Gc soc 412 week 6 discussion latest

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GC SOC 412 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION LATEST Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= http://www.tutorialsexperts.com/product/gc-soc-412-week-6-discussion-latest/ GC SOC 412 Week 6 Discussion Latest SOC412 GC SOC 412 Week 6 Discussion Latest Abrahamic Faiths in the United States: Judaism and Islam DQ’s must be at least 4 to 5 sentences. Each question needs a reference and it must be citied in citation.

Topic 6 DQ 1 SOC-412 Judaism and Islam Beliefs Systems Chart Part I: Judaism and Islam Beliefs Systems Chart Research the distinctive beliefs and practices of Judaism and Islam and complete the chart below. You may use bullet points but make complete sentences. Each section requires 4 to 5 sentences.



Beliefs Lifestyle Rituals Organization Part II: Comparative Analysis Write a 200-300-word comparative analysis of Judaism and Islasm References Topic 6 DQ 2 Share a current event that is impacting Judaism or Islam. State what you see as its effect on the religion. Does the effect promote positive change? Explain. DQ’s must be at least 4 to 5 sentences. Each question needs a reference and it must be citied in citation.

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