By: Chaiti, Minato and Thomas We also couldn’t do it without the help of our classmates! Thank you the rest of 4B
PresentIng‌ Our adOPted cOuntry Before we do the talking and presenting, We want to ask you, what do you know about Italy?
the hIstOry Of rOme The history of Rome is very fascinating, It goes a bit like this: About 3,000 years ago, A tribe of people called “The Latin’s” settled on The place that we know as Rome today, They chose a very good place to live. From the top of the hills, they could easily see enemies approaching. They could easily go by boat on the river Tiber at the banks of the newly discovered village. Not before long, New villages began growing near the previous 3,000 year old village where the Latin's first settled on. Soon the villages all collided together and formed the city as we know as Rome.
abOut Italy Italy was actually not Italy. You see, 100 years ago (1 century) Italy was actually 20 countries joining together as time passed by. This Presentation is going to fill your head with a lot of facts, After this page of Introduction, you are soon going to witness a fact file that me and my friends made. It includes the size, population, etc. There is the all information you need to be a mini expert on The country in Southern Europe. So sit back and enjoy! During the time you are visiting here, you will experience fun, and a few head turning facts that you would never imagine existed!
fact fIle January (winter) = 2 degrees Celsius July (summer) = 25 degrees Celsius Population = 61 million – (2011, sorry could not find 2012 ) Area = 301,270 sq. km Highest Point = Monte Rosa 4634 m Capital: Rome (ROMA - Latin version) translated to: Eternal city Eternal actually mean “forever lasting” but however the Romans did not last forever. They were stopped by the barbarians. Lets find out more about Italy!
ItalIan fOOd Italian Food Is probably the most beloved on anything in the world! Deserts include: Ice Creams and several types of chocolates. Favourite savouries’ include: Pizza, Pasta, Lasagne, etc. And the favourite crops that Italy is famous for is, probably: Olives, Tomato's (SUNDRIED) and Truffles. A rare delicious delicacy. Task one: Can you match the pictures on the introducing page (1). If you can, at the end you will receive a small extra treat. BUT NOT KNOW!! SORRY!
Most famous football teams in Italy The national team is NOT Roma It is: il calcio Nazionale dell’Italia Nick name: Azzuri Others include of course:
AC Milan
Parma, etc.
OPera sIngers Here are some listed opera singers that are famous:
Adelina Patti
Enrico Caruso
Luciano Pavarotti.
Andrea Bocelli
Italy is very famous for it’s art and music especially opera.
ItalIan games ďƒ’
Chess is believed to have originated from Italy. Morra is one of the most famous Italian games to ever originate. Here are the rules: While there are many variations of morra, most forms can be played with two, three, or more players. In the most popular version, all players throw out a single hand, each showing zero to five fingers, and call out loud their guess at what the sum of all fingers shown will be. If one player guesses the sum, that player earns one point. The first player to reach three points wins the game. One that I bet most of you would know, Mario has hit the big time on the computer screen, you use the arrows and space bar to control Mario, try to complete as much levels as you can,
The End!!