Meet The Teacher 2015-16 1st September 2015
The Year 4 Team 4B Jonathan Smith Dong Thi Thuy Ngan
4I Jude Handscombe Nguyen Thi Quynh Nhu Pete Dulborough
4S Eileen Winfield-Chislett Nguyen Thi Thu Thanh
4V David Cotmore Ka Him
4N Melanie Wagstaff Nguyen Thi Thu Thanh
4H Chloe Martin Ka Him
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) SEAL New Beginnings
Getting on and Falling Out Relationships
Going for Goals Good to be Me
Circle time Assemblies and classroom displays linked to Mission Statement. Special assembly dates: 4B: 16.5.16
4S: 28.3.16 4N: 12.10.15
4I: 21.9.15
4V: 5.10.15 4H: 9.11.15
Opportunities to enhance responsibility, for example to become class Student Council Representative
Promoting Positive Behaviour
Clear expectations and boundaries have been set and are rewarded with: Verbal praise House points (Hanoi, Hue, Saigon & Dalat) Stickers Golden time Star of the Week Excellence certificates
BISCAT and Community Service
School Garden Raise awareness of issues affecting endangered animals in Vietnam in our community BISCAT – optional award children can work towards throughout the year (student gmail account details)
English, Maths and Science
 English and Science differentiated within class  Maths taught in sets
Guided Reading sessions where the teacher works on both reading strategies and comprehension Home reading programme – communication diaries Library – 2 books per child plus an additional book if visiting before or after school Reading Workshop 8:15am 24.9.15
IPC and Specialist Teachers Units are: 1.Explorers and Adventurers 2.Fashion 3.Do You Live Around Here? 4.The Active Planet Please let us know if you can offer your expertise as a guest speaker! Specialist Teachers: Music: Ms Fran ICT: Mr Paul or Ms Gemma Library: Mr Andy MFL: Ms Sara (Chinese), Ms Alice (French) and Ms Fiorella (Spanish) PE and Swimming: Mr Simon or Ms Lindsey Vietnamese Culture: Ms Nhu, Ms Him, Ms Ngan or Ms Thanh EAL: Mr Charles Learning Support: Ms Sarah and Ms Andrea
Homework Reading for a minimum of 15 minutes at least 4 times a week Homework is given out on Friday and returned on Wednesday blogs Spelling IPC, Science or English – Chilli Challenge Maths – handed out separately in group lessons Total: 1½ hours per week plus reading
Communication Email (preferred method – within 1 - 2 working days) Blog pages Reading Diaries Informal meetings Parent Meetings Pastoral: 15.9.15 and 16.9.15 Academic: 5.4.16 and 6.4.16 Reports 11.12.15 and 10.6.16 Class Parent Learning Letter
Residential Trip
Year 4 Trip 9th – 11th March 2016 Part of the curriculum so attendance is expected Long Hai
Optional team sports competition • Swimming • T-Ball • Athletics • Football Hosted by BIS in HCMC 6 boys and 6 girls from Y4, Y5 and Y6 Training and selection process in term 2 Competition: 19.5.16-23.5.15
How you can help
Be punctual – 7:55am start and 2:30/ 3:40pm finish. (Late room – Canteen) Read the school newsletter. Discuss Learning Letter, photos on Class Blogs and homework activities with your child. Encourage independence and give your child responsibility.
Uniform Expectations Sensible black leather school shoes BIS school hat Long hair should be tied back Hair bands should be plain Girls should not be wearing nail varnish Studs to be taken out before PE Labelled No valuables or toys unless topic related
Question Time
Thank You