MGT 605 GRAND CANYON WEEK 8 COMPLETE WORK Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 8 Complete Work MGT605 MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion 1 With technology revolutionizing the way that work is done, we see significant changes in both the organization of work as well as in organizational cultures. Read “How corporate culture will change in the face of openness” and “Remodeling corporate culture for the digital era” (attached in the Module 8 Topic Materials). Based on the articles, discuss the major opportunities and challenges that these shifts present.
MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion 2 Discuss the ethical implications of a leader’s role in the socialization of new hires into the preexisting culture of an organization. What responsibility does a company have to inform newly hired persons that it wants to shape their values, perceptions, and behavior to conform to the organization’s culture? What impact does socialization have on both individual and organizational effectiveness?
MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion 3 Contrast the corporate values espoused by two Fortune 500 companies. Select two firms that seem to manifest very different cultures. Your response should focus on the tradeoffs you would experience working in the two firms in terms of the values you bring to the workplace. How might your values fit in or clash with the culture of these two organizations? Week 8 CLC Assignment MGT 605 Grand Canyon CLC Peer Evaluation Form Complete this peer evaluation for each member of your team, including yourself. The average score from these evaluations will be used to determine your final grade for the assignment.
Rate each team member on a scale of 1-100, with 100 being the highest. Use the rubric on the second page to determine the score for each team member. Include comments explaining why you gave your teammate this score. Your peer evaluations will be kept strictly confidential. Your grade for the evaluation will be posted in the gradebook as an assignment, but individual ratings will not be shared. Group member: List names
Rating: 1-100 Comments: Must be completed for each team member.
1. Your name 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Scores will be calculated as follows: After the total for each student has been added together and divided by the number of team members rating him/her, calculate the following: ___/100 x 2% =____ out of 2 points for this evaluation.
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