Cv portfolio jon

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C/ Mota del Cuervo 60 3ºC Madrid, C.P. 28043 Spain

23/02/1987, madrid

Mobile Phone (+34) 686899998

EDUCATION 2005-2013

E.T.S.A.M. (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Major: Architecture. Specialization line: “Urbanism, Urban planning and Natural environment.”


ADRI of HIT , Harbin, China (3 months)


Future magazine internship

· Villa in Roquebrune, DD phase · Straosbourg European School, Competition · Skolkovos, District Masterplan (Collaboration) · Coolsingel, DD + DO phase · Collectiegebouw MBVB, feasibility study.

Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT · Iorn Restoration · Bao Li Tower · Broadcast building in Hulan


Fco. Arqués Arquitecto , Madrid (6 months)


OSS , Madrid (6 months), Santander

ABIBOO architecture, Madrid (6 months) · House R, Madrid. · ELA Residential Project, Chennai, India. · Development office portfolio.

· Collaboration Competition 2010 · Collaboration House in Almansa, Albacete


OMA , Rotterdam (6 months)

, Madrid (3 months)


· Elaboration and development of an architectural budget. · Colaboration in a Mall design. · Spatial organization.

· Publication Ensanche · Competition collaborations (Taichung Library)


Internship, ICO Fundation Exposition “Spain mon amour”


C.E.R.N./A.T.L.A.S. Multimedia contest. International contest for intern position. Runner-up, obtaining Quark Prize.

Finalist, Talentos Design 2012 Competition Architecture and interior spaces, category




Contribution in publication.


Student with high capacities

1st Prize Schindler Competition E.T.S.A.M.

Análisis y proyecto edificios modernos de ladrillo. “Casa Stennäs , Gunnar Asplund” Cátedra Hispalyt.

”A las soluciones de movilidad / accesibilidad”


Participation in publication //Colaboratorio 10/11 Colección de textos académicos ETSAM-UPM Academic text collection ETSAM-UPM

Participation in the program: Enriquecimiento educativo Para Alumnos de altas capacidades de la Comunidad de Madrid (Educational Enrichment for Students with High Capacities) Being identificated as an Highly gifted child


Excellent level:

Autodesk Autocad, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

Video Editing:

Good level:


Good level:

Graphics Editing:

Excellent level: Adobe Photoshop Good level: GIMP,Corel Draw, Piranesi

3-D design:

Excellent level: Rhinoceros Intermediate level: Grasshopper,


Basic level:


3d Max, Autocad, V-ray, Sketch-Up

LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Spanish: Mother tongue English: Good level of fluency both written and spoken French: Basic spoken standard Chinese: Basic

Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects

Arcgis: ArcCatalog, ArcGlobe, ArcMAp, SAP-2000, Cypecad


La Felguera Film School + Film Sets in the old Duro Factory Final Year Project 2012-2013


Coolsingel Offices+Retail+Hotel+Residences



European School New international school in Strasbourg OMA


City Cultural Center Public Library & Fine Arts Museum OSS


Schindler Competiton New Residence and equipments structure Student competition First prize


Bao Li Tower Residential and office tower in Changjiang road ADRI of HIT


Iorn Restoration Opera House in a Russian warehouse ADRI of HIT


Broadcast Building Broadcast studios and hotel in Hulan district



Old Minery Museum Recovery blast furnaces area in Vizcaya


Columbia Tower Student residences for the university of Columbia


Tea Pavillion Tea facility in da Quinta Tait garden


Youth Hostel Collective housing + youth hostel in da Quinta Tait garden


Self-sufficient comunity A new city for five thousand inhabitants

La Felguera

Film School + Film Sets in the old Duro Factory Langreo, Asturias, Spain

Final Year Project 2012-2013

La Felguera (Oviedo, Asturias), one of the cradles of the industrial development in Spain. Is located in a place that was once the largest metallurgical factory steelwork in Spain. This place iscolloquially known as “The Factory” from La Felguera. The main idea of the project is the use of the old factory as a volume in which to develop a set of reprogrammable, flexible spaces in order to develop a new school and film sets under the shelter of the abandoned factory. In a place dominated by the old warehouses, laboratories, cooling tower, and the railroads we generate a new film school that works in its entirety as a recording set. In this way a project is developed where the sets and different areas are combined to create a group in which all serve all and were at every moment the environment is changing and modifying according to the required needs.

... Everything is a school and everything is a set.

... The project is proposed as a solution to the problem this area has been suffering since the abandonment of this and other factories, along with the end of mining in the region. It tries to provide a new economic engine, a new industry, the audiovisual“industry”. Taking advantage of the large areas and infrastructures that are left the old factories throughout all along the territory.

Interior routes

Overhead cranes

A system of paths through the structural tissue providing unity to the whole set and creating an unique “artifact”

The existing cranes are kept at the factory They are used for filming and to build scenery inside the factory

3 large ramps organize the communications They are also used in the storage and depot

Interior spaces

Existing structure

Inside the scaffolds a series of volumes collecting the different spaces needed for filmmaking are developed

Structural system of collumns and longspan trusses The structure remains unchanged at all, keeping the same old character outside

New “boxes” that provide great versatility to the spaces

Diagrams interior filming set - exterior filming set

Using the old “Fábrica” this projesct tries to give this empty box a new function and bring it back to life in a new way. Just a few actions are needed to renovate this, who always was a very importat building in the area

Internal flexibility


A new grid of points takes over all the surface

All industrial complex of la Felguera remains intact to the outside

A grid of foundations helps to manipulate the organization of scaffolding depending on the specific or permanent project needs.

Seeks to preserve character that this factory has had on the region historically

Added structure

Film sets

New spatial structure formed by a grid of scaffolds

The largest area of the ​​ factory is intended to film sets

Scaffolds are adapted and modified to respect the existing structure, changing its modules and geometry for it

In addition to the interior sets a series of outdoor spaces can also engage in sets as required

Transversal Section The School: the recording set

A “re-programmable” building where each of its parts adequately responds to the needs of fthe shooting. The filming set and the learning spaces mix together in a continuous way

Plan + 6,5 m The train, the warehouse, the truck and the cooling tower

This design is based on a scaffolding system and intertwined routes that allows you to rearrange the Factory according to the flow of the sfilming. This is achieved between a new fabric of integrated scaffoldig foundations into a new sfloor slab and the protection of the old factory cover.

Transversal sections The architectural section as the origin of the architectural space

Coolsingel Offices+Retail+Hotel+Residences Rotterdam, The Netherlands

OMA (Office for Metropolita Architecture) Winter 2012

Two observations triggered the design of a cube for Coolsingel. Firstly, the central position of the site, where Rotterdam’s most important pedestrian streets meet: Coolsingel, Lijnbaan, Binnenweg and Beurstraverse. The second observation is that Rotterdam’s recent construction consists almost entirely of towers. High-rises create an impressive skyline, but their mono-functionality and lack of engagement with the surrounding public domain fails to create an attractive centre.


The cube spatially reorganizes its surroundings and generates floors that can facilitate for a wide range of (public) programs. A system of voids introduces daylight inside the cube and generates views to the surroundings from within.







Volumetric model e:1/1000 The “Old” + The “New”

Instead of yet another tower project competing for height, the project aims to reconfigure the image of the centre by inserting the pure form of the cube.

Final Model + Site e:1/200 ABN AMRO + Cube

The site appears as an accidental collision of individual buildings, the evidence of a discontinuous urban development, dominated by the ABN-AMRO bank on Coolsingel.

Program Bars

Office Entrance

The Volumetric configuration enables to respond to changing programmatic requirements.

The central entrance of the bank will give access to the upper mall level and the offices.

Hotel Entrance

Residence Entrance One upper volume is used for residences. Not just at the scale of individual floor, but on the individual volume.

The hotel can work independently because of the individual entrance situated in the Monument.

Section W-E The monument and the cube will work together as one system trough program and circulation. The voids generate public platforms and can contain culture and leisure programs.

Level 2

Level 3

Lower levels include retail spaces

The office and the mall share different spaces

Level 8

Level 10

The hotel and the offices are in opposite volumes

Offices and residences are in opposite volumes

Section N-S New retail program will enhance accessibility and reinvigorate the monument. Both the existing and the new building will form an uninterrupted network

European School New international school in Strasbourg Strasbourg, France

OMA (Office for Metropolita Architecture) Autumn 2011

Situated on a wooded site in the European Government Quarter of Strasbourg and adjacent to the river Ill, OMA’s design for a new European School for 12,000 students proposes a “wild side” and a “formal side”. The project reflects the diversity and idiosyncrasies that make up the European identity.









Cantine Kindergarten

Wild Park

Formal Park

Final model e:1/500

The flexibility and diversity of the school’s spaces promotes individual and collective education, suited to future multi-cultural generations.

Volumetric models e:1/1500

Sections A central axis defined by a four rectangular blocks contains classrooms for primary and secondary students and separates the two types of learning environments. West of the axis are five appendages for shared facilities: the canteen, library, arts and sciences, and performance spaces.

City Cultural Center Public Library & Fine Arts Museum Taichung, Taiwan

OSS (Office for Strategic Spaces) Summer 2013

A Public Library and a Fine Arts Museum make an odd couple. In the cultural-civic typologies that populate the contemporary city, Libraries and Art Museums are nearly polar opposites. While they share a similar past as collections of knowledge, their historic evolution led them apart. The printing press made books readily available, accessible, while paintings, drawings, and most other arts, became ever more sophisticated and unique: Libraries usually allow and encourage touch and participation, while Museums thrive in contemplation.

... The Art Museum can be a simple box, a neutral warehouse with little character or atmosphere, something that has to be provided by the art it contains. Libraries, on the other hand, are a prime typology of architectural and spatial exploration, since books, in general, do not care where they are read.


Public Terrace National Museum

Public Podium

Public Park

Life of Pi,Swimming pool

Level 6

Level 7

Creating voids and volumes that play with light and air, as if it were a tree top

The library keeps a constant relationship with the surrounding park

Level 4

Level 5

The last floor of the Museum has programs

The Library is formed by the extension of the specialized programs in search of light

that benefit from its closeness to the Library

Level 2

Level 3

The permanent collection is divided into areas with total absence of daylight

A room where columns disappear as it is floating between two structures

Plans+ Site e:1/200 Library + Museum

The solid block of the Museum that houses the Fine Arts (and their time-enduring qualities) supports the world of knowledge and information, forever in movement, dissolving into thin air.

Groundfloor Library + Park connection

It is always a recurrent thought to have a library immersed among trees. The Taichung Central Library can achieve that in its lobby, as it can be totally opened to the park.

View from the park Library + Museum

- Libraries need and profit from natural light, Museums tend to avoid it. - Museums are closed and introverted, a container of products. Libraries can be open and usually benefit from contact with the outside, visual or otherwise.

Secction N-S

SSecction W-E Library + Museum

These contradictions between the Library and the Fine Arts Museum call for a solution that exploits them, that makes them work together as that odd, but complementary couple

Site Model e:1/1000 Library + Museum

- Libraries usually allow and encourage touch and participation, while Museums thrive with passive contemplation. - Museums are walked. Libraries are seated. - Libraries can create an atmosphere, while Art Museums have climate control.

Schindler Competition New Residence and equipments structure Sestao, Basque Country, Spain

Student Competition ETSAM First Position

The project starts with the clear intention of attracting a new audience and to create a relationship space for the inhabitants of Sestao, and for all the Bilbao estuary. It is intended that this space is not only a great void in the set, but an area and transit connection between different spaces. Originally a pedestrian street is created where volumes are broken with a minimun bay width.Because of some angled connections that do not meet program requirements, and therefore, some must be expanded, but always taking into account the public space to be freed.





Main Square


Train Station Acces Park

Park Blast Furnace

Housing Tower A companion for the Blast Furnace

As a landmark of the project, the residential tower height dialogues with the blast furnace and with the rest of the project forms. All around it the public space is formed, creating a large common meeting space.

Site Model e:1/1000 To connect both sides of the gateway without generating a breakpoint on the whole, the project is split above and below itself, continuing the street in the lower plane and generating accesses on the top.

Aerial view To solve the problem of the size of the volumes in relation to the street it is decided to put the larger spaces buried, making their roof the street itself. In addition new roofs are generated to unify the initial disintegration, giving the entire project unity.

Section, auditorium Up the street is generated as a relational space that expands and contracts depending on the needs of the program and the desire to create larger spaces estanciales surface.

Section, train station Around that relation route, different “air� thevolumes are placed in direct relationship with the street and generating with the roofs the definitive silhouette of the project.

View from the park Library + Museum

The project idea is based on connecting the urban fabric of Sestao with the industrial platform located on the banks of the River Nervi贸n. A new urban fabric characterized by a fully public street use is generated, and serves as a buffer between the two areas.

Plan + 17,50m A new street is carved in the slope

In the basement large spaces without the need for direct light, and with such dimensions that due to terrain features can not take up in any another position.

The street stands as the backbone of the proposal. The route aims to bridge all gaps between program areas in a way as nice as possible and creating a new public level granted to the city

Bao Li Tower Residential and office tower in Changjiang road Harbin, Heliongiang Province, China

ADRI of HIT Summer 2014

A tower created by the union of 3 towers. This project needed a flexible program: commercial, residential and office, so the solution was to develope it like an ensemble of different volumes. This way such a big building has a lower impact in the city thanks to the idea of being different building instead of just one.

... The lower part concentrates the commercial area, and on top of it 3 different towers made of 6 “boxes� contain the residences and the offices. The different spaces left between the volumes are used for exterior gardens. To create unity to this ensemble of boxes, a common space is introduce to communicate all the parts.


Common space



Commercial volume

Roof garden

Main entrance

Front square

Plans Three towers, one project

This volumes are connected through a “green house” that keeps unity while giving flexibility and complexity to all the project

Exterior view The basement, the 6 boxes, the 3 towers

A bamboo facade gives continuity to all the building and creates a more “friendly” look to this monumental building. Also it helps to create a double facade that reduces the heating loses in the cold winters of Harbin and that increases the shadows in summer.

Iorn Restoration Opera House in a Russian warehouse Harbin, Heliongiang Province, China

ADRI of HIT Summer 2014

An old Russian warehouse used to fix trains is needed to be restored. This building was reconstructed in 1903 and was the forming branch of Harbin General Factory of Eastern Province Railway. It is of brick structure and Russian architecture style.

... The main idea to adapt the new program is to insert a new volume that contains the seating of the main stage. This volume is used at the same time to solve all the building functions. It creates a new entrance under it. And inside the building it organizes the different communications with the second floor.


Actual roof

Existing estructure


Water Tower

Main stage


North elevation

Second auditorium

First auditorium

West elevation

East elevation

Ground floor

First Level Architectural Drawings

Two main spaces are organizing the new stages. One existing, its restored to have a small theater. One of new creation put toguether the project and contains an ephimeral stage.

Inside View The interior and the exerior meet.

The new stage gives a new space to the old building. the new transparent facade creates a new curtain for the theater and at the same time invites the people outside to the building

Broadcast Building Broadcast studios and hotel in Hulan district Harbin, Heliongiang Province, China

ADRI of HIT Summer 2014

This project tries to represent the mix existing in the contemporary China. This project is born in an area where the Ewenki ethnic minority (one of 56 nations existing in China) has lived from a long time. A hotel with broadcast studios ,from an important television chanel, is projected in order to develope and atract tourist to an area that has been forgotten for years.

... This design is based in the coexistence between the different nationalities in China , the Ewenkis like the common nationality of the surroundings and Han, like the most populous nationality. For that reason the hotel rooms are designing following a traditional chinese volume while the broadcast spaces ,and other common spaces like the cantine, are designed like a reminder of a “cuoluozi�(the traditional Ewenky living house).


Room windows

Office Hotel rooms

Main entrance + cantine

Broadcast studio Parking


= Section: Hotel + Cuoluozi

Front elevation

Back elevation

Ground floor Plan + Elevations The Han and the Ewenki

The building as a representation of the coexistence beetwen Ewenki and Han nationalities.

Exterior view 2 different typologies that coexist

A facade that summarize the project idea welcomes the visitant to this building.

“Los Cristianos� facilities Multifunctional Public Building Arona, Canary Islands, Spain

Public competition (Fco Arques colaboration) Summer 2011

The object of the competition is to design a Multifunctional Administrative Building that hosts the offices of various public administrations in Arona. A building that besides being a landmark for the city creates a model of flexibility, accessibility and energy efficiency. The geographical location of Arona gives it a mild, moderate climate any time of year. With average temperatures ranging between 17 and 18 degrees in winter and 28 to 30 in summer. Climatic conditions that have made us wonder how to insert a building in this city.


Level 4

Level 5

General Education Center

Tourism Research Center

Level 2

Level 3

Council Offices

Business Management Center


Level 1

Cultural Area

Citizen Attention Service

Basement -2

Basement -1

Parking + Depot


General Plans Same surface different possibilities

The landscape and weather conditions are a generating element of the project. The location of the site within the city and with a direct impact on their environment urban space involves a solution that wraps around the building, changing its scale, while giving its unique status.

View of the main access An opening in the skin

How to build in a place with such specific climatic conditions? How to set the indoor / outdoor relationship?

External view from Monta単a Chica street ABN AMRO + Cube

The landscape and weather conditions are a generating element of the project. The location of the site within the city and with a direct impact on their environment urban space involves a solution that wraps around the building, changing its scale, while giving its unique status.

Previous sketch The moving boxes

The building is conceived as a series of boxes that are dislocated in section, and that because of this movement generates a variation of spaces with double and triples heights.

Basement -2

Basement -2

Parking + Depot

Parking + Depot

Basement -2

Basement -2

Parking + Depot

Parking + Depot

Elevations and Sections A technological skin

The creation of a facade wich will work qualifying the space as a screen using the sunlight. A technologically simple solution that will allow us to integrate the building with the context and the surrounding urban space and, simultaneously, an architectural solution that will work as a thermal and visual controller.

Old Minery Museum Recovery blast furnaces area in Vizcaya Barakaldo, Basque Country, Spain

Projects level 9 Spring 2010

Between the Sestao麓s urban fabric and the industrial platform in Benedicta run the railroad tracks that link Bilbao with the left margin of the River Nervi贸n. In this place is where stands the Blast Furnace No. 2, newly appointed as Spanish Industrial Heritagen, wich actually is in a state of utter neglect.

... On a plot of 200 meters long, less than 25 meters wide and a height of 15 meters, the main action involves carving and containing of a new platform for pedestrian use It is completed building a retaining inhabited wall wich houses a museum, a station and a library. Added to this is the need for a connection between the urban and industrial platform, due to the progressive dismantling will end as a new node in the green landscape of the Ria de Bilbao.

Facade Carved Slope

Blast Furnace

Parking + Access

Industrial Area

Constructive section The main aspect is the contention of the embankment of land that pushes down the slope due to the high phreatic zone. All the building works great as a retaining, 16 feet thick wall, which only operates at 100% capacity when the work is finished.

Exterior view The project serves as a barrier and filter to the city. Through repetition of concrete pillars, the idea is to strengthen the horizontality of the new Sestao plinth .

Elevation. Projection outside ThThe facade consists of large concrete pillars of variable width that give the impression of a bar code from the river, impression enhanced by shade. This is a game to see without being seen, to visually reach the distant landscape, but in turn ignore the nearby.

Plan + 17,50m A new street is carved in the slope

Based on a section template, the project fits the needs of different programs that must be contained. The top level always opens to south orientation, and the lower lever containing the museum is regulated by diffuse north light.

he monumental Blast Furnace Nº 2. It acts as a buffer betwwen this two “worlds” and becomes invisible from the street (by its nature of plinth) occupying a space that is not yet buried there.

Columbia Tower Student residences for the university of Columbia New York, USA

Projects, Level 7 Spring 2009

This residential tower tries to be used by the students of Columbia’s university nearly which is located. The project consists in the superposition of a series of equal volumes. This volumes turn 90º every time to create the common spaces in the interior, and to show itself to the outside as a sculpted prism.

... With this different packages a configuration is achieved where each of the volumes develop a distinctive habitational module. Changing the way of living depending on the altitude.



Housing n4

New Street

Housing n3

Housing n2

Street entrance

Housing n1

Park entrance

Working + Definitive model The evolution of one idea

An sculpture developed from an rational structure. A structure that organizes the performance of the entire building. A carved structure that rises inside the park

Elevations + Plans 4 different points of view, 4 ways of living

The structure of the tower is a 4 concrete cores where the different packages rest. Working each volume as an icomplete structure but also working on the overall integrity of the building

Tea Pavillion Tea facility in da Quinta Tait garden Porto, Portugal

Projects, Level 6 Winter 2009

This tea pavilion centers its main idea on boxes that can concentrate rooms for the traditional Japanese tea, using the basic existing typologies in the japanese architecture. The principal reference is the chasitsu, the traditional Japanese room dedicated to the tea ceremony. It is commposed by a series of tatamis, an irori (burner), and a mizuya (preparation area).

... These boxes stand out for being totally closed in its four sides. But, instead, opened in the roof letting the light in. Thanks to a series of litle beams that sustain a glass and forming a jalousie light.

yohojan chasistu

naga-yoho chasistu

hira-sanjo chasistu

nijojo chasistu

Section the western tea tradition - the eastern tea tradition

receptor roof japanese rooms

japanese rooms

western area


Inside view, Japanese tea box

the eastern + the western

...a secret and quiet inside world

Exterior view The western tea tradition

The rest of the pavilion is formed by the spaces that stay between these tea boxes, devoting it for the most “western� way of the tea. This space like response to the to the room is open in his four sides but instead, has an non-transparent roof

Youth Hostel

Collective housing + youth hostel in da Quinta Tait garden Porto, Portugal

Projects, level 6 Winter 2009

The youth hostel is located tin he highest area of the park, continuing the urban texture of oporto. 3 Buildings are inserted in the existing park creating a new orography that includes new facilites needed in the area. The closest volume to the urban fabric is a collective housing buiding, while the other two volumes are youth hostels that rises inside the original garden. The facade is made with a double skin of bamboo that abstracts the building volume whereas keeps a wooden character inside the park where it is located.These houses are organized all around the patios, patios that also are part of the living area .


Collective housing

Youth hostel

Youth hostel


podium/new facilities

Existing Quinta

Interior views 3 different patios create 3 different spaces

This youth hostel is organized by the incorporation of patios, that can organize the plan of the building. they separate the rooms from the communal bathroom and create a continuous rhythm in the facade.

level over corridor

corridor floor

level under corridor

level over corridor

Plans One corridor: 3 floors

This is a experiment with the two heights housing typologies. A corridor is needed each 3 floors that gives access to this patios to solve the plant

Self-sufficient comunity A new city for five thousand inhabitants EL Picotajo, Aranjuez, Madrid

Projects, level 8 Winter 2010

This project consists in the creation of a self-sufficient community designed for 5000 people in Aranjuez ( MAdrid). Becauseat the importance of the place where this new city is going to be, the landscape configures a very important part of this project. The project is divided in 2 areas: the buried one that concentrates housing, using the street as an unitary element; and other elevated on top of that with a series of towers, that look to the river creating a new world around them. This way, the fisrt area is completed with non-intensive housings around big wooded patios. On the other hand, the big towers concentrate a intensive housing, where every house possesses its own patio with a tree

... Cultivation

Low desitity nยบ2 N-S

Wooden Patio

Low desitity nยบ2 N-S

Low desitity nยบ1 E-W


The River Tajo

Gardens of the Prince

Exploded axonometruy One House, one patio, one tree

The same house is repeated once and another, changing just the symmetry to create a staggered rows rhythm. And keeping larger patios appearance from the outside

Plans One tree, one patio, one house

All the “living� system is created using just 3 housing typologies. All of them seeking to experiment the section, using mixtures, double heights and corridors. Mobile Phone (+34) 686899998

Adress: C/ Mota del Cuervo 60 3ยบC Madrid, C.P. 28043 Spain

23/02/1987, madrid


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