Jus 521 grand canyon all week discussions

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JUS 521 GRAND CANYON ALL WEEK DISCUSSIONS Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= http://www.tutorialsexperts.com/product/jus-521-grand-canyon-all-week-discussions/ JUS 521 Grand Canyon All Week Discussions JUS521 JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 1 Discussion 1 How should society manage the politics of criminal investigation? When would it be in the community’s best interest not to convict a known offender? Explain your answer.

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 1 Discussion 2 Will technology ever completely replace old-fashioned police work? Should it? Why or why not?

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 2 Discussion 1 What impact have the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution had on criminal investigation? Has this impact been positive or negative?

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 2 Discussion 2 What are the rationales for the Frye test and the Daubert standard for admission of scientific evidence and testimony? How are these tools useful?

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 3 Discussion 1 Contrast common search warrant exceptions with an individual’s civil rights. Are those exceptions that infringe on individual liberties justifiable? Why or why not?

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 3 Discussion 2

Discuss the mobility doctrine. Is this a direct infringement on individual liberties? Should the doctrine be updated to fit the modern world? Explain your reasoning.

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 4 Discussion 1 Eyewitness testimonies are notoriously unreliable. Do you think they should be given less weight in trial proceedings than they currently are? Provide examples to support your answer.

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 4 Discussion 2 Should interview questions and processes be completely standardized? Why or why not?

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 5 Discussion 1 What do you think is the best way to draw a balance between the rights of a suspect in an interrogation and the rights of the officers to investigate a crime thoroughly?

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 5 Discussion 2 It is not uncommon to read media accounts of abuses conducted by officers in the course of an interrogation. Why do you think these abuses occur, and what do you think is the best way to remedy them?

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 6 Discussion 1 To what extent do you believe that difficult experiences (for example, physical or sexual abuse) early in life mitigate the guilt of individuals who later commit violent crime? Do you feel the law should take these early experiences into account in determining punishment? Defend your answer.

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 6 Discussion 2

Do you believe there are any dangers inherent as our criminal justice system becomes increasingly driven by technology? Or, is technology an entirely beneficial asset in police work? Provide support for your answer.

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 7 Discussion 1 What do you think is meant by the term white-collar crime? Do you believe it should be prosecuted more or less severely than blue-collar crime? Provide support for your answer.

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 7 Discussion 2 This week’s lecture lists six categories of arson. List them according to what you regard as least to most serious. Provide support for the order you have selected.

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 8 Discussion 1 Describe the court process as an adversarial process. Do you believe this is the most effective method, or are there viable alternatives?

JUS 521 Grand Canyon Module 8 Discussion 2 Give examples of cases where there was an actual or perceived injustice. What, if anything, do these cases have in common?

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