ETTA National Coaching Strategy 2011-17
CONTENTS The ETTA National Coaching Strategy sets out the vision, direction and plans for the future of table tennis coaching in England. The strategy, which looks at ‘where we are now’, ‘where do we want to be’ and ‘how we are going to get there’, has been developed in partnership with internal staff and departments, along with Sports Coach UK and Sport England. It aims to provide a quality and inclusive coaching and coach education system, serving coaches of all abilities, provide specialist CPD and establish a World Class Coaching framework. It also sets out how an effective coaching system can contribute to the future success of table tennis in England, playing an integral role in growing the base of the sport and supporting talent ID and development. The success of the Strategy is crucial as part of the transformational change of the ETTA and table tennis in England. The strategy focuses on the current Sport England Whole Sport Plan funding cycle and the potential following funding round.
Where Are We Now? 1.1 1.2 1.2
Executive Summary About Coaching and the ETTA UK Coaching System
Where Do We Want To Be? 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
Vision Guiding Principles Drivers Measures
How Will We Get There? 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13
Consultation Overview of Approach Strategic & Cultural Change Shared Expectations Governance Coaching in Education Coaching Qualifications Research HE, Performance Coaching & Player Development Technology in Coaching Recruitment, Retention & Development of Coaches Marketing & Communication 2011-17 Operational Action Plans
Appendix 4.1 4.2 4.3
Coaching Communications Strategy Summary ETTA Participant Model Summary References
A world class coaching system by 2017...
• • • • • •
Framework The integration of technology and coaching Establish a clear governance policy Engage with the HE sector Develop a commercial focus Manage the shared expectations of stakeholders Achieve value for money in all areas
1.2 About Coaching and the ETTA
Table tennis is one of the fastest growing sports in England. Data from the Sport England/DCMS Taking Part survey (2010) indicate 503,700 children aged 11-15 participating once per month, with 218,700 once per week, with many competing formally. PESSYP data suggests that there are XXX number of schools with competitive table tennis (XXX number of children in KS2 to KS4), highlighting the opportunity for coaching in schools.
Where are we now? 1.1 Executive Summary
In addition the Sport England Activity Survey (2011) highlights XXX adults (aged 16+) participating once per week, approximately 55,000 engaged in formal competitions, and a latent demand of 93,000 adults. It is worth noting that these figures are in spite of the seasonal nature of table tennis (in respect of the more formal participant streams).
The Coaching & Performance Department has produced a draft strategy laying out its strategic intentions for the period 2011 to 2017. The strategy paper is the culmination of a thorough and consultative process of analysis during which the department, its staff and functions have been reviewed in terms of the level of current effectiveness, current operational capacity and how coaching can improve. The proposed measures will serve the broad purposes, move the ETTA in the direction of the vision for the future and help achieve our ambitions.
As part of this National Coaching Strategy the ETTA wants to extend the availability of table tennis and coaching year-round; to encourage more regular participation, increase the role of table tennis as a curriculum based sport, increase access to quality coaching, and ultimately increase the talent pool to create global success. The ETTA believes it is essential to ensure people have positive first experiences of table tennis to help keep them engaged; coaching is a critical influence here.
The ETTA agreed to implement and develop the UK Coaching Framework (UKCF) in 2005, focusing on the development of coaching for the first time in a significant period. The UKCF highlights twelve elements of coaching and the coaching system which must be developed, with the aim of producing a world class coaching system by 2017, and as a result begin to see renewed success on the European and World stage.
The ETTA has a developing professional and volunteer nationwide delivery network. The coach education staff are based at the ETTA head office in Hastings, and the National Talent & Coaching Manager along with 10 Regional Coaches distributed across the Sport England regions. In addition 9 Regional Development Managers operate across England, focussed on the development of table tennis across all participant groups.
To date the UKCF has only partially been adhered to but more recently, under the Sport England funded Whole Sport Plan 2009-13, an added impetus has been realised. Table tennis, being a highly technical and early years specialised sport, requires a significantly developed and mature coaching system in order to succeed. To achieve that aim the following strategy is proposed. Strategic themes emerged from this document which include: • • • •
Governance Quality Management Innovation Education & Research
There are many commitments in the paper, chief amongst which are the following pledges: • •
To establish an evidence and research base To commit fully to the implementation of the UK Coaching
The work programmes, measures and priorities of the regional staff are regularly reviewed, ensuring a greater focus and emphasis on quality coaching and coach development. These staff are supported by a series of Club Support & Coaching Officers, Regional Disability Officers and Premier League4Sport coaches operating across the country. All of the regional professional staff work in partnership with a group of dedicated volunteers, without whom the National Coaching Network would fail. Currently there are 824 ETTA Licensed Coaches actively working in the sport. Information regarding each coach, their qualifications, child protection information, relevant CPD, and the level at which they coach is recorded on the ETTA coaching database. The breakdown of coaches is currently (April 2011):
Level of Coach
Number of Coaches
UKCC L2 Bridge
Included in L2
2 (Dec. 2011)
• Children & Young People Developer 11-15 Year Old • Children & Young People Social • Adult Social • Adult Beginner • Adult Competitive • Elite & Talent Development Figure 1: Participant Model 2011
Coaches currently without a UKCC endorsed qualification have the opportunity to complete a UKCC bridging course, which results in the coach gaining a UKCC endorsed Level 2 Coaching Certificate. Coaches must be registered onto a bridging course by the 1st January 2013. If any coach has not bridged they will no longer be able to gain an ETTA Coach Licence, and as such will not be recognised by the ETTA as a coach. Should a coach wish to continue coaching after this date they must complete the UKCC endorsed Level 1 Coaching Award. The current demographic of coaching in table tennis demonstrates a trend towards middle aged and retired individuals, with X% of licensed coaches aged 50 and over. It is imperative that this trend is reversed, whilst retaining the existing coaching workforce, in order that the sport might succession plan and build for the future. As outlined below, the ETTA will work to achieve success in coaching through recruitment, retention, and development of coaches. The strategy is an integral part of the ETTA’s work to grow, sustain and excel overall participation in table tennis; alongside a range of other activities, including: • • • •
Broadening the appeal of coaching in table tennis tackling misconceptions. Enhanced coaching resources - Improving existing and introducing new resources for coaches working across all participant groups. Improving coach and teacher education, qualifications and support to improve the quality of experience and increase recruitment and development of coaches. Ensure coaching provision exists across all participant groups.
1.3 UK Coaching System
Previously the UK coaching system has relied on volunteer experience and a small employed staff. Future success hinges on the successful identification and development of a participant model and coach development model. It is with these models that a complete workforce development system can be introduced with coaching at the heart. Each of the market segments within the sport differentiate in terms of needs, motivation and satisfaction. To date a participant model, as seen in figure 1, has now been designed, underpinned by SE and YST data, introducing the notion of participant groups, separated by their needs and demographics. The participant model has established the following segments: • Beginner 5-11 Year Old • Beginner 11-15 Year Old
A detailed breakdown of the market segments, including definitions can be found in Appendix 1. In order to serve this diverse marketplace the ETTA and in particular the Coaching & Performance Department are required to introduce a product set which meets the needs of each group. Currently the ETTA has established UKCC endorsed coaching qualifications, delivered in partnership with 1st4Sport qualifications (an awarding body). The current qualifications include UKCC Levels 1 to 4. The qualifications aim to meet the scUK 4x4 matrix but currently only offer one common vertical pathway. Additional to this the ETTA offers a series of leader style awards, aimed at a level lower than UKCC but in no direct relation to the UKCC endorsed qualifications. These qualifications currently combine to create the ETTA Coach Pathway Model, as seen in figure 2. Figure 2: Coach Pathway Model 2011
Where do we want to be? Table tennis has a broad appeal in the marketplace, as highlighted by the participant modelling work, high levels of interest with significant latent demand, and a developing nationwide delivery network. The ETTA and Coaching & Performance Department can make a major contribution to the drive to get more people involved in table tennis and sport and secure a powerful legacy. The National Coaching Strategy is integral to this work, helping to increase and sustain participation and support player development.
2.1 The Vision
The ETTA aims to ensure that table tennis achieves its potential as one of the nation’s leading indoor court sports. To achieve this the ETTA must recruit, retain and develop coaches, and in the process establish a world class coaching system by 2016. It aims: “to provide a quality and inclusive coaching and coach education system, serving coaches of all abilities, provide specialist CPD and establish a World Class Coaching Framework.”
2.2 Guiding Principles
The National Coaching Strategy will: • • • • • • • • • •
Have both a coach and player development focus Recruit and retain quality coaches Improve licensing and membership for coaching Increase investment in coaching table tennis Develop a research base for coaching in table tennis Provide a simple, but co-ordinated approach to the delivery of table tennis for each population group Reflect and compliment the wider ambitions of the ETTA Align with and compliment the agendas and policies of our partners Be informed and developed by the right people Raise the profile and improve the image and reputation of coaching in table tennis
2.3 Drivers
To help us achieve this vision, work will be focussed around 4 drivers: • • • •
Support coaching and coach development via an effective communications strategy Establish fit for purpose training and education for coaches or leaders working across all market segments Establish a modern, quality coaches association Develop and implement a coaching support system network, accessing coaching resources, sports science and research support.
These drivers are designed to ensure that the development of coaching in table tennis is undertaken on a sustainable basis.
2.4 Measures
The Coaching & Performance Department will work with the ETTA’s region-based field teams to deliver the National Coaching Strategy across England. The ongoing Active People, Satisfaction, and Taking Part surveys (commissioned by Sport England) along with Youth Sport Trust PESSYP data, and improving ETTA reporting systems will help monitor progress. Monitoring and evaluation will be undertaken on an ongoing basis and the following four key measures have been developed to help monitor progress: Number of ETTA Licensed Coaches actively working in clubs, schools and affiliated environments.
Measured by internal data collection through ETTA Coach Management System
Number of UKCC Registrations at Levels 1-4.
Measured by internal data collection through ETTA Coach Management System
Number of ETTA Licensed Coaches actively working in across each broad participant group (children, talent development and elite). Measured by internal data collection through ETTA Coach Management System
Number of ETTA Licensed Coaches accessing CPD for X number of hours per annum. Measured by internal data collection through ETTA Coach Management System
The four measures above are specific to coaching in table tennis, but as part of the success of the Strategy, the team will closely monitor wider ETTA measures, such as premier club levels, the number of young leaders, level of activity across each market segment, activity at development, regional and performance centres, and the ETTA membership. Feedback mechanisms will be established to gather qualitative information about coaching in table tennis. Some of these are already in place, for example via the ETTA Coach Licence Scheme. Effort will also be placed on working with ETTA staff, regional officers leagues, clubs and schools to monitor the effectiveness of coaching in terms of how many participants have access to coaching and at what level of activity.
How will we get there?
3.3 Strategic & Cultural Change
The Strategy has been developed taking into account the findings from the following sources:
Adherence to under-pinning strategic theory is crucial in developing a vision for the future of coaching and the ETTA, ensuring a customer focus, and a productive team. Culture often becomes the focus of attention during periods of organisational change, for example when growth and other strategic change mean that the existing culture becomes inappropriate, and hinders rather than supports progress. In more static environments, cultural issues may be responsible for low morale, absenteeism or high staff turnover, with all of the adverse effects those can have on productivity.
3.1 Consultation • • • • • • • • •
Active People Survey Satisfaction Survey Sport England Research Data Youth Sport Trust Data PESSYP Survey Taking Part Survey ETTA Connect (Individual Membership Database) ETTA Coaching Database ESTTA Data
Key groups of people involved in developing coaching and table tennis were consulted and provided with the opportunity to feedback on the draft Strategy, specifically: • • • •
ETTA Board & Management Committee ETTA Staff Teams & Management Team ESTTA BTTF/BTTAD
The following key organisations were also provided with the opportunity to provide feedback: • • • •
Effective change management requires complete buy-in from all stakeholders; in achieving this the Cultural Web (Johnson & Scholes, 1992) and all facets of the paradigm must be understood, evaluated and aligned to meet the organisations needs, exposing any existing assumptions, and ineffective practices. The cultural web/paradigm, as seen in figure 3, identifies six interrelated elements which combine to form the working environment. The six elements are also summarised in figure 4. Figure 3. Cultural Paradigm (Johnson & Scholes, 1992)
The Youth Sport Trust Sport England Sports coach UK Coaching System Support Network
3.2 Overview of Approach Taking into account the current coaching landscape, including wide-ranging examples of good practice and geographical variations, we acknowledge that a ‘one size fits all’ approach will not work. The focus of the National Coaching Strategy will be developing a range of qualifications, systems and resources to ensure that coaches, leaders and players are empowered and have appropriate and tailored support to achieve success. It will use existing, established networks in table tennis and an increasing internal and external network; current best practice will be recognised, built upon and used to develop an appropriate infrastructure for coaching in table tennis. The strategy aims to develop a legacy for all stakeholder and participant groups in order that table tennis achieves its aim of being the number one indoor court sport by 2020. A series of products will be designed, developed and inserted into the marketplace in coming years to achieve this aim, and to link player and coach development from grass roots through to international elite play. The strategy should be inclusive and a working project, as such is open to change and feedback from all stakeholders.
The cultural web can be used to answer the themes contained in this strategy, where are we now, where do we want to be, and how are we going to get there? It is this process that will highlight the change required to move towards a world class coaching system and achieve a high-performing culture. The ETTA has over time grown significantly and any cultural change will be affected as a result; growth can however be both positive (new staff challenge the existing culture) or negative (recruitment from the existing culture results in resistance to, or no change). In the search to become more business focussed the ETTA and coaching must affect change in the current culture in order to accept the development of both the UK Coaching Framework and qualification system.
Post evaluation of the organisation’s current culture the process is repeated, replacing the current culture with future requirements, essentially establishing the level of change required. During this process it is important to identify the factors that are prevalent throughout the culture, and the influences which underpin them. The following can be used as a guide: • • • • • •
What cultural strengths are highlighted in the current culture? What factors are hindering your strategy or are misaligned with one another? What factors are detrimental to the health and productivity of your workplace? What factors will you encourage and reinforce? Which factors do you need to change? What new beliefs and behaviours do you promote?
Implementing cultural change is not simple; it involves remoulding values, beliefs and behaviour, and it’s a major change management challenge, taking a great deal of time and hard work from everyone involved. Using the cultural web, organisations can create a cultural environment that encourages success, supports it’s objectives and, encourages productivity.
Tight cost control and low pricing, at the expense of quality, is often seen in organisations heavily reliant on financial support; commercially the ETTA offers many products at a low price, and are a cost focussed rather than customer focussed business. In the competitive sports industry a fine balance between cost focus and a differentiation strategy is needed, inserting any future products correctly into the market. Value for money and value added are important principles for the ETTA to adhere to in this process. Competitive Business Strategies are becoming increasingly prevalent when looking at ways in which to gain a competitive advantage over a company’s competitors and become a market leader. This type of competitive strategy may also be used by the market leader when looking at decreasing their competition’s size of the market share, increasing their own stability, power and ultimately success. Hunger (2001) describes business strategy as being competitive (battling against all competitors for advantage) or co-operative (working with one or more competitors to gain advantage against other competitors) or both. It is therefore imperative that the ETTA positions itself by leveraging its strengths (Porter, 2004); identifying those strengths as either a cost advantage or differentiation from the marketplace. By applying these strengths in either a broad or narrow scope, three generic strategies result: cost
Figure 4. Cultural Paradigm Explained Stories
Rituals & Routines
• • • • • •
What stories do people currently tell about your organisation? What reputation is communicated amongst your customers and other stakeholders? What do these stories say about what your organisation believes in? What do employees talk about when they think of the history of the company? What stories do they tell new people who join the company? What heroes, villains and mavericks appear in these stories? What are the sports values and beliefs?
• • • • •
What do customers expect when they join the organisation or the sport? What do employees expect? What would be immediately obvious if changed? What behaviour do these routines encourage? When a new problem is encountered, what rules do people apply when they solve it? What core beliefs do these rituals reflect?
Organisational Structures
• • • •
Is company-specific jargon or language used? How well known and usable by all is this? Are there any status symbols used? What image is associated with your organisation, looking at this from the separate viewpoints of clients and staff? Are there any role models? What image do they portray? Are they relevant? What is the brand image or identity of the sport?
• • • • •
Is the structure flat or hierarchical? Formal or informal? Organic or mechanistic? Where are the formal lines of authority? Are there informal lines? Whose contributions are valued most? How do different departments work together? Is there cross sport communication and working?
Control Systems
Power Structures
• •
• • •
What process or procedure has the strongest controls? Weakest controls? Is the company generally loosely or tightly controlled? Do employees get rewarded for good work or penalised for poor work? What reports are issued to keep control of operations, finance, quality, customer service etc...?
• •
Who has the real power in the organisation? What do these people believe and champion within the organisation? Who makes or influences decisions? How is this power used or abused?
leadership, differentiation, and focus. Such strategies are generic and are not company or industry dependent. Target Scope/Competitive Low Cost Advantage
Product Uniqueness
Broad (Industry Wide)
Cost Leadership Strategy
Differentiation Strategy
Narrow (Market Segment)
Focus Strategy (low cost)
Focus Strategy (differentiation)
Cost Leadership Strategy
This generic strategy calls for being the low cost producer in an industry for a given level of quality. This is typical of the current and past practice of the ETTA, developing a product base but ensuring that the end user either received the product for free or at less than market value. It is due to the employment of this strategy that the current culture within the sport is one reluctant to invest and a business model reliant on external grants. Porter (2004) argues that the company sells its products either at average industry prices to earn a profit higher than that of its rivals, or selling at a price below the average industry prices in order to gain an increased market share. This model has not been fully incorporated within the ETTA, as trade companies dominate in terms of profit; to challenge this would be to challenge the sport’s culture. Some of the ways that companies acquire cost advantages are by improving process efficiencies, gaining unique access to a large source of lower cost materials, making optimal outsourcing, or avoiding some costs altogether. If competing companies are unable to lower their costs by a similar amount, the company may be able to sustain a competitive advantage based on cost leadership.
Differentiation Strategy
Hunger (2001) comments that a differentiation strategy is the ability to provide unique and superior value to the buyer in terms of product quality, special features, or customer service. The value added by the uniqueness of the product may allow the company to charge a premium price for it. The company hopes that the higher price will more than cover the extra costs incurred in offering the unique product. Internally the ETTA will struggle to implement this type of strategy due to its current product offer, but can compete against fellow trade organisations in the table tennis industry. SportsLog, the online player logbook is an example of a new product that differentiates itself internally within the market, but also externally, offering a generic product across sport with the addition of mobile app technology. In the case of product or service differentiation the ETTA has greater control over pricing, even if suppliers increase their prices the ETTA may be able to pass along the costs to its customers who cannot find substitute products easily. The risks associated with a differentiation strategy include imitation by competitors and changes in customer tastes. It is therefore imperative that the ETTA continue to consult its stakeholder base to ensure customer requirements are met.
Focus Strategies
Hunger (2001) commented that ‘lower cost or focus strat-
egy is the ability of a company or a business unit to design produce and market a comparable product more efficiently than its competitors.’ The focus strategy concentrates on a narrow segment and within that segment attempts to achieve either a cost advantage or differentiation. The idea is that the needs of the group can be better serviced by focusing entirely on it. A company using a focus strategy often enjoys a high degree of customer loyalty, and this entrenched loyalty discourages other companies from competing directly. This is a difficult strategy for the ETTA to utilise as currently there are no fixed assets (buildings/venues) in the ETTA portfolio; additionally when producing products in mass quantities, due to capacity, it is difficult for the ETTA to compete unless using a fulfilment service, which in turn creates a cost, therefore reducing the ability of the ETTA to achieve a focus strategy. Technology is a potential solution here, providing an accessible product which requires little equipment for the end user. These generic strategies are not necessarily compatible with one another. If a company attempts to achieve an advantage on all fronts they may fail and achieve no advantage at all. For example, if a company differentiates itself by supplying very high quality products, it risks undermining that quality if it seeks to become a cost leader. Even if the quality did not suffer, the company would risk projecting a confusing image. For this reason, Porter (2004) has argued that for a company to be successful in the long term, the company must select only one of these three generic strategies. Otherwise, with more than one single generic strategy the company will be ‘stuck in the middle’ and will not achieve a competitive advantage. This is not always true, customers often seek multidimensional satisfactions such as a combination of quality, style, convenience, and price. There have been cases in which high quality producers faithfully followed a single strategy and then suffered greatly when another company entered the market with a lower-quality product that better met the overall needs of the customers. As a result of this the customer can often be the determinant of how successful the company can be, rather than the strategy which is employed. This type of customer focus is difficult for an organisation such as the ETTA as it is commercially weak, relying heavily on external finance, generating approximately 16% (2010) of turnover from operating activities. Some companies may use these generic strategies but not offer what the customer actually wants. Without accurate customer consultation and analysis of the generic strategy model the company may fail, whether they employ one or more of the possible strategies. For the ETTA the choice involves cost leadership and differentiation; it is imperative that each marketplace sector is catered for effectively. Coach and participant modelling are two tools that afford the ETTA an opportunity to achieve such strategies and maximise profitability in the market. There is one caveat with such a policy however; the model as outlined by Porter (2004) does not account for change in government, legislation or the economy, and as such the ETTA must be careful, basing decisions on significant evidence. Additionally the capability of the company is also not taken into account; a small NGB such as the ETTA has
limited capacity, funding restraints and may struggle when moving from its current market, broadening the strategy and moving into another market. It is vital that when approaching the HE and education sectors that the strategy, products and service are correct; to achieve this research is key. Additional strategic theory includes Porter’s five forces model as seen in Figure 5. Focussed much more on the market place and competitive rivalry which exists; it is imperative that the ETTA consult such theory, particularly in reference to any pricing strategies. Customers will always have an impact on any industry, no matter what it sells. This is because no one wants to pay anything above what they would consider to be a good and fair price for a product.
3.4 Shared Expectations/ Epistemological Congruence Epistemological Congruence is the study of shared expectations within any group; this is especially significant when describing coaching and coach education. Within any coaching environment expectations exist of performance from all stakeholders. The ETTA Coaching & Performance Department witnesses expectations from each stakeholder group as described in Figure 6. It is perhaps those of the funding partner, board and coaches that are currently paid greatest respect, whilst neglecting other groups. The coach is often at the heart of any club and as such it is here, along with the participant/customer, that any consultation process begins. The goal of this strategy is to develop a world class coaching system, one which benefits all stakeholders, and as such must share their expectations, acknowledging them where possible. Figure 6. Epistemological Congruence Model (Jones, 2011)
Figure 5. Five forces model (Porter, 1985)
The ETTA is currently only a supplier for specific resources and as such has limited power within the marketplace; this coupled with elements such as trade committee and the current governance structure make it difficult to penetrate and the market, ensuring future success. The ETTA has many opportunities to reverse this trend, particularly in terms of equipment provision and sales, positioning itself as a supplier, establishing greater strength; equipment can carry ETTA branding and with prior knowledge of all new programmes and initiatives buy in bulk, allowing the ETTA to underprice its competitors. Competitiveness is required by any industry in order to maintain equilibrium between the buyer’s power and the supplier’s power. If there are many competitors within the given market it is more difficult for one company to price their product at a higher level than its competitors. It is however possible for a company to price their product higher than competitors if they can differentiate their product and offer something which the competitors may not be able to.
Whilst achieving epistemological congruence a series of skills are required by all those involved; ensuring that values are homogenous coupled with a set of heterogeneous skills, highlighted by Jones (2011) in figure 7. Chelladurai’s (1990) multi-dimensional model of leadership is also relevant to implementation of this strategy, accounting for all features of the sport and coaching, the required or preferred behaviours of the membership and how this impacts on both performance and member satisfaction, a fine balance exists between these two performance measures; stakeholder engagement is crucial to maintain such a balance. Several key strategic themes are included here, all of which require the consultation of appropriately skilled individuals, including but not restricted to the education sector, coaching, business management, sales, and marketing. Without involvement from these sectors there is little chance of achieving maximum potential. Figure 7. Performance Recruitment Model (Jones, 2011)
Regional Coaching Committees
3.5 Governance National Coaching Committee
The restructuring of the National Coaching Committee has been the first step in establishing a clear direction for coaching in table tennis in England. The committee aims to drive forward, develop and promote coaching to all participant groups within table tennis in England. It’s purpose shall be to: • • • • • • • • • • •
Have overall responsibility for the NCS. Determine the composition of, and terms of reference for Regional Coaching Coordinators and their appointment. Review the implementation of the UKCF. Review the work programme for the Coach Education Manager Review the work programme for the Talent & Coaching Manager in conjunction with the ETTA Selection department. Liaise with all external bodies as appropriate to coaching. Organise and be responsible for the ETTA Skills Award Programme. Be responsible for the policy for the NRSC. Share good practice in each of the 3 areas (Coaching, Performance and Disability). Provide an environment at which challenges or issues can be raised and relevant action can be taken to surmount these challenges. Disseminate relevant information relating to key coaching policies relating to and of the 3 areas for members awareness and to be integrated within any project developed, where appropriate. Provide a collective voice for each of the 3 areas to keep it high on policy agenda.
Each member of the group will be responsible for disseminating information back to relevant staff members.
Currently there exists an informal regional coaching committee, formed by the Regional Coach (full time ETTA employee) and the Regional Coaching Coordinator (voluntary). With the growing demands of each region, and the known demographics, it is impossible for a two person team to successfully assess, establish and deliver the appropriate level of support which is required. It is proposed that a larger committee grow over time, to incorporate a coaching coordinator from each county, meeting in a formal environment at least once per annum. A forum of this nature can then feedback to the National Coaching Committee via a set of minutes, action points and an overall strategy for the region at local level.
Licensing & Registration of Coaches
The ETTA has for a number of years operated a licensing system based on the premise of a national coaching register or database and an umbrella insurance policy; insuring coaches for coaching activities within an ETTA affiliated environment. Since April 2010 the Coach Licence has been a mandatory requirement of any active coach under the Rules and Regulations of the ETTA. Additional benefits have been and continue to be developed in order to introduce a continual professional development system and accompanying resources. Over time it is proposed that the Coach Licence will bring with it a requirement of coaches to complete a given number of hours learning within each licence period to maintain their licence. This number is yet to be decided but can be completed using the following examples: conferences, e-learning, coach education workshops, external agency workshops etc.
Education Workforce Licence
The ETTA education workforce are currently recruited and trained by the Coaching & Performance Department. There is little requirement for CPD, and the workforce are only required to be a licensed coach and attend an annual orientation. Orientation or standardisation will become a mandatory requirement for all qualification delivery from 2011. It is proposed that an education workforce licence be introduced across all qualifications, requiring staff to be working towards or completed relevant training to deliver qualifications. Once licensed the workforce will be able to sell ETTA courses, earning the delivery fee and partake in a profit share agreement with the ETTA. Each licence holder will be contracted to the ETTA to commit to a minimum level of delivery and also abide by the terms and conditions of the licence, failure to do so will result in revocation of the licence.
ETTA Coaches Association Creation of an ETTA Coaches Association aims to bring an identity and recognition to the excellent work completed by the coaching workforce. Currently there is little, if any branding or marketing of coaches. It is proposed that a Coaches Association be introduced to incorporate or supersede the Coach Licence. The new association requires a marketing presence, both tangible and intangible.
The benefits of being part of the Coaches Association would include those currently offered under the Coach Licence scheme, with some additional products. These would include photographic identification (enabling an easy identity check when entering schools for example) and branded clothing. It is also the intention that the Coaches Association seek sponsorship to link to an established and successful commercial brand.
3.6 Coaching in Education Higher and Further Education
The ETTA has previously not engaged with the HE/FE sector with regards to coach recruitment, deployment or education, except at Level 4 with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). The HE/FE sector offers sports a unique opportunity to recruit a highly educated coaching workforce. This is currently difficult to achieve at the lower qualification levels due to a number of factors; including but not restricted to cost, location, course content and course information. Currently the UKCC qualifications at levels 1 and 2 are not delivered in a modular format and as such are extremely difficult to accredit prior learning against. At level 3 and 4 this is not an issue however, but with the highly technical nature of the sport it would be unreasonable to expect an educated or experienced individual, or coach from another sport to APL/ APEL against these qualifications as they would need to complete the earlier levels prior to this. A modular approach to the learning programme can and should be adopted as part of this strategy, along with a comprehensive, fair and consistent recognised prior learning system. HE/FE are also critical partners in the coaching and player support system. It is within HE/FE that academies can be established and/or supported by sports science and medicine specialists. Playing facilities and accommodation can also be offered by such establishments. For coaching however HE/FE differentiates into course delivery sites, an expert coach educator workforce, an established monitoring and evaluation mechanism, valid, ethical and reliable testing and pilot facilities of new products and much more. To establish links with an HE/FE institution as a national base, and future regional centres would offer coach education and player development a more dynamic and evolutionary approach.
AASE - Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence
AASE currently operates as a partnership with Loughborough College, and is delivered as a distance learning programme with seminars or workshops taking place at the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield during year 1 of the programme. The NVQ qualification is managed and verified by Loughborough College, with funding also drawn down by the partner college. Budgets are agreed between the ETTA and partner college with the remaining surplus being paid to the ETTA for the elite and talent development market segment. Currently the programme does not integrate any coaching qualifications, accredited or otherwise, despite this being a significant opportunity for recruitment. Future proposals include the addition of the UKCC endorsed 1st4Sport Level 1 Award in Coaching Table Tennis as a requisite for completion of the NVQ; with an optional pathway module including the UKCC endorsed Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Table Tennis. Approximately 25 candidates per year will enter this qualification, affording the ETTA an opportunity to gain technically competent coaches at an earlier stage in their personal and professional development.
The primary and secondary sector offer significant opportunities for the ETTA. They have the potential to be the foundation of the talent system, and a stable base for coaches to work and develop, alongside the recruitment opportunities from approximately 25,000 schools nationwide. To date the ETTA has focussed primarily on the recruitment of young leaders and volunteers due to the qualification prerequisites for UKCC coach certification; the recruitment pool in the primary and secondary sectors lies solely with adults; teachers, teaching assistants, support staff and parents. The ETTA developed a series of leadership awards, targeting the different population groups within schools, including the Teacher Award and Introduction to Table Tennis Award (more technical given the pedagogical knowledge of qualified teachers), and the Introduction to Coaching focusing on the pedagogical aspect of coaching. Theses courses are essentially an entry point for coaching, introducing the benefits of coaching and establishing a knowledge base. It is questionable whether the current awards are fit for purpose and whether the ETTA has best accounted for recruiting and developing the sport from schools. It is imperative that the ETTA focuses on the National Curriculum, not solely for physical education but with other subject matter such as mathematics and physics amongst others. Highlighting the benefits of table tennis to schools and the pupils should be an increasingly high priority in order to better grow and sustain table tennis in England. The ETTA must therefore approach a restructure of the current school product base, assessing the requirements of the population groups, what capacity exists, and develop appropriate qualifications. There is potential that such qualifications may form part of the UKCC Level 1 with those completing prior to the course gaining recognised prior learning credit.
Early Years
There exists currently theory surrounding the FUNdamentals and multi-skills of sport and their delivery to children at the very first stage of development. The ETTA should support both courses in FUNdamentals and Multi-Skills and their role within early years learning, along with adding both to the CPD suite emerging for table tennis coaches. The development of table tennis players requires high coordination, balance, flexibility, agility and reactions; all such skills form the early years qualifications and session delivery.
3.7 Coaching Qualifications UKCC
Under the UK Coaching Framework (UKCF) the ETTA made the decision to seek United Kingdom Coaching Certificate (UKCC) endorsement, gaining access to financial and operational support, improving coaching standards and to develop a sustainable World Class coaching system. Creating a ‘professional’ coaching workforce is imperative, challenging coaches to constantly develop; table tennis has failed previously as education systems have allowed qualification without the need to re-educate at any stage. Coaching in sport is in perpetual development, constantly challenging best practice; table tennis can be no different. The Coaching & Performance Department appreciate that we have many high quality ETTA coaches but must evolve; to maintain such quality it is vital that reflective practice, continual professional development and licensing are implemented; these are all part of the UKCF and UKCC. The ETTA has, since 2006 transformed the previous qualifications (Levels 2-4, Club Coach, Diploma etc) into a series of UKCC endorsed qualifications accredited by an awarding body, 1st4Sport. There are currently 4 coaching levels which are designed against the National Occupational Standards for Sports Coaching and are endorsed annually by scUK. Each of the qualifications fits the traditional coaching model but is aimed at ‘professionalising’ coaches and establishing a ‘fit for purpose’ workforce. The qualifications are:
Level 1 Award (L1ACTT)
Successful candidates will be qualified to plan and deliver basic table tennis coaching activities, normally under the direct supervision of a more qualified coach. Currently the ETTA and Home Nations model (as set by the National Source Group for table tennis) allows Level 1 coaches to work unsupervised (using appropriate resources), effectively labelling them as a full or lead coach. This level of responsibility for a coach so early in their career is unwise and ineffective in the long term for the sport; coaches are only educated as to the basic strokes, rather than more advanced play which is required when moving players through each developmental phase. A strategic change is required from the National Source Group, reviewing current policy, and insisting that to be a lead coach the individual must have attained Level 2. This situation is not only impacting player development but also the coach pathway and model, effectively stalling the conveyor belt of progression with fewer coaches progressing to Level 2 and beyond. This shift in policy needs to be established in conjunction with club development, ensuring that each club has appropriate provision of coaching for its members. This approach must also be phased in over a period of time, allowing those existing Level 1 coaches time to complete the next stage in their learning.
Level 2 Certificate (L2CCTT)
The Level 2 qualification builds on the planning and evaluation skills learnt at Level 1, and involves a more advanced level of technical knowledge. At this level, coaches would be
expected to demonstrate more of an ability to analyse and improve the performance of their players, and act as the lead coach. The course currently operates over the course of 4 days, with some home study. It is important where necessary to be innovative with the course programme, particularly at Level 2 in order to reduce the cost to the end user, encouraging more coaches to take up the opportunity to continue their learning. In addition to this, with a change in policy regarding Level 1 coaches no longer being able to work unsupervised in some or all environments, greater stress will be placed on the network of venues and workforce available to deliver the course programme; consideration must be given to this.
Level 3 Certificate (L3CCTT)
The Level 3 certificate is delivered over 8 days and is based at Lilleshall National Sports Centre in the Midlands. The course covers a variety of technical coaching disciplines including physiology, psychology, periodisation, biomechanics and performance analysis. Tutors are experts in their respective field with many having a table tennis background. The course is aimed at the developing coach, working with players approaching or already participating at elite level. This is a demanding course which requires significant off-course time to complete session plans and deliver a high number of coaching sessions and as such is completed over a one year period. The course is currently charged at a significant cost to the candidate (£1,100) and as such is a deterrent and barrier to entry. Through innovative practice and learning from other sports it is possible to reduce this cost, whilst improving the programme. It is proposed that the technical modules are re-structured and delivered as prerequisites regionally by the Regional Coaches; in addition to this process both internal assessments will be conducted in a local environment for the candidate, assessed by the regional coach. These changes, whilst only minor, have the potential to reduce the cost of the course by over 20%. In addition to these changes it is proposed that in order to further enhance the community of practice created on course all candidates complete Skype™ calls with both their regional coach and fellow candidates prior to their independent assessment and completion of the programme.
Level 4 Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip)
This course aims to create an education which is intellectually and academically challenging but is also clearly focused on the vocational needs of the sports coaching industry, generating practitioners who can challenge and develop existing systems and processes. It aims to challenge current practice and provide a platform to experiment and innovate. The PGDip Elite Coaching Practice programme has been designed to provide a high quality educational experience for existing UKCC level 3 coaches within the sports sector. Emphasis throughout the programme is therefore placed on developing the coach’s critical reflective and analytical skills from both a theoretical and applied perspective. The modules that feature on the programme have been carefully devised using several industry partners to develop cognitive skills in a number of areas relevant to Sports Coaching and ensure a blend of theoretical and practical issues designed to increase awareness of, and enhance and improve
application to population specific environments. Furthermore, the curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of the UK Coaching Framework and aligns closely with the skills and knowledge required for UKCC level 4. This does not mean that you are entitled to a level 4 qualification on successful completion of this award, but does allow you to use the knowledge and understanding gained from this course as evidence. The curriculum will cover subject areas that apply to the four generic pathways identified by the UK Coaching Certificate. These are: • • • •
Children’s coach Participation coach Talent development coach Elite performance coach
The partnership with other sports (Pentagon Sports) has proven a significant and valuable undertaking for the ETTA. The programme has, in its infancy, already had a profound impact on table tennis coaching, impacting on areas such as the warm-up and physiological testing. Continued development of the Level 4 programme, constitution of Pentagon Sports as the exam board, investment for candidate bursaries and development of the sport specific interventions are critical to the success of this programme and the advancement of table tennis coaching. It is proposed that all regional coaches are registered onto this programme during the time frame of this strategy, along with National coaching staff; additional to these candidates strategic recruitment from the volunteer coaching base is needed; ensuring production of elite coaches for all pathways.
Bridging provides existing ‘Home Country NGB’ coaches (eg. ETTA Level 2-4) with a simple route to UKCC accreditation. There exist a number of gaps between the learning programmes of the previous NGB qualifications and the current UKCC Level 2; the Bridging course aims to fulfil these identified ‘gaps’ between previous certificated and/or evidenced learning or achievement against the learning outcomes to ensure that all coaches are delivering current recognised best practice. Existing coaches are being given ‘credit’ for their earlier learning within their Home Country qualification and have been exempt from parts of the full 4 day L2 CCTT course. Bridging offers a coach the important opportunity to develop and find out about changes in coaching practice; resulting in the delivery of improved practice. Many coaches gained their qualifications many years ago and might not have attended any form of training since. It is important for any coach to continue to develop to reach their potential; completing the Bridging course ensures coaches meet present day national occupational standards. The opportunity to bridge to UKCC endorsement ends on 1st January 2013 which will mean that any coach without a UKCC qualification will no longer be recognised under the rules of the ETTA as a coach. The ETTA qualification will not be taken away from the coach but will no longer be recognised for licensing and registration purposes. Bridging offers table tennis the opportunity to continue to benefit from the years of knowledge and experience of all of the ETTA qualified coaches, add more value, and deliver quality coaching. Only with this will table tennis players, clubs and coaches achieve maximum potential. Regional coaches, tutors/assessors and the ETTA National Coaching staff are available to support bridging candidates through the process. It is imperative however that the ETTA establish an incentivised scheme for those coaches that are yet to bridge; this could be achieved through licensing and premier club benefits for example. It is vital in the short to medium term that these coaches are retained and retrained to benefit the sport and any new coaches. Due to the age demographic of coaching in table tennis it is vital also that recruitment of new coaches is targeted in the short term to avoid any future shortfall in coach provision. The coach modelling process will enable the ETTA to better understand its future requirements and tailor this strategy to suit.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the process by which coaches maintain, improve and broaden their coaching knowledge and skills and develop the personal qualities required in their professional lives. It is in both the sport’s and table tennis’ interests that all coaches continually refresh or add to their existing knowledge and skill base. Effective use of training and educational programs will always lead to an improved coach. The coaching environment is rapidly changing, where legislative, social, technological and economic developments have an increasing influence on the way in which we coach. CPD opportunities provide a means whereby we can keep abreast of these changes, broaden our skills and be more effective in our coaching. CPD can be part of an individual’s personal ambition to be a better coach, enhance career prospects or to simply increase confidence. CPD can also provide a route to higher qualifications or the opportunity to work with differing standards of player. It can also be required by professional bodies to maintain a coach’s professional status. CPD can take many forms including attendance based courses, distance learning, e-learning, workshops or conferences. It is essential that coaches constantly seek improvement and complete CPD on an annual basis, ensuring that best practice is always delivered. CPD will become part of the ETTA Coach Licence Scheme in the future, ensuring that coaches complete additional training or increase their knowledge base each year. The Coach Licence is currently in a transitional phase with the ETTA sourcing new exciting benefits for all licence holders. ETTA Coach Education Workshops are organised by each Regional Coach. Topics for all workshops are devised by the Regional Coaches according to demand within each region. Attendance at all Coach Education Workshops is recorded by the ETTA Coaching & Performance Department, recognised as CPD and added to the coaching database.
Leader Awards
ETTA Coaching & Performance Department currently offers three leader award courses:
ETTA Introduction to Table Tennis Award - 3 Hours
This award is suitable for anyone wanting to learn about the sport of table tennis for the first time. It is mainly a practical course with some theory which provides an introduction to starter table tennis skills.
ETTA Introduction to Coaching Award - 6 Hours
This award is suitable for parents, sixth formers, candidates for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, table tennis players or those who work within the youth or leisure/sport services. It is mainly a practical course with some theory, and provides an introduction to the pedagogy of table tennis coaching.
ETTA Teacher Award - 6 Hours
This award is suitable for qualified or student teachers. It is mainly a practical course with some theory, and provides an introduction to the technical side of table tennis coaching.
ETTA Change4Life Award - 6 Hours
This award was designed for the Change4Life programme, introducing the theory and practice of leading in table tennis to a new audience, pupils in secondary schools in England setting up new school clubs. The aims of these courses are to: enable participants to organise safe, enjoyable and purposeful table tennis activities suitable for their environment; inform participants about the basic skills required at the starter level; enable leaders to organise suitable competitions for their participants; inform leaders about further opportunities for their participants to take part in table tennis in the community as officials, umpires and coaches.
Future Direction
The English Table Tennis Association (ETTA) now seeks to establish a scheme of work which incorporates table tennis as a vehicle for learning across the curriculum, utilising the key ingredients of the existing leader awards, but focussing on the differentiation in learning styles of each population group. This strategy aims to provide a course for leaders working with the following groups: • • • • • •
Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3 Kay Stage 4 Young Adults Adults
The overall approach is to devise opportunities whereby the current national curriculum can be adapted for links with table tennis. The way that schools are working to develop new learning opportunities through a more exciting curriculum should enable this inclusion to be achieved. It can contribute to the Every Child Matters Agenda and the whole vista of opportunities under personal, social and health education. It seeks to cater for all educational needs; encompassing current headings, for example, of the numeracy/literacy agenda, gifted and talented, and disability and learning difficulties.
It is also perceived as an effective learning opportunity for pupils who may be under-achieving and will stimulate their interest in the curriculum as a whole. It should have the capability of addressing aspects of differentiation, planning and assessment to ensure that different groups of pupils acquire new knowledge, understanding and skills so that they can progress successfully across the key stages. It will also include the opportunity to enhance the subject knowledge, pedagogy and practice of teaching and support staff. Hopefully this will impact positively on the experiences, progression and engagement of children across all key stages through increasing teachers’ understanding of these areas. It will seek to offer learners at all stages the opportunity to gain leadership, coaching and standards awards. Additionally these aspects would be extended to include teachers, support staff and parents thus raising the profile of table tennis as an inclusive sport. The final product is envisaged to cater for school based delivery of table tennis, offering a learning programme, resource base and leader award system designed to engage all learners; placing table tennis at the forefront of national curriculum delivery.
3.8 Research Research is an integral part of sports development and coaching. Table tennis has previously not engaged successfully in the research sector, namely HEIs, to generate sport specific data on which to build the sport. There are a number of opportunities existing in higher and further education to grow, sustain and excel the sport of table tennis. The cost of research is dependent on a range of factors, including but not restricted to the research reputation on the institution and its staff, the type of researcher involved, and the academic level of research. Research seated in HEIs has the benefit of being ethical, valid and reliable. Engagement with the research sector requires a financial commitment from the ETTA from which the following types of research can be commissioned.
3.9 HE, Performance Coaching & Player Development The ETTA, National Coaching and Selection departments aim to establish a central mechanism for the delivery of sports science and medical support to elite and performance table tennis players. Within this process the following objectives have been set out: •
HEI Staff/Department Research
Most costly due to engagement with a series of staff within a department. Inherent advantages include the diverse range of staff experiences and skills, contributing to the overall project. Many staff are now practitioners in their own right, an added benefit given the increased knowledge base firmly established from real world experience.
This type of research is more costly and time consuming. Typically an individual post-graduate student (with the benefit of a tutor support system) would research a particular subject area within the sport over a period of 3-7 years. Research of this type would perhaps be most beneficial in reviewing the overall impact of the UKCF, WSP funding and coach development. Research completed by this type of student would produce a report ranging from 50,000 - 100,000 words. An advantage with this level of engagement, despite being costly, is the desire of the candidate to complete and gain their doctorate.
Masters (MPhil/MSc/MA)
A smaller scale research project compared to a doctorate but often with a similar caliber candidate. Engagement is with a single candidate (with the benefit of a tutor support system) to compile a report in the range of 15,000 - 20,000 words.
Undergraduate (BA/BSc)
An extremely cheap option for research but often varied in terms of quality. Students at this level are not proven graduates and therefore an unknown quantity as a researcher. Students at this level can complete individual assignments (approximately 2,500 words) to full dissertations with research rationale (approximately 10,000 words).
Research Partnership
An opportunity exists to create a research partnership with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), the current UKCC Level 4 HEI partner, which would encompass all levels of research; choice dependent on research topic, length, detail and importance. It is proposed that UCLan are established as the ETTA partner, using the significant academic staff and student research base and the newly formed Institute of Coaching and Performance (ICaP). A secondary benefit of this partnership is that of staff development and training for the ETTA, particularly coaching.
• • • • • •
Improve the quality and quantity of sports science and medicine support nationally. Establish a network of educational courses appropriate for TASS athletes on which table tennis players can enrol. Establish an athlete testing, profiling and planning system which can be used at elite and talent development levels. Establish a research centre for the sport of table tennis. Provide an environment which challenges athletes to improve. Establishment of a recognised or satellite centre for the delivery of UKCC endorsed table tennis coaching qualifications. Establish a series of regional training centres of excellence for use by the ETTA Performance and Regional Squads, and High Performance Clubs.
The following elements or disciplines within player development, sports science and medicine are required: •
Exercise Physiology - Test- • ing and Planning
Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy
Medical support
Performance Analysis
Sports Psychology
Athlete Lifestyle Support
Elite Training Facility
Education Access
Players that are currently part of the TASS programme are required to complete a number of hours per year within formal education. As part of this strategy it is proposed that HEIs are involved in the sourcing and selection of appropriate courses for each player. Players can either be enrolled at one central HEI or a regional satellite HEI, dependent upon the level of engagement.
Frequency of Support
The level and frequency of support would depend on the athlete and the stage in their development to becoming world class. Delivery of support would either be at the national performance centre at the English Institute of Sport, Sheffield or at the successful central or regional HEI.
Satellite Centre Delivery
It is proposed that the ETTA/BTTF would have an agreement with one single HEI for the provision of the outlined services but that the HEI has the option to link with other bodies regionally or nationally to achieve the objectives of the sport. This may involve a single HEI managing the process with a network of HEIs providing the service locally to players.
Regional Centres of Excellence
The ETTA currently uses club venues for regional training and high performance clubs. Whilst these centres function well as a training venue they are unable to provide all elements required for training and player development towards the elite level. This strategy highlights the need for greater provision, a commodity that is easily accessible at HEI’s in England. Establishment of a Regional Centre of Excellence at an HEI in each of the 10 regions is the preferred method of delivery of talent development. To achieve this aim a partnership (centrally controlled by either the ETTA or a lead HEI with support of the ETTA).
Elite Coach Development
In addition to player development the establishment of a central mechanism for the delivery of education to elite coaches is required. This mechanism exists as a partnership between Pentagon Sports (ETTA as a member organisation) and UCLan. A series of CPD courses are to be designed for coaches qualified at UKCC Level 3 and Level 4. The concept is to ‘fill in the gaps’ between the levels and provide ongoing learning for coaches working at the elite level. This level of provision in its infancy is directed towards the High Performance and Talent Development coaching pathways. CPD courses will involve candidates from a range of sports, ensuring learning is ameliorated at every opportunity. Central to the development of elite coaches however are the UKCC Level 3 and 4 qualifications. The ETTA aims to progress all coaches working in the talent development system to a minimum UKCC Level 3, but where possible Level 4. In future, recruitment of new staff should focus on those coaches that have completed, or are in the process of completing these qualifications. The ETTA will therefore in the short term operate a selection process for candidacy onto these qualifications.
The ETTA does not currently have the finance available to purchase the services highlighted in this proposal but seeks where possible to achieve this with in-kind payments of athlete data and research subjects, along with the kudos associated with a partnership with a National Governing Body, and being the preferred research body for table tennis in England; advertising opportunities will where possible also be extended to interested HEIs. Students (Post-graduate and under-graduate dissertation completion) would have access to any collected and analysed data for their own re-
search and publication. Coach Education links are also a possibility with the development, support and delivery of programmes including UKCC Level 3 and the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE). This type of relationship would likely support any institutions application for SkillsActive/scUK endorsement of their Sports Coaching degree pathway. In addition cost reduction for UKCC and ETTA Leader Award course delivery can be explored.
3.10 Technology in Coaching Educate - Virtual Learning Environment
A VLE or Virtual Learning Environment is an online system providing remote access to a permission based group of users; affording the organisation improved access to learning and if used effectively allowing an added teaching tool. It will act as a web based ‘front end’ for the coaching database which will allow for greater access to coaching data across the ETTA. Currently only the head office coaching staff have access to the database and it is only accessible via a PC and Microsoft Access. It is proposed that this web based ‘front end’ will provide remote access through an Internet browser. This system will allow the ETTA to advertise and communicate directly with coaches as a whole, as individual groups (for example just UKCC Level 1 coaches or coaches in the Eastern Region). The ETTAs communication with its workforce would be significantly enhanced and will put the ETTA at the forefront of coach management and licensing across sport in England. A system of this nature offers the opportunity to significantly reduce head office administration and allow the department to focus on coach and course development. Previously staff members have been inundated with requests either by telephone or email from coaches and tutors which could be managed electronically. If the current system persists the chance of departmental and staff development is highly restricted.
SportsLog - Online Player Logbook
The ETTA have now designed and built an online logbook with the aim of improving player and coach development across the sport. The online player logbook aims to provide
all players with the tool to record every aspect of their table tennis season. Including a calendar planner, goal setting, training log, nutrition, illness, injury, competition and well being logs. Players will be able to record details of every session, updating all coaches that they work with from club to international levels. The logbook is accessible via an online portal ( and using an App developed for the Apple iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad devices.
Explore - Coach Planning & Development Tool
Providing a video, text and image based coaching and leader development tool. The product will contain powerful and engaging content, and be an interactive guide aimed at the delivery of table tennis in any environment. The intended target audience for this product are current and potential future English Table Tennis Association members, the education sector and the social or informal market. The system will include online coaching videos, Coaching content for beginners through to elite, content in line with UKCC and Introductory Award courses, online interactive session planning tool linked to video, images and text to improve planning and delivery of sessions in schools and clubs, Games for beginners to intermediate level, Practices to improve technique and skill level, Skills to highlight the important facets of the game required to win and develop, Risk Assessment templates, Health & Safety information, and much more.
Vault - Qualification Resource CD
Using a CD for the resources, both for tutor delivery and candidates, removes the need to print resources and for the ETTA to receive candidate packs from 1st4Sport. Candidates requesting paper based resources will still be catered for but this should reduce overall costs. This proposal sets out to significantly reduce costs and administration time in the preparation of candidate resources and courses. With the introduction of a resource of this nature the ETTA has the opportunity to reduce officer time and increase course numbers, also focussing more time on the individual coach and their needs.
Spotlight - Deployment for Coaches
As highlighted in the UK Coaching Framework coach deployment requires structure, governance and ease of access. The ETTA has developed an online portal named ‘Spotlight’ which provides details on upcoming events, clubs, venues, tables and coaches to the end user. All ETTA Licensed Coaches will automatically be added to the system (unless the coach opts out of the system) and categorised using their qualification, location and affiliation to an existing ETTA registered club. Using this portal any potential employer is able to search and find an appropriate coach to suit their requirements. This system contains little administration and is fully automated and controlled by existing or pending ETTA IT developments.
An e-commerce approach to future developments is a necessary requirement of this strategy. E-commerce affords an organisation many new advantages, such as improved, bookings, online purchasing, up to date sales information, expanding the traditional marketplace, and a reduction in overheads (the costs of production, distribution, storing and
communicating information have been almost erased from company accounts. Soliman (1999) has shown that transformation to e-Business is an evolutionary process. One industry that has successfully engaged with e-commerce is the airline industry; recognising the fact that any product relies heavily and is directly dependant on information and its transmission. It is the ease of use, access and speed at which products can be accessed that is appealing to the mass audience. Together with bridging boundaries such as international borders, e-commerce allows an organisation to penetrate the entire marketplace rather than exist restricted domestically. The ITTF has 220 member nations with millions participating in table tennis worldwide, a market the ETTA simply cannot afford to ignore. Current trends in technology developments bring more and more advanced computerised systems and faster and easier access to information resources. Mobile technologies with wireless Internet connections and applications are the latest focus of new developments for implementation. Valdani (2000, in Jarach 2003) comments that the real challenge relates to the identification of appropriate management solutions which augment the customer-supplier interface, whilst generating new forms of competitive advantage. It is now necessary to grow and sustain a competitive advantage that financial transactions, business functions and the customer interface are planned and implemented with the aid of digital technology. The most important drivers within the last decade have been societal and so this type of change must consider both social and cultural impacts within the industry, and as such the ETTA must adopt a new inclusive strategy in order to compete with its rivals. Customers are now able to search for the best deal from their home or workplace, the ETTA must recognise this and enter into the online marketplace.
E-learning affords the organisation the opportunity to develop a blended learning approach to the delivery of qualifications. Currently all qualifications are delivered face to face on course, with some home study; none of this home study is however electronic. There is scope in the short to medium term for e-learning products to be developed for 4 key areas: • • •
Common units at UKCC Level 1 and 2 Sports Coach UK and Running Sport workshops Youth Sport Trust ‘Coaching Children’ workshops.
Each of these workshops will be available via the learner management system (Educate) and where possible will feature online assessment. Such developments are required for the modern marketplace, especially for the modern volunteer who has little time to fit in learning and wishes to do so at their own pace. E-learning is also accessible anywhere with an Internet connection, reducing the overheads incurred by the volunteer and ETTA in delivering coach or volunteer education. This is only possible through 3rd party developments and may not have ETTA branding, it is likely to be generic in nature. It is however proposed, once e-learning has been embedded over time within learning programmes, to source development of key table tennis leader qualifications.
Performance Analysis
The ETTA has invested in providing the regional team with Dartfish Live, a performance analysis system enabling each regional coach to video, edit, analyse and compare footage of their players. The system affords the user the ability to use slow motion, video layover, side by side comparison and delayed feedback of performance. The system is being used across the country but the level of engagement from region to region varies immensely. Further training is required in both the use of the software but also overall IT use; current standards are not at a level required of the modern coach and employee. It is also the intention of the ETTA to ensure that all future recruitment focuses on the level of IT ability, and any induction process is heavily influenced by IT training. Further to this the ETTA aims to re-establish a performance analysis library at elite level, utilising the Dartfish TeamPro software and equipment held by the department. Previously this was created and maintained by EIS (English Institute of Sport) staff at the performance centre in Sheffield. Hours of analysed footage was stored on portable hard drives for each player in the BTTF squad but has not been added to for some time. It is the intention of the coaching and performance teams to link with Higher Education and train a team of analysts to capture, analyse and review footage of the world’s best players, renewing the benchmarking process previously in place. This library of play will be subsidised by analysed video of English players on the world stage and in training.
3.11 Recruitment, Retention, Development & Deployment of Coaches: Participation to Performance Recruitment
Traditional Recruitment
Recruitment from the traditional market (clubs, leagues and schools) continues at an even pace, producing over 400 UKCC Level 1 registrations per calendar year. Not all candidates complete the qualifications (approximate 75% pass rate) but there is a consistent level of recruitment. This level will become dependent on the development of the club and league infrastructure, requiring an increase in activity in these areas. Recruitment from schools continues, but is also dependent on the introduction of table tennis as a curriculum based sport, therefore increasing participation and coaching requirement.
Non-traditional Recruitment
Sports spectators and participants are attracted by the opportunity of seeing the best players, international players and world-class entertainment. There exists a direct correlation between role models and attendance or participation, whether that is as a player or coach. It is sports responsibility to ensure that participants have something to aspire to that is homegrown; player and coach are inextricably linked in this regard in that quality coaching breeds quality players, if one is in place often so is the other. Competition linked to quality opposition, both domestic and international, is also required, both to showcase the sport but also to attract spectator and participant numbers; Coakley in Lavoie (2000) argues that ‘A better home team attracts more spectators, but it should also be pointed out that good visiting teams also generally attract more spectators’. Lessons can be learnt from other sports, Cricket has witnessed both a reduction in membership and a reduction in match
day attendances. Central contracts result in less exposure to domestic cricket, overseas players replaced with Kolpak understudies has impacted greatly on the legacy created within county cricket in England by the greats of the game. A reversal of this trend has however been found in Basketball; Wang (2004) highlights the impact of Yao Ming in the NBA and his role in catapulting the sport to national awareness and increasing Asian American sponsorship. With appropriate recruitment, both as players and coaches, from ethnic minorities table tennis has a similar opportunity given its multi-cultural status as a sport. Economically organisations will continue to lose income as spectator numbers reduce, merchandising and secondary spend is decreased and profits curtailed; the ETTA has the opportunity to reverse this trend with appropriate support of coach and player development and must do so; only then will domestic competition be sufficient to attract quality engagement, and also increase participation into the sport. To improve external recruitment into table tennis and establish the sport as a priority sport for many parents when choosing for their children, the public face of the sport must change. With new developments in the workplace and social projects there is an opportunity to recruit new coaches. It is more likely that new leaders will be borne from this opportunity, with the requirement only to offer the basics of the sport, rather than significantly improve technical competence. There is still however a need to develop a series of table tennis ‘champions’ as part of this programme, establishing them as ambassadors for the delivery of the sport. In addition to this a clear pathway must be established for their progression; both educational programmes and deployment must be included.
HE/FE etc
Recruitment from within Higher and Further education requires alteration to the current qualifications in order to pitch table tennis as an attractive option to students when choosing which sport to enter as a coach. Many Higher Education Institutions currently employ a coach education team, aimed at allowing access to and delivering coaching qualifications across sports to their students and the local community. Some are 1st4Sport-recognised centres in their own right, whereas others are simply delivery sites for external bodies (the ETTA for example) to use. The Higher Education Advisory Group (established by Sports Coach UK and Skills Active) currently witnesses representation from both HE and sport (Football, Rugby League and Table Tennis are current members) and aims to improve integration of sports coaching within HE. There exists an endorsement scheme which has two significant requirements pertinent to table tennis; students must complete a minimum of 150 hours coaching, and must have access to gain a UKCC L2 qualification in a sport of their choice. To make full use of this opportunity the ETTA must create a more accessible pathway for students in Higher Education. The current UKCC qualifications at level 1 and 2 utilise a blended learning method of delivery, suggesting that a recognised prior learning (RPL) system would be difficult to implement. As a result it is extremely difficult to reduce costs associated with the course, which appears to be the deter-
minant factor within HE when supporting delivery of coach education. At levels 3 and 4 course delivery is modular and provides improved access via RPL. A new modular approach is required and will be supported by the National Coaching Officer, a small team of coach educators and Sports Coach UK. With this level of development candidates can apply for RPL against their undergraduate or post-graduate degree and the learning that has already been achieved and assessed. This approach would result in a more cost and time effective method of delivery in Higher Education. If the education sector (mainly FE and HE) and NGB are able to offer courses building on the core elements of coaching and coach education contained in their studies, whilst creating a unique learning experience and quality of education the potential is limitless. Bowdin (2008) argues that ‘every industry association is talking about Education as a mantra and it is this partnership between HE and Industry that’s going to help take forward their agenda.’ This is no different for the ETTA and coaching; HE can provide the sport with a conveyor belt of qualified, adaptable and dynamic young coaches, educated both in the technical nuances of the sport but also the more holistic elements of coaching. Bowdin (2008) continues that there exist three key requirements for success which graduates possess, innovation, adaptation and responsiveness to stakeholder needs. Jackson et al (2008) support this theory suggesting that for individuals and organisations to remain competitive in the global market ‘it is essential that more adults have a Higher Education qualification... that these qualifications must better address the needs of industry and, in order to achieve this, it is essential that universities and employers work together.’ The study continues to argue that ‘one of the barriers to the future performance was identified as the lack of managers with a full profile of management skills’; this is something that this partnership with HE can help the ETTA avoid. There is however a cautionary tale within this recruitment process as suggested by Clare (2005) stating that ‘If young people continue to resist the pressures to study a subject they are not interested in, or spend three years acquiring a worthless degree, the landscape of higher education could be about to shift decisively.’ Evidence also exists to suggest that many graduates are engaged in work that does not require the skills gleaned from HE and that the HE sector is reaching saturation point. With the recent change in tuition fees, reduction in courses and the increase in difficulty level to access HE it is hoped that this issue will subside. If the ETTA wants to succeed in recruiting from HE there must exist a clear education pathway and deployment mechanism post qualification, ensuring that students can see the point in engaging with table tennis and all its benefits rather than, as Clare (2005) suggests, ‘wasting their time and money on a three-year degree that leads nowhere.’
Players are currently competing in too many tournaments (particularly CYP) and as such do not have sufficient time to train and focus on other areas of their development. As a result a more comprehensive review and a greater ownership of the events/competitions circuit would be beneficial, involving staff from all affected departments. The competi-
tion framework requires greater emphasis on LTAD and periodisation; it is suggested that involvement of the coaching and talent development teams is crucial. The recruitment of a new Events Manager is a positive move from the ETTA and will add greater impetus to this intervention. This intervention will help the ETTA to create a single unified pathway that helps player development. The next step in this process is the development of a domestic competition framework that encourages elite players to engage with tournaments and allow greater opportunity for talented players to challenge them. This could take the form of a regional, rather than county, based system as seen in Netball with their super league. There is a need however for a scheme of this nature to have an appropriate venue, sponsorship, links to recognised local charities and tournament format; it is suggested that an international feel is added with Wales and Scotland entering teams.
The world of sport has changed from a time when seen as a recreational, stress reliever, into an industry which offers something for everyone. There have been major changes in how the various sports have been organised and marketed to their respective clients, whether they are forming part of the corporate or consumer clientele. Sports have been targeted specifically for their ability to provide not only an activity that anyone is able to pursue, but also to demonstrate the high levels of skill that can be attained. These skill levels and the display of them offers the spectator a product which they can appreciate and also understand; table tennis is relatively unique in this regard given its ability to be played in any environment. There exist many opportunities for both sponsor and sponsee in coaching and table tennis. Given the current reliance on grant funding it is imperative that this opportunity is maximised. The Coaching & Performance Department currently operates nine educational programmes covering some 1,500 candidates per annum, has over 800 licensed and active coaches operating in England and employs over 50 coach educators or delivery staff. ETTA branded and sponsored clothing, and technology and printed resources, provide an
opportunity to secure sponsorship. Carrigan and Carrigan (1997) argue that sport sponsorship is a growth area with many opportunities for both parties, but offers a word of caution for sport, suggesting that ‘the negative aspects of sponsorship are reduced and the positive encouraged’. As a result success stories or case studies are to be produced along with an evidence base of good practice, exposure for potential partner organisations and the benefits of partnership. The media, for both the traditional and new markets, are an integral part of this. Links with the communications and marketing departments within the ETTA are crucial, embedding table tennis and coaching at the forefront of sports media.
A series of initiatives are proposed under the UK Coaching Framework to retain coaches and create a legacy for the sport. It is through effective coach modelling, licensing and registration of coaches, and development of appropriate resources to ensure that coaching is as effortless as possible for the largely volunteer based workforce. This strategy has set out a series of initiatives that compliment the qualification system but it is this system that also needs to be shaped, through coach modelling, to ensure that coaches, once engaged, seek to develop and ply their trade as a table tennis coach. The adjustment to a modular approach, use of CPD and e-learning and a tailored approach to coach development is all part of the process. Technology has been highlighted as a significant development for coaching in table tennis, and it is this technology that forms the basis of the benefits package associated with being a coach. It is important to pitch this package and the licence attached to them at the appropriate level, both financially and personally. The other significant benefit provided to coaches is that of insurance. Future developments include that of a coaches association, a series of clothing or uniform, and the creation of a body to which coaches are proud to belong. Essentially it is through this community of practice and building of camaraderie that will be a focal point of the retention policy; creating something that has significant benefits to the end user is often enough to keep them interested.
Development Mentoring
Mentoring is a crucial part of coach development, establishing both a formal and informal mechanism for sharing of good practice, and most of all generate a community of practice amongst coaches; this should exist both within population groups, hierarchical groups (by qualification and experience) but also cross sectors and sports. Need exists for both coaches and elite players currently in table tennis and as such is a priority for development; it is however important to recognise the unique implications and needs of each group and as such the solutions required. The role of a mentor might include that of an advisor or mirror, someone who has ‘walked the walk’ and can bounce ideas off whilst reflecting on past and future performance, providing an external, objective and confidential mechanism to drive success; this is an essential part of goal setting and planning for a coach, complementing the plan-do-review process of coaching.
Rapley (2009) suggests the following benefits of mentoring: Benefits to the Coach
Benefits to the Player
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Has a positive impact on day-to-day performance Greater self-awareness and gain new perspectives Develop greater adaptability to change Learn how to identify own coaching needs Ability to self-solve coach and player problems Improve decision making processes Reduces isolation and increases support structure
A measurable process for self-development A commitment to coaches for their development Utilise a coach/managers’ full skill set Increased individual performance Develops a learning culture Creates increased engagement and retention Improves bottom line performance
Elite Coach Development
Elite sport and elite coach development is an increasing priority for table tennis; this is both a focus on coaching elite players within the sport but also ‘elite’ coaching within all participant groups. The current club structure does not lend itself easily to elite coach development and access to the sports very best players. The current structure uses a regional and national coaching structure populated by employed coaches working for the ETTA, either full or part time. The ETTA has a duty to develop such coaches and as such ensure all coaches complete the UKCC Level 3 qualification as a minimum operating standard, and where possible support these coaches to complete the UKCC Level 4 and Post-graduate Diploma in Elite Coaching Practice. Green and Houlihan (2005) argue that the club is not necessarily the best place for elite development, suggesting incompatibility between the needs of the player in terms of capacity, resources and sports science support, and the infrastructure that exists in clubs across sport; it is no different in table tennis. As such if clubs cannot service the needs of elite table tennis players effectively, they cannot in turn best service the needs of an elite coach. Whilst clubs cannot service the elite, this is a reciprocated by elite coach development. No elite coaches are working within the club structure and so equally the elite system fails to deliver the support coaching for the levels below elite (Green and Houlihan, 2005). It is the qualification pathway and CPD system that is required to redress this balance; with appropriate training of targeted coaches in England this trend can be reversed, ensuring that as the club structure is aligned with coach development across all participant groups, the coaches are developed accordingly. This however must be driven by the political agenda of the ETTA, striking the right balance with those agendas of funding partners and external organisations; this is potentially the most difficult piece of the puzzle with the current mass participation agenda across sport and elite development being driven financial investment, and such investment by success rather than potential. McDonald (2000) argued that the political shift was in favour of high performance sport but times have changed; the ETTA is recognising the potential in the mass participation market for income generation but must also recognise the need to invest in the elite in order to generate success and support from UK Sport.
Again technology is at the forefront of this strategy, linking the ETTA and its coaches with deployment agencies and external organisations. To date the majority of coach deployment has taken place in schools or the education sector with the customer often employing an individual off the back of a recommendation or hearsay rather than an evidence based, fit for purpose system. The ETTA aims to change this with the advent of Spotlight, an event, venue and coach finding system. All ETTA Licensed Coaches will appear on this system, from which the customer can search for their coach, filtering by qualification, experience or CPD where necessary. With modern minimum operating standards in place across the sports industry today, and with a number of coaches not engaging with the ETTA development programmes, it is imperative that customers are provided with a system by which they can be assured of quality where possible. It is proposed that over time a series of APIs (Application Programming Interface) are developed to link between Educate (the ETTA coaching database and virtual learning environment) and external organisation databases (e.g. Coachweb as used by many County Sports Partnerships) to ensure that all coaches being used are qualified, meet the minimum standards and are fit for purpose. It is through systems such as this that the ETTA can be assured of some quality coaching being delivered at beginner to intermediate level in schools and other environments, ensuring that when players enter the talent pathway they have at least been provided with solid basic technique.
4.1 Coaching Communications Strategy Summary 2010 This strategy seeks to define the future communication processes so that the National Coaching System (NCS) is enhanced in a measurable sense in both quantitative and qualitative aspects.
1. Background
Currently there is no formal Communications Plan for ETTA’s NCS. If ETTA are successful in implementing the UK Coaching Framework in whole or part then an improved communication system is required. A continuation of the current communications regime is sure to have a continued negative effect on the NCS. There is a need to recognise the importance of a formal communication strategy which utilises all publicity and communication media. There currently exists little integration between Coaching and the ETTA Communications department. It is imperative that a formal working relationship exists between the two and taking advantage of current communications projects such as Social Media. Without such implication the NCS will not be able to produce world-class coaching and coach development. Figure 1 highlights the coach development process from its infancy prior to qualification to UKCC Level 4 development. Figure 1. Coach Development (Red = Pre-qualification, Blue = Post-qualification, Grey = Mentoring and Development Process)
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An understanding that ETTA are not communicating with registered coaches after they have become registered coaches except for linked issues such as CRB checks. There are no systems in place for coaches to communicate with each other, allowing cross-sport fertilisation of coaching knowledge. Lack of electronic administration tools for existing and future coaches. Course booking, management, communication, licensing and CRB applications can all be achieved electronically. Lack of relevant information about future coaching accreditation systems is a major hurdle to the take-up of places on UKCC Bridging courses. A real understanding that the quality of coaching in this country can be positively affected by more technical and operational information being more widely available. The ETTA had formally agreed to implement the UK Coaching Framework. One of the requirements of this is the need to understand what coaching session activity is occurring across the country and their types. This information is required to inform our planning in terms of coach types required for the future.
3. Recipients
There exist differing population groups which would benefit significantly from improved communications; it is not simply the coaches but also the delivery workforce. • • • • • • • • • •
Qualified coaches and those working towards coaching qualifications. Recruitment Target Markets Internal: PremierClub, Premier League 4 Sport, Change4Life, Club & League Structure, Affiliated Tournaments. External: Higher Education, Further Education, CSPs, SSPs, Local Authorities, Services, Armed Forces, Industry Existing Tutors and Assessors Existing Internal Verifiers Future Course Delivery Workforce Regional Coaches Regional Coaching Coordinators Regional Development Managers Tournament Organisers ETTA Staff
4. Auditing
Club and Coach audit Knowing what the Club and Coach market looks like is the key foundation of any ‘work force development planning’ and communication strategy. Specific information is required in order to strategically plan for future educational needs and activities which will directly relate into CPD development and mentoring. A Club and Coach audit will be the key driver and catalyst in developing these priority areas. Figure 2. Audit Development and Implementation
2. Rationale
The need to change has been identified through recent events which have been the catalyst for this strategy. Specific aspects identified are:
Such an audit must include the entire sport and not focus solely on coaches. For a detailed snapshot and development of a communications strategy a review of the following elements must be included:
The coach-participant relationship is central to the creation of a world-leading coaching system. Participants have differing needs and a variety of motives for taking part in sport, including performance objectives, satisfaction, enjoyment and personal development. It is vital that coaches are provided with the skills to ensure this relationship works effectively for both parties. Both the PDM and CDM require redesign and re-alignment with the sport to ensure that all communication and change within coaching is directed appropriately.
6. Training Needs Analysis
A full training needs analysis is required to ensure the effective delivery of coaching and improved communication. Job and person specifications for each level of coach identified by the PDM/CDM models is necessary to enable efficient and quality provision and communication.
7. Existing Media
There currently exist a series of media in use by the Coaching & Performance Department to communicate with its audience; such media is not however being deployed effectively. Current media includes the following: • • •
ETTA Website, Calendar & Blogging Tournament Programmes ETTA Coach Licence Scheme & Database
8. New Media
A series of new media are therefore required within table tennis, creating a community of practice. The following is a list of available communications media which should be implemented by the ETTA, either in its current form or with an improved alternative. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Audit Process CSP Engagement ETTA Connect Active Passport VLE Online Forums PDF Newsletter Dartfish TV Conference/Coaching Camps GAPS Mentoring Network Research iPhone/iPad Apps Recruitment DVD
9. Contributors
Inter-departmental contribution is imperative for any communications strategy to succeed, along with clear identification of each staff members role in effective communication. Additional to ETTA staff there is a requirement for external support for this strategy in the short to medium term. Sources include:
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Sport England sportscoachUK Coachwise CSP/Coach Development Managers SkillsActive Higher Education Institutions National Skills Academy Private Consultants Training Providers BTTF BTTAD
10. Summary
This communications strategy aims to bring coaching in table tennis into the 21st century, reducing staff administration levels greatly and transferring responsibility to each coach. Establishing new resources and strengthening the ETTA Coach Licence Scheme are central to this process, promoting sustainability, employability and professionalism in coaching. Current media is insufficient in gauging the needs of coaches as well as supplying/communicating new resources and best practice. For this reason a series of new media requires development and implementation; achieved either by the ETTA Coaching & Performance Department, the ETTA, or collaboratively between sports. Figure 3 highlights the importance of engaging with both coaches and members/ clubs to establish coaching needs. The inner ring encompasses existing media, supplemented by the outer ring of new media, designed to enhance communication and development of all coaches and performance programmes. A strategy of this nature requires time and resources to develop. It is envisaged that this strategy forms part of a longterm coaching strategy focussing on the development of table tennis coaching over the next ten years into a world leading system and support network. It is imperative that the Coaching & Performance Department becomes self-sufficient, generating revenue from its products and services Sourcing of grants and commercial support for highlighted development is necessary to achieve success. It is intended that some or all projects would align with a commercial partner, ideally suited to coaching, table tennis and sports development. Figure 3. Communication Media
ETTA Coaching & Performance Department, Queensbury House, Havelock Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1HF T: 01424 456223 F: 01424 422103 E: W: