Habitats By Duc
Cold habitat: polar Polar ice caps in Antarctica and the Arctic are covered by ice and they are the coldest habitats in the world. A few animals live there such as penguins, walruses, seals, snow owls and polar bears.
Hot habitat: desert
Deserts in North Africa is the hottest habitat in the world. A few animals live there such as camels, scorpions, ostriches, lizards and meerkats.
Wet habitat: wetland Wetlands in South America and Asia are the wettest habitats in the world. A few animals live there such as crocodiles, beavers, otters, ducks and frogs.
Dry habitat: Arid Arids in Australia is the driest habitat in the world. A few animals live there such as arid snakes and arid lizards.
Habitats on World map Cold habitat
Hot habitat Wet habitat Wet habitat Dry habitat
Cold habitat
Thank you for watching!!!!!! By Duc 4B