Jus 505 week 6 discussions

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JUS 505 WEEK 6 DISCUSSIONS Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: URL= http://www.tutorialsexperts.com/product/jus-505-week-6-discussions/ JUS 505 Week 6 Discussions JUS505 JUS 505 Week 6 Discussion 1 Does parens patriae truly still exist under the current U.S. juvenile justice system? Explain why you feel the way you do. Give examples to support your claims.

JUS 505 Week 6 Discussion 2 In Georgia, a 13-year-old individual who commits a felony with a gun is automatically waived to adult criminal court and is likely to receive a long sentence in an adult prison. How is such a policy consistent with the American concept of justice? Support your answer with examples.

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