Mat 134 grand canyon week 3 discussion

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MAT 134 GRAND CANYON WEEK 3 DISCUSSION Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= MAT 134 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion MAT134 MAT 134 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1 A rational expression is a fraction of two polynomials. If you need to add or subtract two rational expressions, how would you do it? Describe, in your own words, the process for finding the Least Common Denominator (LCD) of two rational expressions. How is factoring related to this process? Give an example of adding two rational expressions with different denominators.

MAT 134 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 2 The quizzes and exams are timed. What are successful strategies and resources that you have found useful for taking the weekly quizzes and exams? What steps can you take to improve your quiz scores? What have you already tried that has worked or not worked and why?

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