Gc soc 412 week 5 american born religions

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GC SOC 412 WEEK 5 AMERICAN-BORN RELIGIONS Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= http://www.tutorialsexperts.com/product/gc-soc-412-week-5-american-born-religions/ GC SOC 412 Week 5 American-Born Religions – Outline and Annotated Bibliography Latest SOC412 Outline and Annotated Bibliography Grand Canyon GC SOC 412 Week 5 American-Born Religions: Outline and Annotated Bibliography Latest Details: Create an outline of 350-500 words for an essay on American-born religions. Choose one American-born religion to analyze. Include the following: 1. Provide a socio historical analysis of that religion. 2. Use the sociology of religion paradigm to analyze the American-born religion. 3. Summarize that religion’s impact on American society. 4. Describe whether or not the religion reflects a Christian worldview. Explain why. Include an Annotated Bibliography section with at least 10 sources, formatted in APA.

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