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Portfolio case studies continued
What is your vision?
We aim to deliver the highest quality and highest performance semiconductor devices and integrated circuits for a new generation of power systems where reducing the energy losses is the core aim.
What is unique about your technology?
ICeGaNTM technology targets outstanding efficiency with compact solutions, enhanced reliability, best-in-class robustness, through easy-to-use power transistors. We put leading-edge innovation in wide-bandgap (WBG) devices at the forefront of our mission, applying deep science from our roots in Cambridge University and close engagement with customers, investors, partners and employees. It is not just about Gallium Nitride (GaN). Our identity and respect for the environment goes well beyond our products.
By working with GaN, I want to make an impact – an impact on society, on the people, on the employees’ life and on the new generation. Thanks to CIC’s support and their knowledge of the semiconductor market, CGD will be able to expand its product portfolio, establish a presence in the US, and increase its market share to maximise the impact of the technology worldwide.
How can it impact the world and/or benefit society?
Among all the other semiconductor markets, the GaN market is the fastest growing with a 50% CAGR, thanks to the highest electrical efficiency that GaN has demonstrated it can achieve. Vast adoption of ICeGaNTM-based power converters in areas such as data centres can contribute to save up to 12TWh of electricity and nine million metric tons of CO2 per year by 2030, equivalent to the greenhouse emissions of more than 20 million barrels of oil consumed, thus contributing to <1.5°C temperature increase target by 2050 set by the Paris Agreement1
What is the opportunity?
Socio-economic factors and advances in technology are driving energy use and electricity spending. Climate change, populations growth, urbanisation and digital transformation are among the megatrends responsible for energy consumption predicted to increase