Mat 134 grand canyon week 1 discussion

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MAT 134 GRAND CANYON WEEK 1 DISCUSSION Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= MAT 134 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion MAT134 MAT 134 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 Many students struggle with word problems. One key to being successful with these types of problems is converting them into mathematical statements and knowing how to solve them. For instance, knowing that the word “is” can be translated into “=” helps convert from one notation to the other. Create a linear equation for a common real-world problem and share how you found the solution. What words in a word problem tell you to add or subtract? What words tell you to multiply or divide?

MAT 134 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2 Math, and specifically Algebra, is used every day in people’s lives. Explain why you agree or disagree with that statement and provide examples to justify your stance. Include a useful example with numbers to support your claims.

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