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MARTIN LAWRENCE-BULLARD Martyn Lawrence Bullard is a multiple award wining interior designer who is internationally esteemed for the glamorous and worldly interiors that he creates for his clientele. He is truly a global visionary who has the ability to transform homes into luxurious sanctuaries. His work has become the standard for taste which is evident by his larger than life client list which includes: Cher, Sir Elton John and David Furnish, Christina Aguilera, Eva Mendes, Ellen Pompeo, Kid Rock, Sharon and Ozzie Osbourne, and Tamara Mellon, founder and President of Jimmy Choo to name a few.

The Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) was established in the United States in 1992 (EJAF-US) and in the United Kingdom in 1993 (EJAF-UK) by Sir Elton John. Together, both entities have raised more than $225 million for worthy programs in 55 countries around the globe since inception. Today, EJAF is one of the world's leading nonprofit HIV/AIDS organizations supporting innovative HIV prevention programs, efforts to eliminate stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, and direct care and support services for people living with HIV/AIDS. EJAF-US’s current grant-making priorities target HIV prevention programs throughout the Americas and the Caribbean region; HIV prevention and care services for highly marginalized and vulnerable populations; and HIV/AIDS prevention education and the promotion of sexual health for adolescents.


ERIN VALENCICH Erin Valencich is a tastemaker and style icon with a passion for fine living. Her ebullient personality led to appearances on The View, E!, Extra!, and Access Hollywood. She has hosted several one-hour specials for HGTV including designing Jewel’s ranch home in Texas. Her work is regularly featured in the pages of major shelter publications like Town & Country, House Beautiful, Redbook, Better Homes & Gardens, Angeleno, USA Today and the Los Angeles Times, among others.

Online, she is the resident

decorating expert on, which receives 50 million hits per month and is the #1 site in Home and Garden.’s

She blogs for,


Happens, as well as her own blog, Erinn V Style. Some




clientele also includes Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jaime Pressly, Mischa Barton, Constance Zimmer, Antonio Sabato Jr, and Ty Treadway.. Project Angel Food's mission is to nourish the body and spirit of men, women and children affected by HIV/AIDS, cancer and other lifethreatening illnesses. Volunteers and staff cook and deliver free and nutritious meals prepared with love throughout Los Angeles, acting out of a sense of urgency because hunger and illness do not wait. They deliver more than 14,000 meals every week to people in need.



Artist, designer, developer, and entrepreneur, German-born Thomas Schoos has brought his unique brand of creative expression to a wide range of design projects, from distinctive private residences to award-winning hotels and restaurants. Drawing on his roots as a sculptor and painter, Schoos continues to re-imagine and explore the possibilities of art and design, combining styles, textures and influences from many cultures and media in his interior spaces. From his breakthrough commercial restaurant project TAO Asian Bistro in Manhattan to the celebrity-packed KOI in Los

Angeles, Schoos has left his mark on many of the most talked-about restaurants worldwide. In 2006, Schoos transformed Santa Monica’s Huntley Hotel into one of L.A.’s most chic and sophisticated boutique hostelries, which was named by Conde Nast Traveler in its 10 Annual “Hot List” of the World’s Top Hotels. Schoos th









restaurant/nightclub, TAO at the Venetian in Las Vegas. Numerous other projects followed including Searsucker Restaurant for Top Chef Brian Malarkey in San Diego, and projects Hawaii, Napa Valley, Miami, Mexico City, Taipei, Hong Kong and Beijing. The Care-4-Families program (C4F) at the UCLA AIDS Institute provides comprehensive care, education, and psychosocial support for HIV-infected pregnant women and adolescents, HIV-exposed and infected infants, and HIVinfected children. A multidisciplinary team of HIV specialists including adult and pediatric infectious disease physicians, high-risk obstetricians, adolescent medical experts, nurse practitioners with training in Family and Women’s Health, neuropsychologists, a social worker, and a dietician provide primary care for patients and counseling and education for their families.


JENNIFER POST Known for her elegantly minimal approach to design, Jennifer Post creates “clean, sophisticated, modern interiors,” using light and volume like artists’ tools. An unabashed perfectionist, she believes firmly that beauty lies in the details, both in the interior design and in the architecture. “My number one goal is to achieve my client’s vision,” she points out. “I am highly disciplined and extremely focused on my work and my philosophy. I build around light and try to accentuate the natural source of light, and, if I have to, I alter the interior architecture to accomplish this. Furthermore, I will not compromise on a finish or a texture or a fabric,




appreciate this.” The New York designer is concentrating on large-scale residential projects around the United States, such as homes in Los Angeles; Aspen, Colorado, and Florida.

Together with millions of supporters, the American Cancer Society (ACS) saves lives and creates a world with less cancer and more birthdays by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back.

The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-

based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the ACS has 12 chartered Divisions, more than 900 local offices nationwide, and a presence in more than 5,100 communities.



The name of Cory Pope has been on the lips of designers around the country for nearly two decades. His vast experience with design projects for prominent homes, city landmarks with names like Rockefeller Center, Trump Tower, Bellagio, and a myriad of boutiques and trendy restaurants, has earned him the reputation of a distinct and influential designer.


manicured style that immerses itself in a passion for extreme quality in fabrics, finishes, and materials is what sets Cory Pope apart. He implements meticulous design choices to look orchestrated yet comfortable, casual yet minimalist. With merchandise from all over the world, Cory Pope creates tantalizing spaces, which transcends the ordinary. His ability to mix traditional, antique, and modern elements with the premise of less is more, and using interplay between color, texture and design, Pope succeeds to fabricate environments that achieve casual perfection. T e xa s C a s a p a r tn e r s w ith th e C A S A c o m m u n ity to b e a v o ic e fo r a b u s e d a n d n e g le c te d c h ild r e n th r o u g h th e p o w e r o f v o lu n te e r a d v o c a c y a n d c h a n g e in th e c h ild p r o te c tio n s ys te m .

When home

is n o lo n g e r s a fe fo r a c h ild , a n d th e c h ild m u s t e n te r th e fo s te r c a r e s ys te m , a ju d g e m a y a p p o in t a c o m m itte d v o lu n te e r c a lle d C A S A o r c o u r t a p p o in te d s p e c ia l a d v o c a te .

T h e v o lu n te e r ’s fo c u s

is o n th a t c h ild , g iv in g h o p e a n d h e lp in g u id in g th e c h ild to a s a fe p e r m a n e n t h o m e . w w w .te xa s c a s a .o r g


ADAM HUNTER With work featured nationally in Vogue, TIME Magazine, the Neiman-Marcus Catalogue and Daily Candy, Adam Hunter has quickly become a sensation in the competitive world of interior design. Having spent 10 years starring in the Broadway productions of Les Miserables, Ragtime, Lion King, La Boehme, and the Off-Broadway “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change”, Hunter brings drama, staging, and flair to the world of interior design. Broadway stars had homes redone by Hunter.


In his first year in Los

Angeles, Adam designed Kate Somerville Skin Health Experts on Melrose Place, gaining immediate attention and media acclaim. Vogue dubbed the design, “Magic on Melrose” saying “Adam Hunter has broken new ground with the white room at Kate Somerville.”

His client roster

includes Neil Patrick Harris, Travis Barker, Jennifer Coolidge, Jon Heder, Katie Cassidy, and Amber Heard.

amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research In 2011, amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, commemorates its 25th year at the forefront of the global struggle against HIV/AIDS. Since awarding its first research grants in 1986, amfAR has invested nearly $325 million in its programs and has supported more than 2,000 research teams worldwide. Today, amfAR is one of the world's leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to the support of AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment education, and the advocacy of sound AIDS-related public policy.


BRUNO BONDANELLI B r u n o B o n d a n e lli a tte n d e d T h e S c h o o l o f A r c h ite c tu r e in V e n ic e , Ita ly , a n d c o m p le te d h is M a s te r o f A rc h ite c tu r e d e g r e e a t U S C . A fte r g r a d u a tio n a t U S C , B r u n o w a s o ffe r e d to r e m a in a t U S C a s a le c tu r e r .

H e le c tu r e d fo r 3 ye a r s a t U S C w h ile w o r k in g fo r L o s

A n g e le s b a s e d a r c h ite c tu r a l fir m s .

H e p r e s e n tly te a c h e s D e s ig n

C la s s e s in th e A r c Id p r o g r a m a t U S C a n d in th e M a s te r P r o g r a m o f In te rio r A rc h ite c tu re th r o u g h C a ly P o ly P o m o n a .

B r u n o a ls o o w n s

a n d o p e r a te s h is o w n A r c hite c tu r e a n d In te r io r D e s ig n fir m fo r th e p a s t 1 6 ye a r s , B o n d a n e lli D e s ig n G r o u p , In c .

B r u n o h a s p u t to g e th e r

a n im p r e s s iv e b o d y o f w o r k fr o m s u s ta in a b le m o d e r n b u ild in g s , to c e le b r ity h o m e s . T o d a te , B r u n o h a s b e e n fe a tu r e d in o v e r 1 5 m a g a z in e s a n d 2 b o o k s , h e h a s le c tu r e d a t u n iv e r s itie s in Ita ly, a s w e ll a s th e U n ite d S ta te s . A u tis m S p e a k s s e e k s to c h a n g e th e fu tu r e fo r a ll w h o s tr u g g le w ith a u tis m s p e c tr u m d is o r d e r s . T h e y a r e d e d ic a te d to fu n d in g g lo b a l b io m e d ic a l r e s e a r c h in to th e c a u s e s , p r e v e n tio n , tr e a tm e n ts , a n d c u r e fo r a u tis m ; to r a is in g p u b lic a w a r e n e s s a b o u t a u tis m a n d its e ffe c ts o n in d iv id u a ls , fa m ilie s , a n d s o c ie ty; a n d to b r in g in g h o p e to a ll w h o d e a l w ith th e h a r d s h ip s o f th is d is o r d e r .

A u tis m S p e a k s is c o m m itte d to r a is in g th e fu n d s

n e c e s s a r y to s u p p o r t th e s e g o a ls , a n d a im s to br in g th e a u tis m c o m m u n ity to g e th e r a s o n e s tr o n g v o ic e to u r g e th e g o v e r n m e n t a n d p r iv a te s e c to r to lis te n to c o n c e r n s a n d ta k e a c tio n to a d d r e s s th is u r g e n t g lo b a l h e a lth c r is is . It is th e ir fir m b e lie f th a t, w o r k in g to g e th e r , th e m is s in g p ie c e o f th e p u z z le w ill b e fo u n d .

w w w .a u tis m s p e a k s .o r g


SPENCER BARNES Spencer Barnes Has been designing commercial & residential interior spaces for over a decade. Spencer’s California based design firm approaches design with an aesthetic freedom and a willingness to explore a fusion of ideas in interior spaces - both his clients, and his own. Los Angeles





variance in architectural styles, making it the perfect playground for his craft. He has furnished fabulous celebrity estates such as Jon Heder, Amber Heard, Travis Barker, Katie Cassidy and Neal Patrick Harris.


turning dreams



dimensional realities, his finished designs function





Somerville’s Skin Care Clinic on Melrose Place served as the perfect backdrop for realizing his vision of modern Italian baroque fantasy & old Hollywood glamour. Spencer’s work has been published in American Vogue, Angelino, TIME, and featured on 1st Dibs. Whether its a “Hampton-style" house in the Palisades, a Calabasas celebrity estate, a storefront on Melrose Place or in Larchmont Village, Spencer brings the enthusiasm of a fresh eye to create something unique and interesting. The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America’s mission is to cure Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and to improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by these diseases.

Known collectively as

inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), these painful, chronic illnesses affect approximately 1.4 million Americans, including some 140,000 children under the age of 18.

CCFA was founded in 1967.



Ariel resides in Los Angeles, California. A Graduate from Union College in Schenectady, NY with a BA in Political Science and Art Center in Pasadena, CA with a BS in Environmental Design. Ariel Fox Design was founded in 2008 and has created interior spaces, furniture design and branding for an international client base. Branding clients include Sotto Studios, of the Imagineer Eddie Sotto and the VW automotive team on branding a concept interior for the Bug 3.0.. Interior projects include a residential Penthouse in Hollywood. You can see her Commercial work at the Hollywood Towers on Franklin and Argyle where she designed the lobby and next door at the new La Belle Towers where she created a high end model unit. Ariel interned at Franklin Studios and collaborated on a variety of Hospitality Projects including the Foxtail Lounge in West Hollywood, Venetzia

Jewelry Boutique in Las Vegas and an Aria Casino Lounge in Las Vegas. Since 2000, Camp Kesem has given children affected by a parent’s cancer the opportunity to just be kids. The everexpanding Kesem community engages in camp activities like sports, arts and crafts, and drama to give campers a fun-filled week.

Campers also participate in “Cabin Chats’ with fellow campers and counselors, giving children the

chance to share their experiences with each other. There are plenty of laughs and lots of emotional support. The tremendous fun and support campers experience is what makes Camp Kesem a transformative, magical week for campers and counselors alike.



Linda Allen is a visionary interior and lighting designer, best known for her refined take on beautiful, well-lit spaces. Voted one of the "Top Luxury Interior Designers" by Angeleno Magazine, Linda Allen has a signature look that is elegant and polished, with a unique ability to create the perfect marriage of different styles for each client. Layering light, texture and materials, Linda creates spaces that tell a story, enticing the senses and emotions. Drawing on her passion for design and lighting, Linda embarked on a challenge to create wireless lighting that was elegant yet multifunctional, to expand the possibilities of light in residential and commercial interiors. Thus, her lighting line, the Live Anywhere Collection, was born. Linda's work has been featured on HGTV and E!. She is honored as a

“History Maker” in the largest African American History Archive in the world. Her work has also been highlighted in numerous publications including Luxe Interiors + Design, Better Homes & Gardens, Interiors, Essence and the LA Times as well as numerous Showcase Houses. The Dream Light Project was founded by the American nonprofit organization Gate OneSeventeen as an extension of their current efforts in Rwanda to build healthy, self-sustaining communities. The Dream Light Project focuses on the distribution of solar lights to communities in Rwanda and beyond as a means of strength and opportunity. For many countries in Africa, there is little to no access to electricity. Often, the highest expense for a family is that of fuel to burn kerosene lamps, which are hazardous to one’s health. By eradicating these costs and improving the quality of life, solar lighting allows endless benefits, including giving students the ability to study at night, hospitals to stay open later, and women to work on their craft earning income.



John Bossone is the interior designer’s furniture designer. Throughout his twenty-five year career he has been an advocate assisting top international interior designers in having their vision realized in custom furnishings and decor. His company was founded in New York City and became the place where the who’s who in the design community would conceive their prototypes and have their visions realized.

Under his direction, a staff of artisans created

masterpieces from carved wood, exotic inlays, shagreen, parchments, mica, gilt wood, bronze, nickel, and stainless steel. His passion for fine art and antiques has been the guiding light that has kept an elegant beauty in his work. Through design and manufacturing he has expanded his company’s vision-. He first began working on private commissions, then on historical buildings like the Tweed Court House New York City, and international projects, the latest being the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino located in Macau. His firm has been the driving force behind interior designer’s furniture brands, helping them achieve their dream of having their own furniture line. The goal of his career has been to bring his client’s inspiration together with his love of design and exceptional materials to make unique furniture that will endure the test of time. MS stops people from moving. We exist to make sure it doesn’t. The National MS Society addresses the challenges of each person affected by MS by funding cutting edge research, driving change through advocacy, facilitating professional education, collaborating with MS organizations around the world, and providing programs and services designed to help people with MS and their families move their lives forward. We are people who want to do something about MS NOW, and are dedicated to achieving a world free of MS. Join the movement at Studies show that early and ongoing treatment with an FDA-approved therapy can reduce future disease activity and improve quality of life for people with multiple sclerosis.



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