ACC 491 ALL WEEKS DISCUSSIONS LATEST-GCU Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: URL= Or Email us HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM ACC 491 All Weeks Discussions Latest-GCU ACC491 ACC 491 Week 1 Discussions-GCU Discussion Question 1 Complete question 2-9 from the textbook. Your initial post should be approximately 250-500 words and cite at least one reference used in preparing your response. Participate in follow-up discussion by commenting on your classmates’ posts or responding to follow-up questions posted by your instructor. Discussion Question 2 Christian Worldview – Throughout this course, we will be discussing professional standards, ethical dilemmas, and legal responsibilities of the auditor. Do you believe that Christians need to meet these minimum standards, or that they are held to a higher level of integrity? Explain. (Initial post should be approximately 250 to 500 words, and should cite at least one outside source. All posts must be grammatically correct.) ACC 491 Week 2 Discussions-GCU Discussion Question 1 Complete question 3-18 from the textbook. Your initial post should be approximately 250-500 words and cite at least one reference used in preparing your response. Participate in follow-up discussion by commenting on your classmates’ posts or responding to follow-up questions posted by your instructor. All posts should be grammar and spell checked in Word. Discussion Question 2 Case Law – there are some significant cases, identified below, that have influenced the auditing profession. Select one or more of these cases and explain the facts of the case and the impact that the case has had on the profession. (Initial post should be approximately 250 to 500 words, and should cite at
least one outside source. All posts must be grammatically correct.) Credit Alliance Corp. v. Arthur Andersen & Co. Ultramares v. Touche & Co. Ernst & Ernst v. Hochfelder Rosenblum v. Adler ACC 491 Week 3 Discussions-GCU Discussion Question 1 Complete question 6-15 from the textbook. Your initial post should be approximately 250-500 words and cite at least one reference used in preparing your response. Participate in follow-up discussion by commenting on your classmates’ posts or responding to follow-up questions posted by your instructor. All posts should be grammar and spell checked in Word. Discussion Question 2 Audit Risk – Please explain the audit risk model, and the components of audit risk. Which components are determined by the auditor, and which are based upon the auditor’s assessment of the client? (Initial post should be approximately 250 to 500 words, and should cite at least one outside source. All posts must be grammatically correct.) ACC 491 Week 4 Discussions-GCU Discussion Question 1 Complete question 7-22 from the textbook. Your initial post should be approximately 250-500 words and cite at least one reference used in preparing your response. Participate in follow-up discussion by commenting on your classmates’ posts or responding to follow-up questions posted by your instructor. Discussion Question 2 Fraud in the Movies – There are many movies that are either documentaries or dramatizations about “real-life” cases of fraud that have impacted financial reporting and the auditing profession. Select a movie that relates to fraudulent financial reporting, and watch it. Share your thoughts about what you viewed here. Be sure to identify the movie that you watched! (Initial post should be approximately 250 to 500 words, and should cite at least one outside source. All posts must be grammatically correct.) ACC 491 Week 5 Discussions-GCU Discussion Question 1
Complete question 10-6 from the textbook. Your initial post should be approximately 250-500 words and cite at least one reference used in preparing your response. Participate in follow-up discussion by commenting on your classmates’ posts or responding to follow-up questions posted by your instructor. Discussion Question 2 Public Accounting Firms – Please identify a public accounting firm that completes audits, and research what kinds of audits they do. Find out anything that you can about their audit department, and share your findings here. Identify whether you would like to work there, and explain why you feel that way. (Initial post should be approximately 250 to 500 words, and should cite at least one outside source. All posts must be grammatically correct.) ACC 491 Week 6 Discussions-GCU Discussion Question 1 Complete question 12-8 from the textbook. Your initial post should be approximately 250-500 words and cite at least one reference used in preparing your response. Participate in follow-up discussion by commenting on your classmates’ posts or responding to follow-up questions posted by your instructor. Discussion Question 2 Professional Designations – There are many professional licenses and designations that can be earned within the accounting and auditing field. Select one of these designations that are of interest to you, and explain why the designation is of interest to you and what has to be done to earn that designation. (Initial post should be approximately 250 to 500 words, and should cite at least one outside source. All posts must be grammatically correct.) ACC 491 Week 7 Discussions-GCU Discussion Question 1 Using information found in chapters 13, 15, and 16 of the textbook, describe, in detail, the controls over personnel and payroll, fixed assets, or long-term debt. Only post on one of the three topics given. Your initial post should be approximately 250-500 words and cite at least one reference used in preparing your response. Participate in follow-up discussion by commenting on your classmates’ posts or responding to follow-up questions posted by your instructor. All posts should be grammar and spell checked in Word. Discussion Question 2
Payroll Controls – Payroll is one of the inherently risky accounts for all companies. Examine the way that you are paid at your place of employment and assess what payroll controls seem to be in place there. For example, do you get a check or direct deposit? How is your pay per period assessed? What if you want to change some of your personal information? What is the process to make changes? If you do not work, consider a past job or ask a friend to discuss his or her company’s payroll processes with you. (Initial post should be approximately 250 to 500 words, and should cite at least one outside source. All posts must be grammatically correct.) ACC 491 Week 8 Discussions-GCU Discussion Question 1 Complete question 21-12 from the textbook. Your initial post should be approximately 250-500 words and cite at least one reference used in preparing your response. Participate in follow-up discussion by commenting on your classmates’ posts or responding to follow-up questions posted by your instructor. All posts should be grammar and spell checked in Word. Discussion Question 2 Auditing Profession – Now that you have explored the concept of auditing, how does auditing differ from your prior expectations of this profession? What areas of auditing are of interest to you, if any? Why?
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