divine presence.

This book challenges you to dig deeper into His Word, which is designed to cut through every area of your life to get to the core of your heart and your soul so that your spirit can connect divinely with His Spirit.


Organic Christianity

Myles Munro

Ron McIntosh PB

9780768438666 £10.99

Organic Christianity is a call back to intimacy with God that will free us to find the life we were born to live. When you see the real, organic message of the Gospel, it will liberate you to find a life fully alive.

A Message From God

Retha & Aldo McPherson

PB 9780768439885 £9.99 When Aldo McPherson was 12 years old a car accident left him in a coma. While in the coma, he had a supernatural experience where he went to heaven. Aldo came back with one message: “Jesus is alive!”

Myles is the senior pastor of Bahamas Faith Ministries International Fellowship, where his wife, Ruth Ann, serves as co-senior pastor. They are the proud parents of Charisa and Chairo (Myles Jr.).

The Ultimate Guide To Understanding The Dreams You Dream

Rediscovering The Principle Of Kingdom Citizenship


PB 9780768441895 £9.99

Ira Milligan

9780768441079 £12.99

Myles Munroe

Best-selling author and Minister Ira Milligan has decades of personal experience receiving, understanding, and interpreting dreams of his own and for others.

Kingdom Citizenship focuses on Kingdom laws, culture and structure, which are sure to enlighten even the most knowledgeable believer and the most sceptical seeker.

Understanding Bible Mysteries

Reclaiming God’s Original Purpose For Your Life

PB 9780768402964 £9.99


Leaning on God’s revealed truths rather than human reasoning to find answers to important questions, author Ira Milligan presents thought-provoking and spirit-stirring conclusions that are hard to ignore.

Reclaiming God’s Original Purpose for Your Life will bring you joy, peace and abundant living. “This... is the only answer to the deep cry in the heart of every human, and it can satisfy the perpetual vacuum in the spirit of humankind.”

Nourishing The Seed

Uncover Your Potential


PB 9780768441000 £9.99

Ira Milligan

Bob Mumford

9780768441383 £10.99

A compilation of powerful, daily, devotional-size teachings designed to move you spiritually forward. Rather than vague concepts and principles, these teachings will nourish the Seed that is growing within you so that you can be unshakeable and learn to love.


Dr. Myles Munroe is an internationally renowned bestselling author, lecturer, teacher, life coach, government consultant and leadership mentor. He has travelled around the world training leaders in business, government, education, sports, media and religion.

Myles Munroe

9780768441369 £10.99

Myles Munroe

Uncover Your Potential will help you understand why you are uncomfortable with your present state of accomplishment and dissatisfied with only resting on your past success.

Kingdom Principles

Myles Munroe

PB 9780768423983 £9.99 In Kingdom Principles Dr Myles Mynro he insists that we cannot appropriate and enjoy the benefits of God’s Kingdom until we understand how it operates.

The Purpose And Power Of Praise And Worship

Myles Munroe

PB 9780768420470 £9.99 In this book you will learn the key to maximizing your full life on earth; why God placed man in the garden of Eden; the purpose and priority of the presence of God; the seven dimensions of praise; and much more

God: Out Of Control, Out Of The Box, Out Of Time

Don Nori

PB 9780768438307 £9.99 This book shouts the fact that God’s Presence is not constrained by time, man-made walls around Him, or selflimiting and God-constraining mindsets.

Supernatural Destiny

Don Nori

PB 9780768440171 £7.99 Supernatural Destiny is the true story of a man’s unique and deeply personal encounter with God. This book teaches you how you too can live a victorious life by keeping God’s vision forefront in your body, mind, and spirit.

Don Nori Don Nori Sr has authored more than fourteen books and has worked in the publishing industry for over 25 years. He founded Destiny Image Publishers in 1983. He has ministered internationally for more than two decades, working with people of all races and nationalities.

Manifest Presence

Don Nori PB

9780768428353 £11.99

Move from the constraints of Christless religion and the recklessness of random spiritualism to the place where Manifest Presence genuinely rules your heart. The truths in this book will change your life forever.

Don and his wife Cathy live in Pennsylvania. Breaking Demonic Strongholds

Don Nori PB

9780768431667 £10.99

Breaking Demonic Strongholds exposes the enemy’s deadly lies and explores how these lies are so easily believed – even though they are so obvious. When you can see the lies, recovery and growth in your spiritual life will begin!

The Voice

Don Nori PB 9780768441970 £9.99 If there is to be a revolution of true Kingdom proportions in these last days, it will be because humble believers like you have chosen to become His Voice. This book will show you how.

Romancing The Divine

Don Nori PB

9780768423624 £10.99

You may think you are the only one, but nearly everyone wonders about God’s love for them. This story is a tale that could be your own. It is a passionate and personal fictional allegory about one person’s search for Divine acceptance and love.

Breaking Generational Curses

Don Nori PB

9780768422825 £10.99

Each generation’s sin should be locked in that generation. This book tells you why and also tells you how to be certain they stay in that generation. This book takes the mystery out of breaking the bondage of generational sin.


7 Secrets To A Phenomenal L.I.F.E.

Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations

PB 9781937879006 £9.99

PB 9780768402865 £9.99

Many books have been written about goals, dreams and business, but this one reveals practical, real life, everyday techniques for becoming the person you were created to be, how to make money and have phenomenal relationships.

This book shares the testimonies of ten ordinary people who have been to Heaven – having died and returned, or in a vision or dream.

User Friendly Prophecy

Truth Seekers

PB 9781560436959 £9.99


Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned believer, this book will teach you the fundamentals and stir up the prophetic gift that God has placed inside you. Filled with practical principles and personal stories, it will encourage you to step out into biblical prophecy.

You will be inspired by these ten amazing stories from seekers who walked different paths in life yet shared one common passion — love for the truth. They all desired lasting answers. Not only did they seek the truth — they found it!

Healing In The Hurting Places

Supernatural Experiences

Howard Partridge

Larry Randolph

Karen Riley PB

Sid Roth

9780768438000 £10.99

Sid Roth

PB 9780768432664 £9.99

9780768438888 £10.99

A personal experience story and outreach for victims of childhood sexual abuse, and those who want to help them. It sensitively focuses on the healing journey - how to recognise symptoms of abuse and offer help.

Sid Roth Sid Roth, a former account executive for Merrill Lynch, was raised in a traditional Jewish home. Yet, religious tradition provided no answers when he hit rock bottom in 1972. With his life out of control and his marriage in shambles, Sid was set free from demonic oppression through a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Immediately, he began to boldly proclaim Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. His television programme It’s Supernatural! documents miracles and is viewed internationally. It’s Supernatural! deals with subjects that most shy away from.


Sid Roth

Ten people from very different walks of life tell their real-life stories-their supernatural encounters with the living God that changed their lives completely. If it happened to them, it can happen to you!

Stories Of Supernatural Healing

Sid Roth PB

9780768435986 £10.99

Stories of Supernatural Healing is an exciting collection of true stories by regular people who have experienced God’s miracle working power. God is still healing, and He wants to heal you today!

Supernatural Healing

Sid Roth PB

9780768428315 £10.99

After more than 35 years of investigating miracles for radio, television, and print, Sid Roth, a Jewish believer in Jesus, has compiled the most outstanding and verified healing miracles that he has discovered.

Corey Russell Corey Russell is on the senior leadership team of the International House of Prayer. In addition to 30 hours a week in the prayer room, he serves as the director of the Forerunner Program. He travels in the US and internationally, preaching and teaching about the knowledge of God, intercession, and the urgency of the hour. He lives in Kansas City, Missouri, with his wife, Dana, and their three daughters, Trinity, Mya and Hadassah

The Glory Within

Corey Russell

PB 9780768441239 £9.99 The Glory Within is about the glory of the new birth, the indwelling Spirit, and your call to right now access the life of God within you – through speaking in tongues. It awakens your spiritual senses and inner spirit so you can become the person God created you to be.

Awakening To Messiah

Rabbi Kirt Schneider PB 9780768441949 £9.99 Teaching the Judaic roots of the Christian faith, fostering a deeper love for Yeshua and sharing the Good News of Messiah with both Jew and Gentile.

Romancing Death

William Schnoebelen PB

9780768441123 £10.99

This fascinating expose of the dark realities behind romanticising the occult in our current culture reveals the naked truth about how the church has not addressed the needs of people young and old who fill the holes in their souls and spirits with evil rather than good.

Here Comes Heaven

Mike Seth & Bill Johnson

PB 9780768425024 £9.99 As a child of God, you can live an exciting life of miracles and blessings beyond your imagination. As you discover who you really are through the love of Jesus, your greatest adventure will end in Heaven on earth!

Ancient Paths

Freedom Fighter

PB 9780768441956 £9.99

PB 9780768403138 £9.99

This book is a prophetic call to return to the ancient paths of finding God through long and loving meditation. In this urgent hour, the Lord is calling a people to pull away from the busyness of our culture, and learn to hear again through the word of God.

Majed El Shafie was arrested, tortured and sentenced to die after he converted from Islam to Christianity. His dramatic story, and those of others worldwide who are suffering persecution, are told in shocking, yet sensitive detail.

Healing Through Spiritual Warfare

Schizophrenic God?

Corey Russell

Peggy Scarborough

PB 9780768441413 £9.99 God wants you well. God’s agenda is healing. This book shows you what God thinks about healing, as well as the early church. It also tells you of healings today. If you want to be healed and to help others, the answers are at your fingertips.

Majed El Shafie

Steve Shank

PB 9780768440829 £9.99 Schizophrenic God? uncovers the myth of extreme sovereignty and invites you into a deeper biblical understanding of God’s nature and His sovereign will.


Danny Silk Danny Silk serves as a Senior Management Pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, California. He is a primary developer of the staff team and Director of the church ministries including the Transformation Center, city outreach and Bethel’s Healing Rooms. Danny is the director of Global Transformation Institute, Hope City and oversees Bethel’s Staff development. Danny and his wife, Sheri, are also the founders of Loving On Purpose, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the strengthening of families and community at local, national and international levels. Danny and Sheri have been married for almost 30 years and have three children and two grandchildren.

Jill Shannon PB

9780768440720 £10.99

Jill Shannon traces the history of God’s covenant with the Jewish people and shows how He is still blessing them today – and blessing the rest of the world through them. By praying for His people, you will grow closer to the heart of God.

Charles Slagle Charles Slagle and his wife, Paula, have travelled extensively throughout the United States, Latin America and the United Kingdom. Through word and song, as well as through the prophetic aspect of their ministry, they lead others into vital relationships with their heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They currently live in Bedford, Texas, with their dog, Missy.

Culture Of Honour

Abba Calling


HB 9780768441376 £9.99

Danny Silk

9780768431469 £10.99

Charles Slagle

In this powerful, revelation-packed book, Danny Silk describes the significant paradigm shift in church life, government, and relationships that has created and sustained the revival culture at Bethel Church in Redding, California.

Daily affirmations of hope and encouragement so you can face all the challenges that are part of everyday living. Hundreds of personalised letters from God keep you in touch with His thoughts and feelings for you.

The Practice Of Honour

The Wind And The Rudder


9780768441352 £12.99

PB 9780768402841 £9.99

The Practice of Honour is about reformation of honour – it is intended to disrupt your current model of authority! Those with power must learn how to empower those around them – or Heaven on the earth will never be realised as God intended.

A training and reference manual for the great nationwide revival – which has already begun. You can prepare yourself to absorb the many benefits of this amazing harvest opportunity!

Loving Our Kids On Purpose

I Am Your Sign

Danny Silk

Danny Silk PB

9780768427394 £11.99

This book shows you how to plant in your children the principles of the Kingdom of God and a heart for the Lord. The easily implemented plan gives you the tools to raise your children in the joy and fullness of the Lord Jesus.


Israel’s Prophetic Destiny

Dan Smith

Sean Smith PB

9780768439762 £10.99

I Am Your Sign is an inspiring, invigorating look at some of history’s most powerful moves of God. It presents prophecies, history and the Father’s intention to inspire hearts, concluding in a summons to change the course of history!

Preventing The Miscarriage Of Destiny

Glen Staples

PB 9780768402926 £9.99 Preventing the Miscarriage of Destiny expertly explains how the physical conception, pregnancy and birth of a child parallel the spiritual conception, pregnancy and birth of your Godordained destiny.

Dare To Dream

Mattheus van der Steen PB 9780768438796 £9.99 Dare to Dream is a book with a message that will change your life. It will set you free to walk in your dreams and achieve your God given purpose.

Tommy Tenney Tommy Tenney has written more than 20 books. A pastor for 10 years, he has also spent over 20 years in itinerant ministry. His two passions are leading others to seek the presence of God and encouraging unity in the body of Christ. Tommy and his wife live in Louisiana with their three daughters and two Yorkies.

Open Heaven

Tommy Tenney PB 9780768403015 £9.99 Open Heaven is not about restoring the physical structure or the mechanical operation of church. It is about restoring the passion of worship, turning on the light of His glory and expanding the Throne Zone.


God Chasers

PB 9780768424416 £9.99

PB 9780768420166 £9.99

Journey with Ann Stevenson as she leads you step by step through the mysteries of the divine beauty of dance as choreographed by the Creator Himself. Dance! sets a high standard for the education and restoration of dance according the Word of God.

A God chaser is a person whose passion for God’s presence presses him to chase the impossible in hopes that the uncatchable might catch him. Add your name to the list… become a God chaser. Who knows? You might be one whom He catches.

The Lamp

You May All Prophesy

PB 9780768437850 £9.99

PB 9781599330891 £7.99

The Lamp brings hurting married couple Stanley and Lisa face to face with past tragedy and future hope – all wrapped in the gift of three wishes that will challenge you to live beyond the hurt and pain, if you just believe.

The Bible reveals that every Christian can hear from God and speak prophetically to others. This book provides scriptural encouragement and practical instruction.

Encountering God Through Dance

Soaring Hope

Ann Stevenson

Jim Stovall

Saara Taina

PB 9780768441277 £9.99 The heart of Encountering God Through Dance is to inspire and equip believers to worship Jesus in wholehearted devotion – to express love without fear or shame. God’s presence and healing power are gifts to you through dance!

Tommy Tenney

Steve Thompson

Lynn Thrush PB 9780768403107 £9.99 If you believe that Christian faith is largely irrelevant to world events and that Christians have little to offer history, Soaring Hope is a thrilling clarion call to reality – the reality of life more wonderful than you have ever imagined!


Cindy Trimm Best known as an empowerment specialist, respected prophetic voice, bestselling author and life coach, Dr. Cindy Trimm is in high demand on a variety of ministerial and professional platforms. She is the author of several books and has been featured on many television, streaming and radio programmes.

Heal Your Soul, Heal Your World

Cindy Trimm

PB 9780768440232 £9.99 Heal Your Soul, Heal Our World is about the impact the life of our soul has on the world around us, and the journey into healing the soul that frees it to be the seat of the God ideas we need to address today’s most troubling issues.

The 40 Day Soul Fast Leader’s Guide With DVD

Cindy Trimm

PB+DVD 9780768441918 £15.99 An eight-week study of the life of the soul, the practice of fasting and the process of living more authentically. Includes 8 weekly teachings on DVD, leader’s guidelines and additional resources for groups.

The 40 Day Soul Fast Participant’s Guide

Cindy Trimm

PB 9780768441925 £9.99 An eight-week study of the life of the soul, the practice of fasting and the process of living more authentically. Includes a 40-day workbook, plus weekly DVD viewing guide.

The 40 Day Soul Fast

Cindy Trimm

PB 9780768440263 £9.99 An eight-week study of the life of the soul, the practice of fasting, and the process of living more authentically. It promises to bring the best out of you so that you can impact your world for good. Have the courage to follow your heart!


Restored: 11 Gifts For A Complete Life

Tracy Trost PB

9780768435160 £10.99

The book is a collection of letters Sam (from the film The Christmas Snow) wrote, but never delivered, to his daughter who he had not seen in almost 30

Prayer Changes Things


PB 9780768402995 £9.99 Shows you how to pray the Jesus way – responding to His Father with “yes” as a matter of habit. You, too, can learn to trust Him with that same response in your everyday life. Authors include Don Nori, James Goll, Beni Johnson, Elmer Towns, Morris Cerullo, Mahesh Chavda.

Spiritual Java

Various PB

9780768432855 £11.99

Selecting 40 invigorating excerpts from their exciting and popular books, Pastor Bill Johnson and his Bethel Church associates have created an excellent blend of rich, generous, fortifying spiritual inspiration. Authors include Bill & Beni, Kris Vallotton, Danny Silk etc.

The Reformer’s Pledge

Various PB

9780768432695 £11.99

An intriguing collection of essays that will stir your soul, ignite your calling, and help you fulfill your God-given purpose. Contributors include Bill Johnson, James Goll, Lance Wallnau, John Arnott, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Heidi Baker, Lou Engle, C. Peter Wagner and Jim Garlow.

Amazed By The Power Of God


PB 9780768427554 £9.99 Revealing the amazing power of God are well-known pastors, writers, evangelicals and lovers of the Lord. From Bill Johnson and Randy Clark to Carol Wimber and Bobby Conner, you will enjoy each word the 13 authors have to say.

Kris Vallotton Kris Vallotton is the senior associate leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California. He is called as a prophet and has served on Bill Johnson’s apostolic team for decades. He has written several books, including the best selling Supernatural Ways of Royalty. Kris’s prophetic insight and humorous delivery make him a much sought-after international speaker. His personal testimony of deliverance from fear and torment brings hope and freedom to thousands. Kris is the co-founder and senior overseer of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. He is also the founder and president of Moral Revolution, an organisation dedicated to cultural transformation. Kris and Kathy Vallotton have been happily married for more than thirty-five years. They have four children and eight grandchildren.

Basic Training For The Supernatural Ways Of Royalty Study Guide

Kris Vallotton PB

9780768427158 £15.99

Helps you unearth your God-given treasures, and uncover the lies constraining you. This workbook provides practical training how to apply His truths and principles to your life.

The Supernatural Ways Of Royalty

Kris Vallotton & Bill Johnson

PB 9780768423235 £9.99 Ways of Royalty reveals your true identity as a child of the King of Kings royal heir to the eternal Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom At War

Alan Vincent PB

9780768440669 £10.99

The Kingdom at War lifts your vision into the heavenly realm battleground and declares that you will overcome all that stands in your way of becoming victorious as you gain a comprehensive picture of the glorious destiny God designed for you.

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How To Hear God’s Voice

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Mark & Patti Virkler PB

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Normal Christianity

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The School Of The Seers

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Eric Walker

Kirstie Wells

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Jonathan Welton

Jonathan Welton

Jonathan Welton

Jonathan Welton

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Index by Title 4 Keys To Hearing God’s Voice 7 Secrets To A Phenomenal LIFE 10 Amazing Muslims Touched By God 40 Day Soul Fast 40 Day Soul Fast Leader’s Guide With DVD 40 Day Soul Fast Participant’s Guide, The 70 Reasons For Speaking In Tongues A Christmas Snow DVD A Divine Confrontation A Life Of Miracles A Message From God Abba Calling Adventures In The Prophetic Amazed By The Power Of God An Atheist’s Journey To The Cross

Mark & Patti Virkler Howard Partridge Faisal Malick Cindy Trimm Cindy Trimm Cindy Trimm Bill Harmon

Graham Cooke Bill Johnson Retha & Aldo McPherson Charles Slagle James Goll Various Authors Kirstie Wells Bill Johnson & An Apple For The Road Paul Manwaring Ancient Paths Corey Russell Angels In The Realms Of Heaven Kevin Basconi Awakening To Messiah Rabbi Kirt Schneider Basic Training For The Prophetic Ministry Kris Vallotton Basic Training For The Supernatural Ways Kris Vallotton Of Royalty Study Guide Battle For The Mind – Expanded Edition Noel Jones Beautiful One Beni Johnson Born To Create Theresa Dedmon Breaking Demonic Strongholds Don Nori Breaking Free Tom Hauser Breaking Generational Curses Don Nori Can You Stand To Be Blessed? T D Jakes Catching God’s Heart Frank DeCenso Cavetime Jeff Voth Centre Of The Universe Bill Johnson Children Of Eternity, The Kenneth Zeigler Children Of Revival Vann Lane Christmas Snow, A DVD Conquering The Game Of Control Craig Green Culture Of Honour Danny Silk Cursing The Church Or Helping It? Anna Aquino Daily Prophecy, The Brenda Kunneman Dare To Believe Becky Dvorak Dance! Ann Stevenson Dance As The Spirit Moves Heather Clark Dancing Into The Anointing Aimee Kovacs Dancing With Jesus Linda Fitzpatrick Dare To Dream Mattheus van der Steen Demolishing Demonic Strongholds Morris Cerullo Define Your Destiny Through Prayer Sue Curran Designer Bag At The Garbage Dump, The Jackie MacGirvin Developing A Supernatural Lifestyle Kris Vallotton Digging The Wells Of Revival Lou Engle Divine Confrontation, A Graham Cooke Dream Language James & Michal Goll Dreaming With God Bill Johnson Empowered Prayer James Goll Encountering God Through Dance Saara Taina Etz Chaim: Tree Of Life Eric Walker Experiencing Father’s Embrace Jack Frost Judy Franklin & Experiencing The Heavenly Realm Beni Johnson Exploring Your Dreams And Visions James Goll Eyes Of Honour Jonathan Welton False Justice Stuart Greaves Fasting And Prayer Steven Brooks Filming God: A Journey Of Scepticism To Darren Wilson Faith Finally Free Jennifer Kostyal Fire And Fragrance Andy Byrd & Sean Feucht For Love’s Sake Jessica Davis Four Keys To Hearing God’s Voice Mark & Patti Virkler


25 20 17 24 24 24 10 27 5 13 18 22 9 24 26 13 21 2 21 25 25 14 12 6 19 10 19 11 5 26 13 27 15 27 10 22 2 15 7 23 5 15 7 23 4 5 16 25 7 5 9 14 9 23 26 8

Freedom Fighter DVD Freedom Fighter From Curses To Blessings Frontier Boys, A Novel Future Of Worship, The Gateway To The Seer Realm Glory Invasion Glory Rising Glory Within, The God: Out Of Control, Out Of The Box, Out Of Time God, You’ve Got Mail God And Psychobabble God Chasers God Understands Divorce God’s Plan For Our Success Nehemiah’s Way Godly Success Governors Of Praise Happy Intercessor, The Heal Your Soul, Heal Your World Healing In The Hurting Places Healing Starts Now Healing The Wounds Of The Past Healing Through Spiritual Warfare Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations Here Comes Heaven Hidden Power Of Healing Prayer, The Hidden Power Of Prayer And Fasting, The Hidden Power Of The Blood Of Jesus, The High Calling Hope For Every Moment Hosting The Presence How To Hear God’s Voice I Am Your Sign Igniting Furious Love Insanity Of Unbelief, The Israel’s Prophetic Destiny It’s Your Life, Live Big Jesus Culture Jesus Killed My Church Jewish Roots Journey Of A World Changer Keys To Passing Your Spiritual Tests Kingdom At War, The Kingdom Principles Kisses From A Good God Lady In Waiting

9 26 10 3

Lamb And The Seven-Sealed Scroll, The Lamp, The The Life Giver Life Of Miracles, A Light Belongs In The Darkness Live Big Living Isaiah 54 Lost Art Of Intercession, The Lost Art Of Pure Worship, The Loving Our Kids On Purpose Manifest Presence Marketplace Transformation Message From God, A Miracles Among Muslims



15 3 5 25



My First 40 Days With The Lord New Amplified Pilgrim’s Progress, The New Covenant Prophecy, The No Lost Cause DVD

Majed El Shafie Ken & Jeanne Harrington John Grooters Nathan Byrd Barbie Breathitt David Herzog Jeff Jansen Corey Russell

27 21 10 10 4 3 11 12 21

Don Nori


Danette Joy Crawford Kathy Martin Tommy Tenney Barry Ham

5 17 23 10

Connie Hunter-Urban


Mornay Johnson Joshua Fowler Beni Johnson Cindy Trimm Karen Riley Joan Hunter T D Jakes Peggy Scarborough

12 7 12 24 20 11 11 21

Sid Roth


Bill Johnson & Mike Seth Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda Mahesh Chavda Mahesh Chavda Rick Joyner T D Jakes Bill Johnson Mark & Patti Virkler Sean Smith Darren Wilson Max Davis Jill Shannon Josh Hinds Banning Liebscher Randy Bohlender Daniel Juster Banning Liebscher Abraham John Alan Vincent Myles Munro Paul manwaring Debbie Jones & Jackie Kendall Richard Booker Jim Stovall Joey LeTourneau Bill Johnson Patricia King Josh Hinds Mary Elliott James Goll Chris Dupré and James Goll Danny Silk Don Nori Marsha Gabriel Retha & Aldo McPherson Christine Darg Lauren Anderson & Shawn Doyle Bill Johnson & Eric Johnson Robert Wolff John Bunyan Grant Berry

13 4 4 4 14 11 13 25 22 27 5 22 11 16 2 14 16 12 25 19 17 14 3 23 16 13 15 11 7 9 7 22 19 8 18 5 2 13 27 3 2 27

Index by Title No More Sheets Normal Christianity Nourishing The Seed Open Heaven Oprah’s Jesus Organic Christianity Overcomer, The Our Hands Are Stained With Blood Panoramic Seer, The Permission Granted To Do Church Differently In The 21st Century Pilgrim’s Progress, The New Amplified Power Of Forgiveness, The Power Of Imagination, The Power Of Praise & Worship, The Power Of The Cross, The POWER – To Change Your World Practice Of Honour, The Prayer Changes Things Prayer From The Crypt, The Prayer, Quantum Physics And Hotel Mattresses Prayer Storm – The Hour That Changes The World Prepare Yourself To Be Blessed Preventing The Miscarriage Of Destiny Promise Of The Third Day Prophetic Promise Of The Seventh Day Pure Grace Purpose And Power Of Praise & Worship Raising A Modern Frontier Boy Reclaiming God’s Original Purpose For Your Life Rediscovering The Principle Of Kingdom Citizenship Reformer’s Pledge, The Release The Power Of Jesus Relentless Love Remember Who You Are Restored: 11 Gifts For A Complete Life Risk Factor, The Romancing Death Romancing The Divine Schizophrenic God? School Of The Seers, The Secrets Of The Supernatural Life Seeing Through Heaven’s Eyes Seer, The Seven Secrets To A Phenomenal LIFE Seventy Reasons For Speaking In Tongues Shifting Romance With Israel, The Smith Wigglesworth On Prayer, Power & Miracles Soaring Hope Spiritual Java Spiritual Revolution Spiritual Slavery To Spiritual Sonship Strengthen Yourself In The Lord Stories Of Supernatural Healing Supernatural Anointing Supernatural Destiny Supernatural Experiences Supernatural Forces In Spiritual Warfare Supernatural Healing Supernatural Power Of A Transformed Mind, The Supernatural Provision Supernatural Ways Of Royalty, The T.N.T. Ten Amazing Muslims Touched By God Territorial Spirits

Juanita Bynum Jonathan Welton Bob Mumford Tommy Tenney Kurt & Olivia Bruner Ron McIntosh Richard Booker Michael Brown James Maloney Graham Cooke & Gary Goodell John Bunyan Brian Adams Kerry Kirkwood Terry Law Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda Danny McDaniel Danny Silk Various Authors Hank Kunneman

3 26 18 23 3 18 3 3 17

Jim Berge


James Goll


Kevin Boyd Glen Staples Bruce Allen Bruce Allen Clark Whitten Myles Munro John Grooters

3 23 2 2 27 19 10

Myles Munro


Myles Munro


Various Authors Bill Johnson Thom Gardner Ken Winton Tracy Trost Kevin Dedmon William Schnoebelen Don Nori Steve Shank Jonathan Welton Shawn Gabie Leif Hetland James Goll Howard Partridge Bill Hardom Ray Gannon

24 13 8 27 24 6 21 19 21 26 8 11 9 20 10 8

Roberts Liardon


Lynn Thrush Various Authors Patricia King Jack Frost Bill Johnson Sid Roth Julia Loren Don Nori Sid Roth C Peter Wagner Sid Roth

23 24 15 8 13 20 16 19 20 26 20

Bill Johnson


Mark Hendrickson Bill Johnson & Kris Vallotton Kevin Dedmon Faisal Malick C Peter Wagner


5 3 2 15 16 4 17 22 24 15

13 6 17 26

The 40 Day Soul Fast The 40 Day Soul Fast Leader’s Guide + DVD The 40 Day Soul Fast Participant’s Guide The Children Of Eternity The Daily Prophecy The Designer Bag At The Garbage Dump The Frontier Boys, A Novel The Future Of Worship The Glory Within The Happy Intercessor The Hidden Power Of Healing Prayer The Hidden Power Of Prayer And Fasting The Hidden Power Of The Blood Of Jesus The Insanity Of Unbelief The Kingdom At War The Lamb And The Seven-Sealed Scroll The Lamp The Life Giver The Lost Art Of Intercession The Lost Art Of Pure Worship The New Amplified Pilgrim’s Progress The New Covenant Prophecy The Overcomer The Panoramic Seer The Power Of Forgiveness The Power Of Imagination The Power Of Praise & Worship The Power Of The Cross The Practice Of Honour The Prayer From The Crypt The Prophetic Promise Of The Seventh Day The Purpose And Power Of Praise & Worship The Reformer’s Pledge The Risk Factor The School Of The Seers The Seer The Shifting Romance With Israel The Supernatural Power Of A Transformed Mind The Supernatural Ways Of Royalty The Ultimate Treasure Hunt The Ultimate Guide To Understanding The Dreams You Dream The Voice The Wind And The Rudder Tree Of Life (Etz Chaim) Truth Seekers Ultimate Guide To Understanding The Dreams You Dream, The Ultimate Treasure Hunt, The Unbound Uncover Your Potential Understanding Bible Mysteries Unlocking Heaven: Keys To Living Supernaturally Unmask The Predators

Cindy Trimm Cindy Trimm Cindy Trimm Kenneth Zeigler Brenda Kunneman Jackie MacGirvin John Grooters Nathan Byrd Corey Russell Beni Johnson Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda Mahesh Chavda Mahesh Chavda Max Davis Alan Vincent Richard Booker Jim Stovall Joey LeTourneau James Goll Chris Dupré and James Goll John Bunyan Grant Berry Richard Booker James Maloney Brian Adams Kerry Kirkwood Terry Law Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda Danny Silk Hank Kunneman Bruce Allen

24 24 24 27 15 16 10 4 21 12 4 4 4 5 25 3 23 16 9 7 3 2 3 17 2 15 16 4 22 15 2

Myles Munro


Various Authors Kevin Dedmon Jonathan Welton James Goll Ray Gannon

24 6 26 9 8

Bill Johnson


Bill Johnson & Kris Vallotton Kevin Dedmon


Ira Milligan


Don Nori Dan Smith Eric Walker Sid Roth

19 22 26 20

Ira Milligan


Kevin Dedmon Jack & Trisha Frost Myles Munro Ira Milligan

6 8 18 18

Kevin Dedmon


Lisa Cherry & Kalyn Cherry-Waller Larry Randolph Roberts Liardon Don Nori Joseph Mattera Bill & Beni Johnson Paul Manwaring Bill Johnson Mel Bond Dan Smith


User Friendly Prophecy Visions Of Heaven Voice, The Walk In Generational Blessings Walking In The Supernatural What On Earth Is Glory? When Heaven Invades Earth Why Jesus Appears To People Today Wind And The Rudder, The Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary T D Jakes Expanded Edition Worship: The Pattern Of Things In Heaven Joseph Garlington You May All Prophesy Steve Thompson


20 16 19 17 13 17 14 2 22 11 8 23


Index by Author Adams, Brian Allen, Bruce Anderson, Lauren Aquino, Anna Basconi, Kevin Berge, Jim Berry, Grant Bohlender, Randy Bond, Mel Booker, Richard Boyd, Kevin Breathitt, Barbie Brooks, Steven Brown, Michael Bruner, Kurt & Olivia Bunyan, John Bynum, Juanita Byrd, Andy Byrd, Nathan Cerullo, Morris Chavda, Bonnie Chavda, Mahesh

Cherry, Lisa Clark, Heather Cooke, Graham Crawford, Danette Joy Curran, Sue Darg, Christine Davis, Jessica Davis, Max DeCenso, Frank Dedmon, Kevin

Dedmon, Theresa Doyle, Shawn Dupré, Chris Dvorak, Becky Elliott, Mary Engle, Lou Feucht, Sean Fitzpatrick, Linda Fowler, Joshua Franklin, Judy Frost, Jack Frost, Trisha Gabie, Shawn Gabriel, Marsha Gannon, Ray Gardner, Thom Garlington, Joseph Goll, James

Goll, Michal Ann Goodell, Gary Greaves, Stuart Green, Craig


The Power Of Forgiveness Promise Of The Third Day The Prophetic Promise Of The Seventh Day MO! Cursing The Church Or Helping It? Angels In The Realms Of Heaven Prayer, Quantum Physics & Hotel Mattresses The New Covenant Prophecy Jesus Killed My Church Why Jesus Appears To People Today The Lamb And The Seven-Sealed Scroll The Overcomer Prepare Yourself To Be Blessed Gateway To The Seer Realm Fasting And Prayer Our Hands Are Stained With Blood Oprah’s Jesus The New Amplified Pilgrim’s Progress No More Sheets Fire & Fragrance The Future Of Worship Demolishing Demonic Strongholds The Power Of The Cross The Hidden Power Of Healing Prayer The Hidden Power Of Prayer And Fasting The Hidden Power Of The Blood Of Jesus The Power Of The Cross Unmask The Predators Dance As The Spirit Moves A Divine Confrontation Permission Granted To Do Church Differently In The 21st Century God, You’ve Got Mail Define Your Destiny Through Prayer Miracles Among Muslims For Love’s Sake The Insanity Of Unbelief Catching God’s Heart T.N.T. The Risk Factor The Ultimate Treasure Hunt Unlocking Heaven: Keys To Living Supernaturally Born To Create MO! The Lost Art Of Pure Worship Dare To Believe Living Isaiah 54 Digging The Wells Of Revival Fire & Fragrance Dancing With Jesus Governors Of Praise Experiencing The Heavenly Realm Experiencing Father’s Embrace Spiritual Slavery To Spiritual Sonship Unbound Unbound Secrets Of The Supernatural Life Marketplace Transformation The Shifting Romance With Israel Relentless Love Worship: The Pattern Of Things In Heaven Adventures In The Prophetic Dream Language: The Prophetic Power Of Dreams Empowered Prayer Exploring Your Dreams And Visions Prayer Storm – The Hour That Changes The World The Lost Art Of Intercession The Lost Art Of Pure Worship The Seer Dream Language Permission Granted To Do Church Differently In The 21st Century False Justice Conquering The Game Of Control

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

Grooters, John Ham, Barry Harmon, Bill Harrington, Ken & Jeanne Hauser, Tom Hendrickson, Mark Herzog, David Hetland, Leif Hinds, Josh Hunter, Joan Hunter-Urban, Connie Jakes, T D

Jansen, Jeff John, Abraham Johnson, Mornay Johnson, Beni Johnson, Bill

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6

6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9

9 10 10 10

Johnson, Eric Jones, Debbie Jones, Noel Joyner, Rick Juster, Danier Kendall, Jackie King, Patricia Kirkwood, Kerry Kostyal, Jennifer Kovacs, Aimee Kunneman, Brenda Kunneman, Hank Lane, Vann Law, Terry LeTourneau, Joey Liardon, Roberts Liebscher, Banning Loren, Julia MacGirvin, Jackie Malick, Faisal Maloney, James Manwaring, Paul Martin, Kathy Mattera, Joseph McDaniel, Danny McIntosh, Ron McPherson, Retha & Aldo Milligan, Ira Mumford, Bob Munro, Myles

Raising A Modern Frontier Boy The Frontier Boys: A Novel God Understands Divorce Seventy Reasons For Speaking In Tongues From Curses To Blessings Breaking Free Supernatural Provision Glory Invasion Seeing Through Heaven’s Eyes It’s Your Life, Live Big Healing Starts Now God’s Plan For Our Success Nehemiah’s Way Can You Stand To Be Blessed? Healing The Wounds Of The Past Hope For Every Moment Women Thou Art Loosed 20th Anniv Edn Glory Rising Keys To Passing Your Spiritual Tests Godly Success Beautiful One Experiencing The Heavenly Realm The Happy Intercessor A Life Of Miracles An Apple For The Road Centre Of The Universe Dreaming With God Here Comes Heaven Hosting The Presence Momentum Release The Power Of Jesus Strengthen Yourself In The Lord Supernatural Ways Of Royalty The Supernatural Power Of A Transformed Mind Walking In The Supernatural When Heaven Invades Earth Momentum Lady In Waiting Battle For The Mind: Expanded Edition High Calling Jewish Roots Lady In Waiting Light Belongs In The Darkness Spiritual Revolution The Power Of Imagination Finally Free Dancing Into The Anointing The Daily Prophecy The Prayer From The Crypt Children Of Revival The Power Of Praise And Worship The Life Giver Smith Wigglesworth On Prayer, Power & Miracles Visions Of Heaven Jesus Culture Journey Of A World Changer Supernatural Anointing The Designer Bag At The Garbage Dump 10 Amazing Muslims Touched By God The Panoramic Seer An Apple For The Road Kisses From A Good God What On Earth Is Glory? God And Psychobabble Walk In Generational Blessings POWER - To Change Your World Organic Christianity A Message From God The Ultimate Guide To Understanding The Dreams You Dream Understanding Bible Mysteries Nourishing The Seed Kingdom Principles Reclaiming God’s Original Purpose For Your Life Rediscovering The Principle Of Kingdom Citizenship The Purpose And Power Of Praise And Worship Uncover Your Potential

10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11

12 12 12 12 13 14

14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19

Index by Author Nori, Don

Partridge, Howard Randolph, Larry Riley, Karen Roth, Sid

Russell, Corey Scarborough, Peggy Schneider, Rabbi Kirt Schnoebelen, William Seth, Mike Shafie, Majed El Shank, Steve Shannon, Jill Silk, Danny Slagle, Charles Smith, Dan Smith, Sean Staples, Glen Steen, Mattheus van der Stevenson, Ann Stovall, Jim Taina, Saara Tenney, Tommy Thompson, Steve Thrush, Lynn Trimm, Cindy

Trost, Tracy Various Authors

Vallotton, Kris

Vincent, Alan Virkler, Mark & Patti Voth, Jeff Wagner, C Peter Walker, Eric Wells, Kirstie Welton, Jonathan Whitten, Clark Wilson, Darren Winton, Ken Wolff, Robert Zeigler, Kenneth DVDs

Breaking Demonic Strongholds Breaking Generational Curses God: Out Of Control, Out Of The Box, Out Of Time Manifest Presence Romancing The Divine Supernatural Destiny The Voice 7 Secrets To A Phenomenal L.I.F.E. User Friendly Prophecy Healing In The Hurting Places Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations Stories Of Supernatural Healing Supernatural Experiences Supernatural Healing Truth Seekers Ancient Paths The Glory Within Healing Through Spiritual Warfare Awakening To Messiah Romancing Death Here Comes Heaven Freedom Fighter Schizophrenic God Israel’s Prophetic Destiny Culture Of Honour Loving Our Kids On Purpose The Practice Of Honour Abba Calling The Wind And The Rudder I Am Your Sign Preventing The Miscarriage Of Destiny Dare To Dream Dance! The Lamp Encountering God Through Dance God Chasers Open Heaven You May All Prophesy Soaring Hope Heal Your Soul, Heal Your World The 40 Day Soul Fast The 40 Day Soul Fast Leader’s Guide + DVD The 40 Day Soul Fast Participant’s Guide Restored: 11 Gifts For A Complete Life Amazed By The Power Of God Prayer Changes Things Spiritual Java The Reformer’s Pledge Basic Training For The Prophetic Ministry Basic Training For The Supernatural Ways Of Royalty Study Guide Developing A Supernatural Lifestyle The Supernatural Ways Of Royalty The Kingdom At War 4 Keys To Hearing God’s Voice How To Hear God’s Voice Cavetime Supernatural Forces In Spiritual Warfare Territorial Spirits Etz Chaim: Tree Of Life An Atheist’s Journey To The Cross Eyes Of Honour Normal Christianity The School Of The Seers Pure Grace Filming God: A Journey Of Scepticism To Faith Igniting Furious Love Remember Who You Are My First 40 Days With The Lord The Children Of Eternity Freedom Fighter No Lost Cause A Christmas Snow



20 20 20 20

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