The Tax Benefits for Investors in an Enterprise Investment Scheme

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The Tax Benefits Jonathan Bennion-Pedley


The Tax Benefits for Investors in an Enterprise Investment Scheme Enterprise Investment Schemes are designed to help newer businesses that might be seen as higher risk to attract investors. This is achieved by the government offering attractive tax reliefs to investors in businesses under the umbrella of EIS.

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Tax Reliefs

Investment Limits

There are several tax reliefs that EIS investors can take ad-

There are limits on how much capital an investor can place

vantage of. These include income tax relief on up to 30% of

in EIS investments and be eligible for tax reliefs. However,

the investment, an exemption on capital gains tax on profits

this limit is reasonably high at £1 million per person per

when shares are held for at least three years, capital gains

year, or £2 million per person per year if at least £1 million

tax deferral if profits are reinvested in another EIS, exemption

is invested in knowledge-intensive companies.

on inheritance tax for a two-year investment, and loss relief. Loss relief is calculated by multiplying the at-risk capital of the investor by their tax bracket if the investment company fails.

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Jonathan Bennion-Pedley

You can learn more about the EIS on offer through Investment Owl by visiting the blog of Jonathan Bennion-Pedley.

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