A Piece of Mind Application Booklet

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// A piece of mind is a mini truck representing a smaller version of Local Mind. It delivers the basic information of Mind service and products which been made by Local Mind users.

We’re looking for brilliant ideas to support “ A Piece of Mind”! A. Enabling social participation for the current Mind users > In the truck you can sell/show the artifacts local Mind made B. Increase accessibility to the general public > The truck can go to everywhere Mind is needed C. Engage local community into local Mind > Promote local Mind’s services and get a donation via truck

02 HOW TO APPLY? Please think about all assets your Mind has now. // WHAT KIND OF SERVICES DO YOUR MIND PROVIDE NOW? (e.g. workshops, programs,etc) // WHAT KIND OF ACTIVITIES CAN YOUR MIND USERS DO?(e.g. cooking, gardening, drawing, etc) Please fill out the sentence based on what local Mind can do. Mind Haringey


which can make/produce


Cooking on a budget Art workshop Vegetable Nuts


03 DESIGN A PIECE OF MIND WITH MIND USERS // Design the own truck with local mind users to support your idea!

04 READY TO SUBMIT! // Minimum requirement to participate. Through this application form we’ll be judging in particular the answers you give about your ideas.

From 15 / 02 / 2014 to 15 / 12 / 2014 during 11::.00 - 13.00 “A Piece of Mind truck” will go to Location to achieve Contribution to community

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