ACC 371 GCU FULL COURSE INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING II Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: URL= Or Email us HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM Accounting 371 Intermediate Accounting ii Full Course – GCU ACC371 Grand Canyon University Accounting Week 1 Discussion 1 Explore the FASB Codification sections regarding stockholders’ equity. Identify one concept that you did not know prior to completing this research and share it with the class, citing the code section. Identify one question that has arisen as you have explored equity in the codification, and post this question as well. Participate in follow-up discussion by answering your classmates’ questions as posted. All posts should be grammatically correct and proofread for spelling. Accounting Paper 371 Week 1 Discussion 2 Find a publicly traded company that has treasury stock on its balance sheet. Provide a link to the balance sheet in your post, and explain the details of the treasury stock transactions based upon the amounts and disclosures found in the financial statements. Why do you think the company acquired the treasury stock? Do not choose a company that has already been reported on by one of your classmates. Participate in follow-up discussion by critiquing the posts provided by your classmates and defending their challenges to your post. Your initial post should be 250-500 words and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. Accounting Week 2 Discussion 1 – GCU Explore the FASB Codification sections related to investments (§320, 323, and 325). Identify a level of investment in equity securities (under 20%, 20%-50%, over 50% of outstanding stock) and explain how investments of that size should be treated. Justify why this methodology is appropriate. Participate in follow-up discussion by challenging or defending the methods as explained by your classmates. Your initial post should be 250-500 words, and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. GCU Accounting Week 2 Discussion 2
Find a publicly traded company that has investments on its balance sheet. Provide a link to the balance sheet in your post, and explain the details of the investments based on the amounts and disclosures found in the financial statements. Why do you think the company acquired the investments? Do not choose a company that has already been reported on by one of your classmates. Participate in follow-up discussion by critiquing the posts provided by your classmates and defending their challenges to your post. All posts should be grammatically correct and proofread for spelling. GCU Week 3 Discussion 1 ACC 371 intermediate accounting ii – Find an article regarding the revenue recognition. In 250-300 words, summarize the article that you found and post that summary in the discussion forum. Post the article name in the subject line and do not post on an article that another classmate has already posted. Participate in follow-up discussion by choosing one of the articles that your classmates’ posted on and providing additional comments about the findings of that article. Your initial post should be 250-500 words, and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. GCU Week 3 Discussion 2 ACC 371 Select an industry that is of interest to you and examine the FASB Codification sections that have to do with that particular industry. Identify one concept you did not know prior to completing this research and share it with the class, citing the code section. Identify one question that has arisen as you have explored revenue recognition in the codification, and post this question as well. Intermediate accounting ii Participate in follow-up discussion by answering your classmates’ questions as posted. All posts should be grammatically correct and proofread for spelling.
INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING II FULL COURSE Find an article regarding full disclosure or the treatment of accounting changes. In 250-300 words, summarize the article that you found and post that summary in the discussion forum. Post the article name in the subject line and do not post on an article that another classmate has already posted. Participate in follow-up discussion by choosing one of the articles that your classmates’ posted on and providing additional comments about the findings of that article. Your initial post should be 250-500 words and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. ACC 371 GCU Week 4 Discussion 2 Explore the FASB Codification sections regarding accounting changes. Identify one concept that you did not know prior to completing this research and share it with the class, citing the code section. Identify one
question that has arisen as you have explored accounting changes in the codification, and post this question as well. Participate in follow-up discussion by answering your classmates’ questions as posted. Intermediate Accounting ii All posts should be grammatically correct and proofread for spelling. ACC 371 GCU Week 5 Discussion 1 Explore the FASB Codification sections related to pensions (plan accounting) (§960, 962 & 965). Identify one concept that you did not know prior to completing this research and share it with the class, citing the code section. Identify one question that has arisen as you have explored pensions in the Codification, and post this question as well. Participate in follow-up discussion by challenging or defending the methods as explained by your classmates, or answering their questions. Your initial post should be 250-500 words and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. Accounting Paper 371 GCU Week 5 Discussion 2 Find a publicly traded company that provides postretirement benefits for its employees. Provide a link to the balance sheet in your post, and explain the details of the post-retirement benefits based on the amounts and disclosures found in the financial statements. What have you learned about the pension plan or post-retirement benefits of the company? Would you want to work there based on the pension plan? Do not choose a company that has already been reported on by one of your classmates. Participate in follow-up discussion by critiquing the posts provided by your classmates and defending their challenges to your post. All posts should be grammatically correct and proofread for spelling. ACC 371 GCU Week 6 Discussion 1 Explore the FASB Codification section related to leases (§840). Identify one concept that you did not know prior to completing this research and share it with the class, citing the code section. Identify one question that has arisen as you have explored leases in the Codification, and post this question as well. Participate in follow-up discussion by challenging or defending the methods as explained by your classmates, or answering their questions. Your initial post should be 250-500 words and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. ACC 371 GCU Week 6 Discussion 2 Find a publicly traded company that has assets under capital lease on its balance sheet. Provide a link to the balance sheet in your post, and explain the details of the leasing transactions based on the amounts and disclosures found in the financial statements. What potential benefits do you think the company expected when choosing to lease, rather than buy, these assets? Do not choose a company that has
already been reported on by one of your classmates. Grand Canyon University Accounting Paper Participate in follow-up discussion by critiquing the posts provided by your classmates and defending their challenges to your post. All posts should be grammatically correct and proofread for spelling. ACC 371 GCU Week 7 Discussion 1 Select a publicly traded company and access its most recent financial statements from its annual report. Include the name of the company in your subject line, and do not choose a company that one of your classmates has already posted on. Provide a link to the statements in your post. Examine the statement of cash flows for that company, and calculate the cash flow ratios presented in the lecture for the company that you have chosen. Make general comments about the company’s operations based upon what you view in the statement of cash flows and the ratios that you calculate. If there are any items that you see on the financial statements that you do not understand, identify those for your classmates and instructor to provide guidance on. Participate in follow-up discussion by critiquing the posts provided by your classmates and defending their challenges to your post. Your initial post should be 250-500 words, and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING II 371 Explore the FASB Codification sections regarding the statement of cash flows. Identify one concept that you did not know prior to completing this research and share it with the class, citing the code section. Identify one question that has arisen as you have explored cash flows in the codification, and post this question as well. Participate in follow-up discussion by answering your classmates’ questions as posted. All posts should be grammatically correct and proofread for spelling. ACC 371 GCU Week 8 Discussion 1 Choose a publicly traded company, and identify the sources that you would use, other than the financial statements, to analyze the financial position of this corporation. Find at least two resources, other than the financial statements, that provide information regarding your chosen company. Prepare an overview of what is revealed about the company by these sources, including any items that you find to be unusual about the company. Provide a link to each source examined with your initial post, and include the company name in the subject line. Do not choose a company that one of your classmates has already posted on. To participate in follow-up discussion, choose one of the companies that a classmate has reviewed, find an additional source that provides insight into the financial position of that company, and
provide your own commentary on it. Your initial post should be 250-500 words, and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. ACC 371 GCU Week 8 Discussion 2 Discuss the limitations of financial statement analysis. What can be done to make financial ratios more relevant? How can a potential investor or creditor analyze financial statements in a way that can be relied on? Find a minimum of one source that supports your position, and include the reference in your post. Participate in follow-up discussion by challenging or defending the positions of your classmates. All posts should be grammatically correct and proofread for spelling. Intermediate Accounting ii Entire Course – GCU Details: Ple, se complete P15-4, P15-12, and P16-7 from the textbook. Prepare your answers in an Excel workbook, using one worksheet per exercise or problem. Save your workbook using the filename LastnameFirstinitial.ACC371.T#where the # represents the topic number. For example, John Doe would submit assignment #5 using the following name: DoeJ.ACC371.T5. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. Accounting Paper 371 GCU Week 2 Assignment Latest Details: Please complete P17-7 and P17-10 from the textbook. Prepare your answers in an Excel workbook, using one worksheet per exercise or problem. Save your workbook using the filename LastnameFirstinitial.ACC371.T#where the # represents the topic number. For example, John Doe would submit assignment #5 using the following name: DoeJ.ACC371.T5. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
GCU Week 3 Assignment Accounting Paper 371 Latest Details: Please complete E18-16, P18-11, CA18-1, and CA18-2 from the textbook. Prepare your answers in an Excel workbook, using one worksheet per exercise or problem. Save your workbook using the filename LastnameFirstinitial.ACC371.T#where the # represents the topic number. For example, John Doe would submit assignment #5 using the following name: DoeJ.ACC371.T5. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. GCU Week 4 Accounting Tutorial 371 Assignment Latest Details: Please complete P22-6, P24-1, and P24-2 from the textbook. Prepare your answers in an Excel workbook, using one worksheet per exercise or problem. Save your workbook using the filename LastnameFirstinitial.ACC371.T#where the # represents the topic number. For example, John Doe would submit assignment #5 using the following name: DoeJ.ACC371.T5. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. ACCOUNTING FULL COURSE WEEK 4 LATEST
Details: Throughout this course and all upper-division accounting classes, you will complete two Career Preparation (CP) assignments per course to help you get ready for your career in accounting. Please select two of the options below and complete one during the first half of your course. The other selection should be completed during the second half of your course. Assignment Options For Accounting Full Course 371:
1. Go to a professional association meeting, such as a local chapter meeting of the Institute of Management Accountant (IMA), Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA), or your state board of accountancy. Write a paper that meets the requirements below, explains what you learned from this meeting, and how this will influence your accounting career. 2. Research a professional license, certification, or designation related to accounting. Write a paper that meets the requirements below, and explains what you learned from your research and how this will influence your accounting career. 3. Create a LinkedIn profile, or update your current profile (”> Connect with your instructor and your fellow classmates. Write a paper that meets the requirements below, and explains why networking through LinkedIn is beneficial and how it will impact your career. 4. Complete the Career Services Accounting Internship Checklist through the Career Services Department at GCU. Write a paper that meets the requirements below and explains what you learned through this process and how it will influence your job search. Include a scan of your completed and signed checklist as an appendix to your paper. 5. Go to a GCU Accounting Society meeting on campus. Write a paper that meets the requirements below and explains what you learned from this meeting and how this will influence your accounting career. 6. Go to a special event on campus that is related to accounting or business, such as “Meet the Firms” or “Road to the CPA.” Write a paper that meets the requirements below and explains what you learned from this event and how this will influence your accounting career. 7. Find an Excel tutorial online, and complete the tutorial. Write a paper that meets the requirements below and explains what you learned by completing the tutorial and how this will help you in your accounting career. Be sure to include the link to the specific tutorial that you complete, and if a certificate of completion is available, embed the certificate in your paper. 8. Complete the GCU Career Compass, located”> Write a paper that meets the requirements below, and explains what you learned by completing the Career Compass and how this will help you in determining your career path. 9. Participate in other activities as directed by your course instructor. 10. If you have an activity that you plan to participate in that will enhance your career knowledge, you may ask your instructor if you may use this as a CP assignment opportunity. Requirements: Each assignment is worth a maximum of 25 points and must be between 750 and 1,000 words. The paper may be written in the first person, and the writing must be grammatically correct. At least two external sources should be cited. Papers must be submitted within one week of the event date. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Accounting 371 GCU Week 5 Assignment Latest Accounting Solutions 371 Details: Please complete E20-19 and P20-8 from the textbook. Prepare your answers in an Excel workbook, using one worksheet per exercise or problem. Save your workbook using the filename LastnameFirstinitial.ACC371.T#where the # represents the topic number. For example, John Doe would submit assignment #5 using the following name: DoeJ.ACC371.T5. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. Accounting tutorial 371 Week 6 Assignment Latest Details: Please complete P21-2, P21-6, and P21-15 from the textbook. Prepare your answers in an Excel workbook, using one worksheet per exercise or problem. Save your workbook using the filename LastnameFirstinitial.ACC371.T# where the # represents the topic number. For example, John Doe would submit assignment #5 using the following name: DoeJ.ACC371.T5. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. ACC 371 GCU Week 7 Assignment Latest Details: Please complete P23-6 (includes both indirect and direct Statement of Cash Flows) from the textbook.
Prepare your answers in an Excel workbook, using one worksheet per exercise or problem. Save your workbook using the filename LastnameFirstinitial.ACC371.T#where the # represents the topic number. For example, John Doe would submit assignment #5 using the following name: DoeJ.ACC371.T5. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. Accounting Assignment Latest – GCU Details: Throughout this course and all upper-division accounting classes, you will complete two Career Preparation (CP) assignments per course to help you get ready for your career in accounting. Please select two of the options below and complete one during the first half of your course. The other selection should be completed during the second half of your course. Intermediate Accounting ii Assignment Options: 1. Go to a professional association meeting, such as a local chapter meeting of the Institute of Management Accountant (IMA), Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA), or your state board of accountancy. Write a paper that meets the criteria above, and explains what you learned from this meeting and how this will influence your accounting career. 2. Research a professional license, certification, or designation related to accounting. Write a paper that meets the criteria above, and explains what you learned from your research and how this will influence your accounting career. 3. Create a LinkedIn profile, or update your current profile (”> Connect with your instructor and your fellow classmates. Write a paper that meets the criteria above, and explains why networking through LinkedIn is beneficial and how it will impact your career. 4. Complete the Career Services Accounting Internship Checklist through the Career Services Department at GCU. Write a paper that meets the criteria above and explains what you learned through this process and how it will influence your job search. Include a scan of your completed and signed checklist as an appendix to your paper. 5. Go to a GCU Accounting Society meeting on campus. Write a paper that meets the criteria above and explains what you learned from this meeting and how this will influence your accounting career. 6. Go to a special event on campus that is related to accounting or business, such as “Meet the Firms” or “Road to the CPA.” Write a paper that meets the criteria above and explains what you learned from this event and how this will influence your accounting career.
7. Find an Excel tutorial online, and complete the tutorial. Write a paper that meets the criteria above and explains what you learned by completing the tutorial and how this will help you in your accounting career. Be sure to include the link to the specific tutorial that you complete, and if a certificate of completion is available, embed the certificate in your paper. 8. Complete the GCU Career Compass, located at�> Write a paper that meets the criteria above, and explains what you learned by completing the Career Compass and how this will help you in determining your career path. 9. Participate in other activities as directed by your course instructor. 10. If you have an activity that you plan to participate in that will enhance your career knowledge, you may ask your instructor if you may use this as a CP assignment opportunity. Requirements of Intermediate Accounting ii Full Course: Each assignment is worth a maximum of 25 points and must be between 750 and 1,000 words. The paper may be written in the first person, and the writing must be grammatically correct. At least two external sources should be cited. Papers must be submitted within one week of the event date. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. ACC 371 GCU Week 8 Assignment Latest Details: Please complete P24-3 and P24-4 from the textbook. Prepare your answers in an Excel workbook, using one worksheet per exercise or problem. Save your workbook using the filename LastnameFirstinitial.ACC371.T#where the # represents the topic number. For example, John Doe would submit assignment #5 using the following name: DoeJ.ACC371.T5. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
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