How to be a Successful Entrepreneur by Jonah Engler

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How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur in NYC

It’s easy to start a business. You can start from home with just a few tools and an idea. But, being successful as an entrepreneur takes some effort, time, skills, and an idea that others are interested in purchasing from you. And when you manage to get all that pulled together, then you need to understand how to market yourself and your product.

So you have a hot product already, and you’ve got the skills with money so you can manage what you have and also get more when needed. Those provide you with a huge step forward toward success as an entrepreneur – so, what else? At the beginning of your venture, you may need to wear many hats and some you will be amazing at, while others – not so much.

Do not be afraid to ask for help or advice from those who have experience. Find articles and books about how to improve your abilities – at least enough, so they aren’t dragging your business backward. And for those skills you are just plain hopeless about, hire someone who is good – or barter with that person. If you are horrible with bookkeeping, but great at ad writing -make a deal. And don’t let your fear hold you back from succeeding in any area of your business.

So, you’ve got the product, skills, funding, and help where you need it in running your business – now what? Take a deep breath and start to provide your product or service to others for a good price. Use every resource you have to do so. That means you need to become familiar with the best social media sites that can move your business forward. You don’t need to be on all of them, but at least pick two or three sites and start learning and using them to promote your business and what you are selling.

Does your product have a target market that is generally interested in a specific topic? If you sell the most amazing bottled water – your target market might be more interested in YOUR water if they know for every 10 bottles you sell, you give one bottle to children in drought-ridden countries? The buy this, fund this need is a great way to allow others to share in your concerns and product at the same time. But make sure people know about it so they can join your team and cause.

If you make something that functions better than any other product like it, make sure that is part of your marketing. After all of that, if you love what you do, it’s hard not to at least have the joy in the process making you feel like a success, even if the bank balance takes some time to catch up with your joy.

Jonah Engler is a finance expert and full time stock broker from NYC.

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