BE May June July 2015

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In this issue

May/June/July 2015 Iyar–Av 5775

For more information, Calendar of Events, Rabbis' sermons, and for Emergency School Closings be sure to check our website at www. or call 847-432-8900.

Pray Shavuot Schedule pg. 4 Kabbalat Shabbat on the Lake pg.15 Sisterhood Shabbat pg.18 HAZAK Shabbat pg.19

From the Desk of Rabbi Kurtz

Learn Summer of Learning pg.14


Birthday Celebration pg.2 Annual Meeting pg.5 Afternoon at the Movies pg.8

Mission Statement We are a congregation of families and individuals who come together to pray, to study, and to create a warm and welcoming community. We seek to preserve and enhance our People's traditions within the context of Conservative Judaism. We aspire to strengthen our Jewish identity to meet the challenges of a changing environment. We endeavor to provide resources to help us relate to God, understand the ways of God and enrich the Jewish content of our lives. We encourage our members to serve worthwhile causes within our Congregation and the wider Jewish and world communities. We are committed to support Israel. We educate our children so they commit to the cultural, spiritual, and ethical values of our People. May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

Second Chances In the book of Numbers, Chapter 9, there is a story concerning the Children of Israel and their journey through the Sinai desert. Moses instructs the Israelites to offer the Passover sacrifice on the 14th day of the first month of the year at twilight, just as they had been commanded to do in Egypt. The text then tells us: "But there were some men who were impure by reason of a corpse and could not offer the Passover sacrifice on that day." They appear before Moses and Aaron and are quite perturbed. They say: "Impure though we are by reason of a corpse, why must we be debarred from presenting the Lord's offering at its set time with the rest of the Israelites?" Moses is unsure how to respond to them and approaches G-d for advice. The Torah then goes on to state that G-d responds to Moses in a manner which shall be the law for future generations: "When any of you or of your prosperity who are defiled by a corpse or on a long journey would offer a Passover sacrifice to the Lord, they shall offer it in the second month, on the 14th day of the month, at twilight. They shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs." This becomes the law of Pesach Sheni, the second Passover. Later in the Mishnah, the Oral Law, the definition of "distant journey" was reinterpreted liberally by the Rabbinic tradition. Anyone who had any type of ritual impurity could also be included in the ceremony. The particulars of the sacrifice and the meal would be the same as a normal Passover. The differences include the fact that it was shifted from a seven day festival to a one day holiday and hametz did not have to be removed from the household. Needless to say, after the destruction of the Temple, and the fact that sacrifices were no longer offered, Pesach Sheni became merely a symbol of past holiday celebrations. Today, we remember it by the fact that on that day Tahanun, supplication prayers, are not recited. However, there is an overriding theme to the holiday which should not be forgotten. That theme is that G-d allows second chances. If an individual, through no fault of his own, could not be present in Jerusalem to celebrate the paschal sacrifice and commemorate the Exodus from Egypt, he was granted another opportunity exactly a month later. Second chances can occur and the law of Pesach Sheni teaches us that everyone deserves that second chance. The commemoration of the day represents the power of Teshuvah, the power of repentance. It allows us to make amends for past mistakes when we are sincere in recognizing our failings and our inability to perform proper actions. Should we fail to fulfill a certain aspect of our mission in life, we are granted a second chance. If we find ourselves "on a distant road" from G-d or from others, we have another opportunity to make amends, to get it right. This is a lesson that is very important for all of us. It reminds (continued on page 2) 1

From the Desk of Rabbi Kurtz Second Chances (continued from page 1)

Be part of a new tradition at Beth El

Birthday Shabbat It's a mitzvah to enjoy Shabbat and what better way than to share a simcha, an especially joyous occasion, with your Beth El family. Each month, we'll be celebrating our members' birthdays with an engaging, ruach-filled Friday night service where a special blessing will be given for members of all ages having a birthday in that month. After the service, enjoy a chance to chat with friends and meet new friends at an oneg Shabbat, a reception with food and drink to celebrate the joy of Shabbat. The upcoming dates are as follows: • May 22 • June 19 Services begin at 6:15pm. Please let us know if you and your family and friends are coming. Send an RSVP email to the following "Shabbat birthdays" address: Please tell us about the birthday (month and date) being celebrated and how many people are in your party.

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

us that the doors to repentance are always open, we can always do better, we are given second chances. Dr. Louis E. Newman in his book Repentance: The Meaning and Practice of Teshuvah writes that "G-d's forgiveness of my transgressions is contingent on my willingness to acknowledge them, repair the damage I have done, and commit myself to avoiding those transgressions in the future; in short, divine forgiveness depends on human repentance. Through repentance, I confront my own moral failings and I simultaneously affirm the possibility of overcoming them and restoring a broken relationship with G-d, who reaches out to pentitents wih love." In our case, this suggests that an individual needed to feel contrite that he was unable to offer the Passover sacrifice and recognize that he wanted to make amends by being willing to expend the energy and time to celebrate the experience once more. The G-d of Pesach Sheni is a compassionate and understanding G-d, yet we must be prepared to make the first move. We must recognize the realities of human life, the frailties of human behavior, and the circumstances under which we live. Sometimes it is all up to us, other times there are things that occur beyond our control. In either case, we are often given second chances to make amends and to do what is right. As we prepare for the High Holy Days, which will occur in only a few months, this is an important lesson. Clearly, all of us can do better. That is why Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur occur every year. We should not search for excuses not to better ourselves or our relationships both with G-d and with others. If we need to make amends, we should do so. If we are given a second chance, we should do better the next time. Hopefully, we can learn from our mistakes, from our inability to act appropriately, by using that second chance to better ourselves and the reality of our situation. This year, Pesach Sheni occurred on May 3. When it comes next year on May 22 (it's a leap year) we should think about its lessons concerning G-d giving us a second chance and our taking advantage of it. As we prepare for the High Holy Days of 5776 let us take advantage of the possibility to do Teshuvah and better ourselves and our world. Granted that second chance, let us do better next time.


President's Corner by Lisa Rosenkranz It's the end of an era for me. One that I will miss and I will have a hard time replacing. It has been a time of growth, of reflection, and of great personal satisfaction. Of course, I am talking about the high school graduation of our youngest son. The fact that my term as president of NSS Beth El is ending at the same time as my son's graduation is very analogous. I have many of the same bittersweet emotions about each. I am proud and excited for the future but I will miss the pleasures and the challenges of the journey. I am so proud of what we have accomplished in the past two years – creating the Membership Engagement Committee, increased collaboration and programming between the formal and informal education areas, the creation of special Shabbatot (such as the Veterans Shabbat and the Birthday Celebrations), new programming for our Seniors, the growth of our catering business, the completion of the renovation of the Harold and Ruby Blumberg Auditorium and the tea house and so much more. However, rather than focusing on what has been accomplished during my two years in office, I would like to look to the future. So what am I looking forward to? First, I am truly excited about the new approach for our Cohen Religious School. As of the time of this writing, much of the detail is still being worked out. However, what is key is that we are focusing on two core principles. First, that the quality of our education will be second to none. Our children will not only have solid foundations in Hebrew, prayer, and history but also a love and passion for being Jewish. And, second, we will provide flexibility to enable our families to participate in their active lives and still receive an outstanding Jewish education. This will be an evolving process, but I am very excited to see us begin. Secondly, I am very excited for Hazzan Ben Tisser to begin his tenure with our congregation. The search was comprehensive and, in the end, there was strong consensus that he is the right person to help lead us forward. We look forward to welcoming him, his wife Sarah and their two young children into our community. At the same time, we wish Hazzan Larry Goller all the very best in his future endeavors. He has been tireless in his efforts on our behalf and we truly appreciate all he has done for our congregation. Finally, since everything we offer is dependent on the generosity of our congregants, I am very excited to watch the continued growth in the number of people that pay dues at the B’Yachad level and who participate in our Ner Tamid Society. B’Yachad dues are $10,000 annually and cover dues, Kol Nidre appeal, Chesed and 2 tickets to the annual fundraiser. This support is critical to Beth El's ongoing operations as dues cover less than 50% of our annual costs. The Ner Tamid Society is a recognition society that honors those who have included North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in their wills or estate plans. As you will see in Nancy Kekst's article, we have significantly expanded this society through our participation in the Creating a Jewish Legacy campaign and this success will ensure that Beth El continues to sustain Jewish learning, culture and tefillah for generations to come. I have been blessed during my presidency to work with

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

outstanding people – both lay volunteers and staff. The commitment and dedication shown by all is nothing short of amazing. Much of our current and future success is due to the staff. The consistency of their efforts and commitment to continual improvement are critical to all we do. I have also had the honor to work with an outstanding executive committee. They came together as a team to make critical decisions and have all worked tirelessly to enhance the areas for which they are responsible. And each of them have worked with a myriad of volunteers who truly make NSS Beth El a unique and special place. I am very excited to see the continued growth of the synagogue under the leadership of Richard Schlosberg. He, and his wife Pam, have been extremely involved in Beth El over the years. He is smart and strategic and I am looking forward to working with him during his presidency. These last two years have been both challenging and immensely enjoyable. I have loved sharing in your simchas and appreciate the support you have given me. Thank you so much for the honor of serving as your president.

Join us for a Very Special Day....

Monday, May 25 Memorial Day and the Second Day of Shavuot Join the Beth El community as we honor and show our appreciation to Hazzan Larry Goller for his 17 years of dedicated service to North Suburban Synagogue Beth El. Hazzan Goller will be given an aliyah and will be honored during the service. After services, everyone is invited to enjoy an extended Kiddush and stay for ruach and z'mirot (songs). In addition to showing our appreciation to Hazzan Goller, our Veterans will be honored and Rabbi Avinoam Sharon will deliver the Shavuot D'var Torah. The Shavuot Festival service begins at 8:50am.


Shabbat Schedule

See calendar for times.

May 2015

June 2015

July 2015

Shabbat, May 2

Shabbat, June 6

Shabbat, July 4

Shabbat, May 9

Shabbat, June 13 Shabbat Mevarekhim HaHodesh

Shabbat, July 11 Shabbat Mevarekhim HaHodesh

Parashat Aharei Mot/Kedoshim Torah: Leviticus 16:1 – 20:27 Haftarah: Amos 9:7 – 15 Parashat Emor Torah: Leviticus 21:1 – 24:23 Haftarah: Ezekiel 44:15 – 31

Shabbat, May 16 Shabbat Mevarekhim HaHodesh Parashat Behar/Behukkotai Torah: Leviticus 25:1 – 27:34 Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19 – 17:14

Shabbat, May 23 Erev Shavuot Parashat Bemidbar Torah: Numbers 1:1 – 4:20 Haftarah: Hosea 2:1 – 22

Parashat B'haalot'kha Torah: Numbers 8:1 – 12:16 Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14 – 4:7

Parashat Balak Torah: Numbers 22:2 – 25:9 Haftarah: Micah 5:6 – 6:8

Parashat Shelah'lekha Torah: Numbers 13:1 – 15:41 Haftarah: Joshua 2:1 – 24

Parashat Pinchas Torah: Numbers 25:10 – 30:01 Haftarah: I Kings 18:46 – 19.21

Shabbat, June 20

Shabbat, July 18

Parashat Korah Torah: Numbers 16:1 – 18:32 Haftorah: I Samuel 11:14 – 12:22

Parashat Mattot/Mas'ey Torah: Numbers 30:2 – 36:13 Haftarah: Jeremiah 2:4 – 28:3; 4

Shabbat, June 27

Shabbat, July 25 Erev Tisha B'av Shabbat Hazon

Parashat Hukkat Torah: Numbers 19:1 – 22:1 Haftarah: Judges 11:1 – 33

Parashat Devarim Torah: Deuteronomy 1:1 – 3:22 Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1 – 27

Shabbat, May 30

Parashat Naso Torah: Numbers 4:21 – 7:89 Haftarah: Judges 13:2 – 25

Daily Services

Every Shabbat

Services are conducted by:

Monday through Friday Mornings, 7:15am

10:45am B'Yachad Family Service

Rabbi Vernon H. Kurtz, Rabbi Michael Schwab, Hazzan Larry B. Goller

Sunday through Thursday Evenings, 7:30pm Sunday and Legal Holiday Mornings, 8:45am

Services for families with children 1st grade and younger

11:00am Junior Congregation Services for students in 2nd–5th grade

Rosh Hodesh Mornings, 7:00am

Shavuot Service Schedule Saturday, May 23 Erev Shavuot

8:00pm Mincha/Seudah Shlishit/Ma'ariv 8:57pm Candle Lighting 9:15pm Tikkun Layl Shavuot The Rabbi Philip Lipis Memorial Lecture featuring Rabbi Avinoam Sharon

Sunday, May 24 Shavuot

4:30am Sunrise Service 8:50am Festival Service Bat Mitzvah - Leah Seidman, daughter of Alexis Yablon and David Seidman 11:00am Shavuot Pray and Play 12:30pm Shavuot Post Kiddush Picnic 8:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv 8:57pm Candle Lighting

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


Monday, May 25 Shavuot/Yizkor

8:50am Festival Service, with special guest speaker Rabbi Avinoam Sharon delivering the D'var Torah 8:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv 9:02pm Yom Tov Ends

Everyone is invited to

"A Celebration of Success – Past and Future" NSSBE Annual Meeting Thursday, May 7 following evening minyan at 7:30pm Please join with your fellow congregants to: • • • • • •

Celebrate our Synagogue and our accomplishments this year Acknowledge all of our volunteers Elect and install new officers, board members, and directors for the Congregation Pay tribute to our many generous donors Honor our outgoing President Lisa Rosenkranz, as well as all other outgoing officers, board members, and directors Receive your copy of our New Annual Report! Refreshments will be served after the meeting Please RSVP to Elise at 847-432-8900 or

We will be honoring the following Officers who have served with dedication and distinction over the past two years: Lisa Rosenkranz Audra Kaplan Ronald Goldberg Pamela Schlosberg Gail Scully

President V.P. Administration V.P. Ritual V.P. Education V.P. Membership

Jeffrey Goldsmith  Richard Zelin  Larry Goldsmith  Loren Weil

V.P. Finance Financial Secretary Treasurer Secretary

The following persons wil be installed as Officers of the congregation for the 2015-2017 term: Richard Schlosberg Richard Zelin David Shapiro Tracy Hendler Marla Hand Jacqueline Melinger

President V.P. Administration V.P. Ritual V.P. Education V.P. Education V.P. Membership

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

Loren Weil  Ronald Goldberg  Darryl Temkin  Larry Silberman  Larry Pachter


V.P. Finance Financial Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Secretary

We Welcome the Following New Members - Marc and Sarah Rosenstock and their children, Charlotte, Hannah, Lillian - Alexander Wolf

Congratulations To - Candace and Daniel Arnold on the naming of their daughter, Chloe Scott Arnold - Karen and David Benson on the birth of their granddaughter - Penny and Jeffrey Hecktman on the naming of their granddaughter, Chloe Scott Arnold - Pearl and Joel Kagan on the birth of their grandson - Barbara and David Lansing on the engagement of their daughter, Rachel to Stephen Sotoloff - Beth and Steve Leeds on the birth of their grandson, Spencer Harrison Leeds - Nathan Mortkovitch and Andrea Goldstein-Mortkovitch on their marriage - Rebecca and David Propen on the birth of their daughter - Shirley Scheinman on the engagement of her granddaughter, Rachel Lansing to Stephen Sotoloff - Gail and Barry Shapiro on the birth of their twin grandchildren - Marilyn and Rod Slutzky on the engagement of their son, Charlie to Jackie Schwarz - Leslie and Jeremy Wynes on the birth of their son

Condolences To - Linda Braun on the loss of her father, Joel Yosi Pendo - Mitchell Dolins on the loss of his mother, Jean Dolins - Matthew Ebner on the loss of his mother, Eleanor Ebner - Jodi Eisenstadt on the loss of her step-mother, Yetta "Judy" Gerkow - Batia Eizikovic on the loss of her sister, Miriam Tidhari - David Fivel on the loss of his father, Herschel Jack Fivel - Rochelle Foxman on the loss of her father, Joseph Rosen

- Mary Kaltman on the loss of her mother, Joan Epstein - Arielle Levitan on the loss of her mother Renee Miller - Lori Rabinowitz on the loss of her mother, Joan Watnick Weintraub - Eugene Terry on the loss of his brother, Sheldon Arthur Terry - Michael Wirth on the loss of his mother, Marlene Wirth - Marcia Witzel on the loss of her husband, Marshall Witzel

In Memoriam - Jean Dolins - Renee Miller

- Marshall Witzel

We wish to thank the following members, guests and groups for sponsoring the Shabbat Kiddush this year: • Erica and Richard Aronwald • BEANS USY • Beth and Robert Bernat • Karen and Scott Bieber • The Birnbaum Family • Doreen and Philip Feitelberg • Alene Frost • Elise and Ira Frost • Skip Frost • Mary Ellen and Larry Goldsmith • Chuck Kahalnik • Audra Kaplan and Alan Spellberg • Michelle and Benjamin Klein • Bryna and Rabbi Vernon Kurtz

• Jennifer and Alan Levine • Drs. Arielle and Victor Levitan • Karen and Richard Long • Zella Edidin Ludwig • Andrea Goldstein-Mortkovitch and Nathan Mortkovitch • Sharon and Burt Newman • North Suburban Beth El Sisterhood • North Suburban Synagogue Beth El Men's Club • Betsey and Dale Pinkert • Howard and Lynne Schechter • Shira and Jeremy Schwartz • Bonnie and David Spangler • Sharyn and Larry Teitel

If you wish to sponsor the Shabbat Kiddush please contact Lennie Kay at 847-432-8900 x221 or If you wish to do an extended Shabbat Kiddush or sponsor a weekly morning Minyan breakfast, please contact Karen Edidin, Circle of Life Catering Manager, at 847-432-8900 x238 or May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


May – Iyar /Sivan 5775

Shayna Rosner, daughter of Tamara and Kevin Rosner Shabbat, May 2

Gabriel Hamburg, son of Jaimy and Jeff Hamburg Shabbat, May 9

Micheal Weiss, son of Rachael and Jeremy Weiss Mincha Shabbat, May 9

Max Kaufman, son of Leslie and Stuart Kaufman Shabbat, May 16

Leah Seidman, daughter of Alexis Yablon and David Seidman Shavuot, Sunday, May 24

Spencer Lidov, son of JoEllen and Robert Lidov Shabbat, May 30

June – Sivan/Tammuz 5775

Lee Graff, son of Ronni and James Graff Shabbat, June 6

Sara Richards, daughter of Devorah and Marc Richards Shabbat, June 6

Roy Steinberg, son of Esther and Guy Steinberg Shabbat, June 13

Sam Dorfman, son of Rachel and Marc Dorfman Shabbat, June 13

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center Writer's Beit Midrash The NSS Beth El Writer's Beit Midrash continues to meet every other Wednesday morning in the Maxwell Abbell Library: May 6 & 20, 9:30-11:00am. All fiction, nonfiction, poetry, memoir, and essay writers (published or not yet published) are welcome for discussions, exercises, camaraderie, and critique. Contact Rachel Kamin at or 847-432-8900 x242 for more information and for the full summer schedule.

Afternoon @ The Movies

Sisterhood Torah Fund Book Club The Sisterhood Torah Fund Book Club will discuss The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street by Susan Jane Gilman, after Shabbat Kiddush on Saturday, June 6, 12:30pm, facilitated by Rachel Kamin. Russian immigrant Malka arrives in 1913 Manhattan, where she struggles to survive and learns trade secrets from an Italian ices peddler before setting off across America in an ice cream truck with a handsome, illiterate radical to seek their fortunes.

The CLC and the Hazak Senior Life Committee present an Afternoon @ the Movies featuring The Prime Ministers with Rabbi Vernon Kurtz on Tuesday, May 12 at 2:00pm. Based on the best-selling book and starring the voices of Sandra Bullock, Michael Douglas, Leonard Nimoy, and Christoph Waltz, the film takes the audience inside the offices of Israel's Prime Ministers through the eyes of an insider, Yehuda Avner, who served as a chief aide, English language note-taker and speechwriter to Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, and Shimon Peres. For more information, and to view the trailer, visit www. Open to the community, free of charge. Popcorn, candy and soda will be served! Please RSVP to Marcie Eskin at meskin@ or 847-432-8900 x234.

New members welcome! A $36 annual donation to the Torah Fund Campaign is requested. Copies of the book are available in the Abbell Library and from local libraries and bookstores. The Sisterhood Torah Fund Book Club will resume in the fall. Send book suggestions and other comments to May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center Surprisingly Good Books During the month of Adar the CLC Committee wrapped up over 60 books from the Abbell Library as part of the "Surprise Yourself with a Book" program. Many of the wrapped books were checked out and readers were pleasantly surprised by their selections. Here are just a few of the books that participants found surprisingly good: Superman is Jewish? How Comic Book Superheroes Came to Serve Truth, Justice, and the JewishAmerican Way by Harry Brod (G708.5) A lighthearted exposé of the secret identities of many of the world's most famous superheroes explains how the dilemmas faced by iconic characters actually reflect the evolution of Judaism in American culture and the Jewish identities of famous comic-book writers.

Paris: A Love Story, A Memoir by Kati Marton (B) An award-winning journalist and author recounts how her marriages to Peter Jennings and the late Richard Holbrooke were shaped by the beauty and allure of Paris, where the author found enduring love and healing against a backdrop of historical events.

Lineup by Liad Shoham (F) When a brutal rape case is thrown out due to a procedural technicality and the suspect goes free, disgraced Detective Eli Nahum, after another rape occurs in a quiet Tel Aviv neighborhood, is determined to find the truth at any cost. Liad Shoham, a bestselling author in Israel, makes his American debut with this superbly plotted, uncompromising crime thriller.

The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks (F) After being trapped in an isolated car crash, the life of an elderly widower becomes entwined with that of a young college student and the cowboy she loves in this romance, with a Jewish twist, from the New York Times best-selling author.

The Lawgiver by Herman Wouk (F) A tale told through correspondence, articles, and text messages traces the efforts of a group of movie makers, including a brilliant young writer-director who has rejected her rabbinical father's strict upbringing, to create a movie about the life of Moses.

Special Screening: Roadmap Genesis North Suburban Synagogue Beth El will host a special screening of the film Roadmap Genesis with filmmaker Nolan Lebovitz on Tuesday, June 9 at 7:45pm. Roadmap Genesis is a film documentary that makes the case that the Book of Genesis is a roadmap containing guideposts on how to live a productive, fruitful, and fulfilling life that will help our society lift itself out of its current decline and return it to prosperity, promise, and accomplishment. Through interviews ranging from Mike Huckabee to Rabbi David Wolpe and Rabbi Vernon Kurtz, from Alan Dershowitz to the Archbishop of Chicago Cardinal Francis George and many, many more, Lebovitz explores the rules that God has set forth to help us maintain a successful and working society. Nolan Lebovitz was born and raised in Highland Park, where he attended Solomon Schechter Day School, Highland Park High School, and NSS Beth El and his parents and grandparents are active members of our congregation. He grew to love the cinema and after high school relocated west to attend the USC School of CinemaTelevision. Upon graduation, he began writing suspense thrilled screenplays and ultimately scored a hit in 2008 with "Tortured." During this time, Lebovitz got married, had children, and started to question the world around him. He looked for answers and found them in the Book of Genesis and made a major life change. He decided to become a Rabbi and began studies at the Ziegler School for Rabbinic Studies at American Jewish University. In late 2012, Nolan decided to merge his two passions – filmmaking and Bible study – and began making, Roadmap Genesis. For more information about the film, visit This event is open to the community, free of charge. Please RSVP to Marcie Eskin at or 847432-8900 x234.

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


The Development Office by Nancy Kekst North Suburban Synagogue Beth El Endowment Corporation Our Synagogue has a rich and forward thinking vision toward creating a plan to encourage, develop and maintain programming for our membership. To achieve this goal, a not-for-profit corporation, The North Suburban Synagogue Beth El Endowment Fund, Inc., was created to hold and invest contributions made by members and others who want to insure the future financial viability of both our Synagogue programs and our physical needs. The gifts are tax deductible as defined by current law and regulations. The funds are held in perpetuity and are invested in an investment pool managed by The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago. The gifts are focused on either specific programs selected by the donor or labeled as 'unrestricted' for use by the Synagogue. The income can only be distributed to the Synagogue and no other recipient. Each year, the Synagogue informs the Endowment of the monies spent by the Synagogue for the purposes of each endowed fund. The Endowment reimburses the Synagogue based on a percentage of the value of the specific Endowment up to the amount spent by the Synagogue. The current distribution, however, does not meet all of the needs of the Synagogue both in terms of existing programs but also ones that the Rabbis and staff would like to initiate. You can establish an endowment fund through a legacy gift by joining the Ner Tamid Society.

Ner Tamid Society In order to provide an additional donation vehicle, the Synagogue has The Ner Tamid Society, a recognition society that honors those who have included North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in their wills or estate plans. Just as the Ner Tamid – the eternal light – symbolizes the continuity of the Jewish people, so those congregants who have become Ner Tamid Society members leave a legacy for the future by providing the financial security of the synagogue, the center of Jewish life. The contribution can be made to begin in a specific number of years or upon passing. When the contribution is received, the family meets with the synagogue to publicize the amount of the gift and its intent. The donor can either create an endowment or provide funds to meet the current needs of the synagogue. A member can leave the Synagogue a bequest in any manner that he or she desires, but we urge you to consider becoming a member of the Ner Tamid Society. Congregants may make donations into any of the currently named endowment funds, or other Synagogue funds. A newly Named Endowment Fund can be created at the time the synagogue receives the funds in the amount designated for such program. Additionally, unrestricted gifts to the Endowment Fund are the greatest compliment an organization may receive — a donor trusts that their funds will be well stewarded by the leadership of the organization. All that need be done is naming Beth El as a beneficiary of an amount ($ amount or %) under your will, a trust, an IRA, Keogh, other qualified retirement plan, or any life insurance policy. (see form included after this article) Congregants can structure gifts to gain maximum tax rewards for themselves and their heirs, maintain financial security and make a truly meaningful contribution. Gifts can be unrestricted, allowing Beth El to use the funds where they are most needed, or can be targeted for a specific purpose. Beth El will work with you, your attorney and your tax advisors to ensure that your gift meets your goals. A form for declaring your intent follows. Gifts beyond our lifetimes demonstrate our commitment to Beth El and the Jewish community. They ensure that Beth El continues to sustain Jewish learning, culture and tefillah for generations to come. As these ideals are important to you, please consider including North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in your estate plan. You will be providing for others just as you have benefited from the vision and generosity of those who came before you. With the combination of all these sophisticated elements, we have provided a winning combination to provide for the future financial security of NSSBE. For more information about our endowment corporation and the Ner Tamid Society, contact Nancy Kekst, Director of Development, at or by calling 847-432-8900 x262. May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


Kol Hakovod to the more than 25 original members of the Ner Tamid Society from the previous decades as well as the 21 new members who have joined in the last ten months. We look forward to seeing your name listed here soon! Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Steve Abrams Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Alpert  Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bieber Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Birnbaum Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Blumberg Mr. & Mrs. Jack Blumberg Ms. Gail Feiger Brown Mr. Andrew Brown Ms. Ramona Choos Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Eisenberg Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ezgur Mr. & Mrs. Ira Frost Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. Scott Heyman Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Isaacs Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Janger Mr. & Mrs. Joel Kagan Ms. Karen Kesner Mr. Michael Kesner Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kopin Professors Jeffrey & Roberta Kwall Drs. Areille and Victor Levitan Mrs. Mildred Lidov Mrs. Cara Madansky Mr. & Mrs. Manny Marczak Mr. L. Pachter & Ms. S. Starkman Mr. David Rosen & Ms. Amy Zisook Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Rosenkranz Mr. & Mrs. Alan Rutkoff Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schlosberg Mr. & Mrs. Skip Schrayer Mrs. Phyllis K. Shalowitz Mr. Leonard Sherman Mrs. Yadelle Sklare Mr. & Mrs. Mark Spitz Mr. & Mrs. Morton Steinberg Mr. Mayer Stiebel Mr. & Mrs. Benton Strauss Mr. Howard Turner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wexler Mr. Jeffrey Wohlstadter Dr. F. Zand & Mr. P. Shalem

The Development Office


May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


The Development Office by Nancy Kekst Together with B'Yachad ‫בּיחד‬ B'yachad is a Hebrew word meaning "together." At NSSBE, we call people to gather together collectively, because the sum is so much greater than the parts of the whole. This rich word takes on a greater unity when you consider it is a group of our most generous synagogue donors, who have joined in B'Yachad to support NSSBE at the highest donor level. The B'Yachad donor level was created by our leadership several years ago as an (almost)* all inclusive giving level which would help generous donors make one gift to the synagogue to cover their largest expenses and gifts – Annual Dues, Kol Nidre Appeal, Chesed Dues (Formerly Fair Share) and tickets to the Annual Fundraising Event. Their generosity assists the synagogue in the most basic and necessary ways – helping us meet our annual budgetary needs. These unrestricted funds help make NSSBE work smoothly, enable innovation, and provide fuel for growth. They unlock potential and better allow us to get down to business. We invite other congregants to step up to the B'Yachad giving level for this year with a one-time minimum pledge of $10,000. *(B'Yachad level membership benefits do not include religious school enrollment fees, any extra High Holiday tickets, memorial book, small donations or fees for synagogue dinners or classes.) Without this generous level of support, we would not be able to continue our fine programming and resources at the highest level. It helps us shine as a beacon in the Conservative Movement. Your belief in our synagogue is not taken lightly; we truly appreciate your ongoing assistance and are honored to be a part of your lives. For information about enrolling in the B'Yachad Membership program for this coming membership year, please contact Nancy Kekst, Development Manager, at or by calling 847-432-8900 x262. We honor those congregants who have banded together as B'Yachad Donors for 2014-2015. Words cannot express our gratitude for their very generous participation in our B'Yachad dues level program at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El this year. They are role models in our community. Harriet Bernbaum Eve and Richard Biller Gil Bogen Gail and Andrew Brown Bernice and Buddy Cohen Shelly and Leonard Foxman Penny and Jeffrey Hecktman Barbara and Stuart Hochwert Karen and Michael Kesner

Sari and Mitch Kovitz Roberta and Jeffrey Kwall Andy and Kenneth Saffir Lynne and Skip Schrayer Karyn and Bill Silverstein Mae and Mark Spitz Sheri and Sherwin Zuckerman

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

A very special book, Encountering Torah: Reflections on the Weekly Portion, was published by Rabbi Vernon Kurtz in honor of the 25th Anniversary of his rabbinate here at Beth El. Rabbi Kurtz's book is for sale at $27 ($25 + $2 sales tax) per copy in our gift shop, in our office, on the website and via phone order in the office if you wish to purchase extra ones for your family and friends. At this gift giving season, we hope you know is makes a lovely hostess gift, and is a nice addition for a graduating high school student to take along to college. Shipping is also available at an additional cost. We hope it will be an important addition to your Jewish bookshelf. Thank you!

Chesed Dues Update: Make your Pledge on your Dues Bill The Chesed Dues Program is an ongoing program designed to help cover dues for those members in need who cannot afford to pay full dues. In 2013, we altered the timing of our annual Chesed Campaign by including the opportunity to donate at the time members pay their annual dues this summer and early fall. Your upcoming dues statement will include a line for you to make your Chesed pledge. It just feels right for you to make a donation to help others afford to be a part of our community membership at the same time you are renewing your membership. When you pay your dues statement, if you can, simply voluntarily increase the amount of dues you pay each year to a level that reflects your ability to further support the NSSBE Community. Your participation in this program is vital, and we thank those congregants who have already made a donation. While we have reduced our budget by over 14% in the past four years, we still need additional support. Chesed Dues allow us to maintain a dues structure that invites people to join our congregational family, helps us to close the gap between our dues revenue and the cost of running the synagogue, and aids us in sustaining and expanding vital programs and services for our congregation. As always, gifts of $250 and above will be recognized on the Chesed Dues plaque in the Mae and Mark Spitz Sanctuary Gallery and in our Annual Report in the categories set out as follows: • B'Yachad - $10,000 and above • Benefactor – $1,500 and over • Guarantor – $1,000 to $1,499 • Donor – $750 to $999

• Patron – $500 to $749 • Sustainer – $250 to $499 • Supporter – $36 to $249

If you have any questions about your annual giving, please contact Nancy Kekst, Director of Development, at or by calling 847-432-8900 x262.


The Development Office

an evening of song and spoken word with

PETER HIMMELMAN Our Annual Fundraiser was a Great Success! Thank you so much to the almost 300 who joined us March 7th for our Annual NSSBE fundraiser, an Evening of Song and Spoken Word with Peter Himmelman! It certainly was a rockin', fun event, and Peter was a real mensch. We have received many wonderful emails of glowing feedback from attendees who really enjoyed the evening. If you missed the event, you can still enjoy it through photos. Photos of the event are available through Annette Leibovitz of Mitzvah Photography, who graciously donated her services for the evening. To view the photos for the NSSBE Peter Himmelman Event go to: 1. 2. Click on online events 3. Enter your email and password NSSBE PETER All profits from any photo orders will go back to the synagogue. You can reach Annette at, on Facebook: Mitzvah Photography by Annette, www. or 847-913-5588. In addition, you can leaf through the Program Ad Book on our Website, We had wonderful merchandise which was sold at our silent auction and thank our many donors. In case you are still interested, we have a few items left for sale. Contact Nancy Kekst about these items: • • • •

One Peter Himmelman Signed Art Print – $65 Two copies - Peter Himmelman Signed Lyric Book – $40 each One Peter Himmelman Signed CD The Mission of my Soul: Greatest Hits – $25 Camp Ramah $250 Discount at Ramah Wisconsin Family Camp Aug 12–16, 2015 (first timer) – Make me an offer! • Golf or Spa Package (3 days/2 nights) in Scottsdale, Arizona at Fairmount Princess (Land Only) – $1350 • High Holiday Parking Spots – $600 each Again, thanks to all from NSSBE for making this year's NSSBE Annual Fundraiser a huge success! Diane and Loren Weil and Michelle Gooze-Miller and Adam Miller, co-chairs.

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


Gertrude Lederman Continuing Education The Gertrude Lederman Family Continuing Education program looks forward to providing exciting Summer Trimester classes. World War I: How It Created the Modern Middle East taught by Dr. Joyce Witt Tuesdays, May 5, 12, and 19 8:00pm As we mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, join us for an in-depth study of the causes and outcomes of the war and the reconfiguration of the Middle East. Artist's Beit Midrash taught by Judith Joseph and Jane Shapiro Thursdays June 25, July 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 9:45–11:45am This class is designed for artists of all media to participate in text study, discussion, and commentary through art. Text teacher Jane Shapiro and master artist-in-residence Judith Joseph will help students explore a different theme each week, building community in the process. New participants are welcome! Prayerbook Reading Made Easy taught by Ma'ayan Avidov Sundays, May 10 and 17 9:15–10:45am The goal of this course is to make you comfortable reading prayers in Hebrew. Whether you are a novice or are brushing up on skills learned in the past, this class is for you. The instructor will meet you where you are, customizing the learning to accommodate the different levels of the individual students in the class. Fee: $36 for new students (no cost for continuing students). Study in the Suburbs taught by Rabbi Vernon Kurtz Thursday, May 21 Noon–1:30pm at the BJE (Board of Jewish Education) 3320 Dundee Road, Northbrook A study session in the suburbs, centered around the ethical issues of our lives. Advance reservations are necessary; lunch is provided for a nominal fee ($12). Registration for the entire series is encouraged. RSVP to Lennie Kay at 847-432-8900 x221 or by email at

Summer classes look great! How do I pay? Most (but not all) of the above classes are subject to a trimester fee: $60 for members; $90 for non-members; no additional fee for students enrolled in another Summer Trimester course. For questions or to register, contact Marcie Eskin at 847-926-7903 or

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

Ongoing Classes – Consider joining any of our classes continuing on from the Fall and Winter Trimesters: Talmud: Tractate Brachot taught by Rabbi Vernon Kurtz Tuesdays 8:30–9:30am Study Jewish law in the original text. Discussion and commentary are in English. David: Warrior, Poet, King taught by Aaron Klein Wednesdays, May 6 - June 24 10:30–11:30am Intermediate Conversational Hebrew taught by Edith Belkind Mondays, May 4 –June 22 (except May 25) 6:15–7:30pm Improve your conversational and reading Hebrew skills. New students are always welcome! Advanced Conversational Hebrew taught by Edith Belkind Wednesdays, May 5 –July 15 6:15–7:30pm Strengthen and retain your Hebrew skills from Intermediate Conversational Hebrew. Shalom Hartman Institute Discussion Series: The Tribes of Israel taught by Rabbi Vernon Kurtz Wednesdays, May 13 and June 10 7:00pm Judaism 101 taught by Rabbi Michael Schwab Mondays 9:00am Join this lively discussion on our prayers, services, holidays and other topics you wish to "ask the rabbi" each week. Jewish Laws of Daily Living taught by Rabbi Michael Schwab Wednesdays 8:00–8:30am Join us for breakfast and study of the Shulhan Arukh – the basic code of Jewish law. Each week we read and translate a short chapter, exploring its impact on our lives and on the way we, as Conservative Jews, interpret it for our time. This is an ongoing class, but no experience is required and new members are welcome at any session.


Informal Education by Ali Drumm Let's Make Everything like Jewish Camp: Why You Should Come Pray Outside In the field of Jewish education there is a lot of discussion about how to bring the best parts of Jewish summer camp into yearround Jewish life. There are pro and con camps, and many debate whether this desire is in any way possible. How can you translate something that involves lush trees and clear lakes and barefoot sports into a synagogue environment or year-round Judaism? It isn't only Jewish educators who think about the value of summer camp Judaism. Recently articles on, Kveller and Tablet online magazine have all discussed the benefits and virtues of summer camp in terms of not only comfort with daily Judaism but also teamwork and leadership skills. Dealing with healthy competition and understanding communal life on a deeper level are intangible but very important life lessons learned. For those of us who went to a Jewish summer camp, or as Jews attended summer camp, we know many of the benefits of this experience on our identity and self-reliance as we navigated life away from home. I think what educators and online magazines are referring to is the vibrancy of Jewish life in a camp setting. We live physically further away from our community than many Jewish communities in the past and need to go the extra mile, literally, to connect with our Jewish life. There are many important aspects of Jewish life at camp that should be emulated by translating them into year-round Jewish life, and one is the opportunity to connect with prayer outdoors. We are lucky at Beth El to have a chance to experience outdoor Judaism as part of our year-round offerings. Our Paul S. and Sylvia Steinberg preschoolers play on the Gan Sylvia Outdoor Playground as long as the weather holds. We have incredible outdoor sunrise prayers on the morning of Shavuot on our lawn. Our teens lead a meaningful outdoor Tashlich service on Rosh Hashana outside which includes the chance to actually go down to the lake to metaphorically cast away our sins. We also have outdoor Kabbalat Shabbat on the Lake services over the summer with good food and a great view. These opportunities to practice Judaism in the open air give us a taste of summer camp life, and we should take full advantage of them. These opportunities to pray outdoors at Beth El give us a chance to make prayer services more meaningful, and I think that is one of the many important benefits of Jewish summer camp. I attended several Jewish summer camps in my life, and despite being a regular synagogue attendee as a child, I learned to daven in a meaningful way at camp. I learned from the repetition and I learned from my staff and later from my campers. Living a lifestyle which included daily prayers, prayers before and after meals, prayers in a community of peers and respected leaders- you can't beat that as a way to ingrain skills. Our famous saying about many things in Judaism involves "na'aseh v'nishma"May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

that "we will do and we will hear (or understand.)" This phrase comes from Exodus 24:7 as the Children of Israel accept the Torah from God, and is applied many times by the rabbis to communicate the importance of deed over creed, action which leads to understanding. I think our ability to find meaning in community and add vitality to our Jewish lives can come from a commitment to prayer. I encourage you to attend one of our summer outdoor prayer opportunities (Sunrise service on Shavuot is Sunday May 24, Kabbalat Shabbat on the Lake is Friday June 19 and August 28) as a way to experience a taste of the potential that a vibrant Jewish life offers, at camp and here at home.

“Crosstown Classic”

Kabbalat Shabbat on the Lake June 19, 2015 5:30pm

vs To RSVP or with questions contact: Elise Kline 847-432-8900

Program is planned to include snacks and services out in our backyard. The evening will happen shine or rain – join us forsome or all of the program! 5:30pm Sports-themed Appetizers 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:15pm Young Family Service Rooting for your favorite team will bring in a moving Kabbalat Shabbat service on our back lawn. Bring family and Jewish friends to start the summer right. We welcome new and prospective members to this event!


Sisterhood In late April, Pam Schlosberg, Mary Ellen Bowers and I attended the Central Great Lakes Regional Conference for Women's League for Conservative Judaism in Cincinnati, OH. During the conference, Pam was elected Regional Vice President – Membership and was honored as our Valued Volunteer. Pam leads by example and has been one of our finest leaders for many years. She is an eishet chayil who we cherish. NS Beth El Sisterhood is dedicated to enhancing Jewish knowledge, engaging in Jewish life, expanding communal involvement, and supporting klal Yisrael. As we wrap up another year of interesting, fun and educational programs, please join us for our Torah Fund Luncheon and Sisterhood Shabbat, our two final programs for this year. Rachel Ferber, President

Update: How to Pay your Sisterhood Dues in 2015-2016 Last year Sisterhood dues became a part of NSS Beth El invoices, being listed among the voluntary items on the lower half of your invoice. Despite some initial confusion, Sisterhood membership increased significantly, proving that change can be good. Obviously, we plan on continuing this practice and Sisterhood dues (rising for the first time in many, many years – to $39, due to an increase from National) will again appear on your synagogue invoice as a "voluntary" payment.

Todah rabbah to everyone who contributed to the Torah Fund Campaign this year, allowing us to reach our goal of donating $10,000 to the Jewish Theological Seminary through Torah Fund. Contributions made by Torah Fund class participants go directly to the JTS/Torah Fund.

If you have asked that "voluntaries" be removed from your synagogue statement, Sisterhood dues will not appear. In this situation you have a few options: 1) contact Vicky Kaplan, the synagogue bookkeeper, at 847-432-8900 x233 and ask her to add Sisterhood to your invoice, 2) mail a check for $39, payable to NS Beth El Sisterhood, to Karen Weiss, 1688 Green Bay Rd #103, HP 60035, or 3) put your membership check in the Sisterhood mail drawer at the synagogue, in an envelope addressed to Karen Weiss.

Our Torah Fund classes have been at the core of our educational programming for over 50 years. The annual Torah Fund Luncheon is our culminating event, when we recognize and thank our extraordinary teachers, Rabbis Kurtz and Schwab, Alicia Gejman and Rachel Kamin, and celebrate our donors.

If you prefer to pay senior dues ($25 per year for those 65+ years of age), this can be done via options #2 or #3 above. If you have questions regarding dues, please contact Karen at 847-432-3818 or at

This Year's Torah Fund Campaign Come to a Close

Sign up online for the Beth El Sisterhood College Connection! Spending your summers getting a kid ready for college, or wishing your child would come home from the summer internship for longer than a day? Then the Beth El Sisterhood College Connection program is for you! Thanks to a generous endowment from the Sisterhood, we continue to provide a connection for our college students to our congregation. Enrolling in this wonderful program gets your college student great care packages for the Jewish holidays, as well as emailed information about alternative school break programs, Birthright Israel, Jewish programs on campus, summer jobs and study abroad opportunities. This program is sponsored by the Beth El Sisterhood and completely free to you, but you need to fill out a new form every year. All of our enrollment will be online. Please go to www. We will be emailing the registration forms out to all relevant applicants – which include graduate students! We no longer mail packages overseas – but if you're only studying abroad for one semester, we want to make sure you get packages the rest of the year, so please sign up. May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

If you are concerned that we don't have the right email address to send a registration link to enroll your college student, please contact Sam Isenstein at or fill out and return the form below to give the correct email address for College Connection information (both parent and student) so that you can make sure to receive the registration form. The deadline for application for the fall boxes is Friday, August 28, 2015. You can still sign up your college student at any time all year. And remember to "like" us on Facebook to get all the latest information! Return Form* to Sam Isenstein, Youth Community Director, 1175 Sheridan Rd. Highland Park, Il 60035 to get the registration link sent to you. Student Name:__________________________________________________ Student Email:__________________________________________________ Parent Name:___________________________________________________ Parent Email:___________________________________________________ *Please note that turning in this form is not registering for Beth El Sisterhood College Connection. You must register online. 16

Sisterhood North Suburban Beth El Sisterhood Gift Shop – Your Resource for Beautiful Judaica and Gifts A Note from the Gift Shop Chairs.... We love this time of year. It is always worth the wait to feel that warm sun and think about all of the possibilities that these months hold. They often showcase wonderful life cycle events – times to celebrate Moms and Dads, welcome babies, toast Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and newlyweds, and honor graduates. The Gift Shop is here to help you find beautiful Judaica or that unusual gift to mark each event. We visit trade shows and craft shows all year round to ensure that you will not be disappointed in your search for that perfect gift. From beautiful newborn baby blankets embroidered with a blessing and soft baby toys for those young hands, to Gary Rosenthal mezuzahs and picture frames and anodized Kiddush cups by Agayof – we have these and so much more. For the Bride and Groom to-be, we also have a Wedding and Gift Registry, so your family and friends will know exactly what you prefer. How good is that! We invite you to come in on Sunday mornings from 9:00am to 1:00pm or Tuesdays from 10:00am to noon. We are always open by appointment if you just want to browse or shop. Simply call us – Diane Levin: 847-5715629; Sulie Holt 847-558-3389; or contact Pam Schlosberg: 847-433-7546. We appreciate your continued support of our Sisterhood Gift Shop! Diane and Sulie




2015–2016 Sisterhood Calendar

"Renew Our Lives in the Coming Months" Let us help you keep organized with Sisterhood's Beth El Calendar! We include Jewish Holidays, Candle Lighting Times, Sisterhood and NSS Beth El Functions, Religious School Schedules, and Secular Holidays too. It's everything you need in one place! New Years Greeting included on every calendar: “We greet our friends and members of Beth El with best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year”. Print your names as you wish it to appear on the greeting page (only the names of one family per greeting):


Phone Number:

Address: 2015–2016 Calendar ___ x $18.00 = (New Years Greeting Included)

Total Amount Enclosed: $

Please send your check (payable to North Suburban Beth El Sisterhood) by July 1, 2015 to: Ruth Fischer 620 Calais Circle Highland Park, IL 60035 May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


Sisterhood Save the date !

Men's Club

Torah Fund Luncheon Tuesday, May 19 at Noon

Guest Speaker: Emily Cobert, a graduate student at the William Davidson Graduate School for Jewish Education at JTS. She will discuss her experience in Kesher Hadash, a semester in Israel program supported by Torah Fund. $25 per person, in addition to your annual Torah Fund contribution. RSVP before May 14 by sending a check payable to NS Beth El Sisterhood, to Linda Gottlieb c/o NSS Beth El, 1175 Sheridan Rd, HP 60035.

Sisterhood Shabbat May 23

NS Beth El Sisterhood is 400 women strong! And Sisterhood Shabbat is the perfect day for us to come together as a group and lead the congregation in prayer. Please join us for this cherished tradition.

Calling All Softball Players Beth El has two teams playing this year in a softball league consisting of 12 teams from synagogue Men's Clubs in the area. This is our second summer playing in this new 12-inch (play with glove) league, and patched umpires officiate the games. We have 26 former players returning this season, and we can accommodate a few more. We play 10 games plus the playoffs, starting in late April and continuing into early August. Games take place between 9:00am and 4:00pm on Sundays at Sunset Park. You need to be in shape to play since this is a somewhat competitive league, and you also must be a member of the Men's Club or be willing to join in order to play. If you are interested in playing, please contact Michael Salberg at: 847-831-0581 or

Family Deli Lunch Saturday, May 23

Deli Meat Kiddush Club after Shabbat Services. All families are welcome. Contact Steve Coven at for more details and to RSVP. Only $25 per family or $12 per person.

Ba'al Korei David Shapiro was the featured speaker at the Ba'al Korei Institute's annual Spring program held after kiddush on April 25th. He talked about unusual tropes, such as shalshelet, explaining where they appear, how they sound and why they were chosen. He also talked about unusual melodies that occur at set times, such as the melodies used when reading the Ten Commandments and Shirat HaYam, as well as the melodies used for High Holiday Torah readings. The program was outstanding. If you missed it, be sure to keep your eyes open for our next postkiddush lecture coming this Fall. The Ba'al Korei Institute will honor two of the congregation's lay Torah readers with an engraved silver yad at the Tikkun Layl Shavuot on May 23rd. Marcy Freeman will be honored for having read more than 500 verses of Torah here at Beth El. Rebecca Greenstein, one of our most dedicated teen readers, will be honored for having read more than 136 verses. Please join us in extending a yashar koheach to Marcy and Rebecca, and thanking them for their outstanding service to the congregation.

Torah at Beth El at least twice this past year. Those recognized will include Gabriella Cooperman, Rebecca Greenstein, Aaron Pickard, Ethan Small and Nathaniel Small. Participants in the Havdorah program select a Havdalah set when they register (usually during freshman year of high school), and they earn one piece of that set for each year that they read Torah in the main sanctuary at regular services, at High Holiday services, or on Purim, thus completing their set by the end of high school. As we head into the summer months, the Institute would like to ask all Torah readers to sign up for at least one reading. Watch your e-mail for the postings. Our tradition of having the Torah read by lay congregants is an important part of Beth El's identity, and we need everyone's help to maintain that tradition. If you have changed your e-mail address or are not receiving the lists of available readings, now would be a good time to update your information. Please send a current e-mail address to Greg Pestine at Thank you.

The Havdorah program for teen readers has had another successful year. At the USY Installation of Officers on May 28, the Ba'al Korei Institute will recognize those teens who have read May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


Paul S. and Sylvia Steinberg Pre-School Join us in Honoring Rinna Maletsky Walk down the halls of our Pre-School any Tuesday or Thursday and you will hear the enchanting sounds of happy children and their teacher Rinna Maletsky. They are barely 2 years old and they are mesmerized by her lilting voice and welcoming smile. We have been blessed to have Rinna as part of our staff for the past 26 years. Rinna has decided that she will retire at the end of this semester and I wanted you to know more about her and join us in honoring her for her dedication to the children, parents, staff and the Synagogue. Rinna currently teaches our Transition class. Over the years she has taught almost every grade level and at one time taught both morning and afternoon, five day a week classes. Rinna comes to school each day enthusiastic and smiling. She is warm and welcoming, treating each child and parent as individuals. You might say that she treats them as if they were her own. She has a wonderful way of talking to children and truly listens to what they say to her.

"Teachers teach more by what they are than what they say." Rinna comes to us from South Africa where she studied to become a teacher. She continues to be a life-long learner, taking classes throughout her tenure here and I know she will continue to do so. She was involved in PASK 112, a parent advocacy group for District 112. Parents often ask her for advice for their children and she is very open to helping them navigate the school system. She is an avid tennis and mahjong player. She has donated her mahjong teaching skills to our school as a raffle prize over the years and has taught many of our parents to play. She enjoys reading all genres of books and will eagerly discuss current topics with her peers. Over the years Rinna has touched so many lives from our Pre-School, Synagogue and the community. I know there are many who could tell their wonderful "Rinna" stories. On June 2nd at our Teachers' Appreciation Luncheon we will be honoring Rinna. While we will miss her on a daily basis, we are all very happy that she will now have more time to spend with her husband Eric, her sons, and daughters-in-laws and especially her grandchildren. She has promised that she will substitute teach for us. I am sure you join me in thanking Rinna Maletsky for her giving spirit and dedication and wish her good health and happiness. Please call Caron Knopoff at 847-432-2830 or email cknopoff@nssbethel for more information about our PreSchool and camp or to schedule a tour.

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

HAZAK Transportation Program The HAZAK Senior Life Committee is launching a Transportation Program. We are looking for members who would be willing to provide a ride for our older members to enable them to participate in services, synagogue events, classes, evening activities and Sisterhood/Men's Club meetings. Can you drive once in a while? Would you go an extra mile so one of our seniors can attend a program at Beth El? Please add your name to our transportation list and let us know how you can help. You can commit to a one time offer, an occasional ride based on your availability, or to be a transportation regular. Contact Edie Simons at ediegsimons@gmail. com or call her at 248-672-6299 (cell) or leave a message at the synagogue office 847-432-8900.

Upcoming Events Beth El's Hazak Senior Life Committee invites you to a special service honoring our members who are veterans of the United States or Israeli Armed Forces on the second day of Shavuot, Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2015. HAZAK Shabbat will be held on Shabbat, June 27, 2015. At this service we will honor Beth El members who are 70 years of age and older. Both events will be followed by festive kiddush lunches. As always your families are welcome to attend with you. The Ritual Committee will be coordinating participation in both services. If you would like to have a role in either event, or to let us know you plan to attend, please contact Judy Smith at 847945-4554. Please mark your calendars for May 25 and June 27, 2015 and let us know if you will join us. Transportation assistance getting to the synagogue for either or both of these special services is also available. For help with transportation, please contact our transportation coordinator Edie Simons on her cell phone at 248-672-6299.


Jack & Mildred Cohen Religious School and Miriam and Bernard H. Sokol Hebrew High School M'Shulchan Hamenahelet A life with school aged children revolves around school calendars, after school calendars and familial calendars. To complete this picture our adult lives are dictated by our own working calendars superseded by the Jewish calendar. Striking a balance between all the schedules and commitments is not easy. Jewish parents and teachers carry the additional responsibility of making Jewish education a high priority for our students. With the help of you – parents – and the dedication of our outstanding staff we have once more managed to synchronize all our calendars and achieve our goals this year. We have accomplished a great deal and the lives of your students and your families have been enriched as a result. Thank you for being supportive, for sending your students to school on a regular basis, and for volunteering and participating in our programs. We could not have accomplished our educational goals without the help of Rabbi Kurtz, Rabbi Schwab, Hazzan Goller, and Mark Stadler, the teachers and teacher assistants. A great "thank you" goes to all the members of the board of education with special thanks to Tracey Hendler, V.P. of Formal Education, and Pamela Schlosberg, V. P. of Informal Education. Thank you also to the members of the schools committees for their hard work. Special thanks to Kim Ephraim, Lisa Pevtzow and Melanie Hoffman, CRS and SHHS school committee chairs respectively. A heartfelt yasher koach goes to our students for their open interest, candid attitude and freshness of spirit. They are our raison d'être and our inspiration. We cherish their smiles, their insights and their innate curiosity. As it is hard to part from them in the summer, we will continue to offer free summer classes for CRS students. This has become an integral part of our school offerings and we are happy to report that last year we had 30 students in this program. Please RSVP and let us know you are attending. High school students: stay tuned for e-mails regarding teacher assistance job opportunities and new course offerings for the next academic year. Parents – please add the school calendars to your master calendar in order to avoid preventable conflicts. School calendars will be posted on the website by the end of June. I wish all of you a restful and well deserved summer vacation!

Mazal Tov to the seventh grade students who finished the Gesher program and are entitled to be admitted as students in the Sokol Hebrew High School: Alexis Aronin Jordan Behn Alexander Bernat Matthew Crasko Hila Dahari Sam Fishman Lee Graff Ilana Greenstein Gabriel Hamburg

Nina Hoffman Max Kaufman Rachel Klein Hannah Leavitt Samantha Levine Isaac Levitan Evan Lichtman Zachary Lichtman Spencer Lidov

Jonah Long Sara Richards Sarah Rosen Shayna Rosner Roy Steinberg Jonathon Wasserman Micheal Weiss

Mazal Tov to the Sokol Hebrew High School Graduates: Lianna Alscher Robert Aronoff Mira Blumenthal Samantha Boorstein Victoria Boorstein

Ethan Fivel Jason Fox Jamie Handler Elana Jacobsohn Eli Lipsitz

Marni Pine Gabriel Small Joshua Wasserman

Mazal Tov to the Solomon Schechter Graduates: Henry Hoffman Noah Shanes

Brian Silverstein Helen Spellberg

Mazal Tov to the Chicagoland Jewish High School Graduates: Joseph Cohen Jacob Erlichman Benjamin Fishbaum

Lena Rabinowitz Jonathan Schrag Eli Schrayer

Jonathan Shapiro Carly Silvers

Mazal Tov to the Ida Crown Jewish Academy Graduate: Tamar Grey Mazal Tov to the students who were granted Israel Merit Scholarships: Mira Blumenthal Anna Carney Melissa Levin

Sarah Levin Alexander Levine Aaron Pickard

Gabriel Small Joseph Spellberg

Alicia Gejman Director of Formal Education

Jack and Mildred Cohen Religious School May/June – Iyar/Sivan/Tammuz 5775

Miriam and Bernard H. Sokol Hebrew High School May/June – Iyar/Sivan/Tammuz 5775

May 13


Last Gesher Class

May 10


Sokol Hebrew High School Graduation

May 15


Gesher Dinner

May 17


Last SHHS Class

May 17


Last Day for Students Attending Sunday Only

May 19


Last Conversational Hebrew Class

May 20


Last Day of School

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


Kol No'ar The Voice of the Youth–Beth El's Youth Community Mark Your Calendars for the Youth Community's Upcoming Programs! USY (9th–12th Graders)

Kadima (6th–8th Graders)

Friday, May 1st BEANS USY Executive Board applications are due!

Wednesday, May 6th 6:15–7:30pm Kadima New Board Meeting and President Election. Dinner will be provided. 5th graders are also welcome and encouraged to be on Kadima board next year as 6th graders. All incoming 6th–8th graders for the 2015–2016 school year who wish to be on Kadima board must apply and submit applications prior to running.

Tuesday, May 5th 7:00–9:00pm BEANS USY Elections will be held in the Horowitz-Hoffman Youth Lounge. Must be a member in good standing to vote! Shabbat, May 9th End of the Year Celebration and Teen Minyan. Wednesday, May 13th BEANS is hosting CHUSY regional lounge night. Saturday, May 23rd Join USY and Teen Minyan for a night of learning starting Erev Shavout. There will be many interesting learning sessions and lots of snacks. More detail on learning sessions to come! Tuesday, May 26 th 7:00–9:00pm BEANS USY will have its Old/New Board meeting in the Horowitz-Hoffman Youth Lounge!

Sunday, May 17th 11:00–12:30pm Kadima will have it's end of the year celebration. All 5th graders are welcome to attend! $10 includes lunch!

Shalom Club (2nd–5th Graders) Wednesday, May 20th 6:15–7:30pm Shalom Club will have its final End of the Year Extravaganza! $10 includes dinner.

The Beth El Youth Community would like to congratulate the BEANS USYers for doing a fantastic job on the Purim Carnival and all of the USY Megillah readers. BEANS would also like to thank everyone who bought hamentaschen for our Tikkun Olam Fundraiser. With the funds we raised from hamentaschen sales and Purim Carnival ticket sales, and the Megillah Reading Tax, BEANS was able to donate more than $4,000 to our Tikkun Olam Fund. BEANS is on their way to win International USY TO Award for largest contribution again! Mazel Tov to all of our 8th graders who will be graduating to High School. Mazel Tov to our seniors who will be off to college! Please stay in touch and sign up for the Beth El Sisterhood College Connection. The Beth El Youth Community wishes everyone a safe, healthy and fantastic summer! Enjoy your time at camp, Israel, traveling, or just hanging out at home. We look forward to seeing you in August! Want letters (or packages if your camp accepts them) this summer May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

Beth El Youth Community Awards and Installations Night and Dessert Reception Thursday, May 28 7:30-9:30pm Come honor our Old and New Kadima and USY Board members, seniors and staff! We will be awarding our annual Kadamnik and USYer of the year, Membership, Youth Leadership and the Lori Greenberg Awards! All members of the Beth El Youth Community and their families are invited!

at camp? Let Sam know your address and she will write to you. Email her at with your camp address! If you will be at Ramah this summer, be sure to find out when Sam is coming to visit! BEANS Youth Community is a great way to make new friends, hang out with old ones, and have an awesome time. Still not a member of Beth El's award winning youth community? It's never too late. Contact Sam Isenstein, Youth Community Director, at sisenstein@nssbethel. org or at 847-432-2040 for more information regarding membership or any other questions regarding the Beth El Youth Community. 21

Todah Rabbah

We are grateful for the following contributions:

Rabbi Kurtz's Discretionary Fund

- In honor of Alex Bernat becoming a Bar Mitzvah - Susan Novy - In honor of Ilana becoming a Bat Mitzvah and with appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz Shane Greenstein and Ranna Rozenfeld

- In memory of Ethel and Sidney Sharpe, beloved mother and father - Mortin and Karen Levy - In memory of Gary Greenberg, beloved father - Jared and Jordana Greenberg

- In honor of Maggie Shapiro's wedding Karen Weiss

- In memory of Gene Siskel, beloved brother Elaine Loseff

- In honor of my 90th birthday - Selma Mizel

- In memory of George Koranyi - Karen Weiss

- In honor of Rabbi Kurtz for all of your support and friendship - Brad and Marcie Pickard

- In memory of Gloria and Fredric Rivkin, beloved mother and father - Alan and Susan Resnick

- In honor of Rabbi Kurtz, thank you for honoring us by reading the tenai'm at our wedding - Rebecca and Corey Derdiger

- In memory of Greg Moss, beloved husband of Lois Moss - Ronald and Eileen Goldberg

- In honor of Rob Freeman's birthday Ronald and Eileen Goldberg

- In memory of Harry Bernbaum, beloved husband and with appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz for officiating at his funeral - Harriet Bernbaum

- In honor of the aliyah given to me at my granddaughter Taylor Samantha's baby naming - Burt and Sharon Newman - In honor of the birth of Larry and Mary Ellen Goldsmith's grandson - Karen Weiss - In honor of the birth of our grandson, Jack Graff Schneider - Alan and Susan Resnick - In memory of Alice Genis, beloved sister Amos and Edith Turner - In memory of Ann Block, beloved mother Frances Lee Zand and Pendri Shalem - In memory of Benjamin Cohen, beloved father - Arthur and Lynn Cohen - In memory of Benjamin Rubinstein, beloved father - Sherwin and Odette Rubinstein - In memory of Carol Isaacson, beloved mother - Joshua and Elizabeth Cohen and Family - In memory of David Yesinick, beloved uncle of Chuck Kahalnik - Karen Weiss - In memory of Dora Holland, beloved mother-in-law - Joan Holland - In memory of Dr. Joseph Shartiag, beloved father - Michael and Robin Shartiag - In memory of Edith Hymanson Weiss, beloved mother - Karen Weiss

- In memory of Herbert Friedman, beloved father - Marc and Jacalyn Birnbaum - In memory of Irv Holland, beloved brother-in-law - Joan Holland - In memory of Isidor Mandel, beloved father - Irwin and Sheri Mandel - In memory of Jack Landsman, beloved father - Lois Moss - In memory of Jack Warshawsky, beloved husband - Eileen Warshawsky - In memory of Jennie Reisin, beloved mother - Bernard and Elaine Reisin - In memory of Joseph Rosen, beloved father and with appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz - Leonard and Rochelle Foxman - In memory of Joseph Rosen, beloved father of Rochelle Foxman - Miriam Becerra - In memory of Joseph Shartiag, beloved father of Michael Shartiag - Richard Robbins

- In memory of Edwin Schwartz, beloved husband - Myrna Schwartz - In memory of Eli Glassman, beloved husband of Joan Holland - 1600 Green Bay Road - In memory of Eli Oliff, beloved father Joel and Basia Retsky

- In memory of Jules Goldberg, beloved father - Ronald and Eileen Goldberg - In memory of Julien Labow - Howard Labow - In memory of Lester Sadoff, beloved brother - Michael and Phyllis Sadoff - In memory of Lilli Mesirow, beloved mother of Lynne Weinberg - Miriam Tabachnik

- In memory of Esther Pessis, beloved mother - Dennis and Amy Pessis

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

- In memory of Harry Bernbaum, beloved husband of Harriet Bernbaum - Arthur and Judith Coren - Jason Millner Family - Ann Rosenbaum - Miriam Tabachnik

- In memory of Lillian Rabatsky, beloved wife - Melvin Rabatsky 22

Todah Rabbah Rabbi Kurtz's Discretionary Fund (continued)

- In memory of Marlene Wirth, beloved mother of Michael Wirth - Nancy and Maury Fertig

- In memory of Ruth Seidel Stern, beloved mother of Hermine Leiderman - Bruce and Janet Bernstein - Harris and Sharon Goldenberg

- In memory of Marshall Witzel, beloved husband, and with appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz - Marcia Witzel

- In memory of Ruth Seidel Stern, beloved mother and with appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz - Michael and Hermine Leiderman

- In memory of Martin Maiman, beloved father and grandfather - Steven and Linda Feinstein

- In memory of Sam Sadoff, beloved father Michael and Phyllis Sadoff

- In memory of Meyer W. Reisin, beloved brother - Bernard and Elaine Reisin

- In memory of Samuel Rosenberg, beloved father and grandfather - Gordon and Carol Derman

- In memory of Michael Vick - Bernard and Elaine Reisin

- In memory of Sandra Turner, beloved wife of Howard Turner - M. Belilos - Ronald and Eileen Goldberg - Harris and Sharon Goldenberg - Steven and Ellen Lasin - Diane and Stephen Levin - The Schrayer Family - Karen Weiss

- In memory of Mollie Sered, beloved mother - Melvin and Hedy Sered - In memory of Morris Cooper, beloved father - Phillip and Sandra Cooper - In memory of Morton Shiner, beloved father - Stuart and Debbie Shiner - In memory of Nathan Talman, beloved father - Leonard and Marjorie Birnbaum

- In memory of Sanford G. Rossen, beloved father - Elliot and Anne Rossen

- In memory of Nathan Wolfe Pickus, beloved husband of Jane Pickus - M. Belilos - Harris and Sharon Goldenberg - Karen Weiss - Richard and Nadine Woldenberg

- In memory of Sarah Bichunsky, beloved mother - Philip and Doreen Feitelberg - In memory of Sarah Ehrlich, beloved mother - Pearl Zaid - In memory of Sheila Gilbert, beloved mother of David Jackson - Ira and Deborah Rosenberg

- In memory of Nisim Saporta, beloved father - Batia Eizikovic

- In memory of Shirley Blair, beloved wife of Richard Blair - Karen Weiss

- In memory of Norman Chudacoff, beloved brother - Donald and Lois Chudacoff

- In memory of Sidney Feinstein, beloved father - Arthur and Lynn Cohen

- In memory of Norman Matthew, beloved father - Harrison Matthew

- In memory of Steven Fitzgerald, beloved husband - Mimi Lutwak

- In memory of Raymond Mesirow, beloved father - David and Lynne Weinberg

- In memory of Sylvia Rubin, beloved mother - David and Donna Rubin

- In memory of Rebecca Karsh, beloved mother-in-law - Lawrence Becker

- In memory of Zelig Sered, beloved father Melvin and Hedy Sered

- In memory of Regina Greenfield, beloved mother - Milton Greenfield

- Wishing a complete and speedy recovery to Aunt Sharon, prayers for good health Mitchell Kreiter

- In memory of Robert Kupchick, beloved husband - Ruth Kupchick - In memory of Roma Kaltman, beloved mother - Jerome and Mary Kaltman

- With appreciation for G-d's blessings Ronald and Eileen Goldberg

- In memory of Rose and Max Becker, beloved mother and father - Lawrence Becker

Rabbi Schwab's Discretionary Fund

- With appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz - Melvyn and Sandra Wasserman

- In honor of Alex becoming a Bar Mitzvah and with appreciation to Rabbi Schwab Robert and Beth Bernat

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

- In honor of Ilana becoming a Bat Mitzvah and with appreciation to Rabbi Schwab Shane Greenstein and Ranna Rozenfeld


Todah Rabbah

We are grateful for the following contributions:

Rabbi Schwab's Discretionary Fund (continued)

- In honor of Taylor Newman's Baby Naming - Ron and Carrie Newman

- In memory of Lillian Friedman, beloved mother - Philip and Phyllis Lapin

- In honor of the baby naming of our granddaughter, Eloise Juliet Davidson Carey and Cheryl Cooper

- In memory of Louis Goldstein, beloved grandfather - Paul and Eileen Goldstein - In memory of Marlene Wirth, beloved mother and with appreciation to Rabbi Schwab - Michael and Jennifer Wirth

- In memory of Abraham L. Lapin, beloved father - Philip and Phyllis Lapin - In memory of Anna Mioni, beloved mother-in-law - Joan Holland - In memory of Arthur Long, beloved father of Richard Long - Bobby Chanin - In memory of Carol Isaacson, beloved mother and with appreciation to Rabbi Schwab Joshua and Elizabeth Cohen and Family - In memory of Celia Lapin, beloved mother Philip and Phyllis Lapin - In memory of Charlotte Price, beloved grandmother - Andrew and Laurie Hochberg - In memory of Ethel and Gilbert Levy, beloved mother and father - Adrian and Linda Winick

- In memory of Michael and Jordan Winstein, beloved cousins - Philip and Doreen Feitelberg - In memory of Mollie Rich, beloved mother Sheila Olshansky - In memory of Morton Shiner, beloved father - Stuart and Debbie Shiner - In memory of Nathan Wolfe Pickus, beloved husband of Jane Pickus - Lewis and Terry Milton - In memory of Rose Sher, beloved grandmother - Michael and Sara Sher - In memory of Rosely Maurer, beloved mother - Jeffrey and Michele Glass

- In memory of Harold Olshansky, beloved husband - Sheila Olshansky

- In memory of Ruth Abrams, beloved mother - Robert and Sharon Abrams

- In memory of Jean Dolins, beloved mother of Mitch Dolins - Bob and Loren Silvers

- In memory of Sadie Kulakofsky, beloved mother - Ruth Belzer

- In memory of Joan Zweifler, beloved mother - David and Robin Nankin

- In memory of Sara Hochberg, beloved grandmother - Andrew and Laurie Hochberg

- In memory of Joseph Hochberg, beloved grandfather - Andrew and Laurie Hochberg

- With appreciation to Rabbi Schwab Melvyn and Sandra Wasserman

- In memory of Joshua Glick, beloved father H. Steven and Deborah Graham

- With appreciation to Rabbi Schwab and all his efforts - Kimberely and Jerrold Levy

- In memory of Julius Juron, beloved father Marvin and Joyce Juron

Hazzan's Discretionary Fund

- In honor of Ilana becoming a Bat Mitzvah and with appreciation to Hazzan Goller Shane Greenstein and Ranna Rozenfeld

- In memory of Sheila Garfinkel, beloved mother of Douglas Garfinkel - Melvin and Lenore Blum

- In memory of Dr. Joseph Shartiag, beloved father - Michael and Robin Shartiag

- With appreciation to Hazzan Goller and his wonderful work in planning Shabbat Shirah, January 2015 - Caryn and Marshall Alter

- In memory of Ludwig Blum, beloved father Melvin and Lenore Blum - In memory of Marshall Witzel and with appreciation to Hazzan Goller for his kindness - Marcia Witzel

Adolph M. and Lottye Jacobson Israel Scholarship Endowment Fund

- In memory of Jo Capito, beloved wife, mother and grandmother - Martin and JoAnn Jacobson

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


- With appreciation to Hazzan Goller Melvyn and Sandra Wasserman

Todah Rabbah Andrew and Gail Brown Technology Endowment Fund

- In memory of Sandra Turner, beloved wife of Howard Turner - Andrew and Gail Brown

Ann and Jack Weinberg Holocaust Memorial Endowment Fund

- In memory of Ann Weinberg, beloved mother and Bubbie - Pearl and Joel Kagan

Ba'al Korei Fund

- In honor of Aaron Krumbein being named Men's Club "Man of the Year" - Brad and Marcie Pickard

- Robert and Beth Footlik - Mark Greenberg - Gerry Kaplan - Michael and Betsy Katz - Gerald and Adrienne Lasin - Betty Ann Levin - Lawrence Lidov - Frances and Joel Rabinowitz - Steven and Frances Shapiro - Elizabeth and Ralph Silver - Stanley and Sandra Sklar - Society of Illinois Construction Attorneys - Ronnie Jo Sokol - Bob and Millie Weber - Friends of Sandra and Howard Turner - Michael and Robin

- In honor of Cindy Socianu's first Torah reading, beautifully chanted! - Robert and Beth Footlik - In memory of Eleanor Ebner, beloved mother of Matthew Ebner - Leon and Leslie Fox - In memory of Joan Watnick Weintraub, beloved mother of Lori Rabinowitz Howard Turner - In memory of Joseph Shartiag, beloved father of Michael Shartiag - Scott and Karen Bieber - In memory of Sandra Turner, beloved wife of Howard Turner - Albert and Eleanor Boxerman - Babette and Mark Daskin - Z. Samuel and Judith Bernstein - Scott and Karen Bieber

- In memory of Sandra Turner, beloved wife, mother and grandmother - Robert and Maxine Greenstein

Ben and Marion Drachler Israel Scholarship Endowment Fund

- In memory of Ben Drachler, beloved father A. Michael and Nancy Drachler

- In memory of David Drachler, beloved son A. Michael and Nancy Drachler

Edward S. Frank Israel Study Memorial Endowment Fund

- In honor of Nessia Frank's birthday - Ben and Wendy Frank

- In memory of Nathan Wolfe Pickus, beloved husband of Jane Pickus - Edward and Paulette Margulies

- In memory of Edgar Weiss, beloved brother of Stephen Weiss - Edward and Paulette Margulies

- In memory of Rose Knell Goode, beloved mother - Gerry Kaplan

- In memory of Ernie Kaplan, beloved husband - Gerry Kaplan - In memory of Meyer Kaplan, beloved father-in-law - Gerry Kaplan - In memory of Morris Levenson, beloved grandfather - Gerry Kaplan

Fertig Family College Campus Visits Endowment Fund

- In memory of Jean Dolins, beloved mother of Mitch Dolins - Nancy and Maury Fertig and Family

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


Todah Rabbah

We are grateful for the following contributions:

General Israel Scholarship Endowment Fund

- In honor of Eenie Frost's special birthdaywishing you until 120 in good health Sandy Starkman and Larry Pachter

- In memory of Nathan Wolfe Pickus, beloved husband of Jane Pickus - Gerald and Rita Buckman

- In honor of Nikki and Zeev's engagement The Russo Family

- In memory of Sandra Turner, beloved wife of Howard Turner - Gerald and Rita Buckman

- In memory of Yetta "Judy" Gerkow, beloved mother of Jodi Eisenstadt - Alan Miller

Gertrude and Morris Lederman Continuing Education Endowment Fund

- In memory of Leah Levitz Fishbane, beloved daughter-in-law - Mona Fishbane

Glass/Goldman Program Endowment Fund

- In memory of Sheila Garfinkel, beloved mother of Douglas Garfinkel - Philip and Ellen Glass

Holocaust Memorial Endowment Fund

- In memory of Joseph Rosen, beloved father of Rochelle Foxman - Bob and Michele Kade - Rosalie and Renee Role

Jack and Mildred Cohen Religious School Fund

- In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Elan Schwartz, grandson of David Schwartz Bob and Millie Weber

- With appreciation to Dov Kahana for your time - Joshua and Elizabeth Cohen and Family

- In memory of Harold Siegel, beloved father of Eileen Kahana - Sandy Starkman and Larry Pachter

- In memory of Lillyane Sarnoff - Philip and Ellen Glass

- In memory of Jack Hirschfield, beloved son - Howard and Lois Hirschfield

- In memory of Beverly Baum, beloved sister Howard and Lois Hirschfield - In memory of Eliahu Hakimian, beloved father - Sidney and Batya Retsky

- In memory of Sandra Turner, beloved wife of Howard Turner - Tracey and Anton Hendler - Howard and Lois Hirschfield

Jean T. and Morton Bernstein Camp Ramah Scholarship Endowment Fund

- In honor of the birth of Miriam and Mort Steinberg's grandson, Max Wesley - David and Judy Weiss

- In memory of Fanny Schwartzberg, beloved grandmother - David and Karen Benson

Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural and Learning Center Fund

- In memory of Ephraim Goldstein, beloved father - Michael Goldstein

- In memory of Lilli Mesirow, beloved mother of Lynne Weinberg - Joyce and Don Joseph

- In memory of Harry Bernbaum, beloved husband of Harriet Bernbaum - Evie and Allen Lichter

- In memory of Marshall Witzel, beloved husband of Marcia Witzel - Harry and Arlene Feiger

- In memory of Ida Kainov, beloved mother Natalie Weinstein

- In memory of Martin G. Brown, beloved father - Michael and Sara Sher

- In memory of Joan Watnick Weintraub, beloved mother of Lori Rabinowitz - Harry and Arlene Feiger

- In memory of Patricia V. Kaplan, beloved wife - Roger Kaplan

- In memory of Joseph Gray, beloved father Elaine Loseff

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


- In memory of Yetta Stark, beloved mother Natalie Weinstein

Todah Rabbah Kopin Family Fund for Children's T'filot Education Endowment Fund

- In memory of Eli Glassman, beloved husband of Joan Holland - Myrna Kopin

- In memory of Sandra Turner, beloved wife of Howard Turner - Myrna Kopin

Maot Chitim Fund

- In honor of Aaron Krumbein, Men's Club "Man of the Year!" - Andrew and Gail Brown

- In memory of Eli Glassman, beloved husband of Joan Holland - Robert and Maxine Greenstein

Maxwell Abbell Library Fund

- In memory of Joseph Rosen, beloved father of Rochelle Foxman - Melvin and Roselynn Roseman

- In memory of Nathan Wolfe Pickus, beloved husband of Jane Pickus - Joyce and Don Joseph

- In memory of Marshall Witzel, beloved husband of Marcia Witzel - Jeffrey and Michele Glass

Minyan Service Fund

- In memory of Alvin Altman, beloved husband - Frances Altman

- In memory of Julian Saper, beloved husband - Susan Saper

- In memory of Belle Lasin, beloved mother Gerald and Adrienne Lasin

- In memory of Larry Tayne, beloved husband, father and grandfather Charlotte Tayne Avraham

- In memory of Dorothy Magad, beloved mother - Irwin and Linda Magad

- In memory of Melvin Menkin, beloved brother - Susan Saper

- In memory of Eli Glassman, beloved stepfather - Myra and Larry Dorf

- In memory of Morton Shiner, beloved husband - Sonja Shiner

- In memory of Goldye R. Dunn, beloved mother - Wallace and Joan Dunn

- In memory of Nancy Ellen Snyder, beloved daughter - Burton and Helen Snyder

- In memory of Harry Bernbaum, beloved husband of Harriet Bernbaum, the loss of a wonderful man - Robert and Alice Matanky

- In memory of Nathan Wolfe Pickus, beloved husband of Jane Pickus - Rhoda Levine

- In memory of Hortense Rubinoff, beloved mother - Earl and Rochelle Rubinoff

- In memory of Phyllis Palace Senescu, beloved mother - Stuart and Marlene Senescu

- In memory of Isaac Menkin, beloved father Susan Saper

- In memory of Sol Benzion, beloved father Leon and Linda Gottlieb

- In memory of Jack Epstein, beloved father Gerald and Adrienne Lasin

- In memory of Terry Goldenberg, beloved mother - Bruce and Gail Greenspahn

- In memory of Jean Dolins, beloved mother of Mitchell Dolins - Earl and Rochelle Rubinoff

- With appreciation to Mark Stadler for all his help and kindness - June Back Frydman

- In memory of Jeffrey Garton, beloved father and grandfather - Diane and Stephen Levin

- With appreciation - Sanford and Adrienne Eckerling

Miriam and Bernard H. Sokol Hebrew High School Fund

- In memory of Bessie Shkolnik, beloved grandmother of the Furlett family - Gary and Merle Kaufman

- In memory of Ruth Seidel Stern, beloved mother of Hermine Leiderman - Cathy and Jeff Fireman

Music Fund

- In memory of Harry Bernbaum, beloved husband of Harriet Bernbaum - Lawrence and Abby Block

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


Todah Rabbah

We are grateful for the following contributions:

NSSBE Special Gifts Fund

- In memory of Sandra Turner, beloved wife of Howard Turner - Eric and Cynthia Singer

Paul S. and Sylvia Steinberg Pre-School Fund

- In honor of the birth of Caron and Jack Knopoff's grandson Oliver Reed- Mazel Tov - NSS Beth El Pre-School

- In honor of the birth of the Pogofsky's grandson Oren Dor - NSS Beth El PreSchool

- In honor of the birth of Mimi and William Horwitz's grandson, Dylan Blake Brash Heather Geller

- In memory of Sheila Gilbert, beloved mother of Steve Jackson - NSS Beth El Pre-School

- In honor of the birth of the Pogofsky family's grandson Nathan Irving Medina NSS Beth El Pre-School

Prayer Book Fund

- In honor of the birth of Mary Ellen and Larry Goldsmith's grandson Maxwell Gerry Kaplan

- In memory of Mordechai Shapiro, beloved father - Elliot and Doris Mirman - In memory of Nathan Wolfe Pickus, beloved husband of Jane Pickus - Andrew and Gail Brown - Steven and Frances Shapiro

- In memory of Abe Levin, beloved father Ernest Smolen - In memory of Albert Wishnick, beloved father - Sanford and Adrienne Eckerling

- In memory of Rosalyn Fegenhols, beloved mother - Iris Wittenberg

- In memory of Benjamin Shapiro, beloved brother - Elliot and Doris Mirman - In memory of Betty Rosenberg, beloved grandmother - Scott and Maureen Chaikin - In memory of Burton R. Rosenberg, beloved father - Scott and Maureen Chaikin - In memory of David Cohen, beloved father Michael Levin and Gigi Cohen - In memory of Ed Weiss - Bobbie and Len Tenner - In memory of Harry Magad, beloved father Irwin and Linda Magad - In memory of Hortense Rubinoff, beloved mother - Lynn Weitz - In memory of Ida Shapiro, beloved mother Elliot and Doris Mirman - In memory of Isadore Smolensky, beloved father - Ernest Smolen - In memory of Mamie Altman, beloved mother-in-law - Frances Altman

- In memory of Rose and Max Eckerling, beloved mother and father - Sanford and Adrienne Eckerling - In memory of Rose Smolensky, beloved mother - Ernest Smolen - In memory of Sam Kaltman, beloved father Jerome and Mary Kaltman - In memory of Sandra Turner, beloved wife of Howard Turner - Mimi Berlin - Doris and Elliott Mirman - In memory of Sylvia and Alvin Wishnick, beloved mother and father - Sanford and Adrienne Eckerling - In memory of Tille and Charles Michaels, beloved mother and father - Harold and Reva Dreebin - With appreciation - Marvin and Renee Bearak

Pushke/Tzedakah Fund

- In memory of Anna Kurchitzer Pathman, beloved aunt - Bob and Millie Weber

- In memory of Mariasse Kurchitzer, beloved grandmother - Bob and Millie Weber

Ritual Refurbishment Endowment Fund

- In honor of Ilana becoming a Bat Mitzvah and with appreciation to Mark Stadler Shane Greenstein and Ranna Rozenfeld

- In memory of Esther Schiffman, beloved grandmother - Barbara and Jack Blumberg

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


- In memory of Ben Levenson, beloved father - Barbara and Jack Blumberg

Todah Rabbah Sarah and Henry Stiebel Schechter Endowment Fund

- In honor of Jack Blumberg's birthday and Barbara and Jack Blumberg's anniversary Sandy Starkman and Larry Pachter

- In memory of Robert Yellin - Sandy Starkman and Larry Pachter

Social Action Fund

- In memory of Nathan Wolfe Pickus, beloved husband of Jane Pickus - Donald and Ellen Lavin

- In memory of Ruth Seidel Stern, beloved mother of Hermine Stern Leiderman Donald and Ellen Lavin

Staff Recognition Fund

- In memory of David Yesinick, beloved uncle of Chuck Kahalnik - Jeff and Lisa Rosenkranz

- With appreciation for a great winter! Andrew and Gail Brown

- In memory of Gertrude and Nathan Iglitzen, beloved mother and father – Beth and Robert Footlik

Youth Community Fund

- In honor of Aaron Krumbein being named Men's Club "Man of the Year" - Steven and Frances Shapiro

- In honor of the birth of Maxwell Duncker, grandson of Mary Ellen and Larry Goldsmith - Diane and Stephen Levin

- In honor of Ilana becoming a Bat Mitzvah and with appreciation to Chuck Kahalnik Shane Greenstein and Ranna Rozenfeld

- In memory of David Yesinick, beloved uncle of Chuck Kahalnik - Nancy and Larry Kekst

May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


June 2015 Events Calendar




21 Father's Day








Continuing Education


Continuing Education 7:45pm Sisterhood Board Meeting



Continuing Education 8:00pm Executive Committee Meeting


6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00pm Schechter Day School Dinner 8:03pm Candle Lighting








Continuing Education

Continuing Education Continuing Education 7:00pm Roadmap Genesis 7:00pm Hartman Institute Film Event Lecture Series

Continuing Education

6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 8:07pm Candle Lighting

8:50am Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah - Roy Steinberg Bar Mitzvah - Sam Dorfman 9:15am Beit Midrash Minyan 8:00pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 9:12pm Candle Lighting


16  Rosh Hodesh Tammuz 17




Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Continuing Education 8:00pm Board of Directors

5:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat on the Lake Reception/ Birthday Celebration 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat on the Lake Shabbat 8:10pm Candle Lighting

9:00am Summer Shabbat Services 8:00pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 9:15pm Shabbat Ends







Continuing Education

6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 8:11pm Candle Lighting

9:00am Summer Shabbat Services HAZAK Shabbat 8:00pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 9:16pm Shabbat Ends

Continuing Education



Continuing Education


May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775


8:50am Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah - Lee Graff Bat Mitzvah - Sara Richards 12:30pm Torah Fund Book Club 8:00pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 9:08pm Candle Lighting

July 2015 Events Calendar



5 Fast of 17th Tammuz 6





26 Tisha B'Av



















4   USA Independence Day



6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 8:08pm Candle Lighting

9:00am Summer Shabbat Services 8:00pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 9:13pm Shabbat Ends

17 Rosh Hodesh Av


6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 8:04pm Candle Lighting

9:00am Summer Shabbat Services 7:45pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 9:09pm Shabbat Ends


25 Erev Tisha B'Av

6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:58pm Candle Lighting

9:00am Summer Shabbat Services 7:45pm Mincha /Ma'ariv Eicha 9:03pm Shabbat Ends


Aug 1

6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:51pm Candle Lighting

9:00am Summer Shabbat Services 7:45pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 8:56pm Shabbat Ends

6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 8:10pm Candle Lighting




8:45am Shacharit 2:00pm Mincha 8:55pm Ma'ariv

NSSBE Staff Vernon Kurtz, Rabbi Michael Schwab, Rabbi Larry B. Goller, Hazzan Mark Stadler, Ritual Director Chuck Kahalnik, Executive Director Alicia Gejman, Director of Formal Education May-July 2015 / Iyar-Av 5775

Caron Knopoff, Pre-School Director Ali Drumm, Director of Informal Education Rachel Kamin, Director of the Cultural and Learning Center Nancy Kekst, Development Manager Samantha Isenstein, Youth Community Director


9:00am Summer Shabbat Services 8:00pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 9:15pm Shabbat Ends

North Suburban Synagogue Beth El 1175 Sheridan Road Highland Park, IL 60035

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Permit No. 96

May 2015 Events Calendar

Address Service Requested










5:00pm Jeans and Jammies 8:50am Shabbat Services 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Bat Mitzvah - Shayna Rosner 7:00pm Congregation 7:15pm Mincha /Ma'ariv Shabbat Dinner 8:35pm Shabbat Ends 7:30pm Candle Lighting



Continuing Education 11:00am Ravinia Israel Fest Day

Continuing Education



7 Lag B'Omer



Continuing Education 12:30pm Sisterhood Board Meeting

Continuing Education 9:30am Writer's Beit Midrash

7:30pm Annual Meeting

5:00pm Preschool Family Service 5:30pm Steinberg Preschool Shabbat Dinner 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:37pm Candle Lighting

8:50am Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah - Gabriel Hamburg 9:15am Beit Midrash Minyan 7:30pm Mincha /Ma'ariv Mincha Bar Mitzvah Micheal Weiss 8:42pm Shabbat Ends

10 Mother's Day 12:00pm Sokol Hebrew High School Graduation







Continuing Education

Continuing Education 2:00pm Afternoon at the Movies

Continuing Education 7:45pm Hartman Institute Lecture Series

Continuing Education

6:15pm Gesher Service 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00pm Gesher Dinner 7:45pm Candle Lighting

8:50am Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah-Max Kaufman 7:30pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 8:50pm Shabbat Ends

17 Yom Yerushalayim


19 Rosh Hodesh Sivan 20



23 Erev Shavuot

Continuing Education

Continuing Education 7:45pm Men's Club Board Meeting 8:00pm Ritual Committee Meeting

Continuing Education 12:30pm Sisterhood Torah Fund Lunch

Continuing Education 9:30am Writer's Beit Midrash

Continuing Education 12:00pm Study in the Suburbs

6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Congregation Birthday Celebration 7:51pm Candle Lighting

8:50am Shabbat Services Sisterhood Shabbat 12:15pm Men's Club Kiddush Club 8:00pm Mincha/ Seudah Shlishit/Ma'ariv 8:57pm Candle Lighting 9:15pm Tikkun Layl Shavuot

24 Shavuot 1st Day

25 Shavuot 2nd Day/






Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Continuing Education 6:30pm Youth Awards and Installations

6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:58pm Candle Lighting

8:50am Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah - Spencer Lidov 7:45pm Mincha/Ma'ariv 9:03pm Shabbat Ends

Memorial Day 4:30am Sunrise Service 8:50am Festival Services 8:50am Festival Services/ Bat Mitzvah - Leah Seidman Honoring Veterans 11:00am Shavuot Play & Pray 8:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv 9:02pm Yom Tov Ends 12:30pm Shavuot Post Kiddush Picnic 8:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv 8:57pm Candle Lighting

31 Continuing Education

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