Fall 2006
- David Crowder Band: A Collision - Switchfoot: Nothing is Sound - Derek Webb: Mockingbird - Rachel Merchand: The Ashling - Chronicles of Narnia
udy Bible St
ns 1 a i t a l a G
... And More
It’s 8:00 and he’s missing out on “Monday Night Football”
u o Y l l i W d e r o B Be ? n e v a e in H Challenging those who carry the label “Christian” to also carry their cross.
The juice Feature
Will You Be Bored In Heaven? Pg.10
Life As We Know It Reviews Music Pg.14 - David Crowder Band: A Collision - Switchfoot: Nothing is Sound - POD: Testify - Krystal Myers: Self-Titled - Derek Webb: Mockingbird - Rachel Merchand: The Ashling
S.O.S. (Stupidity of the Sexes) Female: Internal Beauty -Pg.6 Male: Houses Built on Sand -Pg.7 Bible Study: Galatians Chapter 1 Questions Pg.9 Commentary Pg.28
The bubble Interview
Book Pg.18 - If I’m Waiting On God Then What Am I Doing in a Christian Chatroom?
The Kingpin Wrecking Crew “Abolistic Tendencies “- Pg. 26
Movies Pg.20 - The Chronicles of Narnia
Laugh it up Clown Missionary Dating: She Said, He Said.
Challenging those who carry the label “Christian” to also carry their cross.
Ministry Spotlight www.warzoneministries.com Reborn! Pg.30
$$ Whatever You Can Afford $$ ____________________ Staff Designer : Jonathan Medina Contributing Designers: Roberto Comparan Ethan Hackett Art Consultant: Roberto Comparan Ethan Hackett Dionne Brocco Editor: Meredith Wyant ___________________ Contributors Writing: Jonathan Medina Kerri Pomarolli Ron McGehee Meredith Wyant Keith Green Creative Team:
Nathaniel Rabideau Jackson Bouchard
____________________ Warzone Ministries PO Box 661 Proctor, VT 05765 802.342.0827 www.warzoneministries.com info@warzoneministries.com
Did Jesus charge admission when He was speaking at the sermon on the mount? Was there a cover charge for those in attendance at “fish and loaves” feast? How about you, when you accepted Christ into your heart, did you have to give a credit card number along with your prayer of repentance and decision to follow Him? The answer to all these questions is no. Jesus never asked for money, He depended on His Father in heaven to provide. We are operating in the same manner. We aren’t going to charge you for God’s word or the things that He has taught us. We are depending on God to provide for our financial needs through His obedient people. So we offer you this magazine for whatever you can afford- if it’s only 2 cents, then throw it in an envelope with a note that reads, “Here is my two cents” (I know I am asking for it with that one). Whatever it is (even if it’s nothing) we will gladly accept it and continue to provide you with the best Christian magazine that we can. God bless. All Contributions should be made payable to: Warzone Ministries PO Box 661 Proctor, VT 05765
Vision Statement Picture this: you and a small group of soldiers are behind enemy lines. Every day, you awake to the smell of smoke and burning ruins. You hear gun shots ringing out in a number of directions. The battlefield is saturated with the blood of your fellow soldiers. The enemy is everywhere and restlessly searching to find and destroy you. You and your small group make radio transmissions to the other groups fighting in different areas. The transmissions are diverse and helpful to other soldiers in many ways: warning of dangers, words of encouragement, directions to resources, and even an occasional joke. This is the essence of From the Battlefield Magazine. It’s much like the radio transmissions described above. This is reality. We awake to this battle everyday; in the spiritual realm, the battle rages and it continues without ceasing. Take heart soldiers, if God is for us who can be against us? We are promised victory. Let us press on toward the goal. All Scriptures were quoted with permission from the American Standard Bible (NASB) Unless otherwise noted. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
Ministry Briefing Welcome back soldiers, It has been a while since we’ve got to chill with you, but despite the enemy’s large-scale attack against us, we are back in action. I want to personally apologize for the length of time that it has taken to get this new issue into your hands, I want to thank you guys/gals for sticking it out, and allowing us the opportunity to bless you. We are pretty excited about this issue. Not only is it our first issue back from the unexpected hiatus, but we also get the chance to publish a great article by the late Keith Green (Special thanks to Last Days Ministries). We have a great interview with a band that will soon be shaking up the Christian music scene: The Kingpin Wrecking Crew, as well as a piece on missionary dating, featuring Kerri Pomarolli and Ron McGehee (two hot Christian comedians). You may notice that some of the content (music, movie reviews) is a little dated, but all of it is worth printing. We have already started to work on our winter issue, and we are hoping to really take it to the next level with that issue, and the ones to follow. We have some new team members whom we will introduce in the next issue. Speaking of team members, we are in desperate need of female writers; all you need is: salvation, a desire to share about the Lord, and time. If you’re interested, contact us. We hope you find enjoyment and edification in these pages. Dig in and drop us a line. Much Love, Jonathan Medina
Reading... Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell
Watching... Over The Hedge Battlefield Magazine
Listening... Abolition Strategy
1 Samuel 16:7 (B) ... “for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
Proverbs 31:25-27 Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future. She opens her mouth in wisdom, And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
Internal Beauty Have you ever seen that girl with a top that’s a little wider than the belt that she’s wearing? What about those low ride jeans that hang lower than sea level? Well. That was me. I always wanted a caring husband who would respect me, and who would love me for me (the inside me). So why did it seem like all the guys that I attracted were only attracted to the way I looked? Yeah, hindsight is 20/20. Now- visualize me in my early 20’s, milk was only 5 cents a gallon and we would take the wagon into town - OK, it wasn’t that long ago. I was a girl with long dark hair, a white t-shirt knotted up past her stomach with hip-hugger jeans (this was hip and sexy back then). I was dying for some attention, but I always got the kind I didn’t want. Where was that nice, caring guy that I longed for? Let’s face it- what type of guy was I really going to attract? By looking at me, would a respectable guy even consider me for a long term commitment? I’m sure I didn’t look like the type of girl a guy could take home to mom, but a guy with devious motives might have wanted to take me back to his place. I wasn’t displaying any inner substance, yet I was looking for a guy who did, and who would appreciate mine (even if it was hidden). I focused my efforts on my outside beauty, yet I wanted someone to take notice of my inner beauty. Funny how people do the opposite to achieve what they really want. Whenever I see these girls walking around in their little cosmo outfits, I cringe. Do they truly believe that their outer appearance is what it is all about? Sorry to shred your seventeen magazine, but it is not. Do you actually think that dressing this way is going to allure a God-fearing faithful husband? How about when you stand before the Lord and your internal substance is weighed? What is going to be left, when all the external is devoured by the fire?
It has been ten years since I first wore those hip-hugger jeans. It was ten long years of making all the wrong decisions. All I can say is: before you take too much pride in your appearance, look at who you are through God’s eyes. We all have value there. We are all loved. Examine who you truly are inside, and don’t focus so much attention on the shell. It will only fade with time. Remember to let your true beauty shine through, and only then will all the rest fall into place. Meredith Wyant I am Meredith-the mother of all things stupid. I have significant experience with this topic. I have traveled the road of stupidity for… let’s just say,… a long time. I want to share my wealth of knowledge with you before it’s too late. Battlefield Magazine
James 4:13-15 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what
will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
Houses Built On Sand... It was the summer before my junior year in High School, and I was in love (well, at least I thought I was).To protect her identity, we will call her Lafonda. Life was good; I was dating the prettiest girl in school (maybe not the prettiest, but definitely one of the top 300). Being the good “Christian boy” that I was, I decided to do the relationship God’s way (it might have been good to have His permission first). We were off to a good start- for about six seconds. Over time our relationship grew progressively more physical (Duh, I was a teenage guy). God continued to tug at my heart in different ways, but I continued to ignore Him. I would justify it by saying, “We can fix this.” It was like tying a rope around a ‘64 Cadillac, driving it into quicksand, and trying to save it by pulling on the rope. The more I fought to save the relationship, the deeper I got pulled in. After fighting to save that Cadillac and even being pulled into the quicksand myself, it was my Dad who finally whacked me with a pool queue and knocked me off the rope (that’s a whole different story). Jesus tells the same story in Luke 6:49, except this time the characters take a slightly different form: my failed relationship is the house that was built on sand (things of the world), instead of on foundation (Jesus), and I was the dumb guy who built it there. The storm came, and my house was destroyed because it lacked a strong foundation.
When you focus energy, efforts, and resources on something that God hasn’t directed, or permitted you to do, you are building in vain. Whatever you are “building” eventually will fall to ruin. The things you build outside of God’s foundation will inevitably be destroyed- they keep no eternal value. You can’t beat it, many people have tried and failed because God’s laws cannot be overturned. Can you think of something in your life that you have been building outside of God’s foundation? Are you worried? Yeah, it’s rearing its ugly little head right now. You try to suppress it with reasoning, but the voice seems to get louder. It’s time to reevaluate your situation; is this thing a stumbling block for you? Probably- if it was built outside of God’s will. If that is the case, then you have to abandon this “house” and seek direction from God. I know it sounds painful, but the pain of not doing it is much greater. >>> Continued on Pg.18 Jonathan Medina I was a quick study in stupidity 101. Regardless of common sense and good advice, I was stubborn in my quest to make poor choices. I want to share with you some things that I’ve learned from falling on my face or watching others fall on theirs. Battlefield Magazine
Bible Study Galatians: Chapter One Synopsis: Galatians is described as a “Pauline Epistle”, which basically means a letter that Paul (the apostle) wrote. This particular letter was written to a church that Paul established in Galatia. One of the predominant themes of the letter is a believer’s justification by faith, rather than the law. Paul was addressing a situation that arose when some Jewish leaders started a “law-driven” gospel. Introduction 1 Paul, an apostle (not sent from men nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead), 2 and all the brethren who are with me, To the churches of Galatia: 3 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen. Perversion of the Gospel 6 I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; 7 which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! 9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed! 10 For am I now seeking the favor of men,
or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ. Paul Defends His Ministry 11 For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. 12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ. 13 For you have heard of my former manner of life in Judaism, how I used to persecute the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it; 14 and I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my countrymen, being more extremely zealous for my ancestral traditions. 15 But when God, who had set me apart even from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, was pleased 16 to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood, 17 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went away to Arabia, and returned once more to Damascus. 18 Then three years later I went up to Jerusalem to become acquainted with
Battlefield Magazine
Cephas, and stayed with him fifteen days. 19 But I did not see any other of the apostles except James, the Lord’s brother. 20 (Now in what I am writing to you, I assure you before God that I am not lying.) 21 Then I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia. 22 I was still unknown by sight to the churches of Judea which were in Christ; 23 but only, they kept hearing, “He who once persecuted us is now preaching the faith which he once tried to destroy.” 24 And they were glorifying God because of me.
Galatians: Chapter One - Questions Vrs 1-5 Who was Paul sent by? Why is this important?
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ According to the passage why did Jesus give Himself up?
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ How specifically did Jesus deliver us from the present evil age?
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Vrs 6-10 What is Paul amazed by?
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Describe what is happening in verses 6-10.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ According to the passage who is “accursed?”
? ?
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
What is the significance of verse 10?
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ >>> Questions Continued on Pg.32
Battlefield Magazine
Written By: Keith Green
It’s 8:00 and he’s missing out on “Monday Night Football”
u o Y l l i W d e r o B e B ? n e v a e in H
“But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My Word.” Isaiah 66:2 Who today trembles at the Word of God? It seems to me that there are but few who really live with a passion for God - especially a passion just to be with Him. Today there is such a noise coming up before the throne of the Most High - the clamor of so - called praise, singing, and joyful shouting. But I wonder if the same people who love to sing and shout, loudly exclaiming the praises of God, really have such an intense glory in their secret life with the Lord. When the meeting’s over and there’s no one there to listen except the only One who matters, do you still have that same
passionate joy in your spirit, just to be alone with the Living God? How Are You Ever Going To Enjoy Heaven? The Lord made me realize recently that if I do not absolutely relish His company now, desiring to be with Him more than anyone in the whole world, then I would not really be comfortable in heaven at all - for it is there that we will spend all eternity in the company of the Holy One who made us. I had always thought that even though now I might not desire with all my heart to be in the conscious presence of God, that
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somehow, mysteriously, I would not have that problem after I die. I had believed that salvation from a rotten devotional life would only finally come with death (and then naturally heaven!), but as a man of God said centuries ago, “There is no sanctification in the grave!” (Hebrews 9:27) How many of us believe that even though we have some evil and sin in our hearts now, heaven will take care of all that? Why do we put our hope in some future redemption when God says, “Behold, now is the acceptable time, behold, now is the day of salvation!” (2 Corinthians 6:2) Do you think that even though you allow yourself pride and selfishness here, once you get to heaven everything will be all set because “it’s impossible to sin in heaven”? Aren’t you forgetting that Satan let pride, selfishness, and deceit rule his life, even though he had lived in heaven since the day he was first made! It must be seen that heaven can’t take away our sins, only Jesus can take away our sins and the power of sin over our life! The Gates Of Holiness Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say that God will allow sin in heaven. On the contrary, He has prepared hell as the final dumping site for the devil - and all the sin in the universe! God will only allow what is holy to enter through the gates. (Revalations 21:27) That is why I implore you to see that it’s not heaven that will finally purify us... only the blood of Jesus can cleanse and purify us, and that must take place here and now. For without holiness, “no one shall see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14 KJV) If your heart takes more pleasure in reading novels, or watching TV, or going to the movies, or talking to friends, rather than just sitting alone with God and embracing Him, sharing His cares and His burdens, weeping and rejoicing with Him, then how are you going to handle forever and ever in His presence with no TV, movies, or singles’ retreats? You’d be bored to tears in heaven, if you’re not ecstatic about God now!
How could God invite you to heaven, where the most exciting thing to do all day is gaze upon His glorious face, if you’re not in heaven right here on earth when you’re alone with Him? Do you think that after you die, suddenly you’ll be in heaven and “presto!” all at once you’re not going to like worldly things anymore? All of a sudden you’ll love more than anything else just to hang out with God, when you couldn’t stand being alone with Him even 20 minutes a day? The Excitement Of Death “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain .... I do not know which to choose, but I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake. And convinced of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith . . “ (Philippians 1:21-25) What an amazing passage this is. But then again, what an amazing man Paul was! He speaks here as if he could snap his fingers and be in heaven any time he chose to leave the planet. He says that he’d really rather depart this life and be with Christ in heaven, but he was willing to stay if he really had to! How different his attitude toward death is than ours. When we think of dying, many times it still holds the same dread for us as it does for unbelievers. Even worse, there are many believers who do not wish to “depart and be with Christ” any time too soon. When they think of going to be with the Lord, they hope it will be a long, long time in the future - in fact, going to heaven now would interrupt many of our plans (even “Christian” ones), cutting short a “long, productive life.” Be honest, would you be thrilled for the Lord to come back right before you get that college degree, or if you had your choice would you prefer He wait until
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right after graduation day? Maybe you’re engaged to be married. How would you like to go to heaven the day before your scheduled wedding? See what I mean? Paul really desired more than anything else to go to be with the Lord. We desire long, fulfilling “Christian” lives on earth - but we’re willing to die and go to heaven ... when we really have to!
led into the “upper room,” without first going to the cross!
Living Martyrs What God seeks for today is a Church full of dead men and women. Dead to themselves, that is - and alive to their Beloved! Have you ever read Foxe’s Book Of Martyrs? Such stories! Men and women tortured for a faith that seemed to the world (and the organized church of that day) to be in vain - because they chose to die for what they believed rather than accept the false, temporary peace of the so-called “religion” of the times.
Many believers (especially in America) are hoping this event - called the “rapture” by Bible teachers - will deliver them from the sufferings that the Bible says will torment the whole earth. In fact, there are many who are more excited about this “rapture” than they are about Jesus Himself. Do these same people believe that they are more worthy to escape tribulation than Paul, or James, who both were beheaded? Or Peter who was crucified upside down (because he thought himself not worthy to be crucified as his Lord had been)? Or Bartholomew who was actually skinned alive in Rome? What about the millions of saints through the ages who have suffered unspeakable fates as their reward on earth for their faithfulness - why has there been no rapture for them? And what makes us congratulate ourselves here in the West, to think that we deserve to go scot-free from suffering when “men of whom the world was not worthy did not accept their release, in order that they might obtain to a better resurrection”? (Hebrews 11:3538)
The Bible still prophesies terrifying times ahead for the world, a time of horror and tribulation “such as the world has never seen” (Matthew. 24:21 LB) “men’s hearts failing them for fear.” (Luke 21:26 KJV,) According to Jesus, these times will try believers’ hearts and faith more than any other in all the history of civilization. We must prepare for these times in the same way the apostle Paul did. He openly shared his secret of enduring suffering, torments, and persecution with joy - “I die daily!”
The Rapture - The Great Escape? “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (I Thessalonians 4:17)
Paul was a living martyr. He had been to the cross and had been “crucified with Christ.” He had laid down upon the altar and counted all his strengths, talents, and benefits from this life as garbage so that he might “gain Christ.” (I Corinthians 15:31; Galatians 2:20; Philippians 3:7) Paul shares experiences in 2 Corinthians 11 that would make most of today’s fainthearted believers shrink away from the faith - because the crucified life is not taught, only the “victory of the believer.” But there is no victory without battle, and there is no resurrection without a cross. Today, many people with “charismatic” experiences have been Battlefield Magazine 12
A Great Falling Away (Matthew 24:10) I think that one of the saddest stories I’ve ever heard was how the believers in China fared when the Communists took over their country in 1949. The Evangelical churches had been teaching that the Church would definitely be raptured before any “great tribulation” or suffering would befall the faithful. It had become such a central doctrine that all worry (and preparation) were abandoned, and praise for their absolute safety from harm and persecution was offered at every meeting. Then the Communist government took over and a vicious attack was made upon the Church, including confiscation of property, beatings, imprisonment, and even the taking of children from parents. The unprepared Church was caught so off-guard that millions fell away and denied Christ, thinking they had been abandoned by a God who did not keep His promise. Ah, but that’s just it! God has promised tribulation - God has promised persecution! “In the world you shall have tribulation . . . he who desires to save his life shall lose it. . . all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (John 16:33; Matthew 16:25; II Timothy 3:12) But these promises from God (no less precious than His others) were neglected in the teachings of the Chinese Church... just as they are being neglected today in the West. How sad to think that so many have become mesmerized into believing that no physical harm or suffering can befall them because they are Christians. But Jesus said, “Do not fear those who kill the body!” (Matthew 10:28)
I’m not saying there won’t be a rapture. I’m just not too sure about the timing. Yes, I believe that God could deliver all true believers from the great tribulation, but since He hasn’t always gotten even faithful Christians off the hook from suffering (in the Bible or in Church history), there’s no guarantee that He’ll protect the many lazy, apathetic believers of today from something that might not only wake them up, but would certainly divide the true sheep from the “religious” goats. When it comes to believing in either a pretribulation or post-tribulation rapture, my motto has always been: pray for “pre” but prepare for “post.” That way we’ll be ready for truly anything - which is exactly the way God wants us to be! The thing that matters most to God Is that His people will be found ready to rule as the Bride of Jesus when He returns. There are so many warnings about being unprepared (Matthew 24: 42-51; Luke 21:34-36; I Thessalonians 5:2-3), parables that tell the fate of those who are not faithful or do not keep watch (Matthew 25:143; Luke 12:35-40, 19:1127), and pleadings of a loving God who “does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked.” (Ezekiel 33:11) We should take heed the godly advice of the great apostle... “Test yourselves to see if you are In the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you - unless indeed you fail the test?” II Corinthians 13:5
Last Days Ministries: Our articles can be read online at www.lastdaysministries.org. If you wish a Catalog or to order this article as a tract, please contact Last Days Ministries, 825 College Blvd. Suite 102 #333, Oceanside, CA 92057-6258 (Toll Free Fax 1-877-228-9536)
Keith Green with his wife Melody founded Last Days Ministries in the mid-seventies. Though Keith went to be with the Lord in 1981 his music, ministry and writings still inspire and shape the face of modern Christianity. Battlefield Magazine 13
Music Reviews
David Crowder Band: We did have Switchfoot’s picture up here until we found out that they got punked by the big DCB on iTunes album sales- So here is the supercool David Crowder band.
David *Crowder Band: A Collision Release Date: 09.27.05 Label: SPARROW / EMD Genre: Rock/ Worship We’ve all got to give David Crowder Band props: they hit the #2 spot on iTunes’ most sold albums. That means that they whooped Green Day, Nickelback, and even Ashley Simpson. That’s an amazing feat for a full-blown worship album. David Crowder Band is known for innovative, creative, and passionate worship music and this album is no different. Musically
- None Spiritually
+ DCB never disappoints when it comes to thoughtful worship music. More than your standard 7x11 (seven words, eleven times) format, these songs reach for a deeper understanding of God and our position before Him. - None Highlights: Here is Our King, Foreverandever Ect., I Saw the Light, You Are My Joy One Word: Joyful Switchfoot: Nothing is Sound
+ From solemn piano driven worship ballads to knee slapping bluegrass, this album offers much in the diversity department. Organic guitars and the electronic beats collide (no pun intended) to make a rich and textured album. This project is abundant in joyful energy- if you’re not smiling by the end of song 10, you had better check your pulse.
Release Date: 09.17.05 Label: Columbia Genre: Alternative Rock This is the moment of truth for Switchfoot. Following up the greatest album of their career was not an easy undertaking. Is
Battlefield Magazine 14
iew v Re nd c e i us Leg
“Nothing is Sound” a formidable effort? Musically
+ Stylistically, Swichfoot took a slight detour from their tried and true formula. One song in particular (The Shadow Proves the Sunshine) has a very “U2-esque” feel, especially in the vocal section. “The Fatal Wound”, is accompanied with a harmonica and has a dark feel to it. Though the musical progression is notable in this album, the signature Switchfoot sound is still intact. - This album turns down the edgy rock attack that “A Beautiful Letdown” administered with such ferocity. Spiritually
+ Come on, let’s be honest: the spiritual content in this album can be measured in teaspoons. It is good that Switchfoot diagnoses our society as one that is hurting. John Foreman has a poetic way about his lyrics, and even though the concepts are simplistic, the delivery is eloquent.
Ammunition You may be asking, “Why use bullets as a rating system in music reviews, isn’t that a bit violent?” I have 2 things to say in response. 1) Read the name of the magazine again. 2) We live in a violent world where abortion (killing babies) is a form of birth control, forget about my rating system and go pray for these people. Musically Basically this section is about how the band sounds. We look at everything from production and instrument skills, to originality and style. X1 Sounds like a 2nd grade flute-aphone concert. X2 I hear American Idol is having an audition near you.
- It seems that Switchfoot’s focus is flickering in their struggle to make a spiritually relevant album. Yes, they are reaching the masses, but with what message- “Look at the stars?” Highlights: Lonely Nation, The Shadow Proves The Sunshine, Stars (Acoustic Cut) One Word: Solemn Krystal Meyers: Self-Titled
X3 Hey! That sounds like music. X4 Flippin sweet! X1 The kind of CD you listen to for three months straight. Spiritually This section is about the content of the CD. Is it edifying? We look at everything from lyrical expression to doctrinal concepts. X1 Satan has this one in his CD case.
Release Date: 06.07.05 Label: Brentwood Genre: Pop-Punk When I first saw Krystal Meyers I thought to myself, “ Yikes! The Christian music industry cloned Avril Lavigne!” After weeks of trying to get over her sickening resemblance to AV I was finally able to do the review.
X2 Maybe if there was content it would be spiritual. X3 I feel a pulse! X4 Enough spiritual content to choke a horse*. X1 Jesus would Jam to this CD. *No horses were harmed in the writing of this legend.
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+ Ok. 16-year old Krystal can bust out some notes; her vocal skills are above par for the genre. According to the liner notes she had her hand in the writing of the album - we have to give her points for that. - What can I say? The album is typical Pop-Punk or whatever you want to call it (pretty much a teenie-bopper sing-along mix). Is it good Pop-Punk? Sure, but is Pop-Punk good? I will leave that for you to decide. Spiritually
+ It is good to see that a common thread in the CD is the greatness of God and the shortcomings of man. She also encourages people to not conform to secular culture in her song “Anticonformity”. - None
Warriors EP II continued the tradition of lacking energy and focus. Fortunately, that was not the case with their latest LP. Their new release “Testify” offers the proverbial punch in the mouth that we were hoping for. Musically
+ The boys are back and in full effect. This album has tracks that rock hard as well as tracks that groove smoothly. POD has returned to their roots, by fusing aggressive hip-hop with edgy hard rock. This album goes further than previous albums in musical maturity, this is evident in the collaboration efforts with “Matisyahu” throughout the album, as well as the overall tone of the album. - The song “ On The Grind” has an addictive sound to it – but the erratic rapping of “Psycho” (Sick Jacken) offsets the groove. Spiritually
Highlights: My Savior, Anticonformity One Word: Bouncy P.O.D.: Testify
Release Date: 01.24.06 Label: Atlantic Genre: Alternative The general consensus among music critics and fans is that P.O.D.’s last LP was disappointing to say the least. Their
+ POD boldly titled their new album Testify. When recently asked, “...So what are we testifying to with this album?” Sonny (P.O.D Front man) replied, “14 years P.O.D. has been around, we been saying the same thing since we first started, that there is a God out there that loves you. We have that faith and I believe that keeps us strong,..” The album proceeds to back that statement up, with a spiritually attuned album. The albums spirituality comes to a pinnacle with the song, “Strength of My Life”, which is an adaptation of one of David’s Psalms. - Although P.O.D has made a bold statement of faith with this release, a healthy portion of the album is still what I call “Hardcore-G” Propaganda. Highlights Roots In Stereo, Strength of My Life One Word: Emerge
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Derek Webb: Mockingbird
Rachael Merchand: The Ashling
Release Date: 12.27.05 Label: SONY Genre: Soft Rock
Release Date: 10.28.05 Label: Independent Genre: New Age
This guy’s music hit me like a brick from out of nowhere. My aunt mentioned him and I checked him out, since I have never even heard of his name. To my surprise, he is a member of Cademon’s Call. I scoped out some web articles on Derek; they had a common theme: “Derek’s controversial new album.” Excited by controversy, I downloaded the CD from iTunes.
Rachel Merchand hails from beautiful “morecows-than-people” Vermont. You may be asking, “Vermont, what state is that in?” – To answer your unvoiced thoughts, Vermont is a state. Although Vermont isn’t a happening hub of the modern day music industry – it has birthed one expressive and potential laden artist: Rachel Merchand.
+ Mockingbird is not crazycomplex or thickly layered, but Derek’s musicianship and song writing skills make this a solid album. Mockingbird is a stylistic blend of piano, acoustic guitar, and weighty vocals. - Don’t look for anything fantastic to happen on the album. The tone and musical landscape remains relatively flat. Personally, I wouldn’t change this about the album, because it draws out the lyrics. Spiritually
+ The lyrics are really what bring this album home. Derek is not afraid to say things like “Satan may be sleeping with your wife.” Mockingbird is a slap in the face for church-folks; a slap that challenges the way that we are living out our faith. The song “New Law” is a sobering look at the average Christian’s approach to faith. The song “A King and A Kingdom” reminds us of where our home and hearts should lie.
+ The Ashling is a haunting blend of flowing vocals, soft piano, and acoustic guitar. Rachel, an independent artist, has delivered a solid effort- touting studio quality sound with unique creativity.
- Though the album has its strengths, one of them is not songscape. The music feels anti- climactic at times- right when you expect that the songs will pickup or drop off, they often continue plugging the same energy and tone. Spiritually
+ “These tears” is one of the most spiritually prominent songs on the record. It is a clear representation of Rachel calling out to God and asking Him to embody the different elements of her person.
- The spiritual content in this album (like
Highlights: New Law, A King and A Kingdom, Zeros and Ones
many others in the industry) is vaguely hinted at- you find it hidden in broad metaphors. I’ve listened to the album for the last year and maybe it’s just me, but I can’t figure out what it’s about.
One Word: Honest
Highlights: My Love, These Tears
- NA
One Word: Quiet Battlefield Magazine 17
BOOK REVIEW If I am waiting on God then what am I doing in a Christian Chatroom? I looked kind of weird walking up to the counter, at Barnes and Noble, with a pink book titled, “If I am waiting on God then what am I doing in a Christian chatroom?” …Yeah… However, this was much better than walking up to the counter at a small Christian bookstore with a stack of books on “recovering from pornography”, and “sex addiction”- I looked at the nice old lady behind the counter and said, “Research?” Anyway, back to the book review. Don’t let the cover scare you, this book has a little something for everyone. Guys- Have you ever wanted to delve into the mind of a female, but have never had the opportunity to snag their journal, or maybe you just couldn’t construct a solid plan on getting it back to them. Oh come on, don’t act like it’s just me. This is your chance to get the low-down on how girls think. This may even help you save yourself from some embarrassing moments. Girls- Get ready for the emotional rollercoaster we call dating- in a book. You girls out there are going to dig Kerri’s pull-no-punches-laugh-at-myself brand of storytelling. Her experiences are sure to mirror some of your own. This book is a good read, with some solid thoughts on God, dating, and junk food. Kerri gives an honest (not to mention- hilarious) portrait of her life’s events without putting on the filter-o-Christianity. The story follows Kerri’s search for “Mr. Right” but, even more so, it chronicles a spiritual journey and a growing relationship with her Savior- Who, despite all of her ups and downs, was always there to meet her where she was.
“Houses Built On Sand” >>>Continued from Pg.7
The Bible says, “If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and cast it from you (Matthew 5:29).” Wouldn’t it hurt to pluck out your eye? Yes- but as the Bible says, “It is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.” Where are you placing your hope? How are you spending your time and energy? For me, it was a relationship; for you, it could be the same thing, or maybe a career, a dream, or even a ministry. Am I saying not to do these things? NoI am saying, seek God in everything first. Listen for His voice. If God hasn’t directed or permitted you to build a house, then don’t- no matter how solid the foundation seems. The difference between a house still standing, and a pile of lumber and drywall after the storm, is a foundation reinforced by Jesus.
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It’s a Small World After All! Meet Alex. You might have seen him gracing the pages of previous Battlefield Magazines. We found Alex at an online stock photography store. He was perfect for our feature for that month, so we bought him and put him on the cover. We later found out that Alex is an Australian rock star! Alex is the drummer for a Christian punk band called Fido. Here is an excerpt from a letter we received (we cut out the 12 pages of praise and compliments in the interest of space). “Do you know those images were taken in Australia for the band Fido. Alex is the drummer. Fido is a Christian punk band http://www.gotfido.com I was their manager for a while and am their photographer (and the guitarist’s sister). Dan Corinado from US, who was in Fido for a few months last year, just happened across your magazine at a friend’s house, the one with Alex on the front. He was totally surprised! He was actually part of Fido when those shots were taken, and was at the photo shoot, but he wondered how on earth the photo got on the front cover of a US magazine! It’s crazy, not knowing where they will turn up (the pictures) particularly cause Fido is pretty famous over here. Alex is really proud of himself though, being on the front cover.”
ho Three W t Loved Nos ve Their li There was a converted Hindu Christian martyr whose skin was slashed and filled with salt and chili powder. He said to his tormentors, “Formerly Satan wounded me with his fiery darts. The blood of Jesus healed those wounds. The suffering caused by your wounds is not much.” Enraged by these words, they started to skin him alive. “ I thank you for this,” he said, “tear off the old garment. I shall soon put on Christ’s garment of righteousness.” He was finally burned praying for his persecutors. (A Book Of Protestant Saints by Ernest Gordon) Then there was Alan Cameron, one of the “convenanters” of the great Scottish persecutions, who was shown the head and the hands of another covenanter, his own son Richard. They asked him the cruel question, “Do you know them?” He kissed them saying, “I know them... I know them. They are my son’s, my own dear son’s. It is the Lord. Good is the will of the Lord, who cannot wrong me nor mine, but has made goodness and mercy to follow us all our days.” (Fair Sunshine by Jock Purvis) Thomas Haukes, after refusing to have his son baptized into the Roman Church, was ordered to a fiery death by the Bishop of London. During his agony, he stretched forth his burning hands and clapped them together three times, signifying to his friends that God was giving him grace in the fire. June 10, 1555. (Foxe’s Book Of Martyrs by John Foxe)
There you have it- In the famous words of all those freaky little puppets at Disneyland: It’s a small world after all.
MOVIE REVIEWS The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe PG • Disney • Andrew Adamson Introduction Narnia was one of the most anticipated movies of last year for the Christian community. You could imagine my excitement upon entering the theater. Now- I have to be honest, I’ve read my share of C.S. Lewis, but never the Narnia series. I know… I know, it’s shocking, but I was busy reading other stuff, like, umm…- the Bible. I was late (getting the popcorn), so I stumbled in quickly to find the seat. Would this movie be everything I hoped for and more? The Story The movie opens with war (planes dropping bombs), it then quickly moves the focus to four kids. To escape a war torn country, the kids are sent to live with a professor. In the professor’s house they stumble upon a secret world (Narnia) behind the wardrobe (closet). The world of Narnia holds choices, danger, and adventure for the kids. At the center of Narnia, there is a conflict between the evil witch and the lion Aslan. The kids must decide what role to play in the world of Narnia and the conflict that exists there. The Skinny Let me first say the movie is good- for a minivan full of eight-year-olds. It is certainly a kid’s movie and as such it seems to lack seriousness/ vitality (It was Disneyfield, if you will). Character development in the film was lacking – most noticeably on the part of Aslan. More time
Tilda Swinton -White Witch Georgie Henley -Lucy Pevensie Skandar Keynes -Edmund Pevensie William Moseley -Peter Pevensie Anna Popplewell -Susan Pevensie Liam Neeson -Aslan Ray Winstone -Mr. Beaver Dawn French -Mrs. Beaver
with the characters and more emphasis on the dialog would have served the film in its areas of climax. The musical score seemed to lack focus and trepidation, which also contributed to lackluster climaxes. A lot of questions and themes were left unresolved without even a touch of foreshadowing to quench one’s curiosity. Though this review has a negative bend to it, the film still has its strong points: Narnia is a feast for the eyes, the animal animation and the visuals/ cinematography were well done. The four children easily pull you into the story with strong and charming performances (not much could be said for some of the secondary characters). The Christian themes were still intact, such as sacrifice and redemption. Some of the story dynamics are thoughtprovoking. All in all, Narnia is a good family movie. If I have a choice between Narnia and Herby, Narnia would win hands down. Some ultraconservatives may have a problem with the mythic creatures used to tell the story. Definitely a rental- I don’t recommend shelling out seven bucks for a lackluster presentation of this classic.
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2 Corinthians 6:14
Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?
Ron McGehee
Comedian/Writer/Actor The number one Korean-Irish Christian Comedian in his age range, Ron has appeared on NBC’s, Last Comic Standing 2, and his comedy special, Bananas, is airing on TBN and the Sky Angel Network. He performs at clubs, colleges, and churches all across the country. He is a segment writer for ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live and he has just booked a comedy pilot with CBS where he will be a performer as well as a writer. Visit www.funnyron.com for more.
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laugh It Up Clown
HE SAID by Ron McGehee As a guy, “Missionary Dating” can make for a very troubling time. We see a girl and we may be thinking, “Hell is hot, but she is hotter.” We try to rationalize that we can get to know her and make a difference in her life. We can witness to her by our great character, integrity, and values that stem from our Christian walk (without actually bringing up Christianity or the Bible). We don’t want her to feel like we are judging her- even though we asked her to dance, and not her more portly friend in the flats. Let’s take three examples from the Bible to help give us clarity about chasing girls outside of the faith: First: There is Samson. He was strong, because of his vows to God: by being a Nazarite, by not giving in to strong drink, and by leaving his hair uncut from birth. Also, he brushed his teeth three times a day (this was not widely accepted by the Council of Trent, but my mother assures me it was in the original text). Samson was brought down by forsaking his vows, to God, and by trying to date the very popular Philistine, Delilah (she was like Kelly from 90210, except she wasn’t blond). Then: We have King David. He was considered to be a man after God’s own heart. I believe he wrote this himself,
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but it’s hard to argue with him, since no one from that era is still around to verify. Anyway, when he was supposed to be off to war he was lazily lounging on his rooftop. (I’ve been there, except it was more like lazily lounging on my mother’s couch playing Grand Theft Auto.) He chances on Bath-Sheba taking a bath. He looks, he likes, he invites, he fornicates, and he sets up her husband, who is the most loyal servant a king could have, to be brutally murdered by enemy soldiers. Pretty standard king thing...when your Godless! Since, I’ve never wielded such power, it is hard to compare exactly what I would do. Although I did manage a copy center once and I wanted a copy of some copyrighted material, and well, I devised a plan to get it. I told my hourly employee to make me a copy. Pretty devious- I know.
SHE SAID by Kerri Pomarolli I grew up with a few vices..coca cola, sugar, and Jewish men. I know, I know, how do all those things go together? Well, they’re all sweet and very attractive, if you ask me (a nice young Christian gal from Michigan). I found that the Jewish boys I dated were smart, loved their mothers, and had this thing called a 401K plan which I found extremely HOT! The problem was I always wanted to “woo” them over to my team faithwise. One romance began on a rainy New York night where I met Joshua Cohen, one of my favorite Jewish loves. He was sweet and charming, and quoted great lines of poetry; just none of them were from “Song of Solomon!” I couldn’t help but fall head over heels for this guy, and I doubt my witnessing was the best at 3:00am on the streets of New York City, when I should have been home in bed.
Lastly: We have Joseph, who, after being thrown in a pit, and sold into slavery by his brothers, ended up being a servant in Potiphar’s house, a very important man in Egypt. I believe he was a manager of a copy center. (Come on, that was pretty prestigious back then, and papyrus was very hard to make.) Potiphar’s wife makes a move on Joseph and he immediately runs- a little different from the other 2 guys. Guys, here’s a little note:DO NOT TEMPT TEMPTATION! YOU WILL LOSE TEN TIMES OUT OF TEN (James 1:15)!
I tried my best to win him over. I gave him a Bible- he just said, “I only want part one!” I said it’s like Godfather 2 ! It only gets better!” I even tried to take him to church picnics and potluck dinners to introduce him to all the finer things we Christians enjoy- like HAM but it never seemed to work. It did end up giving both our mothers nervous breakdowns that their children would marry outside the faith and ruin the family name. It goes both ways ya know. When I finally got married, my ex’s mom Mrs. Cohen was so happy, she sent me a gift!
So- in conclusion, like my momma always said, “Sarang kwi nukgyo sang heyoo” (My mom’s Korean). Which translates as: “ Why don’t you find yourself a nice Christian girl?!”
Bottom line on this topic from someone who has been there over..and over... and over is that God told us not to be “unequally yoked(2 Corinthians 6:14)” for a reason, and it wasn’t to punish us. I think it was to save us a lot of heart-
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ache. I relate it to a parent saying to a kid, “Hey don’t touch that hot pan or you’ll get burned. “Well we never listen the first time, and it’s not fun getting burned in relationships. So the next time you’re dating someone who thinks church is just for the pot luck dinners, and not the prayer, you might want to reconsider. Remember: “Our Father Knows Best!” He has a pretty good track record, don’t you think? He says in His word, “I know the plans I have for you and they are to prosper you not to harm you!(Jeremiah 29:11)” I’m sure that includes one of the most important decisions of your life- like who you date/marry.
Kerri pomarolli
Author/Actress/Stand Up Comedian Hollywood’s “Good Girl” Kerri has appeared on The Tonight Show over 25 times, ABC, Lifetime, NBC, Comedy Central, TBN, and more. Her brand of clean and inspirational messages, keeps audiences of all ages laughing. Her new book is out with Zondervan Publishing titled, If I’m Waiting on God Then What Am I Doing in a Christian Chatroom? Confessions of a Do It Yourself Single. Find out more at www.kerripom.com
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N I P G N I K E W H E T R C G N I K C ency� E d n R e T c i W “Abolist W
e had a chance to catch up with these guys from Maine about their new album, inspiration, and spirituality. Their new album is one of the most creative musical efforts to hit the Christian music world in awhile. Look for a review next issue.
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Who are you guys?
Darren Elder: We are four guys from the Greater Portland area of Maine, who love Christ and try to offer the freshest musical bread we can bake as an offering to Him and an encouragement to others. Specifically [we are], Doug Elder (vocals and guitar), Joe McCann (vocals and turntables), Karl Anderson (keys, bass, programming, and backing vocals) and Darren Elder (drums and percussion).
Give us some history, how did the band start, etc..?
Joe McCann: We are from the Portland Maine area. The band formed in 1999, and I joined up about a year later. Doug and Darren are brothers and they started messing around and looking for people to play with, that would be a fit musically, spiritually, and personality-wise. Over time we all ended up crossing paths and we’ve been together since.
What does your name mean?
Darren Elder: Our name is loosely based upon a passage of scripture found in Acts 17:6-7, where it says “These men who have caused trouble all over the world have now come here, and Jason has welcomed them into his house. They are all defying Caesar’s decrees, saying that there is another king, one called Jesus.” The implication being that, there are all sorts of little kings in this world that assert themselves as being legitimate, but they are not my King. Christ is my King. It is our hope to reintroduce the love, truth, honor, and relevance of God to those who have either dismissed the claims of Christ or are unaware of them altogether.
What do you mean by Christ is your king, Darren?
Darren Elder: Christ is my King in a very practical sense. He is the rightful owner of the earth and everything in it. I am His property. He bought me with His blood. I hope to serve Him with all that I have and all that I am for all my life.
What kind of music do you play?
Darren Elder: Stylistically speaking, we are commonly referred to as a futurerock band. By taking urban and alternative rock musical themes and fusing them together with futuristic curiosity, we push ourselves to find what is next and what best communicates what we feel. Joe McCann: That’s a hard question. I’d be curious to hear what you describe it as. It’s been called alternative groove, alternative soul, one writer wrote that we were “hook-driven rock with urban grooves and futuristic adventurism.” I’m always curious to see how people describe us.
Why do you play music?
Darren Elder: We don’t have a choice. We have a burden and a responsibility to
articulate why we have the hope we have. We share a passion for seeing freedom brought to the oppressed, whether it be physically, emotionally, or spiritually. It has been our experience that music is our most effective means of accomplishing this abolitionist task. Joe McCann: We love playing music, we love writing, we love performing, but if it were just that, it really wouldn’t be worth it. We do what we do because we all love Jesus, and we know that this music gives us an opportunity to express that to Him and share with others just how beautiful His presence is. This thing can be a real challenge sometimes. At times it can be a real strain on your wallet, your time and your relationships. Luckily, we have awesome supportive wives and families that are on board with us in this.
“Abolitionist Task”, can you tell us what that means and how it relates to your new album?
Darren Elder: Our contention is that if you free what is inside, namely your soul, the rest will follow. I think we chose the name based on what might appear a certain way on the outside could be very different in reality. For instance, Christ’s Abolition Strategy was to live a life we could not live, die for a debt that was ours to pay, and rise again to set us free. The Abolition Strategy is the Gospel [of Christ]! It is how to truly become free. The strategy is found within the songs. We play in alot of secular/mainstream settings where our goal is to reintroduce the issue. This approach has been very fruitful. Joe McCann: As the title indicated there is definitely a message of freedom. I’ve also noticed a crossroads sort of theme going on in there. The album often asks the question of what decisions are we going to make. Are we going to give up or keep fighting, are we going to listen to the lies or to our Creator, are we going to be spectators or soldiers, are we going to ignore God or are we going to grab onto what He is offering us.
Is there anything else that inspired the title “Abolition Strategy”?
Darren Elder: This concept is so close to our hearts is because of an organization known as The International Justice Mission. They are dedicated to ending human trafficking worldwide. This is an amazing group of people who bring true freedom to the victims of human slavery and forced prostitution in the name of Christ. The IJM is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating victims as well as prosecuting offenders. In this work they are practicing the “religion” that God honors as they care for orphans and widows. We love these guys! We will be getting more involved with the IJM in the future and we would strongly encourage anyone else to as well. Once we have become aware of this situation we now become responsible to act.
Now IJM selected a song from “Abolition Strategy” to use for their “Generate” campaign, can you tell us how that came about?
Darren Elder: “The Waiting” was inspired by the work of the IJM. When we met, we just kinda hit it off. We felt compelled to write a song that communicated the urgency of their work. Quite literally, this is a battle we cannot loose. We saw strong parallels between the work of the IJM and the accounts of Christ’s activities in the Scriptures. I am convinced that if the IJM was active during Christ’s physical campaign here on earth He would have been found as being proactively involved in this work. The chorus “I know your waiting there for me, across the deepest water, beyond everything I can see, life is short but time is shorter,” I hope draws a parallel between the fact that Christ is Battlefield Magazine 28
waiting for us on the other side of death and the fact that these children are hoping against all hope that we are coming for them.
Who would you consider to be your musical influences?
Darren Elder: Oh man that’s tough. All of us love so many different types of music it is really hard to not go on forever. If you go to our myspace there is a more comprehensive list but that is still far too short. A very few names that currently come to mind are...Mute Math, U2, Miles Davis, Tribe Called Quest, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Living Sacrifice and many many more. Joe McCann: In my teen years I got into hip hop and started listening to groups like De La Soul, Tribe Called Quest, Digable Planets, Arrested Development- stuff like that. So this sort of hip-hop has definitely influenced me. I listen to all sorts of music though, from pretty acoustic stuff to metal. As of late, I’ve been listening to Mat Kearney, Coldplay, Mute Math, Underoath, a band from the northeast called Groovis Malt, I love Pax 217, Earthsuit, Cross Movement, Ill Harmonics, Mars Ill, stuff like that. I think we’ve also been influenced by a lot of jazz and soul.
“Spirituality, namely our relationship with Christ, is the fabric from which the songs are woven.” -Darren Elder
What role does spirituality play in your music?
Darren Elder: Spirituality, namely our relationship with Christ, is the fabric from which the songs are woven. God is The Creator, so I think He smiles when his children want to make stuff. In the same way, little ones make finger paintings for their parents to put on the fridge, I see our songs as similar. God makes all creative things possible. This is encouraging and daunting at the same time. Joe McCann: I would say it plays the same role it plays in the rest of our lives, it’s the most important part, because God is our first Love, our first priority. I know for me my goal is to be a good example of God’s love to others. Sometimes I do a good job at that and sometimes I don’t, but that’s the goal.
Where can we get your new album?
Darren Elder: It will first be made available via our website (http://www. kingpinwreckingcrew.com) , then it will be made available at your usual downloading and CD retail outlets. Joe McCann: If you come to a show or you can get it on iTunes also.
If you could tell our readers one thing what would it be?
Darren Elder: That no matter what, Christ loves you. Regardless of what the world might try to tell you, He is real, He cares, and He is able to meet you where you are. He will not only give you new life now, but forever. Joe McCann: I think I’ll cheat and tell them two things. Please pick up Abolition Strategy, and please consider the message of freedom that we are trying to convey.
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Over the years, the Warzone Ministries’ website has undergone a rapid metamorphosis.
Originally it was a small journal site that chronicled my spiritual journey. It provided a personal look at my walk with the Lord for wandering cyber travelers. As I started writing on specific topics and wrote discussion based bible studies- warzoneministries.com grew from the desire to share these things, with a now gathering web audience. The latest incarnation of the site has taken on a new vision. We are focusing on providing an interactive web community, where people can connect with resources, as well as with each other. We want to keep the focus of warzoneministries.com on the content (Articles, Bible Studies, Battlefield Magazine) as well as provide ways for the community to interact with the content. Content The site content is really “the meat” of what we do here. These resources are our offerings to you and we hope they will help encourage and convict you. Our vision is to produce and connect you with resources that are going to help you connect with the God of the universe. We have added options for how to receive and use the content on the site. All articles can be –saved as PDF, printed or emailed to a friend; all these options are available at the top right corner of each article. For those of you who use RSS readers or RSS in your homepages, we provide RSS feeds of our Articles, News, and Culture Articles (Music Reviews, etc..) RSS allows you to get the latest articles and news as they come available. Community We love our community- we build a website, write bible studies, send out battlefield magazine, and send free bibles, all for the purpose of serving you. Our desire to connect with you and connect you to other like minded people has manifested itself in new features on the website. With the new community features you can make a profile (much like Myspace and Facebook), you can comment on articles, or on other people’s profiles. You can send private messages within the site as well as chat live. There is also a message board where you can discuss and debate different topics. Downloads The download section is packed with bible studies for groups and individuals. This is a small group leader’s dream come true- each study comes with questions that will encourage discussion and introspection. All the previous issues of Battlefield Magazine can also be downloaded in this section.
Battlefield Magazine 30
Free Bibles If you know someone who needs a Bible please use this service. The service is absolutely free, no strings attached. You give us an address and will send you a bible- period. We passionately believe that the word of God should be free and as long as this ministry has the means ,we will continue to make that possible. The bible comes with a concordance and a reading plan, along with a letter of encouragement and an article about making the bible approachable. Battlefield Magazine Warzoneministries.com is the home of Battlefield Magazine. You can subscribe online as well as download the latest issue. Battlefield Magazine does not have it’s own site because it is a product of Warzone Ministries. The focus of the magazine is to get the content from the site into the hands of a broader audience. News Stand Did you know that warzoneministries.com has an online news stand, where you can check out the latest world, US, and CCM news? We have added some news feeds from trusted sources like CNN and BBC to provide you with the latest that’s going on in the world around us. You no longer have an excuse to be an ostridge! Links This is the section that everyone usually skips, but there are alot of awesome and informative sites in this section. We handpicked all of these sites and they deserve your attention. We wouldn’t have added them to the site if we didn’t think they would benefit you. To Podcast or not to Podcast? We have been kicking around the “podcast” for quite some time. We have the equipment and a rough schematic for what the online radio show would consist of, but we are still not sure if we want to jump on the podcast bandwagon. We need your help. How can a “podcast” edify you? LifeCast Imagine opening your iTunes and BLAM!, the latest Battlefield Magazine, as well as this weeks Bible study comes surging into your iTunes library. This is new technology that we are working on. By the time you read this, there is probably a prototype already running on the site, so go check it out .. Now! along with all the other cool stuff that I told you about. Battlefield Magazine 31
Bible Study
>>> Continued from Pg.9
Vrs 11-24 Where and how did Paul get his gospel?
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ What important things do we learn from Paul’s testimony?
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Journal Questions Write your testimony. (You may need another piece of paper.)
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Where do you feel you received the gospel?
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ How can you apply Galatians 1 to your life?
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Galatians: Chapter One - Commentary Vrs 1-5 Who was Paul sent by? Why is this important? The passage first states whom Paul was not sent by- men or “agency of man”, but through Jesus Christ. This is important because it identifies the source of Paul’s message. According to the passage why did Jesus give himself up? Verse 4 states that Jesus gave himself up for our sins, that He might rescue us from this evil age. Notice that the verse doesn’t say that Jesus gave Himself up so that He might rescue us from hell. Indeed He does that – but there is something more significant going on here besides “fire insurance”. We are being rescued from an insignificant life filled with sin and apathy- this is the only life that the “evil age” can yield. How specifically did Jesus deliver us from the present evil age? Jesus did this in more than one way; in fact, there are three that come to mind immediately: -Jesus told us the truth. This “evil age” thrives on propaganda and lies. From the Battlefield Magazine 32
moment we are born, the programming begins- we are trained to live in a horizontal world (where there is no up and down, no heaven and no hell). Jesus dispelled the lie that life is about earthly things and pointed us towards heaven. -Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus satisfied our debt of sin and allowed us to have fellowship with God the Father through Him. Now, not only do we have the truth, but we also have a relationship with the author of truth, which helps us fortify our lives in truth. -He sent a helper. When Jesus left, He promised to send us a helper (the Holy Spirit), which He sent in the second chapter of Acts. This Spirit gives us the power not to sin. When we remain yielded to the Holy Spirit, the “evil age” cannot sow its seed in us. Vrs 6-10 What is Paul amazed by? He is amazed that the people deserted God so quickly for another gospel. Notice that Paul doesn’t say that the people deserted “a gospel”, instead, he says that they are deserting God Himself. To desert God’s gospel is to desert God Himself. Describe what is happening in verses 6-10. The people in Galatia are being misled by a group of people who are purposefully trying to distort the gospel that Paul originally delivered to them. Verse 7 says, “only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.” Paul is saying that anyone teaching a different gospel whether it is Paul himself, or even an angel, should be accursed. According to the passage who is “accursed?” As stated above, anyone preaching a different gospel than the one Paul originally delivered. This is important because the gospel that Paul delivered was directly from God. He states this in verse 11 “For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.” What is the significance of verse 10? Paul draws a line in the sand for believers when he says, “If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.” Paul is making the distinction that you cannot please men and be a bondservant of Christ. This echoes something that Jesus said in Matthew 6:24, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other…” This verse also gives us a glimpse at Paul’s state of mind – we can see that it is focused solely on Christ and the mission that he has been given. Vrs 11-24 Where and how did Paul get his gospel? Verses 11 and 12 make it clear that, one: Paul’s gospel did not come from man, “the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man”, but instead, “through a revelation of Jesus Christ.” This is as direct as it gets, as Paul says he was not “taught” the Gospel, but instead, it came in fullness as a revelation of Christ. What important things do we learn from Paul’s testimony? We learn quite a bit about Paul in this short span of verses. It’s interesting to see who Jesus picked to help establish His church. Paul was a Jew, but not just any Jew- one of the most advanced and zealous (Vrs 14): “I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my countrymen, being more extremely zealous for my Battlefield Magazine 33
ancestral traditions.” Because of his zeal, Paul sought to destroy the church. Paul continues to testify, saying that God, “called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles…” before this verse, he even proclaims that he was set apart for this purpose, even in his mother’s womb. Once Paul understood his purpose, he immediately prepared. Verse 16-17 says, “I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went away to Arabia, and returned once more to Damascus.” It wasn’t until three years later that he went to Jerusalem. Write your testimony. (You may need another piece of paper.) Here are three reasons why you should know and review your testimony: One- it’s one of the few things that nobody can take from you. If you say that the Lord has worked in your life, no one can say otherwise- because you are the authority on it. Two- your testimony can help someone else. Keeping it fresh in your mind will make you more ready to serve someone by sharing what the Lord has shown you. Three- and most important, “your” testimony doesn’t really belong to you; it’s a testimony of the work that the Lord has done in your life (so technically it’s His testimony). Take a good hard look at your testimony, then be thankful and communicate that to the Lord. Here are three myths about testimonies: One- You have to be a certain age, to have a testimony. God works in / through all of His people both young and old. You’re never too young to acknowledge the things that the Lord has done in your life. TwoOnce you get saved, the testimony is over. The battle is a daily one and the Lord is constantly working on you. The truth is that salvation is really the beginning of your testimony. Three- A testimony must include one of the following things to be effective: crack addiction, homelessness, hookers, armed robbery, jail time or the Columbian drug cartel. I know there is always that Columbian drug lord / pimp who found Jesus, now works security at Wal-Mart, and who testifies in church every Sunday– but your testimony can be just as effective in the right circumstances. Where do you feel you received the gospel? Use this question to map-out where you were both physically (ie: at the Laundromat) but more importantly where you were mentally? What kind of person were you? Are you still the same? (if yes, that’s a bad thing). How can you apply Galatians 1 to your life? This question is about introspection, because in the whole chapter of Galatians 1, it is difficult to put the concepts into a nice little box or title for you. Look at your life and see where this stuff fits. Then start living it. Until next time. God Bless.
Joseph Medina- Testimony Speaking of testimonies. Get ready for next issue, where you can read about how the Lord delivered my brother Joe from a life-threatening coma and how He continues to work in his life.
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Petition The Lord\\
We are but beggars and our loving God is still faithful to hear and answer our prayers\\
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