V3, I2 - October 27, 2017

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Friday, October 27, 2017

Ghost town hall

The Student Newspaper of Jones College Preparatory High School

Volume 3, Issue 2

SGA continues to aim high despite low forum turnout LANE KIZZIAH ‘18 Managing Editor

As they walked into the sparsely-filled South Cafeteria during last Tuesday’s Ac Lab, students were greeted by Student Government Association officers as they called the handful of students to order. “Now we’re going to open this up to a more formal town hall,” said SGA Co-President Abby Barton ‘18 during the forum. “We want to encourage you to lodge any sort of complaints, give us compliments, or ask us about anything important that is going on. We’re going to send your questions to the administration or just try to help you however we can.” This was the first of the Student GovernmentAssociation’s new town hall initiative. “We’re trying to hold [the town halls] consistently the first Ac Lab of the third week of every month in the [South Cafeteria],” said Barton. “We think it’s very important for students to be able to come to us to voice their concerns because there’s been incidents where students have had issues with administration. We want to be the conduit between the students and the administration.” This idea comes after members of SGA saw their peers struggle with a myriad of circumstances. “There have been some students whether it’s based on race or gender - who’ve felt like they’ve been discriminated against

Filling in the gaps

or have problems with certain policies of the administration,” said SGA Co-President Helen Laboe ‘18. “We hope to show these problems to admin and try to find a way to fix them.” The meeting began with school updates and transitioned into a forum for questions. “I think the first town hall went okay,” said Sophomore Press Secretary Jack O’Leary ‘20. “I want to make it a little more organized next time. I hope we can be a little more prepared with a plan of what we’re going to talk about. But overall, I think it was a good first start.” The low turnout may be a result of schedule changes. “It was a pretty small turnPhoto by Sam Donnell ‘18 out,” said Laboe. “We were origiDEMOCRACY IN ACTION SGA Co-Presidents Abby Barton ‘18 and Helen Laboe ‘18 lead the first nally trying to hold [the town halls] town hall on Oct. 17, with the help of SGA Overall Secretary Grace Goodall ‘18 and SGA Overall Treasuron the first Ac Lab of every month, er Teresa Vergara-Miranda ‘18. but there was a scheduling conflict.” Another reason for we communicate by telling all of us at SGA says every year, but we’re trying new the turnout could be due to a lack of the same time,” said Assistant Principal things: trying to get more students invested in communication with administration. Therese Plunkett. “We are going to get the sports teams, we’re writing a fight song, “We don’t talk directly to ad- all of the information on a regular basis.” we’re going to have a pep band at games.” ministration,” said Laboe. “We now Both the administra- There is desire to increase have a sponsor. We talk to the sponsor, tion and SGA are confident that this the amount of involvement across the who then talks to the administration.” will improve the group’s efficiency. school, not just in terms of sports. This change is predicted to in- SGA’s largest goal this year is to in- “We’d like to do a mural project.” crease the efficiency of the organization crease the level of school spirit. said Barton. “We have no concrete plans for this and streamline the way things get done. “We’re trying to ramp up school yet but it’s one of my personal goals this year.” “It’s going to centralize how spirit,” said Laboe. “I know this is something

Students brainstorm empty space usage NORTH BUILDING: HARRISON LOBBY “We can use it as an established training area for athletics.” - Devin Berry ‘19

SOUTH BUILDING: SEVENTH FLOOR TERRACE “There could be a garden. We can harvest [food] because the lunches are really lacking.” - Hunter Dotzen ‘19

NORTH BUILDING: HALF FLOOR STAIRCASE “I’ll tell you what we can do there. We can put some art and sculptures there.” - Enrique Carillo ‘18

NORTH BUILDING: SPACE BY AUDITORIUM: “Just add more tables like the lobby for hangouts.” - Diana Irons ‘20 Graphics by Deklin Versace ‘18 Briefs compiiled by Boris Fedorov ‘18

Language dept. to expand offerings SISLEY MARK ‘20 School Staff

¡Hola! Bonjour! To Jones students, those familiar words are well known due to the twoyear foreign language graduation requirement. How about ‫ ?םולש‬Cześć? ‫ ?ابحرم‬These could be the new salutations if Jones follows through with its initiative to expand world language offerings. “Dr. Powers is interested in looking into starting a fourth language at Jones,” said World Language Department Chair Jamie Riste. Jones wasn’t always the bustling school it is now. twelve years ago, Jones had 700 students who had the option to take Spanish, French, Chinese, Latin, or German. “[The language program] remained a problem from day one until about 2005,” said English teacher Amy Fritsch. “Numerically, it [didn’t] work.” The program used to require students to take a language all four years of high school. In order to support five languages, each language would have to enroll the same number of students. Fritsch, the former German teacher, could not enroll the required amount of 28 students, so she had no choice but to shut the program down. “In the spring of 2003, I said we should let the kids who are in German finish it out, but the program needed to be closed,” said Fritsch. “At that moment, I had a total of 21 German students in all my classes. I couldn’t even match the smallest year one language class with my whole program.” The Jones student body is now large enough to support another language and finding interest for an

addition is no problem. For now, students like Natalie Rudman ’19 are choosing to take the language they chose through online classes in the library. Her first period consists of taking classes through a program called Hebrew College. The program costs around $800 a semester and focuses on independent learning. “I felt like I was losing [Hebrew] and that was pretty upsetting to me. My grandmother lived in Israel for ten years and my mom speaks pretty much fluent Hebrew,” said Rudman. “I didn’t want to lose it because I want to visit Israel and do something that connects me to my religion.” During her freshman and sophomore years, she unhappily took Spanish. She felt that she was wasting her time learning another language, when she could be practicing Hebrew. Jones’ lack of Hebrew classes didn’t discourage her. Rudman continued, “At Jones, we pride ourselves in being diverse, but in a lot of ways we aren’t. Being able to have more languages is just a great way to be more inclusive to the community and allow different types of people to learn the language they want.” Rudman will continue to take online Hebrew classes until her senior year, and even though Hebrew might not be the additional language offered, Rudman is still a firm believer that Jones should add another language. “It seems like such a small thing,” said Rudman. “But in the long run, that could change someone’s decision to come to our school or [even] what they want to do in their life.”


Exclusively on jonesblueprint.com Full versions of all interviews are online, including an article about Robotics Club by Maggie Trovato ‘19.


A shot in the wrong direction

Leave with the positive at 2:15

Gun violence reform is all talk, no action

Senior says to give Eagle Lab some credit

BRENDAN SCHEIB-FEELEY ‘18 Chicago is in the midst of its most streets of Chicago. Though illegality may lethal year in the past twenty years. No mat- not completely stop teenagers from poster where you live in the Windy City, you are sessing guns, a law like this would not help. always advised to be aware of your surround- The argument could be made that ings. Three years ago, a car was firebombed H.R. 38 will have no effect on the amount of at my Red Line stop. A couple of months lat- shootings that occur. We have no idea whether, an innocent man was shot a few blocks er or not that will be true. After each mass from my house because he walking down the shooting, Americans raise a call to action street and got caught in crossfire. Soon after for something to be done aboutgun violence that, a man was shot in the McDonald’s in America. This lasts for a short while, parking lot that I had gone to but once the NRA starts flashing their a day earlier. My neighmoney, our politicians grow borhood, Rogers Park, is silent. The curon the far north side rent gun laws do and is not associated nothing to stop with this violence, innocent deaths, even though it exand the fact that presses sympotms they are being like other neighmade more leborhoods in the nient means city. This suggests that these inthat the issue with nocent peoguns in America has ple will congone too far and nothtinue to die. ing has been done to stop I believe it, politically and culturally. in the Constitution, In January of and I believe that al2017, a bill was introduced in though times were difthe U.S. House of Representatives ferent in the 1700s, our Founding Fathers entitled H.R. 38, or the Concealed knew what they were doing. The Second Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. The Amendment was written for a reason, and that bill allows for an individual to carry a con- reason was to protect our citizens and protect cealed gun in any state, as long as they hold our country. It was not written so that men like a permit. The current Illinois law is strict in Stephen Paddock could purchase 33 guns in comparison to other states, as one must follow the last twelve months, most of them semi-aua number of criteria, like be over the age of 21. tomatic. Semi-automatic weapons are not However, in order to gain a concealed carry associated with instances of self-protection, permit in Indiana, a person only needs to be ratherwith the death of humans. There is abover 18 and does not even need Indiana res- solutely no reason for regular citizens to own idency. The thought that an 18-year-old from semi-automatic weapons. Yet, they still do and Chicago could drive less than an hour away will continue to do so until our politicians deand get a concealed carry permit from Indi- cide to do something about the issue of guns ana frightens me. If H.R. 38 was signed into rather than sit back and allow these mass law, it would be entirely legal for an 18-year- shootings to continue to occur, year after year. old to carry a concealed handgun through the Illustration by Jonathan Dugard ‘18

SUSANA CHENMEI ‘18 The dismissal bell releases you from your seventh period class to finally run to your friends at the end of a Friday. However, this school year is different– you run to your friends from your Ac Lab who are in the same grade and share the same first letter of your last name as you. Staff and students who opposed this policy mockingly call it ‘Feelings Friday.’ After two weeks of stress building up due to countless assignments, extracurriculars, and even college applications for seniors, sharing just one positive could be enough for students to let out their stress before taking it home for the weekend. Eagle Lab will be a convenient way for them to make more friends who they do not have any classes with. With this policy, students are able to build relationships with others in their Ac Lab. On their graduation day, they will be walking down the stage alongside those they have

known throughout their entire high school career. They will experience the last milestone together as they did at the start of their high school years. Other than just an opportunity to meet others, students also get to explore new ways of thinking that they’ve never been exposed to in a classroom setting. My Ac Lab teachers came up with the idea of a game where students try to engage in a conversation without mentioning the words ‘school’ and ‘college.’ Friday Ac Lab can be a time for students to expand their thinking without having the pressure to do so for a grade. This policy will only work if students are open-minded to whatever happens in their Ac Lab. If students are against this idea, then they will never understand why Jones initiated this policy. If we try to work this out and keep an open mind, this could end up as a tradition that sets Jones apart from other schools. Illustration by Abby Teodori ‘19

No ‘I’ in ‘volunteer’ Service learning projects, requirements lead to less than ethical intentions Jones students always feel the need to be at the top. Not only do we compete for grades, the number of extracurriculars in which we are involved in, and ACT scores, but we take it to the next level when we compete on who “can do the most good.” While we all profess to be passionately involved in whatever the cause may be, that often seems to not be the case. Most people only turn in their service hours to secure their membership in National Honors Society for the month or to add just another number to their transcript. While there are always exceptions to the rule, we need to consider whether our intentions are genuine when we volunteer our time with different organizations. Volunteering is giving up time to better the world and expecting nothing in return, but getting our supervisor’s signature to validate the hours served is now a prerequisite to our doing anything for another human being. If service hour requirements were removed and applications no longer asked about service, would Key Club still have the highest membership of any club in the school? Probably not. Of course, there are examples of students who are truly invested in the betterment of our community, but they are few and far between. It isn’t fair to students who are genuinely trying to make a difference in the world when they’re


compared to others who are just trying to make a difference on their resumes.

That doesn’t even touch upon issues with the “default” system of service learning: school-organized projects. Starting freshman year, we all



participate in mandatory projects. Looking back at the projects of the past few years, who was really helped? Who benefitted from the math-themed board game you made? Whose life was improved by the Instagram page you made to “raise awareness” about animal testing in the beauty industry? While service learning projects have the good intent of introducing students to the concept of volunteering, it just seems to be another way of handing out service hours for doing work that doesn’t actually benefit the world around us. We need to examine, at least as a starting point, how these projects are executed. While shifting the service graduation requirements to English and Civics for younger grades make more sense than making math-themed board games, these projects need to extend out of the classroom and into reality. Perhaps taking a class field trip to the Chicago Food Depository or volunteering with another organization that relates to current, topical events would bridge the gap. In the end, the number of service hours on your transcript attempts to calculate something that can’t be measured. As hard as we try, “good” cannot and should not be quantified. Illustration by Abby Teodori ‘19


Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor, Print Associate Editor, Online Associate Editor, Copy Associate Editor, Design Managing Editor Lead Reporter School Editor School Editor School Staff School Staff School Staff School Staff School Staff School Staff School Staff School Staff Opinion Editor Lifestyles Editor Lifestyles Editor Lifestyles Staff Lifestyles Staff Lifestyles Staff Lifestyles Staff Lifestyles Staff Lifestyles Staff Sports Editor Sports Editor Sports Staff Sports Staff Sports Staff Sports Staff Sports Staff Sports Staff Advisor

Orla Levens ‘18 Brendan Scheib-Feeley ‘18 Nicholas Rappe ‘18 Michael Murray ‘18 Deklin Versace ‘18 Lane Kizziah ‘18 Daisy Conant ‘18 Jonathan Dugard ‘18 Boris Fedorov ‘18 Eryn Barnes ‘19 Susana Chenmei ‘18 Sam Donnell ‘18 Abraham Jimenez ‘18 Lars Johansson ‘18 Sisley Mark ‘20 Jaye Thomas ‘18 Margaret Trovato ‘19 Ellie Lawrence ‘18 Olivia Landgraff ‘18 Anna Nedoss ‘18 Kayla Gardner ‘19 Ben Keeler ‘18 Abby Teodori ‘19 Lucy Tindel ‘19 Sara Weiss ‘18 Katherine Williams ‘20 Jack Bedore ‘19 Dylan Spector ‘18 Carter Frye ‘19 Ian Crowley ‘18 Lucas Vogel ‘19 John Wang ‘18 Ezra Weber ‘18 Jeremiah Williams ‘18 John Lund

Letters Letters to the Editor are encouraged and will be screened for libel, irresponsiblity, and obscenity. The Editorial Board may edit or shorten letters as long as the meaning is unchanged. All letters must be signed and include your email

PAGE 3 No School

There will be no school on Nov. 3 for staff professional development day


Red, white, and naturalized

After 15 years on work visa, Spanish teacher becomes an American citizen

SARA WEISS ‘18 “Until the Supreme Court was sworn into citizenship with famLifestyles Staff repealed the Defense [of] Marriage ily and friends, all holding a mix While most teachers were re- Act, even if I was in a civil union of red, white, and blue balloons. laxing for the summer, Spanish teacher with an American citizen, I still “The best moment was when Rafael Jimenez was gearing up for nat- couldn’t apply for any other jobs. I was sworn in,” said uralization into American citizenship. So it was either leaving him here, or Jimenez. “Because I got to He entered into the U.S. in 2002 both of us moving back to Spain.” say “Hey, I’m a citizen.” on a J1 visa sponsored by Chica Without being a full citi Principal P. Joseph go Public Schools and quickly zen, Jimenez wouldn’t have the right Powers has experience transitioned from teaching Ento vote or frankly feel comfortable hiring and working with glish in Spain to teaching Spanstating his opinions to non-citizens. However, in ish in Chicago. Jimenez created many of his peers. Howhis mind, as long as eva relationship with CPS that lead ever, he knew that once eryone has gone through them to sponsor him on a workhe was granted citthe same background ing H1B visa for years to come. izenship, that check, they all have an “This is an expenpressure even chance of becomsive process for the employing a teacher at Jones. er,” said Jimenez. “Knowing “I don’t see a disall the financial hardships tinction between emof CPS, I’m grateful that ployees in that regard they kept sponsoring me.” [non-citizen versus Although CPS kept the citizen],” said Powsponsorship for the long haul, it ers. “I think it’s good was a tedious process in which for students to have he had to go back to the Spandifferent perspecish Embassy every three years to tives and be able to get another sticker added to his interact with people visa, along with paying the fees from other counthat came with the sponsorship. tries and to get a lit “I talked to CPS to renew tle bit of a feeling of [the visa],” said Jimenez. “They how they think, what said [that they didn’t] know if they their backgrounds [could] yet, so I said, ‘What do are, and how they you mean? I have a family here.’” view the world.” Patience wearing thin, Spanish Jimenez persevered through the III teacher Eveambiguity of having to pack up lyn Jimenez (no and leave, therefore the only oprelation) thinks tion standing was to become similarly in regards to a full-time American citizen. the fact that it’s ben “While I was workeficial for students to ing on the H1B visa, I could be taught by teachers only work for my sponsor,” of various ethnicities. said Jimenez. “From 2002 un “I think that [a ditil July of this year, my only verse teaching staff is] very Photo courtesy of Rafael Jimenez option was to work for “I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE...” Jimenez is all smiles after receiving important,” said Jimenez. CPS or to leave; that’s it.” his certificate of citizenship in front of his family. “I think that students need In addition, to be exposed to a variety Jimenez built a family here. His son would be lifted off his shoulders. of cultures, a diverse staff helps to imgraduated from the University of “Now I can open my plement that and for the kids to see that Michigan and he has an American mouth,” said Jimenez. “If someone all different cultures can be successful.” husband, who has family close by as says something, I could say that I’m As far as plans for the future, well. Without becoming an Ameri- a fellow citizen and I have the same Jimenez plans to continue teaching at can citizen, Jimenez would still be rights. That makes a big difference.” Jones and being a part ofAmerican society. denied opportunities, even being in a Finally, after many years “I feel very privileged,” Jimenez said. civil union with an American Citizen. and established patience, Jimenez “[I] have nothing but good things to say.”

Sophomores contribute to hurricane relief


For Brad Lyons, this political satire has nothing to do with politics EZRA WEBER ‘18 Sports Staff Amid a divisive political climate in the United States, Director Brad Lyons’ fall play choice, “The Government Inspector,” was made without political messages in mind. “I did not pick it because it’s political. I picked it because it is super funny,” said Lyons, “It is very very funny.” The play, which Lyons considers a classic, describes the mayor of a corrupt town in Russia in 1836 who learns of a secret government inspector sent to report on their corruption. At the same time, a stranger appears in town, and right away, the town suspects that he is the government inspector. The town, and all of its crooked politicians attempt to bribe the stranger so that he sends a positive report to the Tsar in Moscow. Despite the critical messages that the author of the play, Nikolai Gogol, was making on his society, Lyons said the play is “very physically comedic [like the] Three Stooges [or] Saturday Night Live sketch type comedy.” Because of Russia’s prominence in the news currently, some students, including Auggie Droegemueller ‘18, who will be playing the lead role, are convinced that the play is a shot atAmerica’s political leaders. “The play is about someone who is completely unfit to be a really esteemed member of the federal government, much like Donald Trump,” said Droegemueller. While Lyons insisted the play was not making explicit connections to any members of government, he is aware of the way students are perceiving his choice. “On the board out there it just says that the play is about corrupt government and this and that, it doesn’t mention any names,” said Lyons. “It is 1836 Russia, and someone wrote on [the board], ‘He is still your president.’ And I’m like, ‘Who is he? I am not talking about anybody.’” Nicole Rudakova ‘18, who plays the role of Maria, the mayor’s daughter, similarly believes the intentions of Lyons in choosing the fall play were political. “I think he chose this play because it is very relevant to now even though it takes place in 1836 Russia,” said Rudakova. While Rudakova and Droegemueller expect current political controversy to be on the forefront of students’ understanding of the play, Lyons insists that the play was chosen first and foremost because of it’s humor. “I just want to reiterate: I picked it because it’s funny,” said Lyons. “It’s also topical, but the most important thing is that people are going to come, and they are going to laugh their butts off. Politics be what it is.” Lyons understands the implications that his play choice has, but is insistent on keeping his personal views out of the picture. He does not want to stir up political controversy, but instead wants to put on a performance that everyone can enjoy. “If we can have a nice conversation about politics in classrooms, and stuff, that’s great,” said Lyons. “But I’m not going to say that I’m beating my beliefs over the heads of other people.”

Photo by Sam Donnell ‘18

READING BETWEEN THE LINES Brad Lyons goes over the script of the comedy The Government Inspector. The cast and crew attend rehearsals daily until the show’s run on Nov. 9-11. Graphic by Brendan Scheib-Feeley ‘18

Olivia Landgraff ‘18 contributed to this story.


City Champion

Honduras 2.2%

China 1.5%

India 1.1%

Jamaica 0.5%

Philippines 1.1%

South Korea 2.7%

Venezuela 0.5%

% of DACA Recipients


Katie Murray ‘20 placed first in the Girls Cross Country City Championships, running the 3 mile in 19:08.

Coming out of the shadows

Undocumented student, alum share stories in wake of DACA uncertainty

DAISY CONANT ‘18 Lead Reporter

11:08 a.m., September 5, 2017. It was at this time that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the repeal of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals immigration policy, known familiarly to both its supporters and opposers as DACA. By 11:09 a.m., the announcement had crushed the dreams of the 800,000 undocumented immigrants across the country, replacing it with a fear of deportation that DACA had managed to protect them from for so long. Thousands of them were students, with some even in the Jones community. These are their stories.

Vergara-Miranda cannot receive aid from here. I’ve lived in this country as long as anypublic universities because her status prevents her one else. I would tell [those against DACA to] from submitting the FAFSA. Although she can re- just try to think about the circumstances under ceive aid through private scholarships, the majori- which people come to this country,” said Cuecha. ty are only offered to U.S. citizens. With DACA, For six years, DACA had allowed Cuecha everything that had defined Vergara-Miranda - her status, her passport, her obstacles - fell away. When the repeal was announced, the obstacles came flooding UNCERTAINTY ABOUT UNIVERSITY back, especially While the majority of her classmates spent in the college aptheir last-first day of high school celebrating their plication process. newly minted senior status, Teresa Vergara-Miran- “I was da ’18 stayed buried in her phone. Since first pe- thinking about goriod she had been wrapt with CNN’s home page, ing out of state refreshing the app, waiting for the news she dread- for school, but I ed. Sitting in the back of her World Literature class, think I have stay the announcement finally appeared on her screen. in state, especialAbsorbing the statement that would decide ly in Chicago, just Photo by John Wang ‘18 her status in the country she called home, because it’s a sanc- PROTECTION AT RISK DACA gave Cuecha a “security blanket,” protecting him from only one word permeated her thoughts: Why? tuary city,” said deportation by allowing him to get a job with Domino’s Pizza at age 17. “I remember I cried on the train. I Ve r g a r a - M i r a n cried when I got home,” said Vergara-Miranda. da. “Just in case something happens, I wouldn’t to not only stay protected from deportation, but re Vergara-Miranda learned about DACA want to be somewhere where people know I’m ceive access to academic opportunities as well. As a when she was 14 years old. Although too young undocumented and I’m completely exposed.” student at DePaul University, DACA enabled him to to apply, she and her parents were adamant in re- When the repeal was announced, it was apply to the university’s Mitchem Fellowship, a pressearching the new policy, attending fairs and also announced that students whose DACA expires tigious research fellowship for minority students. gathering information on what Vergara-Mi- before March 5, 2018 could reapply for a two year DACA was going to aid in launching Cuecranda needed to be covered by the program. extension, but Vergara-Miranda’s DACA expires in ha’s future in the medical field, something al “The fear of deportation is always there. Nov. 2018, well past the deadline. She will lose her most unheard of for a student of his status. When I received [DACA], I knew that I would be job, her Social Security number, and will no longer “I want to go to med school, I want to be fine for at least two years. I knew nothing could hap- be protected from deportation for the next two years, a doctor. DACA was going to allow me to apply,” pen to me,” m a k i n g said Cuecha. “[The repeal] now makes me question said Vergaher future whether there’s a purpose to whatever I’m doing. [I ra-Miranda. uncertain. could be] going to school, paying all this money, to potentially not have it mean anything in the end.” Vergara-Mi“Just be In light of the repeal, Cuecha still sees randa has aware that himself as only partially a member of the counknown she there are try he has called home since ten months old. was undocstudents “I’m an American, but I don’t feel like umented her who don’t I belong in this country because of the way peowhole life. know what ple perceive us,” said Cuecha. “[DACA reHer parents the next cipients] are just trying to live and work tobrought her six months gether to make this country a better place.” to the United are going Cuecha does not know what the next six States when to look months are going to look like, let alone the next five she was three. like,” said years, and neither do his peers and fellow undocVergara-MiV e r g a - umented students. To undocumented students, he randa did evra-Miran- encourages them to push past those thoughts, to erything in da. “You keep their heads up, and to let their voices be heard. her power to may not Photo by Lucy Tindel ‘19 set herself up be facISOLATED “I know two other people in the entire school who have DACA,” said for the highVergara-Miranda. “I found out [only] because we were talking about colleges.” est degree of success her status would allow. On top of her mul- ing it directly, but showing others that tiple AP classes and working 20-25 hours a week at you’re there for them is a huge help.” Mariano’s, Vergara-Miranda is involved in a multitude of extracurriculars; she serves as the Vice MEDICAL DREAMS ON LIFE President of the Spanish Honors Society, is Over- SUPPORT all Secretary for the Student Government Associa- For Juan Cuecha ‘16, it tion, Co-President of Folklorico Club, is a member wasn’t the news of the DACA repeal of the National Honors Society, and participates that hit him the hardest; it was the sight in an architecture and civil engineering program. of his mother, sitting in front of the TV “If I put myself out there in his childhood home, crying as the anin all the clubs I’m in, I’m bringing nouncement flashed across the screen. more awareness,” said Vergara-Miranda. “My family is always scared. So why do all this; the clubs, the long work They’re always extra careful and exhours, the heavy course load? The short answer: tra cautious,” explained Cuecha. “I felt because she has to. With DACA, she could begin safe having that program. It gave me working to save up for the large cost of college a sense that I was moving up in terms looming in her future, but it still wouldn’t be enough. of legal status. Hearing that it was going “I’ve known since I was in seventh to end took that security away from me.” grade that paying for college [would] be a huge To Cuecha, the repeal simply burden. I probably wasn’t even going to go,” didn’t make any sense. From that Tuessaid Vergara-Miranda. “I knew the only chance day in September to now, he continues to go I had of getting college paid for was through over explanations in his head as to ‘why?’ schools who [could] meet 100 percent need.” “We’re all the same. I grew up


Spirit Week

Spirit week starts on Nov. 13, kicking off with Pajama Day.

% of DACA Recipients

Don’t Always Count on Asylum


Senior describes emotional rollercoaster as a result of DACA turmoil

Mexico 66.6% Guatemala 5.2% Brazil 0.7% Colombia 1.1%




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Uruguay 0.2%


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El Salvador 3.2%

Road to

Dominican Republic 0.7%

ABRAHAM JIMENEZ ‘18 low employment rates, violent citIt may sound corny and cliche, ies, and a lower level of education. but family is all about love, unity, and goYoung immigrant students do not ing through the same experiences together. ask for a “free pass” or for a free edSadly, that is not always the case. Many ucation, all they ask for is an opporfamilies migrate to the United States, tunity. Students do not need or ask where they have “anchor” babies who for much from the government, they are given citizenship despite the undocusimply want to be able to see light at mented status of the rest of their family. the end of the tunnel. In return, they According to the Pew Research Center, in can get up every morning driven and the late 1990s and early 2000s, there were optimistic to one day reach success. approximately 300,000 anchor babies Under DACA, my family, along born annually. I am one of these babies. with thousands of families across the As a young child, my parents did nation, have been able to relax a bit, not tell me about our situation in the hopes and not have to live in constant fear of protecting me. However, as time went on of deportation. That is, until our curmy intellectual capacity and curiosity grew. rent administration, under President I began to wonder why my parents often Donald Trump, who has threatened talked about the true beauty of Mexico, yet the complete termination of DACA. we never took the time to go back and visit. One day, I walked into my When I finally asked my parents if we could house and was instantly confused. take a trip to Mexico, my eyes were painI saw my mom and dad together fully opened. In the most simple terms, they watching the news, but my mom’s explained that they could not leave the couneyes were filled with tears, and my try until their legal situations were fixed. father was alongside her for comfort. Innocently, I said “I understand,” without The fear was evident in their eyes, the slightest idea of the struggles to come. and I did not know how to respond. Still only a kid, my parents left me with Throughout my entire life, I had some hope to hang onto. They told me that I seen my family acting with extreme shouldn’t go to Mexico alone, so that it can precaution, until they finally had lebe more special for us to travel for the first gal protection from DACA. DACA time as an entire family. Ever since then, I completely changed our way of life. have waited nine years for that “special” day. Although my brothers and all DACA Growing up with two older brothPhoto courtesy of Abraham Jimenez ‘18 ers, I have always had someone to look up to. FAMILY FIRST Affected even at a young age by his family’s immigration sta- recipients are under close watch t h e I admire them for their hard work in school tus, Jimenez continues to have a tight-knit relationship with his family, especially f r o m governand for always keeping high expectations for his older brothers. ment, the future. They were both admitted into two and do not have very competitive selective enrollment high schools and I was excited to see all the rights of where they would go for college. However, when college applications came an American around, I began to wonder if they would be allowed to attend considering citizens, their undocumented status. If they were allowed, I wondered if they would it was even be able to afford it, since they were ineligible for financial aid and many scholarships. To my family’s relief, they were both fortunate enough to be accepted and protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA, which was issued by President Barack still a Obama in 2012, allows students who have had long term U.S residency l a rg e and have not been charged with a felony to remain in the United States step in the right for school and/or employment. I be- lieve direction. Now we feel as if we that no person should be are back to where we started. held accountable or punished Being part of an immigrant for entering a country t h a t family, you always feel targeted. You they do not even r e never feel as if your country fully accepts member coming to. you, and are always running the risk of a new Most families migovernment administration taking away your legal prograte to the United tection. It is crucial for us as a country to realize that young States in pursuit of immigrant students are more American then they are anything a brighter future, else. Yes, they might not have been born here, but the Unitoften fleeing their ed States and their way of life here is all they know. Citizen or native countries Dreamer, we all pledge allegiance to the same red, white, and blue, due to and we all hope for a better future, one that we can all enjoy together.

PAGE 6 City Champions Girls varsity volleyball won their first city championship against Whitney Young on Oct. 19.


Townhouse of terror

Twins open haunted house to help fight cancer

ANNA NEDOSS ‘18 ceeds go to the American Cancer Society as Lifestyles Editor a donation. That charity is really special to BEN KEELER ‘18 us.” Lifestyles Staff Over the past seven years, the Louthan For most nine-year-old kids, twins have raised approximately $45,000 haunted houses are places of paralyzing for the American Cancer Society. Accordfear that are avoided at all costs. But ing to the twins, their home-haunt has imfor Graham Louthan ‘18 and Alexander proved drastically over the years, with their Louthan ‘18, their first haunted house 2016 haunt bringing in over $10,000 for the awakened a passion for haunting. charity. Open for two days each year, the After attending a haunted Townhouse of Terror brings in hundreds of house in 2009, the Louthan twins decidvisitors who are clearly impressed with their ed to try making their own, right in their homemade haunted house. apartment. The haunted house started as “We are all homemade but it’s a small project that the twins prepared still really high quality. Last year, over the course of a few days, but seven the years later the Louthan haunted house, statewide critics came through and they now known as the Townhouse of Terror, gave us a 6 out of 5 chainsaw rating as well has turned into a complex year-round as a Hall of Fame award. Alexander and I venture. visit lots of other haunted houses and apply “The first year we did it, it was it to our home haunt to make it the best it basically just a bunch of ropes inside of can be,” said Graham Louthan. our bedroom and sheets hanging with However, with college looming in the disa few scenes,” said Graham Louthan. tance, this year’s home haunt was their last “But now it’s a full 2x4 structure that HOUSE OF HORRORS The Louthan twins’ haunted house this year was a hospital hurrah as brothers. After raising $11,000 follows official codes. We have ply- themed fright that ran from Oct. 13-14. this year with lines out the door, the twins wood walls, custom props, and actors feel confident that this is only the start of a forming their home into a Halloween hotspot, working side scaring people.” future career in haunting. The Louthan twins start working on the next year’s jobs all year to help finance the project and scouring al- “It was definitely sad for me because I had to come haunt in December, almost ten months in advance, begin- leys for anything with the potential to become a prop. But to terms with the fact that this thing I’ve had for 7 years is ning with blueprint sketches that evolve into a reality. The their inspiration for starting this annual tradition came from over,” said Graham Louthan. “But I’m actually hoping that twins create every aspect of what makes their initial ideas something much bigger than just a passion for a good scare. this is just the beginning because I want to eventually open “We started it after our grandmother died of can- up a professional haunted house in the future. I just consider come to life, whether it’s construction, design, acting, spe- cer. The reason we do this is to raise money for the Ameri- this phase one of my career in the haunted house industry.” cial effects, or electrical engineering. can Cancer Society,” said Alexander Louthan. “All the proPhoto courtesy of Graham Louthan ‘18 They put tremendous amounts of work into trans-

Boo! Students review horror flicks, old and new DEKLIN VERSACE ‘18, ABBY TEODORI ‘19, LUCY TINDEL ‘19

With Halloween just around the corner, Hollywood has reawakened their annual tradition of pumping out as many cheap horror flicks as possible before the end of the month. Most of these movies are completely overlooked, and for good reason. Given that It is an adaptation of a Stephen King novel featuring one of the stars of highly renowned Netflix series Stranger Things, most assumed that it would be a refreshing change of pace from the rest of the garbage the genre pushes out. Unfortunately, It did not deliver. The opening scene gives the audience immediate hope for the movie. It wastes no time getting straight into the grisly and horrifying murder of a young child, unlike most similar horror mov- i e s which would instead take an annoyingly large portion of the film to show. After seeing t h i s scene, you get excited, believing this movie could actually be exciting, but as soon a s t h e screen fades from the murder site, the film falls into one of its many lulls. It refuses to keep the audience engaged for more than one scene at a

time. It feels like it could have been a good movie if the directors hadn’t decided to walk directly on the line the genre had established. If the film embraced its cheesiness and didn’t try to take itself so seriously, and instead just focused on the inanity of the kids and their terrorizer, it would stand out as a unique film. Unfortunately, due to how predictable and boring the movie was, It will quickly be forgotten.

Modern horror films tend to follow the same overused scripts and tropes, but the deviation from this trend is what makes watching a masterpiece like Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining so refreshing and enjoyable. The Shining stands apart from other horror films in a myriad of ways, including its soundtrack, which gives the viewer an unbreakable feeling of anxiety as it creates an aura of terror that could strike at any moment. There aren’t any lulls in the pacing of the film because the music always keeps the viewer on edge. The terrifying tone of The Shining is mainly enforced by its characters, who all have the common sense to do exactly what anyone would do in the same situation. These acts of foresight makes them so much more believable and allow the viewer to lose themselves in the world of the movie much more easily. The Shining is notable because of its attention to detail and the dedication that went into filming it. From the unnerving music to the unspoken complexity of the characters to the chilling scenes, this movie is two and a half hours of goosebumps and hair raising horror.

The Blair Witch Project’s mediocrity is what makes it such a cult classic. The movie’s creators set out to do only one thing with the movie: convince you that it is real found footage of a group of college students being haunted by the Blair Witch. Their success in this goal is what allows The Blair Witch Project to stand the test of time. The introduction to the film is a short paragraph stating that the footage the movie is compiled of is “found footage.” This is crucial to the realistic nature of the movie as a whole. As the story begins, you’re lured in by the difference in filming techniques compared to the way horror movies are usually presented. The clips are filmed and stitched together as if the creators are indeed amateur film makers. Many have criticized the movie for never showing the actual Blair Witch. However, the filmmakers’ choice to not include the Blair Witch is crucial. Instead of cheesy effects, the movie preys on the fear of the unknown. The cliffhanger of what the Blair Witch actually is or what it looks like is what has kept this movie alive for so long. Illustrations by Abby Teodori ‘19

PAGE 7 Latin Tournament

Girls basketball plays in the Latin Tournament on Nov. 18-21.

From fùtbol to soccer


Senior kicks soccer dreams into high gear BORIS FEDOROV ‘18 School Editor

Inspired by his father and practicing since he was given his first soccer ball, Velasquez has played soccer almost his entire life. After living in Mexico for 11 years, he and His teammate passes the ball into his line of sight, leav- his family moved to Dallas, Texas for one year due to his ing just the goalie between him and another point. Kicking father’s job, then to France for four years, and arrived in the ball into the back of the net, Jones’ own international Chicago in 2016. soccer player, Antonio Velasquez ‘18, helps his team to “The one constant throughout all that is that I’ve alwin the game. ways played soccer. I’ve played with my school, outside of school, just always,” Velasquez said. “Most of the friends I’ve made, I’ve done it through soccer.” Velasquez’s friends are more than just teammates: he looks after them and feels that they make him a better soccer player. Velasquez’s fellow team captain Andrew Villaseñor ‘18 said that Velasquez’s international experience reflects on the field. “He’s really good at finding the back of the net,” said Villaseñor. “[The exposure] helped him in his development as a soccer player and it really shows how he plays TEAMWORK Velasquez shakes hands with Mack Madorsky ‘19 now compared to the other players.” after the team’s senior night victory on 9/22. Due to his early exposure to soccer guage of soccer is universal, adapting into American culand the way it has impacted his ture is not. life, Velasquez believes “[Moving] can be traumatizing and it was resports, in generSCORE Velasquez jogs across the field after securing Jones’ only goal in their narrow 1-0 ally hard on me,” Velasquez said. “I’ve moved al, are a really victory against Juarez on 9/22. three times already. I’ve seen the bigger picture a good way to and I realized that as an adult you’re going to Born and raised in Mexico to a Colombian family, connect with people. He credits move a lot and become disconnected. I’ve with stints in Texas and France before moving to Chicago, his performance on the field to his learned that the hard way.” Velasquez enrolled at Jones the summer going into his ju- extensive training as a striker: with But Velasquez integrated himself into nior year. little to no time, he relies on instinct American culture to benefit his life off the Since he joined the team, his performance on the to score goals. field and continues to utilize the advantages field has generated game winning goals and hat tricks. In “I just don’t of his new home. fact, his athletic and leadership qualities led to his promo- think [on “That’s what makes me different than othtion as a team captain. the field,]” er immigrants, ” said Velasquez. “[Many immi“Recently, through his play and dedication and work Velasquez grants] stay in their own communities and they ethic on the field, I appointed him as a third captain,” said said. “It’s never really get completely integrated in their sociPaul Zubb, the varsity coach for boys soccer. “He can ba- automatic.” eties. Yes, that’s good, but at the same time you aren’t sically put the team on his shoulders a little bit offensively Though taking advantage of everything that is offered to them and does a really nice job of trying to help when we’re look- t h e in the culture. I choose to change and adapt. ” ing for someone to step up.” lanVelasquez plans on spending the rest of his life in While the striker for Jones has traveled the globe, America and having a career in startups in his post-gradhe plans to pursue his college education in the United States uate future. while continuing to play the sport he loves. “I am talking to New York University,” Velasquez said. FAN FAVORITE Michael Murray ‘18 supports Velasquez on senior “I’d rather go to college to get an education than to pursue night with a giant sign. The team was watched by their largest crowd ever soccer.” for their senior night game. Photos by John Wang ‘18

New team tests the waters Sailing club cruises into Jones CARTER FRYE ‘19 Sports Staff The sun is shining down on the cold, crisp, blue water. The wind is blowing in your face. Your heart is beating as the wind hits your sail. All of your hard work and practice finally pay off as you cross the finish line and win your first race. This is what five Jones students get to experience every week as a part of the new Jones Sailing Team. The club has come to fruition at Jones, but is run through the Columbia Yacht Club. Team captain and founder Emmett Nevel ‘21 has sailed all his life and wanted to bring his favorite sport to Jones. “I’ve sailed all my life and I wanted to continue my sailing in high school and share my passion with others,” Nevel said. “About two years ago, a smaller club existed that didn’t last long, and I wanted to resurrect it and bring sailing to Jones again.” The team is currently searching for a teacher sponsor as not many teachers have the time or love of sailing to make a commitment. However, Nevel believes there won’t be too much of a time commitment. “If I ever needed their room one or two times a year to hold a meeting, that’s all I would need them for,” said Nevel. Due to the club being run through an external organization, a teacher sponsor isn’t necessary. “It’s more of a Columbia

Team that represents Jones than a Jones sport or club,” said sailor Will Gardner ‘19. The team meets at Columbia Yacht Club for practice three times a week, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. During practice, everyone on the team participates in drills and races against each other to get ready for upcoming competitions. They compete in competitions every other Saturday against other yacht clubs, schools, and organizations. Gardner joined the Sailing Team because of the opportunities that the club offered. “It’s something new to try and a way to meet people and make new friends,” said Gardner. “You don’t need any experience. I had barely any, the people are really friendly, and it’s a great time and super fun to try a new thing.” The team practices with other members of the yacht club so they aren’t just getting to know Jones sailors. The Sailing Team currently has five members and is looking to add more and expand the club. Adam Burke ‘19 is currently thinking about joining sailing club and wants to try something new. His dad sailed in college yet Burke himself has never sailed before. “Sailing has always seemed like a really fun sport and is really worthwhile if you are ever stranded at sea and is a great survival skill to learn,” said Burke. “Sailing seems fun on its own and meeting new people is an added benefit. Sailing Team is definitely something I’d want to be a part of.” Graphic by Jonathan Dugard ‘18

PAGE 8 Out of this World Homecoming will take place on Nov. 17


Junior becomes first Jones golfer to reach state championship EZRA WEBER ‘18 Design Staff

A late entry into the game of golf has not kept Patrick Mattar’19 from excelling in the game that he loves. On Oct. 7 and 8, Mattar put his skills on display for the conference at the sectional tournament. He scored a 75 on the eighteen hole course and advanced to the state championship. In doing so, he became the first Jones golfer ever to qualify for state and the first Chicago Public School student to reach the state level in the last five years. “That really took a while to sink in, and I’m really proud of that,” said Mattar. “I almost feel like I have to represent all of Chicago when I go down to state and play in the state tournament.” “One of the things about the [Illinois High School Association] playoffs is that there a thousand guys who start in [the] 3A [conference] and a little over three thousand guys in all conferences,” said golf coach David Gilmer. “To get to state you are one of the last hundred. So that speaks to what Patrick is as a player.” At age 12, Mattar’s father sparked his passion for golf, and after only five years on the course his progress is evident. “A lot of the players I play with have been golfing since they were 3 or 4 and got lessons growing up,” said Mattar. Mattar began playing high school golf as a freshman, but played as a two-sport athlete, splitting his time and attention with the basketball team until this year. With the

college recruiting process amping up, and with more opportunities provided to him on the course than on the court, Mattar made a tough decision. “It was hard for me to tell [my basketball team] at first, but they kind of just accepted it because I had always talked about wanting to play D1 college golf so it was just something I needed to do,” said Mattar. “Over the past few years I’ve enjoyed golf so much more as a game. I just found it way more interesting. Basketball along with other sports can get repetitive in my mind because of how you always play in the same place. I love the creativity of golf and being able to shape different shots on courses all around the world.” Since his move, he hasn’t looked back. As the golf team’s best player statistically, Mattar is able to put up low scores with consistency. “Patrick is an elite player,” said Gilmer. “[He’s] able to do things with the golf ball that a lot of guys can’t do. Not just in our school, but in the city and the state.” During his performance at sectionals he was likened to a PGA golfer by his coach, and the way he executed supports this comparison. Early on, he was in a tough situation facing a low percentage shot and a bogey. “He had a pretty difficult 25-foot downhill putt with about two feet of break, so he’s got to hit this curve,” said Gilmer. “And it’s probably a 10% make, probably less than that. So he drained that and was even at a par.” Later at the 9th hole, facing another difficult situation, Mattar thrived. “He had this huge shot about 190 yards and he had to cut it back about 30 feet,” said Gilmer. “And I told him just play the safe ball don’t put yourself in any danger, and [he] hit this remarkable [shot]. And that’s a pro shot.” When the final putt dropped into the hole and Mattar knew he was going to state, he was in-

stantly surrounded by his family, his coach, and his teammates who had been following him down the course. “It was unbelievably emotional because my freshman and sophomore year I missed state by about two shots both years,” said Mattar. As he moved on to the state tournament, Mattar felt ready but nervous. “I’m extremely [tense], but I was a lot more [anxious] at sectionals because one of the biggest goals I had for the year was getting through sectionals.” While his focus is clearly on the upcoming state tournament, his dreams reach far beyond. “I’ve made this profile called Next College Student Athlete where [college] coaches can contact me. I’ll design my whole schedule for next year with tournaments that will allow coaches to come and watch me,” said Mattar. His coaches and teammates agree that if his work ethic remains constant and he builds his skills, the sky’s the limit for Mattar. “He can make it big. I feel like in a couple of years, he could be PGA worthy and play at the pro level,” said teammate Michael Candos ‘18.

Girls golf bounces back

Low in number and in score, girls golfers are best in city DYLAN SPECTOR ‘18 Sports Editor

The intense rivalries between Chicago’s selective enrollment high schools permeate in the classroom and on the field. The stands fill quickly during Jones vs. Payton basketball games, and the Jones vs. Lane Tech soccer game attracts crowds of students and parents from both schools. The rivalries are fierce, but on occasion foe must become friend. This has been true for the past decade as the Jones and Payton girls golf teams have combined due to a shortage of players at each school. “CPS rules require girls golf teams to have at least six players. Only four girls from Jones joined the team and Payton could only get three girls to join. In order to have a complete team, the schools created a joint team of seven players,” said Sisley Mark ‘20, a member of the Jones girls’ golf team. The urban location of Jones means that there is no nearby place to practice. The team currently alternates practices between South Shore Country Club and the Robert A. Black Golf Course, which is 20 miles north of South Shore. This puts the team at a disadvantage in terms of recruitment and skill development. Nevertheless, the Jones-Payton team has seen significant success since its inception 11 years ago. “In 11 years, they have won 10 City Championships and claimed nine City Champions,” said long-time coach Tom Troy,

“The Jones-Payton team has easily been the most dominant team in the city for the past decade.” Jones’ team captain, Natalie Martin ‘18, attributes the success of the team, in spite of the shortage of resources, to more practices and tougher competition. “We play suburban teams over the summer and practice more than other CPS teams,” said Martin. Last season, as city championships approached, word of a petition to split the combined Jones-Payton team began to spread. The petition, which according to Mark and Martin was initiated by an unknown source, eventually made its way to CPS. After weeks of no response, CPS released multiple statements but the ruling was vague and inconspicuous. “There was a lot of confusion because it looked like we were going to be split. CPS was being slow and unresponsive and so we made the decision to split the team ourselves for city championships,” said Mark. “Because we split we couldn’t qualify for the city championship and so Whitney finished second and Jones finished third. They eventually let us compete because there was confusion, but because the team was split, we did not do nearly as well.” Even though the Jones team finished in third individually, the fact that their team was technically still a part of Payton’s meant that the Jones-Payton team still finished in first in the city standings. Moving forward, the players all agreed that the team has made improvements and is becoming a force not to be reckoned with.

“Though it’s hard for us to compete with the larger suburban schools we are often playing at the same level as them. And even if we lose we’re becoming better golfers in the long run,” said Martin. The team is still small, but its reputation is growing. They hope to recruit more underclassmen who are willing to contribute to the team and who are willing to put in the work to keep winning city championships. Experience, or lack thereof, is not a deal breaker, however. “I think that it would be great if we had more players. More players would increase team spirit and make golf a more recognizable sport,” said Mark, “anyone can join, some girls on the JV team have never picked up a club.”

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