Earth Artifact Research Doc.

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Earth Artifact



Idea Creation 1.


Contemporary idea - modern up-to-date version of the Golden Voyager record with updated images, diagrams, soundclips etc. In the form of a USB? SD Card? Cloud (similar to iCloud idea)

‘Cloud’ Idea - A way of transferring images and information to a ‘cloud’ in outer space. Send up a new station of some sort which we as humans can send up files and pieces of information to, on an annual basis. Design the ‘station’ to appear as a cloud once in space - that in itself represents life on earth?

What the Earth is like now in comparison to ‘Golden Voyager 1’

Branding for the ‘Cloud project’? Finding a design style or theme that best represents the current era.

Earth Artifact. 3.

Language Idea Guide to teach ET life basics in Earth’s major languages. This way they would know how to communicate with people on Earth if and where they landed. Have infographic type book with maps and greetings in the language from that area. Eg: A map of Portugal and Brazil with greetings and other useful phrases in Portuguese language.

Designers and artists whose work typifies this contemporary period of art and design. Fonts:

Marianina Possible outcomes:

Idea Development The idea is to create a self-teach guide to allow extra terrestrial life to be able to converse once they reach Earth. It would eliminate the chance for miscommunication/misunderstanding which could be a volatile situation. It would be produced in the form of a book(let) document which would provide an info-graphic style map of a particular country or countries and would have greetings and useful phrases from that language in written and phonetic forms so that the ET life would be able to read/write and speak the languages. I will use contemporary fonts and design features to make the piece feel current and up-to-date.

Hola Bienvenido


Examples of Infographic Maps


List of Countries and Languages United Kingdom


United States







Saudi Arabia






Chinese (Mandarin)









Germany Switzerland

Arabic Portuguese



United Kingdom


United States

Capital City: London

Capital City: Washington DC

Population: 64.1 million

Population: 316.1 million

Language(s): English, Welsh, Irish

Language(s): English

Currency: Pound Sterling

Currency: US Dollar

Area: 243,610 km2

Area: 9,857,306 km2

Time Zone: GMT

Time Zone: UTC -5 to -10

National Dish(s): Fish and Chips, Roast Dinner, Chicken Tikka-Masala

National Dish(s): Hamburger, Hot dog, Fried chicken, Apple pie

National Anthem: God Save The Queen

National Anthem: The Star Spangled Banner

Hello Welcome

Hello Welcome





Capital City: Canberra

Capital City: Madrid

Population: 23,726,600

Population: 64.1 million

Language(s): English

Language(s): Spanish, Catalan

Currency: Australian Dollar

Currency: Euro

Area: 7,692,024 km2

Area: 504,645 km2

Time Zone: UTC +8 to +10.5

Time Zone: CET

National Dish(s): Meat pie, Roast lamb

National Dish(s): Tortilla Espa単ola, Paella

National Anthem: Advance Australia Fair

National Anthem: Marcha Real

Hello Welcome

Hola Bienvenido





Capital City: Mexico City

Capital City: Buenos Aires

Population: 118,395,054

Population: 42,669,500

Language(s): Spanish

Language(s): Spanish

Currency: Peso (MEX)

Currency: Peso (ARG)

Area: 1,972,550 km2

Area: 2,780,400 km2

Time Zone: UTC -8 to -6

Time Zone: ART

National Dish(s): Chiles en nogada, Mole poblano, Tacos

National Dish(s): Asado, Empanada

National Anthem: Himno Nacional Mexicano

National Anthem: Himno Nacional Argentino

Hola Bienvenido

Hola Bienvenido





Capital City: Paris

Capital City: Brussels

Population: 66,616,416

Population: 11,198,638

Language(s): French

Language(s): French, German, Flemish

Currency: Euro

Currency: Euro

Area: 640,679 km2

Area: 30,528 km2

Time Zone: CET

Time Zone: CET

National Dish(s): CrĂŞpe, Pot-au-feu

National Dish(s): Moules-frites

National Anthem: La Marseillaise

National Anthem: Brabançonne

Bonjour Bienvenue

Bonjour Bienvenue





Capital City: Ottawa

Capital City: Berlin

Population: 35,675,834

Population: 80,716,000

Language(s): French, English

Language(s): German

Currency: Canadian Dollar

Currency: Euro

Area: 9,984,670 km2

Area: 357,168 km2

Time Zone: UTC -3.5 to -8

Time Zone: CET

National Dish(s): Kraft Dinner, Nanaimo bar, Poutine, Butter tarts

National Dish(s): Currywurst, Sauerbraten

National Anthem: O Canada

National Anthem: Das Lied der Deutschen

Bonjour Bienvenue

Hallo Wilkommen





Capital City: Vienna

Capital City: Bern

Population: 8,572,895

Population: 8,183,800

Language(s): German

Language(s): German

Currency: Euro

Currency: Euro

Area: 83,879 km2

Area: 41,285 km2

Time Zone: CET

Time Zone: CET

National Dish(s): Wiener schnitzel, Tafelspitz

National Dish(s): Cervelat, Fondue, Rรถsti

National Anthem: Land der Berge, Land am Strome

National Anthem: Swiss Psalm

Hallo Wilkommen

Hallo Wilkommen





Capital City: Tokyo

Capital City: Beijing

Population: 126,434,964

Population: 1,357,380,000

Language(s): Japanese

Language(s): Standard Chinese

Currency: Yen

Currency: Renminbi (yuan)

Area: 377,944 km2

Area: 9,596,961 km2

Time Zone: JST

Time Zone: Chinese Standard Time

National Dish(s): Sushi, Japanese curry, Ramen

National Dish(s): Peking Duck, Chow Mein, Fried rice, Dumplings

National Anthem: Kimigayo

National Anthem: Yìyǒngjūn Jìnxíngqǔ

こんにちは ようこそ

您好 欢迎




Saudi Arabia

Capital City: Moscow

Capital City: Riyadh

Population: 143,975,923

Population: 30,770,375

Language(s): Russian

Language(s): Arabic

Currency: Russian Ruble

Currency: Saudi Riyal

Area: 17,098,242 km2

Area: 2,149,690 km2

Time Zone: UTC +2 to +12

Time Zone: AST

National Dish(s): Pelmeni, Shchi, Kasha, Pirogi and Pirozhki

National Dish(s): Kabsa

National Anthem: Gosudarstvennyy gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii

National Anthem: The Royal Salute

здравствуйте добро пожаловать

‫ابحرم‬ ‫بيحرت‬


United Arab Emirates



Capital City: Abu Dhabi

Capital City: Brasillia

Population: 9,346,129

Population: 202,768,562

Language(s): Arabic

Language(s): Portuguese

Currency: UAE Dirham

Currency: Real

Area: 83,600 km2

Area: 8,515,767 km2

Time Zone: GST

Time Zone: BRT

National Dish(s): N/A

National Dish(s): Feijoada

National Anthem: Long Live My Nation

National Anthem: Hino Nacional Brasileiro

‫ابحرم‬ ‫بيحرت‬

Olá Bem-vindo


Portugal Capital City: Lisbon Population: 10,427,301 Language(s): Portuguese Currency: Euro Area: 92,212 km2 Time Zone: WET National Dish(s): Bacalhau National Anthem: A Portuguesa

Olรก Bem-vindo


Booklet Design


Jack Hagley Jack Hagley is a London based designer specialising in infographic design. I came across his work whilst on Pinterest and it caught me so I investigated further. I find that his work is very successful in portraying messages and data in a quick, efficient, yet aesthetically pleasing way. It is this type of design I aim to emulate in my booklet, as it needs to be very simple to understand in a range of languages to suit anyone, anywhere. This is an example of his work - his CV in fact which he has done in an infographic format, this makes it clear, especially to those within the creative industry, what he does, what he likes, and other personal information.


David McCandless - Information is Beautiful David McCandless and his team at Information is Beautiful are on a mission to make information and data easier to comprehend. In their practise they produce visually beautiful pieces on graphic design, which not only looks great, but serves a very important purpose. I will aim to perhaps draw on some of their work when completing my own infographic styled booklet.


Map Graphics I really like the design on the right hand side as the information presented is simple, clear, yet visually satisfying. The colour pallet works really well as it represents earth and water as a teal colour. It is also complements the light grey back ground. It also features marks on the map that represent to graphs below, making the information purposeful. This is something I shall look into when producing my final design for my booklet.


Helvetica Neue I chose Helvetica Neue as I thought that it best represents the contemporary age we are currently living in. The sans serif, modern font is one that is universally used and loved. It is easily legible and can be used in a variety of languages.


Experimentation This initial design for the booklet contains two semi-opaque ellipses in the background, headed up by greetings in the nine major languages on Earth. These have been written in Helvetica Neue (Bold) at point size 72. The Cyrillic, Japanese, Chinese and Arabic fonts have been chosen as they are the closest match to Helvetica Neue in their respective alphabets. I included at thick black band at the base to give the front page some structure as it looked lacking without. The double page spread features large page numbers instead of the band as them, paired with the name of the country, do the same job. The map outline of each country will feature, along with greetings and please/thank you in their language.


Experimentation Another idea I had, was to have the nations’ flags instead of the pastel green circle. This would give a stronger sense of national identity to each page. Inside the circle would be other useful phrases in the language of that particular country. These phrases would be of use to extra terrestrial life, should they find my booklet. The flags themselves would be opaque in order for the text to be more visible/legible.





With this design, I decided to add colour to the map to see whether or not I could make it stand out more on the page.

After all my research on countries, I decided that I should try to implement more information bout each country on my pages.

However, upon reflection I have decided not use it, and leave the fill blank as it gives a cleaner, tidier appearance, whilst still being amply visible.

However, after trying it out on a couple of pages, I decided that although it did not interfere to much with my overall design/layout, it would not work for each page. For example the pages featuring United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, because of the length of the Arabic script at the foot of the page there would not be sufficient space for the extra information. As a result of this I have settled with just having the capital cities labelled.


Experimentation Progressing through, I thought that I could include a map of the world to show exactly what regions of the planet speak what dialect. The image on the right shows my attempt at trying to present it. Although I think that the idea itself was a nice one, the execution and feasibility of it just wasn’t possible in the time scale I have left. It may have worked if I had used smaller point sizes and a regular font as opposed to bold.


Completed Booklet

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