Nudes by jojo
“Nakedness is a mark of material reality; whereas nudity transcends that historical and social existence, and is a kind of cultural disguise.” Nead Lynda (1992): 16 The Female Nude: Art, Obscenity and sexuality London, Routledge
Dedicated to my major patrons: my brother and my wife
With continuing respect and gratitude to all my creative collaborators who choose to work with me, both in front and behind the camera and apologies to those sitters that didn’t make it into the nal book this time.
Limited edition of 90 copies (with 10 Artist proofs)
Figs. 1/ 2/ 3
I came to photography late, waiting until I was 32
With hindsight I can now appreciate that I had set
before picking up my rst camera back in 1996.
myself a pretty steep challenge because many viewers
However, from that moment on, I was hooked,
nd naked portraiture di cult to engage with, it:
particularly enjoying three genres within the medium: portraiture, self-portraiture and naked portraiture. I
remains an odd and surprising idea. Portraits have
continue to make projects on the rst two but after
tended to depict their sitters’ public selves. They
more than 20 years, (several books and countless
re ect the ways people project themselves… Yet
exhibitions, including a solo-show in Plymouth
nakedness seems intrinsically private. Most people
Museum and Art Gallery), my fascination with naked
would be horri ed at the thought of strangers
portraiture ebbed about ve years ago.
contemplating pictures of them in a state of undress. *2
What exactly is naked portraiture? Interestingly I never had much di culty nding people These works incorporate the familiar conventions of the portrait genre.. Yet the images also possess a
willing to get naked in the name of art, (originally nding me through notices in cafes, libraries etc, and
documentary or anthropological aspect. We are invited
latterly through open call-outs on social media). From
to scrutinise people who inhabit places or cultures
the start I was happy to work with anybody who
alien to the typical art gallery spectator. *1
presented themselves, regardless of their body shape, ethnicity, sexual preference etc. There is no body-
For me, the nudity was only ever one element of the nished portrait, the others being: the setting the
fascism in my practice. But, whilst I had a seemingly never-ending supply of participants, those willing to
photograph was made in, (usually the subject’s home
buy my books or engage in my exhibitions were far
or a favourite location), the pose they adopted
fewer and more reticent.
(usually arrived at through collaboration), and the accompanying text they provided, (latterly about how they felt about their body). All of these elements came together in my quest to get to the heart and soul of
who I was photographing.
My naked portraiture projects can be seen in
One of the things that separate us from animals is that
comparison to Diane Arbus (with her nudist camp
minute, momentary distance between I and my body.
pictures), Boris Mikhailov’s 1998 CASE HISTORY
The body is the form to which we must relate and the
photographs, as well as to a lesser extent work such
vessel that carries us through life. The body is the
as DEMOCRACY made by David Bailey in 2005, or the
house of the self, the dwelling of the soul. But the
almost identical approach of Katy Grannan, with her
body can also be our prison and our burden. I, and my
2005 book, AMERICAN MODELS and Greg Friedler’s
body. In between the two is a gap lled with riddles
NAKED LONDON produced in 2000.
and secrets, darkness and promise. Out of that gap or incision, or wound, grow songs and stories, religions,
Although, I no longer have the compulsion to make
dreams and discoveries. *3
naked portraits, I have not ended my relationship to the human form and am con dent, the variety of
Photographing nudes is not without controversy, for a
approaches I take in this book, will not be my last
start pornography, like beauty is in the eye of the
exploration into the photographic nude.
beholder and whilst I don’t consider my nude works in anyway sexual, others have.
I have long been aware of my delight in seeing what is normally kept hidden, both the physical and
Next, a person working in this eld must accept
emotional. This goes a long way to my enjoyment of
accusations of producing fodder for, what Mulvey
working with the human form (and the people who
termed, the male gaze. The gaze is typically described
inhabit it) within my practice. I am interested in what it
as presenting woman as naked and passive, and men
means to be alive because I am very aware that I, and
as dressed and active, the consequence of this being
you, and all those now living, will one-day die. The
to objectify women for what is presumed to be a male
body in particular, starts decaying almost immediately:
viewer. I hope that by working with men, women and those who call themselves non-binary, in exactly the
same way, I can be found not guilty of this charge.
Lastly, I may be questioned about the power
All that remains is for me to thank you for parting with
relationships inherent in being an elderly man
your hard earned cash to purchase this copy and by
photographing many younger women, however I use
doing so support me in my endeavours to live my best
the same methodology regardless of who I work with.
life, making my photographs in the hope that others
As I work with whomever responds to my call outs, (I
can appreciate them and I can raise enough cash from
never use an agency) I have to accept the
each project to fund the next.
demographics of those presenting themselves to me. I collaborate rather than instruct my sitters and they are
Since 1996 I have had a couple of “hissy- ts” with
always welcome to have a chaperone accompany
photography, giving away my books and selling all my
kit cheaply, only to be driven to start all over again a few years later!PLAYTIME represents a renewed
When viewing my work I hope you nd yourself
commitment to getting my work to the public on an
thinking about your own body, your relationship to it
annual basis. I want to use the photo-book to do this
and the fact that it will not last forever!
because within its pages the viewer can have a more intimate relationship with my work.
Having spent so many years focussing on the surface of the body I am toying with the idea of getting deeper
The main in uence for this renewed vigour, (as well as
in future projects, allowing myself to be in uenced by
my encroaching 60th birthday) is the MA I am
performance art of the sort made in the 1970’s:
undertaking with Falmouth University and the work of the Japanese photographer Araki who seems to want
If the tradition of the female nude emphasises the
to photograph everything that comes towards him
exterior of the body and the completion of its surfaces,
before he dies. Indeed, Araki has created a
then women’s body art reveals the interior, the
photographic novel, the kind of autobiographical tale
terrifying secret that is hidden within the idealised
that is known in Japanese as the watashi-shosetsu or
exterior. *4
the shi-shosetsu, literally the ‘novel of the I,’ and it is my deepest hope that PLAYTIME can grow into
But we’ll leave that journey for another day.
something similar, both a dairy but also a love letter to life from this ageing photographer.
Look out for number 2 which will be available in 2023.
Jojo. 2022.
Figs. 4/ 5/ 6
Fig. 1 Jojo (2000) from PLYMOUTH UNVEILED High Wycombe DB PUBLISHING Fig. 2 Jojo (2000) from PLYMOUTH UNVEILED High Wycombe DB PUBLISHING Fig. 3 Jojo (2000) from PLYMOUTH UNVEILED High Wycombe DB PUBLISHING. Fig. 4 Jojo (2017) from PLYMOUTH UNVEILED NAKED TRUTH Plymouth Self-Published Fig. 5 Jojo (2017) from PLYMOUTH UNVEILED NAKED TRUTH Plymouth Self-Published Fig. 6 Jojo (2017) from PLYMOUTH UNVEILED NAKED TRUTH Plymouth Self-Published
*1. Hammer Mar n (2007): 109. THE NAKED PORTRAIT 1900 TO 2007 Edinburgh Na onal galleries of Scotland *2. Hammer Mar n (2007): 012. THE NAKED PORTRAIT 1900 TO 2007 Edinburgh Na onal galleries of Scotland *3. Museet Moderna (2017): 20. FRANCESCA WOODMAN: ON BEING AN ANGEL Koenig Books *4 Nead Lynda (1992): 66. THE FEMALE NUDE: ART, OBSCENITY AND SEXUALITY London, Routledge
List of gures
Photographs: copyright Jojo 2022 Design: ………………………………? Printed by SHORT RUN PRESS, Exeter Self Published by Jojo and NEW STREET PRODUCTIONS in Plymouth
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrial system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
Other books by JOJO
ISBN 0-9538803-0-3
( rst edition) 2022 (second edition) ISBN 9781841022628 ISBN 9781908678164
For more information or to talk to Jojo: