Oms manual draft latest 4 iab [compatibility mode]

Page 1

Contents First User log g on……………………………………………………… 3 Logging in…………………………………………………………….. 4 Getting Started Tool Certification Checklist………………………. 5 Getting Started Jobs/Rounds Checklist……………………………. 6 Getting Started Audit Devices Checklist…………………………… 7 Ordering Records Records……………………………………………………... 8 Filtering Records……………………………………………………… 9 - 11 Copying Records…………………………………………………....... 12 Editing Records……………………………………………………….. 13 Configuring Custom Lists…………………………………………….. 14 - 15 C fi i E Configuring Extra t iinfo f fi fields………………………………………….. ld 16 Configuring Target devices…………………………………………… 17 - 18 Configuring Tool Certification Transducers………………………… 19 - 24 Adding Tool Controllers………………………………………………. 25 - 26 Creating Tool Records…………………………………….…………. 27 – 29 Tool Maintenance………………………………………………………… 30 – 32 Creating Application records…………………………………………. 33 - 35 Creating Tool Application Links……………………………………… 36 - 37 Performing a Tool Certification Sequence…………………………. 38 - 50 Creating Audit Devices Devices……………………………………………….. 51 - 52 Audit Tools on Applications (Jobs)………………………………. 53 - 60 Audit Tools on Applications (Rounds)………………………………. 61 - 62 Audit Tools on Applications (Groups)………………………………. 63 - 64 Creating Tool Parts……………………………………………………. 65 Config ring User Gro Configuring Groups…………………………………………….. ps 66 - 67 Configuring Users…………………………………………………….. 68 - 69 Configuring Custom Calendar………………………………………… 70 - 71 Configuring Calibration/Verification Routines……………………….. 72 - 73 Downloading/Uploading Users/Jobs/Rounds/Groups……………… 74 - 84 Data Capture via Jobs...................................................................... 85 Index of Icons (Appendix)……………………………………………… - 91

Logging in (First Use Only) Run Program

Enter User details

Go to “Logging in� Procedure

Logging in

Run Program

Change Ch Language

Click ‘Log in’

Select User name from drop down list and enter password

Select radio button next to required language (Flag)

C Complete l t

Getting Started Tool Certification Checklist

Run Program

Create Custom Lists

Add Tool Records to the Database

Configure any Required Extra Info Fields

Add Application (Joint) Records to the Database

Setup Target Ports

Link tools to Applications (which tool is on what joint)

Set up Certification Transducers

Perform Certifications

Getting Started Jobs/Rounds Checklist

Run Program

Create Custom Lists

Add Application (Joint) Records to the Database

Configure any Required Extra Info Fields

Add Jobs/Rounds/Groups to the Database

Setup Target Ports

Download To Devices

Setup Adapter I.D’s (if using IQWrench)

Perform Measurements

Getting Started Audit Devices Checklist

Run Program

Create Custom Lists

Configure any Required Extra Info Fields

Setup Target Ports

Create Calibration/Verification Routines

Add A Audit dit D Devices i Records to the Database

Perform Calibrations/Verifications

General Navigation - Ordering records

Click on column header to order A-Z. A second click orders by Z-A.

General Navigation - Filtering records (Adding)

Right Click Column Header

Select “Add Add Filter Filter”

Type in filter criteria in box provided and click OK.


General Navigation - Filtering records (Adding)

Black Line indicates the filters applied to each column

Number of records displayed out of total records.

General Navigation - Filtering records (Removing)

Right Click Column Header

Select “Remove Filter�


General Navigation - Copying records

Enter relevant area of software

Highlight record to be copied p

Click Copy R Record d

Change any red fields to unique value

Back to Start


General Navigation - Editing records

Enter relevant area of software

Highlight record to be edited

Click Edit R Record d

Change values as required

Back to Start


Configuring Custom Lists pg1 Click Settings

Click Configure Custom Lists

Highlight List to be configured

Click Configure List

Configuring Custom Lists pg2

Click Add

Enter value

Value NOT Added to list

Abandon Changes and back to start

Value Added to list


Configuring Extra Info Fields pg1 Click Settings

Click Settings (for page 2 of 3)

Click Extra Info

Highlight record type to add additional fields to

Type in name of extra info field(s)

Back to Start


Creating Target Ports pg1 Click Settings

Click Configure Target Ports

Select Option

Creating Target Ports pg2

Click Add

Enter Name for Port and Click on Green to Accept

Enter Values

Back to Start


Creating Certification Transducers pg1 Click Audit Devices

Click Add

Creating Certification Transducers pg2

Click Settings

Click Certification transducers

Creating Certification Transducers pg3

Add a new Transducer Group

Click Add (Next to Transducer group window)

Enter Name and Click on Green to Accept

Creating Certification Transducers pg4

Add a new Transducer Group

Highlight Transducers Group to configure

Click Add (Next to Transducers window)

Creating Certification Transducers pg5

Select transducer required

Creating Certification Transducers Alternate details pg5

Enter Values and Click on Green to Accept

Back to Start


Creating Crib Controllers pg1

Click Settings

Click Configure Crib Controllers

Click Add

Enter Name for Port and Click on Green to Accept

Creating Crib Controllers pg2

Enter Values and Click on Green to Accept

Back to Start


Creating Tools pg1 Click Tools

Click Add

Enter Tool details


Go to Alternate Details

Go to Tools Extra info

Creating Tools pg1 (Alternate details)

Enter Tool details

Go to Tools Extra info

Creating Tools pg2 (Extra Info)

Click on Extra Information Tab

Enter Values

Back to Start Complete

Tool Maintenance Pg1

Click Tools

Click on Tool Maintenance “Service”

Click Add

Tool Maintenance (Internal) Pg2

Click Part Number/Description and select parts

Click quantity and the totals will be automatically calculated

Tool Maintenance (External) Pg3

Cli k V Click Vendor d ffrom a d drop down list

Enter values

Creating Applications (Joints) pg1 Click Application

Click Add

Enter Application details

Creating Applications (Joints) pg2

Click on Secondary Values Tab

Enter Secondary Values

Creating Applications (Joints) pg3

Click on Extra Information Tab

Enter Values

Back to Start Complete

Linking Tools to Applications pg1 Click Link Tools to Applications

Click Add

E t details Enter d t il If angle is required as a Second Parameter it must be selected here. Once selected the Priority needs to also be selected, this determines whether the torque or angle is displayed first.

Linking Tools to Applications pg2 Click Link Tools to Applications

Enter details

Back to Start Complete

Performing Tool Certifications (standard and transducerised) pg1 Click Link Tools to Applications

Highlight Tool and Joint combination to be certified

Click Link New Certification

Is Tool T Transducerised d i d ?

Goto Transducerised Tools

Goto Standard Tools

Performing Tool Certifications (standard and transducerised) pg2

Enter Values

Back to Start

Select if a Certification or a Validation is required

Performing Tool Certifications (standard) pg3

Enter Values

Back to Start

Select the group of transducers to be used for the Certification/validation

Performing Tool Certifications (standard) pg4

Click to cancel the last reading

Run tool into measurement equipment

Torque and angle values displayed from the specific transducer group

Readings can be entered manually if no automated equipment is being used.

Performing Tool Certifications (transducerised) pg2

Enter Values

Back to Start

Performing Tool Certifications (transducerised) pg 3b

Input the current Tool Calibration factor

Performing Tool Certifications (transducerised) pg3

Run tool into measurement equipment

If the tool is failing the defined criteria the reason will be shown below the Pass/Fail box

Click to cancel the last reading

Performing Tool Certifications pg4

Continue to run tool into measurement equipment until p predefined number of cycles is complete

Back to Start

Readings can be entered manually if no automated equipment is being used.

Performing Tool Certifications pg5

Enter choice (available for transducerised tooling ONLY)

Goto Tool Cert pg 7

Performing Tool Certifications pg6

Run tool into measurement equipment

Back to Start

Performing Tool Certifications pg7

Review Certification data pg 1

Performing Tool Certifications pg8

Review Certification data pg 2

Back to Start

Performing Tool Certifications pg9

Make printing selection

Back to Start


Creating Audit Devices pg1 Click Audit devices

Click Add

Enter Device details

Creating Audit Device pg2 (Extra Info)

Click on Extra Information Tab

Enter Values

Back to Start Complete

Audit Tools on Applications (Jobs) Click Audit Tools on Applications

Click Jobs

Click Add

Enter Application pp details

Measurement Mode ?


Click Dip




Audit Tools on Applications (Audit Jobs)

Enter Values

Go to Extra Info

Audit Tools on Applications (Click Dip Jobs)

Enter Values

Go to TMAC Settings

Audit Tools on Applications (Peak Jobs)

Enter Values

Go to TMAC Settings

Audit Tools on Applications (Impulse Jobs)

Enter Values

Go to TMAC Settings

Audit Tools on Applications (Yield Jobs)

Enter Values

Go to Extra Info

Audit Tools on Applications (Jobs) TMAC Settings

Click on TMAC Settings Tab

Enter Values

Go to Extra Info

Audit Tools on Applications (Jobs) Extra Info

Click on Extra Information Tab

Enter Values

Back to Start Complete

Audit Tools on Applications (Rounds) Click Audit Tools on Applications

Click Rounds

Click Add

Enter Round details

Click on the box directly under Jobs to amend the contents of the round

Back to Start

Go to Extra Info

Audit Tools on Applications (Rounds) Extra Info

Click on Extra Information Tab

E t Values Enter V l

Back to Start Complete

Audit Tools on Applications (Groups) Click Audit Tools on Applications

Click Groups

Click Add

Enter Group details

Click on the box directly under Rounds to amend the contents of the Group

Back to Start

Go to Extra Info

Audit Tools on Applications (Groups) Extra Info

Click on Extra Information Tab

E t Values Enter V l

Back to Start Complete

Creating Tool Parts Click Settings

Click Tool Parts

Click Add

Enter Values

Back to Start


Configuring User Groups pg1 Click Settings

Click Settings (for page 2 of 3)

Click User Groups

Click Add

Type in name of User Group

Back to Start

Configuring User Groups pg2

Type in name of User Group

Back to Start

Click on bar to move the slider to required setting for each category

Configuring Users pg1 Click Settings

Click Settings (for page 2 of 3)

Click Users

Click Add

Enter User Details

Configuring Users pg2

Click on Extra Information Tab

Enter Values

Back to Start


Configuring Custom Calendar pg1 Click Settings

Left Click on day header to toggle the condition of the day between working and non working for that day every month. Right Click on day header to change the working hours for that day every month.

Click Settings (for page 2 of 3)

Click Non working days

Enter Details

Left Click on individual day to toggle the condition of that day only between working and non working. Right Click on individual day to change the working hours for that day only.

Configuring Custom Calendar pg2 Click on Hour to toggle the condition of the whole hour between working and non working.

Enter Values

Back to Start


Click on box to toggle the condition of the 15min interval between working and non working.

Configuring Calibration/Verification Routines pg1 Click Settings

Click Settings (for page 2 of 3)

Click Settings (for page 3 of 3) Clicking on the ‘+’ inserts an action in the position above. Click Calibration routines

Clicking on the ‘X’ removes the action from the list.

Click Add

Enter Details Once one Action has been added, A new line appears belo below read ready for the ne nextt action action. The user can add as many actions as required.

Configuring Calibration/Verification Routines pg2

Click on Extra Information Tab

Enter Values

Back to Start


Downloading To Audit Tools Click Audit Tools on Applications

Click Comms

Up/Download What?


Test Link




Downloading to Audit Tools (Testing Link)

Select Port Which device is connected to

Cli k OK Click


Downloading to Audit Tools (Users pg1)

Select Port Which device is connected to

Select Super p User

Downloading to Audit Tools (Users pg2)

Select Port Which device is connected to

Select Super p User

Downloading to Audit Tools (Users pg3)

Select Standard Users

Back to Start


Downloading to Audit Tools (Jobs)

Select Port Which device is connected to And click download

Select Jobs to Download

Cli k OK Click


Uploading from Audit Tools (Jobs)

Select Port Which device is connected to And click upload

Select Jobs to upload

Click OK


Downloading to Audit Tools (Rounds)

Select Port Which Whi hd device i iis connected to And click download

Select Rounds to Download

Cli k OK Click


Uploading from Audit Tools (Rounds)

Select Port Which device is connected to And click upload

Select Rounds to Upload

Click OK


Downloading to Audit Tools (Groups)

Select Port Which Whi hd device i iis connected to And click download

Select Groups to Download

Cli k OK Click


Uploading from Audit Tools (Groups)

Select Port Which device is connected to And click upload

Data Capture via Jobs

Select Rounds to upload

Click OK


Capture Job Data

Click Audit Tools on Applications

Click Comms

Click Capture Job Data

Capture Job Data

Select Port Which device is connected to And click upload

Select Rounds to upload

Click OK


Capture Job Data

Select Port Which device is connected to And click upload

Select Rounds to upload

Click OK


Capture Job Data

Select Port Which device is connected to And click upload

Select Rounds to upload

Click OK


Capture Job Data

Select Port Which device is connected to And click upload

Select Rounds to upload

Click OK


Appendix A – General Icons

The outside of the bolt head Icon(s) ( ) turns green when the cursor passes over it.

Select Language

The outside of the bolt head Icon(s) turns orange when it is disabled. Disabled Icons indicate a selection elsewhere on the page needs to be made OR modified before the icon can be used.

Log Out

OK / Accept / Enter

Log In

NOK / Discard / Cancel


Go Back one page

Close Program

Go Back home (Main Menu)

Appendix Ai – Main Menu Icons

Tools Menu

Applications (joints) Menu

Link Tools to Applications (assigning tools to joints)

Audit Devices Menu

Audit devices on Applications (Jobs and Rounds area)

Custom Report Menu

Settings Menu

Appendix Aii – Settings Icons

Configure Weights

Configure User Groups

Purge Log Files

Server Connection Verified

Configure Custom Lists

Configure Users

Change Database Server

Server Connection not Verified

Configure Tool Parts List

Database Logging

Set Database Backup Path

Search / Find

Configure Comm Ports

Database Functions

Backup Database

Edit Custom List

Configure Tool Controllers

Configure Extra information fields

Restore Database

Configure Audit device Calibration / Verification routines

Configure Transducer Groups

Configure Custom Calendar


Fill Database with Sample records (Eng. ONLY)

Purge Orphaned Logins


Appendix Aiii – Comms Menu Icons

Enter Communications Menu

Upload / Download Groups

Test Communications Link with Device

U l dT Upload Traces ffrom D Device i

Download Users to Device

Download to Device

Capture Date from Device via i A Auto t Print Pi t

Upload from Device

Upload / Download Jobs

Upload / Download Rounds

Appendix Aiv – Navigation Icons

Add Record

Go to First

View Job Data

Delete Record


View Subgroup Data

Copy Record


Edit Record

Go to Last

View Record History

Move Up

Pi t Print

M Move D Down

Copy Dynamic Fields to Static Fields

Zoom Out (Traces)

Appendix Av – Audit Devices on Applications Icons

Jobs Menu

Rounds Menu

Groups Menu

Traces Menu

Configure Auto ID Heads (IQ Wrench)

Appendix Avi – Misc Icons

Configure Custom Report

Book tool in to Service

Run Tool Count Report

Book tool out of Service

Tool Maintenance/Service

Perform Audit Device Calibration / Verification

View Calibration / Verification

Perform Tool Certification

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