PROJECT TITLE: ‘The most exotic recipe contest’ Subject of English as a foreign language Level: 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) Author: Jonatan Caballero Millán
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: In groups of four, students are going to prepare and perform THE MOST EXOTIC RECIPE CONTEST in which one of the members is part of a jury who introduces contestants and asks them questions about their exotic recipe in order to decide who the winner of the award is. In order to carry out this task, students will have to behave as social agents who interact in the target language in a given communicative context. TASK DESCRIPTION: Students are going to role-play the following situation: ‘One of the group members is part of THE MOST EXOTIC RECIPE CONTEST jury who will introduce contestants and ask them questions about their exotic recipes. The rest of the group members are the contestants who will talk about their recipes, explain how to prepare them and try to convince the audience they are the winners of the award.’ Task 1:
Gather information. (In class – Groups of four) Students are provided with certain web pages on which they have to look for information and withdraw ideas for their group performance.
Task 2:
Organization. (In class – Groups of four / At home) Members of the group organize the information and the tasks to be carried out. They are encouraged to use the material they consider necessary for their performance to look realistic (i.e. clothes, music, microphones, PowerPoint slides, photographs…).
Task 3:
Class performance. (In class – Groups of four) Students are asked to carry out their performance in groups. 4
To engage students into a realistic communicative situation in which they have to interact performing different roles as social agents of the language.
To provide students with an original and realistic situation in which they have to implement their knowledge of the target language together with contents from UNIT 3: ‘THERE’S NO ACCOUNTING FOR TASTES’.
To practice the vocabulary and the grammar that has been seen in class. -
Vocabulary related to food, drinks, basic kitchenware and verbs used in the kitchen as well as cooking instructions.
The past perfect, countable and uncountable nouns, articles and quantifiers.
To use the target language in a more personalized, freer and creative way. To work in groups in order to create an end product. To develop the basic competences depicted below.
BASIC COMPETENCES: 1. - Linguistic communication competence. - To hold a dialogue, listen, speak and talk. - To express and interpret written and spoken thoughts, feelings, experiences, opinions and creations. - To look for, gather and process information from different sources. - To know the rules of the target language system. - To adapt communication to context. - To generate ideas, hypotheses, suppositions and questions. - To express one’s arguments in a convincing and according-to-context manner. - To interact linguistically in an appropriate way. 2. – Dealing with information and digital competence. - To look for, analyze, select, register, treat, transmit, use and communicate information employing specific techniques and strategies in order to get informed, learn and communicate. - To understand and integrate information in previous knowledge schemes. - To process and administrate appropriately abundant and complex information.
To make use of available technological resources frequently. To evaluate and select new sources of information and technological innovations. To analyze information in a critically by means of personal autonomous work and collaborative work. To generate responsible and creative productions.
3. – Social and civic competence. - To reflect critical and logically about facts and problems. - To be aware of the existence of different perspectives to analyze reality. - To cooperate and live together. - To be able to place oneself in somebody else’s place and understand their point of view in spite of being different from one’s own. - To use moral judgment so as to choose and take decisions and decide how to behave in different situations. - To handle social skills and know how to solve conflicts in a constructive manner. - To understand and practice values of a democratic society: democracy, freedom, equality, solidarity, joint responsibility, participation and citizenship. - To gain a set of values made up in a reflexive and critical way and to use it in a coherent manner in order to face a decision or conflict. 4. – Cultural and artistic competence. - To employ some resources so as to make creations of one’s own and the implementation of shared artistic experiences. - To put into use differing thinking skills and collaborative work skills. - To grow personal aesthetic and creative skills. - To appreciate freedom of expression, the right to diversity of cultures and intercultural negotiations. 5. – Competence in learning how to learn. - To consider questions. To identify and handle different possible answers. - To apply new knowledge and skills in similar situations and contexts. - To accept mistakes and learn from others. - To face decision taking situations in a rational and critical manner. - To acquire self-confidence and the pleasure of learning. 6. – Autonomy and personal initiative. - To face problems and look for solutions - To know oneself and self-control. - To withdraw conclusions. - To identify and attain objectives. - To organize time and tasks.
To be assertive and have empathy. To be creative and enterprising. To work cooperatively.
RESOURCES: Students will be provided with the following WebPages:
Sample exotic recipe websites:
Sample exotic recipes videos:
English-Spanish-English Dictionary:
END PRODUCT: The final product of this communicative project is a 10-12 minute EXOTIC RECIPE CONTEST. During their performance in the target language group members behave as social agents in a given communicative context. Members of the group must decide how to organize their time, who should carry out which tasks and they may make use of whatever additional material they consider necessary for their performance to look realistic (i.e. clothes, music, microphones, PowerPoint slides, photographs…)
EVALUATION CRITERIA: The evaluation of students’ projects and their assessment will be carried out by means of the following rubric or assessment grid:
Teacher: Jonatan Caballero Millán
Criteria Mark
9 - 10 Excellent attempt
Discourse management
Group work coordination and creativity
Implementation of what we have seen in class
Data Processing
Global achievement
Confident, ambitious and adapted-to-context use of language.
The group shows an excellent coordination and it is clear that there has been an excellent and fair distribution of tasks and time.
There is an excellent assortment of vocabulary items and grammatical structures that exemplifies what we have seen in class.
Data is processed successfully regarding the task, keeping an academic viewpoint at all times.
Communication exchange is implemented successfully.
Previous knowledge schemes are efficiently integrated.
Information from varied sources is successfully processed and administrated in the communicative exchange task.
Wide range of structures and vocabulary within the task set. Linguistically successfully organized and coherent. Errors are minor and non-impeding.
Cooperation and creativity are central common characteristics of the project.
Pronunciation is clear and precise. Confident and adapted-to-context use of language.
7-8 Very good attempt
Varied range of structures and vocabulary within the task set. Linguistically appropriately organized and coherent. Errors are generally minor and non-impeding. Pronunciation is clear.
The group shows good coordination and it is clear that there has been an appropriate and fair distribution of tasks and time. Cooperation and creativity are somehow central common characteristics of the project.
There is a good assortment of vocabulary items and grammatical structures that exemplifies what we have seen in class. Previous knowledge schemes are appropriately integrated.
Data is processed correctly regarding the task, keeping an academic viewpoint at all times. Information from varied sources is appropriately processed and administrated in the communicative exchange task.
Information is processed efficiently. Objectives have been efficiently identified and attained. The end product is thoroughly realistic and enterprising.
Communication exchange is implemented appropriately. Information is processed correctly. Objectives have been correctly identified and attained. The end product is realistic and enterprising.
5-6 Adequate attempt
3-4 Inadequate attempt
Discourse management
Group work coordination and creativity
Implementation of what we have seen in class
Data Processing
Global achievement
Passably confident and adapted-to-context use of language.
The group shows some coordination and it is clear that there has been a somehow appropriate and fair distribution of tasks and time.
There is a passable assortment of vocabulary items and grammatical structures that exemplifies what we have seen in class.
Data is processed reasonably regarding the task, keeping an academic viewpoint at all times.
Communication exchange is implemented passably.
Reasonable range of structures and vocabulary within the task set. Linguistically poorly organized but coherent. Errors are frequent but mostly non-impeding. Pronunciation is mostly clear but sometimes ambiguous. Non Confident and unadapted-to-context use of language. Very Poor range of structures and vocabulary within the task set. Linguistically poorly organized and incoherent. Errors are frequent and sometimes impeding. Pronunciation is confusing.
Cooperation and creativity are reasonably depicted of the project.
The group shows poor coordination and it is clear that there has been an inappropriate or unfair distribution of tasks and time. Cooperation and creativity are poor characteristics of the project.
Previous knowledge schemes are reasonably integrated.
There is a poor assortment of vocabulary items and grammatical structures that exemplifies what we have seen in class. Previous knowledge schemes are poorly integrated.
Information from varied sources is passably processed and administrated in the communicative exchange task.
Data is processed poorly regarding the task, keeping an academic viewpoint at all times. Information from varied sources is poorly processed and administrated in the communicative exchange task.
Information is processed reasonably. Objectives have been reasonably identified and attained. The end product is passably realistic and enterprising. Communication exchange is implemented poorly. Information is processed poorly. Objectives have been poorly identified and attained. The end product is poorly realistic and enterprising.
1-2 Poor attempt
Discourse management
Group work coordination and creativity
Implementation of what we have seen in class
Data Processing
Global achievement
Lack of Confident and adapted-to-context use of language.
The group lacks coordination and it is clear that there has been an inappropriate or unfair distribution of tasks and time.
The project lacks an assortment of vocabulary items and grammatical structures that exemplifies what we have seen in class.
Data is not processed regarding the task, keeping an academic viewpoint at all times.
Communication exchange is implemented unsuccessfully.
Lack of a varied range of structures and vocabulary within the task set. Linguistic organization and coherence are missing.
The project lacks cooperation and creativity.
Previous knowledge schemes are missing.
Errors are frequent and impeding.
Information from varied sources is unsuccessfully processed and administrated in the communicative exchange task.
Information is processed unsuccessfully. Objectives have been unsuccessfully identified and attained. The end product is not realistic and enterprising.
Pronunciation is understandable.
0 Achieves nothing
Achieves nothing of the above due to no task implication whatsoever.
Achieves nothing of the above due to no task implication whatsoever.
Achieves nothing of the above due to no task implication whatsoever.
Achieves nothing of the above due to no task implication whatsoever.
Achieves nothing of the above due to no task implication whatsoever.
There’s no project exposition.
There’s no project exposition.
There’s no project exposition.
There’s no project exposition.
There’s no project exposition.
Tick the boxes that best describe students’ performance, all in the same kind of attempt or in different ones. By means of observing where the majority of descriptors have been ticked, go for the mark that best assesses the task.