Design Portfolio Jonathan Wong

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PORTFOLIO A summary of selected design Work


My name is Jonathan Wong Zhern Lin and I am writting to express my interest in the Architectural Assistant Part 2 position with your company, whom perhaps is currently in need of a talented and dynamic designer with exceptional project managment skills and a strong creative flair. I am adept at carrying out a wide variety of design and development projects, and can readily conceptualize new idea as needed. I am also very excited about the possibility of working for an reputable and growing company like yours where I have the opportunity to bring those talents to work for your company. Having completed my Diploma in the Architectural Association School Of Architecture and Bachelor of Degree in Manchester School Of Architecture, therefore I believe that I posseses those specific qualities which you will be looking for in a strong canditate. Over the period of my previous year out placements, I have been involved in various projects in several architecture companies. The type of projects ranges from Master - Planning, Skyscrapper developments, Urban Mixed used developments, Hotel and Resort developments, Theme park development, High - end residential for both single and multi-family homes. Within these projects, I was involved with the conceptual design stage, visualisation, diagram and technical submission drawings, client meetings and project managments. I also carry impeccable technical, analog and computation skills with advanced knowledge of Rhino 3D, AutoCAD, Unreal Engine 4, 3ds Max, Sketchup, Microsoft office, Revit, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and other graphics communication. This is also evident from employing the use of Virtual Reality systems for my Fifth year diploma thesis project. A comprehensive knowledge working knowledge of the technical aspects of construction techniques is also one of my clear strength. My attention to detail and excellent problem solving skills ensure that every project that I work on is done accurately and to the highest standard. I am also an excellent team player and is comfortable working as part of a team but also has the ability to take an authoritive role when the situation arises. My verbal communication, presentation skills and positive attitude makes me an effective communicator.

Table Of Content 001/ Virtual


AADip Fifth Year Thesis Project DIPLOMA 02

2015 - 2016

002/ Havana 2.0 Socialist Paradise AADip Fourth Year Thesis Project 2014 - 2015 DIPLOMA 02

003/ Year

Out Placement

Architecture Assistant Part 01 WUA / HIJJAS KASTURI

004/ Spectrum


BA Bachelor Third Year Project Atelier Momentary City

005/ Tokyo

2013 - 2014

2012 - 2013

Replay Center

Finalist Archmedium Student Competition 2013

006/ Sketches

& Travel Drawings

Pencil sketches 2011 - Present


As of June 2016, virtual world users from the likes of world of Warcraft and sims online has reach a soaring number of 40 million users. This phenomenon has created an exodus of physical communities into seeking refuge within the synthetic environment. Cyberspace completes its integration with physical reality as the boundaries of technologies and synthetic worlds become blurred. This layer of physicality constitutes a new set of social, law, and economic order. The rate of consumption and celebration in the realm of a simulated reality has induced a transformation of physical game boundaries within the city, building and individual space to accommodate the manifestation of synthetic gaming environments. This creates a new form of physical prototype for a means of access and migration into the synthetic gaming world. The Meta Game Central archives and simulates virtual world’s environment for the content consumption of Cyber-refugees and the mass population. This ubiquitous gaming terminal host a new found land embedded for the replacement of an actual reality for a new virtual population seeking refugee within these synthetic worlds.



HAVANA 2.0 S0CIALIST PARADISE The Administration Of Control

After the alternate event of the Cuban Missile Crisis, followed by the Destruction of Cuba resulted from a nuclear bomb devastation caused by the Americans. A new Cuba had to be rebuild and had done through Fidel Castro’s vision to protect and liberate the Cuban people against the imperialist forces and domestic enemies. The new socialist state of Havana 2.0 is enacted based on a centralized political system with more power of control than the present Cuban communist party and state, which outlines that the administration is the still the central power to organize, direct and control the economic life of this socialist society. Havana 2.0 Socialist Paradise, The Administration Of Control is use as a fictional vessel to speculate and question how political ideology can be manifested into the architecture of infrastructure that propagates the power of control through social and spatial structure.













Working in Shenzhen, China for my part one year out placement as a foreign student has given me an opportunity to expand my architecture and personal experience of China. This paradigm shift of a production market into an upcoming ( largest ) consumerism market of the world, has revitalise the role of an architect. While working and managing on projects of all scales in the practice ( mainly masterplanning), i often question about the consequence of the rapid URBANISATION have on the local populations. The transition of Shenzhen from a fishing village to an urban fabric has seen numerous buildings done by renowned architects, Arata Isozaki and Rem Koolhaus as such. However, this has led to a lost in CRITICAL REGIONALISM of chinese vernacular architecture. During my visit to the Shenzhen biennale, UABB ( Bi-City biennale of Urbanism / Architecture ), an urban planner/architect from San Paolo pointed out that the fallout of urbanisation in developing regions. She highlighted that due to this unprecendeted speed of urbanisation in China, an aftermath from its social development and enviroment is imminent. Therefore, to encounter the current trend of urbanisation, it is prevalent that, we, the new generation of architects, have to be part of a RESISTANCE. To keep and retain, the essence of a cultural heritage from the process of urbanisation. Moreover, i still ponder upon if the role of an architect and architecture is adaptive and ever becoming ?

Captions 1. Overlooking Shekou, port of Nan Shan district. 2. An open discussion for an 489 acres Masterplan at the practice, WUA, Shenzhen. 3. Apartments build inimately to each other with no consent of building regulations. 4. UABB / OMA’ s workshop on modelling the YingZao Fashi. 5. UABB / The former GuangDong float glass factory.


A 40 acre of master-planning in the heart of Ipoh, Malaysia. This project focuses on the concept of Eco - environment and sustainable design for housing, recreation and retail developments. The project is divided into eight areas of family housings and one area for forest recreation purpose.


The PARAMIT factory is a controlled environment technology production factory. Therefore the design and planning is crucial for both the testing hall in correlation to the production line.


An extrapolation of the urban phenomenon for buskers and the network which these street performers created, has generated a new typology of play, speculation and urban infill. The behavioural traits of these performers has form a methodology for social gathering structure, called ‘SPILLAGE’. These form of transition between the enclosed and open space generates a threshold of social conflict. These conflicts, thus creates the programme which inhibits the architecture of performance. Spectrum Spillage is a manifestation of both mobile and permanent performance. Speculating what form of architecture will the buskers or street performers could exhibit / inhibit into the existing urban network of Northern Quarter, Manchester.


Atelier Momentary City

The agenda Of Atelier Momentary City address how the contempary transformations in economic downturn connect and shapes temporal spatial practice in the city to inform an agenda and programme. Given the territory, the Northern Quarter of Manchester, we explore the particular part of the city to find agendas by looking at the transittion and complementary programmes that formed a vast and complex network. The Atelier focuses on model making, prototyping, and simplexity. Drawing inspirations and precedents from works of Atelier Bow wow, etc. This unit is ecentric in providing architecture a humanistic approach.

Diagram of Spillage to show sequence of events happening through a moment of transition between formal and informal programme, creating micro temporal spatial practices.

Atelier momentary city derives programme and building agenda from urban observation of networks. Thus, the network of music was employed through the discovery of Spillage; an urban phemenology. Spillage is the occurance of formal programmes forcing informal programmes on to the streets. This event, thus, creates temporal micro public spaces. This micro space is self-generated, a space within a space. Therefore, by mapping the network thread of Trafford College, which is a music network; it lead to multiple leads. These networks; Music Gigs, Music Institute, Ochestra, and Buskers. However, the aim of tapping into such network was to identify and deploy an Infrastructure.

Interpretation of Spillage

An early extrapolation of the urban observation, Spillage. This axonometric sketch represent the city, and buildings as containers alike. SPILL IT OUT ! Creating micro spatial practices from formal into informal program. These are results of network searching beneath Northern Quarter, found in the social network. Floating like balloons, are speculations made to further the curiosity and question how far could the network be develop.

Initial photography of Spillage of micro temporal practices.

Busker’s Extrapolation : One Man Band

An extrapolation of buskers in the music network of the Northern Quarter. The sequence of movement shows instruments stripped from the one man band, creating moments of events. However, this moment fades away while he walks further away from his instrument. The language of being able to perform an event in permeance state, but as a moment; is captured from the behaviour of him . This dialectic is instil as part of the programme, incorperating alongside, Spillage.

Spectrum Spillage

This axonometric sketch shows the context of Manchester layered over with the extrapolation of buskers in the music network in Northern Quarter. The trumpet represents sound spillage produced by buskers. Pipes are taken precedent from the existing rainwater pipe from the services of back piccadily. The trumpets represent sound made from the rainwater , channels back into the city. Buskers are seen floating around, representing temporal micro spatial practices within the network in the city.

Moments taken

Photos / Speculations

Buskers are identify as the network without infrastructure within the urban fabric of Northern Quarter, Manchester. Therefore, enacting a new network to facillitate multiple busking platforms. This will provide an alternative way to perform and re-introduce the culture of busking in Northern Quarter. This event space not only celebrates the talents but cultivates the multi-cultural behaviour within the network of the city.

Site Emergent Response

Patches of rainwater accumulates near the site, reflected small frames pieces of adjecent facade. This subconsiously connects the beauty of water and sound to form a space grown from context.

Site Analysis / Network Mapping

Buskers are identify as the network without infrastructure within the urban fabric of Northern Quarter, Manchester. Therefore, enacting a new network to facillitate multiple busking platforms. This will provide an alternative way to perform and re-introduce the culture of busking in Northern Quarter. This event space not only celebrates the talents but cultivates the multi-cultural behaviour within the network of the city.

“ to find balance between science of water and the exhilarating qualities of experience, consider the many states and transformative properties of the substances a ‘phenomenal lens’ with power of refraction, reflection, spatial reversal and the transformation of rays of light”

Spillage’s Network Nerve

Building Programmes

A busking central to facillitates buskers in the city with an infrastrucutre. An event space to celebrate the culture of busking. Fostering cultural welfare in Northern Quarter, and creating a new network to benefit the existing. The programmes are overlayed above each other, therefore, highlighting a distinct characteristic of kinetic and permeance; vise-versa. This adopts the ethos of momentary city, being able to loose fit into city network, while be a free-standing infrastructure.

Trafford College



Music Gig, etc The Halle Music Institutes Buskers

Sound Spillage

Busking Central

Instrumental Structure Private busker teaching pods

Programme Development

Network finding of hybrid programmes of spectrum spillage draws back to the music network.

Spectrum Spillage Iterations

Early sketch iterations of the infrastructure to show an understanding of tectonics, mechanism, and scale. Each section are a development sketch which iterates through different structural details.


The auxillary support provides both structural and programme support to the performing podium and education pod floors. Building on the ethos of momentary city, the basement is the permeance part of the infrastructure. Cast in concrete and support foundation of the structure piece above, the basement creates a monolithic language communicating with its playful counterpart. The performing podium is an open space, however a raised platform. It maintains the mediation between public and private space, creating a threshold of formal and informal programme.

Lower Ground Floor Plan/Auxillary Support

Ground Floor Plan/Performing Podium

Upper Ground Floor Plan/Music Pods

Section A - A

Section across Little Lever Street showing the basement auxillary, busking stage, and teaching pods. This section shows the Kinetic and Permeance of the structure; adopting the principle of momentary city, it reflects how it could be loose fit in near future.

Scale : 1:100

Front Elevation along Little Lever Street

Elevation looking across the main event space, pods, and the back support spine for the upper floors. The glazing between the undulating floor creates a continuity with the immediate buildings patterns.

Scale: 1 : 100

Sequential movement

A series of movement showing pods being utilise, lowered and hung to its original position. An iteration of busker’s movement and behaviour, the pods is seen as portable rooms, being able to grow and re-fit into the building/city in the future.



1. 55mm dia steel gutter 2. 150mm dia steel section 3. 150 mm dia steel section 4. 3900 mm dia rain collector 5. 50mm dia steel holder with 100mm dia steel ring 6. 24mm aluminum PTFE fasterner 7. 150mm dia steel ring welded to ring support 8. Prefabricated steel for Pod support 9. 100mm dia cross section of winch drum 10. 50mm dia steel cable 11. 55mm with 75 mm steel welded to cable 12. 30mm with 65mm steel interlock

Annotations : 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.











50mm dia HSS 55mm dia HSS 60mm dia HSS 85mm dia HSS with 25mm HSS 25mm x 2900mm timber flooring Sound reflective panels 30mm x 30mm steel bolted to panels Ventilation fins 250mm dia Instrument holder ( figure.1 for detail) 30mm dia copper for sound journey 45mm steel fastener PTFE sheet




12 13








Instrument prototype inner core re-made using unwanted cans and strings

1 : 50 Detail Section

1 : 50 Fragment Sectional Model

Rapid Prototyping of the auxillary support and hand made musical pods showcased in the MSA Final year exhibition.

The Busking Central

The journey of a busker walking while playing his instruments. He is on his way to meet up with his fellow buskers.

Site Context Model

A 1:200 sketch rapid prototyping model placed with the site model to show building relationships with the surrounding.

Auxillary Support

An underground shell supporting the buskers performance during winter as they dwell to entertain.

An urban Infill Performing Podium and Pods

Busker’s performing space retaining its recurring phantasm through the structural articulation mediating between space and event.

Spectrum Spillage

The extrapolation of the network of buskers and the city. Each representation shows spillage of the network, e.g balloons are temporal instruments that roams free and fits in pocket spaces in the city buskers’ network. This drawing piece is also displayed on the MSA degree show 2013.



ARCHmedium Student Competition The Sanctuary

Situated in central Tokyo, Akihabara is heavily driven by Culture. Akiba-kei, the Genius Loci of Akihabara shapes the behavior of the space, human, and enviroment. Therefore, to create a new network of enviroment, is to build a santuary for practicing otaku’s (Individuals with obesession in Manga/Film/Games). A safehaven shelthered away from reality, allowing otaku’s to indulge in each seperate, yet unique world.

The sanctuary corresponds to the aging and continuity of manga, film, and games in concrete enclosed lower floors. This contrasts the younger and still growing karaoke culture on upper floors, showcasing tectonic dominance over adjacent buildings. Both of these embody the essence of culture, not of space.

Finalist Entry /End_TRC/data/images/ylr_heejy.jpg



Kunsthaus, Graz / 2012

Amazed by the techtonic of the building, this series of sketches are drawn to study the mechanism of each details in the building.

Kunsthaus, Graz Venice, Italy / 2013

A series of sketch to show venice and the craftmanship of each facade and its details. Sketch from left, San Marco Square,A venetian dock; Rialto Bridge.

Piazza San Marco

Venice Museum

Ponte Di Rialto

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