Seven enchanting stories that help young children
•Learn the 42 main sounds of English.

•Form the letters that make the sounds.
•Blend the sounds in words for reading.
•Hear the sounds in words for writing.

The Stories

1. Looking for Sounds s a t i p n
2. A Day at the Fair ck e h r m d
3. Beside the Seaside g o u l f b
4. Goat’s Bad Day ai j oa ie ee or
5. Springtime z w ng v oo oo
6. The Circus y x ch sh th th
7. The Wildlife Park qu ou oi ue er ar

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Tel: +44 20 8501 0405 Printed in China. All rights reserved. © Sue Lloyd and Sara Wernham 2007 (text) © Lib Stephen 2007 (illustrations)
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