ACC 485 WEEK 4 DISCUSSIONS LATEST-GCU Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: URL= Or Email us HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM ACC 485 Week 4 Discussions Latest-GCU ACC485 ACC 485 Week 4 Discussions 1 Latest-GCU Discussion Preparation Check the Article List created by the instructor, located in the first thread of every forum. Do not choose an article that is already on the list. If the article that you have chosen is already on the list, you must find another article. Choose an article that discusses one of the major differences in the accounting treatment of governmental units and for-profit entities. This article does not have to be scholarly, but it must clearly address the difference in accounting treatment. Once you have chosen an article, e-mail the name of it to the instructor. The instructor will post it on the Article List. Initial Discussion Do you agree with the difference in accounting treatment? Why, or why not? Your chosen article should support the treatment or critique the treatment, and provide the link to the article for your classmates to review. This article does not have to be scholarly, but it must clearly address the difference in accounting treatment. Your initial response should be approximately 250 words. ACC 485 Week 4 Discussions 2 Latest-GCU Follow-Up Discussion To participate in follow-up discussion, choose one of the articles that your classmates have posted, and provide your own reaction to it.
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