Manuale tls 2012 eng

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KOLVER S.r.l. VIA MARCO CORNER, 19/21 36016 THIENE (VI) ITALIA Declare that the new machine here described:

TLS POSITIONING ARM Is in conformity with the following standards and other normative documents: 2006/42/CE, 2006/95/CE, 2004/108/CE, EN 60745-1, EN 60204-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4. It is also in conformity with RoHS normative. Name: Position: Thiene, Jan. 1st 2012

Giovanni Colasante General Manager Person authorized to compile the technical file in Kolver

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Code: 0M0TLS

Date: 11/04/2011

Rev.: 2

Redazione: SP

WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury, before using or servicing tool, read and understand the following information as well as the safety instructions (Item number: 0MS000). The features and descriptions of our products are subject to change without prior notice.

TLS POSITIONING ARM Main features: - Tension: +12V DC - 3 programmable pieces - 6 programmable programs per piece - up to 93 screws per piece - Screw position (lenght/ angle) - Programmable Tolerance - Statistics - Manual Reset - Password protected - Units of measurement (mm and in) - Language - Accuracy: lenght ± 1 mm angle ± 1° Options: - External keyboard - Serial port to print

General view The TLS arm is an 'intelligent' system that error-proofs your assembly ensuring that every screw is in the correct location at the right torque. Assembly sequences and X-Y coordinates are easily programmed with user interface screens through the keypad from the intuitive menu. Torque programs are automatically selected and enabled from the screwdriver controller based on the TLS Arm locations and current sequence step. No PC is required. A fixture to hold your work in the same place every time is highly recommended. The TLS Arm consists of a torque reaction arm with an encoder mounted at the pivot point and with a linear metering resistor. The encoder records the angles and the linear resistor records the distance. The TLS Control Box converts the angle counts of the encoder and the distance detected by the resistor to the precise X-Y position of the Screwdriver. X-Y accuracy can be set by the operator according to each application.

Front side

Main screen:

Menu: To enter press ESC. At the first starting this tool will ask for a password. The default password is 0000. - Enter one digit through UP/DOWN - Press OK to confirm - Do the same for all the 4 digits. If you want to modify the password, see below. Move through the menu pressing UP/ DOWN. Menu: -

Piece Piece Data Set Screw Statistics Lenght Angle Auto RS Password Unit Language Error mode

Piece To select the desired piece. 3 programmable pieces available. Use: -

Press OK Move to the desired screw through UP/ DOWN Press OK to confirm

Automatically the Menu will be updated with all the new data.

Piece data Main features of the pre-set piece: - Total number of screws - Number of programs Use: -

Press OK The data are visualized on the display Press OK again to exit.

Set Screw To insert the position of the screws.


Use: Notes: -

Press OK on POSITION Select YES or NO through UP/DOWN. NO: back to the menu, YES: enter in programming mode. All the previous positions will be deleted. Press OK to confirm.

Press OK Move the screwdriver to the exact position of the screw. On the display you will see the coordinates. Press OK to confirm (max 93 screws) Automatically you will SC (screw) increases Press UP, if you want to increase the program (max 6 programs) Press ESC when all the screws are well positioned and their data saved.

It’s not possible to increase the program if first a screw has not been positioned. The program number is incremental. The screws number on the display is the total amount. The distance and the angle values are automatically set The program number is indicative and not obligatory. Useful if screws have different sizes. In case of error, press ESC and repeat the sequence.

Statistics Use: -

Pieces done Number of reset (this is important to know how many piece undone).

Press OK See the data


Press OK Press longer OK to exit or press longer RESET to reset the values.

Lenght/ Angle Tolerance value for the angle (degrees) and distance (mm). Use: -

Press OK on the desired line Increase or decrease through UP/DOWN Press OK to confirm.

Notes: - Values change from 0 to 200 mm and from 0 to 200°. It’s important to use carefully this function in order to be more precise as possible (an inaccuracy will result in final errors).

Auto RS Any time a program or a piece is done, the unit asks the confirmation to the operator (press OK to confirm). Use: -

Press OK Move through UP/Down Press OK to confirm

Password: To modify the password to enter the menu: Use: -

Press OK Modify through UP/Down Press OK to confirm Do the same for all the 4 digits.

Unit To select the lenght measurement unit: - millimetres (mm) - inches (in) Use: -

Press OK Through UP/Down select the unit Press OK to confirm or ESC to exit.

Language To select the language. Use: -

Press OK


Select the language through UP/DOWN Press OK to confirm or ESC to exit.

Error mode To select the 2 main operation modes. - Repeat screw - Repeat program In Repeat screw at each error at the end of the cycle, the unit will repeat the same screw. In Repeat Program at each error program will go back to its first screw. In this modality, between a OK screw and another, Stop Motor is not activated. Repeat screw: - EDU1BR/SG and EDU2BR/SG - EDU1AE - EDU1FR/SG Repeat Program: - EDU1AE/TOP

Reset Reset button allows to restart the cycle. It can be useful when a pattern must be rejected. at each error. Any reset cycle will be added in Reset statistics.

Connections Before using or servicing tool, read and understand the following information as well as the safety instructions. An incorrect connection can damage the system. TLS box can be connected to all Kolver control units with I/O connector: EDU1FR/SG, EDU..BR/SG, EDU1AE and EDU1AE/TOP.

Connections to EDU1AE and EDU..BR/SG

Connections to EDU1FR/SG

External connections As an option, it’s available an external keypad for a remote control of the complete system. Stop motor signal stops the system (and then the screwdriver) when a tension reaches the input connector. It could be useful in case of absence of piece.

I/O signals in non-Kolver control unit In case of signals coming from non-Kolver devices, please pay attention on connections. OK screw and External Error signals require a direct current: VccIn min 12Vcc and VccIn max 30Vcc.

OK Screw It’s enough that the signal is on for 0.2 sec to be read. We suggest not to have signals longer than 5 sec.

External error This signal advises of an error and will close the contact on J2. This signal is not necessary for the correct operations of the system. If not connected it won’t compromise the accuracy and the result of the screwing. The operations of this signal depend on the error modalities: - in Repeat Screw, the same screw will be repeat but to continue the cycle the operator must push ESC. During the time the system keeps still, Stop Motor signal will remain active. - in Repeat Sequence after the error, the system won’t ask to push ESC but after 1 sec it will restart from the first screw of that program.

Stop motor Stop Motor signal blocks the system when the arm is out of position or in Menu stage. -

Arm in correct position: contact open - Arm in incorrect position: contact close on GND of J1. If the system must be stopped through a direct connection to the control unit, it’s necessary a connection to mass.

If it should be necessary a not direct contact to mass but only an input tension, it could be sufficient make connect as below. Max tension: 30Vcc

Before using or servicing tool, read and understand the following information as well as the safety instructions. An incorrect connection can damage the system and not be covered by warranty.

SERIAL PRINT: If you desire to download and display data, you can do so by using Hyperterminal accessory, standard to Windows through the serial port on the back of TLS box. Main parameters: Bauds rate: 9600 Bit data: 8 Parity: none Bit stop: 1

Exemple of parameters in Hyperterminal

Once connected, the system will automatically send all the data.

Connection RS232

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