Elise shawl written

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Elise Shawl

Materials : Approximately 400 yards of sock weight yarn Size I (5.5mm) crochet hook Locking stitch markers Instructions: Row 1: (Starting with a slip knot) ch 5, dc in 5th chain from hook (mark this center stitch with a locking stitch marker), ch 2, dc in 5th chain from hook, turn Row 2: ch 3 (counts as a dc), dc 5 times in ch 2 space, dc in center dc (mark with locking stitch marker), dc 5 times in ch 2 space, dc in 3rd chain of beginning ch, turn Row 3: ch 5, dc in st below, ch 1, *dc in 2nd dc of shell below, tc in next dc, dc in next dc, ch 1*, dc in center dc, ch2, dc in center dc (mark with locking stitch marker), ch 2, dc in center dc, ch 1, repeat from * to *, dc in 3rd chain of beginning chain, ch 2, dc in 3rd chain of beginning chain, turn Row 4: ch 3, dc 5 times in ch 2 space, ch 1, dc in tc, ch 1, dc 5 times in ch 2 space, dc in center dc (mark with locking stitch marker), dc 5 times in ch 2 space, ch 1, dc in tc, ch 1, dc 5 times in ch 2 space, dc in 3rd chain of beginning ch, turn. Row 5: ch 5, dc in stitch below, ch 1, dc in 2nd dc of shell below, tc in next dc, dc in next dc, ch 1, * (dc, ch2, dc) in next dc, ch 1, dc in 2nd dc of shell below, tc in next dc, dc in next dc, ch 1* (repeat from * to * until you reach the center dc), (dc, ch 2, dc (mark as center), ch 2, dc) in center dc, ch 1, dc in 2nd dc of shell below, tc in next dc, dc in next dc, ch 1, (repeat from * to * until you reach beginning chain of row below), dc in 3rd chain of beginning chain, ch 2, dc in 3rd chain of beginning chain, turn Row 6: ch 3, *dc 5 times in ch 2 space, ch 1, dc in tc, ch 1* (repeat from * to * until ch 2 space before center dc), dc 5 times in ch 2 space, dc in center dc (mark with locking stitch marker), dc 5 times in ch 2 space, ch 1, dc in tc, ch 1, *dc 5 times in ch 2 space, ch 1, dc in tc, ch 1* (repeat from * to * until you reach the beginning chain of row below), dc in 3rd chain of beginning chain.

Designed with Intwined Pattern Studio (intwinedstudio.com)

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Repeat rows 5 and 6, 11 more times or until desired length. Start picot border after completing a "row 4". Picot Border: Picot in first chain dc, then *sc in next 2 dc, picot in 3rd dc of shell,sc in next 2 dc, sc in chain space, sc in dc, sc in chain space * repeat from * to * until center st. dc in center dc, ch 6, slip stitch in first ch, dc in center dc. continue repeating from * to * until last dc, picot in last dc. (picot = sc, ch 3, slip stitch in fist ch, sc)

Designed with Intwined Pattern Studio (intwinedstudio.com)

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