Factory 49 at Supermarket

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Factory 49 at Supermarket

Pam Aitken Amarie Bergman Annelies Jahn Ivana Jovanovic Michelle Le Dain Pamela Leung Kate Mackay Chris Packer Anya Pesce Lisa Sharp

Factory 49 at Supermarket

Factory 49

abstraction + intimacy @ Supermarket

Factory 49 Inc. is a non-profit, artist-managed gallery located in a

Factory 49 proudly presents the work of ten artists who have worked at

re-purposed factory building in the Inner West of Sydney, Australia.

Factory 49, and/or who have exhibited at the gallery over the past year.

Founded in 2006, Factory 49 provides a specific platform for

Our practices deal variously with the traditions and visual language

non-objective and reductive abstract art. The Sydney exhibition

of abstraction. As abstractionists there are common elements that

program of 35+ shows per year, as well as ongoing international

underlie our work; most obviously there is a turning away from the

projects, provides a valuable platform for our community of emerging

world of objective appearances and representation.

and established artists to engage in experimentation and gain

exposure in this field.

would be filled with surfaces, forms, colour effects, pattern, an

If we were shoppers in an art supermarket our baskets

interest in perception, systems and an emphasis on materials and repetitive process. Yet abstraction offers much more than mere aesthetic identification. Its historical legacy grounds it with an ethic of experimentation and challenge to the banality, complexity and commercialism of the observable world. Collectively responding to the theme of intimacy, the work exhibited here engages with the capacity of abstraction - an enduring and influential idiom – to connect to a much more human narrative. This response is actually to resist becoming part of a homogenised art supermarket experience.

Intimacy is about being human; it is a felt state, of closeness,

familiarity, fraught interactions and the warmth of connection to others. It is contained in aspects of everyday life as we engage with the world: through rituals, actions of the body, touch, play, language, Exhibition Catalogue

communication, but it is also ephemeral, an abstraction. Through

Factory 49 at Supermarket

the use of abstract forms, unconventional materials and unexpected

23-26 March, 2017 Supermarket 2017

modes of presentation our works seek to address, evoke or perhaps

Stockholm Independent Art Fair

even disguise, intimacy.

Svarta Huset, Metro Telefonplan Stockholm ISBN 978-0-9874453-2-2 Designed by Annelies Jahn


Lisa Sharp March 2017 Factory 49 Management Committee 3

Pam Aitken

The Possibilities of Painting This work is about the ready-made object. Leaving industrial colour as it is in a mass-produced object and isolating it from its original marketable product allows the object’s aesthetics to come forth and be appreciated for itself. Then its relationship to painting is fully understood and the possibilities of painting extended.


Amarie Bergman

Among an array of possibilities, intimacy can take the forms of revelation and containment. These are addressed in this suite of three components. The possibility for intimate fluency can be courted whenever two of anything meet never mind touch. In the case of a white cube, each of its planes encounter four different edges that, when combined, create an exponentially relational object. Perceptions are influenced by many variables, such as proximity (near or far distance, closeness to other objects), viewing angle, light and shadow. On the other hand, with an image of a perfect square printed on paper, its four edges touch the surrounding expanse of whiteness, which by association, continues to interface well beyond its own perimeters. Architecture generally conveys space through its very boundaries: the separations are between one contained space and another. In the housing design of certain insects during gestation, a cocoon encloses and protects its fragile contents for a limited time. Similarly, an elliptical oval, made from scented felted wool, can epitomize the extreme tenderness associated with intimacy.


Annelies Jahn

intimacy one surrounds one supports scale instigates an intimacy between the work and the viewer the intimacy in making making is considered, meditative, slow ... an act of process in the ending of one work to the creation of another ... ... forming a condensed memory ... a small remnant piece*

Ivana Jovanovic

A gentle kiss explores the boundaries between the figural and the abstract. It experiments with the liminal medium of photography and its ability to move ambiguously between the non-objective and the representational. Through intimate gesture and the act of touch, these fluid and indistinguishable figures are transformed from the literal to the symbolic, becoming physical representations of an intangible experience.

* small remnant piece was the product of de-installing a collaborative artwork .



Michelle Le Dain

There is a paradox in play; as an art-making process it can vacillate from an intensely private activity to a celebration of social interactions, and as such it is an innate and intimate human activity we can all relate to. The process and theories of play are fundamental elements of my work, enabling a spontaneous and intuitive vehicle for the exploration of abstraction. Using found colour and materials from painting and the everyday, Xylophone is a work that transforms and plays with expected conventions and perceptions around the space of painting and the space of display.


Pamela Leung

Untitled (healing) is a work comprising two videos and a small installation. The videos document the process of healing. The installation is the residue of a performance of healing, it is present but absent. This work is my response to seeing a young girl who I came across in hospital with her two arms full of self-harm scars. She kept cutting herself. Seeing her arms and the marks of the scars, I was moved to emotion and empathy. This work mimics the repetitive, compulsive ritual of cutting but translates it through the soothing action of sewing as healing – both are actions of intimacy.


Kate Mackay

I work as a painter and sculptor concerned with the exploration of pattern making and repetition. My work has become progressively concerned with process, and random difference within uniformity. Series of works are created by repeated combinations of simple elements, with recent works concentrating on the repetition of blocks, stripes, squares and circles. I work with a diverse range of materials including paint, cardboard, paper and yarn. These gouache on paper works are part of a series called “Nothing To Say Here” in which quotes from artists, that relate to meaning and language, are rendered into simple, but non-explanatory codes.


Chris Packer

Originally devised as an experiment with the picture plane, Kinetic Zips also reveals a tension between the optical and the physical. Exhibiting it in the past, I have discovered that some people, especially children, will physically immerse themselves in the vertical strips, while others will recoil if they accidentally touch them. I am interested in dichotomies like this one – between intimacy and detachment – and in the way rules will set themselves up like this, just when you were trying to unwrite them.


Anya Pesce

Small Red Multihang Form focuses on surface in contemporary practice and explores material, colour and form in non- representational abstract painting. The hybrid three-dimensional form is a fusion of painting and sculpture where the reflective surface is used to heighten the visual senses and evoke a proprioceptive response in the viewer, experienced through body. The work is hand made using heat molded polymethyl methacrylate and is part of an ongoing collective body of work referred to as Fantastik Plastik. The small scale of this work addresses the theme of ‘intimacy’ as the work is usually made in large scale forms of 2-3 metres in height.


Lisa Sharp

‘Painting’ is action, object and discourse, all at once. My approach to the practice of painting is to conflate painting’s materiality, traditions and processes in each work. Les Petits Morts (12 paint-less paintings) uses a playful and materially reductive approach to the ongoing narrative of the death of painting. In a collision of the studio and domestic spheres, the work incorporates remnants from intimate domestic and everyday rituals (tea, sewing, mending) with the familiar form of painting (a surface stretched taut on a support). The result is an object that not only engages with the ongoing dialogue about the status of painting, but is itself an intimate expression of the metaphorical potential of support, surface and paint.


Pam Aitken

2014 /5 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Paris

Postcode, Library Stairwell

The Paddock I: Looking back at


2012 T he Rosy Crucifixion, ParisCONCRET,

Gallery, Sydney

The Field, Library Stairwell Gallery,

Education MVA (SCA,USyd), BVA (HONS) (SCA,USyd)


Selected Exhibitions

Objective, Sydney

2016 Salon des Réalitiés Nouvelles France,

Galerie bij de Boeken DRU, Ulft

Paris Pop Up Factory 49, France 2013 Factory 49@ Stephen Mclaughlan Gallery, Melbourne 2012 Philippe Gelot Gallery, Salon des Réalitiés Nouvelles &

2014 Synaesthesia , Library Stairwell 2013 T he John Olsen Drawing Prize, NAS Drawing Centre, Sydney




MFA (NAS), BFA (Hons) (NAS)

Adaptive Actions, Madrid Abierto,

www.instagram.com/ivanajovanovic.art Education

Selected Exhibitions


Candidate, Master of Curating and Cultural

MOP Sydney

2005 Zeitlupe – Camera lenta 1,

Leadership (UNSWA&D)

Stadtbibliothek, Nürnberg

Galerie Grand E'Terna France, 2010 Hebel_121 Switz,

Annelies Jahn www.instagram.com/anneliesjahn

Red Journey with Two Perspectives, Project Space B.25, NAS, Sydney

2016 I vana Jovanovic: Domestic


2015 From the Sky Down, ES74, Sydney

ParisCONCRET France

Selected Exhibitions

2014 S hoot the kids, Hang the family,

2015 N ot Another Bloody Coffee Shop,

Disturbances, Factory 49, Sydney

2017 Found and Made, STACKS Projects, Sydney 2016 H ype, Creative Space 220, Sydney

Arts Centre, Hong Kong

2016 Voyeurism, 107 Projects, Sydney

Salon des Réalitiés Nouvelles France,

ParisCONCRET France,

Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong 2016 T wo-way Street II, Jockey Club Creative

Selected Exhibitions


Bell St Austria,

2017 P amela Leung: Shades of Red, Hong

MFA (NAS), BFA (Hons) (NAS)

Galerie Nothburga Austria,

2009 Holtzman MFA Gallery USA,


Ivana Jovanovic

2010 T he Golden Eternity, Factory 49,

2009 C, ParisCONCRET, Paris

Moulins de Villancourt France

Pamela Leung https://www.instagram.com/instapamit/


Hang'art Gallery France, 2011 Edsviks Konsthall Sweden,


Gallery, Sydney

2011 Quadrant Bearing, Sydney Non-

Articulate Project Space, Sydney Kate Mackay

Frame the wife, Library Stairwell


Gallery, Sydney


MVA (SCA,U. Syd), G.Dip.VA (SCA,U. Syd)

SNO124: Sequence, Sydney

Michelle Le Dain

Selected Exhibitions

Non-Objective, Sydney


2016 Salon des Réalitiés Nouvelles, France,

Salon des Réalitiés Nouvelles France,

T he Paddock II: Virtual Fields,


Factory 49, Sydney

Factory 49, Sydney


CarriageARTSworks 2008 Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney

Sculptures at Killalea, Shellharbour 2015 W all Work, Factory 49, Sydney

A nnelies Jahn: Mani-Fold and LUNA ,

MFA (NAS), BFA (Hons) (NAS)

Colour on the Concrete, UTS Gallery,

Phillipe Gelot Gallery France,

Office Project Space and Wall work,

Selected Exhibitions


Moulins de Villancourt France

Factory 49, Sydney

2017 K elton Plain Artists, Defiance Gallery /

2007 Gary Snyder Fine Arts New York,

2006 Salon des Réalitiés Nouvelles France,

Redfern Biennale, Damien Minton,

La Baralliere Tulette France,


Sydney Non-Objective, Sydney

YAI 2015, .M Contemporary, Sydney

Hebel_121 Switz, Factory 49, Sydney

2015 R E-SHAPE : DE-SCAPE, ES74 Gallery,

Carrement, Espace Christiane Peugeot,

Raglan Gallery, Cooma

Tetrad, Crawford Gallery, Sydney

Paris 2014 R ound About, Factory 49, Sydney

2016 H ype, Creative Space 220, Sydney

Grid Line Pattern, Gallery Lane Cove,

Michelle Le Dain: Play, Factory 49,

Sydney 2013 C ementa_13, Kandos, NSW



Centenary Institute Fundraising Event,

White, Barometer Gallery, Sydney

Amarie Bergman

Dominik Mersch Gallery, Sydney

The Paddock II: Virtual Fields,

Colours of Imperfection, Symi Gallery,


Annelies Jahn: in between ,

Factory 49, Sydney


Only Just Begun, Factory 49, Sydney

Selected Exhibitions

Factory 49, Sydney

Contrepoint, Factory 49 Paris Pop Up,

2016 A qua VoVo, Factory 49 Paris Pop Up,

The Paddock I: Looking back at


Scope Miami 2012, Contemporary Art

the Field , Library Stairwell

Redfern Biennale, Damien Minton,

Fair, Miami, USA

Paris 2015 N eo Violet, Five Walls, Melbourne


Gallery, Sydney

AT_Salon2/Anita Traverso Gallery,

Redfern Biennale, Damien Minton,




2012 S imple Enough, Factory 49, Sydney

2015 C entenary Institute Fundraising Event, Dominik Mersch Gallery


Chris Packer

Mulitcoloured Hang, Saatchi & Saatchi

pp 4-5

pp 10-11


Office Exhibition, Sydney

Pam Aitken

Kate Mackay

www.instagram.com/chrispackerart Education

2014 4 AA4 Contemporary Show, 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, Sydney

BFA (NAS) Selected Exhibitions

Lisa Sharp

2016 A rt Central Hong Kong, Conny


Dietzschold, East Sydney


Two-man exhibition, Conny Dietzschold Education 2015 C hris Packer: No Denying the Concrete

Variation on a still point 29 (detail), 2012

The Task of Art is to bring Chaos into Order,

Household sponges

2015-17 series,

250 x 30 x 10 cm

gouache on paper,

photo: P. Aitken

9 x 29 x 29.5 cm photo: K. Mackay

Amarie Bergman

White Cube #1, 2015

Chris Packer

BFA (Hons) (NAS)

fabricated acrylic

Kinetic Zips, 2015

Imaginary, Factory 49, Sydney

Selected Exhibitions

9 x 9 x 9 cm

acrylic on cotton tape, motor/mdf support,

The Other Art Fair, Sydney

2017 S upport / Surface Movement, Wall work,

photo: A. Bergman

30cm x 230 cm

Colour & Line are Not Lies, West Hazelbrook / Raygun, Toowoomba

photo: M. Dick

Factory 49, Sydney 2016 H ype, Creative Space 220, Sydney

pp 6-7

Lisa Sharp: Painting Remnants,

Annelies Jahn

Project, Sydney

Factory 49, Sydney

small remant piece, 2016

Chris Packer: Red Tape Amnesty,

The Paddock II: Virtual Fields,

Silver foil washi tape

Small Multihang Form, 2016

Factory 49, Sydney

Factory 49, Sydney

2 x 2 x 2 cm

heat molded polymethyl methacrylate

Chris Packer: Gotta Zip, Articulate

Unmake/make / dĂŠnouer/nouer,

photo: A. Jahn

48 x 25 x 16 cm,

Upstairs, Leichhardt

Factory 49 Paris Pop Up, Paris

2014 C hris Packer: Cannibals, Conductors

The Edge, Annandale Galleries, Sydney 2013 C hris Packer: The Planes, Office Project Space, Factory 49, Sydney Anya Pesce

2015 B reaking Space, Imperial Hotel, Sydney

pp 12-13 Anya Pesce

photo: A. Pesce Ivana Jovanovic

Lisa Sharp

The Paddock I: Looking back at

A gentle kiss #4, 2017

The Field, Library Stairwell Gallery,

digital pigment print

Les Petits Morts (12 paintless paintings),


10 x 10 cm unframed, 11 x 11 cm framed


photo: I. Jovanovic

chalk gesso and beeswax on muslin canvas,

2014 Stilled Life, Sede Annandale, Sydney


copper wire and bamboo, approx. 52 x 73 cm


pp 8-9

acc. to installation


Michelle Le Dain

photo: L. Sharp

MFA (NAS), BFA (Hons) (NAS)

Xylophone, 2016

Selected Exhibitions

acrylic on timber, nylon cord, sound, iPod,

2017 A t the End of the World,


M. Contemporary, Sydney

dimensions variable acc. to installation

Get Amongst It, Gaffa Gallery, Sydney

photo: P. Morgan

2016 F lushed, Red,Rubicund and Scarlett, See St Gallery, Sydney

Untitled (healing) I & II (video still), 2015

Factory 49, Sydney

2 x video, single channel, HD-DV,

Anya Pesce: Fantastik Plastik, Factory

duration: 10 mins,

49, Sydney

photo: V. Habib

2015 Centenary Institute Fundraising Event, Dominik Mersch Gallery

The Paddock I: Looking back at The Field, Library Stairwell Gallery, Sydney


Pamela Leung

The Paddock II: Virtual Fields,

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