1 minute read
2.4 Optimization of Design Variables
Sensible heat gains from lighting and equipment 15W/m2 assumed. People 70W/person (8W/m2) Latent heat gains 6W/m2
Density 10 m2/person
Temperature up to 27 Activity - sedentary Sensible heat gains: from lighting and equipment 30W/m2. People 70W/person (8W/m2) Latent heat gains 6w/m2
Assumed schedule for all zones 7am-6pm 100% occupation. That represents the worst
case scenario for highest possible heat gains as solar gains occur during daytime.
However, it is not accurate assumption for total energy consumption as occupation at
exhibition centre is very unlikely to be that high all the time and probably it would be
more occupied in the evening. There is possible variation in occupation in the library and
office as not all people spend all this time at the office.
Clothing: 1 clo
Lighting is 400 lux on all working plane. That represents worst case scenario and gives
room for improvements as individual task specific lighting.
2.4 Optimization of Design Variables
In order to optimize design variables as materials and shading used annual load table with
monthly averages were used and all values summed up i.e. all the values from Table 19
were summed up and compared in order to reduce total heat gains. Each variable was
treated separately that allows getting to the best result even if they contribute to reduce
the same gains e.g. shading and glazing both reduce direct solar gain but were treated