BE October November 2013 Bulletin

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In this issue

October / November 2013 Tishrei – Kislev 5774

For more information, Calendar of Events, Rabbis' sermons, and for Emergency School Closings be sure to check our website at www. or call 847-432-8900.

Learn Fall Learning  pg.10

Pray Beth El Girls Rosh Hodesh  pg.3 Shabbat from the Heart  pg.12

From the Desk of Rabbi Kurtz

Community Congregational Shabbat Dinner  pg.12 Thanksgiving Mitzvah  pg.13 Winter Coat Drive  pg.13 Robbin Scholar  pg.15 Fall Fest  pg.17 H.U.G.S. pg.19 USCJ Scholar  pg.26

The End of the High Holidays When we come to the end of the holiday season there is somewhat of a letdown. The holidays complete with Synagogue worship and rituals, as well as home festivities, bring a sense of heightened spirituality and community to all of us. We anticipate with great excitement and anxiety the High Holy Days and we look forward to the beautiful festival of Sukkot and to its conclusion with Simchat Torah as we dance with the Sifrei Torah. After these holidays are completed, there is a long gap until the next major festival. The next one is actually the holiday of Pesach, which because 5774 is a leap year and we will add a second month of Adar, will be another Hebrew month’s distance from the holiday of Sukkot. With stops along the way including Hanukkah, Tu B’Shevat, and Purim, we at least have some opportunities for home rituals and sacred worship opportunities. However, especially this year when the entire month of September has been filled with the holiday season, we must challenge ourselves to create those moments of spirituality and community solidarity during the rest of the year as well. It is not as easy as the month of Tishrei, but it most assuredly can be done. In fact, the rest of the year offers us many opportunities for Synagogue involvement, community volunteer opportunities, and intellectual growing. Dr. Ron Wolfson, a professor of education at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, has written a book entitled Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community. (It is available in the Maxwell Abell Library.) Ron, a dedicated Conservative Jew and a wonderful educator, suggests that the goal of synagogue life is to allow its members to become a Relational Jew, a Jew who views Judaism as impacting virtually all of one’s relationships. He suggests that there are indicators of Jewish identification and internal Jewish identity which are shaped by the relationships of life: “Do I see myself as Jewish? Does my Jewishness influence the way I live my life: my work, my purpose, my hobbies, my indulgences, the food I eat, the music I listen to?

Mission Statement We are a congregation of families and individuals who come together to pray, to study, and to create a warm and welcoming community. We seek to preserve and enhance our People's traditions within the context of Conservative Judaism. We aspire to strengthen our Jewish identity to meet the challenges of a changing environment. We endeavor to provide resources to help us relate to God, understand the ways of God and enrich the Jewish content of our lives. We encourage our members to serve worthwhile causes within our Congregation and the wider Jewish and world communities. We are committed to support Israel. We educate our children so they commit to the cultural, spiritual, and ethical values of our People. October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

Do I see myself as part of a Jewish family? How do I relate to being a Jewish father, daughter, grandfather, sister, partner, spouse? Do I locate myself among a network of good friends, friends who will be there for me in good times and bad? Do I engage in lifelong learning about Judaism? Do I try on Jewish practice? Do I commit to living a Jewish life? Does Jewish observance shape the way I live: the rhythm of my week, the calendar of my year? Do I support the community, a synagogue, JCC, Federation, Jewish defense organization? Do I connect to the Jewish people, the “tribe”? Do I care about the State of Israel? Do I work to repair the world?

Do I wrestle with G-d?” (continued on page 2) 1

From the Desk of Rabbi Kurtz The End of the High Holidays (continued from page 1) These questions should challenge us after the High Holy Day period to get involved in our synagogue and community programs and take advantage of the opportunities with which we are presented. I encourage you to come to our daily Minyan and participate in our regular order of worship services. I strongly suggest that you make time for our Shabbat services – Friday night, Shabbat morning and Shabbat afternoon – opportunities to join with the community in celebrating the sanctity of Shabbat. And who would want to miss Kiddush in our refurbished Blumberg Auditorium when we have the opportunity to congregate together as a community. I strongly suggest that you put aside time for growth in your Jewish learning. There are many wonderful programs in our Gertrude Lederman Family Continuing Education Program, in our Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center, and in other programs in our community at-large. All of us, at whatever level we find ourselves in our Jewish knowledge, can always grow. I hope you will take advantage of the many opportunities to be involved with our social action programs from Mitzvah Day

Shabbat Schedule  Monday through Friday Mornings, 7:15am Sunday through Thursday Evenings, 7:30pm Sunday and Legal Holiday Mornings, 8:45am

to our Thanksgiving project, from our support of Communidad Dor Jadash in Argentina to our sustenance of a religious school in Berdichev. Volunteer some time to sit on a committee and work with our staff and lay leaders to create a more caring community, a more vibrant congregation, and a place of significance for us all. And I hope you will find some time to give of your financial support, your volunteer time, and your concern to our community at-large, to the Jewish people wherever they may reside around the world, and to the support the State of Israel. We are part of a larger family and we should be there for all the members of our mishpacha. In short, there is no reason that after the holiday season there should be a lull in the time that we spend in the synagogue or are involved in Jewish rituals and practices. In fact, the holiday season should merely be a spur for us to become more involved, more learned, and better Relational Jews in the months to come. I hope to see you often around the synagogue throughout the course of 5774.

See calendar for times.

Shabbat, October 5 Rosh Hodesh Cheshvan Parashat Noah Torah: Genesis 6:9 – 11:32 Haftarah: Isaiah 66:1 – 24

Rosh Hodesh Mornings, 7:00am

Shabbat, October 12 Parashat Lech-Lecha Torah: Genesis 12:1 – 17:27 Haftarah: Isaiah 40:27 – 41:16

Services are conducted by: Rabbi Vernon H. Kurtz, Rabbi Michael Schwab, Hazzan Larry B. Goller

Shabbat, October 19 Parashat Vayera Torah: Genesis 18:1 – 22:24 Haftarah: Kings II 4:1 – 37

11:00am Every Shabbat B'yachad Family Service

Shabbat, November 2 Parashat Toldot Torah: Genesis 25:19 – 28:9 Haftarah: Samuel 20:18 – 42 Shabbat, November 9 Parashat Vayetze Torah: Genesis 28:10 – 32:3 Haftarah: Hosea 12:13 – 14:10 Shabbat, November 16 Parashat Vayishlach Torah: Genesis 32:4 – 36:43 Haftarah: Obadiah 1:1 – 21 Shabbat, November 23 Parashat Vayeshev Torah: Genesis 37:1 – 40:23 Haftarah: Amos 2:6 – 3:8

Shabbat, October 26 Parashat Haye Sarah Torah: Genesis 23:1 – 25:18 Haftarah: Kings I 1:1 – 31

Shabbat, November 30 Hanukkah 3rd Day Parashat Miketz Torah: Genesis 41:1 – 44:17 Maftir: Numbers 7:24 – 29 Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14 – 4:7

Services for families with children 2nd grade and younger

Junior Congregation Services for students in 3rd - 5th grade

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


President's Corner by Lisa Rosenkranz You all know the jokes about how the Jewish holidays are always early or late, never on time! But this year, I think everyone would agree that the High Holidays were truly early. The last time Erev Rosh Hashana fell on September 4th was 1899. And it won’t happen again until 2089. This all means that this article, which usually is published in the middle of the High Holiday season, is looking at the high holidays in the rear view mirror. This quirk in the calendar continues for Hanukkah, as we will be observing the 1st night of Hanukkah on the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving. Apparently, this has never happened before and will never happen again. Here's what, a website that discusses urban legends, internet rumors etc, says about this calendar anomaly: “Thanksgiving is set as the fourth Thursday in November, meaning the latest it can be is 11/28. 11/28 is also the earliest Hanukkah can be. The Jewish calendar repeats on a 19 year cycle, and Thanksgiving repeats on a 7 year cycle. You would therefore expect them to coincide roughly every 19x7 = 133 years. Looking back, this is approximately correct – the last time it would have happened is 1861. However, Thanksgiving was only formally established by President Lincoln in 1863. So, it has never happened before. Why won't it ever happen again? The reason is because the Jewish calendar is very slowly getting out of sync with the solar calendar, at a rate of 4 days per 1000 years (not bad for a many centuries old calendar!) This means that while presently Hanukkah can be as early as 11/28, over the years the calendar will drift forward, such that the earliest Hanukkah can be is 11/29. The next time Hanukkah falls on 11/28 is 2146 (which happens to be a Monday). Therefore, 2013 is the only time Hanukkah will ever overlap with Thanksgiving.” I just thought that was a fun fact to know and tell! But going back to the High Holidays, for those of you who heard my State of the Synagogue remarks on Rosh Hashana, I mentioned some of the wonderful new programs we have been able to fund thanks to the incredible generosity of our congregants. Last year, in support of the publication of the Rabbi's book, Encountering Torah Reflections on the Weekly Portion, we raised over $400,000 to support new educational initiatives and scholarships – two very important priorities for Rabbi Kurtz. This fund will be jointly administered by the Rabbis of the congregation and the Educational Vice Presidents. The intent is to distribute funds over a minimum of 8 years and to-date, the following six initiatives have been funded: (1)  Summer Tutoring – This past summer we completed 10 weeks of summer tutoring for our Cohen Religious School students. We had 14 students take advantage of this opportunity. (2)  Makeilat Yeladim is an after school activity for students who enjoy singing. Students are taught a range of songs that they perform in seniors centers, hospitals or other venues. (3)  Monday Funday – This is a service we provide to Cohen Religious school families. They can drop off their children after secular school and before religious school begins. Students come to the Gray Cultural and Learning center where we serve snacks and give them time to socialize, play computer games, read and help assist with library tasks. This is in addition to the very popular Cafe Kef program we offer on Wednesdays where students snack, socialize and do homework in the youth lounge. October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

(4)  My Family Story – In this year long program, 6th graders researched the stories of their families and created three dimensional projects that reflected this story. The Book fund helped pay for shipping these projects to Israel to be judged and to help with travel expenses. (5)  Summer Continuing Education classes – This is to expand our summer course offerings to reach those who spend winters in warmer climates, parents with children at camp who have more time, and our general population. We will offer a range of types and timing of classes to appeal to the broadest group possible. (6)  From The Heart Shabbat – We are bringing Danny Siegel, an Israeli experiential educator, to Beth El for a weekend of social action focused programming with adults and teenagers. I am very excited by the opportunities our congregation's generosity is affording us. I look forward to our creative staff identifying even more initiatives to be recommended for funding. Finally, one of the special things about Beth El that I highlighted during Shabbat announcements. Every week, we conclude Shabbat in a very special way. We begin with Mincha service and conclude with Ma'ariv and Havdalah. But in between is the Seudah Shlishit – some food, some singing and a short teaching session led by one of the Rabbis or the Hazzan. It combines some of your favorite elements of being Jewish – praying, schmoozing, singing, learning and, of course, eating! All in about 75 minutes. Check the website for times. And that's something I think you should know!

Beth El Rosh Hodesh November 3 at 4:00pm

A program for mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, and girlfriends using Moving Traditions “Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing!” curriculum. We feel the program is appropriate for girls 6th grade and higher. Join us for this free event on Sunday afternoon, November 3, 2013 at 4:00 pm.

Money: Madness or Mitzvot For the month of Kislev, we acknowledge the lure of consumerism and examine the practice of gift giving at Hanukkah. Participants will explore their personal values regarding materialism and status and become familiar with Jewish teachings on money and tzedakah. We will encourage creativity and generosity of spirit as we explore our Jewish identities around meaningful acts of kindness and make special gifts for our friends and family. For more information or to RSVP, contact Ali Drumm at 847-432-8126 or

Save the Date for upcoming Rosh Hodesh programs on January 12 and March 2, 2014


We Welcome our New Members - Avi and Miri Allali and their children; Tome, Tavor and Itamar - Dustin and Sofia Dobrin and their children; Ava, Sasha and Talia - Andrew and Barbra Eisenberg and their sons; Charlie and Joey - Jodi Eisenstadt and her children; Tali and Ari - Marty and Kate Elisco - Corey and Laura Fishman and their children; Benjamin, Sam and Beverly - Rebecca Bieber Garrett - Justin and Julie Greenberg and their daughter, Elise - Jeffrey and Michele Heftman and their children; Nathan and Talia - Daniel and Wendy Kahn - Hershel and Andrea Kamen and their children; Marcus and Jessica

- Sherry and Allen Kravitz - Elly and Tammy Latinik and their children; Mia and Jacob - Noah and Marisa Ornstein and their children; Elliot and Liam - Reid and Natalie Poll and their daughter; Sienna - Ryan and Allyson Poll - Rebecca Weininger and Noah Reyes and their daughter, Ella Reyes - Earl Schneider and his children; Jack, Justin, Jodan, and Ashely - Zachary and Maya Spector - William and Elly Sternberg - Tommy and Jori Sternberg - Richard Warner and his daughter, Veronica

Congratulations To - Ruth Burak on the birth of her great-grandson - Sharon and Robert Burack on the birth of their grandson - Roslyn Dobkin on the birth of her great-granddaughter - Gail and David Eisenberg on the naming of their daughter, Julia Lynn Eisenberg - June and Morris Frydman on the birth of their grandson, Henry Toby Light - June and Morris Frydman on the birth of their grandson, Sasha Holt Frydman - Nina and Mark Gaines on the engagement of their son, Matthew to Sarah Weisberg - Marvell Ginsberg on the marriage of her granddaughter, Samantha to Yonatan Silverman - Gail and Bruce Greenspahn on the birth of their grandson - Lorna Greenspahn on the birth of her great-grandson - Ann Dee and Edward Holland on the engagement of their daughter, Lindy to Aaron Resnick - Beth and Jeffrey Kopin on the marriage of their daughter, Samantha to Yonatan Silverman - Myrna Kopin on the marriage of her granddaughter, Samantha to Yonatan Silverman - Jan and David Lasky on the birth of their granddaughter - Eileen and Harold Lederman on the birth of their great-grandson - Rinna and Eric Maletsky on the engagement of their son, Michael to Allison Gottfried - Paulette and Edward Margulies on the marriage of their son, Lawrence to Megan Countey - Janet and Gary Resnick on the engagement of their son, Aaron to Lindy Holland - Debbi and Ira Rosenberg on the marriage of their daughter, Shauna to Daniel Freedman - Marlene and Lee Rubinstein on the birth of their grandson, Benjamin Emmanuel - Carol and Robert Ruderman on the marriage of their daughter, Becky to Adam Kusovitsky - Pamela and Richard Schlosberg on the birth of their granddaughter, Emily Payton Schlosberg - Rabbi Ora and Dr. David Schnitzer on the naming of their granddaughter, Julia Lynn Eisenberg - Maxine Simon on the naming of her great-granddaughter, Julia Lynn Eisenberg - Cara and Mayer Stiebel on the marriage of their grandson, Moshe Stiebel to Laura Barnett - Marissa and Michael Teplitsky on the naming of their daughter, Jordyn

Condolences To - Laurel Abramowicz on the loss of her father, Kenneth Rezwin - Richard Becker on the loss of his mother, Miriam Becker - Clara Berman on the loss of her mother, Devora A. Berman - Marcy Dolins on the loss of her father, Irvin Spigelman - Zella Ludwig on the loss of her sister, Leona Swirsky - Jim Nyeste on the loss of his mother, Shirley Nyeste

- Greg Pestine on the loss of his father-in-law, Irwin Weiss (father of Jennie Pestine z’l) - Louis Rosenblum on the loss of his brother, Harold Rosenblum - Michal Finkelstein Weisel (Bill Weisel) on the loss of her mother, Rebecca Finkelstein - Jackie Kott-Wolle on the loss of her father, Bernard Kott

In Memoriam - Gertrude Levin October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


October – Tishrei/ Cheshvan 5774 November – Cheshvan/Kislev 5774

Alexandra Dayan, daughter of Elise and Steven Dayan Shabbat, October 12

Molly Melinger, daughter of Jacqueline and Michael Melinger Shabbat, October 12

Gabriella Cooperman, daughter of Dena and David Cooperman Shabbat, October 19

Jacob Ephraim, son of Kim and Eric Ephraim Shabbat, November 2

Aliyah Blumenthal, daughter of Tina and Ted Blumenthal Shabbat, November 9

Miles Gottesman, son of Barbara and Isaac Gottesman Shabbat, November 9

Noah Shanes, son of Julie and Daniel Shanes Shabbat, November 23

Emily Baum, daughter of Julie and David Baum Shabbat, November 30

Jori Baum, daughter of Julie and David Baum Shabbat, November 30

Max Baum, son of Julie and David Baum Shabbat, November 30

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center Save the Date –

Join the Cohen Religious School, the Steinberg Pre-School, the Gray Cultural & Learning Center, and the Youth Community for a Hoppy Hanukkah Party with children’s author Linda Glaser. 3:30pm for families with children in preschool-1st grade; 4:45pm for Bet, Gimmel & Dalet students; and 5:30pm for Hey & Vav students. More details coming soon . . .

NSS Beth El Members in New Book about Children of the Holocaust The Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center to host book launch party on Thursday, October 3 at 1:30pm Nicole Dreyfus Terry remembers hiding under false papers in a Catholic convent in France. Amos Turner survived the Holocaust pretending to be a Pole. His wife, Edith Singer Turner, lived for weeks as a young child on the run in a Belarus forest. These three members of North Suburban Synagogue Beth El will share their stories on Thursday, October 3, 1:30pm at a book launch party hosted by the Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center in honor of the compelling new anthology Out of Chaos: Hidden Children Remember the Holocaust. All three contributed chapters to the book, published in August by Northwestern University Press, that gives a voice to Jewish children forced to hide their identities to survive the Holocaust. The book's editor, Elaine Saphier Fox, an attorney and chair of the 2010 conference of the World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust, will be available for questions. Complimentary refreshments will be served. The book will be available for purchase. For more information and to RSVP, contact Marcie Eskin at or 847-432-8900 x234.

Thursday, October 24 at 7:00 pm NSS Beth El joins Congregation B'nai Torah, North Shore Congregation Israel, and Aitz Hayim to host Maggie Anton, author of the Rashi’s Daughters series and the new novel, Rav Hisda's Daughter on Thursday, October 24 at 7:00pm at Congregation B'nai Torah (2789 Oak Street, Highland Park). Refreshments will be served; a book signing will follow the program. Maggie Anton’s books are available in our Maxwell Abbell Library.

Egg Tempera Workshop

Thursday, October 10; 1:30-4:00 pm

Rissman Family Kol Ami Museum

Judith Joseph will teach an Egg Tempera Workshop at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El. Egg tempera is an exquisite, detail-loving, vibrantly colorful medium. Learning how to make paint from pure pigments and egg yolk gives students insight into the nature of all paints, and improves painting technique. All are welcome – no experience necessary. $20 materials fee. Reservations are required. Contact Marcie Eskin at meskin@ or 847-432-8900 x234. A minimum of 10 participants are needed.

The Rissman Family Kol Ami Museum at North Suburban Synagogue Beth presents A Fountain of Gardens: Ketubot and Hebrew Paintings by Judith Joseph on display in the synagogue entryway through November 3, 2013. A complimentary wine and cheese reception featuring the artist will be held on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at 6:30pm. Following evening Minyan, Jane Shapiro, former Associate Director of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School, will lead a discussion on the text of the ketubah and its many Biblical and poetic images. Reservations are requested. Contact Marcie Eskin at or 847-432-8900 x234.

Writer's Beit Midrash

NSS Beth El @ The Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema NSS Beth El is sponsoring the film Zeytoun at the Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema on Saturday, October 12 at 7:45pm at the AMC Northbrook Court. Reserved tickets are available at Beth El for $12/each and can be purchased from Marcie Eskin or Rachel Kamin in the CLC. In 1982 Beirut, a young Palestinian refugee and an Israeli fighter pilot form a tentative bond in their attempt to make their way across war-torn Lebanon back to their home. From the director of The Syrian Bride, Human Resources Manager and Lemon Tree and the producer of The King’s Speech, Eran Riklis offers “an entertaining film that manages to find beauty among the ruins.” October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

Author Event


The Writer's Beit Midrash continues to meet in the Maxwell Abbell Library every other Wednesday morning, 9:30 –11:00 am. Upcoming meetings are scheduled for: October 9, October 23, November 6, and November 20, 2013. All fiction, non-fiction, poetry, memoir, and essay writers (published or not yet published) are welcome for discussions, exercises, camaraderie, and critique. Contact Rachel Kamin at or 847-4328900 x242 if you would like to be added to the mailing list.

Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center These programs are made possible through the support of the Linch Family Holocaust Education Fund, the Anne and Jack Weinberg Holocaust Memorial Education Fund, and the Ted and Evelyn Weinstein Holocaust Memorial Education Fund. Contact Marcie Eskin at or 847-432-8900 x234 to RSVP for the film screening and/or register for the mini-course. You do not need to attend all of the sessions to participate – come to one, or come to them all.

Be a Maxwell Abbell Library Reader Leader!

Ghosts of the Third Reich Sunday, November 17 at 10:00am NSS Beth El will host an exclusive, premier film event in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht. The film Ghosts of the Third Reich documents the poignant and anguished stories of descendants of the Nazis, who confront their family's past and communicate their most profound feelings of guilt by inheritance. A special presentation after the film will include the filmmaker, Claudia Ehrlich Sobral, and Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger, the son of a highly decorated German World War II tank commander who converted to Judaism and served in the Israeli Defense Force, and is featured in the film. This event is open to the community, free of charge. Lecturer and Germany expert Anette Isaacs will lead a three session mini-course that will further explore the issues touched on in the film, Ghosts of the Third Reich.

The Land of the Perpetrators: The Question of German Guilt December 4, 2013; 7:45–9:30pm It has been eighty years since Adolf Hitler rose to power and lured millions of willing Germans on to a path of violence and destruction that led to the ultimate break with civilization. Even today, generations of Germans, born after World War II, are still grappling with their country's – and, in many cases, their own family's – horrible legacy. This session will include a fascinating discussion of how the German nation has, over the last almost seven decades, attempted to cope with the guilt of causing the Holocaust.

Never Forget: Remembering the Holocaust in Berlin and Germany December 11, 2013; 7:45–9:30pm Eighty years after Adolf Hitler's rise to power, Germany has evolved into a country with a varied and fascinating Remembrance culture, reminding Germans and visitors alike of the nation's horrible past and legacy. Join us for a photographic journey which explores and discusses a multitude of memorials to the victims of the Holocaust, thus shedding light on the various intriguing artistic representations of the concepts of Remembrance and Guilt in the “land of the perpetrators.”

Germany and Israel – A Story of Guilt and an Unlikely Friendship December 18, 2013; 7:45–9:30pm It is quite obvious that throughout the last six decades Israel and Germany have been connected through the Holocaust and its aftermath. What at first glance seems to be a rather unlikely relationship – especially in light of the shared history–has evolved over time into a blossoming friendship and successful economic bond. In order for this to happen Germany had to face its Nazi legacy and subsequent collective guilt. Anette Isaacs will discuss how her native country has attempted to cope with the guilt of causing the Holocaust and how this painful but necessary process heralded a new era in German–Israeli relations.

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


Through January 15, the Cultural & Learning Center will be tracking how many books adult members of our congregations check out from the Maxwell Abbell Library. The top 3 readers will win a complimentary ticket to “Havdalah, Dinner & A Movie” on Saturday night, February 8, 2014! You do not need to do anything to enter the Reader Leader Contest – just check out books from the Abbell Library and our automated circulation system will keep track for you. If you need help finding something, or would like a recommendation, stop by the CLC to see Rachel Kamin or Marcie Eskin: Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00am–6:30pm, Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00am–5:00pm, Fridays 9:00am– 1:30pm, and Sunday mornings when school is in session. You can also search the entire catalog of the Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center from anywhere in the world. Go to www. and click on the “Library Catalog” button under Life Long Learning.

Annual Used Book Sale Donations are now being accepted for the Annual Used Book Sale, January 31 – February 9, 2014. Bring in gently used books (secular and Judaic, adult and children's) to the Kaye Reading Room of the Gray Cultural and Learning Center. Proceeds from the Used Book Sale are used to purchase new materials for the Maxwell Abbell Library and the Pinsof Children’s Reading Room. Receipts are available in the CLC. Please refrain from donating travel guides and test preparation guides that are more than 1-2 years old as well as magazines, newspapers, journals, and textbooks.

Sisterhood "Sing to Him a New Song...." (Psalm 33) Did you feel that Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot arrived at hyperspeed this year? Actually, they did! In fact, this year's unique legacy is that we haven't celebrated the High Holidays and festivals this early since 1889. Although “to everything there is a season,” this year, all of our traditional joyful celebrations arrived a bit early. But, it's all good. October provides our wake-up call. It's time to rechannel and reestablish our priorities, rewire and replenish our energies, and reintroduce ourselves to all the opportunities available to help us realize the promises we made to ourselves in September. It's time to think Sisterhood. Filled with new excitement and energy for 5774, we invite you to review some of the great programs and events Sisterhood calendar for October and November and add some of these to your personal date book. Come join us! Your Sisterhood Executive Board

A Sweet Rosh Hashana Reprise Thank you to our Beth El Family for your thoughtfulness and generosity in support of our Rosh Hashana projects. Sisterhood sent over 260 Honey Gift Boxes and more than 120 beautiful holiday greeting cards to family and friends near and far. Your wonderful participation helps us continue our annual contributions to Beth El; these gifts reach out to every arm of our Beth El Community and to the larger Jewish Community, as well. Todah Rabah to Rachel Ferber, VP of Ways & Means, for flawlessly organizing and overseeing these two projects and to Cara Madansky-Stiebel, Gerry Kaplan, and Pam Schlosberg for their help in preparing the boxes and writing cards.

Lunch & Learn: Jewish Genetics

Torah Fund Book Club The Sisterhood Torah Fund Book Club will kick-off the new season on Saturday, October 5 after Shabbat Kiddush (at approximately 12:30 pm) with a discussion of Sinners and the Sea: The Untold Story of Noah's Wife by Rebecca Kanner. This fictionalized story of the flood told from the perspective of Noah's wife blends Biblical history, mythology, and the inimitable strength of women. A perfect selection for Shabbat Noach, Rabbi Kurtz will join us for the discussion. On November 16, 2013 the Sisterhood Torah Fund Book Club will again participate in the Spertus “One Book, One Community” program by reading and discussing The Middlesteins by Jami Attenberg, a novel about two siblings who attempt to take control of their mother’s food obsession and massive weight gain after their father walks out and leaves her reeling in the Chicago suburbs. Rachel Kamin will facilitate our discussion after Shabbat Kiddush (at approximately 12:30pm). Mark Your Calendar: The Sisterhood Torah Fund Book Club will continue on the following dates: January 11, 2014 – Second Person Singular by Sayed Kashua

A Community Problem with a Community Solution presented by the Chicago Center for Jewish Genetics

February 22, 2014 – The Glass Wives by Amy Sue Nathan, facilitated by the author

Tuesday, October 15; Noon–2:00pm; The Paset Lounge Reservation: $5.00

April 26, 2014 – Tomorrow There Will Be Apricots by Jessica Soffer

One of the greatest milestones in the history of science was the decoding of the human genome. The genome holds all of our hereditary information. Our DNA is one way it is encoded; this is basically our personal instruction booklet. What does it tell us? Each gene's chemical instructions make a specific protein, and each protein has a particular function in our body. What unique codes do we carry as Jews? Did you know that one in four Jews is a carrier for a genetic disorder? Did you know that one in forty Jews is a carrier for a hereditary cancer BRCA mutation? Did you know that with one simple yet powerful blood test you can find out if you are a carrier for a Jewish genetic disorder? Join us for a special lunch and learn program with the Chicago Center for Jewish Genetics' staff and their genetic counselor, Aishwarya Arjunan. Learn about the key genetic disorders and important health issues such as carrier screening, hereditary cancers and the importance of genetic counseling. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain knowledge, take control, and be empowered about your health and the health of all of those you love and care about. RSVP by October 11 to Barbara Hochwert, 1175 Sheridan Road, Highland Park, IL 60035. For more information contact Program VPs Barbara Hochwert at or Allyson Rose at October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

March 22, 2014 – The Paris Architect by Charles Belfoure May 31, 2014 – The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker

You do not need to attend all of the sessions to participate – come to one or come to them all! A $36 annual donation to the Torah Fund Campaign is requested. Contact Marilyn Lewis, Sisterhood Torah Fund Vice President, at 847-433-3506 or, to make your donation. 8

Sisterhood Warmest Welcome to our New Sisterhood Members – Alissa Simon, Melissa Pessi, Wendy Millman, Pearl Zaid, Amanda Caplan, Sarah Barron, Yael Good, Sarah Glenner, Edie Simons, Kristina Harris, Andrea Mazza, Renee Miller, Elisa Borenstein, and Annette Rubin.

North Suburban Beth El Sisterhood Gift Shop Your Resource for Beautiful Judaica and Gifts We are always on the alert for that special Judaica item for your home, for gifts for your family and friends, and for that unique something to grace your table when you entertain. We've added some great items to our shelves for your needs now and in anticipation of your Hanukkah shopping needs as well. Yes, Hanukkah is early this year – we light the first candle on Wednesday, November 27. Here are some of our favorite selections: Hanukkah Gift Set for Creative Fun For hours of imaginative play, kids will love interacting with this hands-on wooden set. Includes: dreidel, six coins, two potato latkes, spatula, pan, and a storage bag tool.

A Stunning Cast Bronze and Aluminum Menorah Artist Scott Nelles presents a playful work of art depicting rabbis celebrating the Hanukkah Festival. Truly beautiful.

Two Piece Latke Platter Colorful, whimsical and as bright as the Candles you light for Hanukkah. A perfect addition to your table!

Customizable Challah Board with Handles A magnificent Challah Board, the line has Shabbat engravings on the front and the complete berakah over challah on the back. Come in and see these.

We encourage you to stop by and look at all of the unique items we have available. We're open Sundays from 9:00 am –1:00pm; Tuesdays from 10:00am–Noon; and throughout the week by appointment. Simply call Diane Levin at 847-571-5629, Sulie Holt at 847-558-3389, or Pam Schlosberg at 847-433-7546. We appreciate you support! Diane Levin and Sulie Holt

Take Another Look at Your Amazing Slow Cooker: Enticing Recipes and Tips for Today’s Busy Cook with Chef Laura Frankel Tuesday, October 22 Noon–2pm That humble, ever-reliable slow cooker is what Frankel calls the “Shabbat miracle machine” and so much more. It's the answer to preparing warm, satisfying meals all week long with simple ingredients you can find in the local market. Easy breezy! From appetizers and soups, to poached pears and chocolate bread pudding, the possibilities are endless. Cost: $18–Sisterhood Members; $20–Non members; $25–at the door RSVP with your check (payable to NS Beth El Sisterhood) by October 10. Mail to: Dena Cooperman, 420 Lakeside Place; Highland Park, IL. For more information please email Dena at: October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


President Harry Truman and the Jews with Laurence Stern Tuesday, November 12 7:45 pm Chicago lecturer on mid-20th century history and politics, Laurence Stern will provide intriguing new insights into the presidency of Harry Truman, his philosophy in relation to Jews, and his recognition of Israel. Stern will augment his presentation with a display of historic photographs, newspapers, magazines, as well as with audio clips. Recognized for providing a new perspective on the Roosevelt and Truman administrations and the international Jewish Community, two lectures by Stern were accepted into the official archive of the Holocaust at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. Documents related to WWII that were unnoticed for nearly 70 years were discovered by Stern and accepted by the Holocaust Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem. A letter from Yad Vashem recognized him for locating “important Holocaust era documents” and the Archives Division of the Israeli Museum deemed his research “significant.” Please join us for an informative program. For more information please contact Barbara Hochwert at or Allyson Rose at allysonfrose@

Gertrude Lederman Family Continuing Education Program The impact of a robust adult education program is that we have a more educated, more invested, and more vibrant Jewish community who is engaged in meaning-making from our tradition. Encountering our sacred texts and community values from an adult perspective is important in allowing for the relevancy of Jewish tradition in modern life. The Gertrude Lederman Family Continuing Education program is responsible for an impressive effort to engage adults in a deeper understanding of their tradition and values. Registration is underway for our 5774 adult education classes, including a survey of Judaism class taught by Rabbi Schwab and Merle Tovian, our Hartman series, and this year, our congregation is a host site for the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. Thanks to the Rabbi Kurtz Education Fund we will be able to provide three trimesters of courses in 5774 and we encourage everyone to take a step in expanding their exploration of our language, history, culture, text, and community. Each trimester will be the same price as our previous semesters, with approximately 10 class sessions per trimester. We hope that everyone will review our course offerings and let us know which class you are interested in taking. For more information about Continuing Education classes, contact Ali Drumm, Director of Informal Education, at adrumm@nssbethel. org or call 847-432-8126.

Ba'al Korei Shabbat

Torah Fund News Torah Fund classes have begun but you can still come and learn any time during the year. On Tuesdays at 10:00am we study Conservative views of Modern issues with Rabbi Kurtz, and at 11:00am we study “Midrash for the Modern World” with Rabbi Schwab. On Thursdays at 10:00am Alicia Gejman, our Hebrew School director, teaches Hebrew. Starting on October 5 at 12:30 pm, Rachel Kamin, our librarian, will lead our first Book Chat. You may attend all the Torah Fund classes for only a donation of $36.00.

On October 5th the Ba'al Korei Institute will celebrate the past year's accomplishments by hosting Shabbat morning Services. It had been decided the previous year that the entire Congregation should be part of that celebration as opposed to a dinner for just “members only”. The Chairperson for the services is Roberta Kwall. The Shabbat is Parashat Noach and also Rosh Hodesh Heshvan. Members of the Ba'al Korei Institute will be honored with Torah readings, Bimah honors and Torah Aliyot. The D'var Torah will be delivered by Karen Bieber, Chairperson of the Institute. Over thirty BKI members will take part in the services. Many family members of the awardees will attend the services, sheped nachas and share in their simcha. Awards for reaching certain levels of accomplishment will be presented.

2014 Torah Fund Pin – Mishpahah

Thank you to all those who have already donated to Torah Fund for this year: Guardians ($300.00+): Yadelle Sklare Benefactors ($180.00+): Leah Brajer, Joan Brodsky, Lois Chudacoff, Adrienne Eckerling, Ruth Fischer, June Back Frydman. Gail Greenspahn, Karen Kesner, Myrna Kopin, Cara Madansky-Stiebel, Darlene Nast, Roselynn Roseman, Susan Saper, Pamela Schlosberg, Margaret Silberman, Sandra Turner, and Frances Lee Zand. Contributors ($18.00+): Frances Altman, Sandra Becker, Ruth Belzer, Barbara Blumberg, Shirley Bornstein, Gail Brown, Lana Eisenberg, Bruno Fischer, Joan Groner, Alice Gross, Joyce Joseph, Joyce Kamen, Gerry Kaplan, Sharon Monsour, Marcie Pickard, Hilda Reingold, Betty Rozenfeld, Reena Schiffman, Hedwig Sered, Ann Siegel, Maxine Simon, Ruth Stern, Miriam Tabachnik, Merle Tovian, Karen Weiss, and Roberta Wexler. Marilyn Lewis Sisterhood V. P. Torah Fund October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

Tikkunim for having read four times will be presented to: Anna Carney, Sarah Coven, Bessie Cohen, Davida Goller, Mindy Gordon, Rebecca Greenstein, Simon Halfin, Brian Hoffman, Samson Hoffman, Melissa Levin, Allen Mitzemacher, Melaine Pascal, Marcie Pickard, Irene Savine, Eli Schrayer, David Schwartz, Shira Schwatrtz, and Sarah Tenner. Madrich/Madricha certificates for having read at least 136 p'sukim will be presented to: Jessica Hochberg and Ari Krumbein. Manhieg/Manhiega certificates for having read at least 236 p'sukim will be presented to: David Aizenberg, Jordy Grey, Roberta Kwall, Jay Levine and Robert Sternberg. Shomer/Shomeret certificates for having read at least 500 p'sukim will be presented to: Gabriel Aizenberg, David Fishbaum, Shira Harris, Ray Lewis, Noa Ohcana and Caryn Sedloff. Young and old are invited to attend classes, study Torah trop and become members of the NSS Beth El Ba'al Korei Institute. To learn more about the Ba'al Korei Insitute, visit the Beth El web site, Click on the “Ba'al Korei Insitute” tab under “Pray Together” on the home page. Looking forward to another enjoyable Ba'al Korei Institute Shabbat next year.


Men's Club Save the Date –

Sunday, December 15th Northshore Health & Wellness Fair – We will be hosting and sponsoring a Wellness Fair at the Synagogue from 10:00am–2:00pm. Learn about eating well and staying healthy, donate blood or get a flu shot, learn about good nutrition, take a health related test, and learn more about better health community resources. Interested in being a vendor sponsor? Email for more information.

Upcoming Fall Men's Club Events Scotch, Steak and Fun Night Thursday, October 3 Please join us for our Third Annual Steak and Scotch night. $30.00 for members gets you great evening with friends, a full dinner and the usual libations, beginning at 6:30 pm and weather permitting an afterglow beach party at 9:00 pm. Shabbat Kiddush Club Saturday, October 12 In the Zell (if it is nice outside we will try and set up outside). $25 per family. All are Welcome! Reservations please contact Steve Coven at Bowling and Pizza Party Thursday, October 17 Highwood Bowl at 210 Greenbay Road in Highwood. Enjoy great bowling, live mic, songs, fun company, and more! Men's Club Members pay only $15 (Save $5). Non-members pay $20. Join our club that night for food and soft drinks! Cash bar, bowling, and karaoke available. Please RSVP by Sunday, October 13th to Michael Ezgur at or 312-327-3350. Hearing Men's Voices New event for the community! All sessions are free to the community but space is very limited. All sessions will begin at 7:55 pm right after evening minyan. Join us as we discuss real life issues for men. Monday, October 21 Living in the Sandwich Generation - Balance and Spirituality Thursday, November 7 Improving Ourselves – Leading into Men's Club Weekend on November 15– 17th Thursday, December 5 Men's Health Discussions – Preview to our Health and Wellness Fair on Sunday December 15th To make reservations, find locations, or for more information contact Barry Kravitz at or 847-432-0350. Call now to reserve a spot today! Bagels for Your Brains & Beyond Sunday, October 6th Local Highland Park Leaders will speak at Fall Fest Sunday, October 20th Robbin Scholar – Dr. Amy Kalmanofsky Sunday, November 3th Richard Schlossberg, Natural Gas in Israeli Territorial Waters Sunday, November 10th Torah Study with Ron Goldberg Sunday, November 17th Ask the Life Coach – Part of “Improve Ourselves” weekend

Keeper of the Flame Our 6th annual Keeper of the Flame event is Sunday, October 27th. A full brunch, after Minyan will be served. Cost is $20.00 per person. RSVP to Aaron Krumbein or 847-433-3542. Please invite your friends and relatives! This Year's honoree is Bruno Fischer. Bruno and his wife Ruth are long time members of the Beth El community. He is a past treasurer of the Men's Club, serving for more than a decade. When he is not in sunny Florida, Bruno continues to contribute to our club offering his insight and is a tremendous value to the community at large. It is our pleasure to name Bruno as the 2013-14 Keeper of the Flame.

Men’s Club Weekend November 15 –17 Come celebrate a Men's Club Weekend! Theme: Improving Ourselves Friday Night, November 15th Family Dinner after Services. All are welcome! Adults – $18; Children – $9 for Children 13 and under For reservations or questions email nssbethelmensclub@ Please send all payments with number of adults and children to North Suburban Synagogue, c/o Men's Club, 1175 Sheridan Road, Highland Park, IL 60035 Saturday Morning, November 16th Shabbat Services lead by your very own North Suburban Beth El Men's Club . Sunday Morning, November 17th Special Bagels Event – Ask the Life Coach! Special panel of Life Coaches to give ideas for life improvements – Breakfast starts after minyan around 9:40am and program starts at 10:00am. Looking for Men's Club Weekend Sponsors and Friends. If you would like to help support weekend programs contact us:

*All Breakfast events begin after Sunday Morning Minyan Services at 9:40am. October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774



from the


with Danny Siegel October 25–26, 2013

Danny Siegel, author, poet, educator, and expert in microphilanthropy, has dedicated his life to the process of tikun olam, repairing the world. Friday, October 25th: Shabbat Dinner and Presentation

1 + 1 = 3 and Many Other Mitzvah Principles For a Meaningful Jewish Life We encourage all Friends of Social Action and interested congregants to join us for a night of inspiration towards our unique role as Jews in the world. Cost: $25. Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv begin at 6:15pm and dinner follows at approximately 7:00 pm. RSVP for the dinner to Marcie Eskin by October 9th at or call 847-926-7903. Cost after October 9th is $35.

Saturday, October 26th: Presentation to the Vav Class and Parents

About to Make a Bar or Bat Mitzvah A True and Meaningful Mitzvah Event? Just Exactly What Do We Want to Be When We Grow Up?

Saturday, October 26th: Torah and Tea

Practical Menschlichkeit: The Awesomeness of Being Human: Where Heaven and Earth Touch Mincha services begin at 5:30pm with the special teaching session following at approximately 6:00pm followed by Ma’ariv and Havdalah

Saturday, October 26th: Mitzvah Hero Mania

What do Bruce Springsteen, Steven Spielberg, Paul Newman, David Copperfield, Ben & Jerry, and Liz Taylor Know About Mitzvahs That We Don't Know? – How To Be a Mitzvah Hero This dinner program begins at 7:15 p.m. and will be followed by a Social Action Project. Dinner: $10 Please bring gently used toys/ games, new stuffed animals, old cell phones/chargers, and school supplies to donate. RSVP for the dinner to Marcie Eskin by October 9th at or call 847-926-7903. Cost after October 9th is $15. For more information about Danny’s visit to Beth El, contact Ali Drumm at or 847-432-8126.

Congregational Shabbat Dinner Friday, November 1, 2013 Cost $25 for adults and $12 for children ages 3–12. 6:15pm Services 7:00pm Dinner All ages are welcome. Questions, please contact Cheryl Swenson at 847-432-8900 x222 or and to register and pay online from your Beth El account please go to

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


Social Action in Action

It's Back! The Annual Family-to-Family Thanksgiving Mitzvah Project Sunday, November 24  10:00 am – Noon More than 100 families are needed to create festive baskets filled with donated holiday foods for Glenwood School families from Waukegan. To register, contact Cheryl Swenson at 847-432-8900, ext. 222, or To learn more, contact Honey Bronson at Extra food for the Moraine Township Food Bank would be welcomed and appreciated.

Social Action Opportunities Annual Winter Coat Drive & Hanukah Toy Drive Donate gently used, clean coats, hats and other outerwear of all sizes from November 10 through December 1 to benefit the Chicago Chesed Fund and other Lake County organizations. As Hanukkah takes place at the same time, we will also be collecting new unwrapped toys for the Chicago Chesed Fund. Drop off in the blue bins at the Beth El entrances. Volunteers are also needed to help sort on Sunday, December 1. Contact Mira Temkin at or 847-433-2109.

Sign Up Now for an Experience at the JUF Uptown Café Dinner or brunch are served at the Uptown Café, located at 909 W. Wilson. The SAC needs volunteers (age 12 and older) to set tables and wait upon guests at the café. Volunteers are needed on Tuesday evening October 15, Sunday morning November 10, and Tuesday evening December 10. Contact Bryna Kurtz at

You're Wanted....and needed ! The Social Action Committee is always

looking for a few good souls to become a part of our energetic committee. Bring a suggestion for a project or help out for a couple of hours on a Sunday during one of our scheduled programs. We need you! Contact Jacqueline Kott-Wolle, Social Action Committee Chair at

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


The Development Office by Nancy Kekst As some of you may know, my husband is a financial portfolio manager with a venerable Chicago institution, where he runs millions and millions of dollars for institutional clients. (As you can imagine, this makes our own household budgeting an “interesting” experience.) Frequently, our dinner table conversation turns to teaching our 16 year-old about economic theory and the steps to secure a stable financial picture in an ever-changing market. (Again, this proves to be an “interesting” experience.) One of the most recent lessons we discussed is tactical vs. strategic planning. Little did I know how much I use this theory in my position as Development Manager at NSSBE. Tactical planning involves the shorter-term, brass tacks of our annual budget. It entails making sure we have the resources to meet our planned expenditures for the year. In my department, tactical giving is our annual giving programs such as Chesed Dues, the High Holy Days Kol Nidre Appeal, the Memorial Book of Remembrance, our yearly fundraising event, and other current appeals from the school and affiliated groups. While annual giving is a renewable resource, it constitutes an important anchor in meeting our operating needs. And each year, we try to be more tactical in our annual giving approach to maximize our reach. Strategic planning involves longer term thinking. In financial jargon, it is meant to be a long enough period of time that current factors, such as the economy, employment or financial stresses, are not important considerations. Often times multi-generational, strategic planning involves significant actions that effect the success of our organizational goals and objectives, as well as your own personal financial goals. These plans lay the foundation to insure the future financial viability of NSSBE. We are indebted to our past funders, whose strategic planning has enabled us to grow our endowment, plan for capital expenditures, and help grow our congregation.

I am grateful to this congregation for their generous support this fall, as participation in all of our annual giving programs has increased. (Watch for the next issue of the bulletin for a listing of our Kol Nidre Appeal donors.) So this winter I wish to focus on more strategic giving, starting with the renewal of the Ner Tamid Society. The Ner Tamid Society is a recognition society that honors those who have included North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in their wills or estate plans. There are a number of ways for you to accomplish this financial goal, either through a bequest of a specific dollar amount or assets, or naming NSSBE as the beneficiary of your IRA or qualified retirement plan. Some members have named us as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, or receive an income stream through a gift annuity. We plan on holding some educational programs so members can learn about these vehicles. Together, we can both meet our financial goals with strategic steps to insure our future. We also plan on honoring those individuals who have achieved membership in the New Tamid Society. Capital gifts are another significant method to leave a last impact at NSSBE. As you can imagine, in an aging structure that sees so much use, there are constant physical pressures and upgrades which are needed. Karen Kesner takes the lead for us in working on capital gifts, in association with our dedicated House Committee. There is quite a list of projects which need to be completed. For example, a family could endow a classroom, remodel a specific area or dedicate the South Foyer. Selecting a capital project to fund insures the physical future of our congregation, so that generations to come can continue to make NSSBE their Jewish home. I am happy to assist any congregant with any strategic planning which may support the future viability of NSSBE. Watch for more news in this area, and don't hesitate to contact me, Nancy Kekst, Development Manager, by calling my office at 847-432-8900 x262 or emailing

Save the Date

Our Annual Synagogue Fundraising Celebration Saturday, March 8, 2014 Watch for more details coming soon! P.S. Donate to our event silent auction. We are looking for items that will create unique and exclusive hands on experiences for our guests. Items on our wish list include: Airline miles Stays at hotels, vacation homes, or time shares Behind-the-scenes tours or meet and greets Jewelry Concert, theatre and sports tickets Autographed memorabilia Access to VIP events or celebrities Kosher restaurant experiences, including chef’s tables, tasting menus, and more! To donate an item, contact Nancy Kekst, Development Manager, by calling my office at 847-432-8900 x262 or emailing October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


Join North Suburban Synagogue Beth El for the Irving and Janet Robbin Scholar in Residence

October 18-20, 2013 with Rabbi Dr. Amy Kalmanofsky Panim El Panim: Interpersonal Relationships in the Torah Though the Torah legislates how people should relate to one another, its narratives do not provide much detail about the emotional and psychological interaction of its characters. This Shabbat, we will explore how the Torah portrays interpersonal relationships, and consider what these relationships reveal about the ancient world, their role within the Torah, and their theological implications.

Friday evening, October 18th – Dinner and Discussion “Let Us Delight And Rejoice In You!” The dripping landscapes and oozing bodies of the Song of Songs have challenged readers for generations. Young love becomes religious yearning, as readers attempt to tame the eroticism of the Song. In this session, we will address the Song’s eroticism and examine the relationship between the young lovers. We will consider the Song's gender dynamics and whether the relationship between the lovers can serve as a theological resource for contemporary Jews. Cost: $25 Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv begin at 6:15pm and dinner follows at approximately 7:00pm. RSVP to or call 847-432-8900 x234 by October 14th, cost afterwards is $35.

Saturday, October 19th – D'var Torah “Between God and Humanity: A Theological Reflection on Relationships in the Torah” Saturday, October 19th – Post-Kiddush Lecture (12:45pm ) “And Ruth Clung to Her” More than any other book in the Torah, the Book of Ruth focuses on relationships between human beings. Arguably, the relationship between Ruth and Naomi is the most important relationship in the Torah since it gives rise to the Davidic dynasty. In this session, we will examine how Ruth and Naomi's relationship privileges love and loyalty over lineage and legacy, and serves as an essential model for the relationship between God and Israel.

Sunday, October 20th – Presentation to the Community sponsored by the Men's Club and Sisterhood at 10:00am “I Am Looking for My Brothers” Over Shabbat we will have examined the relationship between young lovers and between two women. This morning we will examine the Torah's depiction of male relationships. Through a close reading of Genesis 37, we will address the familiar tropes of fraternal rivalry and paternal sacrifice. October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


Jack & Mildred Cohen Religious School and Bernard H. Sokol Hebrew High School M'Shulchan Hamenahelet How well do we know one another? This is a question being asked by many parents and one that the schools will try to address throughout the year. “I have been driving my child to school for many years, and I don’t know most of the parents in my child's class”, confessed one parent. “We live in Glencoe” revealed another parent, “and I hardly know my children's classmates, let alone their parents.” Physical distance and complex schedules aside, we owe it to ourselves and to our children to engage with one another in order to strengthen our school community. This year the Board of Jewish Education Kick Start School 5774, a summer day of learning for Jewish educators in the community, challenged teachers to develop ways to make classrooms more welcoming and inclusive. Both CRS and SHHS staff meetings were devoted to discussing methods and activities to make every student feel welcome and a proud member of the Jewish school community. In the autumn 5774 Voices of Conservative/Masorti Judaism Dr. Ron Wolfson discusses the term “Relational Judaism” by explaining that the success of synagogues in engaging people depends on fostering meaningful relationships and implementing strategies that result in welcoming members and strangers alike. Having experienced two immigrations; one to Israel and later on to the States, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to ensure that students and families feel welcome and connected to the Jewish community in the same way that other Jewish communities in the past embraced my family and me. The Bible, and later on our Sages, were keenly aware of the feelings of alienation and unhappiness experienced by newcomers and people marginally engaged with the community. Shammai teaches that one should "greet each person with a cheerful facial expression" (Mishnah Avot 1:15). Our tradition is filled with stories of fulfilling the mitzvah of hachnassat orchim, especially on Shabbat. The verb l'hachnis belongs to the Hif'il – a causative stem, which means to “bring in,” to admit. The host literally and figuratively “brings in” the guests by inviting them to partake of the meal and sharing in the conversation ensuring that they (the guests) feel at home and bond to the community. In order to fulfill the mitzvah of hachnassat orchim, the CRS school committee is hosting a special Shabbat on Friday, October 11th. We urge you to come to celebrate Shabbat with the school community and help us attain the goal of strengthening our ties. Our SHHS students participated in a fun “relational” activity on the first day of school. New and returning students and teachers gathered in the Groosman-Brickman room to play icebreaker games and share in a sing along. Both CRS and SHHS parents are invited to attend Curriculum Night on Tuesday, October 1st and Wednesday, October 2nd from 7:45 to 8:30 pm respectively. Come meet your child's teacher(s), learn about the curriculum and meet other parents.

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

Please check the calendar below to see the many ways you can engage and participate in the schools. By accepting our calls you will help us “bring you in”, and contribute to the developing of long lasting relations for you and for your children. B'shalom. Alicia Gejman Director of Formal Education

Jack and Mildred Cohen Religious School October/November – Tishrei/Kislev 5774 Oct 1


Curriculum Night

Oct 6


Beth El Fall Fest

Oct 11


CRS Family Kabbalat Shabbat / Dinner

Oct 12


Sixth Grade Family Shabbat Services

Oct 14


No School – Columbus Day

Oct 19


Sixth Grade Family Shabbat Services

Oct 20


Author Aubrey Davis Family Program (Pre-K thru 3rd Grade)

Oct 26


Sixth Grade Family Shabbat Services

Nov 2


Sixth Grade Family Shabbat Services

Nov 9


Sixth Grade Family Shabbat Services

Nov 16


Sixth Grade Family Shabbat Services / Luncheon

Nov 24


No School for Students – Parent/Teacher Conferences

Nov 27


No School – Hanukkah and Thanksgiving Weekend

Bernard H. Sokol Hebrew High School October/November – Tishrei/Kislev 5774 Oct 2


Curriculum Night

Oct 6


Beth El Fall Fest

Oct 7


Supper Club with Rabbi Kurtz and Rabbi Schwab

Oct 21


Supper Club with Rabbi Kurtz and Rabbi Schwab

Oct 22


Atid (Formerly College Bound)

Oct 29


Atid (Formerly College Bound)

Nov 5


Atid (Formerly College Bound)

Nov 11


Supper Club with Rabbi Kurtz and Rabbi Schwab

Nov 12


Atid (Formerly College Bound)

Nov 17


The Ghosts of the Third Reich Film

Nov 18


Supper Club with Rabbi Kurtz and Rabbi Schwab

Nov 26


Atid (Formerly College Bound)


Paul S. and Sylvia Steinberg Pre-School Last week, while taking a perspective pre-school family on a tour of our school, we entered one of our pre-kindergarten classrooms and Sam, excitedly jumped up, approached us and said to the stranger, “Welcome to the Kochavim classroom. Would you like to sit down?” We had introduced the concept of hachnasat orchim (welcoming guests) as part of our “job chart” at the beginning of the year and the children wait to welcome each visitor that walks through their classroom door. We had explained that this concept is one we learned from Abraham, who was known for his loving kindness and hospitality toward guests. When strangers came to his doorway, he invited them in, offered them a drink, cooked them a meal, and gave them a place to rest. Anticipating how a guest or stranger might feel walking into our classroom, the children suggested asking, “Would you like to sit down?” or “Would you like something to drink?” Calling their attention to a mitzvah like this one helps them to think of and be concerned about the well-being of others. One of the first mitzvot that children become aware of is tzedakah. We are quite blessed that there is a continuous flow of tzedakah drives that are introduced and implemented. Parents often give the children change from their wallets to be placed in their classroom tzedakah boxes, they bring new toys and games for the gift drive at Hanukkah, and they bring food for our “Yes You Can” food drive for the Ark. Our Pre-K groups participate in a very special project. They bake and hold a bake sale. The money they raise at the bake sale is used to purchase food that they take to a local day care. This food provides Thanksgiving dinner for several families. There are numerous other mitzvot that we discuss to impart the importance of treating others the way we would want to be treated. The concept of tza'ar ba'alei chaim (do not cause harm to any living creature) teaches us how to care for our class pet. The children in our Young 3's have a fish. They are vigilant about feeding their fish every

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and are sure to do so before they eat their own snack. Bikur Holim (visiting the sick) is another important mitzvah that is practiced in our classrooms. Routinely, after the attendance helper announces that a child is lo po (not here) the class may accompany the teachers to call and see how the missing child is feeling. They learn compassion as well as learning how to effectively use a telephone. Continuing the work of Adam and taking care of our world, Tikkun Olam is addressed in much the same manner. If we do not take care of it, who will? Our games, art materials, and books belong to us, and we must do our best to treat them with care and respect. When a much used toy was broken the children devised a way to fix it so they could continue to use it. Many of our best school projects are made with materials from our recycle room. One of our goals inside the classroom is to familiarize the children with Jewish values, rituals and beliefs. In so doing, they are trying out new roles, thus recognizing how their actions can impact others in a positive way. As a result they feel pride in themselves, creating inherent positive reinforcement and encouraging them to keep up the good work. Hopefully, actually teaching these concepts to children ensures that the legacy of Jewish values is perpetuated in the next generation. At the end of November we will begin registration for the 2014 –2015 school year. Call us for an appointment to tour or to get information about the school. If you know of someone in the community who has a child who will be 17 months through Pre-Kindergarten by September, 2014, please tell them about our Pre-School at Beth El. We also have classes called Small and Tall for children from birth through 17 months. I can be reached at or 847-432-2830. Caron Knopoff, Steinberg Pre-School Director

Beth El Fall Fest Sunday, October 6, 2013 Discover....Experience....Enjoy.... This event is free! (BBQ lunch available for purchase) Come for a portion or come for all

See Beth El at Our Best!

For info, call Ali Drumm at 847-432-8126 North Suburban Synagogue Beth El 1175 Sheridan Road, Highland Park, IL 60035

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

8:45am Minyan 9:00am Cohen Religious School classes in session 9:30am Fall Fest activities begin - including community fair and preschool children’s activities: bounce house, face painting, crafts 10:00am Community Update with Highland Park City Council members Paul Frank and Alyssa Knobel 11:00am “Critical Thinking and Planning Ahead for Aging” with Joan Richman Ente from CJE Senior Life 11:15am Sokol Hebrew High School classes in session 12:00pm Congregational “Ask the Rabbi” with Rabbi Kurtz 12:00pm Sifriyat Pajama B’America program 17

Kol No'ar The Voice of the Youth–Beth El's Youth Community BEANS Youth Community is off to a fantastic start! We kicked off the year with Kadima and USY at Six Flags Great America. They spent the day riding roller coasters, having a picnic lunch and catching up on what they did over the summer. Both Shalom and M&M Clubs each had their own Sukkot iProgram, to start their Youth Group programs off right! Make sure to mark your calendars for all of the Youth Programs that are coming up!

Youth Community Activity Passes The Youth Community Activity Pass is back for the 2013–2014 school year. Instead of paying for each Lounge Night, Shabbat lunch or small program, buy the Activity Pass and pay a head of time. Purchase of this pass covers you for the entire year. (Not including Regional CHUSY events and conventions, some large-scale programs like the “Annual Ski Trip” require an additional cost. This really only applies to Kadima and USY.)

what else Still not a member of Beth El's award winning youth community? It’s never too late. Contact Samantha Isenstein, Youth Community Director, at or at 847-432-2040 for more information regarding membership or any other questions regarding the Beth El Youth Community.

Parents, don't forget to “like” the Beth El Youth Community on Facebook to stay up to date on all of Beth El's Youth Community programs – www.facebook. com/NssBethElYouthCommunity and be on the lookout for our new Youth Community Google Calendar !

The fees for the Activity Pass are as follows: USY – $180....Kadima – $120....Shalom Club – $75....M&M Club – $50. Special Family Rate – Families who sign more than one child up for the Activity Pass will receive at $20 discount per child. Please register for the Beth El Youth Community Activity Pass at

Upcoming Programs and Events! USY (9th–12th Graders) Tuesday, Oct. 1st at 6:00pm Teen Minyan Committee Meeting – Teen Minyan is Beth El's Monthly Teen Minyan that is for teens and lead by teens. Interested in planning or participating in Teen Minyan? Come to the meeting. Free meat dinner! RSVP to or for more information. Wednesday, Oct. 9th CHUSY Regional Lounge night at BJUSY Tuesday, Oct. 15th from 7:00–9:00pm Autumn Fest in the Youth Lounge. Join BEANS USY to celebrate all things Fall! $5 or Activity Pass for snacks and program! Sunday, Oct. 20th iProgram- USY and Sokol Hebrew High School will be having their first joint program, which is during SHHS hours.

Tuesday, Oct. 22nd from 7:00–9:00pm Israeli Iron Chef ! Compete against fellow BEANS USYers to see who will be the top chef Israeli style. $10 or Activity Pass, program includes dinner! Shabbat, Oct. 26th USY Shabbat – BEANS USY will be leading the congregation in Shabbat morning services. Then join special guest Danny Siegel to learn more about social action and tzedekah. We will have suedah (last meal before Shabbat ends) mincha, ma'ariv and conclude Shabbat with Havdallah together. After Shabbat BEANS USY will be doing a social action project. Tuesday, Nov. 5th from 7:00–9:00pm Sports Night in the Youth Lounge! $5 or Activity Pass for snacks and program!

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


Wednesday, Nov. 13th CHUSY Regional Lounge night at McDUSY Tuesday, Nov. 19th from 7:00 –9:00 pm Latkepalooza! Get ready for Chanukah with BEANS. $10 or Activity Pass, will include snacks, and program. Friday–Sunday, November 22nd – 24th CHUSYFest at Camp Chi. Register by going to Wed. Nov. 27th Annual CHUSY Turkey Dance @ BEANS!

Kadima (6th-8th Graders) Wednesday, Oct. 2nd from 6:15 –7:30pm Kadima Board Meeting – Kadima Board will be meeting to plan upcoming programs. Dinner included.

Kol No'ar The Voice of the Youth–Beth El's Youth Community


A Healthy, Understanding, and Growing Space Congregation Beth Shalom in Northbrook and North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in Highland Park are working in tandem to create holiday family events as well as youth driven social activities and programs which can serve our wider North Shore constituency. Our desire is to create a community in which members with special needs can experience a variety of events within their Jewish lives that are open and understanding of each person’s unique needs. Programs are designated as those which may be more appropriate for individuals of a younger age or those more mature while some programs are absolutely perfect for people of all ages. Below is a list of calendar of upcoming events. Programs are offered at no charge. •  Sunday December 1st Hanukkah Lighting Program at NSS Beth El  4:00 p.m. Join us to celebrate Hanukkah on Thanksgiving weekend! •  March 16th Purim Carnival at Congregation Beth Shalom 10:30am The carnival will be followed by an  abbreviated Megillah reading and merriment! •  Sunday, April 13th Chocolate Seder at Congregation Beth Shalom. The seder is pre-Pesach this year-so  even more delicious chocolate will be enjoyed. Time TBD. •  Tuesday, June 3rd Shavuot Torah program at Congregation Beth Shalom will give everyone a chance to  come before the Torah for an honor and engage in meaningful learning. To RSVP for HUGS programs, contact Eli Castellano at Congregation Beth Shalom at 847-498-4100. For questions about HUGS programs, contact Ali Drumm at NSS Beth El at 847-432-8126 or

Saturday, Oct. 19th Kadima's Annual Mystery Bus Ride! Meet in the Youth Lounge at 7:00 pm for Havdallah before our surprise trip. $20 or Activity Pass, includes snacks and program. Wednesday, Oct. 30th from 6:15–7:30pm Life Size Game Night. $5 or Activity Pass, includes dinner and program. Wednesday, Nov. 6th from 6:15–7:30pm Kadima Board Meeting- Kadima Board will be meeting to plan upcoming programs. Dinner included. Wednesday, Nov. 13th from 6:15–7:30pm Kadima Evening Program After CRS planned by Kadima Board. Check out what they have got in stored for you! $5 or Activity Pass, includes dinner and program.

Wednesday, Nov. 20th from 4:15–6:15pm iProgram–Joint program with CRS! Non CRS Kadima members are encouraged to join! Wednesday, Nov. 27th 7:00–9:00pm Pre-Thanksgiving Event for Kadima only!

Shalom Club (3rd –5th Graders) Saturday, Oct. 5th Shabbat Lunch and Games – Join Shalom Club in the Youth Lounge right after services (around 12:00pm) for our own lunch and Shabbat activities in the Youth Lounge. $5 or Activity Pass, please pay before or after Shabbat. Please RSVP to sisenstein@ by October 2nd. Wednesday, Oct. 23rd from 6:15–7:30pm (Right after CRS) Creative, colorful, Challah Night! Shalom Club with be baking unique colored challah's and their own challah

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


covers! $10 or Activity Pass. Includes dinner and program Sunday, Nov. 10th from 11:15 am –2:30pm (Right after CRS), Shalom Club gets Xtreme at Xtreme Trampoline. $20 or Activity Pass, includes lunch, transportation and activity. Please RSVP to by Monday, November 4th.

M&M Club (K–2nd Graders) Saturday, Nov. 9th Shabbat Lunch and Games – Join M&M Club in the Youth Lounge right after services (around 12:00pm) for our first lunch and Shabbat activities in the Youth Lounge. $5 or Activity Pass, please pay before or after Shabbat. Please RSVP to sisenstein@ by November 6th.

Todah Rabbah

We are grateful for the following contributions:

Rabbi Kurtz's Discretionary Fund

- In honor of Allie and David Davidson's wedding and with appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz - Carey and Cheryl Cooper

- In memory of Bernard Rosenberg, beloved father - Michael S. and Carol Rosenberg

- In honor of Greg and Naomi Pestine's Auf Ruf and marriage - Robert L. Bennett

- In memory of Bernice and Ralph Epstein, beloved mother and father - Samuel and Irene Shanes

- In honor of Jason and Mackenzie Kesner's marriage - Jeffrey & Stacy Goldsmith

- In memory of Bess Frohman, beloved mother in law - Cecelia Frohman

- In honor of Karen and Michael Kesner's new granddaughter and their son's upcoming wedding - David and Judy Weiss

- In memory of Bessie Field, beloved grandmother - Phillip and Sandra Cooper

- In honor of Melody and Avi Coven's marriage - Karen Weiss - In honor of my Aliyah - Gerald Lapins - In honor of Rabbi Kurtz publishing his book Encountering Torah - Jim Smith - In honor of Samantha Kopin's marriage to Yoni Silverman - Karen Weiss - In honor of the birth of our grandson, Taylor Lotzof - Robert and Sharon Burack - In honor of the birth of Rabbi and Dr. Schnitzer's beautiful granddaughter - Laurel and Barry Abramowicz

- In memory of Byron S. Delman, a very special friend - Louis and Vivian Rosen - In memory of Celine Lopas, beloved sister in law - Adele Hirsch - In memory of Charlotte Millenson and Sylvia Feinberg, our beloved mothers - Michael and Susan Millenson - In memory of Clare Pinkert, beloved mother Stuart and Eve Pinkert - In memory of David Isaac Coren, beloved brother - Robert and Linda Palay

- In honor of the birth of the Schlosberg's granddaughter - Karen Weiss - In honor of the marriage of Becca and Robbie Rutkoff - JoAnn and Stephen Galston - In honor of the marriage of Robbie Rutkoff to Rebecca Ginsberg - Mark and Margaret Sharff - In honor of the marriage of Gregory Pestine and Naomi Wexler - Karen Weiss

- In memory of Devorah Holland, beloved daughter - Joan Holland and Eli Glassman - In memory of Edward Hyman, beloved father - Joan Holland and Eli Glassman - In memory of Edward Rubin, beloved father David and Donna Rubin - In memory of Elaine Ordower, beloved sister Adrian and Linda Winick

- In honor of the recent marriage of the Kesner's son Jason to Mackenzie - Richard and Pam Schlosberg - In honor of the wedding of Naomi Wexler to Greg Pestine - Korina and Irving Shklair - In memory of Abe Dobin, beloved father David and Janice Lasky

- In memory of Elmer Burack, beloved husband and with appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz for his kind words at Elmer's dedication - Ruth Burack - In memory of Elmer Burack, beloved father and husband - Robert and Sharon Burack

- In memory of Abraham Shanes, beloved father - Samuel and Irene Shanes

- In memory of Eytan Dekalo, beloved husband of Lori Dekalo and beloved father of David and Shelly - Robert and Sharon Burack

- In memory of Adele and Michael Green, beloved mother and father - Gidon and Hilary Cohen

- In memory of Frieda Wexler, beloved grandmother - Paul and Eileen Goldstein

- In memory of Allegra Rousso, beloved mother - Sherwin and Odette Rubinstein

- In memory of Gerald Sherman, beloved father - Edward Sherman and Ilene Goldstein

- In memory of Alvin Levine, beloved friend Donald and Lois Chudacoff

- In memory of Hannah Ruderman, beloved grandmother - Robert and Carol Ruderman

- In memory of Anna Citro, beloved mother Sherry Kantar

- In memory of Harold Chaimson, beloved uncle - Donald and Lois Chudacoff

- In memory of Anna Kolender, beloved grandmother - Phillip and Sandra Cooper October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

- In memory of Bradley Balson, beloved son of Babs Balson - Joel Rabinowitz - Lewis and Terry Milton


Todah Rabbah Rabbi Kurtz's Discretionary Fund (continued)

- In memory of Harold Hymen, beloved father, and with appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz Darryl and Mira Temkin

- In memory of Morris A. Vishny, beloved father - Bernard and Elaine Reisin - In memory of Rabbi Joseph Tabachnik, beloved husband - Miriam Tabachnik

- In memory of Harry Pinzur, beloved father Michael and Debora Pinzur

- In memory of Randall Horwitz, beloved father - Leah Brajer

- In memory of Irving Aaron, beloved fatherin-law - Sally Aaron

- In memory of Randall Horwitz, beloved father of Leah Brajer - David and Janice Lasky

- In memory of Jack Karson, beloved father Sally Aaron

- In memory of Reva Duman, beloved mother of Marlene Konik and beloved grandmother of Lisa Aronin, Lauri Zessar and and Amy Lederer - Robert and Sharon Burack - Richard and Barbara Rosenfield

- In memory of Janet Dekoven, beloved mother - Mona Fishbane - In memory of Joan Sterns, beloved mother Jay and Mindy Sterns

- In memory of Robert Leiderman, beloved brother - Michael and Hermine Leiderman

- In memory of Joseph S. Pinkert, beloved father - Stuart and Eve Pinkert

- In memory of Rose Feitelberg, beloved mother - Philip and Doreen Feitelberg

- In memory of Juanita Hoffman, beloved mother - Steven and Jill Hoffman

- In memory of Rose Yaffe, beloved mother of Dolly Nast - Daniel Nast Jr. and Dolly Nast

- In memory of June Bleiweis, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and with appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz - Lawrence and Susan Silberman

- In memory of Sam Kraft, beloved father - Mr. Donald Kraft

- In memory of June Bleiweis, beloved mother of Susan Silberman - Wayne Thomas School - Kathy Farrell Daly

- In memory of Samuel Pikholz, beloved father of Tracey Hendler - Asset Develop/Management - In memory of Serene Sommer, beloved mother - Adrienne Garland

- In memory of Kenneth Rezwin, beloved grandfather of Brittany Abramowicz - Shelley Goldwater/Habonim Camp Tavor

- In memory of Shirley Feinstein, beloved mother and grandmother - Steven and Linda Feinstein

- In memory of Larry Gray, beloved husband Michael and Nancy Basofin

- In memory of Sidney Freeman, beloved father Mr. Alan Freeman

- In memory of Leona Swirsky, beloved sister of Zella Ludwig - Karen Weiss

- In memory of Solomon E. Harrison, beloved father - Harry and Harriet Bernbaum

- In memory of Lola Nortman, beloved mother of Marlene Rubenstein and beloved grandmother - Robert and Sharon Burack

- In memory of Sylvia Glassman, beloved wife Joan Holland and Eli Glassman - In memory of Thelma Klein, beloved mother Joel Klein

- In memory of Louis A. Bloom, beloved father Irwin and Linda Magad

- In memory of Mania Glassman, beloved mother - Eli Glassman

- In memory of Victor Schwartz, beloved father of Merle Tovian - Karen Weiss - Robert and Sharon Burack - Lorna Greenpahn

- In memory of Maury Kravitz, beloved husband of Mona Kravitz - Richard and Barbara Rosenfield

- In memory of Willard Aaron, beloved husband and with appreciation to Rabbi Kurtz for Selichat Services - Sally Aaron

- In memory of Louis Sommer, beloved father Adrienne Garland

- In memory of Milton Stein, beloved father Terri Wallach - In memory of Miriam Watman, beloved sister of Dolly Nast - Daniel Nast Jr. and Dolly Nast - In memory of Mollie Kaplan, beloved mother Wallace and Joan Dunn

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


Todah Rabbah

We are grateful for the following contributions:

Rabbi Schwab's Discretionary Fund

- In honor of Allie and David Davidson's wedding and with thanks to Rabbi Schwab Carey and Cheryl Cooper - In honor of Ruth Lion and David Rosenbloom - Bess Finch

- In memory of J. Harry Kulakofsky, beloved father - Ruth Belzer - In memory of Leon Levy, beloved father Howard and Sandra Turner - In memory of Michael Simkin, beloved husband - Merle Simkin

- In honor of Sydney Goldsmith becoming a Bat Mitzvah - Allison, Adam, Rebekah and Jacob Nemirow - In honor of the good health of Martha Sklar Marvin and Sara Siegel - In honor of the naming of our baby, Jordana Michael and Marissa Teplitsky

- In memory of Sonja Elkin, beloved mother Anita Spieler - In memory of Tille Newman, beloved mother and with appreciaton to Rabbi Schwab Rochelle and Earl Rubinoff

- In memory of Ann Albert and with appreciation to Rabbi Schwab - Ann Albert

- In memory of Williard Aaron, beloved husband and with appreciation to Rabbi Schwab for Selichat services - Sally Aaron

- In memory of Frieda Rosen, beloved mother Leonard and Rochelle Foxman

- With appreciation for your comfort and leadership - Miriam Berlin and Family

- In memory of Harold Maurer, beloved father Jeffrey and Michele Glass

- With appreciation to a sweet New Year! Allyson Marcus

- In memory of Hyman B. Abrams, beloved father - Robert and Sharon Abrams

Hazzan Discretionary Fund

- In memory of Rebecca Finkelstein Weisel, beloved mother of Billy Weisel - Debra Rade - In memory of Rose Bickel Juron, beloved mother - Marvin and Joyce Juron

- With appreciation to Hazzan Goller for helping with my mother's funeral - Aaron and Ellen Krumbein - With appreciation to Hazzan Goller on Julia Burack becoming a Bat Mitzvah - Robert and Sharon Burack

- In memory of Willard Aaron, beloved husband and with appreciation to Hazzan Goller for Selichat Services - Sally Aaron - With appreciation for your comfort and leadership - Miriam Berlin & Family

Andrew and Gail Brown Technology Endowment Fund

- In honor of Debra Rade's recent honor Andrew & Gail Brown

Ann and Jack Weinberg Holocaust Memorial Education Endowment Fund

- In memory of Leona Swirsky, beloved sister of Zella Ludwig - Pearl and Joel Kagan

Ba'al Korei Fund

- In honor of Joshua Zoldan becoming a Bar Mitzvah - Gerald and Adrienne Lasin

- In memory of Victor Schwartz, beloved father of Merle Tovian - Debra Rade

- In honor of Sara and Steve Coven on the marriage of their son Avi to Melody Mostow Marc and Devorah Richards

- Wishing a complete & speedy recovery to Sandy Turner - Richard and Pam Schlosberg

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

- In honor of Sydney Goldsmith becoming a Bat Mitzvah - Andrew and Gail Brown


Todah Rabbah Bernard H. Sokol Hebrew High School Fund

- In honor of Ronnie Sokol for her generosity and friendship. - Ira and Elise Frost

- In memory of Harry Rubinoff, beloved brother of Earl Rubinoff - Debra Rade

- In honor of Sydney Goldsmith becoming a Bat Mitzvah - Sandy Starkman, Larry, Uri and Avram Pachter

- In memory of Carol Modes beloved father and beloved brother - Gary and Merle Kaufman

- In memory of Bradley Balson, beloved mother of Babs Balson - Bob and Millie Weber

Beth El Camp Scholarship Fund

- In honor of Avi & Melody Coven's marriage Arlene and Jeff Levin

- In memory of Eytan Dekalo, beloved husband of Lori Dekalo and beloved father of David and Shelly - Ann Zinman

- In honor of Samantha Kopin's marriage to Yoni Silverman - Joe and Judy Weil

Cal and Lana Eisenberg Halomdim Program Endowment Fund

- In memory of Sybil Levin, beloved sister Calvin and Lana Eisenberg

Capital Improvement Fund

- In honor of Jason Kesner's wedding - Nancy and Larry Kekst

- In memory of Victor Schwartz, beloved father of Merle Tovian - Marcy and Kenneth Levin

- In honor of Sydney Goldsmith becoming a Bat Mitzvah - Nancy and Larry Kekst

- Wishing a complete & speedy recovery to Sandi Turner - Marcy and Kenneth Levin

- In appreciation of our ongoing friendship with Sandy Starkman and Larry Pachter Pam and Richard Schlosberg

- In memory of Devora Berman, beloved mother of Clara Berman - Elise and Ira Frost and Family

- In honor of Sandy Starkman and Larry Pachter's 33rd wedding anniversary - Sandy Starkman, Larry, Uri and Avram Pachter

- In memory of Eli Pick, beloved brother of Moshe Pick - Elise and Ira Frost and Family

Continuing Education Fund

- In memory of Miriam Becker, beloved mother of Richard Becker - Elise and Ira Frost and Family

- In honor of the birth of Emily Payton Schlosberg - Sandy Starkman, Larry, Uri and Avram Pachter

- In memory of Victor Schwartz, beloved father of Merle Tovian - Elise and Ira Frost and Family - Joseph and Susan Ament

- In memory of Irwin Weiss, beloved father and grandfather of the Pestine's - Sandy Starkman, Larry, Uri and Avram Pachter - In memory of Bernard Kott, beloved father of Jackie Kott-Wolle - Elise and Ira Frost and Family

Glass/Goldman Endowment Program Fund

- In memory of Bradley Balson, beloved son of Babs Balson - Philip and Ellen Glass

Israel Scholarship Endowment Fund

- In memory of Leona Swirsky, beloved sister of Zella Ludwig - Milton and Iona Levenfeld

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

- In memory of Rachel Wasserman - Phillip and Ellen Glass


Todah Rabbah

We are grateful for the following contributions:

Jack and Mildred Cohen Religious School Fund

- In memory of Batya Abramson, beloved aunt Elliot and Doris Mirman

- In memory of Myndel Rubin, beloved mother - Marlene Senescu

- In memory of David S. Levinson, beloved father - David and Pamela Hirschfield

- In memory of Rochelle Perlow, beloved mother - Mark and Jodie Mosk

- In memory of Jack Cohen, beloved father Howard and Lois Hirschfield

- In memory of Irving Brand, beloved father Robert and Sharon Abrams

Jean T. and Morton Bernstein Camp Ramah Endowment Fund

- In memory of Irving Robbin, beloved father David and Karen Benson

- In memory of Zelda Robinson, beloved mother of Ellen Krumbein - The Gandelman Family

Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural and Learning Center Fund

- In honor of Ilene Goldstein and Ed Sherman for their kind act - Gary Gordon & Marilyn Hirsch

- In memory of Roberta Steinhardt, beloved sister - Theodore and Cheryl Banks

- In memory of Arnold Schwartz, beloved father of Merle Tovian - Marilyn Hirsch and Gary, David and Gabrielle Gordon

- In memory of Victor Schwartz, beloved father of Merle Tovian - Howard and Sandi Turner

Kopin Family Fund for Children's T'filot Education Endowment Fund

- In honor of Uri Pachter's engagement Myrna Kopin

- In memory of Leona Swirsky, beloved sister of Zella Ludwig - Myrna Kopin

Lippitz Family Camp Ramah Endowment Fund

- In honor of the birth of our grandson Miles Asher Lippitz - Herbert Lippitz

- In memory of Rachel Wasserman - Herbert Lippitz

Maot Chittim Fund

- In memory of Zelda Robinson, beloved mother of Ellen Krumbein - Michael and Barbara Salberg

Maxwell Abbell Library Fund

- In honor of Hilda and Arnold Reingold's 61st wedding anniversary - Arnold and Hilda Reingold - In memory of Bee Greenstein, beloved grandmother - Marci and Steve Friedman

Minyan Service Fund

- In honor of Avi and Melody's Aufruf and their upcoming marriage - Albert and Eleanor Boxerman - In honor of my Aliyah - Felissa Kreindler - Frances Lee Zand and Pendri Shalem - Felicia Kreinder

- In memory of Sam Lewis, your beloved Jeffrey and Michele Glass

- In memory of Betty Fink, beloved mother Michael and Sharon Gertz - In memory of Charles Scheinman, beloved grandfather - Barbara and David Lansing - In memory of Eytan Dekalo, beloved husband of Lori Dekalo and beloved father of David and Shelly - Leslie, Corey, Jami, Rachel and Josh Grauer

- In memory of Albert Gersowsky, beloved father - Karen and Barry Gersowsky

- In memory of Fred Hertz, beloved brother Sonja Shiner

- In memory of Bernard A. Cohen, beloved husband - Marion Cohen

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

- In memory of Bradley Balson, beloved son of Babs Balson - Robert and Maxine Greenstein


Todah Rabbah Minyan Service Fund (continued)

- In memory of Haiah Turner, beloved mother Amos and Edith Turner

- In memory of Mildred and Murray Werker, beloved mother and father - Sheila Goldberg

- In memory of Louis Gertz, beloved father William and Sharon Gertz

Paul S. and Sylvia Steinberg Pre-School Fund

- In honor of Shauna and Daniel's marriage Preschool Staff

Prayer Book Fund

- In honor of the marriage of Greg Pestine and Naomi Wexler - Sidney and Natalie Rosenberg

- In memory of Harry Rubinoff, beloved husband of Karen Rubinoff and beloved brother of Earl Rubinoff and Lynn Weitz Steven and Frances Shapiro

- In honor of the marriage of Joshua and Elishvra Shanes - Harris and Sharon Goldenberg

- In memory of Thelma Klein, beloved mother Joel Klein

- In memory of Doris Smolen, beloved wife Ernest Smolen

- In memory of Victor Schwartz, beloved father of Merle Tovian - Steven and Frances Shapiro

- In memory of Dr. Jacob Louis Levin, beloved father - Michael Levin and Gigi Cohen

- Wishing a complete & speedy recovery to Bebe Hendrix - Marvin and Sara Siegel

- In memory of Gertrude Heimann Kronthal, beloved mother - Frank and Arlene Kronthal

Pushke/Tzedakah Fund

- In honor of Jack Blumberg for all of his hard work for our Long Time Members Shabbat Alan and Mally Rutkoff

Ritual Refurbishment Endowment Fund

- In memory of Buddy Wool, beloved father of the Wool family - Jack and Barbara Blumberg

- In honor of Dee and Sam Levenson's 25th anniversary - Jack and Barbara Blumberg

- In memory of Pearl S. Blumberg and Minnie Levinson, our beloved mothers - Jack and Barbara Blumberg

- In honor of Millie Rosenthal's special birthday - Jack and Barbara Blumberg

Social Action Donation Fund

- In memory of Eytan Dekalo, beloved husband of Lori Dekalo and beloved father of David and Shelly - Enid and Larry Arnowitz

Special Gifts Fund

- In honor of Rabbi Kurtz publishing his book Encountering Torah - Sonja Shiner

- In memory of Zelda Robinson, beloved mother of Ellen Krumbein - Enid and Larry Arnowitz - Chana Anderson

- In honor of Rachel Krumbein and Todd Siegal Marriage - Enid and Larry Arnowitz

- In memory of Harry Rubinoff, beloved husband of Karen Rubinoff and beloved brother of Earl Rubinoff and Lynn Weitz - Edward and Francine Kaplan - Neal, Sharel Karbin and Family - Michael and Sharon Stein - Howard and Merle Simon

- In honor of Rosetta Rosenblatt, beloved mother - Joyce Juron - In honor of the marriage of Greg Pestine and Naomi Wexler - Elaine Pestine - In memory of General William Levine, beloved husband of Rhoda Levine - Debra Rade - In memory of Leona Swirsky, beloved sister of Zella Ludwig - Mildred Weber

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


Todah Rabbah

We are grateful for the following contributions:

Spitz Family/Ruth and Milton Liebman Israel Scholarship Endowment Fund

- In honor of the graduations of Molly, Sam and Bennett - Mark and Mae Spitz

- In memory of Rachel Wasserman - Mark and Mae Spitz

- In memory of Harold Rosenblum, beloved brother of Louis Rosenblum - Mae Spitz

- In memory of Victor Schwartz, beloved father of Merle Tovian - Mae Spitz

- In memory of Leona Swirsky, beloved sister of Zella Ludwig - Mae Spitz

Staff Recognition Fund

Youth Community Fund

- With appreciation to the NSSBE staff - Steve and Wendy Abrams - Andrew and Gail Brown

- In honor of Jennifer Kaufman becoming a Bat Mitzvah - Bobbie and Len Tenner

- In memory of Leona Swirsky, beloved sister of Zella Ludwig - Bobbie and Len Tenner

- In honor of Jordi Rutkoff's engagement Bobbie and Len

- In memory of Zelda Robinson, beloved mother of Ellen Krumbein - Steven and Frances Shapiro

- In honor of my aliyah - Felissa Kriendler - In honor of the marriage of Robbie Rutkoff to Rebecca Ginsberg - Bobbie and Len Tenner

- In honor of Melody and Avi Coven's Aufruf Felissa Kreindler

- In memory of Beloved Father of Laurel Abramowicz - Gary Gordon & Marilyn Hirsch

North Suburban Synagogue Beth El and United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism present

USCJ Scholar

Rabbi Joel Levy Shabbat November 1–2, 2013 Rabbi Joel Levy took up his part-time position with Kol Nefesh Masorti in September 2001. He studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University and was chair of Limmud programs for a number of years. He became the director of Noam, the Masorti youth movement in 1994 for three years. Rabbi Levy studied for many years in various institutions and yeshivot in and around Jerusalem and received smicha from Rabbi David Hartman. He has continued writing for Reflections, the weekly sheet on the sedra. In Israel he works in the Jewish Studies Faculty at the Machon L'Madrichei Chu'l, and for Ta Sh'ma, an organization that provides pluralistic Jewish education. Rabbi Levy also teaches at the Conservative Yeshiva. He is married to Susanna Cohen, principal bassoonist in the Israel Chamber Orchestra. They have two daughters, Shira and Kalya, and live in Jerusalem. Rabbi Levy will speak at Beth El on Friday night as part of the Congregational Shabbat Dinner and give the D'var Torah on Shabbat morning. For more information about the USCJ Scholar's visit, contact Ali Drumm, Director of Informal Education, at or 847-432-8900 x218.

October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774


November 2013 Events Calendar










5:25pm Candle Lighting 8:50 am Shabbat Services and Choir 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00pm Congregational Shabbat Bar Mitzvah – Jacob Ephraim Dinner 10:00 am Vav Family Service 12:30 pm Scholar Post Kiddush Lecture 5:15 pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 6:30 pm Shabbat Ends

3  Rosh Hodesh Kislev

4  Rosh Hodesh Kislev




2:00am Daylight Savings Time Ends 4:00pm Beth El Rosh Hodesh

7:00 am Morning Minyan Continuing Education

9:00am Preschool Book Fair Continuing Education 8:00pm Ba'al Korei Board Mtg. 7:45pm Sisterhood Board Mtg. 9:00am Preschool Conferences 9:00am Preschool Book Fair 9:30am Writer's Beit Midrash 6:00pm Youth Commission Mtg. 7:00pm Kadima Board Meeting

4:17pm Candle Lighting 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat

8:50 am Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah – Miles Gottesman Bat Mitzvah–Aliyah Blumenthal 9:15 am Beit Midrash Minyan 10:00 am Vav Family Service 4:15 pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 5:22 pm Shabbat Ends








9:30am Bagels for Your Brains

Continuing Education 7:45pm Sisterhood Evening Program with Larry Stern 7:00 pm CJM Session 8:00pm Board of Education Mtg.

Continuing Education

8:00pm Executive Committee

4:10pm Candle Lighting 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat

Men's Club Shabbat 8:50 am Shabbat Services 10:00 am Vav Family Service 12:00pm Vav Service Luncheon 12:45pm Sisterhood Torah Fund Book Club 4:00 pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 5:15 pm Shabbat Ends







9:30am Bagels for Your Brains 10:00 am Film Screening: Ghosts of the 3rd Reich

Continuing Education 7:45pm Sisterhood Game Continuing Education 4:15pm Religious School Parent Night Mania 9:30am Writer's Beit Midrash Conferences 8:00pm House Committee Mtg. 7:00pm Hartman Series 8:00 pm CEC Meeting 8:00 pm Ritual Committee Mtg.

12:00pm Study and Lunch in the Loop 8:00pm Board of Directors

CHUSY Fest Weekend 4:05pm Candle Lighting 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat

8:50 am Shabbat Services Bar Mitzvah – Noah Shanes 4:00 pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 5:10 pm Shabbat Ends




28  Erev Hanukkah 1st

10:00am Social Action Thanksgiving Mitzvah Project

Continuing Education 7:30pm Men's Club Board Mtg.

No Preschool Classes/ No Religious School Classes 8:00pm Turkey Dance

8:45am Morning Minyan





29  Hanukkah 2nd Candle 30  Hanukkah 3rd Candle Candle/Thanksgiving Day 7:00am Morning Minyan 8:50 am Shabbat Services 4:01pm Candle Lighting 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat

Bar Mitzvah – Max Baum Bat Mitzvah – Emily Baum Bat Mitzvah – Jori Baum 4:00 pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 5:06 pm Shabbat Ends

NSSBE Staff Vernon Kurtz, Rabbi Michael Schwab, Rabbi Larry B. Goller, Hazzan Mark Stadler, Ritual Director Chuck Kahalnik, Executive Director Alicia Gejman, Director of Formal Education October-November 2013 / Tishrei - Kislev 5774

Caron Knopoff, Pre-School Director Ali Drumm, Director of Informal Education Rachel Kamin, Director of the Cultural and Learning Center Nancy Kekst, Development Manager Samantha Isenstein, Youth Community Director


North Suburban Synagogue Beth El 1175 Sheridan Road Highland Park, IL 60035

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October 2013 Events Calendar

Address Service Requested











4  Rosh Hodesh Cheshvan 5

12:30pm Sisterhood Board Mtg. Continuing Education 6:00pm Religious School Open House

1:30pm Out of Chaos Event 7:00am Morning Minyan 6:00pm Men's Club Steak and 6:09pm Candle Lighting Cigar Night 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00pm Ba'al Korei Board Mtg.

Ba'al Korei Shabbat 8:50 am Shabbat Services 12:45pm Sisterhood Torah Fund Book Club 6:00pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 7:14 pm Shabbat Ends







9:30 am Beth El Fall Fest 9:30 am Bagels for Your Brains

8:00pm Board of Education Mtg. 6:30pm Museum Reception Continuing Education 8:00pm Museum Event Lecture 4:00pm Religious School 7:00pm Hartman Series

1:30pm Egg Tempera Painting Workshop 8:00pm Executive Meeting

5:56pm Candle Lighting 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15pm Religious School Kabbalat Shabbat and Dinner

8:50 am Shabbat Services Bat Mitzvah – Alexandra Dayan Bat Mitzvah – Molly Melinger 10:00 am Vav Family Service 12:30 pm Men's Club Kiddush Club 5:45 pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 7:01pm Shabbat Ends






12:00pm Study and Lunch in the Loop

5:45pm Candle Lighting 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00pm Robbin Scholar Weekend Shabbat Dinner

8:50 am Shabbat Services Bat Mitzvah–Gabriella Cooperman 10:00 am Vav Family Service 10:00 am Teen Minyan 12:30 pm Robbin Scholar Post Kiddush Lecture 5:45 pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 6:50 pm Shabbat Endss






Continuing Education Continuing Education 12:30pm Sisterhood Lunch Continuing Education 9:30 am Bagels for Your Brains 9:00am Youth Day Off Program and Learn 8:00pm House Committee Mtg. 1:00pm Judaica Library Network Meeting



10:00am Robbin Scholar Lecture Continuing Education 12:00pm Sisterhood Frankel Program 8:00 pm CLC Meeting 8:00 pm Ritual Committee Mtg.



Continuing Education 9:30am Writer's Beit Midrash

7:00pm Maggie Anton Author Preschool Bubbie and Zaddie USY Shabbat Event at B'nai Torah Shabbat Program 8:50 am Shabbat Services 8:00pm Board of Directors Mtg. 5:35pm Candle Lighting 10:00 am Vav Family Service 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 pm Mincha /Ma'ariv 7:00pm Danny Siegel's Shabbat 6:00 pm Torah and Tea with from the Heart Dinner Danny Siegel 6:40 pm Shabbat Ends 7:15 pm Mitzvah Hero Mania with Danny Siegel





Continuing Education 9:30am Men's Club Keeper of the Flame

Continuing Education 7:30pm Men's Club Board Mtg.



Continuing Education

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