Thomas Kingsford-Dowd
Habitats (and their animals)
Polar Ice Cap (cold habitat) These regions are very cold. The coldest temperature ever known on earth was -89째C. It was recorded. The continent of Antarctica, 98% of which is covered with snow and ice, covers more than 13 million sq. km.
An animal from a cold Habitat The polar bear is the most carnivorous member of the bear family, and most of its diet consists of seals. The polar bear has a thick layer of fat and fur to keep warm in a cold habitat.
Desert (hot habitat) Deserts have a variety of different landscapes. Some deserts are endless seas of sand where the wind piles the sand into great big dunes. Other deserts may be flat, stony plains, or have rugged, rocky hills and mountains. Most deserts are a combination of landscapes
An animal from a hot Habitat There are two species of camel. There is a one humped camel from the Middle East and North Africa, and the two humped camel from Central Asia. The camel stores water in it’s hump(s) to survive in a hot habitat.
Wetlands (wet habitat) Wetlands are places where the land is covered by shallow water. The shorelines and shallow inlets of lakes support a great diversity of plant and animal life. The muddy lake bottom is home to a host of creatures.
An animal from a wet Habitat Otter are found in Northern Europe And North America. Otters live in groups and are playful animals. They survive in wet habitats because they feed on things found in rivers and streams, and they make their home in the river (called a dam).
Tropical Forest (dry habitat) For biologists, tropical forests are some of the richest, most exciting areas on earth! They are home to gigantic trees, colorful birds, millions of insects, and a variety of fascinating mammals.
An animal from a dry Habitat Chimpanzees make tools and use them to acquire foods. The male common chimp is up to 1.7 m high when standing, and weighs as much as 70 kg. Chimpanzees survive in tropical forests by building homes up at the top of trees and eat lots of vegetation.
My favorite Habitat animal is…….
A Polar Bear
Because it can survive in a really hard environment.
It survives in the polar ice cap.