BUS 372 MODULE 6 ASSIGNMENT EVENT PROMOTION Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: URL= https://www.tutorialsexperts.com/product/bus-372-module-6-assignment-event-promotion/ Or Email us HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM BUS 372 Module 6 Assignment Event Promotion BUS372 BUS 372 Module 6 Assignment Event Promotion Due Date: Jul 16, 2017 23:59:59
Max Points: 100
Details: Promotion is an important part of executing a successful event. Successful event promotion creates awareness of the event and generates interest for participants, spectators, and volunteers. One key to successful event promotion is the creation of a clear, consistent message about the event. A good promotion gets people excited about the event while providing basic details about the who, what, when, where, why and how of the event. Depending on the size and scope of the event, many different promotional avenues are available including print, radio, and television advertising, creation of an event specific website and the use of social media. Review the existing promotion plans and materials you received from the event coordinator during the “Event Coordinator Interview” you conducted for your Topic 2 assignment. Think about the event you are planning and determine how you can create additional promotional strategies and pieces that build on what is already in place to promote the event to targeted participants, the local community and potential volunteers. Use the “Event Promotion” handout to create an event promotion plan. In Topic 3 you generated ideas for implementing two forms of
digital media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, blogging, event website, etc.) to promote your event and engage the community and volunteers. Feel free to build on that content as part of your event promotion plan. In addition to the steps above, you will create an event flyer and a written piece that could be placed in local newsletters, newspapers, and magazines. On all artifacts, be sure that you provide a consistent visual and written message. Use the “Event Promotion” handout to ensure you provide a consistent message in all of your promotion formats. Submit your completed “Event Promotion” handout along with the flyer and written piece by the end of Topic 6. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Event Promotion 1 Unsatisfactory 0.00%
2 Less than Satisfactory 65.00%
3 Satisfactory 75.00%
4 Good 85.00%
5 Excellent 100.00%
100.0 %Content Message components Message components Message components (who, what, when, (who, what, when, Message components (who, what, when, where, why, and how) where, why, and how) (who, what, when, where, where, why, and how) for participants, for participants, why, and how) for for participants, spectators, and spectators, and participants, spectators, spectators, and volunteers are clear volunteers are and volunteers are volunteers are complete and accurate and comprehensive and incomplete. but lack relevant event include relevant event presented in a details and information. details. persuasive manner. 15.0 %Mediums Two mediums for digital Two mediums for digital Two mediums for digital Two mediums for Two mediums for digital for Digital Event event promotion are not event promotion are event promotion are digital event promotion event promotion are Promotion included. incomplete or complete and are appropriate for appropriate for event inappropriate for appropriate for event marketing and marketing and show Message components 40.0 %Message (who, what, when, Components For where, why, and how) Participants, for participants, Spectators, and spectators, and Volunteers volunteers are not included.
clear command of digital media promotional marketing the event. techniques and persuasion. The plan for using The plan for using The plan for using digital The plan for using 15.0 %Digital The plan for using digital digital mediums is digital mediums is mediums is digital mediums to Event Promotion mediums to promote the complete but lacks complete and includes comprehensive and promote the event is not Plan event is incomplete. relevant event details all relevant event includes all relevant included. and information. information. event information. The plan for using print The plan for using print The plan for using print The plan for using print The plan for using print mediums is complete mediums is 15.0 %Print Event mediums is complete mediums to promote the mediums to promote the and includes all comprehensive and Promotion Plan but lacks relevant event event is not included. event is incomplete. relevant event includes all relevant details and information. information. event information. Frequent and repetitive Some mechanical Surface errors are Prose is largely free of 15.0 %Mechanics mechanical errors distract errors or typos are pervasive enough that mechanical errors, of Writing the reader. present, but are not they impede although a few may be Writer is clearly in (includes Inconsistencies in overly distracting to the communication of present. The writer command of standard, spelling, language choice (register) reader. Correct and meaning. Inappropriate uses a variety of written, academic punctuation, and/or word choice are varied sentence word choice and/or effective sentence English. grammar, present. Sentence structure and audiencesentence construction structures and figures language use) structure is correct but not appropriate language are used. of speech. varied. are employed. 100 %Total Weightage marketing the event, but include clear and lack relevant event accurate information. details and information.
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