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IV. Value of this Research
Value of this Research
The broader aim of this research is to contribute to the narrative that the Syrian women in Zaatari camp are not merely passive victims, but active agents. The initial analysis reveals that women are not only contributing to familial expenses, but some households are entirely female-led. Thus, the notion that women remain dependent on men in Zaatari camp does not hold true. Women are not just staying at home to look after their children and their homes, they are acquiring the financial means that they need to sustain their livelihoods. Whether it is the poor economic conditions of the camps or changed status quo that now allows women to gain more agency and thus be empowered – it does strengthen the argument that women are active participators of the labor market in Zaatari camp.
It is noteworthy that while this research aims to highlight the active role played by refugee women, it does not intend to undermine the vulnerability of women in Zaatari camp or any refugee camp, for that matter. It does take into account various vulnerabilities that are compelling women to step out of the house. Some have lost their husbands in the war or some have been divorced or abandoned. This has moved them into unchartered waters and forced them to become not only breadwinners for their families, but also the head of the family, something many of them are new to. Whether women are forced into these new gender roles or choose to take on these tasks freely, a changing socio-economic status is the result of stepping onto the labour market, which paves the way to more women empowerment in refugee camps. Viewing women as important participants in refugee camps is crucial to their empowerment. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the narrative of women as mere victims or dependents in refugee camps and to start viewing them as key actors.
It would be interesting to see how the implementation of the Jordan Compact in other refugee hosting countries would benefit the women there. By giving out work permits and encouraging women to work, the socio-economic status of women and thus, their empowerment could be improved in other camps with similar populations and backgrounds.
Potential Conclusion
With respect to the research objectives stated earlier, the conclusion will broadly discuss the change in the socio-economic status of Syrian women after moving to Zaatari camp. The inferences from the preliminary literature review highlight that even though Jordan is not a signatory to the 1951 Geneva Convention, its Memorandum of Understanding with the UNHCR allows the acceptance, fair treatment and processing of refugees from Syria. Since Jordan has also granted work permits to Syrian refugees, 13,773 refugees in Zaatari camp are allowed to work, out of which 23 percent are women. Due to this policy, many Syrian women are able to take part in the labor market and contribute to the household expenses, which is crucial because many of these households are female-led.
According to the initial analysis, most of the women were not working in Syria before they arrived at Zaatari camp. Often, there was no reason for the women to work, however, in the Zaatari camp they found themselves in the situation where they became the main breadwinners and the head of their household due to a myriad of reasons including: divorce, abandonment by their husbands or the death of the male breadwinner.
As discussed earlier, the theoretical framework on ‘campzenship’ sheds light on this situated form of membership in camps and calls them ‘catalysts for newcomers’ as they offer (some level of) protection, recognition and practical benefits to newcomers with limited resources and no rights. However, a more comprehensive literature review combined with in-depth data collection is required for conclusive remarks. This shall provide further evidence that the status quo has changed after the arrival of women in Zaatari camp as women have more economic opportunities. The change in their geographical context has also allowed them to renegotiate cultural norms and they are not merely vulnerable victims, but active agents of socio-economic change in the Syrian refugee community. Thus, being situated in the Zaatari refugee camp, albeit with its challenges, has empowered Syrian women.
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