10 amazing facts about urban animals Dogs: are descendants of the endangered gray wolf. Their scientific name is: Canis lupus familiaris
Dogs have been bonding with humans for over 15,000 years.
Dogs with flat faces, such as pugs or bulldogs are called brachycephalic breeds. They often suffer from breathing problems and can snore or breathe heavily in warmer environments.
Dogs can smell 100,000 times more affectively then the average human. One breed named the bloodhound, has the strongest scent in the dog world, and is used to fined victims buried in snow, earth etc.
A dog's nose is not just used for smelling, but also to keep him cool. Also like us humans, we have finger prints, which are unique (even if we’re twins) dogs are the same, except they have it on they’re nose
A dog’s heart beats up to 120 times per minute, while humans only have 60 – 80 Beats per minute.
The oldest age recorded for a dog is: Max, born 9th August 1983, still living, aged 29 years, 205 days, and he’s an airdale terrier
The average dog lives 8 -15 years. Smaller dogs live longer and this is because bigger breeds have more health problems.
Newborn puppies sleep, 90 % of the day for a few weeks, the 10 % remaining, is for drinking milk, medication, going to the toilet, etc.
Chihuahuas are named after the state of Mexico, where they were discovered.
10. The
Basenji is the only breed of dog that cannot bark, because their lungs are shaped differently from other breeds. Instead, the sound is a yodel or a burro.
Extra fact: Dogs are life savers to humans, If you read national geographic pet kid magazines, you will read about how dogs have saved many peoples lives. They are used in bomb squads, terrorist attacks, airports, and search and rescue in bad weather such as blizzards, earthquakes, tsunamis etc. Belgian Malinois and German Shepherds are commonly used in guarding activities.