1 NOISIVID Region 7 Volume 1 Issue 5
The official August Newsletter of Region 7 Division 1 of the TexasOklahoma Key Club District Created By Division 1 LTG Jonathan Perez
14 Club checklist 15 Recruitment 16 Reporting 17 YOF 18 Dues 03 Letter from your 19 K-Family LTG 21 Volunteering 04 Black lives Matter Opportunities 05 Accomplishments & 22 Social Distancing Goals 23 Major Emphasis 06 Updates 24 Service Partners 08 Pen Pal System 25 Contact info. 09 New in Division 1! 26 Social Media & 10 Governors Project Links 11 District Project 27 Thank you 12 Divisional Project 13 Officer Duties
ello Division 1! I cannot believe how fast H these past few months have gone by. It seems
like it was just yesterday that we just found out that we would have 2 weeks of spring break. (which quickly turned into 5 months) Now we are finally going back to school, some online and some in person. Either way you return make sure to stay safe and DON'T PROCRASTINATE. I wish each and everyone of you the best of luck! Please keep in contact with me and update me on your meetings, service, etc. I will be in touch with you often and remind yall when our meetings and other events will take place. These next few weeks are going to be very eventful with school, meetings, socials, and service days. Make sure to read all my emails and the entire newsletter. Each and everyone of you are doing an amazing job and I can't wait to see how much you grow this year! If at any point you have a question please message me. I can't wait to see y'all at our next events!
Yours in friendship and service, Jonathan Perez Lieutenat Governor of Division 1
05 ACCOMPLISHMENTS & GOALS Accomplishments 1. Visit at least 1 club. 2. Begin process for (re)charter. 3. Hold division wide service day/social. 4. Help clubs get ready for school .(recruitment, training, etc.) 5. Continue to help with elections and contact information. 6. Have monthly check up calls with presidents or advisors. 7. Send buddy system form out.
Goals 1. Visit at least 1 clubs. 2. Continue process for (re)harter. 3. Hold division wide service day and social. 4. Continue to help clubs with recruiting new members 5. Continue to help with elections and contact information. 6. Have monthly check up calls with presidents or advisors. 7. Send out buddy system selections
DUES Dues are coming closer and closer! Will your club be prepared? The MUC and Dues open October 1st. More info and tips on collecting dues are coming your way. If you have any questions please email me or the district treasurer.
REPORTING Whoop Whoop! August is over did you submit your report? If you
haven't make sure to turn in your Editors can find the training HERE
monthly Report before September
District Editor, Katelyn Tran has decided to
5th. Reporting can be a long
remove the photo requirement in articles and
process so make sure to take your
HOTOs ONLY for August Submissions. Total
time and ask questions if you need
points for articles will now be 20 points and 4 for HOTO, and these will be divided by 2
to. If your club has not reported in
(instead of 2.5) to convert to club points.
the past and needs help, please
District Editor, Katelyn Tran, is going to have a
email me. Best of luck!
Editor Bonding Zoom call. Don't forget that all Submissions are due September 5th.
Please Make sure to submit all your officer and advisor information before September 15th. This is super important and ALL elections MUST be done before then. I will be contacting clubs who have not completed elections soon. I will also be sending a list of what contact info. I still need from your club.
DCM'S/PCM'S/SOCIALS We had our August DCM and PCM August 14th. Were you there? If you weren't make sure to go read the presentation and minutes on the Division 1 website. Our September social will be held on September 12th at 6:30 pm. This Month our DCM and PCM will be on Friday, September 18th, at 6:00pm. Our service activity this month is care packages for our first responders. These can include baked goods, water, etc. We will meet at Hulen Park in Cleburne, September 26th @ 1:00pm, we will make several baskets so each club represented can take one to their local station. The September Kiwanis DCM Will be September 10th @ 6:00 pm. This will be an in person meeting and it will be held at Golden Corral on Alta Mere in Fort Worth. DCM & PCM: Meeting id: 858 7940 4790 Password: #Sep.DCM
PEN PAL SYSTEM Hello Division 1! The Texas-Oklahoma membership and governors project committee have come together to make this amazing program. This penpal system is intended to make connections between Key Club members from all over the mighty T-O District. You will be able to share your ideas with a fellow Key Club member. Clubs or members will be able to take part in this program by filling out the form found on the T-O Key Club
website. Once you fill out the form the Membership committee will review the responses and pair up the members/clubs with those who best match their answers. If you take part in this, you will have the option of writing either biweekly or once a month. The membership committee is going to try their hardest to match you with someone with the same answer. The committees will send out prompts biweekly through remind (text@topenpals to 81010). Pen-pals can write outside of the times they decide upon in order to create a more personal connection, but as part of the program, you agree to write a letter or email depending on the time frame you list. This program will list participants only from the T-O district. These letters can be sent as an email or handwritten letter. (This must be agreed upon between partners) If you and your partner decide to send letters by mail, stamps and postage payments are to be self-provided. lIke earlier mentioned prompts will be sent out, but these prompts are NOT mandatory. The topic of the letters do not have to be related to Key Club at all times. However keep in mind that the purpose of this program is to exchange ideas and form connections through the organization. If you are interested in this pen-pal program make sure to check out the T-O website for more information!
HERE is the form to take part in this program.
NEW IN DIVISION 1! I am super excited to announce that I will be adding two new programs to Division 1! The first program is something we have been talking about for awhile now. The Buddy system is the first program I will be adding. The buddy system will allow clubs to grow interclub relations and work together to overcome their struggles. Attached to the email I just sent you is the form to be paired with a club buddy. This not optional. I want all clubs to begin participating ASAP, therefore the form is going to be due September 26th. Once I receive all forms I will review all answers and pair clubs up. After all submissions are completed and reviewed you will receive an email on who your club buddy is and some ways y'all can collaborate. The second program is called W.I.S.E. The W.I.S.E. program is a form that will give you feedback based on my club visit. While I am visiting your club, I will analyze how your club meeting is going and explain to you what your weakness are and how you can improve from them. I will also highlight your strengths and how you can maintain and use them to excel your club. This program will not only allow your club to overcome it's struggles but it will also allow me to see the improvement of your club along the year. Once your club meeting is over I will inform the club president of where they can find their feedback form. I am hoping to add a few more programs throughout the year to build upon our success. I am super excited to begin both of these programs and if you have anymore questions about them please contact me.
GOV. PROJECT This year’s Governor’s Project is Bags of Hope, and it is a project geared towards addressing issues and providing aid for the children in the Foster Care System. There are two separate components to this project: advocacy/awareness and service. The Foster Care System is an underrepresented topic in the media, so it’s important that the members utilize their resources to help ADVOCATE and spread AWARENESS about the issues that foster children face. Next members will provide SERVICE for the foster children by creating and donating care packages to local Department of Human Services and Foster Homes to help bring a smile to them during these times of uncertainty. With the help of the members of the TexasOklahoma Key Club District, the lives of foster children will improve with one care package at a time.
WAYS TO PARTICIPATE 1. Creating brochures to hand out to school peers and community members 2. Spreading #bagsofhope on social media 3. Meeting virtually with foster children 4. Mentoring or tutoring a child in foster care either in person or online 5. Creating a fundraiser for a foster care organization 6. Offering free photography services to an adoption agency 7. Advocating adoption of children/support for foster care facilities to your community members
Patch Criteria Host at least one donation drive Donate a number of bags greater than or equal to 20% of the number of members but is not expected to exceed 30 bags. If the number is a decimal round accordingly. Complete at least 5 monthly challenges Create one brochure/flier to inform others about the issues that foster children face and how to help alleviate the problems
DISTRICT PROJECT The Texas-Oklahoma District Key Club District Project this year is Children of the Future. Children of the Future focuses on helping to create a better future for the next generation and help the disadvantaged youth population within our district. We hope that this project will support and aid children in the foster care system and bring more awareness to their situation. Your club can participate in the District Project by donating necessities to Foster Care Homes, volunteering to play or teach children, putting together care packages for the kids or by simply partnering with organizations that support the Foster System.
WAYS TO PARTICIPATE 1. Connect with the care facilities 2. Hold birthday parties for children in the foster system* 3. Provide tutoring/mentor* 4. Care packages for going to a new home* 5. Help the centers meet their needs (donate supplies)* 6. Volunteering at children’s hospital 7. Volunteer to read to kids* 8. Donate books (Books for Africa: collect books for needy students in Africa)*
Patch Criteria Host at least one drive for children in the foster care system (clothes, food, toy, etc.) Work with an elementary/middle school Partner with an organization (EX: any Major Emphasis Program) # of club members = required # man hours towards project
DIVISIONAL PROJECT The Divisional project I choose this year is Sharing the Blessing. Sharing the Blessing is geared towards helping the homeless and students who don't have access to basic needs. I choose this project because I noticed many homeless people near our communities. I also noticed that the meal that students had a school may be their only one. I knew with my platform I would be able to help make a change. Please join me by making a change in our community. We may not be able to give the homeless a new house, but we can help them on their battle to find a new one. We can also make a change in our schools, by sending home snack packs. These snack packs may not seem like something big, but to someone who only has 1 meal at school this may be huge. I know with my platform along with each of you we will be able to make a difference in our communities. I can't wait to work alongside you all on this project. If you ever have any questions about how you can participate in our divisonal project please contact me. More information is on the Division 1 website.
Ways to Participate
Make blessing bag - Blessing bags are the perfect way to give back to the homeless community or students who have no food at home. They can be filled with snacks, water, hygiene products, and maybe a book or special card. Donate items - If you have gently used or new clothing, donating them is a great way to get rid of them and let someone else who needs them use them. It doesn't just have to be clothes it can be makeup, blankets, school supplies, etc. Drives - Many homeless shelter and children need food, clothing, or even school supplies. A good way to get those supplies is by having a drive, in which people can drop off certain items. Contact your local school district and homeless shelter to see what you can make a drive for. Tutor kids- Now as we are heading back to school, kids may need some help. Contact your local homeless shelter or school district to see if you can have a study group of tutor some children who need help. Visit the Division 1 website for more information and more ways to serve.
PRESIDENTS Decide how your club will respond to covid-19 Make committees Updates Advisor Develop K-family and interclub relations find service projects Decide what competitions your club will compete in
VICE PRESIDENT Take over some of the president task Help with other responsibilities
EDITOR SECRETARY Submit Monthly Monthly reports Newsletters Update roster Submit Articles, Take attendance Photos, HOTO Keep track of hours Social Media
HISTORIAN TREASURER Social Media Come up with fundraiser In charge of ideas Scrapbook Keep detailed records of Take pictures of dues/payments Service Projects Membership Update Center
WEBMASTER Update and Expand the Website Social Media Most recent training HERE
ADVISOR Support the club Help solve problems Make sure all events and projects are within school guidline
RECRUITMENT With the pandemic having a huge impact on our schools its going to be really hard to gain and maintain our member count. I will be really pushing each club to gain more members throughout the year. I will also share some new recruitment ideas as the school year come closer. I have listed some great recruitment ideas down below but don't forget to check out the recruitment folder I have already made. I will be in touch with each club very soon but if you have any questions please email or message me. RECRUITMENT IDEAS MAKE A VIDEO PROMOTE WEBSITE HAND OUT FLYERS ASK A FRIEND HAVE SOCIALS AND INVITE PEOPLE HANG POSTERS SET A BOOTH AT EVENTS LIKE FAIRS, OPEN SCHOOL NIGHT, ETC. MAKE A COMMITTEE FOCUSED ON RECRUITMENT HAVE SNACKS ADVERTISE AT SCHOOL SPORT EVENTS MENTION YOUR CLUB AT OTHER ORGANIZATION MEETING HAVE A NEW MEMBER GUIDE HAVE INCENTIVES FOR RECRUITMENT MAKE A SENIOR & FRESHMAN MENTORSHIP PROGRAM
16REPORTING Report! Report! Report! This month is the first month or reporting and monthly submissions. Make sure that your club submits their report before or on September 5th. Reporting may be a long process so please take your time. Remember anything is better than nothing, if your club wasnt super active make sure you still report. I can't wait to see what yall have been up to. If you have any questions please email or message me, I would love to help you. MONTHLY REPORTS AND NEWSLETTERS ARE DUE SEPTEMBER 5TH AT 11:59 PM. TURN IN YOUR REPORT BEFORE THE 5TH FOR EXTRA POINTS
CLUB CHECKLIST Submit Monthly Report Update Website & Social Media Prepare Recruitment Ideas Prepare fundraising ideas Contact LTG for club visit Begin Service Events Prepare for Dues
YOF presentation
What is YOF?
The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The fund also provides academic scholarships for higher education. The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through a portion of your Key Club International dues and through the purchase of G. Harold Martin Fellowships. YOF grants can help you take action. Look around and identify the things that need to get done in your school, community or world.
Whats next?
1. Decide as a board or club if you want to apply for the YOF grant. 2. If your club decides to, begin looking for projects you could do with the use of that money. 3. Once you decide on a project, start to plan it out. Plan events, meetings, fundraiser, etc. 4. Go to the Key Club website to look for details and a application. 5. Research past YOF application questions and other resources that will help you when you apply. 6. Apply and wait for announcements and updates!
If you are a treasurer you should begin coming up with some fundraising plans along with a plan to collect dues. Once you have made a plan share it with the rest of your board and let them approve or edit it. Once you and your board has approved your plan begin executing it. Make sure to update and include your advisor in this process because they are going to have a big role. Dues is a very important process, make sure to stay up to date with them and ask for help if you need to. This is a perfect time to research tips, tricks, and other resources for collecting dues. Recently the T-O staff put together a Covi19 committee. Their job will be to come up with new service ideas, fundraising idea, and new ways to collect dues. While this year dues are going to be a little different, I will continue to update you with the information I get. If you ever have a question about dues you can ask me or our district treasurer. District treasurer: treasurer@tokeyclub.com Your LTG: 05jonathanp@gmail.com
Benefits of turning in your dues 1. You can go to LEDCON 2. Might get you in top 25 clubs 3. You can apply for the YOF grant 4. Officers or members can run for district positions 1. Your club doesn't get suspended 2. You can go to ICON
MUC presentation
VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES In Person 1. Trash Bash 2. Food/clothing/toy drive 3. Care packages for kids or health officials. 4. Make mask 5. Tutor/mentor children 6. Snack Packs 7. Pen Pal System with Elderly Online Websites 1. Bemyeyes.com 2. Mealsonwheelsamerica.org 3. Adoptanursinghome.com 4. Dosomething.org 5. https://translatorswithoutbor ders.org/volunteer/ 6. https://www.zooniverse.org/ge t-involved
SOCIAL DISTANCING This year has been chotic, to say the least. I hope to see more of you get involved in service projects and go out and voulenteer. For when you do go volunteer, make sure you are following all precautions. This is SUPER important and I want each and everyone of you to stay safe. Make sure you are washing your hands, avoiding sick people, and maintaining at least 6 feet from others. The TX-OK board has made a committee and will be coming out with more information concerning covid-19 and how you can avoid it. Please stay safe and more information will be coming very soon.
Wear A Mask when
Always be aware of the people around you and dont touch your face.
Be Smart about your decisions
you go out or when you cant social distance.
MAJOR EMPHASIS UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. They do so by communitybased services in primary health care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation. Visit the Unicef website to see how you can take action.
More than 10 million kids enter a children's hospital like Cook Children's Medical Center across North America every year. Contact your local CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to see how your club can help during these scary times.
Since the 1940s, Key Clubs have worked with March of Dimes to make a positive impact in the lives of babies everywhere. Help support moms throughout their pregnancy, even when everything doesn’t go according to plan. You can help by hosting service projects, raising funds, and educating communities about the crisis of preterm birth.
SERVICE PARTNERS Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference and encourage others to join in the effort. Landscape Structures (LSI) has joined Kiwanis International as a vision partner to bring play to communities across the globe. LSI is proud to provide high-quality commercial playground equipment and planning consultation services that reflect the high degree of integrity that Kiwanis clubs expect. Nickelodeon currently presents two major campaigns each year that encourage action in kids globally. Worldwide Day of Play reinforces Nickelodeon’s mission to make the world a more playful place by leading active, playful events across the country. Nickelodeon’s Get Dirty campaign seeks to educate kids, families and teachers about what they can do to help protect the planet in fun, mindful ways. The U.S. Army empowers tomorrow’s leaders by offering advanced schooling for today’s top careers. Not only that, programs like the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) and March2Success.com allow students to go to college debt free and excel in the classroom with helpful academic resources. Up with People strives to develop a sense of social responsibility in their participants through hands on community service. Service projects are integrated into each city visited during the semester. By volunteering to meet the specific needs of each community, participants develop insight into how different cultures address social and political challenges. Squads Abroad is a 501c3 international development organization that provides Key Club members with affordable service opportunities to volunteer virtually from home or abroad to make a meaningful impact in under-served communities through Health, Education, STEM or Business focused programming.
CONTACT INFORMATION Governor Kareena Patel governor@tokeyclub.com
Editor Katelyn Tran editor@tokeyclub.com
Secretary Vivian Thai secretary@tokeyclub.com
Tech Producer Alina Dam techproducer@tokeyclub .com
Treasurer Raj Patel treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Convention Liaision Kaitlyn Roehr cl@tokeyclub.com
Regional Advisor Melissa Greene region7@tokeyclub.com
Division 1 LTG Joanthan Perez ltg1@tokeyclub.com
District Administrator Kenyon Black Administrator@tokeyclub.com
Assistant Admin. Kelly Poland AAEvents@tokeyclub.com
WEBSITES Division 1 T-O District Key Club International
Instagram Division 1 T-O District Key Club International
Facebook T-O District Key Club International REMINDÂ 101 Editors text: @toeditors to 81010 Secretaries text: @tosecs to 81010 Treasurer's text @totreas to 81010 Everyone text @t-od1 to 81010 Everyone text @todistrict to 81010