MGT 330 (Management Theory, Practice And Application) Complete Class Assignments and DQs To Get Entire Class Here:
MGT 330 Week 1 Assignment Functions of Management Paper Prepare a 700- to Individual Assignment: Functions of Management Paper 1,050-word paper in which you define the four functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling). In your paper, include an explanation of how each function relates to your own organization. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
MGT 330 Week 1 Discussion Questions Briefly explain each of the four functions of management and explain how they are interconnected What is the purpose of environmental scanning? How has the management of your organization been influenced by external and internal factors?
MGT 330 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment External-Internal Factors Select an Learning Team Assignment: External/Internal Factors Paper organization with which everyone in your Learning Team is familiar. In your Learning Team, prepare a 1,400- to 1,750word paper addressing the following: o Explain how internal and external factors affect the four functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling).o Explain how the following factors affect the four functions of management. Be sure to include specific examples for each. Ethics o Explain how Diversity Innovation Technology Globalization managers can use delegation to manage the different factors and Format your functions listed above. This assignment is due in Week Two. Submit your External/Internal paper consistent with APA guidelines. Factors Paper.
MGT 330 Week 2 Discussion Questions
What are the different types of plans that organizations can use? What types of plans does your organization use and why? What are the specific steps in the planning process? Which step is most crucial, and why? Can organizations over-plan...why or why not?
MGT 330 Week 3 Assignment Management Planning Paper
Attain faculty Individual Assignment: Management Planning Paper approval as you select one of the following organizations: o Global Crossingo Tyco o WorldCom o Arthur Andersen o Boeing o Halliburton o Other, as approved by your instructor: Faculty approval is only needed if you Prepare a 1,050- to do not choose an organization from the list above. 1,400-word paper in which you address the following for your selected organization: o Evaluate the planning function of management .o Analyze the influence that legal issues, ethics, and corporate social responsibility have had on management planning at your chosen company. Provide at least one example for each. o Analyze at least three factors that influence the company’s strategic, tactical, operational, and Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. contingency planning.
MGT 330 Week 3 Discussion Questions
Identify and explain the different types of organizational structures. Which type of structure do you feel is most effective and why? What are examples of organizational resources (list/define them) and how should organizations allocate scarce resources in a competitive environment? Also, be sure to discuss how organizations ensure that their resources are allocated appropriately.
MGT 330 Week 4 Assignment- Organizing Paper Select an organization with Individual Assignment: Organizing Paper which you are familiar. Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you evaluate the organizing function of management as it relates to at least two of the following organizational resources: o Physical assets Discuss whether or not Monetary o Human resources o Knowledge o Technology your organization has optimized these organizational resources for Format your paper effectiveness and efficiency. Justify your position. consistent with APA guidelines.
MGT 330 Week 4 Team Assignment Organizational Structure Presentation- LT A Assignments Section with the subject as Organizational Structure Explain the overall structures of each team member’s company Evaluate how the organizational functions of each organization (marketing, finance, operations, human resources, etc.) impact each of the company organizational structures.
Identify how the fundamental organizational design (e.g., geographic, functional, customerbased, product, service, hybrid, matrix, marketing channels, departmentalization) used for each company determines how that structure best suits the selected organization’s needs. Use graphics to illustrate the organizational structures. The PowerPoint should make extensive use of the notes section on each slide to explain what would be said to an audience if the presentation were made in person. Be sure to cite at least two scholarly sources in the paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
MGT 330 Week 4 Discussion Questions is it possible for a business professional to possess the capacity to be a good leader, yet lack the capacity to be a good manager...and vice versa? Please explain your position for both scenarios AND as always, be sure to bridge the theory/application gap. How has the management function of leadership changed due to the increased presence of globalization? Would a good leader in one country be a good leader in another country? What characteristics should a leader possess to be successful in a global business environment? As always, be sure to bridge the theory/application gap.
MGT 330 Week 5 Assignment Management & Leadership Paper Select an Individual Assignment: Management and Leadership Paper organization with which you are familiar. Prepare a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper in which you address the following as it relates to that organization: o Differentiate between management and leadership. o Describe the roles and responsibilities that organizational managers and leaders play in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. o Evaluate the affect of globalization and management across borders. o Recommend at least two strategies that organizational managers and leaders can use to create and maintain a healthy organizational culture. Support your recommendations with the
concepts discussed in Format class and in the text, as well as your personal experiences. your paper consistent with APA guidelines
MGT 330 Week 5 Discussion Questions What is the control function of management and how does it relate to, and support, the planning function of management? Also, why does this function of management frequently have a negative stigma and how is it evolving? As always, please be sure to bridge the theory/application gap. What are the different types of control systems? What are some advantages and disadvantages of various control mechanisms? Finally, how does your organization use the steps of the control process? As always, please be sure to bridge the theory/application gap.