Leonardo Da Vinci - Khanh Linh

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Leonardo Da Vinci By Khanh Linh

Facts about Leonardo Da Vinci  He is born in April 15,1452 in vinci in Italy  He’s died in May 2,1519 in France  Leonardo Da Vinci is best known for two painting and

it is the “Mona Lisa” and “The last supper”

Did you know?  Did you know the name Leonardo Da Vinci translates

to Leonard from the town of Vinci.

 Did you know Leonardo was one of the first Italians to

use oil paint!

 Did you even know that he invented the bicycle 300

years before it appeared on the road!

More facts ď‚— Leonardo Da Vinci have a challenge in his invention

and it was a helicopter.

ď‚— He was died in the age of 67


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