ACC 370 GRAND CANYON WEEK 4 COMPLETE WORK Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: URL= ACC 370 Grand Canyon Week 4 Complete Work ACC370 ACC 370 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion Assess your personal financial goals and determine how the time value of money might help you to devise a plan for achieving those goals (for example, save for a house, save for retirement, pay off student loans, etc.). Describe your goal, and explain the methodology used to quantify your plan for achieving that goal. Using time value of money concepts, determine how much money you need to save, invest, or pay in order to achieve that goal. Post your results in the discussion forum. Choose one of your classmates’ posts and revise his or her goals to reflect your own, and re perform calculations to determine how much you would need to save, invest, or pay in order to meet your goals. Your initial post should be 250-500, and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. ACC 370 Grand Canyon Week 4 Assignment Details: Complete the following exercises and/or problems in the textbook. Exercise 6-4 Exercise 6-7 Exercise 6-12 Problem 6-7 Problem 6-10 Problem 6-14 Prepare your assignment in Excel. Name your file LastnameFirstinitial.ACC370.HW4. Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of the topic.
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