sTune: The Farmer in the Dell Track 1
The snake is in the grass.
The snake is in the grass.
/sss/! /sss/!
The snake is in the grass.
Action: Weave your hand in an ‹s› shape like a snake, and say ssssss.

aTune: Skip to My Lou Track 2
/a/-/a/! Ants on my arm.
/a/-/a/! Ants on my arm.
/a/-/a/! Ants on my arm.
They’re causing me alarm.
Action: Wiggle your fingers up your arm as if ants are crawling on you, and say a, a, a, a!

Tune: The Wheels on the Bus Track 38
The mixer in the bowl goes /er/-/er/-/er/, /er/-/er/-/er/, /er/-/er/-/er/.

The mixer in the bowl goes /er/-/er/-/er/, mixing the food together.
Action: Roll your hands over each other like a mixer, and say er-er-er-er.

Tune: Camptown Races Track 39
“Open wide,”

the doctor said.
/ar/! /ar/!
“Let me look at your sore throat. Please say, ‘/ar/!’”
Action: Open your mouth wide, and say ar.
ai ay a_e
rain e_e ee ea
boat ie i_e y igh
/a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/, /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/, /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/ are short vowels that we use!

A vowel is in every word, every word, every word. A vowel is in every word that we read or write.
pen ue oa o_e ow
three ew u_e
Sing along to the Jolly Songs and help young children take their first steps towards reading and writing. The catchy lyrics, actions and well-known tunes make the letter sounds easy to remember and fun to learn. Games and activities at the back of the book help children to hear the letter sounds in words – another important skill for reading and writing. With downloadable audio and no need for pen and paper, the songs and activities can be played at any time.
To see the full range of Jolly Phonics products, visit our website at www.jollylearning.co.uk