on yorkshire magazine issue 15

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YORKSHIRE Simon Cowell's Got Talent New Yorkshire Captain

ANDREW GALE The Hairy Bikers

KATY BRAND Lost Food Stand-up Round-up



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Beauty Editor : Bethanie Lunn beth@onlifestyle.co.uk Designers : Lucy Hilson Mike Harrison Paul Nosworthy Photography : Steve Stenson David Lindsay John Waite Stuart Ward photos@onlifestyle.co.uk

April : May Issue 15 2010

Editor : Matthew Callard editor@onlifestyle.co.uk

Published by on magazine ltd. www.onlifestyle.co.uk Editorial: 07500 090785 Advertising: 07500 090784

Contributors : Jono Baker Barney Bardsley Chris Bayles Paul Bedford Rob Eaton Alison Holland Paul Howard Julie Kerner Samantha Marshall Neil McGowan Tim Oldland Matthew Peacock Duncan Thorne Sam Ward Rich Williams

Editor’s lEttEr Before the national premiere of his debut feature film at Bradford’s lovely Media Museum, comedy legend and elusive media enigma Chris Morris, gave the assembled audience a very funny and enlightening introduction. Among a host of things, he scalded the General Manager for not calling him ‘love’, this being the general turn of affection in these parts, explained how, during his research for the film in the city, he discovered a home-cooked curry will be the best you will ever eat and he also came upon the startling revelation that driving around Bradford in the middle of the night shouting the very worst things you can think of at girls from a car window amounts to, basically, soft flirtation. Welcome to the charming intricacies of a Yorkshire night out, Chris. Anyway, the film is funny, wise and, naturally, a little bit dangerous. Read our review on page 48. We welcome those world-famous initials SJP for a 1-2-1 on SATC2 on page 10. Simon Cowell is getting ready for another blast of BGT on page 80 and YCCC’s new captain Andrew Gale discusses a fresh start at Headingley. OMG and LOL as I believe the young folks are fond of saying these days. Elsewhere there’s Katy Brand and The Hairy Bikers, music, film and food reviews, an expanded business section, an amazing competitions feature on page 88 . Oh, and an extraordinary revelation involving hummus on page 61. How could you not read further? Indulge and enjoy!

YOUR EDITOR MATT CALLARD We support the Laura Crane Trust

The Nookin, 48 Leeds Road, Oulton, Leeds, West Yorks LS26 8TY T: 0113 2823600 www.onlifestyle.co.uk

Media Sales Director : Nicola Severn Media Sales : Jill Sanders, Nick Wright.

If you’ve missed any of our previous issues simply visit our website and you can catch up on our celebrity interviews with JENNIFER ANISTON MEGAN FOX, HUGH JACKMAN, CHERYL COLE, KELLY BROOK, GORDON RAMSEY, DANIEL CRAIG, VIVIENNE WESTWOOD, PAUL SMITH, ANGELINA JOLIE, LADY GAGA and DAVID TENNANT to name just a few. SUBSCRIBE TODAY - Make sure you don’t miss any future editions by simply paying the postage and we will send on: yorkshire direct to your home. Do it by phone 0113 2823600 or online www.onlifestyle.co.uk


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writeon... Who says what

Jono Baker Jono has worked in financial services for 20 years. At weekends he can be found coaching football for the ‘Burton Bullets’ and rugby in Ripon. Midweek, you may just find him working as a stockbroker.

Barney Bardsley Barney started out as an arts journalist. Then she re-trained in dance and T’ai Chi, which she taught for many years. Now she writes books and articles for the Guardian and Yorkshire Post - and she gardens, in a haphazard kind of a way.

Paul Bedford Paul is a health and fitness expert who moonlights as the in-house personal trainer at the brand new Village Health club, Tingley.

Rob Eaton Rob is part of a multi award winning style team at the new Russell Eaton salon in Leeds and is the current North Eastern Hairdresser of the Year. He'll be providing tricks and tips for the fashion conscious, as well as keeping the not-so fashion conscious up to date with the latest hot trends and styles.

Alison Holland Alison’s role as an international food critic and marketeer has seen her dine, discuss and dissect the finest restaurants in the world – from Pudsey to Padstow, from The Ivy to El Bulli, from New York cafes to Tokyo steak-houses. Her wealth of food experience has taught her an open mind is just as important as a critical eye.

Paul Howard Paul is the founder of the famous on-line wine bible winealchemy.com. He is also, we kid you not, one of the original King's Road punks. Whatever happened to them?’

Julie Kerner Shortly after an inspiring trip to the Danish base of furniture design experts BoConcept, Julie was working for the company. Hooked on interiors, she’ll be providing ideas, solutions and inspiration for the house and home.

Bethanie Lunn Bethanie is a Style Insider, Journalist and Entrepreneur with four fashion, beauty and lifestyle businesses under her belt alongside teaching, styling and presenting. Phew! If it’s worth knowing about, Bethanie knows first and she is quickly gaining a reputation as the Girl-About-Town of the North. If she didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent her.

Samantha Marshall Samantha has been a TV Make-Up Artist for over 15 years, working on weekly soaps and award winning dramas. She will be keeping you updated on all new cosmetic products, offering tips, tricks and expertise in the process!

Matthew Peacock Matt’s mind is crammed with anything and everything to do with bikes. He has been in the bike trade since leaving school and is General Manager of the famous Chevin Cycles, Otley - who he also races for.

Duncan Thorne Duncan is the founder of Thorne Public Relations and is an experienced journalist having reported on crime, politics and sport and sometimes all at the same time. He is a self-confessed sport and car anorak and his dream is for 1966 to be re-created in his lifetime (just the World Cup final, not the whole year!).

Sam Ward Sam lives and breathes fashion, which is just as well considering she works in press and marketing for one of the world’s leading luxury retailers. If she had £4 left in her (Chanel) purse, she would buy Vogue rather than food (and has, in the past).

Rich Williams Rich Williams presents the Homerun on 96.3 Radio Aire (weekdays 3-7pm). He is Leeds born and bred and has access to all the stars that walk through the doors of the biggest radio station in Leeds. Rich studied at the University of Leeds, then spent 2 years co-presenting the Breakfast show before being offered his own show in 2009. His main passions are Leeds United, music and politics.

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contents... APRIL : MAY 2010

the on interview 10 14


Sarah Jessica Parker News

looking good


18 24 28 32 33

Fashion Hair Beauty Spa Review Jewellery

lifestyle 36 40 42 44 48

What’s New Health Recipe Food Music & Films

the on Q&A 50

Katy Brand


Sarah Jessica Parker front cover image www.celebritypictures.co.uk



local living


52 56 58 60 61

Restaurant Reviews Walks Theatre Events Radio Aire

home & family 62 64

Property Interiors

active 68 70 74 78

Sport Travel Cars Gadgets

feature 80

on t&c’s All rights are reserved. All material is strictly copyrighted. Reproduction, in part or whole, of any part of this publication is forbidden without the consent of On Magazine Ltd. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our information but cannot be held responsible for any errors contained. Any views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or the advertisers. The publishers cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of any material, solicited or unsolicted. Editor’s decision is final.

Simon Cowell

business end


84 86

Business Q&A Finance

88 90

Competitions Famous Last Words



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With the Sex and The City sequel set to prove that the iconic show can translate to the big screen, Sarah Jessica Parker has a lot going on right now.


Her style and her attitude, her determination to fly in the face of traditional standards of beauty and her refusal to let anything get her down, as well as her role as Carrie Bradshaw, has made her an icon to women everywhere.


Here, she talks about the things that matter most to her, the rumours about her marriage and what Sex And The City really means to her....

I’m very flattered by the connection with women. It doesn’t mean that I always want to have a picture taken at inopportune times with people on the street, who stop me, but almost everything I do outside of work, I want to do it for them. They are first and foremost in my mind.

It’s just about love and friendship and wanting to be yourself and how do you figure out what that is and how do you make mistakes that you can look at and go, “That’s perfectly alright to make that mistake”. SO IT’S A KIND OF THERAPY FOR WOMEN?

SO, WHY DO YOU THINK THERE IS STILL A HUGE DEMAND FOR SEX AND THE CITY? I think there are pieces in all of them that women just relate to. And it’s not necessarily there’s pieces of one but there are many. There are pieces of all of them, that’s certainly how I feel, they’re foreign to me in a lot of ways but there are things about the personalities that I can connect to in some way.


Well I think we accompany a box of chocolates and tissues very well. ARE YOU AS HAPPY AS CARRIE BRADSHAW? I’m very happy!

Pictures Craig Blankenhorn, courtesy of Warner Bros

As a busy working wife and mother, she juggles filming schedules, her personal fashion line and her own fragrance with her surrogate twins Marion Loretta Elwell and Tabitha Hodge Broderick and son James Wilke.

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WHAT DO YOU DO? SSO OW H AT D OY OU D O? watch TV, knit. But knit I rread, e ad , w at c h T V, or n it . B ut I try ok n it aand nd or k t r y tto watch TV which means up w at c h T V aatt tthe he ssame a me ttime, i me , w h ich m ea ns I eend nd u p with many dropped And big w it h m a ny d ropped sstitches. t it c h e s . A nd I aam mab ig reader. reader. Never house without book, mother N ever lleave eave tthe he h ou s e w it h o u t a b ook , my ot her my m me. mother would aalways lways ttold old m e. My My m ot her w ou ld ssit it iin n ttraffic raf fic with w it h New on her my tthe he N ew Yorker nh er llap. ap. SSo o aall ll m y ssiblings ibli ngs and Yorker o a nd I had book orr a p paper orr ssomething. aalways lways h ad a b o ok o aper o om e t h i n g . HAS YOUR FAMILY H AS Y OU R F A M I LY SSTRONGLY T RONGLY IINFLUENCED N F LU E NC E D YOUR MORALS WITHIN MARRIAGE? Y OU R M OR A L S W ITHIN M A R R I AGE? big mee a llot off I tthink h i n k ggrowing row i ng up nab ig ffamily a m ily ttaught aug ht m ot o up iin problem how p roblem ssolving olv i ng aand nd h ow tto o sshare ha re aand nd ccompromise, o mp r o m i s e , been helpful myy marriage. But my aand nd that’s e en h elpf u l iin nm ut m y t hat’s b m a r r i a ge . B husband, off h his upbringing, many ways h usba nd , iin n tterms er m s o is u pbri ng i ng, iiss in in m a ny w ays opposite because only tthe he eexact x ac t o p p o s it e b ecause he’s he’s tthe he o n ly sson on and a nd tthe he baby. He’s number b aby. H e’s tthe he yyoungest ou ngest by ig n i fica nt n u mber of by a ssignificant of hee w was pretty much baby yyears ea rs - h as p re t t y m uch a ssurprise u r pr i s e b aby - sso o he he more only ways. But he’s ffeels e el s m ore llike i ke aan no n ly cchild h ild iin n ssome om e w ays. B ut h e’s know, he’s jjust ust - I k now, II’m ’m ggoing oi ng tto o sstart t a r t ggushing u sh i ng - h e’s jjust ust He’s person. llovely. ovely. H e’s a good, ood p er s on . good , ggood WHAT KIND OF PARENT ARE YOU? W H AT K IND O FAP AR EN T A RE Y OU? pretty And Matthew II’m ’m p ret t y sstrict. t r ic t . A nd M at t hew iiss ccompletely o mp l e t e ly different mee iin Hee iiss a p pushover, d if ferent ffrom ro m m n tthat hat rrespect. e sp e c t . H ushover, way he’d eexactly xac t ly tthe he w ay yyou ou tthink hink h e’d be. be. Anytime A ny ti me James Ja m e s does outside behaviour, d oes ssomething omet h i ng tthat hat iiss o utside aaccepted c c ept e d b ehav iou r, Matthew based on M at t hew will x pla i n iitt aaway way b ased o n aage. ge . w i ll eexplain Recently, him, now: You’re R ecently, I ssaid a id tto oh i m , “I “I ccan a n jjust ust see see iitt n ow : Y ou’re


THINK MIGHT BE DISAPPOINTING FOR IT H I N K IIT TM IG H T B ED I SA PP OI N T I NG F OR FANS TO REALISE THAT YOU’RE NOT LIKE F A NS T OR E A L I SE T H AT Y OU ’ R E N OT L IKE CARRIE BRADSHAW REALITY... C ARRIE B R A DSH AW IIN NR E A L I T Y... don’t have Carrie Bradshaw passion Id on’t h ave tthe he C a r r ie B radshaw p assion aand nd devotion but would much prefer d evotion tto o iit, t, b ut I w ou ld m uch p refer tthat hat llife i fe would beautiful day To w ou ld aallow llow ffor or a b eaut if u l sshoe hoe aall ll d ay llong. ong . T o Mr. Dee L La Renta’s have him sstand t a nd iin nM r. D aR ent a’s aatelier telier aand nd h ave h im build dress on And honestly, b u i ld a d re s s o n yyou, ou , tthat hat iiss aamazing. m a z i ng. A nd h onestly, honour bee aable borrow iit’s t’s a ggreat r e at h onou r tto ob ble to to b orrow ssomething om e t h i n g weighs 40 pounds people tthat h at w eig h s 4 0p ou nds aand nd rrequires equ i res tthree h re e p eople tto o help walk. h elp yyou ou w a l k. AND YOU HAVE GREAT FOR A ND Y OU H AV E A G R E AT SSTYLIST T Y L IST F OR SSEX EX AND THE CITY Field). A ND T HE C I T Y ((Patricia Pa t r i c i a F ield). Pat knows historical off cclothes, P at k nows tthe he h istorica l ccontext o nt e x t o lot hes , tthe he periods off ccostumes what. But p e r io d s o ost u mes aand nd what what ccentury ent u r y iiss w h at . B ut no with Pat when tthere here aare re n o rrules u le s w it h P at w hen iitt ccomes omes tto o ffashion. a s h io n . IIt’s t’s lliberating. i b e r at i n g . DID WITH HER CHANGE D I D WORKING ITH H ER C H A NGE YOUR WOR K I NG W YOU R APPROACH TO FASHION? A PPROAC H T OF A S H I ON ? did films, become SSince i nc e I d id tthe he sseries eries aand nd tthe he fi l ms , II’ve ’v ve b e c om e much more off ffashion. m uch m ore aaware wa r e o ash ion. II’ve ’ve rreally ea lly ggrown row n tto o didn’t pay much llove ove fashion. id n’t p ay tthat h at m uch aattention t tention tto o f a s h io n . I d before, but now have measure cclothes lo t h e s b e fo r e , b ut n ow I ffeel eel I sstill till h ave tto om e a su re up way Carrie’s was u p iin n a ccertain er t a i n w ay tto oC a rrie’s ttastes. astes. I tthink h i n k iitt w as kind off aan ultimate play with k i nd o nu lti mate ffantasy a nt asy tto op lay aaround rou n d w it h different how different d if ferent llooks ooks aand nd ssee ee h ow yyou ou llook ook iin nd i f f e r e nt off cclothes. was me. sstyles t yl e s o lot hes. IItt w as ffun u n ffor or m e.

HOW DO YOU REALLY FEEL ABOUT BEING H OW D OY OU R E A L LY F EEL A B OU T B E I NG CONSIDERED C ON SI DE R E D SSUCH UC H A SSTYLE T Y L E IICON? C ON ? don’t need off cclothes. But work Id on’t ffeel e el I n eed a llot ot o lo t h e s . B ut I w ork iin n where aan n iindustry n du s t r y w here aappearance ppea ra nce iiss eeverything ver y t h i ng aand nd have work hard ssometimes om e t i m e s I h ave tto ow o rk h a rd aatt llooking ook i ng ggood. ood. When premiere borrow W hen I ggo o tto oap rem iere I llike i ke tto ob orrow llovely ovely designers. cclothes lot hes aand nd sshoes hoes ffrom ro m d esig ners. IIt’s t’s llike i ke tthe he llibrary: ibra r y: iiff yyou ou rreturn et u r n tthem hem iin n ggood ood ccondition, ond ition , yyou ou borrow more. gget et tto ob o r r ow m ore. II’m ’m vvery er y llucky. ucky.

I tthought houg ht iitt was nspi red aand nd vvery er y p rovocative. I jjust ust was iinspired provocative. lloved oved the nd tthe he p otent ia l tthat hat tthe he m at e r i a l t he promise prom ise aand potential material o bv iously had. had. I tthought houg ht yyou ou ccould ou ld mine m i ne these t he s e obviously wee h have. ccharacters ha rac ters ffor or a lot lot of of ttime i me and a nd sso ow ave. A ND T H E LANGUAGE AS AND L A NG UAGE WA W THE WAS G ROU N DBR E A K I NG .... GROUNDBREAKING....

HOW MANY MANOLOS CAME YOUR WAY? H OW M ANY M A N OL O S C AME Y OU R W WA AY? Yes, new words American Y es , tthere here were we r e n ew w ords ffor or A merica n audiences! aud iences! don’t know off iitt aaway Id on’t k now aand nd I tried t ried tto o ggive ive a llot ot o way ffor or because was off rriches ccharity h a r it y b ecause iitt w as aan n eembarrassment m b a r r a s s m e nt o iche s off iitt rreally. ea lly. II’m ’m vvery er y ssentimentally enti ment a lly aattached t t ached tto o a llot ot o not up sso o II’m ’m n ot aable ble tto o lliterally itera lly aand nd eemotionally mot iona lly ggive ive u p part off iit, but because ap art o t, b ut II’ve ’ve ttried ried tto o tturn u r n iitt aaround rou n d b ecause wee w were were off sso w ere sso o ffortunate or t u nate aand nd w ere tthe he rrecipients ecipients o o much There was much m uch iincredible ncred ible sstuff. t u f f. T here w as sso om uch lluxury uxury directed our direction. Manolos were d i rec ted iin no ur d i rec tion. JJust ust aall ll tthe he M a nolo s w ere unbelievable, off iincredible purses u nbelievable , aand nd a llot ot o n c r e d ibl e p u rses aand nd ssome om e were built me. iincredible ncred ible ggowns ow ns tthat h at w ere b u i lt ffor or m e.

T HE N A R R AT ION STYLE S T Y L E WAS WA WA S A L SO V E RY THE NARRATION ALSO VERY UNIQUE AT THE TIME. DO YOU U N IQU E A TT HE T IME. D OY OU GET GET OFFERED LOT VOICE WORK? O FFER ED A L OT OF OF V OIC E W OR K? been off n nice II’ve ’ve b een given g iven a llot ot o ice opportunities oppor t u n it ies iin n tthe he which vvoice-over oice - over world, wo r l d , w h ich I llove; ove; aalthough lt houg h tthat’s hat’s tthe he most work Well, m ost ttedious e d iou s w ork you you ccan a n do do aass aan n aactor. c tor. W el l, ffor or brush my ssomebody omebody like li ke me. me. I can’t ca n’t eeven ve n b r u sh m y tteeth eet h aalone lo n e wander house iin n a rroom oom – I have have tto ow a nder around a rou nd tthe he h ouse and a nd find bee locked fi nd ssomebody, omebody, so so tto ob locked iin n a sstudio t ud io iiss vvery er y hard me. h a rd ffor or m e.


HAVE YOU GIRL’S GIRL? H AV E Y OU ALWAYS A LWAYS BEEN BE E N A G I R L’ S G I R L? would on wee Iw ou ld ssay ay I was was more more o n the t he girly g i rly sside ide - I mean, me a n , w weren’t orr paint nails w eren’t aallowed llowed to to wear wea r make-up m a k e - up o pa i nt our ou r n a i ls orr pierce our orr h have butt I o pie rc e o u r eears a rs o ave aany ny ttrendy rendy cclothes l t he s b lo bu sstill t ill tthink h i n k I rresponded esponded more more tto o the t he feminine fem i n i ne tthings. h i ng s . You know perfume Y ou k now I lliked i ked dolls dol ls aand nd ballet bal let aand nd p er f u me aactually. c t ua lly. HOW YOUR TO H OW IIS SY OU R MARRIAGE M A R R I AGE T O MATTHEW? M AT T H E W? was ((Broderick B ro d e r i c k w as aalleged lleged to to have have had had an a n aaffair f fai r during du r i n g off tthe first The City tthe he shooting s ho o t i n g o he fi rst SSex ex and a nd T he C it y movie) movie) We’re we’re best W e’re tthe he eeveryman, ve r y m a n , w e’re just just doing doi ng the t he b est we we ccan. a n. DESPITE HAS D E SPI T E EVERYTHING E V E RY T H I NG THAT T H AT H AS HAPPENED...? H A PPE N E D...? Here’s what Come back H ere’s w hat I ssay ay about about iitt ttoday: oday: C om e b ack aand nd with who married ccheck he ck w it h me me iin n 25 25 yyears ea rs aand nd see see w ho II’m ’m m a r r ie d will bee h him. tto. o. It It w ill sstill till b i m. DO EVER FIGHT D O YOU YOU E V ER F IG H T ABOUT A BOU T WHO W HO IS IS A BETTER ACTOR? B ET T E R A C TO R ? There’s no question That’s why marriage T here’s n oq uest ion he he iis. s. T hat’s w hy tthe he m a r r i a ge works! w orks! SSeriously eriously he’s he’s better bet ter aatt eeverything. ver y t h i ng. Well Well hee ssimply do because tthere’s here’s certain cer t a i n tthings h i ng s h i mply ccan’t a n’t d ob ecause of of but people quite jjust ust gender gender iissues s sue s b ut p eople tthink h i n k that t hat he’s he’s q u it e would but sshy hy - tthat h at w ou ld be be tthe he iimpression mp r e s s io n - b ut aactually c t ually I’m I ’m better being being b et ter aatt b ei ng sshy. hy. II’m ’m lless ess good good at at b ei ng social, so cia l, so so win department off a I ffeel e el I w i n in i n that t h at d epa r t ment because because iit’s t’s ssort or t o ssecret. e c re t .

bra. A ggood ood b ra .

he’s only 42.... Come ggoing oi ng tto o be be ssaying ay i ng ‘Come ‘C ome on, on , h e’s o n ly 4 2 .... C om e on, he’s only 71.’” when do Kids o n, h e’s o n ly 7 1.’” IIt’s t’s llike, i ke , w he n d o yyou ou sstop? top? K id s boundaries. They dig They want aactually c t ual ly llike i ke b ou n d a r i e s . T he y d ig tthem. he m . T he y w a nt But Matthew doesn’t want deny him tthem. he m . B ut M at t h e w d oesn’t w a nt tto od e ny h im a He’s dad he’s one who tthing. h i ng. H e’s a typical t y pi c a l d ad - h e’s tthe he o ne w ho ssays ays yyes es no tto o eeverything ver y t h i ng tthat hat II’ve ’ve ssaid a id n o tto o eearlier. a rlier. AS FASHION DO YOU A SAF A SH ION ICON I C ON D OY OU FEEL F E E L UNDER U N DE R PRESSURE ALWAYS BE UP TO THE P R E S SU R E TO TO A LWAYS B E IIN NU PT OT HE MINUTE CLOTHES? M INUTE C LOT H E S? Fashion part off m myy work. F ash ion iiss a p art o work. I ffeel eel a rresponsibility e s p o n s ib i l it y bee presentable, up occasion tto ob present able , tto o dress d re s s u p iiff tthe he o ccasion ccalls a l ls But, does not play big ffor or iit. t. B ut , really, rea lly, ffashion a s h io n d oes n ot p lay that t h at b ig my days. Friends a rrole ole iin nm y llife ife these t he s e d ays. F riends aare re rreadily e ad i ly disappointed by off my And d isappoi nted b y tthe he size si z e o my ccloset. lo s e t . A nd I tthought hou g ht big! iitt was wa s b i g! YOU DON’T HAVE HUGE CLOSET SSO OY OU D ON ’ T H AV E A H UGE C LO SE T BURSTING AT THE WITH ALL YOUR B U R S T I NG A TT H E SSEAMS EA MS W ITH A LL Y OU R FROM THE AND THE SSATC ATC FREEBIES F R E E BI E S F ROM T H E FILMS FILMS A ND T HE TV T V SSHOW? HOW? No, no. My not what might N o, n o. M y ccloset loset iiss n ot w hat yyou ou m ig ht tthink. h i n k. I don’t have massive Even Carrie, only d on’t h ave a m assive closet. closet. Ev en aass C a r r ie , I o n ly kept were eever ve r k ept tthe he cclothes lot hes tthat h at w ere sspecifically peci fically built bu ilt ffor or mee - n never was m ever tthe he sstuff t u f f tthat h at w as lloaned. oa ned. But But I llike i ke tthat! h at ! honour I llike i ke tthe he h onou r system. system .

DO YOU LIKE YOURSELF? D OY OU L I K E SSHOPPING HOPPI NG Y O U R S E L F? Not mother N ot rreally. eal ly. I rrarely a rely sshop. hop. I aam mam ot her aand nd I aam m working doesn’t fitt iinto my w ork i ng a llot, ot , iitt jjust ust d oesn’t rreally ea lly fi nt o m y llife. i fe . do off ggrocery I tthink h i n k aabout bout sshopping hoppi ng aand nd I d o a llot ot o ro c e r y sshopping, hoppi ng, but but I don’t don’t rreally ea lly ggo o cclothes lot hes sshopping. hopp i n g . CAN YOU EXPLAIN THE FASCINATION C AN Y OU E X PL A I N T HE F A SC I NAT ION SSOME OM E PEOPLE HAVE WITH P E O PL E H AV E W I T H SSHOPPING? H O P P I N G? Certain C er t ai n women women llove ove iitt aand nd ccertain er t a i n women women do do iitt because b ecause they t hey have have to. to. In I n our ou r country cou nt r y you you have have to to wear by one off tthe w ea r cclothes lot hes - it it iiss rrequired e qu i r e d b y llaw, aw, iitt iiss o ne o he necessary details off llife. have off aall kind. n ecessa r y d et a i ls o i fe . I h ave ffriends r i e nd s o ll k i nd . who don’t SSome ome aare re ccrazy raz y sshoppers hoppers aand nd ssome om e w ho d on’t ggo o aatt different. aall. l l. Every Ever y woman woma n iiss d i f f e r e nt . DO YOU DRESS WELL AT HOME? D OY OU D R ESS W ELL A TH OM E ? wear whatever Iw ea r w hatever iiss aappropriate. ppropriate. SSometimes omet i mes it it iiss New York when ssnowing now i ng aand nd rraining a i n i ng iin nN ew Y o rk w hen yyou ou aare re walking picky. w a l k i ng tto o sschool, chool, sso o yyou ou ccan’t a n’t be be ttoo oo p icky. I pretty practical my private But aam mp re t t y p rac tical iin nm yp rivate llife. i fe . B ut it it iiss wonderful dress up, w onderf u l to to have have aan n eexcuse xcuse tto od re s s u p, like li ke ttoday oday has my mostly ffor or iinstance. nst a nce. IItt aall ll h as a place place iin nm y llife. ife. SSo oIm o s t ly dress other mothers. d ress like li ke all all tthe he o t her m ot her s .

“Fashion “F ashion is is a p part art of of my my work. work. I fe feel feel a responsibility responsibility to to be be p presentable” resentable”

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ANY CLUES AS TO WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN TO CARRIE AND MR BIG IN THE SEX AND THE CITY SEQUEL? Not in a million years. I want someone to show up that first weekend still not knowing. YOU’VE OFTEN BEEN CRITICISED FOR YOUR LOOKS. HOW HAVE YOU DEALT WITH THAT CRITICISM? I think everybody, at some point in my career, has made some sort of suggestion. I’m not an idiot, and I understood that there was a standard of beauty and that I didn’t fit into it. But I’ve always thought of myself as an actor who is on a journey, and part of that journey is finding good work, regardless of my appearance. I’ve never wanted to homogenize myself in the way that was expected in the past. And now, I’ve surrounded myself with the sort of people who support me just the way I am. WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX? Well, I really like reality television! Seriously, I love The Amazing Race and another reality show, Project Runway. After I put my son to bed at night, I sit down and watch those shows, and that feels like a complete luxury. I don’t have everything else going on in my brain. IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN MAKING FILMS OR CONTINUING WITH YOUR BUSINESS INTERESTS - LIKE YOUR CLOTHING AND FRAGRANCE LINES WHICH WOULD YOU CHOOSE? Outside of being a parent, my work as an actor is my priority. Being an actor is my job, that’s the job I wanted my whole life. That is what is most interesting and what I love most. But I have found great satisfaction and learned an enormous amount in business. I had a dream, for whatever silly reason, of having a fragrance. It was based on nothing, not because I deserved one. So I loved doing that. And I loved for personal reasons the clothing line because it addressed some things that I understood from growing up with little or no money. All of it has been wonderful. But I would say being an actor is a privilege. WHAT CAN’T YOU LIVE WITHOUT? My son! My husband! Food! IS THERE A GADGET THAT YOU COULD NEVER PART WITH? Well I love my Blackberry, but I’m not embarrassed about it. Because I am a mother, and I travel. And without my Blackberry I couldn’t speak to my own mother - who texts me all day long. And I mean that in a good way! And I wouldn’t get pictures of my children all the time, and be in touch with my home and my friends, and my family. So I really don’t think of it as a shackle. To me, it’s an endless list of virtues. But I don’t bring it to bed with me, and check it in the middle of the night. When I go to bed, it goes to bed! I don’t get up, I don’t look at it. It charges, it replenishes itself. It gets ready for the new day! It wakes up, and we chat over a cup of coffee. So I love my Blackberry. But I am convinced I was one of the first people in America to have a Blackberry. Because I had one in 1999. The first Blackberry, the one that looked like a doctor’s beeper. It’ll be in MOMA some day! A perfect specimen. FINALLY...CAN A DESIGNER HANDBAG REALLY MAKE YOU THAT HAPPY? Umm...yes! Does it replace more meaningful things in a person’s life? No.


“Outside of being a parent, my work as an actor is my priority. Being an actor is my job, that’s the job I wanted my whole life.”

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SJP & THE MOVIES How Sarah Jessica Parker has fared on the Big Screen SPINNING INTO BUTTER ÌÌ Well-intentioned but methodical stage adaptation centreing on racial tensions on a college campus. Some skilful acting but as producer, SJP somehow manages to mis-cast herself in the lead.

THE FAMILY STONE ÌÌÌ Sometimes poignant Christmas movie spoilt by awkward changes of tone. Messy but there’s enough moments of pathos and pluck to keep you interested.

SEX AND THE CITY ÌÌ The first movie from the classic TV series was always going to struggle to match the hype and expectation but its lack of grit was inexcusable and it veered perilously close to self indulgence at times.

DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE MORGANS? Ì Teen-friendly rom-com snooze-athon with a flatlined plot and littered with excruciating stereotypes. Crucial lack of chemistry with Hugh Grant adds to the debacle. SJP’s silver screen low point. STATE AND MAIN ÌÌÌÌÌ David Mamet in relaxed, againsttype mode creates elegant masterpiece. SJP is delightfully OTT, nailing the Hollywood ego trip perfectly.

FAILURE TO LAUNCH ÌÌ SJP does her best with flimsy material in this attempted rom-com but nothing can save it from the charm-free zone that is Matthew McConaughey. Performed at the box office nevertheless.




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news, events & happenings FROM ACROSS THE REGION... Leeds Heads to Barcelona to Showcase City's Strengths March saw businesses from Leeds and Yorkshire head to the Spanish business centre of Barcelona for the three day festival, 'Leeds in Barcelona - a Festival of Commerce and Culture'. The event gave Spanish audiences a snapshot of business and culture from the city of Leeds and is designed to give Leeds businesses the opportunity to showcase their sectors, skills and expertise and in doing so, raise the profile of Leeds as a dynamic, internationally competitive city. A wide range of business sectors were represented throughout the event including legal, financial, cultural, creative & digital, property, hotels & tourism.

YORKSHIRE HOSPITAL FEELS THE BENEFITS Following a recent £6 million investment, Sheffield's Claremont Hospital now boasts three operating theatres, scanning facilities and newly refurbished bedrooms. A dedicated team of Aesthetic Nurse Consultants and Consultant Plastic Surgeons use the latest state of the art equipment and technology to offer the following treatments: Laser hair removal, pigment problems, facial and leg thread veins, acne treatment, wrinkle reduction, cosmetic fillers, Botox therapy, skin resurfacing, thermage and scar revision. For more info visit: www.claremont-hospital.com

Waste Not, Want Not Leeds Urban Harvestis a voluntary run project that collects and distributes soft fruits that grow unharvested around our city on trees and bushes in both public and ivate pr spaces. Fruit is distributed to groups, volunteers and the local community. Damaged fruits are turned into juice, preserves, jams and chutneys and any money raised is put backtointhe project to help with running costs. As part of the project they aim to raise awareness of the great abundance of local tasty and healthy food that is available for everyone and for free. Find out more and get involved at: www.leedsurbanharvest.org.uk


Leeds' Best Shot New Entrepreneurs Headed for the Catwalk Urban Biz held 'How Bizaar!The Fashion Show' at Seven, Chapel Allerton, in March, celebrating the work of local designers, artists and entrepreneurs supported by Urban Biz. Opening with a catwalk show of llowed by time to shop, this was a fantastic showcase of some of Leeds budding talent. Participants in the show are all part of the How Bizaar! project. This allows new entrepreneurs to trial their business idea at a stall in Kirkgate market for 12 weeks free of charge. How Bizaar, Leeds Kirkgate Market, 1976 Market Hall, Row A and B, 34 Great George Street, Leeds, LS2 4HY. Visit www.urbanbiz.or g.uk or email: gemma@urbanbiz.org.uk for more information.


A unique take on the Leeds skyline has earned the coveted title of Leeds ‘Best Shot’2010. Aaron Hargreaves from Leeds College of Art Design snapped up the award with his photograph ‘An Unusual Perspective’which depicts a trio of buildings towering towards a vibrant twilight sky. Student accommodation provider UNITE’s annual photography competition searches for student snaps which capture lif e in Leeds. Aaron’s image beat off competition from almost 200 other photographs to clinch the op t spot. The winning image, alongside those of four runners up, will now be exhibited at The Faversham from 7-30th April 2010. Aaron has also pocketed a cash prize of £500 and the runners up each received £250.

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YORKSHIRE GETS BRAND A NEWFESTIVAL! The Deer Shed Festival is a newcomer to the summer festival calendar and takes place on Saturday 17 July in Baldersby Park, near Thirsk. It's a family friendly event that promises to offer one day and night of the best in contemporary music and art set in beautiful North Yorkshire parkland. Indie legends, The Wedding Present are headlining, with a stellar line up growing by the minute that includes Miles Hunt from The Wonder Stuff.


The Deer Shed philosophy is such that even the youngest festivalgoer gets as much out of it as their parents do. There's a full chedule of activities, involving musicians and artists alike, that will keep the budding music fan entertained, such as a giant doodle wall, circus skills workshops and percussion making.

Tickets are £35 (under 16's £7.50, under 6s FREE), camping is onsite and free. For more information and to buy tickets, visit www.deershedfestival.com


Love Cars, Live Cars! Cutting Room Creative

Go for Gold Congrats to Leeds salon, Cutting Room Creative who are celebrating the fact that nine of their team have finalised for the prestigiousL'Oreal Colour Trophy Awards. To top that, their Art Director, Rick Dodds from Leeds picked up Silver for the T-Mobile Trafalgar Square sing-along adver t at the BritishTelevision Advertising Awards at the Grosvenor House Hotel plus two more Gold's for the T-Mobile Liverpool Street Station Dance Advert!

If you love cars and dream of owning something special then Ilkley's Bridford Financial Solutions could be the company to contact - and you'll be in good company too, as they are the choice of more than half the England football team and hundreds of Premiership players. The national company is based in The Grove and is the choice of a host of top sports people, multi-millionaires and lotter y winners. Despite the recession, last year was a record-breaking success for the family firm and they provided over £25 million of funding thanks partly to securing exclusive contracts it has with the likes of Ferrari, Aston Martin, Range Rover and Rolls oRyce. Owner of Bridford Financial Solutions, Tim Marlow, said: "Our success is based on offering independent, bespoke finance packages for corporate, business and private clients for specialist sports, luxury and prestige vehicles. "As an independent financial broker we are also able to operate as a dedicated finance and insurance company for dealerships whether they are group dealers or independent, and the excellent levels of commission we offer on a r tes as low as 5.95 per cent, is one of the main reasons along with excellent service, why so many choose to work with us."

World's Oldest Working Railway Reopens in Leeds The world's oldest working railway, the Middleton Railway based in Hunslet, Leeds, has reopened for the 2010 season, with a whole host of fun-filled activities in store for visitors. The charitable organisation, which is run solely by volunteers, gives visitors the opportunity to ride on one of the fully operational trains, learn about the rail history of the area and discover the 250 year old heritage of the Middleton Railway itself. The site, a registered museum, is dominated by The Engine House, which was built in 2005 with the help of funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, local businesses and individuals. Railway enthusiasts can visit the Engine House Display Hall, where they can get up close and personal with an exclusiv e collection of steam and diesel locomotives, many of which were built in Leeds in the 19th and 20th centuries. www.middletonr ailway.org.uk


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Celebrating 700 Stone Weight Loss Success

in Strictly Stylish Fashion! A Strictly Stylish fashion show held on Saturday 27th February at Aspire, in Leeds City Centre, has been hailed as a tremendous success after it raised a whopping £2,000 for Yorkshire Cancer Research. The venue was full to capacity with models, friends and family and Leeds-based business people, but the highlight of the evening were the LighterLife models who strutted their stuff on the catwalk. They all looked confident as they displayed their before and after pictures and showed off their new slim-line figures. The 21 models that featured the show had lost 94 stone between them - that is the equivalent of 12 average-sized women! Guest speakers included Etta Cohen, founder of Forward Ladies, Marilyn Levine, Yorkshire Cancer Research, and the compere was Mark Hoban from the hit TV series Last Man Standing.

A Strictly Successful End to a Stylish Evening

The evening was topped off with a stylish Latino display of tango, salsa, la rueda and milonga, or ganised by local Latino expert Sharon King. Claire Young, star of the TV hit show The Apprentice, said: “I had a fabulous evening, the atmosphere had a real air of celebration which was fantastic! All the models had lost life changing amounts of weight and looked beautiful. As a ef llow slimmer I can appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes to reach your goal weight. They're a great example of how you can achieve anything as long as you get off your backside, work hard and stay focused. The evening was in aid of Yorkshire Cancer Research which is a wonderful charity. After being in hospital the day before for a biopsy it really hits home how much we all need the charity to keep on doing their great work!” The event organiser, Melanie Ellyard, who runs LighterLife in Pudsey and Leeds City C entre said: “Like so many others, my life has been affected by cancer, having lost my dad last year. I feel very touched at all the effort that the guests, celebrity speakers and all those involved in the organisation of this event have gone to!" Scarlet Williams, who has lost over 5 stone said: "If you'd told me a year ago I'd be modelling underwear at a Charity Fashion show in front of 300 people I'd have laughed out loud! Thanks to Lighter Life's amazing weight loss programme and complimentary therapy, I have regained the confidence to do just that. As I stood on the stage in front of all those people I felt absolutely gorgeous, full of confidence and happy in my own skin at last." For more information contact Melanie Ellyard and her team on 0113 2565789 or email pudseyenquiries@lighterlifecounsellor.com.

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Let someone else

do the hard work.

At Debenhams we believe shopping should be fun and hassle free. That’s where our FREE Personal Shoppers come in. Whether you need a special outfit or a new wardrobe, they can help you find the best styles and colours to suit you. Relax with a coffee in your own private suite whilst they get busy. The service is free and there is no obligation to buy. Book your FREE Personal Shopper appointment at Debenhams Leeds City Centre or White Rose today. Call 08445 61 61 61.

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Rob Eaton


lookinggood Seasons change, fashions change and this spring/summer blondes have been the colour story on the catwalks of designers like Chanel, Lanvin, Miu Miu, Louis Vuitton and Versace. Using an innovative palate of subtle hues and tones, this summer’s hottest looks are bright, fresh and unique.

Here’s my rundown of this summer’s hottest hair trends!

PLATINUM HIGHLIGHTS! Platinum blondes will be bright and fresh but there’s a trend toward a more natural, softer, buttery blonde with randomly placed vanilla ribbon highlights. These highlights are seamlessly blended with fluid tones giving hair a beautiful, glossy look and a luxurious feel.


Photography: Karine Jackson for Herb UK

We knew we were seeing the birth of a stylish new colour craze at Chanel - Chanel-egant grey is set to become one of the biggest trends this summer. Cleverly placed panels of a silvery grey tone are placed to break through the underneath sections of the haircut to completely transform blonde hair and give it a stylish, directional feel. The trend is also about embracing grey tone that is naturally found in hair and using some of your natural colour to create a strong statement. Think Kate Moss who has been seen wearing this look with her usual panache.


Gorgeous, hand-made organic shampoo bars with a range of options for different hair types. These fragrant bars can also be used as a body bar and the cleansing properties and moisturising oils leave hair squeaky clean and conditioned. £8 from Cocoonu. 2 Montpelier Mews, Harrogate HG1 2TR

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Top Tips

The natural-looking Stockholm street-style peroxide blonde look is a massive trend this summer. If you're after an edgy look, choose a bold white-blonde colour - as an edgy, eye grabbing statement this colour can be styled particularly well with the strong, short-look hair styles of 2010.

It is very important to find the right tone of blonde for your skin tone. The right hair colour should make your skin glow and your eyes sparkle. Look at the kind of colours you wear – are they cool or warm tones?

SWEET SHERBERT! Sherbet tones were everywhere on the S/S10 catwalks, and they are a trend that translates brilliantly to hair. Introducing a soft pastel candy inspired shade to blonde hair instantly transforms the hair to give it a very modern, fresh and edgy feel. Try blends of lilacs and fine veils of apricot, expertly placed to enhance your haircut. Plus, this great look is achievable with the minimum of maintenance and commitment as the tones are so delicate that they usually last around 3-4 weeks, so it is, therefore, easy to change the look.

Look at your lifestyle - blonde is a colour that takes some maintenance, so it is important to consider how often you want to visit the salon.

New Hair Products Aveda Color Conserve Strengthening Treatment is a protein complex that penetrates deeply to strengthen hair. Naturallyderived sunscreens protect from UVA/UVB fading and colour-treated hair is protected from fading. Infused with sunflower and macadamia nut oils to seal the cuticle and lock in colour and shine. £15.66 from Russell Eaton, 4-6 Boar Lane, Leeds

Aveda’s Blue Malva Shampoo is formulated with plant ingredients to help gently cleanse hair and add brightness to blonde or silver hair while neutralizing brassiness. Blue malva is a wild-harvested flowering herb that enhances cool tones and moisturizes, while antioxidants help prevent damage from environmental aggressors.

A great way of introducing colour to a hair cut is to place slices through the underneath of the haircut. This introduces colour that gives a shimmering effect, giving texture to the look but with the minimum of maintenance.

Around £22 from Russell Eaton, 4-6 Boar Lane, Leeds

Organic Connect is a gentle shampoo for use on pre-lightened hair and white/grey hair. Ideal for use after lightening or highlighting hair and to maintain a clean, clear colour; blondes can keep brassiness away by using this once a week or alternating with another daily shampoo. Silver shampoo is also perfect for mature ladies with grey/white hair to prevent yellow tones.

Joico’s K-PAK Color Therapy Restorative Oil is a weightless formula that’s equally effective as a treatment or a styling product. Rich in an exotic blend of Manketti, Argan and Evening Primrose Oil, it seals and nourishes the hair cuticle, which discourages premature colour fading. As it helps to regenerate hair, it also conditions hair for incredible softness and smoothness. When using as a styling aid, styling and drying time is reduced and it also provides vibrant shine without weight or build-up. More info from www.joico.com


Photography: Karine Jackson for Herb UK

£8.76 Available nationwide, call 01590 613 490 for stockists

The latest innovation from Russell Eaton, Leeds is our glossing techniques for spring/summer. Shine lines are a fabulous new technique designed to mimic the way spot lights hit hair. They create that ultimate high gloss finish ... call into the salon for a consultation to see how this amazing colouring technique can transform your hair! Robert Eaton has just been featured in Harpers Bazaar magazine as one of the UK’s best A-list colourists. The article featured Robert and the Russell Eaton salon in Leeds and was the only featured salon in the north of England!


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Oulton Hall hotel Ad

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Russell Eaton lifestyle salon & spa 4-6 Boar Lane Leeds LS1 5DD 01132 469162 info@russelleaton.demon.co.uk www.russelleatonhair.com

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lookinggood onbeauty


Samantha Marshall

3 steps

towards a better looking skin. But before you start testing and applying, there’s something crucial to ascertain – your skin type. Caring for your skin correctly depends on the type of skin you have: normal, combination, dry, oily or sensitive. Here is a basic guide which may help but see an expert if you’re not sure – it can save a lot of time and money in the long-run.


COMBINATION SKIN This type of skin is the most common – it has areas that are dry and oily – hence, combination. You might find the forehead, nose or chin are oily (this central panel is referred to as the T-Zone) and the cheeks dry. DRY SKIN Dry skin has, of course, a dry appearance and can become flakey. It can be prone to wrinkles and lines due to a lack of sebum, your skin’s natural oil. Try using a creamy cleanser and apply a moisturizer while the skin is still damp, as this can help seal-in more moisture. Don’t forget to also use a good cream before bed.

The skin is the canvas we professional make-up artists work with on a daily basis and the long-term care of it is essential in order to retain that attractive, healthy glow.

OILY/ACNE-PRONE SKIN This type of skin is caused by an over production of sebum making the skin surface greasy. This causes those irksome black heads, white heads, spots and pimples. This type of skin needs to be cleansed thoroughly. Be aware not to use too harsh products to try and combat the greasiness as this can actually stimulate the skin to produce more oil, as can over-washing the skin. Use a light weight moisturizer. MD formulation is a good product to use for oily/ combination skins.

SENSITIVE SKIN This type of skin has a fine texture and is very sensitive to changes in the climate. Avoid products that contain fragrances, soap or alcohol or unnecessary chemical ingredients that may irritate skin. Deramalogica products are a good product for sensitive skins. NORMAL SKIN Normal skin has a proper balance between oil and moisture contents and is neither greasy nor dry. The skin tone is even. It looks clear and does not develop spots and blemishes. It just needs gentle treatment.

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NEW CO COSMETICS OSMETICS PRODUCTS PRODUC CTS New Y Youth outh Surge Night Age Decelerating Moisturiserr is available in three thr ee skin-typed for formulas. mulaas. as V Ver Very ery Dr Dry y to se and elegant Dry Dr y – a luxuriously dense cr eam saturates skin with th intense cream moistur e, leaving a soft, smooth feel. Dr y moisture, Dry Combination – a soft, whipped hipped cr eam cream that moisturises skin, leaving aving skin soft n Oily to Oily and supple. Combination – a lightweight crème-gel el delivering moistur ded most, leaving moisturee wher wheree it is needed skin soft and feeling rrefreshed. efrreshed. Oil-fr ee. Oil-free. 50ml £38.00 – stockists 0870 870 034 2566


Use about Use about the the size size ooff a 55p p ccoin oin eevery very ttime ime y ou cl eanse. U sing y our ffingertips ingertips you cleanse. Using your iin nu pward strokes, strokes, m assage tthe he cl leanser iinto nto tthe he sskin k in – u sing tthe he ccorrect orrect upward massage cleanser using m ovements on on tthe he fface a ce w ill h elp p revent w rinkles. De pending oon n tthe he ttype y pe movements will help prevent wrinkles. Depending cleanser use, wash with warm water with ooff cl eanser you you u se, eeither ither w ash iitt ooff ff w ith w arm w ater oorr ttake ake iitt ooff ff w ith a dampened wool pad. Unless cleanser use d ampened ccotton otton w ool p a d. U nless tthe he cl eanser iiss ffor or u se oon n eeyes, yes, ttry ry ttoo aavoid void tthe he might bee ttoo harsh Also, eeye ye area area aass iitt m ight b oo h arsh ffor he tthin hin sskin kin iin n tthis his aarea. re a . A lso, ttry ry aand nd aavoid void or tthe bar dry b ar ssoaps oaps as as they they ttend end ttoo d ry oout ut tthe he sskin. k i n. Don’t cleanse morning will dust D on’t fforget orget to to cl eanse tthe he sskin kin iin n tthe he m orning - tthis h is w ill rremove emove d ust aand nd ssebum ebum prepare your moisturiser. aand nd p repare iitt ffor or y our m oisturiser. One worst you do, which my work, O ne of of tthe he w orst tthings hings y ou ccan an eever ver d o, w hich iiss vvery ery ccommon ommon iin nm y lline ine ooff w ork, bed with your makeup That big NO-NO. Whatever products iiss go go to to b ed w ith y our m akeup oon. n. T hat iiss a b ig N O-NO. W hatever p roducts aare re when you goo ttoo b bed will penetrate All oon n the the sskin k in w hen y ou g ed w ill p enetrate iinto nto tthe he sskin kin oovernight. vernight. A ll tthat hat makeup previous day will clog pores m akeup and and debris debris ffrom rom tthe he p revious d ay w ill cl og tthe he p ores aand nd ccause ause sspots. pots. Remember, cleansing EVEN you don’t wear R emember,, cl eansing iiss aan n eessential ssential sskin kin ccare are sstep, tep, E V EN iiff y ou d on’t w ea r makeup. m akeup.


Toner is Toner is tthe he ssecond econd m most ost iimportant mportant sstep tep iin n tthe he cl cleansing eansing p process. r o ce s s . T Toning oning eensures nsures tthat hat aall ll ttraces races ooff cl eanser aare re rremoved. emoved. IItt aalso lso ttightens ightens tthe he p ores ssoo tthere here aare re n cleanser pores noo more blockages! Again, use wool don’t drag m ore b lockages! A g a i n, u se cotton cotton w ool aand nd d on’t d rag tthe he sskin. k i n.


Using a m Using moisturiser oisturiser iiss a m must ust ffor or aall ll sskin kin ttypes y p es b but ut iit’s t’s iimportant mportant ttoo m make ake ssure u re w re u sing tthe he rright ight m oisturiser ffor or oour ur sskin kin ttype. y p e. T hey p rotect tthe he sskin kin ffrom rom wee aare using moisturiser They protect The produces moisture which wee tthen need iinside nside and and ooutside. utside. T he sskin k in p roduces m oisture ffrom rom iinside nside w hich w hen n e ed with moisturiser. need provide with barrier ttoo seal seal iin nw ith a m oisturiser. Wee aalso lso n eed ttoo p rovide tthe he sskin k in w ith a b arrier Contrary popular belief, aagainst gainst the the eenvironment. nvironment. C ontrary ttoo p opular b elief, eeven ven ooily ily sskin kin rrequires equires a moisturizer. Oh, don’t SPF! m oisturizer. O h, aand nd d on’t fforget orget tthat hat S PF!


Exfoliation iiss the Exfoliation the sstep tep m most ost p people eople fforget orget iin n ttheir heir w weekly eekly sskincare kincare rroutine. outine. M Make ake you buy with your bee ffar ssure u re y ou b uy aan n eexfoliant xfoliant tthat hat iiss ccompatible ompatible w ith y our sskin kin ttype ype - ssome ome ccan an b ar harsh. Exfoliating gets dead which ttoo oo h arsh. E xfoliating iiss eessential ssential aass iitt g ets rrid id ooff aall ll tthe he d ead sskin kin ccells ells w hich ccan an make Men daily when m ake the the skin skin appear appear dull. dull. M en ttend end ttoo eexfoliate xfoliate d aily w hen tthey hey sshave have aand nd ssome ome people men’s’ more youthful p eople have have suggested suggested tthis his iiss tthe he rreason eason m en’s’ sskin kin llooks ooks m ore y outhful tthan ha n women’s. w omen’s. Don’t with water D on’t fforget orget ttoo ccleanse leanse ffirst irst tthen hen eexfoliate, xfoliate, rrinse inse ooff ff w itth llukewarm ukewarm w ater aand nd apply tthen hen ap pply y a face face mask. mask.


Apply a llayer Apply ayer all all over over the the fface, ace, ssteering teering cl clear ear ooff tthe he eeyes yes aand nd llet et iitt ssink ink iin n oover ver 2200 m inutes. R emove w ith a d ampened w ashcloth. A fter tthe he m ask, u se y our ttoner oner ttoo minutes. Remove with dampened washcloth. After mask, use your mask before Then rremove emove eevery very last last ttrace race ooff m ask b efore aapplying pplying aanything nything eelse lse ttoo tthe he sskin. k i n. T hen aapply pply that that moisturizer. moisturizer.

Afriteaque is an ethical, organic l di skincar ladies ki e range de d eveloped l d skincare developed in South Africa using a skin smoothing active ingr ed dient called ingredient Rooibos. Recent rresearch esearch c has confir med that Rooibos contains confirmed 50 times mor ants than moree anti-oxida anti-oxidants Chinese gr een tea and rivals green anti-aging ingr edients such uch as ingredients ginseng. These anti-oxidant idant proper ties mimic the body’s ody’s own anti-aging enzyme, super oxide ide dismutase, properties limiting the activity of fr ree radicals that cause aging. free w.afriteaque.com Afriteaque Day Cr eam £28 from www .afriteaque.com Cream www.afriteaque.com Paraben fr P ee and with an ingr edients list that includes free ingredients t likes of A the Avocado vocado Oil, Beeswax and Golden Emu O the newly for Oil, mulated Golden Emu u Oil Hand and formulated B Body Lotion isn’t your average moisturiser riser, but then moisturiser, a again neither ar ffects. fects. The new for mula has been aree its ef effects. formula p together using some of natur put e’s most ost power ful nature’s powerful s substances to cr eate what could be onee of the strongest create a anti-aging lotions on the market, but without the high p price tag. £ £9.95 from www w.shopfor .shopforh health.co.uk www.shopforhealth.co.uk Lift Advance uses the latest L t technology to rreduce educe wrinkle volume, ssurface sur face and depth, as well as subtly rrepositioning epositioning facial dimensions, delivering an instantly younger younger,, lifted appearance. This is done using unique ingr e edients to stimulate fibroblasts and ingredients collagen fibers to str eng gthen and encourage greater greater dermal dermal strengthen cohesion. £65 from www w.dibiuk.com .dibiuk.com m / 020 3417 4979 www.dibiuk.com Hand made in the UK and SLS and free, using only thee finest Paraben free, naturalingredients including: g: the pur est of naturalingredients purest y grown organic organic essential oils, locally h b and d frui, fr f ui, i llocally ll sour c d goats ced t milk ilk herbs sourced honey. The organic loofah fah soaps ar and honey. aree the nsing, exfoliating first of their kind with cleansing, propertiess within one and moisturising properties are loved by men en and women product and are Harrrogate 200g £13 from Cocoonu Harrogate ews, Harrogate Harrogate Boutique: 5 Montpellier Mews, www w.cocoonu.com www.cocoonu.com A luxurious, all-natural, antioxidant rich cr eam, it helps cream, enhance the pH bar rier that protects the skin while rrepairing epairing barrier scar tissue and skin dam mage caused by environmental factors. damage For mulated around Yin Yin Y Yang’s ang’s g signatur g e botanical protein p Formulated signature base, Y in Yang Yang Rich Skin in Food is enriched with nutritious Yin wheat ger m oil for antioxidant oxidant Vitamin E and a combination off germ ingr edients including Vitamins itamins A, B, C, D & E, calcium, folic ingredients acid and zinc to rrestore estore and repair. repair. £19.50 – Holland & Bar rett - www.hollandandbarrett.com www w.hollandandbar .hollandandbarrett.com Barrett

Last b Last but ut n not ot lleast, east, d don’t on’t fforget orget aabout boout tthe he eeye ye aarea. re a . E Eye ye ccreams re a m s h help elp p prevent revent ccrows rows ffeet eet ((wrinkles w rinkles aaround round eeyes). yes). T ry C linque ““all all aabout bout eeyes”. yes”. Y ou oonly nly n eed a vvery ery Try Clinque You need Place your using both ssmall mall aamount. mount. P lace iitt oon ny our iindex ndex ffinger inger aand nd tthen hen u sing bo th ffingers ingers aatt oonce nce oon n dab underneath eeach ach eeye ye just just d ab tthe he ccream re a m u nderneath tthe he eeye ye aarea, rea, aaround round ttoo tthe he ssides ides aand nd jjust ust below b elow the the eeyebrow. yebrow.


ON MAGAZINE 3-27:Layout 1 05/04/2010 21:00 Page 28

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ON MAGAZINE 28-67:Layout 1 05/04/2010 20:21 Page 1

onspa review


spa ‫ ۄ‬REVIEW Russell Eaton, Leeds On’s Beauty Editor, Bethanie Lunn, puts Leeds’s newest Spa through its pampering paces… Booking Procedure: There are three ways to make a booking - in the salon itself with the reception team, through an online enquiry from which the spa will return your message or by simply telephoning the salon and booking directly.

Bethanie Lunn

You can view the treatments on offer on their website or take away a spa menu from the salon for your reference. First impressions: Russell Eaton Lifestyle Salon & Spa is a stunning building in the heart of Leeds city centre. The design was led by Aveda’s main architect, Richard Evetts from Reis Designs, and is in keeping with the brand’s earthy, natural appeal. In opposition to the light and airy salon, the spa nestles on the lower ground floor and transports you into an entirely different world of low lighting, hanging lanterns, hardwood and candlelight to create an instantly warming and tranquil ambience. I was able to relax immediately.

My chosen aroma soothed my senses, working in unison with the calming sensation of the smooth stone massage. Both warm and cool stones were used to offer a revitalising opposition of sensations which left me feeling invigorated and the warm towels placed on my back at the end delivered a feeling of pure contentment. We ended with a Spa Pedicure (75 mins/£40). After soaking my feet, my toe nails and cuticles were trimmed, then my feet were treated to an intensive hydrating mask and enveloped in warm towels, which feels incredibly luxuriant, and then massaged. OPI nail varnish is used to finish the pedicure with a pop of colour.

What Happened Next?: My therapist handed me a client card to complete then led me to my treatment room. She explained that the Aveda philosophy is based on ‘ayurveda’ (an easternoriginating form of alternative treatment) and the Elemental Nature Questionnaire I was asked to fill out reveals the element you most resemble - your entire treatment is then based around these results - from the products, to the essential oil aromas and facial massage techniques. My Treatment: I was recommended the Elemental Nature Facial. You can choose from a 30 minute facial for £40, 60 minutes for £60 or 90 minutes for £80. The results of my Elemental Nature Questionnaire were impressive as I (and my complexion) felt irritated that day and I identified with the ‘Fire’ element which cools and soothes sensitive, irritated skin. Opting for a quick 30 minutes, the facial was a relaxing experience leaving my skin feeling more balanced and looking fresh.

Other Treatments Available: In addition to the more soulful well-being treatments, the

spa offers a good ‘eye enhancement’ menu including eyelash and brow tints, lash and brow waxing and even a hand or scalp massage.

Manicures are also on offer along with special packages. The ‘double date’ is an all inclusive sensory journey for two. Opt for a manicure, back, neck and shoulder massage and facial or the ‘upgrade’ which offers a manicure and pedicure, blow dry or cut and finish and a full body massage. All of this is enjoyed over an ‘Eaton drink’ and strawberries. Special Extras: Bridal packages are on offer starting at £70 for a blow dry, manicure and pedicure. You must try the Aveda Comforting Tea with liquorice and peppermint. It tastes absolutely delicious, is caffeine-free and available to buy from the salon, so you can enjoy it at home too. You can continue the experience at home and buy any of the Aveda cosmetics, skin and hair care products from the salon itself. Opt for a hand massage or manicure as your colour sets. Therapists will come to your chair as you wait so you can get polished and preened from head to toe. Summary: This family-run business offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city it rests in the middle of. Addressing today’s modern lifestyles, Russell Eaton Lifestyle Salon & Spa caters to the demand for hair and beauty treatments all under one roof, with a full treatment menu and the use of leading organic brand, Aveda. Successfully combining the beauty of nature with the science of cutting-edge expertise, this is certainly one combination to delight in. Russell Eaton Lifestyle Salon & Spa, 4-6 Boar Lane, Leeds LS1 5DD T: 0113 2469 162

I followed that with The Fusion Stone Massage (60 mins/£65) - the pièce de résistance - which helps improve circulation and offer relief from fatigue. Treatments here commence with you deeply inhaling the aroma of three different scents. Your favourite scent is then used during your treatment.




Beautiful MyrtleMay button Charm Bracelet available in a range of colours - fun and fresh, perfect with jeans and T-shirt. £24 from www.pinkbutterflyjewellery.net / 0113 257 7447


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jewellery for Summer 2010

A very chic, easy to wear bangle. Red is ever popular, and for the right reason it looks stunning with almost every skin tone. In the centre of this very modern bangle, featuring square cut outs, is a lovely chunk of red resin inlay. £193.50 from www.pistachio-jewellery.co.uk

Lina Peterson, from Sweden, creates bold splashes of colour by dipping her wire structures set with Swarovski crystals into liquid plastic. The resulting playful series of brooches look fantastic on simple t-shirts! Prices from £37 for earrings to £130 for the larger brooches. From kathlibbertjewellery.co.uk Miquella Lotus bangle £110 from www.miquella.com

Flower Clips £2.50, Short Grab Bead Bracelet £4, Overlapping Heart Bracelet £2.50 - all from BHS

Xavier Monclus’ jewellery takes his jewellery to the limits of wear-ability. Inspired by everyday life and the careful appropriation of pictures and objects from a childhood world, he has created an absurd universe inhabited by strange inventions, senseless machines with Dadaist echoes and hybrids drawn from animals and architecture. These unique one-off brooches start from £98 - £350. From kathlibbertjewellery.co.uk

Black enamel Rock Chic earrings with Swarovski crystal. £35 from Bo Bangles www.bobangles.co.uk

Accessorize has lots of bargain summer jewellery, including Sweetie Bangles £10, Embossed Bangles £5 and Shell Bangles £8


ON MAGAZINE 28-67:Layout 1 05/04/2010 20:22 Page 3

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ON MAGAZINE 28-67:Layout 1 05/04/2010 20:23 Page 4

introducing the spa at Russel Eaton

experience ...the Aveda way

Russell Eaton lifestyle salon & spa 4-6 Boar Lane Leeds LS1 5DD 01132 469162 info@russelleaton.demon.co.uk www.russelleatonhair.com


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what’s new

Bethanie Lunn



Writer and Presenter, Bethanie Lunn, reports on all that's new and fabulous in the region - from bar and restaurant openings to the latest treatments. What she doesn't know isn't worth knowing…

Clever Little Soles

Always carry a spare pair of flat shoes in your handbag to change into when your stilettos start to smart. The best two designs out there are Tipsy Feet, £22.95 that come with their own matching holdall and Butterfly Twists, £14.99. Both designs fold in half so they're small enough to store in any bag. Both brands are available in a range of colours and sizes. Buy Butterfly Twists from www.butterflytwists.com. Tipsy Feet are available from 3 King Edward Street, Victoria Quarter, Leeds. Images of Tipsy Feet courtesy of Livia Bonadio.

Rude Cakes and Mobile Style There is a huge vintage clothing scene in Leeds and Harrogate and among the front runners are Rayon Rose - a group of lovely ladies from Leeds who have put together their wisdom and love of all things vintage to create shopping events and other fabulous concepts. Their tea parties and homemade 'naughty cakes' are superb. Think cutesy homemade cupcakes adorned with edible glitter and the odd x-rated word on top! I love the juxtaposition. They also host tea parties on the move - travelling to festivals and events in their vintage-style caravan. Keep an eye on their website for future parties! www.rayonrose.co.uk

Filofax My Top Find Your Lipstick BEAUTY VIP, the exclusive discounts club for beauty connoisseurs … Beauty VIP is a membership club that gets you thousands of privately negotiated discounts on a wide range of beauty products and services across the UK.

For those that like to keep their cosmetics organised, The Python Planner by Trish McEvoy has just hit the stores but you have to be quick as it is available in limited quantities for this season only. The Planner is like a luxurious filofax for your make-up with pull-out refillable 'pages' comprising your choice of make-up and shades. Trish McEvoy's maxed-out refillable page of her newest high performing colours includes Eye Base Essentials Bare, deluxe travel size, Azure eye shadow, NEW Crystal Diamond Eye Shadow, Arabian Nights definer, NEW Radiance face colour trio, NEW Translucent finishing powder and NEW Irresistible Petal Lip gloss. This is super convenient if you like to look good on the go and enjoy being prepared at all times. You can take the whole planner away on holiday or romantic get-aways and if you don't want to take the whole thing to work each day, simply unclip the pages you require and you can look your best at all times. The Python Planner Price £68 filled from Harvey Nichols

Members receive a stylish black and gold personalized membership card and gold book filled with 240 pages worth of reviews, tips and interviews with the founders of some of the best beauty brands in the UK plus discounts to for spas, nail salons and treatment centres. An annual membership to Beauty VIP costs just £29.99 Sign up on: www.beautyvip.com

Beth's One to Watch! KnK Clothing is 'a statement of your individual style and taste', producing customdesigned hoodies and other apparel to suit the personality and style of the customer, making the hoody that usually gets a bad wrap, cool again. Cool enough, in fact, to be featured recently in Vogue magazine! Creator, Sallyanne McCrory began designing and printing back in 2004 and had her own range of KnK men and women's T_shirts in Acid Test and Psyclone Clothing. But it was during her work at Radius Bar, where the t-shirts she designed for the staff were spotted by Mick Dunn, Managing Director for All Saints, that things started to take off. From there, Sallyanne's label is growing in acclaim and today she enjoys 'freestyling designs for customers and catering to their specific needs.'


Expect cool street stars to be donning KnK very soon! For more information contact Sallyanne@knkclothing.com or alternatively call 07815 917394.

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Designer Pout

Harrogate Café Gets a Makeover

One of my favourite designers, Tom Ford has used his cosmetic savvy to create a range of luxurious lipsticks, available in 12 exclusive, non-imitative shades. Moist yet long-lasting, these new lipsticks carry the same awe-inducing perfection as the rest of Fords work. From nude to deep and daring, my favourites are True Coral (it is hard to find the perfect fruity yet soft coral these days) and Black Orchid, a dark berry shade named after his first delicious fragrance. There is already a waiting list so be quick! Tom Ford Private Blend Lip Colour Collection, £35 each. Available at Harvey Nichols and Tom Ford Beauty Counters from April 24th.

The former Milan's Coffee House has had an extensive make-over, introduced esteemed London Chef, Wendy O'Brien (La Gavroche) and therefore created a charming, affluent eatery whose cakes displayed in the window literally stop passers by in their tracks! O'Brien's stunning cakes ooze the same charm as the café itself, displayed like inviting works of art that, after admiring for some time, you just can't wait to sink your teeth into as you sip one of their Italian flat whites. O'Brien has catered for many well-known people and events, including catering to the stars at Hollywood parties. And that's clear with every mouthful! Chill out with your favourite book, people-watch or gather the girls together for a stylish bite to eat. 47 Oxford Street, Harrogate, HG1 1PW T: 01423 536606 www.jakeanthony.co.uk

Dr. Fish Revolutionise the Pedicure Far Eastern lovlies and the Manhattan Elite have enjoyed a new beauty craze that revolutionises the pedicure and now us Brits can enjoy it too with the first ever 'fish spa' now open in Sheffield's Meadowhall Shopping Centre. You simply immerse your feet into foot baths as Garra Rufa - also known as Doctor Fish - gently suck and nibble away the dry skin from the feet leaving you with healthy, rejuvenated skin. These clever fish can also stimulate acupuncture points, helping to regulate the nervous system, relax the body and release fatigue. The experience is actually very pleasant although I was initially a little unnerved at the sight of fish surrounding my feet! It feels like gentle bubbles rippling around your feet and is very relaxing and, yes, the clever little things live up to the claims and I was left with silky-smooth skin. It seems Meadowhall is one to watch! As the flagship for Appy Feet, I have it on the down low that there is a host of more exciting launches and debuts at this mall. I've a feeling the opening of the new office and Aldo stores are also a sign of things to come… Keep a look out at: www.meadowhall.co.uk

Pssst! The Mustard Pot are hosting a Mexican themed night, Cinco de Mayo, on 5th May. Expect Mexican street food, tacos and burritos followed by a tequila talk from Leeds-based experts at 8.30pm. This is one of many themed nights at this newly cool pub in trendy Chapel Allerton. Their National Pie Week was a total hit, offering a new pie to indulge in every night of the week! Visit the website for a full list of events. 20 Stainbeck Lane, Leeds LS7 3QY T: 0113 269 5699 www.themustardpot.com

Fragrance Your Home Carefully blending only the finest organic ingredients and the highest concentration of essential oils, NEOM introduces two new scents to its tenstrong range of organic candles. 'Serenity' combines warming tones of Vanilla with woody Sandalwood for complete peace and calm whilst 'Sumptuous' combines soothing Rose and Neroli (orange blossom) to comfort and indulge. This is a truly luxurious and eco-chic way to fragrance your home and, thankfully, they have a skin and body care range too so that you can smell as divine as your abode. Look out for more exciting launches throughout the year including NEOM reed diffusers, NEOM travel kits as well as the NEOM super huge four wick candle later in the year. NEOM Luxury Organics products are available at Caines Flowers, Woods and Morgan Clare in Harrogate, Serendipity in Wetherby and The Olive Branch in Ilkley and Otley. Also visit www.neomorganics.com or, for your nearest stockist please call 0870 460 4677.

SPOTTED!... Step Into Spring Now that spring has arrived, you'll be changing your wellies to strappy sandals so get your tootsies looking good and your body feeling fab with Hilary Taylor, a qualified Reflexologist sure to be on your speed dial soon. Reflexology is a complementary therapy which works on the feet to help heal the whole person and encourage a deep relaxation which alleviates stress and tension. The treatment involves gentle pressure massage to the reflex areas on the feet which correspond with various parts of the body. If you want to shed the winter blues and put a spring in your step, book now and receive 15% off your first treatment. Call Hilary at Innercore Advanced Therapy Clinic, Morley, Leeds. T: 07854 411053 www.reflexologyinleeds.co.uk

Best Vintage in Leeds offer alterations from as little as £4.50 so if you love vintage clothing but seldom find they fit, this in-house service is the answer to your fashion prayers. 22 New Market Street, Leeds LS1 6DG T: 0113 245 5101 A new tiny corner of Kirkgate Market near the corn exchange entrance selling homemade cakes, fresh coffee (from a mere £1), handmade knitted tea cosies and trendy kitchen ware. Love it! A new men's grooming salon, iMale, is now open making it OK for guys to get gorgeous with their range of professional shaves, tanners and facials. 7 Vicar Lane, Leeds LS2 7JF T: 0113 245 1220 New 'Gorgeous Treatments' at hob offering hair masks and treatments to perfect your locks, starting at just £5.00. Available from April with a whopping 50% off all treatments Mon-Fri throughout April 2010. hob salons, 12 Duncan Street, Leeds, LS1 6DL 37 T: 0113 243 5555 / F: 0113 243 2299 / W: www.hobsalons.com

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what's hot

in the Shops His 'n' Hers Accessories With sharp yet feminine tailoring on trend more and more women's shirts come cuffed so look out for women's cuff links or even better, choose styles you can share with your man. Show a sense of humour with these Alice in Wonderland inspired crystal teapots, £41.95 Literally wear your heart on your sleeve with these Heart Mother of Pearl, £41.95 These brushed steel round discs are masculine enough for him yet striking enough for her, £29.95 All by Simon Carter . Available at Cadeaux, 3 King Edward Street, Victoria Quarter, Leeds LS1 6AX Tel: 0113 234 6466 www.cadeaux-leeds.com

Who Said Pink is Just for Girls?! I LOVE the spring summer 2010 collection from French Connection they've got it spot on this season. This Men's Pink Quilted Jacket, £95 will give your look a bold edge and liven up your usual jeans and t-shirt combo. French Connection, 55 VICAR LANE, LEEDS LS1 6BB T: 01132 435 509

The Perfect Summer Cocktail Dress Asymmetric, colourful, floaty and flattering. What's not to love in this beautiful Eden Dress - ideal for balmy summer evenings with a bellini in hand. Charas Eden Dress in 'Pink Suede', £140.00, also available in blue at Accent, 12-16 Queens Arcade, Leeds LS1 6LF. T: 0113 244 2414 www.accentclothing.com

The Shoe of The Season Has anyone else noticed how cool Matalan is today? These peep-toe Stud Cuff Shoes, £18 are at the forefront of fashion. Wear with bright orange or hot pink painted toe nails or with silk socks during the not-so-sunny days. At Matalan stores across Yorkshire, for your nearest please visit: www.matalan.co.uk


The Classic Mac With a Twist If you have not ventured into Tunnel recently, get to it right away! This is an amazing boutique full of accurately on trend pieces, copied straight off the catwalk. There is a real mix of bargains and high end pieces but all with a touch individuality and luxury. I can't help but splurge every time I walk in and this Burberry esque mac is top of my in-vogue list. Macs are a classic and for spring, a touch of ruching brings it bang up to date. Rinascimento (Teddy) Mac with ruching, £140.00 Tunnel, 6 Queens Arcade, Leeds LS1 6LF. T: 0113 2439996

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Cafe Guru

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Paul Bedford


How to get the most from your workouts…

“Make sure you set goals for your training. This will help maintain focus and motivation which are key elements in improving performance.”

At The Village we realise that, for some people, working out isn't a joy - it's a chore. And while keeping fit and in shape might be necessary on health grounds or simply preferable for your dayto-day life, we are not all natural gym-goers with a propensity for hours of workout dedication. Which is why it's all the more important to ensure you are exercising correctly and actually getting the most from your time at the gym - and that depends on two crucial factors: the perfect form and the correct intensity

NEUTRAL SPINE SWITCH ON THE CORE First - stop the slouching! It's imperative that you get your posture correct from the start - it will set you up for a better, more efficient workout. Keeping a neutral spine (the three natural curves that are present in a healthy spine) when exercising will firstly help to engage your core, get an equal balance of your muscles throughout your body, help increase strength and will lower the risk of any injury occurring during your workout. So bring your abdominals in towards your spine and pull yourself tall imagine you head is been pulled up by a line of string.

SET GOALS Make sure o yu set goals for your training. This will help maintain focus and motivation which are key elements in improving performance. Set your goals, write them down and stick them on your fridge, notice boards or even your desk tawork - anywhere where you can see them daily. Set both short-term and long-term goals for your training and - importantly make them achiev able.


Q&A What do they mean by the term 'window of opportunity'? Basically this is the time periodter af exercise where you should consume your nutrients to enable a fasterecovery r and results. Supplements are areat g way of doing this and taking rowth. in protein after every session helps boost muscle g Are sports drinks a good source of hydration during your workouts? Yes and no - it depends on what you are trying to gain. Energy drinks are packed with sugars and if you are trying to loose a few pounds are therefore not ideal. Your body uses up these stores during exercise and the last thing you want to do is top them back up, so stick to the water. On the other hand, if you are more of an intense trainer they can be beneficial as they top up electrolytes and glycogen stores meaning you have energy for longer. As a female I'm worried that weight training will make me look manly. t training with my female This is far from the truth. I do weigh clients regularly and the results eargreat. If you are trying to change your body shape then resistance training 2-3 times a week is essen tial whatever sex you are. Stick to endurance training if you don't want to bulk muscle and make sure you you need for get professional advice on the type of ercise ex the specific areas you wish to change.


These are key to your training. Without incorporating correct form and intensity you will not progress in the gym. Form is usually related to resistance training and so many people in the gym suffer because of poor form in their workouts - when bench pressing, for example, make sure you take advantage of the negative part of the exercise (the lowering of the weight). Don't just drop the weight on yourself and try to bounce it off your chest. Don't cheat on your exercise and you will push the muscles to their maximum and make them develop more quick ly. Intensity is crucial to your workout - don't just go through the motions.

OVERLOAD THE MUSCLES 'Overload' means what is says - working the muscles where they have to adapt to the stresses being placed upon them. Remember the heart is a muscle, so this needs to be worked if you wish for it to be stronger too. If you do not overload in your workout you will not change and achieve 't just do the your goals. So if it's too easy, up the weight or speed - don exercise and think that's it!

BEAT THE DEVIL The mind is just as important as the body when you train. If you are not mentally focused for the session, get out of the gym because you are wasting your time. Always focus on your form throughout and don't let the little devil on your shoulder win and make you cheat a little bit yb speeding up your reps or slowing down on your running. Listen to the angel on the other shoulder telling you that you can do this. Remember don't cheat and maximize your session!

MIX IT UP Finally, don't stick to the same old workout. Mix up your training with cardio and resistance work, change the types of exercise you do for each body part and increase the weight when necessary. Change your programmes every 6-12 weeks, changing your exercise, rep range, speed of movement and even the days you exercise.

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on gig guide

oncdreview Commercially rehabilitated and, now, following the sprawling ’22 Dreams’ , back in favour with the critics. Not that Weller himself would care either way, he’s always been a contrary soul, ploughing his own private furrow and often at his best when his back’s against the wall. So ‘Wake Up The Nation’ notches up the intensity, rounds up the collaborators (My Bloody Valentine’s Kevin Shields, ELO’s Bev Bevan and, remarkably, exJam bassist Bruce Foxton) and snips away any indulgences.


11 . . . .KING CREOSOTE, Wakefield, Henry Boons 14 . . . .PLAN B, Leeds Cockpit . . . . .DROPKICK MURPHYS, Leeds Academy 17 . . . . I LIKE TRAINS, Leeds Brudenell 18 . . . .WOODEN SHJIPS, Leeds Brudenell . . . . . . JOAN ARMATRADING, Leeds, The Grand 19 . . . .ALPHABEAT, Leeds Stylus 21 . . . . THE DUKE & THE KING, Leeds Hi-Fi Club 22 . . . .SHOW OF HANDS, Leeds Brudenell . . . . .JANE SIBERRY, Fulneck Comenius Centre . . . . .THE LODGER, Leeds, Nation of Shopkeepers . . . . .CRISIS, Leeds Academy 23 . . . .THE PRIMITIVES, Leeds Brudenell . . . . .THE WONDER STUFF, Leeds Academy 24 . . . .MARK LANEGAN, Leeds Brudenell . . . . .ASH, Leeds Met 25 . . . .LIGHTNING SEEDS, Sheffield City Hall 26 . . . .BLACK REBEL MOTORCYCLE CLUB, Leeds Academy 27 . . . .LCD SOUNDSYSTEM, Leeds Academy 28 . . . .ROACHFORD, Leeds Brudenell . . . . .THE FUTUREHEADS, Leeds Cockpit 30 . . . .THE DRUMS, Leeds Cockpit




This is short, fiery stuff, which insists on repeat plays – not that it’s all back-to-basics punk ‘n’ roll, there’s samples and strings and some impressive improv – and there’s enough hooks to hang a horse. There’s even time for a dose of sentimentality (never a Weller-watchword) in the lovely “No Tears Left to Cry”. Another victory for a reignited muse.



Entering his 40th year (a kid by Paul Weller’s standards) and more prolific than ever, this is Will Oldham’s 20th album (in his various guises) in an extraordinary career path that’s seen him take in mountain balladry, sea shanties, doom rock, alt-folk, film and stage acting and, recently, even stand-up comedy.



He’s an artist all right, but you could never accuse him of wilful artiness. Here, it’s the good old harmonies that make ‘The Wonder Show of The World’ such a pleasure. Plaintively melodic, mostly acoustic, with occasional blasts of Neil Young-like electricity and, naturally, some of the best one-liners in modern music. More of the same, but different. What more can we ask for?





In typically abstruse fashion the tracks on this ‘best of’ are out of chronology, which means you don’t get to hear the band progress from scratchy, definitively lo-fi beginnings (‘Box Elder’), through chiming country rock (‘Gold Soundz’) into skewed prog.


THE DELGADOS - THE GREAT EASTERN Just as Britpop was wallowing in its smug, musically underachieving Indian summer, up in Scotland a small label was making less substantial commercial waves, but much bigger artistic ones.

By 2000 Chemikal Underground had single-handedly re-invented guitar music and given Scotland a distinct new artistic voice - and The Delgados themselves had gently transformed from dynamic, Pixies-leaning grind-pop into something much more adventurous and altogether more beautiful.



Which is kind of a shame but kind of irrelevant. A bit like this album. So go buy the studio records and hear Pavement how they should sound – warts ‘n’ all.

Arab Strap and Mogwai might have been Chemikal Underground’s flagship trailblazers but The Delgados were the label’s heartbeat –and not only because the label belonged to the band’s mainman Alun Woodward.


They were great, of course – albeit erratically. Indeed, erratic kind of became their stockin-trade which makes this compilation of their less angular moments a little unrepresentative - after all, what’s a Pavement album without the odd slice of unlistenable slop?

By the time of ‘The Great Eastern’ they were a richly relaxed outfit, writing lush orchestral pop music, melding lovely Scottish wistfulness with psychedelic guitar power - aided and abetted by an enormous, multi-layered production job from Dave Fridmann. It remains their high water mark and a permanent reminder to the thrills of going against the grain.


1 . . . . .HAWKWIND, Leeds Academy 2 . . . . .DUKE SPECIAL, Harrogate Theatre 3 . . . . .BRITISH SEA POWER, Leeds Holy Trinity Church . . . . . .FOALS, Leeds Met 4 . . . . .WISHBONE ASH, Leeds Irish Centre . . . . . .STACEY KENT, Harrogate Theatre 5 . . . . .DEERHUNTER, Leeds Cockpit 6 . . . . .SCOUTING FOR GIRLS, Leeds Academy 7 . . . . .ALABAMA 3, Leeds Academy 8 . . . . .JOHN COOPER CLARKE, Leeds Irish Centre 9 . . . . .DOVES, Bradford, St George’s Hall 10 . . . .CHUCK PROPHET, Leeds Brudenell 11 . . . .THE TEMPER TRAP, Leeds Academy 12 . . . .SHONEN KNIFE, Leeds Brudenell . . . . .PENNYWISE, Leeds Academy 13 . . . .RHIANNA, Sheffield Arena 14 . . . .TV SMITH, Otley, Korks 15 . . . .DINOSAUR JR, Leeds Academy 17 . . . .DELPHIC, Leeds Met 18 . . . .JAMIE CULLUM – Sheffield City Hall 20 . . . .HAYSEED DIXIE, Leeds Rio’s 21 . . . .DR FEELGOOD, Leeds, The Well . . . . .RAY DAVIES, Harrogate International 23 . . . .THE SEARCHERS, Ilkley, King’s Hall 24 . . . .ELIZA CARTHY, Harrogate Theatre 26 . . . .THE UNTHANKS, Leeds Brudenell . . . . .SLAYER, Leeds Academy 27 . . . .THE DAMNED, Leeds Academy 28 . . . .HUGH CORNWELL, Leeds Cockpit 30 . . . .DEAD MEADOW, Leeds Brudenell 31 . . . .MARINA & THE DIAMONDS, Leeds Cockpit

It wasn’t really until Blur namedropped Pavement as an influence that the New York band started to emerge from the shady lanes of Cultsville – and by then the band had pretty much started to disintegrate. Since their demise in1999 their legend has grown – so much so that we’ve already had the back-slapping reformations, ‘the most important band of the 90s’ accolades and luxurious repackaging of former glories.

3 Tunes:

Toby Tobias - The Try (Off Key Hat remix) (Under the Shade/Jiscomusic) Manuel Tur - Beasts & The Birds (Delusions Of Grandeur) IFM - Yes We Are (bonus deep mix)(Drumpoet Community Switzerland)

3 Club Nights:

The HiFi Club, Leeds. Every Sat 'Boogaloo' A delectable selection of cross genre music. Back to Basics, Leeds. 24th April - Subb-an, Adam Shelton, Buckley & Outcross Records featuring Sonny Fodera Lingards, Bradford - 17th April - Jamie Duggan, Nev Wright, AJ & Matty B

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cinema&dvd for the weeks ahead FOUR LIONS Director: Chris Morris Stars: Riz Ahmed, Nigel Lindsay, Kayvan Novak There are dark comedies, then there’s ‘Four Lions’. Chris Morris’s place in the Brit-Com pantheon is assured. ‘The Day Today’ and ‘Brass Eye’ remain, outside of ‘The Office’, the most influential comedy vehicles of the last 20 years. He’s no stranger to controversy either, of course, and his big screen debut sees him tackling a subject hardly know for its comedic possibilities; jihad. So it’s to Morris’s credit that ‘Four Lions’ works as farce, tragedy, social commentary and laugh-out-loud comedy caper.

blowing up a mosque to radicalise the moderates and they bond by insisting they would happily kill each other) this is not a vicious satire, more a sad, strange document of an ideology gone askew and a society confused brilliantly underlined by terrorist ringleader Omar’s much more religiously devout yet entirely peaceable brother. It sometimes suffers from satirical sketch show skit overload and lacks a fluent narrative but, during the demented final scenes, with the bombers running around in inappropriate fancy dress and the security forces revealed as, at least, the bomber’s bumbling equals, the whole futile mess is laid horribly bare. Brave, wise and laser-guided – a comedy for our times, indeed.

Centring on a hapless Yorkshire-based Muslim terrorist ring where the conspirators attempt to ‘out Al-Qaeda’ one another (they suggest



Director: Steve Pink Stars: John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Lizzy Caplan With a title like that, here’s a movie that wears it’s idiocy like a badge of pride. Three hopeless cases - one’s just been dumped, one’s in a crummy job, the other wants to kill himself - head to a ski resort for some middle-aged debauchery, jump in a hot tub and, somewhat incongruously, head back in time to 1986 to become versions of their past selves with the knowledge that if they change one thing about their past, they put their future in peril. No attempt is ever made to explain the timetravelling potential of water relaxants; it’s assumed we suspended our disbelief whilst buying the popcorn. Old girlfriends, old enemies, old dilemmas are around every corner and it’s great to see Cusack so knockabout relaxed. The movie is stuffed with (some quite obscure!) movie references and homages to the 80s and there’s some memorable gross-out moments for the criminally immature (well, I laughed). ‘The Hot Tub Time Machine’ is by no means a good movie – but it is, despite itself, a funny one.





Director: Guy Ritchie Stars: Robert Downey, Jude Law, Rachel McAdams Purists may go purple at Guy Ritchie’s pop at Sherlock Holmes but delve deeper and this is, in fact, a decent take on the Victorian detective, with enough knowledge on show to demonstrate the filmmakers understand the finer nuances of Arthur Conan Doyle’s creation. Downey gives Sherlock a down and dirty makeunder for the Facebook generation, tottering around in tatty bathrobes, bordering on incoherency and venting his anger in bonecrunching exhibition fights. It’s a neat contrast to Jude Law’s dapper Watson, as the dynamic duo track a terrifically slimy Mark Strong as the dark art practitioner Lord Blackwood. The set pieces are great, the banter (or should that be ‘bromance’) between Downey and Law neat and, aside from a few silly extraneous scenes hinting at the detective’s much-misunderstood drug use, the details are spot on. Unexpectedly entertaining and, remarkably, a rehabilitation of sorts for poor old, muchmaligned Guy Ritchie. And not a deerstalker in sight‌ OUT 17TH MAY


April 14th A story about a pair of twin sisters - one has been paraplegic since youth and gets around in a wheelchair. Same face, different bodies - a story about families, people taking care of each other when they want to, when they need to, when they ought to. (Tilly Hatcher, Maggie Hatcher) Ricky Gervais directs a 1970s-set comedy centred on three upstart professional men working at an insurance company. (Christian Cooke, Tom Hughes)

Black comedy about a comedian whose past is unearthed. (Stephen McCole, Malcolm Shields) When a successful British ghostwriter agrees to complete the memoirs of a former British Prime Minister his agent assures him it’s the opportunity of a lifetime. But the project seems doomed from the start—not least because his predecessor on the project died in an unfortunate accident. (Pierce Brosnan, Ewan McGregor) In the future, humans have extended and improved our lives through highly sophisticated and expensive mechanical organs created by a company called The Union. The dark side of these medical breakthroughs is that if you don't pay your bill, The Union sends its highly skilled repo men to take back its property. (Jude Law, Forest Whittaker) April 23rd

Adaptation of Nicolas Sparks's novel about a young soldier who falls for an idealistic college girl. (Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfried)

Set in fourth-century Alexandria, Egypt, Agora chronicles both a historical uprising and the love of a slave for his mistress. (Rachel Weisz, Max Mighella)

April 16th

Based on the legend of an army of 3,000 unstoppable Roman warriors who vanished without trace, Centurion is the tale of their vicious conflict with a murderous adversary, the Picts. (Michael Fassbender, Dominic West)

Chinese filmmaker tells the story of the 1937 Japanese Army siege of Nanking, where as many as 300,000 civilians died during a six-week reign of terror.

onretrodvds THE MACHINIST


DID YOU MISS THIS? 5 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH. Director: ABrad Anderson Stars: Christian Bale, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Michael Ironside Before the preposterous Dark Knight permanently inked Christian Bale’s name onto the Hollywood AList (and, apparently, granted him license to shout at bumbling technicians) he’d carved a niche as an uncompromising method actor. ‘The Machinist’ is the savage apogee of Bale’s early, single-minded devotion to his craft - he shed four stones for the role and his alarmingly hollow, sunken-cheeked appearance and skeletal frame render him almost unrecognisable at first. Owing an obvious debt to the big daddy of modern psycho-cinematic emotional deconstruction ‘Memento’, Trevor Reznik (Bale) is a factory worker who hasn’t slept for a year, barely existing in a shell of an apartment and aware of some horrendous misdeed that causes murderous strangers to stalk him at work. If only he could remember what, exactly, this misdemeanour was. ‘The Machinist’ is a dark, industrial nightmare, shredded of colour, with all manner of modern day torments running through it - guilt, insomnia, selfharm - but director Brad Anderson maintains such a committed and stylised aesthetic throughout that, somehow, there’s a strange beauty to the unremitting ugliness. A standard twist might eventually underwhelm, but as a portrait of how unbearable experiences can eat away at one man’s soul, ’The Machinist’ remains a revelation. Bateman stars as a man who is anxious to sell his business, but his plans are threatened by a strange, unexpected event. (Jason Bateman, Mila Kunis) Swedish thriller based on Stieg Larsson's novel about a journalist and a young female hacker. April 29th Documentary director David Bond on the UK’s intrusive surveillance. In an attempt to find out how much data there is on himself, he disappears for thirty days and hires private detectives to find him. The film follows his attempts to stay off the grid. When David discovers that his best friend Emily is being forced to leave their caravan park home, he agrees to help her to run away. But after their plan starts to unravel, secrets come to light that transform his life in ways he never imagined. (Holly Grainger, Rafe Spall) April 30th Benjamin, home-schooled by his eccentric mother, is a loveable loner whose passion for writing leads him on an offbeat and hilarious journey as his story first gets ripped off by the legendary fantasy novelist, Ronald Chevalier and then is adapted into a disastrous movie by a prolific homespun filmmaker. (Michael Angarano, Jennifer Coolidge)



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Following her barnstorming runner’s-up turn on ‘Let’s Dance For Sport Relief’, Katy Brand is taking her Big Ass on tour for the very first time. The British Comedy Award Winner (2008), Loaded LAFTA Funniest Woman award winner (2010), and star of Katy Brand’s Big Ass Show (ITV2) will be bringing her collection of anarchic comedy, celebrity satire and music spoofs to the stage. Plus, Katy makes her big screen debut this spring in Nanny McPhee and The Big Bang! Matt Callard managed to get a foot in the door for a 15 minute catch-up on all things KB. A brand new stand-up tour, Katy – are you looking forward to 2 months in the back of a transit – or is it all 5-Star hotels now that you’re successful? (laughs) It’s somewhere in between! I live in Liverpool and London, and my Mum lives in Devon, so a lot of the time I am hoping to get back to one of those places. Is this a return to your standup roots? I guess you’ll be playing your biggest ever shows – is that daunting? It is a return to live comedy, yes – I used to do 4 or 5 gigs a week, so I am excited about getting back into that rhythm. It is a little daunting, yes, as this is my first big tour. But a bit of nerves is no bad thing – it lets you know you care.



Does the stand-up take off from where the TV show ended? Will we be seeing all the familiar characters – any new surprises you can tell us about? There will be familiar characters with all new material, new characters Supernanny, Nigella and one or two others, plus some of my favourite songs from all three series.

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So you’ll be including the spoof song and dance routines that became your signature on your TV shows? Of course – I can’t wait to sing live! Who do you enjoy impersonating the most? I always like being Kate Winslet – I sort of love her now. Has anybody that you’ve spoofed/impersonated ever approached you about it? Were they flattered or insulted? Adele and Little Boots and Kate Moss like theirs – they told me themselves. Mark Ronson wasn’t too impressed though, but I don’t think he’d be my first port of call for advice on humour.

Did you enjoy the dancing? Robert Webb was a tough act to follow…. The dancing was great and I was so happy to come second. Robert Webb is our leader and where he goes, we will follow. Have you got the call from ‘Strictly’ yet? Not yet – I think it may be some years yet. Would you do it?! Not at the moment – one big dance a year is quite enough for me. And what’s this! Your big screen debut! Tell us about Nanny McPhee 2 – starstudded hardly does it justice! It was an amazing experience from start to finish, and I couldn’t get over the incredible cast. I loved playing a baddie too. Any tips from Emma Thompson? She was very supportive and told me it was good in comedy for women to tease each other – I think she’s absolutely right. …and after the tour – what’s next? A long lie down, and then a new idea for TV.

Who were your comedy heroes when you were growing up? Definitely French and Saunders, but I also loved The Fast Show, Big Train and The Kids in the Hall. You don’t seem like the type of woman to be fazed by the male-dominated world of stand-up, although it’s often said women have to work twice as hard as men to succeed in the field. Do you concur?

Much has has b een s aid a bout Much been said about the male male s crummage o n T V the scrummage on TV panel shows shows - o utdoing o nepanel outdoing oneanother, o ne-upmanship e tc another, one-upmanship etc as a regular regular d o y ou a gree – as do you agree with Victoria Victoria W ood w hen s he with Wood when she says they’re they’re ‘ laddish’ a nd says ‘laddish’ and ‘testosterone-fuelled’? ‘testosterone-fuelled’? Some of them are, are, and I tend tend e to to aavoid void Some do o, I find very very them. But the ones I do do, enjoyable and the men are are alw ays vvery ery enjoyable always polite and eager to to involve involve me anel polite me.. P Panel shows are are always always a bit of a scrummage shows scrummage,, it’s not your your thing, thing, it’s itt’s best to to aavoid void and if it’s them.

I try not to think of myself as a ‘Woman’ with a capital W. I don’t think it helps anything – it can be difficult but you just have to keep pushing on.

OFF O FF T THE HE CUFFCUFF110 0 QUICKFIRE QUICKFIRE Q UESTIONS F OR KB KB QUESTIONS FOR Where are Where are yyou ou happiest?? myy family IIn n the sunshine with m and dog What greatest W hat is yyour our g reatest fear? fear? ar? TThat hat I won’t won’t get it all done ne Which W hich living person do yyou ou most admire? admir e? Barbra Bar bra Streisand Streisand What W hat is the tr trait ait yyou ou most mosst dislike in others? Pedantry P edantry What W hat w was as yyour our most embar embarrassing barrassing moment? momen t? tryy not tto embarrassed; I tr o get embar rasssed; otherwise other wise I would would be embarrassed embar mbarrassed permanently. almost per manently. What treasured W hat is yyour our most tr easur ured possession? She’s She ’s not a possession, but ut I treasure myy dog dog.. tr easure m Who would W ho w ould play play yyou ou in the th he film of life? yyour our lif e? Brad Pitt Br ad P itt What favourite word? W hat is yyour our fa vourite w o d? or SSquelch quelch What pleasure? W hat is yyour our guiltiest pleasur easure? Girls Playboy Mansion Gir ls of the P layboy M ansion sion on Living What important W hat is the most impor taant lesson life lif e has taught taught you? you? waste IIff yyou ou w aste all yyour our time e worrying, worrying, won’t yyou ou w on’t get anything anything done. done.

Katy Br Katy Brand’s and’s Big A Ass ss ttour our comes comes tto o York York 23rd 23rd April, A pril, Sheffield 1stt M May, ay, Harrogate Har rogate 8th May May and June.. LLeeds eeds 3rd 3rd June

www.katybrandlaughs.com brandlaughs.c . om 51

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Pictures Steve Stenson




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OLDE GOLD The Stansfield Arms has been around for much longer than that fairly horrid modern culinary term ‘gastropub’ but it’s been wellknown as a trustworthy and picturesque stop-off point for decent pub grub for many a year now. The 1543 building and riverside location will always tempt the summertime boozers but there’s a whole lot more competition in the pub food market to contend with than there used to be for this place - but the Stansfield’s owners have a good pedigree and clearly take a great deal of pride in their food - after all, they also look after a couple of other famous Yorkshire eateries, The Chevin Inn and The Black Horse in Askwith. The interior retains some olde world charm and it’s surprisingly busy and boisterous this particular Saturday afternoon - although we

didn’t take this as a guarantee of good food as the nearby Wacky Warehouse was positively overflowing! So, it’s rustic charms and big oak furniture and an interesting looking menu offering gastropub specialities with the occasional unusual twist - the smoked salmon comes with a lemon and lime crème fraiche, the duck breast is served with pak choi and a mushroom and herb ravioli is accompanied by an intriguing-sounding brandy béchamel sauce. Starters arrived briskly and, daring as ever, that aforementioned Wild Mushroom and Herb Ravioli (£5.75) was a delight - nutty and sweet, the brandy kick nicely controlled and not too harsh. A Platter of Smoked Salmon (£5.95) enveloped a delicious mousse of crayfish and prawns and extra marks, too, for a zinging rocket salad. A fine start.

An 8oz rump steak (£10.95) was expectedly tasteful for mains and my Cod Loin (£12.95) was perfectly cooked, a perfect poached egg sat on the pale fish oozing deep yellow yolk into an exceptionally cheesy Mornay Sauce. Enjoyment was tempered only by a slightly lukewarm leek mash, suggesting some timing issues in the kitchen. Sides of handcut chips and vegetables were all good and well cooked. The Stansfield Arms is, or at least was on this particular day, a hectic place. Customers buzzed in and out, the nearby bar hosted a few irritatingly over-exuberant punters and service was busy, if never strained. It doesn’t seem like the right place if you’re after a quiet tête-à-tête but it’s kind of thrilling to see such a long-standing establishment coping so well in the current economic climate. If you’re after an old reliable eatery that’s known good pub grub since before Gordon Ramsay had even made chocolate krispies, you could do a lot worse than (re)discover The Stansfield Arms.

NEED TO KNOW: The Stansfield Arms Apperley Lane Apperley Bridge Bradford BD10 0NP Tel: 0113 250 2659 Opening Times: Sun - Thu 11am - 12pm Fri - Sat 11am - 2am Starters and mains for 2 approx £35 www.gctaverns.co.uk


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T HEMED EVENTS THEMED EVENTS Supported S upported by

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Special Lunch and Early Bird Menu Available 12pm - 7.00pm 1 Course £6.95 2 Course £8.95 3 Course £10.95

STARTERS Soup of the Day Pan-Fried Cream Garlic Mushrooms Traditional Italian Bruschetta Chicken Goujons with Garlic Butter Homemade Chicken Liver Pate served with Toast

Main Courses Spaghetti Bolognese Penne Puttanesca Margherita Pizza Divola Pizza Chicken Alla Creme Grilled Salmon with Lemon Butter Sauce

DESSERTS Selection of Italian Ice Cream Apple Pie Desserts of the Day Tel: 0113 246 9444 • Fax: 0113 246 7844 Email: ciaobellarestaurant@mail.com Ciao Bella Restaurant, 22 Dock Street, Leeds LS10 1JF

WINE & DINE FOR £25* AT H A R V E Y N I C H O L S Enjoy three courses and unlimited Harvey Nichols house wine every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening. * T E R M S & C O N D I T I O N S A P P LY. O F F E R A V A I L A B L E U N T I L E N D O F M A R C H 2 0 1 0

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A Dales river walk reverse from Arncliffe to Hawkswick

In the film ‘An American Werewolf in London’ a pair of hapless American backpackers, in search of evening shelter on the Yorkshire Moors, stumble upon the enticingly-named Slaughtered Lamb Inn. Ignoring the classic giveaway of the pentangle on the door, they enter, whereupon they’re made to feel about as welcome as The Black Death. It’s that sort of extra-special Yorkshire hospitality that used to be the region’s stock-in-trade and is now, alas, a dying art but, at least in the pretty Dales village of Arncliffe, is kept alive by the infamous patron of their Falcon Inn – a man for whom customers are, at best, a mild irritation. Sure, there’s no pentangle on the door, but perhaps there should be…



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But more But more of of him him later later … we’ve we’ve a tthere-and-back-again here -and-back-again river river walk w alk to n egotiate first n d, negotiate first aand, oh Has o h my, my, sspring pring is iin n the the aair! ir ! H as been greeted iitt ever ever b e en g reeted by by such su c h welcoming w elcoming arms arms before? before? It’s It ’s been b een a long, long, cold cold winter winter alright, a l r i g ht , underlined byy tthe flecks u n d e r li n e d b he fl eck s of of snow s n ow sstill till showing showing on on the the highest hi g h e s t u plands this this one one mid-March, m i d - M a rc h , uplands b ut tthe he llowlands owlands are, but are, of of course, course, tthe he vvery er y b est place place to ssample amp l e best sspring’s pring’s tip-toeing tip -toeing eemergence mergence – tthe he d ays- old gambolling gambolling lambs, lam bs , days-old tthe he fi rst flecks fleck s o older g re e n first off a b bolder green aand nd tthe he m ultitudes of of that t h at multitudes h ardy- delicate, the the snowdrop. snowdrop. hardy-delicate, SSo o park park next nex t to Arncliffe’s Arncliffe’s aample mple village village green green and and head head toward toward tthe he pretty p re t t y cchurch hurch of of St St O swald’s. TTo o tthe he right, right, there’s there’s a path path to follow. follow. It It will will lead lead you you Oswald’s. aalong long tthe he banks bank s of of the the River River SSkirfare kir fare aallll the the way way to Hawkswick. Hawk swick. W ith tthe he With vvertiginous e r t i g i n o us O ld C ote Moor nd the entle burble he rriver iver Moor Ridge Ridge aand the fairly f air l y g burble of of tthe Old Cote gentle fl anking your your lleft ef t ffor or tthe he entirety entiret y of of the th e o utward jjourney, ourney, there’s there’s llittle i t tl e flanking outward n eed h ere for for directions. directions. need here

n o r th . H is unaffected unaffected north. His b rusqueness is llegend e gend brusqueness aand, nd, if ou’re llucky, uck y, if yyou’re yyou ou m ight ccatch atch h im might him eemptying mpt ying tthe he b ack yyard ard back o ustomers ((“You “You ccan an off ccustomers ssit it out he ffront, ront, iit’s t ’s out tthe n ot a b e er g arden””), not beer garden”), rrefusing efusing to sserve er ve ffood ood ((“You’re “You’re eeating at i n g m a, myy te tea, yyou ou kknow”) now”) aand, n d, o nce, once, m ersonal ffavourite, avourite, myy p personal cclearing l ear in g a b us y p ub busy pub b ecause ““I’ve I’ve got got ssome ome because p ainting to d o”. painting do”. FFor or tthe he lless e ss b rave h ear teed, yyou ou m i g ht w ant to ttry r y tthe he n earby TTe e n n a nt A r ms brave hearted, might want nearby Tennant Arms ffor or yyour our rrefreshments e f r e s h m e nt s - b ut iit’s t ’s lless ess llikely ikely yyou’ll o u ’ll h ave a ttale ale to te ll . but have tell.

As p As peaceful eaceful introductions introductions to to the the cchanging hanging sseason eason g goes, oes, tthere’s here’s llittle ittle tto o better better tthis his ssimple imple trek trek b between etween two two villages villages - but rremember, emember, ‘Beware ‘Beware tthe he moon, moon, lads. lads. KKeep eep tto o tthe he rroad’ oad’….

B efore llong ong ((20 20 m ins) you’ll you’ll pass pass a large large ssandy andy bank b ank w ell-known aass the th e Before mins) well-known n esting place place for for flocks flock s o ummer ssand and martins. mar tins. TThe he w alk iin n general g e n e r al nesting off ssummer walk is a ttwitcher’s witcher’s paradise paradise - we we spotted spotted dippers, dippers, oystercatchers oystercatchers aand, n d, w uz zard. Flowers he summer e l l ow think , a b Flowers ttoo too - in in tthe summer expect expect yyellow wee think, buzzard. rrock ock roses, roses, bird’s-eye bird’s- eye primroses primroses aand nd mountain m o u nt a i n p ansies. This This is a pansies. sstretch tretch o rare lloveliness, oveliness, indeed indeed - simple, s i m p l e, g entle aand nd off rare gentle m ean d e r in g . meandering. A f ter yyou ou ccross ross a green green metal m e t al b ridge o ver the the rriver iver (40 (40 After bridge over m ins) you’ll you’ll eenter nter Hawkswick. Hawk swick. It’s It ’s suitably suitably attractive attractive b ut mins) but h ardly a tourist tourist haven, haven, sso o bring bring your your own own refreshments r e f r e s h m e nt s hardly aand nd ready ready yourself yourself for for tthe he u - tur n b ack to ward Arncliffe. Arncliffe. u-turn back toward



W hich will, will, of of course, course, w hen you you arrive arrive back back tthirsty hir s t y Which when aand nd hungry, hungr y, leave leave yyou ou with with the th e d il e m m a o he Falcon Falcon RIVER dilemma off TThe IInn. nn. IIff you you d are enter enter yyou’ll ou’ll be be ttreated reated to beer beer straight s t r a i g ht dare ffrom rom the the barrel barrel into into a jjug ug and and the the kind kind of of iinterior nterior ccharms harms better better ssuited uited to a o lde world world exhibition exhibition than than the the vagaries v a gar i e s olde o odern hospitality. hospitalit y. TThe he llandlord andlord is something something of of a Yorkshire York shire off m modern h ero and and possibly possibly the the most most rreluctant eluctant tourist tourist aattraction ttraction in in tthe he hero





REFRESHMENTS: The Falcon in Arncliffe will serve food although the nearby Tennant Arms Hotel specialise.

TIME: 90 minutes

WHAT ELSE: The Falcon was actually used for the original exterior shots for The Woolpack in Emmerdale.

WHERE: Arncliffe is off the B6160 Kilnsey to Kettlewell Road. Take the first left after Kilnsey Crag.

DISCLAIMER: The walk and map should be used merely a guide. Walkers should use the appropriate O.S map and take care to follow the rights of way. We cannot take any responsibility for trespass on private land.



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in the spotlight... a guide to what’s on in the theatres THE V ICTORIA, H ALIFAX THE VICTORIA, HALIFAX 26 – 2 8A PRIL 26 28 APRIL

POPSTAR! T POPSTAR! THE HE MUSICAL M USICAL Ever w Ever wondered ondered w what hat happens h appens behind behind the the scenes scenes of your your ffavourite avourite rreality e lity ea sshows? hows? TThe he sshow how they they tried tried ban But tto ob an iiss back! back! B ut tthis his time time it’s it ’s here here to to stay! stay! ffrom rom £16 £16


THE COUNT THE COUNT O OF FM MONTE ONTE C HRISTO CHRISTO A reckless, reckless, sswashbuckling washbuckling n new ew Alexandre Dumas’ aadaptation daptation of A lexandre D umas’ iincredible ncredible ttale ale of llove, ove, betrayal betrayal and and cconsequence. onsequence.

ffrom rom £16 £16

Inspired by Inspired by tthe he ssmash mash hit hit mi llion selling selling albums, albums, million




features some features some of tthe he gr eatest hit hit ssongs ongs of tthe he greatest R ock ‘n’ ‘n’ Roll Roll era. era. Written Written by by Marks Marks and and Gran, Gran, tthis his new new ffeel-good e e l - go o d Rock m usical production production will will g ive yyou ou ‘‘the the gr eatest time time of yyour our llife’, ife’, musical give greatest ttaking aking you you b ack tto o a time time when when eeach ach p assing week week b rought back passing brought aanother nother classic classicc ttrack. rack. ffrom rom £10.50 £10.50

An extraordinary An extraordinar y and and uplifting uplif ting ttale ale about about the the transforming transforming p ower off love, love, Whistle Whistle Down Down the the power W ind is is based based on on the the beloved beloved Wind ssixties ixties film film starring starring Hayley Hayley Mills. Mills.

ffrom rom £13.50 £13.50 THE THE GRAND, GRAND, L LEEDS EEDS 20 – 2 4 APRIL APRIL 20 24

OKLAHOMA! OKL AHOMA! Set on Set on A America’s merica’s Western Western FFrontier, rontier, against against a b ackground of cconflict onflict background between b etween ffarmers armers aand nd ccattlemen, attlemen, O klahoma! Oklahoma! p erfectly iintegrates ntegrates song, s o n g, perfectly d ance aand nd story stor y to to tell tell the the tale tale of farm farm girl girl Laurey Laurey aand nd the the ttwo wo rivals rivals dance ffor or h er affections, aff ffections, happy happy go-lucky go-luck y cowboy cowboy C urly aand nd the the sinister sinister ffarm arm her Curly h and JJud. ud. ffrom rom £ £11.50 11.50 hand


JOURNEY’S JOURNEY’ S END The yyoung, The oung, talen talented ted and war-weary war-weary Captain Captain Stanhope Stanhope is confronted confronted d with the fresh fresh face face of his past passt as an old schoolmate schoolmate joins his platoon. platoon n. A ensive looms ever ever closer ccloser,r,, SStanhope tanhope must inspire inspire his men Ass the off offensive tto o make the ultimate ultimate sacrifice sacrificce for for a war war he no longer understands and ffor or a cause he no longerr rremembers. emembers. fr om £11/£9 from



T THE HE L LYCEUM, YCEUM, S Sheffield he ffi e l d 1 2–2 4A PRIL 12 24 APRIL A gr group oup of o ordinary rdinar y w women o m en d do o ssomething omething eextraordinary xtraordinar y aand nd spark spark a g lobal p henomenon when when tthey hey global phenomenon p ersuade one one another another to to pose pose for fo r a persuade ccharity harity calendar calendar with with a d ifference! difference! B ased o n an an iinspiring nspiring ttrue rue sstory, tor y, Based on ‘‘CALENDAR CALEND DAR G GIRLS’ IRLS’ iiss quirky, quirk y, poignant aand nd h ilarious. from fr o m £ £16.50 16.50 poignant hilarious.

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DEATH OF A SALESMAN Arthur Miller’s unflinching examination of the American Dream. At sixty-one years old, Willy Loman has been a travelling salesman for thirty-four years. Now, he’s been taken off salary and is forced to confront a future on commission. As memories and dreams of the past, ebb and flow, Willy’s family struggle to engage him in the present.

from £16

ccomedy omedy THE STUDIO, THE STUDIO, Bradford Bradford 1 7 APRIL APRIL 17 T he m The minute inute Jo Jo Caulfield Caulfield hits h its the the sstage tage you you know know yyou’re ou’re in in for for a good good time. time. ““Sharp-witted, Sharp-witted, urban urban down ccomedy omedy tthat hat goes goes do wn a ttreat. reat. Like Like a sociology sociology jokes” ttextbook, extbook, but but with with jo kes” TThe he TTimes. imes. £14 £14

THE VICTORIA, THE VICTORIA, Halifax Halifax 3 0 APRIL APRIL 30 Dick & LLiddy’s Dick iddy’s Comedy Comedy Club C lub brings bring n s together together new new ffaces aces on on the the ccomedy omedy scene scene aalongside longside established established stand stand up u p comedians. comedians. £9/£8 £9/£8

WEST YORKSHIRE WEST YORKSHIRE PLAYHOUSE P LAYHOUSE 1 8 APRIL APRIL & 16 16 MAY MAY 18 T he C The Courtyard ourtyard Comedy Comedy Club C lub continues continues with with five five hilarious h ilarious line-ups line-ups featuring featuring headliners h eadliner e s from from the the iinternational nternational circuit circuit aass well well aass em emerging erging local local talent. talent. It’s It ’s tthe he best best in in British British comedy comedy iin n a relaxed relaxed and and good go o d humored h umored ssetting.£10/£8 etting.£10/£8

23 2 3 MAY MAY Multi award-winner Multi award-winner Andy A ndy Hamilton H am i l t o n iiss one one of of Britain’s Britain’s best b est loved loved comedy comedy performers p erformers and and writers. w riters. He He serves serves up u p a one-man one-man show, show, brimming b rimming with with jokes, jo kes, stories, stories, gossip, gossip, music, m usic, cash cash prizes, prizes, nudity n udity and and trampolining. trampolining. Contains“mild Contains“mild peril.” peril.” £16/£14 £ 16/£14


RUSALKA Dvorák’s opera, which follows a similar story to Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid, is a tale of innocence and experience, disappointment and the transcendent power of love. The hauntingly beautiful score is famed for Rusalka’s poignant ‘Song to the Moon’, and Olivia Fuchs’s production is altogether a spell-binding experience. from £10

GEORGE’S HALL, Bradford ST G EORGE’S H ALL, B radford 25 MAY 2 5M AY Y Paul Merton, one P aul M erton, o ne off tthe o he ccountry’s ountry’s bestffunniest unniest aand nd b estperformers, lloved oved p erformers, outt iin ssets ets ou n SSpring pring 2010 on brand 2 010 o nab rand new UK-wide n ew U K-wide ttour our with his world w ith h is w orld rrenowned enowned IImpro mpro Chums. £18 C hums. ffrom rom £ 18


Hardeep Singh Hardeep Singh Kohli’s Kohli’s ‘The ‘The Nearly Nearly Naked Naked Chef’ C hef ’ is is a wonderfully wonderfully laid laid back back evening evening of of arch arch sstories tories and and aaromatic romatic stir-fries. stir-fries. Just Just think think Ready Ready SSteady teady Cook Cook but but with with good good cooking cooking and and great great cconversation. onversation. £10/£8 £ 10/£8

West W est Yorkshire Yorksh i re Playhouse: Playhouse:


Carriageworks C arriageworks

For m For more ore than than a decade de cade now now the the h ighly acclaimed acclaimed highly ccomedienne omedienne JJo o Enright E nright has has crafted crafted a completely completely u unique nique sstyle tyle of of stand-up stand-up ccomedy, omedy, winning winning sseveral everal awards awards iincluding ncluding the the 2002 2002 Chortle C hortle Award Aw ward for for ‘The ‘ T he B Best est FFemale emale Circuit Circuit Comic’ Comic’ aand nd tthe he 2001 2001 ‘Best ‘Best Female Female on on the the Jongleurs Jongleurs Comedy C omedy Circuit’ Circuit ’ award. award. £ £8/£6 8/£6

9 MAY MAY Lockipedia IIss a b Lockipedia brand rand n new ew sstand-up tand-up sshow how ffrom rom tthe he ccomedian omedian SSean ean LLock. ock. IIss a vvery ery unreliable, unreliable, misleading m isleading b but ut h highly ighly en entertaining tertaining iinformation nformation rresource. esource. IIss SSloppy loppy K Knowledge. nowledge. C Can an o only nly b bee £16/£14 aaccessed ccessed llive. ive. IIss ffunny. unny. £ 16/£14

THE GRAND, Leeds 22 MAY – 11 JUNE

HARROGATE H ARROGATE THEATRE THEATRE 30 3 0 APRIL APRIL Ruby R uby Wax Wax and and acclaimed acclaimed musician musician Judith Judith Owen Owen ccombine ombine their their ttalents alents in in a new new show show for for one one night night only o nly at at Harrogate Harrogate Theatre, Theatre, prior prior to to their their West West End End rrun. un. £ £20 20

0113 0 113 2137700 2137700 The T he G Grand rand

0844 0 844 8 848 48 2 2706 706 0113 0 113 2243801 2243801 Bradford B radford T Theatres heatres

01274 0 1274 4 432000 32000 Harrogate H arrogate T Theatre heatre

01423 0 1423 502116 502116 The T he V Victoria, ictoria , H Halifax al ifax

01422 0 1422 3 351158 51158 Sheffield S heffield L Lyceum yceu m

0114 0 114 2 2496000 496000




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your ticket to april & may… THROUGH APRIL & MAY


30th APRIL - through MAY

Media Museum, Bradford The work of photographer and video artist Robbie Cooper explores the issues surrounding the increasing amount of exposure to contemporary media many people experience on a daily basis. From children playing video games, to young adults absorbed in horror movies, to people living out second lives through online virtual worlds, this exhibition documents the many ways in which people choose to disengage from everyday life. nationalmediamuseum.org.uk

National Coal Mining Museum, Wakefield A pioneer of colour photography during the 1960s, John Bulmer’s work was included in the very first colour supplement launched by the Sunday Times. Inspired by the Times Special Issue entitled ‘The North’, the exhibition includes specially reprinted work from this influential story. From the early sixties Bulmer travelled across the north of England recording everyday life in its industrial centres. What is exceptional about most of this work is the decision to use colour. ncm.org.uk

Magna, Rotherham ...your health, your identity and your ancestry. A unique new exhibition investigating developments in the fast-moving field of human genomics, and the ethical issues that they raise. Inside DNA is your opportunity to explore the developments and hear from leading researchers. What are their views and experiences of genomic research? And what impact will their research have on you and on your family's future? visitmagna.co.uk

THROUGH APRIL & MAY Doncaster Museum & Art Gallery Doncaster Museum is celebrating their centenary by bringing together the treasured items in their collection while also telling the fascinating story of the history of the Museum. doncaster.gov.uk/museums

THROUGH APRIL & MAY National Railway Museum, York Discover the magnificent Duchess of Hamilton restored to her streamlined form. The locomotive is a stunning piece of Art Deco opulence built in 1938 that wowed design critics on both sides of the Atlantic. The streamlined Duchess was a modern machine for a modern age and can now be viewed at the NRM as she takes pride of place in a new exhibition exploring the links between 1930s fashion, engineering and design. nrm.org.uk

THROUGH APRIL & MAY Harewood House The landscape around Harewood is the playground for a continuing and changing programme of contemporary artist's work. Commissioned in 2005, Leo Fitzmaurice's sculptures provide a humorous intervention in the pretty surroundings of the West Garden and resonate with the history of Harewood's Pleasure Grounds, providing a talking point for our visitors who are used to orientating themselves in the park by following signs. harewood.org

THROUGH APRIL & MAY Bradford Industrial Museum From Victorian ladies with bicycles riding in Hyde Park to holidaying at an English seaside resort in the 1950s there is something for everyone in this picture exhibition. Encompassing a mix of sports, traditional fetes and fairs, the new entertainment industry of cinema, theatre-going and other hobbies; these pictures show the new-found pleasures of a nation breaking free from the constraints of work and beginning to enjoy itself. bradfordmuseums.org

Scarborough Literary Festival There’ll be authors a-plenty at the Scarborough Literature Festival: The Long Weekend. Something for everybody is promised! northyorks.gov.uk

Dales Festival of Food & Drink, Leyburn This year’s centrepiece is the Food Hall where over 80 local and regional food producers offer their wares. The Theatre Marquee has cookery demonstrations throughout the day and a special feature is the Farming for Food area with interactive elements to encourage visitors, especially children, to make the link between agriculture and the food in the shops. Everything in this area, and the Theatre Marquee demonstrations, is free and children can even bake their own loaf of bread and take it home.The Festival also incorporates the Yorkshire Dales Real Ale Festival with a choice of some 40 beers from breweries in the region. Info: 01969 623069

17th APRIL - 3rd MAY

7th - 8th MAY

The Crucible, Sheffield To call Yorkshire a crucible of snooker is an understatement, as The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield has been intimately associated with the growth in popularity of the sport since it began hosting the World Snooker Championships more than thirty years ago. This year’s event cues-off as usual in April. sheffieldtheatres.co.uk

Square Chapel Centre For The Arts, Halifax CAMRA affiliated beer festival with 60 or more cask-conditioned ales from small independent breweries nationwide, and real ciders. Food will be on sale until 9.00pm. hxcalderdalecamra.org.uk

RUNS UNTIL 2nd MAY Henry Moore Institute, Leeds Alan Johnston is an Edinburgh-based artist whose drawings both reflect and subtly reconfigure the architectural spaces they inhabit. His large-scale, delicate drawings are made of short, irregular pencil marks which converge to delineate impressions of geometric spaces, reminiscent of windows or mirrors. henry-moore-fdn.co.uk

15th - 18th APRIL

17th APRIL & 15th MAY Farmer’s Market, Saltaire The Yorkshire Region boasts some of the best local produce in the country, with fresh seafood from the east coast and fine produce from the Dales. Saltaire's Local Produce Markets surround you with a wonderful array of produce, including beautiful home baking, irresistible hog roast sandwiches, great tasting dairy produce, fresh fish, succulent meats and many other products.

18th APRIL Fountains Abbey, Nr. Ripon 18th April is World Heritage Day and Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Water Gardens are celebrating with a day of music, food and dance. fountainsabbey.org.uk

25th & 25th APRIL Richmond Castle, Richmond Thrill to the clash of steel as knights from The Plantagenet’s perform a medieval ‘Tournament of Foote’. Enjoy this living history spectacular and marvel at the weapons and martial skills on display. english-heritage.org.uk/richmond


1st - 3rd MAY

8th - 9th MAY Yorkshire Air Museum, York A Military Vehicle spectacular with the largest gathering of historic military vehicles in the North of England, superb Living History displays and the ever popular Wargaming Show. yorkshireairmuseum.co.uk

15th MAY Bat & Broth Walk, Temple Newsam Be on the look out for Pipestrelles, Noctules, brown long eared and Daubenton bats. The evening starts at 7pm with food, 8pm Natural History Slide Talk and 8:30 identifying bats in the field and at 9pm a guided walk using bat detectors through a variety of habitats. Cost is £7.50 for adults and £5 for children. leeds.gov.uk/templenewsamhouse

22nd MAY Royal Armouries, Leeds Explore the diversity of Indian swords from the talwar to the firanghi, the katar to the khanjar. The seminar will provide an opportunity to handle and study in detail all the main types, and look at their geographical origins from the different regions of the Indian sub-continent from provenanced examples from the Royal Armouries collection. royalarmouries.org

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Now, working in the radio industry has loads of great perks but also some downsides.The main issue is that you have to be on hand to work at short notice. If your boss rings you to tell you that he’s managed to get an exclusive interview for you but it is in thirty minutes, then you have no option but to drop everything you are doing and head straight to work.That’s what happened with US pop sensation Kesha. Normally this wouldn’t be too much of an issue - an inconvenience perhaps, but not a disaster. On this occasion, however, I was faced with a dilemma. Every so often my wife will leave me a list of chores to do around our flat.The conversation between us normally goes something like this;“Rich, you only work a few hours a day, the least you can do is crack on with some housework”. It is a hard argument to dismiss, although just for the record I am currently writing this at 11am in the morning dispelling the myth that radio presenters just turn up for their show and then leave afterwards!!!

AireWaves Behind the scenes news, happenings and gossip from the region’s biggest radio station

Rich Williams

Last month was all about good oldYorkshire farming on Radio Aire.Well, sort of.We had a week of Emmerdale Takeover when the cast and stars fromYorkshire’s favourite village popped in to co-host both our Breakfast show with JK & Joel and alsoThe Homerun with yours truly. My guests included new cast member Marc Silcock (JacksonWalsh), Mark Charnock (Marlon Dingle), Charlotte Bellamy (Laurel Thomas), John Middleton (Rev AshleyThomas), ladies’ favourite James Sutton (Ryan Lamb), men’s favourite SammyWinward (Katie Sugden), Nick Miles (Jimmy King) andTom Lister (Carl King). Not all in one go, thankfully! It turns out that Charlotte Bellamy knew Jude Law from their days in the NationalYouthTheatre and at the age of 13 she introduced him to, wait for it… hummus! I know - quite a revelation.We are still waiting to find out who introduced Jude to Falafel! Mark Charnock is actually a pretty good cook in real life after taking the‘IngredientsTest’live on the show. AndTom Lister spends his time on the Emmerdale set playing‘Angry Birds’on his iPhone. I highly recommend the game!

JK Joel with Scouting For Girls and The Barton Family

I had the following list of chores to do: mop and wipe floors; vacuum bedrooms; change the bed sheets; clean the fridge; dismantle bed side table (don’t ask!) and empty the bins. In my mind that was around an hour’s worth of cleaning and I knew I was leaving for work that day at 1pm.Therefore by the powers of arithmetic, I figured that until 12pm I was free to enjoy my morning. At 11.49 the phone call came from my boss.“I’ve managed to secure you a Kesha interview at 12.30, can you get to work sharpish?”

Decision time. Kesha? Or the wife?! I chose the interview with Kesha fully aware that when I got home I’d be returning to a discontented wife. Not to worry though, I could at least justify my decision on work grounds. Surely she’d understand? Off I trooped to Radio Aire hastily scrambling some questions together for Kesha who I would be interviewing via a link up to a studio in London where she would be waiting. 12.30 came … and went, yet still no sign of Kesha at the other end of the line. By 1 o clock I decided it was time to ring her ‘people’to find out what was going on, only to be informed that Kesha was no longer available for interview. Great. No interview. Unhappy wife. Like I said; the downsides of the job! Another regular guest at Radio Aire over the past couple of months has been Hayley Tammadon, once of Emmerdale and now of Dancing On Ice fame. She gave us all the backstage gossip before and after each show and even defended herself against tabloid allegations that she had been skating for years and contested the fact that she isn't liked by the rest of the cast. Catty! Me with Mark Charnock And everyone is talking about Louis Spence right now.You know, the overly camp guy from Pineapple Studios. Louis co hosted JK & Joel @ Breakfast one morning and has even invited us all down to the studios for some dance lessons. Might give that one a miss! There’s loads of great stuff happening towards summer at Radio Aire including our Party In the Park. Last year over 70,000 people crammed intoTemple Newsam for the biggest free music event in the UK with the likes of Dizzee Rascal, Calvin Harris, Pixie Lott, Alesha Dixon and more. Keep listening to Radio Aire to find out how you can get your tickets and which stars will be performing this year.

You can hear Rich weekdays on 96.3 Radio Aire’s Homerun between 3-7pm and also on Saturday Breakfast 6-10am. Find out more about the show at facebook.com/radioaire.rich Emmerdale week culminated in a live Breakfast show fromThe Woolpack, the show’s famous watering hole. JK & Joel were joined by most of the cast, competition winners and the brilliant Scouting For Girls who performed three songs on the show.Their drummer Pete had previously stated in an interview that his only reason for being in a band was so he might one day have his music played in the background of an Emmerdale episode. In the same week that dream came true and even better, he played live fromTheWoolpack.

catch the WAVES! 61

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Julie Julie Kerner, Kerner, Interior Design Design C onsultant, Interior Consultant, BoConcept, BoConcept, Redbrick Redbrick Mill Mill


DILEMMA 1: You live in a small apartment and would love to have friends round for dinner but it’s difficult to find a dining table suitable for your limited space. If space is at a premium consider looking at bar tables - the surface area is smaller and they are higher up, so there’s a feeling of space around them. BoConcept sell a range of round or square bar tables in wood veneer or glass, which can be used for everyday, and are still big enough to invite your friends around to dinner.

DILEMMA 2: You love big dinner parties and entertaining but that big table takes up way too much space when it’s not in use… Extending dining tables are a great solution to this situation. BoConcept one BoConcept have have a range range of of extending extending tables, t ab le s , o ne of of which which can c an seat seat up up to to 16 16 people! people! Another Another stands stands on on a pedestal pedestal base base which w hi c h gives gives greater greater flexibility flexibility when when it it comes comes to to seating seating (and (and means m e ans nobody nobody gets gets stuck stuck with with the the dreaded dreaded table table leg leg between between their t he ir legs!). legs!). They They come come in in two two different different sizes sizes and and in in different different veneer veneer colours colours and and the the extension extension folds folds away away neatly neatly into into the the table t ab le when when not not in in use. u se.


Glass or or wood? wood? Which Which is is better? better? Wooden Wooden tables tables will will warm warm up up Glass space and and by by adding adding white white or or light light coloured coloured chairs chairs you you will will a space keep the the look look modern. modern. Glass Glass reflects reflects the the light light and and can can give give your your keep room room a feeling feeling of of space. space. Just Just consider consider your your own own circumstances circumstances when when choosing choosing a table table - do do you you what what something something that that is is going going to to be be robust robust and and easy easy to to clean clean but but still still look look stylish? stylish? That That glass glass table table may may be beautiful beautiful but but not not so so practical practical if if you you are are constantly constantly wiping wiping sticky sticky little little fingers fingers marks marks from from it. it.

DILEMMA 4: 4: DILEMMA Dining chairs chairs – so so many many to to choose choose from! from! If If you you entertain entertain a lot, lot, Dining or sit sit at at your your dining dining table table to to do do work, work, make make sure sure that that you you get get a or comfortable chair. chair. BoConcept’s BoConcept’ss range range of of chairs chairs not not only only look look comfortable great, great, but but some some in in our our range range have have padding padding in in the the seating seating which which moulds moulds into into your your body body to to give give greater greater comfort, comfort, ensuring ensuring your your guests off our guests will will never never want want to to leave. leave. The The majority majority o our chairs chairs come come in in wood wood or or chrome, chrome, and and brushed brushed steel steel finishes finishes and and they they can can be covered covered in in any any of of our our fabric fabric and and leather leather options, options, of of which which there there are are over over 80 80 to to choose choose from. from.



Your dining dining table table needs needs to to double double as as a study study area. area. W eh ave Your We have many table table options options for for you you to to choose choose from. from. Our Our flexibility flexibility in in our our many range means means that that you you can can choose choose any any size size table table top top a nd then then range and customize customize it it with with a range range of of legs legs to to suit suit you, you, giving giving a practical practical place place to to work work from from and and a stylish stylish dining dining table table when when you you need need it. it. The The veneer veneer on on our our tables tables is is protected protected with with a varnish varnish which which means means that that you you can can wipe wipe over over the the surface, surface, making m king it ma it practical practical and and easy easy to to look look after. after.

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Gr S e e 13 at Y e us -1 ork a 5 s tt Ju hi he ly r e Av Sh e M ow

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THE NEW FULL HYBRID RX 450h RX 450h prices start from £43,165 OTR. Model shown is RX 450h SE-L Premier priced at £58,175 including optional metallic paint at £595. Prices correct at time of going to print and include VAT, delivery, number plates, full tank of fuel, one year’s road fund license and £55 first registration fee. Certain components within the hybrid drive system have a five-year or 60,000 mile warranty, whichever comes first.

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Duncan Thorne

You often hear sports people complaining they’ve had‘busy periods’and lead ‘hectic schedules’but before anyone makes such a claim again, they should take a look in Andrew Gale’s diary for the last few months and see if it really has‘all happened so quickly’for them. Since the Since the end end of of the the 20 2009 09 season se aso n - iin nw which hich Gale Gale enjoyed enjoyed a ssecond e co n d cconsecutive onsecutive successful successful season season with wit h tthe he b bat at a and nd ccemented emented h his is p place lace iin na all ll fforms o rm s o he d om e st ic g am e - h e’s off tthe domestic game he’s rreceived eceived o ne of of E nglish ccricket’s ricket ’s one English g r e at e s t h onours iin nb e ing a ppointed greatest honours being appointed Y orkshire captain, captain, selected selected to to take take Yorkshire p art in in tthe he ffour-week our-week England E n g l an d part P erformance Programme Programme camp camp in in Performance S outh Africa, Africa, chosen chosen to to lead lead the t he South E ngland Lions’ Lions’ tour tour to to the the United Un i t e d England A rab Emirates, Emirates, before before packing p ac k i n g h is Arab his b ags again again for for Yorkshire’s Yo Y orkshire’s prepre bags sseason eason ttour our to to Barbados. Barbados. An d h And he e aalso lso managed managed to cram cram iin n the the small sm a ll matter m atter o off g getting etting married married in-between in-bet ween jjet-setting et-setting off o ff around around the th e w world orld to play play ccricket ricket in in tthree hre e different d ifferent continents. continents.

“I’ve only “I’ve only spent spent fi five ve weeks week s aatt h home ome all all winter got w inter aand nd I g ot married married iin n October October but b ut iit’s t ’s p probably ro b a b l y b been een the the best b es t w way ay tto o sstart t ar t a marriage,” m arriage,” he he jokes. jokes. “I’m lucky “I’m luck y iin n that that I’ve I’ve a very ver y understanding understanding wife wife aand nd h her er support suppor t has h as b been een really really important. i m p o r t a nt . EEverything ver y thing has has happened happened really really quickly quickly aand nd I’m I’m vvery er y proud proud to h have ave been b e en g given iven tthe he Y Yorkshire o r k shi re ccaptaincy aptainc y - iitt was w as a d dream ream ccome ome ttrue.” rue.” IIt’s t ’s ffair air to ssay ay G ale was was not not the th e m os t o bv i o u s Gale most obvious cchoice hoice iin n a te team am boasting boasting the the llikes ikes o off Jacques Jacques Rudolph, Bresnan now-departed R udolph, Tim T im B resnan and and the th e n ow- depar ted Matthew M atthew Hoggard, Hoggard, aallll of of w whom hom have have had ha d m more o re ssuccessful uccessful careers careers to d date ate and an d h have ave far f ar g greater reater experience. e xperience. But B ut perhaps perhaps nothing nothing sshould hould come come as as a surprise surprise to Y Yorkshire ork shire followers followers as as even even tthose hose with w i th tthe he most most active active iimaginations maginations couldn’t couldn’t have have predicted dramas years on p redicted the the ccounty’s ount y’s d ramas over over tthe he ye ar s o n aand nd o off ff the the pitch. pitch. But must B ut credit cre di t m ust be be given given to tthe he Yorkshire York shire hierarchy h ierarchy who who h have ave been b e en b bold old enough enough to ttrust r us t ttheir heir iinstincts nstincts aand nd g give ive G Gale ale his hiss cchance. hance. TThe he were no doubt with his sselectors elec tors w e re n od oubt iimpressed m p r e ss e d w i th h is batting iintelligence, ntelligence, cclear lear thinking thinking and and aallll rround o un d b at t i n g sskills kills tthat hat ssee ee him him aass much much aatt h home ome batting b at t i n g Championship ffor or two t wo days days iin n a County Count y C hampionship match match orr cclearing off a o learing the the rropes opes iin n tthe he helter-skelter helte t r-skelter o TTwenty20 went y20 e encounter. ncounter.


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York shire are Yorkshire a re n not ot tthe he o only nl y o ones nes tto o identify identif y hiss lleadership hi eadership potential potential w with ith the the England England team aappointing m anagement team ppointing hi m tto o him management ffront ront the the Lions Lions tour tour tto o tthe he United United A r ab Arab EEmirates mirates iin n February Februar y d espite the th e 1 5 - m an despite 15-man player w ssquad quad iincluding ncluding IIan an B ell, a player i th Bell, with of winning winning two two A experience Ashes tthe he e xperience of shes ccampaigns ampaigns aand nd o ver 5 ,000 iinternational nternational over 5,000 rruns uns tto o his his n ame. name.

“ We h “We have ave all all tthe he skills skills and and ttalent alent to win win things t h i n gs down aand nd we’ve we’ve ssat at d own aand nd ttalked alked aabout bout this this - aand nd with w ith a ffew ew players including fformer ormer players leaving leaving ((including Michael Vaughan TTest est players players M i ch a e l V aughan aand nd Matthew M at t h e w Hoggard) opportunities H oggard) there there are are o ppor tunities ffor or people people to ttake ake ttheir heir cchances hances by by getting getting runs runs and and wickets wickets under u nder ttheir h e ir b elts,” Gale tates. belts,” Gale sstates. we’ve had off o our playing ““This This winter winter w e’ve h ad 11 11 o ur squad s qu a d p laying iin n the the EEngland ngland set-up set-up from from tthe he first first team team down d ow n to tthe he u nder-19s so under-19s so the the talent talent is there there it’s it ’s now n ow aabout bout directing direc ting it it aand nd p ut ting the the performances per formances putting iin. n. ““Quite Quite a ffew ew o layers aare re yyoung oung but o ur p b ut off our players been tthey’ve hey’ve b een aaround round a bit bit now now and and have have plenty p l e nt y off experience up o experience so so it’s it ’s ttime ime they they sstepped tepped u p aand nd m oved on on to another another llevel evel aand nd this this is going g o in g moved be we going to b e ccrucially rucially important impor tant if if w e aare re g oing to be be ssuccessful. uccessful. first ““The The fi rst month month of of tthe he season season is going going to be because we b e rreally eally iimportant m p o r t a nt b e c aus e w e have have ffour o ur games have get off cchampionship hampionship g ames so so we we h ave to g et o ff to a g ood sstart tar t to sset et tthe he to ne and an d m ake ssure u re w e are are good tone make we rright i g ht u p there. t h e r e. up ““I’ll I ’ll b eu si n g m ow n e xperience to help h e lp o th e r s be using myy own experience others b ecome m ore consistent consistent because because ttwo wo yyears ear s become more aago go I was n the am was scratching scratching around around iin the second second te team aand nd fighting fighting h ard to g et into into tthe he fi rst eleven. eleven. hard get first B ut I took took m hances aand nd managed managed to get get two t wo But myy cchances g ood sseasons easons u nder my my b elt and an d m ade q uite aan n good under belt made quite iimpression. m p r e ssi o n .

What is m What more ore iincredible ncredible is Gale’s Gale’s meteoric meteoric rrise ise to off Y Yorkshire’s when you tthe he top top o ork shire’s rranks ank s w hen yo u consider consider iitt was w as o only nly last last year year that that he he cemented cemented h his is place place iin n County tthe he four-day four- day C ount y Championship Championship side. si d e. Always aan Always ne exciting xciting d dasher asher iin n tthe he o one-day ne - day aarena re na with w ith ssome ome explosive explosive g game-turning ame -turning kknocks, n o ck s , tthe he 2009 2009 sseason e as o n p proved roved a w watershed ate t r sh e d m moment o m e nt Dewsbury-born who only ffor or tthe he D ewsbur y-born lleft-hander ef t-hander w ho o nl y missed out m issed o ut on on reaching reaching tthe he ccoveted oveted 1,000 1,000 runs runs m ar k d ue to injury injur y llate ate in in tthe he sseason. e as o n . mark due It w It was as e enough nough to sshow how those those iin n power power that t h at h here e re was w as a m man an who who w was as yyoung, oung, ttalented, alented, aambitious m b i t i o us his on aand nd aable ble to repeat r e p e at h is ssuccess uccess o n a rregular e gular basis b asis - ssomething omething tthat’s hat ’s p plagued lagued tthe he ssquad qu a d o over ver rrecent ecent years. years. His aappointment His ppointment potentially potentially m marks ar k s a n new ew Yorkshire’s cchapter hapter iin nY ork shire’s extremely ex tremely ccolourful o l o ur f ul history, Gale heads off talent h istor y, aass G al e h eads a new new generation g e n e r at i o n o t a l e nt Headingley Bresnan, Adil aatt H eadingley tthat hat includes includes Tim T im B re sn a n , A dil Rashid, Rudolph, R ashid, JJacques acques R udolph, Ajmal Aj Ajmal SShahzad, hahzad, JJoe oe David Wainwright, with new SSayers ayers aand nd D avid W ainwright, aalong long w i th n ew Australian bowler Harris, will be A ustralian fast f as t b owler Ryan R y an H arris, who who w ill b e expected having been drafted jjoining oining later later than than e xpected h aving b e en d raf ted Ricky Ponting’s iinto nto R i ck y P onting’s iinternational nternational lline-up ine -up aafter f ter iimpressing mpressing in in the the SSheffield heffield SShield. hi e l d .

““My My voice voice has has been been heard heard in in the the dressing dressing rroom o om aand nd I’ve I’ve the the rrespect espec t of of tthe he p layers and and captaincy c ap t ain c y players is ssomething omething tthat hat II’ve ’ve always always ffound ound quite quite n at u r a l natural to d o. I want want tto use use tthis his to get get Y o r k shi re b ack on on do. Yorkshire back tthe he map map aand nd where where it it d eser ves to b e aand nd tthat’s hat ’s deserves be to po th e C ount y Championship.” Championship.” top off the County H is winter winter involvement involvement w ith tthe he EEngland ngland squads s q u a ds His with h as also also o pened his his e yes to iinternational nternational cricket cricket has opened eyes aand nd re-fuelled re -fuelled aan n aalready lready burning burning desire desire for for ssuccess. uccess.

The aappointment The ppointment o off tthe he e explosive xplosive opening batsman excites SSouth outh African African o pening b atsman e xcites G ale, w ho iiss llooking ooking fo rward to to h is Gale, who forward his iinfluence nfluence aand nd e xperience h aving a big b ig experience having iimpact mpact o n tthe he ssquad quad on on tthe he pitch pitch aand nd on iin n the the dressing dressing rroom. o om . “Herschelle is someone “Herschelle een looking someone we’ve we’ve b been l o o k in g November-December aatt since since N ovember-December time time and and he’s he’s a batsman has vvery er y exciting exciting b atsman who who h as done done really really well we l l iin n international international TTwenty20 Tw went y20 competitions competitions and an d II’m ’m ssure ure his his experience experience will will have have a rreally eally good go o d iimpact mpac t on on our our dressing dressing room room as as well well as as on on the th e fi eld. field. ““I’ll I ’ll b e llooking ooking to llearn earn from from him him aand nd II’m ’m ssure u re be tthe he rest re s t o the players players are are too, too, sso o that’s that ’s another an oth e r off the e xciting part par t of of the the sseason eason for for us us to o llook ook forward f o r w ard exciting to an’t wait wait to get get sstarted.” tar ted.” to.. I ccan’t

That last That last line line sums sums up up perfectly perfectly Gale’s Gale’s ssteely teely approach approach and and determination d e t e rm i n at i o n ttowards owards the the ttasks ask s ahead. ahead. Here’s Here’s a man m an w ho has has hardly hardly sstopped topped playing playing cricket cricket who all a ll winter winter - yet yet the the hard hard work work iiss only only just just beginning b eginning if if he he and and his his Yorkshire Y Yo ork shire team te am are going a re g oing to to achieve achieve their their goals goals and and ffulfil lfil their th i undoubted d bt d talent. t l t

““This This winter winter h as b e en a g ood taster taster for for me me and an d has been good tthe he England England Performance Per formance P rogramme sshowed h ow e d Programme m ew hat I have have to d o to b ecome aan n international international me what do become ccricketer. ricketer. ““II rreally eally want want to t g et full full international international h o n o ur s get honours b ut Yorkshire York shire is tthe he p riorit y aand nd II’ve ’ve to kkeep e ep but priority cchurning hurning the the runs runs out out and and knocking knocking on on the th e Yorkshire EEngland ngland door door by by being being successful successful for for Y o r k shi re main aand nd that that is my my m ain cconcern.” oncern.” with SSomeone ome one w ith ffull ull international international honours honours is Herschelle Gibbs who Yorkshire H e r s ch e ll e G ib bs w ho Y ork shire ssigned igned iin n the th e boost cclose lose season season tto b oost their their TTwenty20 Tw went y20 rranks ank s and an d no doubt with n od oubt thrill thrill the the Headingley Headingley ccrowds r ow d s w ith his his daredevil d aredevil approach approach to batting bat ting which which has has seen se en him up best h im ccarve ar ve u p tthe he b est bowling bowling attacks attack s in in tthe he world over w orld o ver tthe he last last 15 15 years. ye a r s .

The ssquad The quad h has as tthe he a ability bility tto od dominate ominate tthe he d domestic omestic game game ffor or y years ears tto o ccome ome b but ut gelling g elling it it a all ll ttogether ogether o on n a cconsistent onsistent b basis asis iiss g going oing tto ob be eo one ne tthe he h hardest ardest ttasks asks ffacing acing tthe he n new ew lleader. eader.

Pictures by Steve Stenson – www.stevestensonphotography.com


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If Mongolia sounds far away, then Outer Mongolia must surely be one of the most remote places on earth. For the Chinese Emperors, the part of Mongolia that lay closer to Beijing was “Inner” (or nearer) Mongolia – the part with resources and pastures that made it worth controlling. The other half of Mongolia was, to the Imperial mind, a valueless void consisting of the Gobi Desert to the south and frozen Siberian wastes to the north. Populated by Mongolian horsemen who stubbornly refused to learn Chinese or pay taxes, this “Outer” region was a part of the Chinese Empire barely worth the trouble and expense of controlling – it was placed under martial law and written-off as being beyond any value to the Chinese emperors at all. It was truly Outer Mongolia. The boot had, of course, once been on the other foot – and both feet had been in the stirrups. In the era when China’s capital had been southerly Xi’an, Mongolia had invaded the Chinese North, conquered it and established a second Mongolian capital there – Khanbaliq. Internal strife between the warring branches of the Mongolian royal family would eventually see Khanbaliq declaring war on Mongolia proper and bringing it under Khanbaliq’s control. But you won’t find “Khanbaliq” on any map today – because it’s now called Beijing. China’s paranoia about Mongolia goes back hundreds of years. The Great Wall of China was built specifically to keep the Mongolians out. Once they’d placed Outer Mongolia under martial law, they even sought to erase from history the name of Mongolia’s most feared leader – Chinggiskhan, whom we renamed Genghis Khan. Visitors to today’s Mongolia will see how effectively his name was erased – no palaces, forts or treasures of the “khan of khans” remain. The only artefact that can be certainly linked to his great Royal


Out on the

Court of Karakorum is a stone statue of a turtle (a sacred animal to Mongolians) on a mountain top near the South Gobi settlement of Harhorin (the modern-day “Karakorum”). But on the site of Genghis’s camp of war now stands an ornate lamasery dedicated to peace – the Erdine-Zuu Buddhist Monastery, built in the C17th, four centuries after Genghis. Gelugpa Buddhism was brought to Mongolia by Tibetan missionaries and has long been Mongolia’s national religion. The country’s vastness encompasses a landmass three times the size of Germany – but with a population of just two million people who would fit into a single London borough. Mongolians enjoy more space per person than almost any other country on earth. Nor do the extremes of climate (winters down to -50C, summers above +40C) dissuade Mongolians from settling apparently hostile environments like the Gobi Desert – which lies entirely within Mongolia’s borders. There wasn’t a “capital” in Mongolia until the end of the 19th century – at least, not in the European sense. The Royal Court of Mongolia’s priestkings made an annual circuit of stays at different monasteries. It was only the arrival of the telegraph and the overthrow of Chinese rule in the 1920s that turned the monastery-city of Urga into a full-time capital. The building of the Trans-Mongolian Railway in 1927 confirmed this status but with the majority of the monasteries closed-down under Soviet communism. Now renamed “Red Hero” (Ulaanbaatar) Urga enjoyed the dubious benefits of being a soviet satellite – the development of infrastructure (roads, electricity, heating) but at the cost of hideously ugly and randomly placed developments.

Mongolia conjures up images of iconic warlords, vast open spaces and a complex history. Neil McGowan discovers it is also one of the most enchanting and captivating places on earth.

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Ulaanbaatar has the ostensible appearance of a European-type city (actually more of a Soviet province), but isn’t typical of Mongolia – most of the temples were raised. Still remaining, however, is the Gandan lamasery, the centre of Buddhist worship and learning for the whole country and the “number one” must-see for most visitors.

Other attractions include former temples now turned into museums and the Natural History Museum’s collection of dinosaur remains excavated in Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar’s latest reinvention of itself includes an eclectic range of nightlife, from Mongolian dumpling stand-up caffs through to pulsating nightclubs, with new age coffee-stores and German microbreweries along the way. Although this is all fun, it is not a “real” picture of Mongolia. For that you need to get out into the countryside, stay in a yurt “ger” tent, and make contact with the herdsmen – whose lifestyle still reflects the traditional eco-sustainable life of the steppes.

There are quite few tour camps within a few hours drive of Ulaanbaatar but are a complete contrast from the modern city and you really need to see both. Best of all, go for Naadam – the once-yearly festival of manly sports that celebrates the riding, archery and wrestling skills of Mongolian warriors of old.

FACT FILE The Russia Experience (0845 521 2910; www.trans-siberian.co.uk)

has a full programme of trips to Mongolia and can also include the country as part of a Trans-Siberian railway journey. For example, the 18day Outer and Inner Mongolia costs from £1340 per person based on two people travelling (excluding flights). Departures are from May through to September. This year’s Nadaam Festival takes place between July 11 and 13.

“The country’s vastness encompasses a landmass three times the size of Germany”


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Matthew Peacock Chevin Cycles

mountain d n a d a ro t s e b e Th region e th in s te u ro g bikin

Che (Moun vin Fo rest Pa Perfe tain Bike) ct for rk beg So

me l inne all are ong climb rs and fam sa il on we ll mad nd descen ies. Exper t e s , but b ridlew ie ays. and s nced ride rs can till fin d som u Pleas e cha p the spe ed e be a lleng es. w popu lar wi are the Ch th do riders g wal evin is ver , kers a y caref especially nd ul on o the co n weeken horse ds – rners !

An average leisure cycle ride burns around 600 calories per hour. As the days get longer you might be wondering where to go cycling and the best ways to take advantage of the lovely summer that is promised! Whether you prefer to ride on the road or off it, there are plenty of local places to go. Here are a few suggestions…

(Road) y e b b A n o t Otley to Bol tley miles d leaves O esfield Approx 20 ton Lane an do. It carries on to N es W n o ts Li cross d star ey an kl te Il u in e ro jo th e Th and past bbey, you A h it road if n u o e lt sq th o A B er h re throug route und , just befo e cl en cy th on a lt ey is o sl B ad (there rry on to and Beam arrogate ro here you ca g your route home. -H n m o to Fr ip ) Sk c! the traffi versin avoid the a before re you want to deserved cup of te the usual at g road and th uiet, rollin loops that Abbey for q a a tr n o ex f is o are plenty t, this route e ar er p n le Th p . ai ly m For the rules app ge. For exam ggle on! nse riding r a challen stru common se for those looking fo sheep can en ed that ev can be add con is a steep climb Bea Beamsley

The P ool Tr iangle (Road )

Stainburn (Mountain Bike) This is a dedicated mountain biking area which is a bit more testing for those with experience. Hairpins – both uphill and downhill - hardcore hardtail heaven, basically!

Otley Bank – Pool – A rt – tow ards hington – Harro Popu la gate Bottom o turns r for eve f Har – Hu by – ning . The Pool ewood time with actua – O tl t p l r ey. midd lenty of q triangle ials as its i s 12 le or uiet l a l l left h ½ mi off an Alms anes and les ro c to ex y of t u p view liff crags h –stea e 3 sides lore thro nd but s!) u . dy cl imb b (North R gh the The H i gt ut stu a nnin on to “com rrogateg L muti ng” t eeds roa d is v imes ! er y b usy a t

• Red Trail: Only about 1km in length but packed with curves. It’s over open ground and mostly quite smooth in surface but it also contains frequent rocks and roots to hop over. • Descent Line: Again, only about 1km long but this time it starts under tree cover. Lots of tight corners, a couple of berms, bunch of rocks, a couple of boulders you can jump off (or roll down) and finishes off with a berm or two. • Norwood Edge: Just over 3km in length, this loop was formed from the old XC routes in the Northern part of the woodland. Not all-weather surfaced by any means (and the better for it), it’s not a trail you can fly around if it’s wet and muddy. Lots of ducking and diving


contouring, plenty of lung-burning sharp climbs. One for the old-skoolers who will ride everything with 1.8in tyres and the saddle at full height, leaving over-biked youngsters flailing and confused in their wake! • Black Trail (aka Boulder Trail): Roughly 2km in length and jam-packed with nadgery bits. Rocks, slabs, North Shore, drystone wall-esque ridges, a see-saw, a few small rock jumps/drops, tight tricky

Recommended reading Mountain Bike Rides in West Yorkshire by Nick Dutton £6.95

Harvey’s weatherproof map Yorkshire Dales for Cyclists £8.50

Harewood Estate Lots of bridleways criss-cross this famous estate - perfect for family groups or simple leisurely riding although they can get very muddy after heavy rain! Again, for those after more of a challenge, there are lots of options to extend your ride.

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active Supercar club, ècurie25 prides itself on the truly mouthwatering array of cars on its fleet here in Yorkshire, but when we asked self-confessed petrol head and long time club member, Tim “Beefmeister” Oldland to take his pick we didn’t realise the tree-hugging turmoil he’d go through before making his choice.

GOING GREEN... It’s hard being a car lover these days. Everywhere you look there is pressure to downsize, de-power and slow down. We also have to think about the children, the polar bear and the cute little penguins. And let’s not forget the current economic climate, petrol prices, climate change, the lack of Cod in our seas and the worrying plight of our disappearing bumble bees. Therefore, when I was asked by ON to take my pick from the newbies on the ècurie25 fleet I took some time out to ponder the impact my decision would have on the future of the planet.

After a period of contemplation that was so serious I even resorted to stroking my chin in a scholarly fashion, I realised there was only one possible course of action – and no, it wasn’t to resign from the club and buy a nonfaulty Prius. I simply had to get behind the wheel of the 8mpg, 560bhp, 5.2l V10 powered, 400g/km emitting Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder. Sorry Greenpeace.


Fast-forward a few days and I’ve made an effort to offset my carbon emissions by making sure all my lights are turned off before I head off to è25 HQ to pick up the keys for a car that’s only possible claim to greenness is the


colour it makes envious passers by turn when they see it roar past them. So there I am, without a care in the world, popping open the heavy, Germanic feeling door of this £181,000 penguin punching, beast of car and lowering myself down what feels like about 10ft into the shapely leather clad bucket seats within. For me, this is what a supercar should feel like inside. Snug. So snug in fact that that you feel like you’re squeezed into a leather-lined letterbox.

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A quick look around the cabin will give those who’ve owned a recent Audi a sense of deja-vu. The Sat Nav, climate control and a few other ancillary controls are straight from the A6 and A8. And while some feel that these parts have no place in a car like this, I reckon they integrate well and help to create an ergonomically satisfying interior. Everything is close and within reach, everything works with a satisfying clunk and everything feels like it will last. Although some stereo controls on the steering wheel wouldn’t have gone amiss. Safely cocooned in the Gallardo, I ready myself for the off. Looking down at the centre console, I am disappointed that instead of a shiny gate and stick there’s simply a row of three buttons. This though is an LP560-4 e:Gear rather than the older, manual Gallardo Spyder on ècurie25’s fleet – a car that ranks amongst my all-time favourites and so meant that this paddle-shifter had a lot to live up to.

“I flick the paddle, and the g-force punches me in the face once more”

Foot on the brake pedal, a simple old-school twist of a key and, after a typically Italian-supercar-length turning of the starter motor, the V10 bursts into life just inches from the back of my head. Something is lacking though. Ah yes, a press of the roof button and a look in the rear view mirror shows a complex display of moving fabric and body parts. After no time at all, there is nothing but sky above me, and a lot less between that fantastic engine and my head. And without the cabin to deaden it, the engine note has developed into a more mechanical, higher pitched sound. Everything sounds perfect, so let’s drive. Foot on the brake pedal again, a flick of the right hand paddle selects 1st, and I’m off into the 15mph crawling Wakefield traffic – a situation in which the e:Gear really suffers. At such a low speed it has a tendency to slip the clutch, and the throttle mapping is remarkably sensitive, so you have to be a little careful to avoid either sitting in an allencompassing smell of burning clutch or kangarooing down the road. But once moving the steering is not too light, the brakes are well modulated, and the ride is very composed on our notoriously woeful roads. One thing that really helps is the fact that the Gallardo is actually

shorter than a Focus (and only 40mm wider), and the nose is very short from the driver’s seat, so it’s very easy to position the car on the road which really helps when you have motorbike couriers missing the £500 wing mirrors by mere millimetres. Once out of the city and onto some proper roads, the LP5604 comes alive. The first derestricted section of road I hit I slow to about 20mph in 2nd. I bury the throttle into the bulkhead. And Good Lord above. I’d forgotten what 560bhp feels like. I’m pinned into the seat like a rat in a trap, and past 3500rpm the exhaust valve opens and there is an aural explosion behind my head – a noise that really should be committed to vinyl and listened to by the finest musical scholars on the planet such is its multi-tonal brilliance. Before shifting up it is always advisable to back off the throttle a little because while chiropractors enjoy full-bore changes, e:Gear doesn’t. So backing off a little, I flick the paddle, and the g-force punches me in the face once more. In these neck-bracing situations it is nice to be able to have both hands on the wheel, I’ll concede that, but for me I’d still have the manual gearbox. Call me a Luddite if you will, but I still get the most pleasure from perfectly heel-and-toeing a downchange, and I simply love the ‘clack-clack’ of an open gate. Hitting the twists and turns of some breathtaking Dales roads this raging bull of a car demonstrates that there’s no need to be scared of it – its handling more than living up to its performance. Perfectly balanced entering a bend, you simply flick the paddle down, revs blipping and giving your ears another blast, turn in and the steering is weighted on the heavy side, but you’re getting more than enough feedback. A light throttle to balance the car just before the apex, then foot to the floor again, putting your faith in the 4wd system and its immense grip. Sure enough the car just squats a little more and carves round the corner, back end feeling like it might give way if you push a little too hard, but when you do it progressively breaks away, requiring only a little opposite lock and a steady throttle to bring it back into line.

I could do this all day, and as it turns out, I do… Much, much later, parked up in front of the Red Lion in Burnsall, this Ferrari rival looks fantastic. In my eyes it knocks the F430 Spider clean out of the ring. The short, stubby nose, the angular flanks, the long swept back headlights – everything gels to give it the most incredible presence. The revised front end gives the Gallardo extra visual bite, and is enhanced by the striking white paint of this one. This is a very rare convertible in that it looks just as good with the roof up as it does down. Admittedly the roof is only about 2ft long, but it’s a stunning car no matter how you look at it. The black rims of this one give it an extra edge. If forced to find a negative about the looks, it would be nose-on, squatting – it looks a little too low and wide, almost like it’s been squashed. But like I said, I’d have to be forced. Looking back, had the LP560-4 had a manual gearbox I’d have seriously considered eloping and starting a new life with it – it really was such a perfect car. It’s every day usable, gorgeous, fast, loud and competent enough for every driver. It really is a package that the Ferrari 458 will find very hard to beat.

To get your hands on the Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder get in touch with ècurie25 today. Visit www.ecurie25.co.uk or call 0845 0756667


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active ongadgets

The Navigon The Navigon 2410 offers offers both in-car in-car and d pedestrian pedestrian navigation take na vigation making making it an ideal gadget tto o ta ake aaway way on holid day as it ’ll help you you na vigate ar ound the he str eets and holiday it’ll navigate around streets pa vemen e ts of over over 40 European European ccountries, ountriess, including the pavements UK & IIreland. reland. A longside the standar d incar ar ffeatures eatures such Alongside standard in-car as La yRoutes and Reality iew, the 2410 Lane ane Assistant, Assistant, M MyRoutes Reality V View, also off ers e xtra ffeatures eatures such as TMC Routing Rou uting IInfo, nfo, Spoken offers extra TMC C and a unique displa omaticaally swit ches from that aut from displayy that automatically switches landscape scape ffor or incar navigation, navigation, to to a user-friendly user-ffriendly por trait in-car portrait fformat orma m t for for pedestrian pedestrian mode. mode. The The Na vigon Last M ile func tion Navigon Mile function tr anssforms the in-car in-car device device into into a hand-held held guide, guide, g reat transforms great ffor or n vigating around na around new cities. cities. navigating

£154.99 £15 54.99 from from Amazon. Amazon.


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Summer S umm er

Cygnett, leading developer of an innovative, high quality range of accessories for iPod, iPhone and MP3 players, have launched this attractive new Micro. It’s good for hours of ear bud-free music as it comes with a mini rechargeable speaker. Whether you’re in the garden, on a beach, or even relaxing in a bath, the Micro connects to your chosen audio device for portable stereo sound. Measuring only 47mm high and 105mm wide with a depth of 23mm, the Micro unit is amazingly compact in size yet produces crisp, vibrant acoustics.

£19.99 from Amazon and iWorld.


Oasis Flow is a rugged, weatherproof and extremely durable digital, FM and internetconnected radio thanks to a splash resistant case, cast aluminium framework and rubber seals. It features touchscreen control, enhanced audio and a crystal clear OLED display which is readable at any angle. Oasis Flow offers maximum portability with a useful carry handle and integrated ChargePAK battery which provides hours of portable listening and is the perfect radio for the bathroom, garden or any outdoor setting.

Price approx £169 from John Lewis and major retailers.

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Totseat – a washable, squashable highchair - scooped the ‘Gift of the Year 2009’ accolade for its adaptability as the perfect accessory when eating out or travelling with children. Developed with safety experts, the Totseat is the only children’s travel highchair/chair harness to adapt to fit any adult dining chair – whether short, tall, round, open-backed etc – anchoring the child (8-30 months) safely and easily. It comes in five machine-washable fabric designs – blue stripe, lime stripe, chocolate chip, denim and bramble - and fits into a matching pouch, which in turn packs comfortably into most average-sized handbags or baby changing bags.

£24.30 from www.totseat.com

Kodak’s Playsport is a rugged pocket video camera capable of shooting HD quality video even underwater – perfect for holidays by the sea or for messing around by the swimming pool. Waterproof up to 10 feet and features built-in software and USB cable output so users can edit and easily share with family and friends through sites such as YouTube and Facebook. The camera also features electronic image stabilisation and Kodak Imaging Science for sharper videos with vibrant colours and less blur.

£129.99 from major retailers

The Fold-Away Mini Barbecue is perfect for camping and slots neatly into the boot of your car. Ideal for lovers of the outdoors, or for those who have small gardens or balconies, they clean easily and are light to carry.

£24.25 from www.pampasplains.com

These Centenary gas grills from Grilltech are very sleek and designed to look fantastic all year round so there’s no need to cover them up with a BBQ cover when not in use! They feature rotating lids that are hidden within the barbeque when not in use, maintaining the streamlined look of the product.

£1,050 from www.mode.co.uk

The SANYO Xacti VPC-CS1 is brand new and is the world’s smallest full HD camcorder. Why is it the perfect gift for the summer? It’s pocket-sized so can be taken everywhere, it looks cool so it won’t cramp your style, it’s simple to use, it’s perfect for sharing your holidays with friends and family back home via social networks, it works in all light conditions and it shoots both HD footage and 9 megapixel stills, meaning you only need one camera to take with you, rather than two! £249 from major electronic retailers

When you’re outside enjoying the summer sun it can be difficult to find a power point to charge up your favourite devices such as mp3s, iPhones, Blackberries and digital cameras. Duracell’s rechargeable range offers a convenient ‘ready to go’ charging solution for a multitude of devices, giving you the freedom to do more of the things you love. Duracell Instant Charger £34.99 and the Duracell Fast 1 Hour Charger £32.99.



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CASH COWELL Simon Cowell looks well on the way to world domination.

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The multi-millionaire The multi-millionaire music mogul m usic m ogul has has 2200 ‘‘Got Got Talent’ beamed T alent’ sshows hows b eamed aall ll world, aaround round tthe he w orld, 4422 ‘‘Idol’ Idol’ ffranchises, ranchises, 19 19 vversions ersions ooff Factor’, which ‘‘X XF actor’, w hich iiss sset et to to US llaunch aunch in in tthe he U S in in 22011. 011. Then there’s Then there’s ‘‘Celebrity Celebrity D Duets’, uets’, p plus lus his money-spinning h is ttake ake ffrom rom tthe he m oney-spinning Lewis, Paul Potts, ccareers areers of of Leona Leona L ewis, P aul P otts, Divo Susan Boyle. IIll D ivo aand nd S usan B oyle. Simon, S imon, 550, 0, rrecently ecently jjoined oined forces forces with billionaire Sir Philip w ith rretail etail b illionaire S ir P hilip

Green global G reen ttoo fform 1billion g lobal orm a ££1billion ssuper uper eentertainment nteertainment ccompany ompany iin na bid Disney. b id to to rrival ival D isney.

when p eople sstill till ccontinue ontinue ttoo w atch tthe he sshows. hows. when people watch That’s tthe he b iggest b uzz y ou g et, I p romise y ou. That’s biggest buzz you get, promise you. It’s a ffantastic antastic ffeeling. eeling. IIff tthey hey llike ike iitt iit’s t’s g reat It’s great and at at tthe he ttime ime wh en tthey hey ssay ay tthey hey d on’t llike ike iitt and when don’t then tthat’s hat’s eenough. nough. then

Here, Simon huge H ere, S imon ttalks alks aabout bout tthe he h uge hee h has ssuccess uccess h as aachieved chieved ffrom rom making what drives m aking ttalent a ent sshows, al hows, w hat d rives him greater h im oon n ttoo aachieve chieve eeven ven g reater his with tthings, hings, h is sspecial pecial rrelationship elationship w ith Cheryl his being C heryl Cole Cole aand nd h is ttips ips ffor or b eing a businessman. ssuccessful uccessful b usinessman.



ate iit! t! W hat d ou tthink? hink? N o, iiff y ou b r ing hate What doo y you No, you bring Ih somebody oon n a sshow, how, y ou’re n ot b r ing ing tthem hem somebody you’re not bringing on ssoo tthey’re hey ’re g onna b npopular aand nd I h ad on gonna bee u unpopular had to rreally, eally, rreally eally ttwist w ist C her yll’s aarm rm b ecause to Cheryl’s because she d idn’t k now h ow g ood sshe he w as g oing ttoo she didn’t know how good was going be. A nd I k ept ssaying ay ing ttoo h er, ‘‘If If y ou d h is, And kept her, you doo tthis, be. not oonly nly iiss tthis h is g oing ttoo b reat ffor or tthe he sshow how not going bee g great hink iit’s t’s g oing ttoo b reat ffor or y ou.’ A nd sshe he I tthink going bee g great you.’ And has, sshe’s he’s b ecome, I m ean sshe he m ust b ow tthe he has, become, mean must bee n now most p opular p erson oon nT V–m ore tthan ha n m e! most popular person TV more me! A nnoy ing, b ut iitt h appens. but happens. Annoying,

[[laughs] laughs] O h come come on, on, come come on. on. I am am very ver y llucky, ucky, Oh vvery er y grateful g rateful and and II’m ’m aactually ctually m ost grateful g rateful most

YOU AND YOU A ND C CHERYL HERY L S SEEM EEM TO TO HAVE H AV E A VERY V ERY CLOSE CLOSE RELATIONSHIP? R ELATIONSHIP? been Cheryl. met, know II’ve ’ve aalways lways b een a fan fan of of C her yl. I ffirst irst m et, oorr got got to to k now her, her, tthrough hrough was And blue ‘‘Celebrity Celebr ity Apprentice’ Apprentice’ when when sshe he w as oon n that. that. A nd she she called called me me oout ut the the b lue aand nd ssaid aid ‘It’s ‘It’s Cheryl Cher y yll Cole’. Cole’. And A nd I was was like, like, ‘‘Oh Oh yeah yeah right’. r ight’. And A nd she she said, said, ‘No, ‘No, IIt’s t’s Cheryl Cher yl C ole. I w ant ssome ome money money ffor or this this charity.’ char ity.’ S he was was iincredibly ncredibly Cole. want She gave cconvincing onvincing g and and persuasive. persuasive. I g ave her her the the money money aand nd tthat hat was was honestly honestly why why I w anted to to work work w ith Cheryl Cher yl oon n a show. show. It It just just ttook ook me me two two years years ttoo persuade persuade wanted with h er. She She b lew me me out out oon n ‘Britain’s ‘Br itain’s G ot Ta lent’ aafter fter ssaying ay ing yes. yes. her. blew Got Talent’ R EA LLY? REALLY? IIt’s t’s true. tr ue. A nd then then eventually eventually I p ersuaded h er to to d the ‘‘X-Factor’. X-Factor’. And A nd And persuaded her doo the wh yIk new she she was was going going to to be be g ood iiss tthat hat sshe he sspeaks peaks llike ike n or mal people people why knew good normal sspeak. peak. People People can can relate relate to to tthat. hat. And A nd I think think that that is is the the best best sign sig n of of a judge. judge. N ot someone someone who who iiss sitting sitting there there aass a vocal vocal coach coach but but going, going, ‘Why ‘ W hy I like like y ou, Not you, why don’t And her, wh yId on’t like like you.’ you.’ And A nd it’s it’s a very, ver y, very ver y rare rare talent. talent. A nd to to embarrass embar rass h er, which best wh ich I will w ill - she’s she’s one one of of the the b est I’ve I’ve ever ever worked worked with. w ith. WHERE DO TALENT? HERE OR W HERE D O YOU YOU THINK THINK THERE THERE IS IS MORE MORE T A LENT? H ERE O R AMERICA? A MERICA?


Well, would definitely America but because W ell, you you know know what? what? Initially Initially I w ould d ef initely ssay ay A mer ica b ut b ecause Leona Paul Potts Talent’ ooff tthe he L eona Lewis Lew is ffactor actor aand nd P aul P otts on on ‘Britain’s ‘Br itain’s Got Got Ta lent’ I think think up you good you tthings hings are are balancing balancing u p a llot ot more. more. The The ttruth r uth iis, s, y ou get get g ood years years aand nd y ou get bad years g et ba dy ears on on aall ll tthe he shows. shows. GOT TALENT’ ‘‘BRITAIN’S BRITA IN’S G OT T A LENT ’ STAR STA R SUSAN SUSA N BOYLE BOY LE LOOKS LOOKS SET SET TO TO BECOME EVEN YOU. WHAT’S YOUR B ECOME E V EN RICHER RICHER THAN TH A N Y OU. W H AT ’S Y OUR TAKE TA K E ON ON THIS T HIS STORY? IINCREDIBLE NCREDIBLE S TORY? Look doo do don’t discriminate L ook aatt the the end end of of the the day day one one tthing hing we we d do is is we we d on’t d iscr iminate against against noo rrules aanyone nyone on on the the sshow. how. There There aare re n ules on on my my sshows, hows, particularly par ticularly ‘Britain’s ‘Br itain’s Got Talent.’ day give G ot Ta lent.’ At At the the end end of of the the d ay iit’s t’s ttoo g ive people people a sshot, hot, you you know. know. With With Susan, mee tthroughout you S usan, it it was was a very, ver y, very ver y tricky tr icky situation situation ffor or m hroughout because because y ou have yourself question, wrong h ave to to aask sk ky ourself tthe he q uestion, ‘Have ‘Have I done done tthe he right r ight or or tthe he w rong tthing’. hing ’. But wee sset B ut we we did did what what w et out out to to do do with w ith Susan. Susan. Susan Susan wanted wanted tthe he oopportunity ppor tunity make All doors her She won ttoo m ake a record. record. A ll the the d oors had had been been cclosed losed in in h er fface. a ce. S he w on us us over over Glasgow. difficult iin nG lasgow. She She became became an an internet internet ssensation ensation and and tthen hen found found it it very ver y d iff icult with you predict you ttoo ccope ope w ith the the ffame ame or or the the pressure. pressure. But But y ou can’t can’t p redict that that when when y ou ffirst irst meet meet someone. someone. I can’t can’t say say to to her, her, and and I certainly cer tainly wouldn’t wouldn’t have have ssaid aid it, it, ‘I ‘I don’t dealing mee actually d on’t think think you’re you’re ccapable apable ooff d ealing with w ith tthis.’ his.’ She She reminded reminded m actually of of Paul when met P aul Potts Potts wh hen I first f irst m et her her – tthey hey both both looked looked a bit bit beaten. beaten No-one No one had ha d uss over eever ver taken aken them hem seriously ser ous y and and they hey won won u over in n the he aauditions ud ons aand nd in n the he hope happen ccase ase of o Paul Pau Potts, Po s it cchanged hanged his h s lifee and and I h ope that’s ha s what’s wha s going go ng too h appen with Susan we’ve given with her w hS usan – iss that ha w e ve g ven her her a shot sho aand nd we’re we re working work ng w hh er too help he p her with more. process has h er ccope ope w h it all a m ore But Bu throughout hroughou the he whole w oep wh rocess all a sshe he h as ssaid ad is, what want do.’ And wanted s ‘This Th s iss wh a Iw an too d o A nd I w an ed it too be be aan n enjoyable en oyab e eexperience xper ence for decision with or her her aand nd I still s think h nk aand nd hope hope it will w be. be Every Ever y d ec s on we’ve we ve made made w h her has been her we’ve h er h as b een with w h her her consent consen aand nd h er family am y w e ve sspoken poken too aand nd I hope hope aat the he eend nd oof all a this h s sshe’ll he ssay, ay ‘I’m I m still s happy happy that ha I did d d this.’ h s I mean mean I’m Ima huge h uge fan an of o Susan Susan as as a person. person I adore adore her. her I rreally ea y do do like ke her her aand nd I think h nk it’ss going her, do. g o ng too work work out ou OK OK for or h er I rreally ea y d o



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The Git Factor In order to avoid inheritance tax we often advise clients to give money, property etc to children. There is often a reluctance, not because of the lack of trust between them and their offspring but usually because they don’t "trust" the “git” that they have married! Whilst we can’t do anything to avoid that, we can at least consider the use of trusts and how effective they are in financial planning, especially as the rates of tax are changing! Trust work is quite technical and lengthy; I have tried to give a flavour in a few short sentences...

The law of trusts first came around in the middle ages and has been developing ever since then. Landowners would go away and fight for King and country and, rather than leave their land unoccupied, would often transfer it to a relative, who would look after it until their return. Some of the relatives would often renege on the deal and would refuse to hand the land back. Under common law the legal title was in the relative’s name, therefore the courts did not recognise the former owner. A device known as a “Use” was introduced which enabled the landowner to convey the legal title to the relative but at the same time hold the land for the ”Use” of another. The “Use” was, in effect, the introduction of the trust as we know it today…. A trust effectively requires three things, or certainties: firstly, certainty of intention – an intention to create a trust. Secondly, certainty of object – it must be clear for whom the trust is intended and lastly, certainty of subject matter – it must be clear what property is to be held in trust. Once you have these a trust deed must be created. There is no prescribed wording but a solicitor should have a tried and tested format. The trust deed should state the property, the names of the trustees (the people who will manage the trust), and the names/rights of the beneficiaries (those who will receive the benefits); in addition, it will usually specify the powers of the trustees. There are many types of trusts and each trust has variations on what you can and can’t do. Each one has a specific purpose; I could write for pages and pages on the subject of trusts – but not here! As investment managers we often manage funds that are held within a trust as the Trustee Act 2000 stipulated that trustees have a statutory duty of care. This came form various court cases such as Whitely (1886) “In relation to investment, a trustee should use the same diligence as a man of ordinary prudence would take in the management of his own affairs, or the affairs of someone for whom he felt morally bound to provide”.


Case law over the years has provided a framework on what is to be expected and there have also been some interesting cases, as often the trustees can get it wrong. It’s a fine balance when you have to manage money for people who are entitled to benefit today (life tenet) and the person who receives the benefit when they have died, the “remainder men”. An example of this was Nestle v NatWest Bank plc (1993). The appeal is concerned with the investment policies followed by the Bank from time to time in relation to the funds subject to the trusts of the testator's will, from the time of the testator's death in 1922 to the death of Miss Nestle's father, John Nestlé, in 1986, when Miss Nestle became solely and absolutely entitled to the capital of the funds then still held on trust. Those funds were then worth £269,203, but it has been Miss Nestle's contention that if the funds had been properly managed by the Bank and proper investment policies had been followed by the Bank throughout they would have been worth well over £1m. The argument on the appeal has therefore necessarily covered matters of general importance in relation to the investment of private trust funds, though the outcome must depend on the particular circumstances at any particular time of this trust.

This case is naturally lengthy and complicated, but the basis was that Miss Nestle felt that the funds had not been invested properly, and the Bank did not take into account the potential growth of the stock market. Google the full case: the outcome was that the judge dismissed the appeal and Miss Nestle lost the case. It did though lead to some general guidelines which are not to change investments too frequently and also to undertake periodic reviews, typically annually. When we manage a trust fund we always ask what the trust standard investment criteria is; this helps us to understand the suitability of the type of investment we need to consider the size and risk of the investment we make and the balance between income and growth. We also insist that the trust is reviewed annually; this way we can ensure that the trustees’ objectives are understood and more importantly whether any change in investment is required. Trusts are under the spotlight at the moment due to the tax changes coming (increases of up to 50% on certain types of income), therefore it is imperative that trustees and beneficiaries review the deed and ensure that they understand the impact and potential implications. As I alluded to earlier, trusts can be complicated things; you have to think about income tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax … and that’s before you worry about the git that your daughter married!

Jono Baker

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Win Stuff, Good Stuff! We've six amazing competitions to get your teeth into this issue - and there's something for everyone. Enter all six competitions if you wish - simply email comps@onlifestyle.co.uk and leave a name and contact number. Good luck!

Win Iconic Pedal Power-Style From Lambretta Lambretta, the most iconic two-wheeled brand brings you the Lambretta Bicicletta Li126. Built around an aluminium frame and taking styling cues from the iconic Lambretta Li125 scooter, the Li126 bicycle has been designed to be the coolest way to ride to your favourite café. Providing town and city comfort and all-weather versatility with custom mudguards, suspension fork and disc brakes, the Li126 is available in male and female specific models with custom Lambretta saddle and tyres as well as custom chrome finish handlebars and accessories. With numbers limited to just 500 bicycles worldwide, the Li126 is surely destined to become a modern classic.

To enter in to a prize draw to win a Lambretta Li126 worth £599, just answer the following question:

What is the Italian word for bicycle? a) Biscotto b) Bicicletta c) Bicchiere Email comps@onlifestyle.co.uk with your name and answer. Closing date 2nd June. For full specifications and to find your local dealer, please visit www.lambretta-bicicletta.com.


A Stylish DOT-S Netbook From Packard bell Ever wonder how you can stay in touch with friends and your community anywhere and in a very comfortable way? This trendy 10.1" organizer is beautiful and easy to use - convenient for all your social networking needs! This netbook, worth £279.99, is the perfect companion to organize your life on the go. At a mere 1.25 kg you can carry it anywhere in your purse, bag or hand luggage. The dot s comes with built-in Wi-Fi, webcam, optional Bluetooth and there's a lovely protector and carrying case. To stand a chance of winning this desirable item, answer this question:

What’s the weight of the Packard Bell DOT-S Netbook? Email you answer, name and address to comps@onlifestyle.co.uk to be entered into a random draw. Closing date 30th May.

Win The Ultimate Underwater MP3 Player! On: Magazine has teamed up with Advanced MP3 Players, Europe's largest MP3 specialist, to offer one lucky reader an impressive underwater MP3 player - the Speedo Aquabeat LZR Racer 2GB plus armband worth over £100. The special edition MP3 player and earphones are submersible, waterproof and weatherproof and the gadget comes with an armband to make sure you are swimming in style. This specially designed LZR model is perfect for those who like to take their favourite music with them wherever they go - even under water! To be entered into a random draw, answer this question:

Advanced MP3 Players is the largest MP3 specialist in which continent? Email comps@onlifestyle.co.uk with your name and answer before 1st June. Prize cannot be exchanged for another product or cash alternative.


ON MAGAZINE 68-106:ON MAGAZINE (NEW) 82-114 05/04/2010 20:44 Page 30

The Deer Shed Festival on Saturday 17 July is gearing up to become a must on Yorkshire's summer music and arts scene. It's set in beautiful landscaped parkland near Thirsk and is already making waves as a truly family-friendly music festival. We've got three family tickets to give away (2 adults, 2 U16s) each worth a total of £85. To win your ticket, just answer the following question.

Miles Hunt from The Wonder Stuff is playing the festival, which famous comedian joined him on the hit single, Dizzy? Email your answer and name to comps@onlifestyle.co.uk to be entered into a random draw. Closing date 31st May. For more information on The Deer Shed Festival, visit www.deershedfestival.com

Win A Cutting Edge SAT-NAV Worth Over £150

Win Stuff, Good Stuff!

Win Family Tickets For Yorkshire’s Newest Festival

Stylish yet compact, the NAVIGON 2410 is the latest addition to the NAVIGON range of sat navs. Accompanying the standard NAVIGON features for in-car navigation such as Lane Assistant, MyRoutes and Reality View, NAVIGON has introduced the Last Mile function to transform this in-car device into a convenient handbag-sized guide, great for hunting down hidden lunch spots and beauty spas! With maps for the UK & Ireland as well as European maps that cover 40 countries it is the perfect travel companion wherever you are. To stand a chance of winning one, answer this question:

What is 'Sat Nav' the abbreviation for? Email comps@onlifestyle.co.uk your name and answer - closing date 28th May. For further information about the NAVIGON 2410 and the rest of the NAVIGON range visit www.navigon.com


Family Tickets For UK’s First Legoland Discovery Centre Be one of the first to visit the UK's first LEGOLAND Discovery Centre in Manchester's Trafford Centre. We have two fantastic family tickets for two adults and two children to give away. LEGOLAND Discovery Centre is like a life-sized box of LEGO! Children can learn how the famous bricks are made, The Master Model Builder will share his top tips for creating the best LEGO models and iconic scenes from across the North West are recreated in the fantastic MINILAND. To be entered into a random draw, please answer the following question:

Where is the UK's first LEGOLAND Discovery Centre? Email comps@onlifestyle.co.uk with your name and answer. Closing date May 31st. Open from 10am seven days a week. Tel: 0871 222 2662 www.LEGOLANDDiscoveryCentre.co.uk Terms & Conditions Ticket only. The prize must be redeemed by December 31 2010. Prize cannot be redeemed during school holidays or on bank holidays. Subject to availability. No cash alternative is available.


ON MAGAZINE 68-106:ON MAGAZINE (NEW) 82-114 05/04/2010 20:44 Page 31



The Hairy Bikers are back on the road - this time bringing their double-headed, double-bearded, double-bellied cooking expertise (along with a bit of chat and laughter) to the stage. The Hairy Biker's Big Night Out rolls across the country throughout April and May - for the record, Dave is the one who wears glasses (and is officially, categorically and finally not the guy who used to be Greenclaws on CBBC‌) Last thing you did that made you feel good? DAVE: The Hairy Bikers Big Night Out Tour, playing in my hometown of Barrow made me feel very good and privileged. Also, seeing the reviews from those hometown gigs gave me a great feeling. SIMON: Playing in the garden with Dylan, my youngest son. We were playing catchy-rugby!

Last refuge ... where would you go? D: I would be found sitting on top of a mountain in the Grampian Hills called Ben Rhynims. It has an incredible view and it was somewhere I went an awful lot. I would sit up there with a pot of tea when I lived in Aberdeenshire for 15 years. It is my definite place of refuge. S: Bamburgh Beach. I would go to the Wyndings part of it.

Last thing you'd want to be doing right now? S: My ironing. D: My vat return.

Last the course ... tips on loot, love & life? S: I would say love is always found in companionship. D: My tip in life would be to try not to worry too much. Worrying never produces anything. There are no positive attributes to worrying. My tip in love would be: never give up!

Last night on Earth ... What's your poison? D: A bottle of Montrachet. S: An Italian wine called Sicani. Last supper ... What are you ordering? S: Bacon sandwich with a hot cup of tea. You can't beat it. D: A selection of really fresh sushi - I really love it - and a Japanese beer. Last person you'd want to share a drink with? D: My wife Lilli. S: My wife Jane. Last time you shed a tear and why? S: When my youngest son, who was nine at the time, got a poem he'd wrote published in a book. The poem was called 'If I Could Capture' and when I read the poem it made me shed a couple of tears. D: Doing my vat return!


Last but one ... random question: big guys on big bikes with big appetites - tell us about something you like that's small and dainty and a little bit refined? D: I really like porcelain. I used to own an antiques shop and I still like to collect Victorian Vaseline glass and porcelain. S: Shellfish. Small dainty, refined - and I love 'em! Famous Last Words‌ S: Ooooopppps! D: Oh bugger. And I was having such a good time.

The Hairy Bikers 'BIG NIGHT OUT' is at Bradford, St. George's Hall on Wednesday 26 May, 7.30pm. T: 01274 432000

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