Howard Carter - Oakley Cave

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Who was Howard Carter? He was some one who found out about the past by exploring places. He would dig to find things to tell him about the past in Egypt.

Howard Carter’s life He was born in 1874. He was home schooled as he was ill as a child. He became an artist who drew pictures of things from ancient Egypt.

What did he dig up? He found the tombs of Thutmose 1st and 3rd.

Thutmose 3 Thutmose 1

What else did he discover? Howard Carter is most famous for discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun King Tut He found his tomb in 1922. This tomb was one of the best ever found. It had all the things in it that were buried with him.

It also had King Tut’s MUMMY.

The mummy’s curse People believed that you would die if you opened a pharoah’s tomb. They were cursed. Howard Carter died in 1939 and people thought it was because of the curse.


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