Y4 Meet the Teacher

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Meet The Teacher 2015-16 1st September 2015

The Year 4 Team 4B Jonathan Smith Dong Thi Thuy Ngan

4I Jude Handscombe Nguyen Thi Quynh Nhu Pete Dulborough

4S Eileen Winfield-Chislett Nguyen Thi Thu Thanh

4V David Cotmore Ka Him

4N Melanie Wagstaff Nguyen Thi Thu Thanh

4H Chloe Martin Ka Him

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)  SEAL New Beginnings

Getting on and Falling Out Relationships

Going for Goals Good to be Me


 Circle time  Assemblies and classroom displays linked to Mission Statement. Special assembly dates: 4B: 16.5.16

4S: 28.3.16 4N: 12.10.15

4I: 21.9.15

4V: 5.10.15 4H: 9.11.15

 Opportunities to enhance responsibility, for example to become class Student Council Representative

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Clear expectations and boundaries have been set and are rewarded with:  Verbal praise  House points (Hanoi, Hue, Saigon & Dalat)  Stickers  Golden time  Star of the Week  Excellence certificates

BISCAT and Community Service

 School Garden  Raise awareness of issues affecting endangered animals in Vietnam in our community  BISCAT – optional award children can work towards throughout the year (student gmail account details)

English, Maths and Science

 English and Science differentiated within class  Maths taught in sets


 Guided Reading sessions where the teacher works on both reading strategies and comprehension  Home reading programme – communication diaries  Library – 2 books per child plus an additional book if visiting before or after school  Reading Workshop 8:15am 24.9.15

IPC and Specialist Teachers Units are: 1.Explorers and Adventurers 2.Fashion 3.Do You Live Around Here? 4.The Active Planet Please let us know if you can offer your expertise as a guest speaker! Specialist Teachers: Music: Ms Fran ICT: Mr Paul or Ms Gemma Library: Mr Andy MFL: Ms Sara (Chinese), Ms Alice (French) and Ms Fiorella (Spanish) PE and Swimming: Mr Simon or Ms Lindsey Vietnamese Culture: Ms Nhu, Ms Him, Ms Ngan or Ms Thanh EAL: Mr Charles Learning Support: Ms Sarah and Ms Andrea

Homework  Reading for a minimum of 15 minutes at least 4 times a week  Homework is given out on Friday and returned on Wednesday blogs  Spelling  IPC, Science or English – Chilli Challenge  Maths – handed out separately in group lessons  Total: 1½ hours per week plus reading

Communication  Email (preferred method – within 1 - 2 working days)  Blog pages  Reading Diaries  Informal meetings  Parent Meetings Pastoral: 15.9.15 and 16.9.15 Academic: 5.4.16 and 6.4.16  Reports 11.12.15 and 10.6.16  Class Parent  Learning Letter

Residential Trip

Year 4 Trip 9th – 11th March 2016  Part of the curriculum so attendance is expected  Long Hai


Optional team sports competition • Swimming • T-Ball • Athletics • Football Hosted by BIS in HCMC 6 boys and 6 girls from Y4, Y5 and Y6 Training and selection process in term 2 Competition: 19.5.16-23.5.15

How you can help

 Be punctual – 7:55am start and 2:30/ 3:40pm finish. (Late room – Canteen)  Read the school newsletter.  Discuss Learning Letter, photos on Class Blogs and homework activities with your child.  Encourage independence and give your child responsibility.

Uniform Expectations  Sensible black leather school shoes  BIS school hat  Long hair should be tied back  Hair bands should be plain  Girls should not be wearing nail varnish  Studs to be taken out before PE  Labelled  No valuables or toys unless topic related

Question Time

Thank You

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